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10:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rules and Party Resources.

Posted by DirectorFor group 0
GM, 2 posts
MDef 0 RDef 0
W 0/10 S 0/10
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 17:21
  • msg #1

Rules and Party Resources

Destiny Points




This message was last edited by the GM at 14:50, Sat 19 Dec 2020.
GM, 3 posts
MDef 0 RDef 0
W 0/10 S 0/10
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 17:25
  • msg #2

Rules and Party Resources

This game is set during the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. I'm hoping you've at least watched the original trilogy to get a feel for the old-fashioned good-versus-evil space opera.

You don't need to know anything from the Expanded Universe because I read the books in high school and don't trust my recollections. If you make a big Knowledge roll and write with confidence, it becomes true. This is what flipping Destiny Points is for!

Please have read the rulebooks at least once. If you're not sure how something works in the game, read the rules pertaining to it before posting.

We'll be relying on the dice for this game. Please don't be upset if your character dies unexpectedly or suffers some grievous setback. You don't have plot armour!

This game is appropriate for a general audience. Violence will be treated as a necessary evil rather than glorified, so reveling in causing death and carnage is an evil act. Torture is also evil (although interrogation that does not cause physical or psychological harm is not). Swearing using real-life words is not allowed and not genre appropriate either. Use Star Wars curses like 'bantha poodoo.'

DO NOT GHOST ON US. I hate it when people just leave without saying a word. At least tell us that you're not involved anymore so we're not waiting weeks for you to take your turn in combat.
GM, 4 posts
MDef 0 RDef 0
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Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 17:30
  • msg #3

Rules and Party Resources

Narrative Rules

Minions in Star Wars FFG are obstacles rather than genuine threats. They can slow you down and do some harm, but they are closer to props than characters. Thus, rules for dealing with minions in combat.

When you score advantages, threats, or triumphs against them, you may dictate how they respond in a way that creates a benefit or neutralizes one of theirs. This doesn't have a lot of concrete impact, but it frees you up to add to the narrative. (I prefer to resolve Despair myself.)


Lodo is manning the ship's gun turret and fires at the pursuing TIE fighters. His player rolls a triumph and a lot of presoak damage. He wants to inflict a critical, so his post reads as follows.

Lodo fired across the pursuing fighters' formation. He strikes one of the TIEs' port engine, sending it into a wide turn. Lodo switches to firing to the port side of the other fighter, causing the pilot to dodge right. The two TIEs collide, destroying one and damaging the other.

See? Same effects as ever, but now the player has created an interesting combat narrative.


Lodo had created a chokepoint across a narrow bridge and was guarding it with a repeating blaster against the Stormtroopers on the other side. His player rolls a large amount of damage and two threats. His post looks like this:

Lodo sprayed fire at the bucketheads as they advanced. One was blasted and fell over the railings with a scream. The rest were invigorated rather than dismayed. Lodo shoots into the advancing Stormtroopers, but soon they are across the bridge. He draws his blade to meet them head-on.

Try to incorporate the general character of the minions in question in your writing. Some examples:

Stormtroopers are disciplined, dedicated, loyal, and unimaginative. They are heedless of danger, and easily tricked. Not exactly stupid, but they have had all  creativity and initiative drilled out of them. They also have terrible peripheral vision.

Criminal gangsters and pirates are a different story entirely. They tend to be cruel, violent, individualistic glory-seekers. They have little interest in teamwork or tactics, and have fragile morale. Their gear is often scavenged, second-rate, or poorly repaired.

Warriors from low-technology groups vary a bit, but there are a few likely traits. They are brave, aggressive, and reckless. They are easily spooked by technology. Their fighting styles have elements of ceremony, with lots of battle cries and displays of courage.

Professional mercenaries are different from criminal gangsters or Imperial soldiers. They are disciplined and steadfast, but not reckless. They pay close attention to tactical situations  like flanking, cover, and high ground. They will not readily retreat, but are slow to advance into danger. They tend to retreat or surrender when they believe they are losing a fight. They hate fighting against fanatics, including Rebels. It's a lot harder to predict what someone who is fighting for a cause rather than a paycheck will do.
GM, 5 posts
MDef 0 RDef 0
W 0/10 S 0/10
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 17:31
  • msg #4

Rules and Party Resources

Recouping Non-Career Skill Costs:

If you have taken some ranks in a non career skill, and consequently paid extra experience for them, and then later obtained a new specialization that gives you that skill as a career skill,

You are refunded the experience points you spent as an extra cost.

example. You are an Outlaw Tech who purchased two ranks in Stealth. This required 5 points extra for each rank, for a total of 10. Later you take the Slicer specialization, which provides Stealth as a career skill. You are refunded the 10 points you spent on the two ranks of Stealth that, had you had Stealth as a career skill, you would not have spent.
GM, 6 posts
MDef 0 RDef 0
W 0/10 S 0/10
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 17:32
  • msg #5

Rules and Party Resources

Nearly every citizen of the galaxy has been exposed to a variety of cultures and languages. Although Galactic Basic is almost universally understood, most races and cultures have their own language and dialects.

Every player-character is proficient in Galactic Basic, and in the language of their race or planet. You will also be proficient in another language or dialect of your choosing.

Humans are boring so they only get Basic and one other language.

Send me a private message to indicate which language you wish your character to be proficient in.
These are not all the languages or dialects.


Learning different skills is an excellent way to learn languages. Some cultures are more closely linked to one skill than others. This is a stereotype but it makes it easier.

When your character acquires two ranks in a skill, apply via PM to have a language added. These are EXAMPLES. If you believe your skill relates better to another culture, ask for that language instead.

Astrogation (Int)SullusteseBrawl (Br)Shyriiwook
Athletics (Br)-Gunnery (Agi)-
Charm (Pr)-Lightsaber (Br)-
Coercion (Will)HutteseMelee (Br)Zabraki
Computers (Int)DroidspeakRanged - Light (Ag)Rodian
Cool (Pr)DefelRanged - Heavy (Ag)Tranese
Coordination (Ag)Trianii  
Deception (Cun)Bothese  
Discipline (Will)-Core Worlds (Int)Hapan
Leadership (Pr)-Education (Int)-
Mechanics (Int)VerpineLore (Int)Ancient Sith
Medicine (Int)IthoreseOuter Rim (Int)Falleen
Negotiation (Pr)BocceUnderworld (Int)Twi'lek
Perception (Cun)-Xenology (Int)Cheunh
Piloting - Planetary (Ag)-  
Piloting - Space (Ag)Mon Calamari  
Resilience (Br)Barabel  
Skulduggery (Cun)Aqualish  
Stealth (Ag)-  
Streetwise (Cun)Chandra-Fan  
Survival (Cun)Gand  
Vigilance (Will)Devaronese  

GM, 7 posts
MDef 0 RDef 0
W 0/10 S 0/10
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 17:32
  • msg #6

Rules and Party Resources

Rolling Protocol

It has come up in the game, so I will put it down here so it is official and easily referenced.

When you are sure of what the difficulty for a given roll is, go ahead and roll the dice. The obvious example is combat, when you will know what your distance is and if you are fighting minions, rivals, or a nemesis.

If you are not sure about the difficulty, don't roll at all. Instead include an OoC portion in your post with the skill in question, and what your dice pool is. If there's a conditional modifier, mention it as well.

If you roll with the wrong difficulty, I'll Reroll for you with the right difficulty.
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