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14:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[1.08] The Precise Execution.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Rogue, 424 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 09:30
  • msg #15

[1.08] The Precise Execution

Kraw, depending on the outcomes of his attempts to contact Blackjack and Orsini, will either be in the crowd to quell the mob (or help facilitate an escape). He'll pick up some equipment like Thunderstones and tanglefoot bags (will resolve that in PM)
Zenobia Zenderholm
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 13:35
  • msg #16

[1.08] The Precise Execution


Shuffling through the crowd Figus ends up standing next to a stern faced middle-aged woman with long raven black hair wearing a plain and functional green dress. Figus recognizes her as Judge Zenobia Zenderholm, aka the Hanging Judge. Known for almost always issuing out the harshest sentences possible, she has her eyes fixed unerringly towards the gallows.

Someone in the crowd starts shouting about the injustice of it all and Judge Zenderholm snorts with derision.

"Such a crime cannot go unpunished. A hanging is justice."

She doesn't appear to be talking to anyone, just voicing her opinions out loud.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:35, Thu 23 July 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 467 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 13:47
  • msg #17

[1.08] The Precise Execution


Kyra ends up finding a spot to stand near a group of Sable Company soldiers, with none other than the head of the Sable Company himself Commandant Marcus Endrin among them.

A handsome figure of middle-aged with a weathered face from years of training in the sun. While he is a member of House Endrin he has devoted his time towards defending Korvosa as opposed to living a life of oppulance and luxury. He is known to be a bit hot-headed but fiercely devoted to the city of Korvosa. While he was not a fan of the previous King rumors spread that he was a fierce detractor of Queen Ileosa's ascent to the throne as an "outsider" of the city.

He has a scowl on his face as he looks up at the stage and it appears his dismay with the "justice" being carried out has spread to the rest of the Sable Company who likewise look on with disgust.
Dungeon Master
GM, 468 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 14:06
  • msg #18

[1.08] The Precise Execution


Kraw ends up slipping through the crowd but finds any further progress closer to the stage blocked by a nobleman and his guard entourage. Kraw easily identifies him as Lord Glorio Arkona head of the Arkona family.

One of the most popular nobles in the city, he regularly makes the news with his philanthropy. He seems to take every opportunity to lift up the poor and provide them with enough sustenance to survive. Many soup kitchens and orphanages are backed by his gold. Recently he leveled several buildings his family owned, including a tavern and a brothel, to make room for massive low-rent tenement apartments. Rumor has it the other members of House Arkona are troubled by his apparent squandering of their fortunes.

Kraw also knows that there is a very likely possibility that House Arkona also backs the main thieves guild in the city. While it is just rumors they are persistent enough that the darker side of House Arkona is still whispered about in the back alleys. They say that the Arkona businesses are just fronts, that their endless wealth comes from drugs and slaves and backing criminal enterprises throughout the city. They say that House Arkona is full of necromancers and assassins of the highest order and anyone who discovers their dirty secret quickly turns up dead in a dark alley. Nobody actually knows who "they" are and nobody actually knows anyone who has turned up dead, but a friend's brother's uncle's cousin always has the inside scoop about House Arkona.

Right now Lord Glorio seems to be in a fine mood. He has several servants carrying wine and nibbles for him as he has decided to make a whole event out of the execution. Out of the corner of his eye he spies Kraw eyeing him and he turns and smiles.

"You there! Bird man! It has been a long time since I have spied a Tengu on these shores. Come, join me. This wine is from...4684 I believe. Rogick! When is this win from?"

His elven servant bows and replies.

"4684, just as you say, m'lord."

Lord Glorio gestures for the servant to poor a second glass.

"Come Tengu, join me as we watch the Queen's first act as ruler of Korvosa."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 14:06, Thu 23 July 2020.
Figus Dva
player, 321 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 14:14
  • msg #19

[1.08] The Precise Execution

Figus nods and speaks to no one in particular

"Hanging is punishment and a spectacle. Justice is a process of determining ones guilt, or innocence for the horrible crime which took place. I do not see that happening here ... your honor."
Bloodrager, 248 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 16:32
  • msg #20

[1.08] The Precise Execution

OOC: Ayeesha is there as well, lurking and watching. I can be with one of the others or on my own.
player, 223 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 17:56
  • msg #21

[1.08] The Precise Execution

Rather uncomfortable out among the crowd, Kyra looks for a nearest shadow to lurk from.

Ayeesha can be with Kyra, if she wants so. Would draw attention from her if nothing else.
Rogue, 425 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 21:23
  • msg #22

[1.08] The Precise Execution

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 18):

Kraw makes a disgusted sound. "Putting an innocent to death so that Sabina can get away with Regicide isn't the act of a Queen. It's the act of a tyrant."
Zenobia Zenderholm
Fri 24 Jul 2020
at 21:53
  • msg #23

[1.08] The Precise Execution

In reply to Figus Dva (msg # 19):

Judge Zenderholm glances sideways at Figus, her eyes lingering on his dark skin and general dress as an adventurer or mercenary.

