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, welcome to Babylon 5: From Here to The Rim

12:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: Athena

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
GM, 190 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Sat 25 Apr 2020
at 18:29
  • msg #1

IC: Athena


Check-in can be done up to two hours before departure, at 10:00, with the desks closing 45 minutes before departure at 12:00. Economy-class passengers must board between 11:00 and 11:15, but First Class may board any time between 10:45 and 11:30.
There is a quick pass lane for First Class at the docks, but Economy-class travel do have to wait on longer line and checked before boarding. First Class in some cases are afforded almost diplomatic allowances.

The journey takes about 5 days but could varying up to +1 day depending on hyperspace fluctuation and awaiting at docks and or clearance for jumpgates – the Athena is a Centauri civilian vessel, and does not enjoy the prioritization military vessels receive.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:10, Sat 25 Apr 2020.
GM, 192 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Sat 25 Apr 2020
at 19:16
  • msg #2

IC: Athena

OOC: Everyone can post freely their activities to the docks and on line up to entry onto the Athena. Keep in mind the loading docks and waiting areas a full to the max. Liners typically do not travel with empty rooms and waste no space, so they are normally full. Please only post once (make it lone and as detailed as you like) and you can reply to player actions if you need more then one post. 
Human, 27 posts
Sat 25 Apr 2020
at 20:03
  • msg #3

IC: Athena

Prompt, if not even a little early, as always Julie shows up at the waiting area for the boarding gate at 10:40, finds herself a convenient place to stand where she can see the flow of people without having to be in it, and waits for Andilo to show up so she can accompany him onto the ship.
GM, 194 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Mon 27 Apr 2020
at 15:17
  • msg #4

IC: Athena

When Q'voth'zal arrives at the waiting area to board the Athena.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:17, Mon 27 Apr 2020.
Pak'ma'ra, 45 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Wed 29 Apr 2020
at 03:45
  • msg #5

IC: Athena

Even though boarding time wasn't to be before 11:00 AM, it still arrived early.  It liked t watch the other passengers as they arrived and waited, if you were observant, you might learn something about them and that could prove useful.  An old worn carryall satchel was all it brought with it, which was easily met the criteria for what humans called 'carry on' items.  Everything it might need was within and the pak'ma'ra knew they would not scrutinize its items too thoroughly.  That was one of the advantages of its species; no one who wasn't a carrion eater, wanted to spend too long in their company.  The same thing always seemed to happen whenever there were lines for passengers to board transports.  Somehow everyone seemed to agree that, out of the kindness of their hearts, Q'voth'zal should go ahead.  Very aware of the reasons for this 'kindness' the Ranger wasn't above taking advantage of it.

What was a surprise was what happened just before it was about to board.  'And so it begins' it thought to itself.  This was undoubtedly going to be an interesting voyage indeed.  The young medic had always wanted to see Centauri Prime after all...
This message was last edited by the player at 03:47, Wed 29 Apr 2020.
Drazi, 83 posts
Commcial Telepath
Mon 4 May 2020
at 03:10
  • msg #6

IC: Athena

Athena walked up smiling at the Ranger first then gestured and sat nearby her charge when he sat down this time she didn't hold back and her powers were up scanning the nearby surface thoughts for danger to her charge. Or unreasonable amounts of thoughts about the scientist or his samples.
GM, 204 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Mon 4 May 2020
at 17:12
  • msg #7

IC: Athena

Stop! Thief!

A human lurker, is crashing through the main waiting area. She is being chased through the docking area by a Vree merchant. And the female human is pushing people away too force herself through and escape into the corridors beyond the waiting area. Both the Human and the Vree come into contact with several of those on line (including the player characters).

The Vree shouts unintelligible and mostly unpronounceable words during his pursuit, which to anyone knowing the Vree language or has an active translator will understand the following, ...

"Stop!’, Thief!, Somebody stop that thief!" and other similar exclamations. Of course, for those that do not understand all they simply see a Vree with a makeshift club chasing down a human.

OOC: Aalamar you are blasted with the fear with hi levels of emotions coming from all across the waiting area as the events unfold. Before the event most of the emotions were normal although you did feel one or two to be more nervous - by not from traveling. You are unable to focus on those feeling as you are overtaken by the fear and anger. The Vree is ready to cause some serous bodily harm to the human.
Human, 29 posts
Mon 4 May 2020
at 20:21
  • msg #8

IC: Athena

Not in favor of this kind of disruption any more than the general population Julie none the less doesn't move from her spot behind the potted plant, or risk entering the still fairly crowded area of the docking bay, her displeasure is however fairly apparent in the intensity of her gaze locked with the lurker.

For whatever reason that lurker also stops running, over the course of a few quickly slowing steps comes to what seems to be a distracted stop, simply standing in the middle of the room as if trying to figure out which way to go next.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:23, Mon 04 May 2020.
Drazi, 85 posts
Commcial Telepath
Wed 6 May 2020
at 17:41
  • msg #9

IC: Athena

Aalamar does nothing the thief was stopped by a Telepath and is about to be beat up by the alien ... security can handle this.
Pak'ma'ra, 47 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Thu 7 May 2020
at 03:38
  • msg #10

IC: Athena

Fortunately the translator globe it was accustomed to carry allowed it to understand the Vree and his complaints.  Still attacking the human physically, especially when it appeared she had ceased to run, was not acceptable.  The proper action was very clear, though the pak'ma'ra had not wished to call attention to itself, and the pak'ma'ra did what was needed without hesitation.

