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2.2A - Lachesis & Alice @ Buckner Ridge.

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
NPC, 14 posts
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 09:58
  • msg #1

2.2A - Lachesis & Alice @ Buckner Ridge

Lachesis @ Buckner Ridge
The town of Buckner Ridge, had long ago been subsumed into a suburb of Emerald city proper.  But it still retained it's rather quaint charm.  The air itself was cooler, sweeter and full of noises of nature.  The scent of pine and cedar was strong, and

Two massive developments dominate it's population: The airport and the Arcadian Peninsular Correctional Facility, or "Buckner Ridge", named for the town.

Buckner Ridge is a well-established facility designed for low risk offenders and those scheduled for transition to society.    With the Silver Storm having caused so much chaos, the federal government and a private company expedited the formation of Deep-Six, the underwater containment facility in the bay.  Buckner Ridge had had to be retrofitted to accommodate the sudden influx of metahuman prisoners.

Now, five years later, the majority of inmates are still non-violent and un-powered.  However, it does house some supervillains designated as “low-powered.”  Buckner Ridge is a private facility that is supervised by the county sheriff’s department. Originally designed to hold 1,500 inmates, its population has swelled to 2,700, stretching the abilities of Warden Erica King and her staff of 600 to the limits.

The scent of evergreen and the cool breeze ceased almost immediately as Eva drove Lachesis through the Sally Port to the facility's ominous vault door.   Eva kept a running commentary going of what she saw, painting a functional picture of Lachesis' surroundings.

But Eva grew quiet once they'd moved past the checkpoint, and entered the sally port to make their way down the tunnel to the parking garage.  The temperature was a few degrees cooler again and all sounds of life from outside were distant memories by the time they'd stopped.

Lachesis and Eva were met in the parking garage by a thick-set man in a nondescript black suit.  he had silver hair and an enormous jaw as if he were auditioning for the lead in a live-action "American Dad".    Beside him was a elderly woman in khaki dress pants and a sweater.  Adn behind both of them was a guard wearing some sort of metallic exo-skeleton.   She smelled vaguely like lavender and mint, while he smelled of engine oil.

"Welcome to Buckner Ridge." the man called out, a surprisingly smooth baritone.   "We're honored to host one of Emerald City's newest guardians, of course.   I'm Warden Devin Creed,  This is Adlai Parker..."

The woman offered a genial "How do you do?" and there was a faint traces of a British accent.

"... and Captain Smith.   They'll take you to the interview room.  Miss Kitterling is waiting for you."  Creed led them inside, past the bio-scanners.   "Surprisingly enough, she's been a model inmate.  Her parole review is coming up next month and I'm likely to recommend early parole.  Please let me know if anything comes up that we need to review..."
GM, 347 posts
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 18:41
  • msg #2

2.2A - Lachesis & Alice @ Buckner Ridge

So... Are we dropping this thread, then?
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