"It does not matter if it is a public spectacle or a private affair. The girl will still be dead and the king's killer still punished. That it is being used for political theater to help cement the Queen's claim to rulership is not incompatible with justice."

The judge speaks sideways at him as well, keeping her face and attention focused still on the gallows.
Dungeon Master
GM, 471 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 24 Jul 2020
at 21:55
  • msg #24

[1.08] The Precise Execution

In reply to Kyra (msg # 21):

There are no shadows to blend in as Kyra is standing in a crowded courtyard. The only shadows one could lurk in were perhaps the giant one cast by her tall barbarian companion.

OOC: Sure, Ayeesha you can be next to the Sable Company as well. You can see the same thing Kyra saw in that post.
Lord Glorio Arkona
Fri 24 Jul 2020
at 22:05
  • msg #25

[1.08] The Precise Execution

In reply to Kraw (msg # 22):

Lord Glorio barks out a laugh, reaching out and pulling Kraw closer into his entourage.

"Come now birdman, can you expect anything less of politicians? Look at it this way. Our glorious Queen, may her reign last a thousand years, has just usurped...I mean inherited, the throne of one of the most prosperous city-states in Varisia. The poor girl is what...eighteen? Nineteen? Rogick, when was the Queen's birthday?"

The same servant replied without pause.

"The queen will be celebrating her twenty-first birthday.

Glorio gave a nod and looked back at Kraw, thrusting a cup of wine into Kraw's claw.

"There, you see? Kind of young for committing regicide, don't you think? So here you are, you're barely past your twenties when your loving husband drops dead and suddenly the crown is thrust in your lap. Half the town thinks you're responsible for it and the only thing keeping your neck from being up their in that gallows is finding someone else to cast the blame. So you do what you can to restore peace and order, even if that means a potentially innocent life is sacrificed in the process.

Tell me birdman, if you had the opportunity to lay down your life to save all ten thousand? Twenty thousand? ROGICK!"

Yet another bored reply from the servant standing at attention behind the pair.

"The 4707 AR census for Korvosa was 18,486 souls."

Glorio gave another nod.

"Call it twenty thousand when you include the neighborhoods that the bean counters would never enter. So birdman, if you could lay down your life to save twenty thousand men, women, and children, would you? Even if it meant an injustice would be done?"

Despite his congenial demeanor Kraw had his full attention, he was being studied quite carefully.
Figus Dva
player, 324 posts
Fri 24 Jul 2020
at 22:19
  • msg #26

Re: [1.08] The Precise Execution

In reply to Zenobia Zenderholm:

"A spectacle by itself, does not invalidate justice if it is a result, but it can not be the means your honor. How good is this cement ... if she is not guilty? How will her death balance the scales of justice?"

Figus moves gently to expose his guard badge, to show his allegiance.
Rogue, 426 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Fri 24 Jul 2020
at 23:53
  • msg #27

[1.08] The Precise Execution

In reply to Lord Glorio Arkona (msg # 25):

Kraw barks a bitter laugh. "Me? Hells below, no. I'm a practical kind of coward. I'll risk my life to save a friend, but most of the folks in this city treat my kind with contempt. I'd consign them to chaos. But that isn't the issue here, is it. Nobody has hurled accusations the queen's direction, not that I've heard. So even to quell unrest, an innocent needn't die. Just announce an investigation, let that satisfy the populace, and then distract the mob with a different problem. They'd forget worrying about the King's killer soon enough. "
player, 224 posts
Sat 25 Jul 2020
at 09:41
  • msg #28

[1.08] The Precise Execution

Kyra is not happy at all for being here like this, but at least she can avoid getting drawn into any political arguments. Instead, she listens to the mood of the crowd around her.
Dungeon Master
GM, 473 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 20:52
  • msg #29

[1.08] The Precise Execution

Queen Ileosa emerges amid a great flourish and pomp as heralds announce her arrival with a fanfare of music and drums. This queen is not the subdued mourner they had met earlier , no this Queen Ileosa has fully accepted the mantle of sole monarch now, and carries herself with poise, style, and grace. She wears a green and white silk dress worth thousands of gold coins, and is attended by a small army of servants. Chief among these is Sabina, her expression neutral but ever watchful for possible problems in the crowd. Ileosa takes her seat in a high throne-like chair at one end of the public courtyard, while the headman’s block stands ominously at the other.

The executioner is a towering, muscular man wearing an executioner’s helm and idly holding an immense ax. He remains motionless until his services are called upon.

