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17:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Character Creation and Rules.

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 20 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 16:07
  • msg #1

Character Creation and Rules

Vital Stats:

Everyone needs to roll and post the following except Lord Kenshin and Prince Yotaro - the two of you just use the stats posted in your private threads.

Damage Points:

Roll 1d4 - this is the amount of Damage Points you do in combat when you strike a blow.
Samurai/Ronin: +2
Bushi: +1
Monk: +0
Ninja/Scout: +0
Bandit/Spy/Others: -1 (min 1)

Body Points:

Roll 1d10 - add 10 to that number. This is the amount of Body Points you start out with.
Samurai/Ronin: +0
Bushi: +0
Monk: +2 Max 20
Ninja/Scout: +1
Bandit/Spy/Others: +1 (Roll 1d10 - add 5 to that number.)

No player can go above the maximum Body Points of 20.

After you roll the dice, if you consider either number too low for safe measure, you may move either one Body Point to Damage Points (no going above 5 Damage points) or move one Damage Point to Body Points (no going above 20 points).

Damage Points and Body Points can be altered, and you'll need to keep track of those alterations. Most obvious is that as you take damage in combat, your Body Points decrease. Armors and shields will increase your Body Points. Special weapons, magic spells, and other events may increase your Damage Points. Curses (evil spells) may decrease your damage points. The samurai class has larger access to these special accessories, as opposed to the other classes.

Gold: Roll 1d6 - this is how many Gold Bars you have at your immediate disposal. Add +2 Gold Bars if your character is a merchant or spy. The exception is Lord Kenshin - who starts out with 20 Gold Bars on hand. Prince Yotaro starts out with 5 Gold Bars on hand. Gold Bars are broken down into Gold Coins - each Gold Bar is worth 5 Gold Coins.

If you are a fighter character (Samurai, monk, ninja, bandit) and are still not satisfied with your Damage Point score above (even after moving a Body Point over to Damage Point) - you can do an exchange for gold bars. If you rolled 3 to 6 gold bars, you can give up all but one gold bar, to add one more point to your Damage Points score (max Damage Points 5). If you rolled just a 1 or 2 on your roll for Gold Bars, then you have to give up ALL of your gold bars to raise your Damage Point score by one (1) point, and are left with no Gold Bars.
Such is the luck of the dice rolls.

Each player must list the following:

 Damage Points: (original base amount / current amount).
 Body Points: (original base amount / current amount).
 Gold Bars: available on hand.
 Resources: (items, retainers, any assets).
 Troop Points: (how many total)(where they are assigned is listed on the chart)

This message was last edited by the GM at 06:02, Sat 20 Feb 2016.
GM, 21 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 16:09
  • msg #2

Creating NPCs:


If you are allowed to create a loyal NPC retainer to your cause, Follow the below:
Roll 1d6 for Damage Points score. If the score is above the score of the player's character who is getting the NPC, mark below the score of that player's character by one (1) point.

Roll 1d10 for Body Points score. Instead of adding a base line of 10 points, NPC's get a base line of 5 points added to the roll.

Roll 1d6 for Gold. No adjustments.

If the NPC is a military commander, select NPCs (as given permission by the GM) can roll for a Troop Points bonus. Roll 1d4. This number reflects how skilled the commander is and serves as an equivalent to extra Troop Points when commanding troops in battle.

Player characters who have military commander NPCs can assign any number of troops to these NPCs.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:49, Thu 18 Feb 2016.
GM, 23 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 18:45
  • msg #3

Creating NPCs:

Spies and Generals


Some player's character may start the game with access to a spy - others may gain access to a spy later on. In the context of this game, spies work as follows: When you use a spy, name the place you wish to spy upon. The GM will tell you who is in that town - including what opposition player's characters and NPCs are there, and if there are enemy Troop Points there as well. It won't tell you EXACTLY how many Troop Points though, just an estimate. Other information such as road conditions, and where these enemy characters and opposition forces may be heading if they are still on the move, will also be given.


Certain NPC Generals (and player characters) give a bonus to armies. Instead of just Troop Points under their command, they add a 1d4 bonus to those troops they lead and fight with (either by their strategy skills improving the troops, or by their fame - or infamy - rallying the troops).

This bonus will be listed on characters (and NPCs) to which it applies.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:50, Thu 18 Feb 2016.
GM, 25 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 19:01
  • msg #4


Lord Kenshin starts the game at the capital of his province: Fukijo.

Prince Yotaro starts the game by arriving back in his homeland by way of boat, just outside one of the towns along the Southern coast (Misen, Toki, Kunoya, Yamaga, or Iwate - his choice).

Outright supporters of those two sides start in the same spot as the leader they support. Characters not outright supporting either side will be contacted by PM as to where they start.

