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09:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake.

Posted by The DealerFor group archive 1
The Dealer
GM, 14 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 18:21
  • msg #1

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

Louis rode into the town of Windy Spring on the back of a farmer's cart. He had enough money tucked into his satchel bag to buy a horse. However, it was not nearly enough to buy a store.

After saving every dime for months, he had put it all on the table for a poker game with some off-duty soldiers. He had walked away with five times as much. The bank agent had told him that one hundred dollars would be sufficient security to take out a loan. Then he would be able to buy the stock he needed for his hardware store. Once the store was started in Hyatt's Post, he could sell supplies to prospectors and make a steady stream of income.

Windy Spring seemed to double in size every year. The newly-constructed bank would only help as it lent financial stability to the nearby community. It also added the temptation of concentrated wealth to the eyes of outlaws.

The bank is near the bridge across the Tejadore river. It sits at the apex curve of the town's main street. Two security guards, armed with repeaters, are standing outside the bank. There is a table next to them with a large locked case beneath it.

"Reckon this is where you're looking to get off," calls Ted Barney, the farmer who offered to give Louis a lift. "Good luck to ya."
Louis L'Amour
player, 2 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 22:02
  • msg #2

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

Louis tipped his hat to Ted "Much obliged Ted, please when you are next in town look me up for dinner, on me." He watched the cart leave and then took in the surrounding town for a minute or two as he lit a cigar with a match from his pocket. Louis could see the hardware store his father and mother had built with their own hands and the sign post they had hung them from....

He need to find a room first so he made his way to the saloon or a dedicated hotel if there was one. As he walked he looked for groups of men who might have noticed his arrival.

The Dealer
GM, 16 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 03:52
  • msg #3

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

Louis enters the saloon. At this time of morning there are few patrons. The bartender, currently brewing coffee and dishing out breakfast vittles, disinterestedly writes his name down in her book. "Two dollars a night, breakfast included. Don't haggle, it's more than my job's worth to offer discounts."

Notice to spot anyone who might have paid attention to your arrival.
Louis L'Amour
player, 4 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 04:11
  • msg #4

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

Louis nods to the Bartender and hands over $4 for a couple of nights. "Though I'll probably be staying longer so don't be giving away my room."

Louis L'Amour rolled 3 using 1d4, rerolling max.  Notice.

He takes a seat facing the door to wait for his breakfast, putting his hat on the table and his coat on top of his carpet bag on the floor. He continues to smoke his cigar as he waits looking out the window if he is able.

The Dealer
GM, 19 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 20:08
  • msg #5

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

The town is busy for being sparsely populated. Everyone seems to be on their business, but pausing to say 'howdy' to anyone they pass.

Louis glances at the clock by the bar. 11:15, and getting close to his appointment at the bank. The bundle of bills feels heavy in his pocket.
Louis L'Amour
player, 6 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 21:13
  • msg #6

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

He finishes up his meal and makes his way to the bank for his appointment. Dipping his hat to the guards as he enters he waits for the cashier if there are other people present before announcing he was here for his appointment.

The Dealer
GM, 21 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 21:15
  • msg #7

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

The guards stop Louis outside. "Gun check, sir," one says. "Place your guns and long knives on the table. I'll write a receipt for you, and we'll keep them in this locked box until you're done in the bank. Same for everyone, sir, not just you."
Louis L'Amour
player, 7 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 21:37
  • msg #8

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

"I understand, probably a smart move, here we are." He takes his Colt Thunderer from its side holster, a pretty standard model with a 3" barrel, but with an action job and a light trigger as well as ivory grips. Next was another Thunderer from a chest holster, this one heavily modified with a 1" barrel that is missing the front sight, a bobbed hammer and the trigger guard from the trigger itself forward was missing. It too had a action job and a light trigger as well as a set of ivory "birds" head grips. They both caught the light as he removed them due to their silver finsh.

"Oh yes these as well." He takes a spear point bowie from it forearm sheath and a push dagger from his belt in the small of his back.

The Dealer
GM, 22 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 23:12
  • msg #9

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

"Thank you, sir," remarks the guard as he writes you a receipt for the weapons. He hands it to you as his colleague opens the box, puts them inside, then closes and locks it.

Louis enters the bank. Half the room is cut off from the other half by the counter, with bars running to the roof. There is space for three tellers, but only one is currently occupied. Three customers are here. One is filling out paperwork, another is waiting, and one is talking to the teller.
Louis L'Amour
player, 8 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 23:30
  • msg #10

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

Louis takes up a position behind the customer who is waiting and looks over the interior of the bank and the customer who are waiting. When it is his turn he approaches the teller and introduces himself and that he has an appointment.

The Dealer
GM, 23 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 23:55
  • msg #11

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

The teller is a tan-skinned man with tidy, short black hair in a swirl to cover his early baldness. He smiles at you as you approach.

"Ah, Mister... Klipper, was it, here for a loan application? Splendid. I'll let you in to see the bank manager. If you'll just step in here?"

The teller stands up and walks over to the door. He unlocks it and opens it, allowing you into the employee area.

The bank manager's office is just down a short hallway from the vault. The vault is currently closed, although it's hard not to imagine what sort of wealth must be inside.

"Hello!" says the bank manager, a woman in her fifties. She shakes your hand and brings you inside her office.

"I have some forms for us to fill out, and then we can talk about terms," she says.
Louis L'Amour
player, 9 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Sat 20 Jun 2020
at 00:10
  • msg #12

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

"Thank you for seeing me." Louis takes a seat and places his hat on his lap. He will work with the manager to fill out the forms giving any additional information she needs.

