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15:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[1.07] The Dead Warrens.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
player, 204 posts
Sun 21 Jun 2020
at 10:19
  • msg #253

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

"What the hell?" Kyra exclaims as a mutilated torso strikes at Figus. She draws a card to try to put the monstrosity down for good.

Looks like the derro is all but wrapped up. Moving to where I can get clear (or clearest, anyway) shot at the torso without provoking AoOs. E30? D31?

12:18, Today: Kyra rolled 24,4 using 1d20+7,1d4+2 with rolls of 17,2.  Point blank shot (Attack, damage).

Rogue, 401 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Sun 21 Jun 2020
at 15:10
  • msg #254

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

With an immobilized foe before him, Kraw launches a devastating attack with two daggers.

08:08, Today: Kraw rolled 21 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 14.  Dagger attack #1, flanking.

08:08, Today: Kraw rolled 7 using 1d4+4 with rolls of 3.  Dagger damage.

08:07, Today: Kraw rolled 10 using 2d8 with rolls of 6,4.  Sneak stab damage.

08:07, Today: Kraw rolled 17 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 10.  Dagger attack #2, flanking.

08:07, Today: Kraw rolled 8 using 1d4+4 with rolls of 4.  Dagger damage.

08:06, Today: Kraw rolled 9 using 2d8 with rolls of 8,1.  Sneak stab damage.

Derro takes an added 34 damage
This message was last edited by the player at 15:11, Sun 21 June 2020.
Bloodrager, 238 posts
Tue 23 Jun 2020
at 05:20
  • msg #255

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

With her greatsword useless in the tight clinch, and without any light weapon to grab, Ayeesha just started punching the derro, while holding him tight to her.

23:18, Today: Ayeesha rolled 29 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 15.  Maintain grapple at +5.
23:19, Today: Ayeesha rolled 23 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 15.  Attack, UAS.
23:19, Today: Ayeesha rolled 7 using 1d3+5 with rolls of 2.  damage (nonlethal).

Dungeon Master
GM, 436 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 05:47
  • msg #256

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

There is no way the derro can escape Ayeesha's grip and while it struggles to the very end the party swiftly puts it down.
Rogue, 404 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 06:47
  • msg #257

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Kraw casts a Detect Magic as he pats down the wizard's body, looking for enchantments and valuables. He also looks around the room.

Take 10 = 20 Perception
This message was last edited by the player at 06:48, Thu 25 June 2020.
Figus Dva
player, 285 posts
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 12:58
  • msg #258

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Figus aids Kraw in searching.

08:57, Today: Figus Dva rolled 21 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 12.  Aid Perception.
Dungeon Master
GM, 438 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 13:28
  • msg #259

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Now without combat and with proper lighting the group can fully take in their surroundings. This dry, well-kept chamber contains a narrow bed, a relatively empty shelf containing only a few books and some bones and skulls, and a long bench.

The torso and arm are still twitching and flailing but it is clear that they are Gaekhen's. The only thing missing now is the last remaining arm, presumably in the barred storage area the group bypassed earlier.

Searching the room and the crushed and stabbed body of the derro wizard reveals the following:

  • The flailing undead torso is magical...duh
  • A magical wand - wand of ghoul touch (44 charges)
  • x5 small vials of a strange blue powder
  • A mastework dagger with a hilt stylized as humanoid skeleton (the arms from the crosspiece, the ribcage/spine is the handle while the hilt is a skull).
  • A magical robe - robe of bones ((human skeleton, goblin zombie, human zombie)
  • A magical ring - ring of protection +1
  • A wizard's spellbook

As Figus hasn't used his ability to read magic yet he can use it now to interpret the spellbook to reveal that it contains the following spells:

3rd level - Fly*, Vampiric Touch*, Gentle Repose, Water Breathing
2nd Level - Blindnesss/Deafness*, Scorching Ray, Spectral Hand*, False Life*, Darkness, Scare*, Command Undead
1st level - Cause Fear*, Chill Touch*, Magic Missile, Shield, Ray of Enfeeblement*, Sleep*,  Feather Fall

* = Witch spells

It is clear from looking at the spellbook that the derro was a necromancer, most likely experimenting with necromantic magics to partially animate the torso. One things is clear, however, that the derro did not have the technical proficiency to attempt some kind of flesh golem like the party saw being prepared earlier. This derro is not Rolth, the likely owner of  this complex. Instead it is likely the derro was an assistant or apprentice in charge of the facility while Rolth was away.
Rogue, 405 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 16:48
  • msg #260

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Kraw says "unless someone has the means to still that twitching torso, we'll have to bind the arm to the body with rope. We are missing an arm, and the only place we haven't checked is the boarded up area. No threats behind us, so it's relatively safe to go after that place now."
Figus Dva
player, 291 posts
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 22:17
  • msg #261

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Figus scratches his head "I guess we could just cut off the arm. That would be easier than tying it down, but that may be viewed as a desecration on our part.