Consult the map for distances between towns - again, the numbers on the road signify how many days travel is it between two locations. If it's just a number one, that means if you leave in the morning you arrive at the new location before nightfall (enough time to settle into town and start a new encounter).
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:15, Fri 19 Feb 2016.
GM, 26 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 19:05
  • msg #5

Posting Procedures:

How often should I post? - Once the game is underway, it is expected that you post as your character in the appropriate thread at least once a day. Having said that, if you cannot post on a certain day due to unexpected reasons, no problem. If every once in a while it takes you longer than 24 hours to post, that can be accepted. Repeat occurrences of it taking 48 hours (or longer) to post will eventually warrant action being taken by myself (either by me posting for your character or other possible actions deemed necessary). Communication is the key - if you know you're going to be gone from for a longer than expected period of time, stop by the OOC thread and let us know!

On the flip side of that, if two players are engaged in conversation with each other, and are online at the same time, feel free to keep that conversation going and make more than one post a day. Just don't advance a scene or do Game Master actions on your own just because two players are online together.

What should my posts look like? - What I like most about using is that it is a storytelling device. Your posts should be entertaining to read, in that they help advance the overall narrative. DO NOT take that to mean you need to write a novel with each post. A paragraph or two is usually sufficient. Three to five paragraphs may be okay occasionally, given certain circumstances. And occasionally, just posting an abrupt sentence or two is fine as well. Just having your character speak, along with a brief description of his actions, that alone can be fine.
GM, 293 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 13:56
  • msg #6

STOP - Advance Player Only

Advanced Character Sheet

The below character sheet is only used after the war campaign is completed. The winning group continues to play in a more adventure format setting. The changes and additions to the character sheet will be labeled in 'Blue' and 'Green'

 Profession: (samurai, ninja etc etc)          Title: (noble, general, commander etc etc)
 Damage Points:
 Body Points:
 Bushido Code: (one virtue that holds to the character above the rest)
 Gold Bars:
    Social Class

 Troop Points:
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:17, Sun 21 June 2020.
GM, 313 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Sat 20 Jun 2020
at 20:48
  • msg #7

STOP - Advance Player Only


This post will contains a guide to the process of creating a Player Character for Warlords - Adventures. A general outline of the procedure is controlled and monitored by the GM. Terms not explained here are defined as they occur. Otherwise, refer to the relevant section of the rule for the terms used here.

a) To begin a character, first consult the post Social Class. The post is not intended to be a complete cross-section of the professions and options of Nippon. Should you not find a RESOURCE to create the character you envision, you should work with the GM to create the type of hero and RESOURCES that best work for you, feel free to construct your own.

The list below provides the initial PROFESSIONS with which the player can choose for a character at the start. This may be modified by his choices in game or by their title. It also gives a social rank which sometime comes with a title, an abstract rating of the characters family and position in his Caste or Clan. The rank & title factors are subject to GM approval. The wealth and money factor is explained in the earlier rules on Currency. Rank and title also effects available SKILLS and Goods with which a character begins due to his birth in a particular Caste.
  1. Samurai
  2. Bushi
  3. Magistrate
  4. Courtier
  5. Budoka
  6. Gakusho
  7. Shugenja
  8. Ninja

b) Once a player characters Social Class, rank, title and any birth rites has been determined, the player may choose the PROFESSION the character will enter. A Profession List is provided above, but you may wish to review the PROFESSIONS descriptions starting with Social Class as a Resource before deciding. The character's Profession will affect their choice in ATTRIBUTES and the rest of their development.

c) After deciding on a Profession, choose an ATTRIBUTES, subject to the rules in each Profession. Remember that the Professions receive bonuses and adjustments, some have modifiers for these allocations.
* The Wit ATTRIBUTE allows for a character to have available to them almost ever SKILL regardless of Profession. This a hug advantage but also a great disadvantage. Mentally speaking the character will be able, but in combat and physically they will be challenged. Keep in mind that all skills use Physical ATTRIBUTES and PROFESSIONS to gain BONUSES. Wit opens the door but to be able to manage and master a SKILL they will need to be able to physically complete the tasks.

d) With an Attributes determined, determine the character's Abilities and Capabilities, following the Same rule in each Profession as per their descriptions.

e) The character's birth and choice of Profession determine some of the Skills with which he will start the game. If the player has not already done so, he should now choose the rest of the SKILLS from those available to the character's PROFESSIONS.

f) At this point, check if the character has an inheritance, as explained below, to determine the exact amount of money he starts with, the quality of any swords he inherits, his Armor Class if his Profession is Bushi or he is of Buke Caste, and any other pertinent factors governing initial goods.

g) The character's age has no relative effect, but all player characters would normally enter the campaign between the age of 16 to 23.

h) This step is your first opportunity to indulge in role-play with this character. Think about the character's past, goals, and basic psychology. Then determine the exact location of the character's place of birth, if you have not checked it yet, now is the time. Select a province and village/town.

i) During the war campaign step, the character has a chance to spend his currency to upgrade their equipment and to gather goods to prepare himself for the adventures ahead. Check with the GM to see where the character is entering play, as this may affect the availability of goods and their prices.

* The last step isn't really a step in the process of creation, but the first step on the path to adventure. Tell the Gamesmaster that your character is ready to being play.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:50, Wed 22 July 2020.
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