As sunset draws near, the expectant excitement in the crowd builds. When the ominous beating of a single large drum begins, the assembled gawkers fall silent. The drum sets the pace for Trinia’s procession to the headsman’s block. As they reach the headsman’s block, one of the guards removes Trinia’s shackles and the hood, revealing a very frightened woman who nonetheless bravely holds back her tears, if only barely. Trinia is led up onto the platform, her arms bound behind her back by a leather cord, and she is forced to kneel over the wooden block before the headsman as Queen Ileosa stands and addresses the crowd.
Queen Ileosa
NPC, 2 posts
Human Female
Queen of Korvosa
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 20:53
  • msg #30

[1.08] The Precise Execution

"Fellow Korvosans! You have suffered greatly these past few weeks. Homes have burned, family members have died, fortunes have been lost. I feel your suffering, for not only have I lost a beloved husband, but with each riot, each burning home, each act of anarchy, my heart bleeds a little more. This has been a trying time for us, yet the torment is at an end. Before you is the face of your anguish and pain. Do not be deceived by this murderer’s timid nature for she is a black-hearted assassin, a seductress and sinner, a viper amidst us all. I offer you all her death as a salve against the hatred and hurt you have suffered.

Her death will not rebuild Korvosa, nor will it bring back the king, yet tomorrow will be a new dawn! A dawn over a city ready to rise from the edge of anarchy to become stronger than ever before!

And so, without further delay, let us usher in this new dawn with justice! OFF WITH HER HEAD!"

Bloodrager, 249 posts
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 04:40
  • msg #31

[1.08] The Precise Execution

Ayeesha nudges Kyra before the Queen speaks and nods over to the Sable Company. She speaks to the smaller woman without hushing her voice, apparently intent on being heard.

"Just like the Guard. Everyone is uncomfortable about the lack of decorum and the appearance of a show execution, but no one with the power to do anything is going to."

She turned to listen to the Queen, knowing she wasn't one of the ones with the power to do anything.

She locked her gaze on Trinia, not willing to look away. If this is Korvosan justice, she would witness it without flinching.
player, 225 posts
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 11:56
  • msg #32

[1.08] The Precise Execution

Kyra frowns. She does not like drawing attention to herself, and is starting to have serious doubts about being here at all. From a pocket she takes a potion in her hand.
Dungeon Master
GM, 475 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 15:58
  • msg #33

[1.08] The Precise Execution

As the headsman hefts his axe, the already silent crowd freezes in anticipation. Yet just before he swings, the headsman gives a strange little grunt and staggers. His raised axe falters as he reaches with one hand to the small of his back and then brings it to his face, the fingers dripping with blood. An instant later, he cries out in pain and drops the axe as a dagger embeds itself in the back of his other hand. The axe sinks itself in the block inches from Trinia’s head, and the headsman doubles over in pain, revealing a second dagger that’s already embedded in the small of his back. Trinia rises to her knees, glancing up at the executioner in shock as a scream echoes through the crowded courtyard:

"By the gods! It’s Blackjack!"

An instant later, a man dressed in a hooded cloak and leather armor springs onto the executioner’s block. He wields a rapier in one hand and a dagger in the other. Blackjack cuts the bonds on Trinia’s wrists and then throws the dagger down to pin the executioner’s left foot to the wood below. He quickly helps Trinia to her feet and then briefly turns to address the shocked crowd.

"Yes indeed! Let us usher in justice, but let that be justice for Korvosa, not this shambles Ileosa petulantly call a monarchy! Long live Korvosa! Down with the Queen!"

Blackjack’s words spread like fire, causing the crowd to erupt into a frenzy of activity. Some demand that he release the assassin while others call for the queen to step down from the Crimson Throne. Queen Ileosa stands stunned for a few moments, whispers something to Sabina, and then quickly turns to flee into Castle Korvosa, Sabina and a dozen guards behind her to cover her retreat. The remaining guards in the courtyard move to apprehend Blackjack, but the gathered nobles, packed tight to watch the spectacle, make it difficult to move. At the same time, the executioner recovers from his wounds and lifts his axe once again over Blackjack, who seems to have momentarily forgotten the man in his apparent delight at having
forced the queen to flee.

Nearby Ayeesha and Kyra the Sable Company and their commander begin drawing their weapons and trying to push through the crowd towards the stage.

Near to Figus the Judge has a scowl on her face and turns, scanning for the nearest guard.

Near to Kraw, Lord Glorio gives out a laugh and raises his cup of wine, toasting the theatrics that are going on.

There are dozens of guards along the walls and throughout the crowd but none of them are in a good position to quickly assist the headsman. The guards that had been around the execution platform were all covering the Queen's retreat leaving Blackjack to fight alone against the massive executioner.

