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12:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Bloodrager, 269 posts
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 04:25
  • msg #67

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Ayeesha stood next to Kyra, towering over her and tried her best to look befuddled and innocent. She looked over her shoulder as if the Hellknight MUST be talking about someone else, then shrugged as if confused.

Bluff (untrained) to assist Kyra with +2, if allowed.
22:23, Today: Ayeesha rolled 12 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 11.  Not sure I can assist with bluff untrained, but I'm going to try!
Dungeon Master
GM, 530 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 15:00
  • msg #68

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Ayeesha & Kyra

The Hellknight and his armigers aren't willing to listen to their excuses at this point. In a deep bass voice that reverbs under his armor he has the armigers behind him raise up their crossbows.

"You're coming with us. Let's see what your companions have to say about your little tale."

Kraw & Figus<?b>

The armigers take a step back but position themselves to block the streets so that Kraw and Figus can't pass. They have their crossbows at the ready and when Kraw tries to talk with them they just shake their heads.

<B>"Maralictor Stayne said to hold you so we're going to hold you until he gets back. If you're not up to nothing then you've got nothing to worry about."

player, 277 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 12:24
  • msg #69

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Kyra follows along, squinting at the hellknight. "Hang on, you sound familiar. Didn't you already stop us once before, at the docks? If so, you know damn well we are with the guard."

Eesh, what a mess. As long as Trinia is overlooked, Kyra will cooperate. Not like we have (anything else) to hide. Hopefully Trinia will head through and wait for us out of sight rather than just stand here like a deer in the headlights.
Dungeon Master
GM, 532 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 18:11
  • msg #70

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

A glance around the crowd near the Hellknights doesn't reveal Trinia.
Bloodrager, 270 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 19:37
  • msg #71

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

"Certainly sir," Ayeesha smiles her brightest smile and offered no sign of resistance.

"And which tale might that be? That we're with the guard? That one is true. We've proved ourselves quite useful too, if I do say so myself. Isn't that right?" she asked Kyra but never taking her eyes off of the hellknight.

"But why are we being detained, if I might ask?"

OOC: Ayeesha has absolutely no interest in fighting this out!
Figus Dva
player, 392 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 19:46
  • msg #72

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Figus continues to stare down the Hellknights, but does not make any moves which they would consider 'dangerous'.

"I certainly hope you have the legal authority to do this, and it is not just a whim of an itchy officer trying to get noticed."
Rogue, 469 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 19:55
  • msg #73

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Kraw says "oh, haven't you heard? Certain Hellknights can be bought and paid for by our dear acquaintance,  Ambassador Amprei. I wonder if this is one of them?"
Figus Dva
player, 393 posts
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 20:02
  • msg #74

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Figus nods "Ah yes, the price of loyalty. The golden rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules."
Dungeon Master
GM, 533 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 20:58
  • msg #75

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

What follows is a thorough search and about fifteen minutes of verbal abuse, veiled threats, accusations of abuse of power and more. Grau considers it an outrage that upstanding members of the watch are being detained for no crime while the Hellknight finds it outrageous that members of the watch would be out of uniform and conducting themselves as criminals.

Things get a little dicey when Grau looks around and mentions that Kyra's cousin is missing but the armigers don't seem to take notice and ultimately the group is able dig in their heels and the Hellknights are forced to let the group as "looking suspicious" isn't ground enough for detention.

As the party is allowed to leave the Hellknight growls out one last warning.

"Be warned. I know ill deeds when I see it and when we find out what you have done the watchmen won't be able to save you from Asmodeus' justice."

That last word seemed to vent enough of the Hellknight's anger that he gestured for the armigers to release the party and proceed on their way.

