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01.01: The Gerald Ford Room - OOC Combat Discussion.

Posted by ControlFor group 0
GM, 158 posts
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 23:50
  • msg #1

01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

To keep a little separate any big discussions about rules.

I don't min OOC discussion in the main thread, I just don't want a wall of orange text.   Potentially bigger rules discussions should happen here.

Also note... this is OOC.   You can say all sorts of things here, but if you didn't actually put it in the In-Character thread, it didn't actually happen.  So, no saying "I attack him" and then not actually throwing the punch in the IC thread.

Because rpol is what it is and we simply cannot cleave to the initiative roster, it's on me to integrate your actions with the timeline.  Please DO NOT hold off to wait for someone else because they're higher up in the initiative roster.  That's a sure-fire way to kill the game.

As a practical thing, I don't reveal the bad guys intended actions.  But I do define them before each combat-round.   If your action blocks them... well, that's the nature of initiative, isn't it?   Can't hit a guy who isn't there anymore...  Same problem with you...   If you attack Dickhead-1 but he's higher-up in the initiative and he moved... well, you can't attack the guy who ain't there.  You miss.  You don't get to take a different action.  You're lower on the initiative, you don't get that choice.  You also can't see what he's going to do (and therefore react accordingly) because you're lower in the initiative...

As a side note:  this is an initial combat to illustrate how I want to approach it, and to work out any kinks in the process.... so your feedback is encouraged.

Team-1: 2 guys going for Swift, St James, Snow & Lizette
Team-2: Frog-Goggles & 4 guys - going for you guys  (well, the girls, apparently)
Team 3: 2 guys - covering the exit.

So... Please roll Initiative.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:58, Fri 10 July 2020.
GM, 176 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 15:47
  • msg #2

01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

I need two Move Object rolls:
  • First to Grab Echo. - DC16 (his pre-rolled resistance)
    If that succeeds, then
    • Throw Echo at Foxtrot
    • Echo rolled Defense(17) to resist
    • Foxtrot rolled Defense(06) to resist - I'm pretty sure you're going to hurt him

Remember, you've got a -4 on attack checks due to 2 ranks of Inaccurate.  So, 1d20 + + Power-Rank(9) - Inaccurate(4)...  or just (1d20 + 5).
GM, 177 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 15:52
  • msg #3

01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

Give me the Affliction roll...
Alpha rolled to resist with a Defense(+10), so you're pretty likely to make him drop his weapon and kick it over to you...
Player, 28 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 15:52
  • msg #4

01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

18:48, Today: Alexey rolled 23 using 1d20+5.  MO check 1.
18:48, Today: Alexey rolled 6 using 1d20+5.  MO check 2.

Alexey has a threat range of 16-20, so that first one is a critical.  Given that the natural one is probably a failure, if I have a Hero Point I'd like to reroll that.
Player, 38 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 15:59
  • msg #5

01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

Maria should be able to toss the catering table with her strength right?
GM, 179 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 16:02
  • msg #6

01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion


Good call.

Everyone tarts out with one hero-point in each story, so. go ahead and re-roll.

I don't expect to be stingy with hero-points, but I will always appreciate reminders about earning situations...

With a Strength(5), she can carry 1600 lbs.  I think a table should pose no problem for her.
Player, 39 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 16:10
  • msg #7

01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

Just a straight throw roll then as the table can't resist but I'll have to get it over other folk's heads..... hmmm.
GM, 180 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 16:19
  • msg #8

01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

Any specific target?

True, the table can't resist, but if you're targeting folks, they should get a chance to dodge...
Player, 29 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 16:21
  • msg #9

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

18:48, Today: Alexey rolled 23 using 1d20+5.  MO check 1.
18:48, Today: Alexey rolled 6 using 1d20+5.  MO check 2.

19:20, Today: Alexey rolled 9 using 1d20+5.  MO check 2 reroll.
Player, 40 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 16:26
  • msg #10

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

Goggles and if it gets a goon or two next to him it is a bonus.
Player, 41 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 16:43
  • msg #11

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

It should be a straight roll for strength damage and if I hit correct. No modifiers?
GM, 181 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 17:05
  • msg #12

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

If you wanted to add in your skill in Ranged Combat:Throw(+5), I wouldn't complain.