Lets go check that room out, and see what we find. Kind off curious whats in there."

player, 205 posts
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 06:19
  • msg #262

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Kyra contemplates the problem of the still trashing torso. "Maybe the magic will run out with the derro dead now? If not, we can try the cutting. I'd rather bring the body to the boy's father in one more piece than it still flailing around."

Wasn't there one other passage we did not check out, the one leading east? Anyway, on to the loot:

  • Wand of ghoul touch - sadly not on the witch spell list, but at least we can sell it for a pretty penny if nobody else can make use of it.
  • x5 small vials of a strange blue powder - Kyra examines what the hell is this;
    08:05, Today: Kyra rolled 15 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 7.  Spellcraft.
  • Mastework dagger - reserved for Kraw? Is it magical?
    08:16, Today: Kyra rolled 24 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 16.  Spellcraft.
  • Robe of bones - a bit too grisly for Kyra to wear, so sell it later?
  • Ring of protection +1 - anyone of us could use it, probably best employed by one of you melee types.
  • A wizard's spellbook - a major disappointment for Kyra; despite it holding some very nice witch spells, she can't do anything with it, as witches can only learn spells from scrolls and not spellbooks.

Dungeon Master
GM, 445 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 19:03
  • msg #263

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Are you going to do anything special to prepare for the door opening. It is down a long narrow hallway so by default only one person will be able to fight whatever is on the other side.

OOC: The vials of powder aren't magical, neither is the dagger.
Rogue, 407 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 20:17
  • msg #264

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Kraw suggests that they loosen the top boards on the sealed-off passage. Then attachhis rope to his grappling hook, and put the hook on the top plank. The group can then pull out the top boards from the relative safety of the room to the north. And if something emerges, it will come into the room where the whole group can engage it. Otherwise, we go up to the gap, shine a light inside, and see what's there.
Figus Dva
player, 292 posts
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 20:41
  • msg #265

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

"Bad things in this place come in generally two types: big and stupid, or small and spellcaster. I am betting that what ever is there is of the first type.

We remove the boards and let it come to us is the plan. If it does not want to come out, we can missile it until it changes its mind. Lead on sir"
Figus nods to Kraw.
Dungeon Master
GM, 447 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sun 28 Jun 2020
at 18:38
  • msg #266

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

As the group starts loosening the boards they can hear something shuffling around. As more boards get loosened the door starts thumping as something on the other side starts trying to get back out.

With their plan the group falls back to flanking positions around the end of the hallway just in time as the door smashes open revealing a large hulking figure of what appears to be stitched together humanoid flesh. A foul odor of death and decay emanates from its rotting form.

The construct is clutching a muscular arm that has Shoanti tattoos up and down the side.

17Ayeesha1819/28Greatsword +72d6+4-
13Kraw1825/25Club +3/Bite +11d6+1/1d3-
9Kyra1815/15Cards +61d4Mage Armor
3Figus1621/25Silver Mace +61d6+34 NL
--Alpha1413/13Bite +21d6+1 +trip-
3Golem17HealthySlam +7x21d8+3-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Figus Dva
player, 295 posts
Sun 28 Jun 2020
at 19:06
  • msg #267

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Figus will wait for the Golem to come out of the corridor before acting.
player, 207 posts
Sun 28 Jun 2020
at 20:06
  • msg #268

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Kyra recognises the construct as a flesh golem's cheaper and uglier cousin. "Damn thing is immune to most magic, and stabbing it will do little. We'll need to hack it apart or bludgeon it. It's also diseased, so watch it."

Before the golem can close with them, she grabs a vial of acid and throws it in the vague direction of the construct, missing it completely.

Once again, my spells and weapon of choice are useless. At least I still have some alchemical gear.
5' step to T27, draw a vial of acid and throw as a ranged touch attack at -4 for range.
22:02, Today: Kyra rolled 5,5 using 1d20+1,1d6 with rolls of 4,5.  Acid (Attack, Damage).

Rogue, 408 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Sun 28 Jun 2020
at 22:39
  • msg #269

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Kraw moves around the table to X-25, hoping to flank the monster with Ayesha when it emerges. As he draws a second dagger he asks "anybody have Grease or something to inconvenience it? Alchemists Fire should also work."
Bloodrager, 241 posts
Wed 1 Jul 2020
at 04:19
  • msg #270

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Ayeesha took advantage of a little preparation time to drink a potion she'd brought for this (assuming the ceiling is low enough she doesn't have to squeeze!)

She swelled up to gigantic size, then planted herself, ready to engage the golem should it come close enough to her long reach.

Assuming the situation is suitable (the roof is high enough and I have time before needing to waste combat actions) Ayeesha is drinking ... actually I should use a stock enlarge person potion rather than Santacles' long acting one. Then moving to the upper left corner of her enlarged self is at V27 with her greatsword out, waiting for it to move into her reach, ideally provoking an AoO.