Looking around again there seems to be no sign of Trinia. The group is fairly close to the North Gate so it is possible and probably likely that she made the last leg of her journey on her own while the party very thoroughly distracted the Hellknights.
Rogue, 470 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 02:06
  • msg #76

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Kraw comments to Figus as he leaves "if I were him, I'd be more worried about Asmodeus' Justice if it turns out that he is one of those Hellknights that Amprei bought."
Figus Dva
player, 394 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 03:17
  • msg #77

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Figus shakes his head "I am not an expert on these things, but these two words Asmodeus and justice should not be used in the same sentence. With Asmodeus, there is only Law and contract. The letter of the contract at that, and damn the consequences."
player, 278 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 09:50
  • msg #78

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Kyra is too worried about Trinia to pay much attention to hellknight's threats. When they finally get away she will try to find her to make sure she is alright. "Where the hell is she?"

Not to mention to get her shawl back. Guess she could be waiting outside the gates? If needed:
11:49, Today: Kyra rolled 18 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 8.  Perception.

Figus Dva
player, 395 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 15:33
  • msg #79

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

"So, do we continue forward?"
Rogue, 472 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 19:03
  • msg #80

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Kraw says "let's stroll down to the gates, see if we can find Kyra's cousin. And then proceed with Grau to visit his daughter." As they move forward, Kraw keeps an eye out for anybody following them.

12:04, Today: Kraw rolled 16 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 5.  Perception .
This message was last edited by the player at 19:05, Mon 14 Sept 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 535 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 20:54
  • msg #81

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

The party looks around the entrance and both sides but Trinia seems long gone. No sign of her and no sign of Kyra's magical shawl either.
Grau Soldado
NPC, 9 posts
Human Male
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 21:02
  • msg #82

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Grau seems quite sour that the heroes were stopped and hassled by the Hellknights and expresses concern when Kyra's "cousin" seems to have vanished but all that falls behind when talk turns back to visiting his niece.

"She should be in a much more talkative mood and Tayce has been cooking up a storm wanting to give you a feast as her way of saying thanks. I hope you brought your appetite because she isn't going to let you go until your breeches are bursting at the seams."

The smell of roasting meat greets the party as they get closer to the Solado residence. Thick plumes of smoke are coming up from the chimney and inside there is the almost constant clatter of pots and pans. Upon seeing the party enter Tayce sets down a mixing bowl and smiles broadly at them.

"My heroes!"

Her apron is covered in as much flour as her hands but she doesn't hesitate as she rushes across the room and envelopes each guest in a hug that makes even Ayeesha feel a bit squeezed. When she finally lets everyone go there are big flour stains on the front of their armor and clothes and she finally seems to notice the mess and her face flushes dark red.

"I'm so... I'm so sorry I forgot. I was kneading the bread and..."

She is like a tornado of activity, stirring a bubbling pot on the fireplace before dropping a rag in a bucket and sweeping back around to try and wipe off the flour marks.

"Brienna's upstairs. She's still weak but her strength is coming back tenfold every day thanks to you. It's a miracle and I can barely imagine her being as weak as she was when you first came. I told Grau to tell you that I'm cooking you a feast you'll remember for the rest of your lives and I'll not take 'no' for an answer so I hope you don't have anything else planned for the rest of today because you're the guests of honor for the rest of the day!"
Bloodrager, 271 posts
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 04:14
  • msg #83

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

"We can't stay," she replied after embracing Tayce and then catching Grau in her own hug for good measure.

"We'd love to, but we have to try to catch up with Kyra's erm, niece. I know, I know!" she held up her hands in front of her and looked Tayce in the eye, reading the woman's disappointment from her face. But better a disappointed cook than a dead fugitive. Or a captured one.

"You have to believe me, there's nothing else in the world I'd rather do than feast and be your guest of honor for the day! We just, it's just we can't. Someone else needs us as much as Brienna did. I'm sorry, Tayce. We'll be back, we will! Tomorrow or the next day. If we're still invited, of course."
player, 279 posts
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 09:53
  • msg #84

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Kyra curses herself for losing her valuable magical item. "When I meet my cousin again we are going to have a serious talk. Just taking off like that was most rude. But at least she is safe and out of my hair for now."