Ah, saw you added that.  Awesome!

Because of your position in the initiative list, I've got to wait a little bit longer before resolving it, in case Poppy wants to do something...  I won't wait long through...
GM, 190 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 08:34
  • msg #13

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

Okay, resolution for combat round #1 is up...

@Maria, I need you to make 3 defense rolls vs the cold gun.
  1. Goggles' shot - Ranged Damage - DC13 to dodge, DC22 to resist with Toughness
  2. Alpha's shot - Ranged Damage - DC24 to dodge, DC22 to resist with Toughness
  3. Bravo's shot - Ranged Damage - DC13 to dodge, DC22 to resist with Toughness

I'm only really worried about Alpha's shot...
This message was last updated by the GM at 08:34, Mon 13 July 2020.
Player, 50 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 08:35
  • msg #14

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

Today: Maria rolled 21 using 1d20+10.

Today: Maria rolled 12 using 1d20+10.

Today: Maria rolled 22 using 1d20+10.  Dodge roll.

Today: Maria rolled 13 using 1d20+8.  Tough Resist.

Maria rolled 25 using 1d20+8.  Tough test 2 (optional).

Want to make the fails the DC24? Or if not I beat a second hit's DC. Up to you Control =D
GM, 191 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 08:35
  • msg #15

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

Thanks for being so damned quick on that!

Second toughness check...  Are you spending a hero-point for that?

I have no opinion either way.  Don't want it to happen but can run with it if it does.  Although the rolls were secret, this is how they rolled...

There's more than enough guys in there, that chances are pretty good that someone will take some conditions in this combat.

While I had certainly expected there to be three other PCs in this combat, these guys are still pretty much pushovers. Echo Gamma and Harriet are minions.  Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta are built on under 90pp.  They are trained soldiers, but they're not super-powered.  Goggles... well, yeah. he's a threat.
Player, 51 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 08:35
  • msg #16

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

The second check was if you wanted 2 blasts to hit since I didn't break down the Dodge rolls per hit.  Which was my bad. XD

If only one is getting me then I'll suck it up and save my point.
GM, 192 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 08:36
  • msg #17

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

@Maria, I need you to make 3 defense rolls vs the cold gun.

Goggles Shoot(13) vs Maria Dodge(21) - DODGED
Alpha Shoot(24) vs Maria Dodge(12) - HIT - Resist(13) vs DC22 = 9 = 2 degrees
Bravo Shoot(13) vs Maria Dodge(22) - DODGED

Alpha's shot was lucky.

if you want to spend the hero-point to apply the Resist(25), you are welcome to do so.  Otherwise, you get the conditions:
  • Bruised (-1 toughness for future combat-rounds)
  • Dazed (May only take free actions and a standard action next round).

However, it's one round... and rpol dice suck.
Player, 52 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 08:36
  • msg #18

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

Wait I need 3 more rolls?
GM, 193 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 08:36
  • msg #19

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

No, that was integrating their attacks and your dodge/resist rolls.

I'm simply saying that if you choose not to go with the second toughness roll (for a hero-point), then you'll take on those conditions.  because Alpha's shot did two degrees of damage, which gives you Bruised & Dazed as conditions.
Player, 53 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 08:36
  • msg #20

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

Okay. I'll use the hero point.
GM, 194 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 08:37
  • msg #21

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

Then you  may've gotten hit, but you didn't actually take any damage...  it was a glancing blow or you managed to roll with the shot at the last minute...

Wow.  The first six seconds of combat and both you and Alexey spent your starting hero-point...

I've gotta look over the earning potential to start generating some for you...
Player, 54 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 08:37
  • msg #22

Re: 01.01: OOC COMBAT Discussion

Did Goggle's roll to dodge move him closer to Maria?

Would she be in range for a slam (leaping claw) attack?
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