Meanwhile the crowd is beginning to ripple as some try pushing closer to the stage and others try to turn and flee. The panic within the audience and their tightly packed nature threatens to turn the courtyard into a meatgrinder where people might get trampled or crushed as the forces within the crowd push and pull in excitement or panic.

OOC: Everyone can state their actions and, if appropriate, make an associated roll. For example if you try to calm the crowd you might make a diplomacy roll or distract a guard with a bluff check or try to push through the crowd faster with acrobatics or escape artistry. These aren't set actions though so feel free to be creative.
Rogue, 427 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 17:18
  • msg #34

[1.08] The Precise Execution

Kraw shouts a warning "Blackjack, behind you!" as he dives and tries to get past the crowd, acrobatically twisting to get ahead of the assemblage to the foot of the stairs to the execution stage.

10:11, Today: Kraw rolled 19 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 9.  Acrobatics.

About this time, a banner over the Queen's box unfurls itself. In large red letters it says

Sabine killed the King
This message was last edited by the player at 17:19, Tue 28 July 2020.
Figus Dva
player, 325 posts
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 17:23
  • msg #35

[1.08] The Precise Execution

Figus realizes that the best chance for Blackjack and the girl to get away was if the response to the rescue was disorganized. In order to aid the situation he therefore generates a globe of darkness to confuse and disorient. His own ability and training, to make his way without sight allows him to move toward the stage.
player, 226 posts
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 19:58
  • msg #36

[1.08] The Precise Execution

With everyone distracted by the rescue attempt, Kyra lowers her head and starts pushing through the crowd, away from the soldiers she is standing next to. In the middle of the heaving crowd she crouches low, unplugs a vial she's holding and quaffs its content in one gulp. Her features change into that of a harmless old lady.

Moving south? There's no obvious cover I could take, so I'm hoping that the crowd and the general chaos will serve as cover for her transformation. Is that shrubbery around that statue and the courtyard? Could that be used as cover?
This message was last edited by the player at 05:33, Wed 29 July 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 481 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 18:17
  • msg #37

[1.08] The Precise Execution

Kraw shouts out and Blackjack turns around and ducks to the side just as the executioner's axe comes crashing down next to him. Blackjack grabs Trinia and the pair race up the stairs towards the castle wall while the executioner struggles to get his axe unstuck and escape from the magical darkness that enveloped him. Guards along the ramparts start charging towards their position but Blackjack doesn't seem concerned.

Backlit by the setting sun, Blackjack hands a vial to Trina and the pair of them quaff potions. Blackjack gives a deep bow in Kraw's direction before grabbing Trinia and the pair jump off the wall. The guards rush over to the side and look over but immediately start shouting in alarm.

"Magic! They're flying!"

"They survived! Alert the watch!"

There is pandamonium as some people try rushing up towards the wall to finish watching the daring escape while others are trying to leave and more are just trying to stay out of the way. Guards are rushing every which-away and even the guards seem unsure if they should be pursuing someone like Blackjack. Eventually the decision is made to just clear the courtyard and everyone is shuffled out.

Kyra still had her potion in hand from where she was about to drink it but she and Ayeesha were able to witness that Commandant Endrin had cheered as Blackjack and Trinia had escaped as did the rest of the Sable Company. Next to Figus, Judge Zenderholm had scowled at the escapade but she didn't seem to be clamoring for Blackjack's arrest either. Meanwhile near Kraw, Lord Glorio put another arm around Kraw's shoulder and brought him in close, whispering in his ear.

In the end none of the group, not even Kraw's shout were remembered by witnesses. It was assumed that Blackjack had set up the banner and now very heavy suspicion was being levied against Sabine, the Queen's personal bodyguard. If someone like Blackjack would accuse her then there must be something substantial to underpin it, right? There is a bit of confusion though because Blackjack had never used a banner like that before, he had normally just apprehended the villain and gotten them to publicly confess.

In the days that follow it seems that public opinion has once again turned against Queen Ileosa and she remains ensconced within the castle and while there aren't any further outbreaks of mass riots or civil unrest the general feeling is that with Blackjack aligned against her, Queen Ileosa's grip on the throne has never been weaker.


While it seems that Korvosa is settling down, its troubles are far from over. Korvosa is in the eye of the storm. Greater wheels are turning, and somewhere not too far from shore, a black three-masted vessel flying the orange lanterns of a plague-ship drifts ever closer to shore. And death follows with it.
Rogue, 431 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 18:39
  • msg #38

[1.08] The Precise Execution

Kraw responds to Lord Glorio
player, 229 posts
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 05:31
  • msg #39

[1.08] The Precise Execution

"Well, that was a bit anti-climatic." Kyra comments to nobody in particular as she watches the two fly away.
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