"While we are here we might as well talk to the girl, though from what we have seen we may have lost the chance to nip this disease in the bud already. And Ayeesha, you may wish to wash up your arm."

If she's gone, she's gone. Story continues on, I guess. That will teach me to help NPCs, she took off with the potion I gave her earlier and the shawl.

Anyway, does Ayeesha need to make a roll to avoid infection? Or did she already? If one is needed still Figus and Kyra could maybe help out with healing skill, or we could use an antiplague.

Dungeon Master
GM, 537 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 17:08
  • msg #85

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

It is unclear if Ayeesha was infected or not. She seems to be fine and she pushed the beggar off quite quickly. No open wounds or scratches on her arm and her overall size meant it was impossible for him to really get in her face.

Tayce is more than willing to let the heroes talk to Brienna. Just as Grau had described the girl looks better by orders of magnitude. She is sitting up in her bed sipping on some soup but her eyes are clear and sharp and she smiles as the group enters her bedroom.

"Are you...are you the ones? The ones that saved me? Uncle Grau's been telling me all sorts of stories about you. Is it true you fought a zombie golem underneath the cemetery? Or that you kicked down the front door of the King of Spiders? Was he an actual spider? Grau didn't seem to know!"

She rattles off the questions rapid fire, quicker than any archer could draw and loose.
player, 281 posts
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 13:01
  • msg #86

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

"So many question. Yes, yes, yes, no and no." Kyra rattles out quickly. "Now, if you don't mind, we have a couple questions of our own. Can you tell us what you were doing the day before you got sick? Where did you go, who did you meet? Did you see anyone else sick then?

It sounds like Ayeesha might be safe, but Kyra still has one scroll of Diagnose Disease if we wish to make sure.
Figus Dva
player, 396 posts
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 18:47
  • msg #87

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Figus will let Kyra take the lead on questioning. A female is generally better dealing with children.

OOC: Let me know if any rolls are needed for questioning.

No need to use a scroll. I get one of those spells per day and can cast it. 

Bloodrager, 273 posts
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 20:16
  • msg #88

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Ayeesha shifted from one foot to another, obviously conflicted.

"Oh, do we have stories, little one,"
she smiled down on Brienna.

"But it might have to wait until later, so we have the time to do it properly."
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 03:56
  • msg #89

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Brienna nods, closing her eyes and she tries to think back over the past couple of days. Her smile fades a bit and she shakes her head slightly.

"It's...hard to remember. I've been so out of sorts these past few days. Do you know how weird fever dreams are? I kept getting chased by this great red dragon. It kept lighting me on fire and I was just so hot but no matter how fast I...oh sorry."

She gave a weak embarrassed laugh and started over.

"Okay the day before I got sick I...I found something. Washed up on shore it was a small box. Inside were coins, silver pieces! Too many to count! I didn't know where they came from but I...I kind of raced into North Point to buy somethings. I bought some cheese for mother, some toys for my brothers, and a nice dress but...but I started not feeling very well. I think I set them down or...something. Maybe someone took them? When I got home I didn't have any of it anymore. No money and no presents. That's the last thing I remember. Before that I mostly stayed around Trail's End helping out with chores around the house, nothing really unusual at all."

While there were quite a few infected in Old Korvosa there were a lot in North Point. Whether that was because it started there or just there were more people passing through was unknown. It is possible that Brienna brought the disease to North Point or she was infected there.
Rogue, 473 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 05:24
  • msg #90

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Kraw looks at Figus. "Can a disease be picked up by silver coins? Sounds more like a poison or a Curse to me."
Figus Dva
player, 397 posts
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 15:40
  • msg #91

Re: [Chapter 2.02] Damsel In Distress

Figus sits down to think 'It would be difficult to infect coins, but not impossible with magic, but how long would it last ... exposure to air and water ...'

"You said the box was washed up on the shore. Was the box closed or open? Were the coins ... wet?"
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