Standing up, Q'voth'zal interposed itself between the alleged criminal and the Vree merchant.  Lifting its translator, it turned to the human female:

"The Vree claims you are a thief, is there truth to his words?" it asks quietly.
Drazi, 86 posts
Commcial Telepath
Thu 7 May 2020
at 16:38
  • msg #11

IC: Athena

Aalamar said to the Ranger ,"He's under Telepathic confusion he won't answer and the law requires an order to pry into his mind however I might suggest something. If the man committed the crime and returns the goods. I can place if he consents to prevent him from stealing a block in his mind. And he can work for this man he stole from for a modest sum for minimal upkeep a month plus a little for a period of time. As an indentured servant. Its better than jail or deportation. Perhaps avoiding involving others. If they both agree. He gets a servant and the human can learn useful skills and save credits for when freed.

Assuming I have time if not a Magistrate will likely sign off on such an arrangement."

Human, 33 posts
Mustered Out EarthForce
Polish Jew
Thu 7 May 2020
at 19:32
  • msg #12

IC: Athena

A human, looking like a grunt/Lurker comes up to the small crowd, .....

"This jerk almost ran me over" looking at the Vree "And that one practically attacked me and gave me a shoulder tackle" ... very upset, and loud about it.
"Hey you!" as he turns to the Pak'ma'ra "My god, ... do you realize how bad you smell?" in a sarcastic tone  ... "that's just disgusting!"
"I'm staying in room E18, how about you?" with a weird and much more friendly tone, .....
Pak'ma'ra, 48 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Sun 10 May 2020
at 07:25
  • msg #13

IC: Athena

Looking up to Aalamar, the young pak'ma'ra nodded in understanding, then replied:

"You are correct, Drazi, this is complicated and is a matter for the proper authorities.  Will you please find a security representative to take care of this?"

The Ranger was surprised by the human soldier's sudden appearance.  It looked at Jozef, remembering what it had been told and wondered if there was more going on here.  Regarding the human with some curiosity it used its translator sphere to reply:

"And you with your straight back and pale skin seem strange to me as well, human.  But thanks to the Interstellar Alliance, we are neighbours and friends now, so I take no insult.  I am called Q'voth'zal, and my room is E12, far enough away that you need not worry about the smell, rest assured..,"

At this point Q'voth'zal turned to confront the Vree.  Something was not right here.  It addressed the alien sternly:

"You have frightened other passengers, merchant, and threatened this human with violence.  If this female here has stolen from you, tell me what was it that was taken?"
This message was last edited by the player at 12:00, Sat 23 May 2020.
Human, 30 posts
Sun 10 May 2020
at 08:08
  • msg #14

IC: Athena

While still watching the human, alien, relations unfold in the middle of the otherwise still fairly crowded docking bay the young human woman standing, but by no means concealed behind the potted plant, doesn't come forth or engage in any way.
GM, 213 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Wed 13 May 2020
at 15:23
  • msg #15

IC: Athena

The human lurker was trying to escape the lounge area and make her way into the docking bay. She could have made it but stopped. It almost seemed as if she had listened to the Stop Thief as ordered, .... But she just stands still as the crowd continues to get restless and the Vree demands his stolen item back. Two Security officers grab the human, one at each arm and begin to man handle her as they demand she go with them for questioning.

The senior officer walks over to the human "Jane when are you going to learn!", and reaches into her sack to pulls out a rare and interesting statue. To most it's not interesting but to those who study Centauri lore, history and religion it's a statue of the Li, the Centauri Goddess of Passion and it has lots of meaning as well as value.

OOC: Spot check or equivalent to notice any strange activities beyond what is happening with the Lurker and Merchant and boarding passengers.
Human, 34 posts
Mustered Out EarthForce
Polish Jew
Wed 13 May 2020
at 15:26
  • msg #16

IC: Athena

Jozef give a nodding gesture, "Ok, well that was exciting, ... now I getting on before the ship leave me behind." "Maybe catch you at chow time."

Without waiting for a reply Jozef walks way to hand in his ticket and board the Athena
Drazi, 87 posts
Commcial Telepath
Wed 13 May 2020
at 16:47
  • msg #17

IC: Athena

Aalamar sits down next her charge checking the case and samples are there and appearing relaxed.
Human, 31 posts
Wed 13 May 2020
at 16:55
  • msg #18

IC: Athena

The young woman behind the potted plant looks away from the altercation with the lurker at last once the security guards have her in hand and have returned the statue to its proper owner.  Only then does she return to her careful observation of the rest of the people in the docking area.
Pak'ma'ra, 50 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Thu 14 May 2020
at 03:00
  • msg #19

IC: Athena

Even though it was addressing the Vree merchant, Q'voth'zal had been trained to always be aware of the goings on around it...

OOC: 21:58, Today: Q'voth'zal rolled 25 using 1d20+6.  Q'voth'zal NOTICE check.  As requested by the GM
This message was last edited by the player at 03:01, Thu 14 May 2020.
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