So... something like :

Round 0 move retrieve enlarge potion
standard: drink it
Round 1 free - rage
move: draw greatsword
standard: ready attack for golem to get into range

Initiative 10
Attack of opportunity misses (if needed)
Readied attack for golem closing within 10 foot reach hits AC 27, crit confirmed for 2x(19+3)=44 damage. So hopefully he closes the distance!

OK I screwed up those rolls something fierce! But rolled really well hopefully it'll count!


22:16, Today: Ayeesha rolled 3 using 1d6 with rolls of 3.  forgot an extra d6 from being large (doubled).

22:15, Today: Ayeesha rolled 19 using 2d6+12 with rolls of 4,3.  damage from readied attack +9 str +3 PA (doubled).

22:14, Today: Ayeesha rolled 28 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 20.  crit confirm.

22:14, Today: Ayeesha rolled 27 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 19.  readied attack, golem closes to range +3 BAB +6 str +1 mwk -1 PA.

22:13, Today: Ayeesha rolled 4 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 2.  attack of opportunity if needed +3 BAB +5 str +1 mwk  -1 PA.

22:12, Today: Ayeesha rolled 10 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 8.  initiative.

Dungeon Master
GM, 449 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 22:01
  • msg #271

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Kraw holds, Kyra throws a vial of acid but it knocks it out of the air sending it flying behind it.

Ayeesha delivers a savage slash nearly severing the golem's head from its neck but the thing is tough and although its head is now flopping about when it runs the magic that enchants it is still intact.

The golem continues to charge forward. A foul stench accompanies it making everyone sick and threatening to cause them to gag.

OOC: Everyone must make a DC 12 fortitude save or be sickened for 1 round. This is a poison effect.

The golem charges up and swings the tattooed arm it is holding hard against Ayeesha's size causing the giant woman to stumble for a second.

OOC: Ayeesha takes 11 pts of damage

17Ayeesha18-4*8/28Greatsword +72d6+4+1d6+8**Enlarge
13Kraw1825/25Club +3/Bite +11d6+1/1d3-
9Kyra1815/15Cards +61d4Mage Armor
3Figus1621/25Silver Mace +61d6+34 NL
--Alpha1413/13Bite +21d6+1 +trip-
3Golem17HealthySlam +7x21d8+3-

*Rage: +4 STR, +6 CON, -2 AC, +2 Will
**Enlarge: +2 STR, -2 DEX, -1 BAB to size
***Sickened: -2 to attack rolls, saving throws etc.

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Rogue, 409 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 23:31
  • msg #272

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Kraw's last move put him at X-25.

Kraw moves up to cut the golem from behind. Even as he fast-draws a second dagger, he breathes in a stench that nearly makes him lose the contents of his stomach. His attack goes wide and wild.

16:28, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 3.  Fort save . Bleh!

16:28, Today: Kraw rolled 15 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 6.  Dagger attack, flanking.
Figus Dva
player, 297 posts
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 00:01
  • msg #273

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

The stench turned Figus' stomach, but he still managed to strike from the other side and his scimitar left a gash

19:59, Today: Figus Dva rolled 7 using 1d6+1 with rolls of 6.  -2 included.
19:57, Today: Figus Dva rolled 13 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 9.  Crit confirm.
19:57, Today: Figus Dva rolled 22,13 using d20+4,d20+4 with rolls of 18,9.  Attack flanking.
19:54, Today: Figus Dva rolled 6 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 2.  Fort save .

Bloodrager, 242 posts
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 04:10
  • msg #274

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Ayeesha ignored the filth and grotesque stench. She swung again, using her destined strike to guide her blade.

I forgot I was flanking with figus so add in +2 to hit so should just hit AC 17 for 18 slashing damage.

22:06, Today: Ayeesha rolled 25 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 17.  fort. save.

22:07, Today: Ayeesha rolled 15 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 5.  attack with destined strike.
22:08, Today: Ayeesha rolled 18 using 3d6+9 with rolls of 4,1,4.  damage.

player, 208 posts
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 11:30
  • msg #275

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Kyra ignores the stench as best as she can as she moves behind Ayeesha to help with her wounds.

13:24, Today: Kyra rolled 19 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 18.  Fort save (12).
13:24, Today: Kyra rolled 3 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 2.  CLW.

Bah. Not good. Sorry Ayeesha, I did not notice you were already hurt before this started.

Dungeon Master
GM, 450 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 20:26
  • msg #276

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

With such a gaping wound it is easy enough for the party to keep hammering at it. Kraw and Figus draw its guard down letting Ayeesha swing and finish the job.

The party is able to recover the final piece of the body they had come searching for. Looking inside the room past the fallen golem reveals a small storage room that has been smashed to splinters with nothing valuable remaining.
Figus Dva
player, 299 posts
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 20:52
  • msg #277

[1.07] The Dead Warrens

Figus spat out the last of his stomach contents. "This thing is gross. It should never have existed in the first place. If we had the luxury, I say we cleanse this place with fire. All of it and then collapse it."
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