The Dealer
GM, 24 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Sat 20 Jun 2020
at 03:51
  • msg #13

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

A few boring minutes of paperwork later, the time has come to discuss terms. The bank manager has a few options that she can offer you. You are reviewing payment plans and interest rates when you hear some unpleasant noise.

Distantly, muffled by the walls of the building, you can hear the popping of guns.

Roll Notice. If you pass the target number, you will notice earlier and have more time to react. If you don't get at least 4, you will have only a single action before the situation kicks off. Remember your Wild Dice.
Louis L'Amour
player, 10 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Sat 20 Jun 2020
at 04:03
  • msg #14

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

At the sound of gunfire Louis dived behind the managers desk turning to her he asks "Do you have firearms here ?" He hazarded a look around the side of the desk.

Louis L'Amour rolled 3 using 1d4, rerolling max, unique dice with rolls of 3.  Notice.

The Dealer
GM, 25 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Sat 20 Jun 2020
at 18:33
  • msg #15

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

The bank manager looks like she is terrified into inaction. She briefly registers your words, gaping at you. "No, no. Just the guards outside and the one in the lobby."

The gunfire seems much louder and more frequent, as if just outside now. The manager, hands shaking, hands you a letter opener.
Louis L'Amour
player, 11 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Sat 20 Jun 2020
at 21:10
  • msg #16

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

Louis takes the weapon and then makes his way to the door. He takes a position of behind the hinges so when the door swings in he is hidden. That is assuming they are going for the vault and need the woman behind the desk for the combination.

The Dealer
GM, 26 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Sun 21 Jun 2020
at 02:53
  • msg #17

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

The gunfire goes on, and then stops. There is a pause. Then there is a terrific crash. Some more gunfire and screams of fear.

Louis waits, and hears the heavy tread of feet in the hallway. He lurks behind the door, waiting. Then a foul-smelling man enters the room. He is wearing a coat and a hat, and a bandanna across his face. He looks into the room and sees the manager. He raises a pistol and aims it at her. She cowers behind her desk.
Louis L'Amour
player, 12 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Sun 21 Jun 2020
at 03:16
  • msg #18

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

Louis stepped out and drove the letter opener in the man neck while his left hand grabbed for the man wrist. He turned the letter opener in the wound and cut across as he used his foot to close the door.

OOC: Might need a hand with what I roll, I have 1 d6 in fighting.

The Dealer
GM, 28 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Mon 22 Jun 2020
at 00:25
  • msg #19

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

In this case, you would roll 1d6,1d6 for Fighting and Wild Die.

You need to exceed his Parry, which is 5. Since you are surprising him, you have The Drop on him. This means you have +4 to-hit roll and +4 to damage roll on him. It also increases the odds that you will instantly knock out the enemy with a single strike.

The Dealer, on behalf of Louis L'Amour, rolled 2,15 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max, unique dice ((2,(6+6+3)15)).

Wha-hey, that's a hit. In fact, since there's at least 1 Raise, you get a bonus 1d6 on your damage roll!

19:39, Today: The Dealer, on behalf of Louis L'Amour, rolled 5,3,3 using 1d6,1d4,1d6, rerolling max, unique dice with rolls of 5,3,3.  damage.
So, 11 damage, and +4 for the . That exceeds his Toughness with a raise, so he takes 1 wound and is Shaken.
Since you have The Drop and got a Raise on the damage roll, he now has to make a Vigor check

19:52, Today: The Dealer rolled 2 using 1d6, rerolling max, unique dice with rolls of 2.  Vigor re KO.

Failure! Since you wanted this one to be lethal, I'm going to rule that you've inflicted lethal damage on him.

Louis drives the sharp-pointed blade into the neck of the dirty outlaw while getting his gun-hand off the line. He struggles, flailing his arms and firing his gun reflexively. The manager shrieks and dives down under her desk.

Louis kicks the door to close it, but another outlaw is just on the other side of it. This man is wearing a similar dirty coat and bandanna, but Louis can see his eyes widen. The man raises his six-shooter at Louis and fires.

20:16, Today: The Dealer rolled 5 using 1d6, rerolling max, unique dice with rolls of 5.  Outlaw Shooting.
5 exceeds the Target Number of Ranged attacks, so he hits you.

20:18, Today: The Dealer rolled 26 using 2d6, rerolling max, unique dice with rolls of (6+6+6+4)22,4.  damage.
Ouch. That exceeds your Toughness by 22, which is more than 3 raises. You take 3 Wounds and are Shaken.

Shaken means you only take a Free action on your next turn. On your next turn you can make a Spirit roll, TN 4, to remove that condition. You could also spend a Benny to make it go away automatically. There are other things you could do with a Benny as well.

Louis L'Amour
player, 13 posts
Ben 0 Par 0 Tgh 0
Mon 22 Jun 2020
at 01:14
  • msg #20

Louis L'Amour's Story: Buying the Stake

Louis turns and nearly topples over as he is shot. Using the man he is holding as cover Louis uses the stabbed robbers revolver to fire on the second robber.

Louis L'Amour rolled 5 using 2d10, dropping the lowest dice only, rerolling max, unique dice with rolls of 4,5.  Shootin.

Louis L'Amour rolled 8 using 2d6, rerolling max, unique dice with rolls of 1,(6+1)7.  Damage.

OOC: That's a great damage roll I'm surprise Louis's head not splattered against the wall. I will use a bennie to remove the condition.

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