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Setting Context.

Posted by The Many Faced GodFor group 0
The Many Faced God
GM, 1 post
The Drowned God
The Stranger
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 22:50
  • msg #1

Setting Context

Global Context - The Century of Blood

The Century of Blood
What followed the Doom of Valyria was struggle that lasted a century. The destruction of Valyria left a power vacuum in Essos. According to history, Aurion, a dragonlord who had been visiting Qohor, proclaimed himself the first Emperor of Valyria and raised forces from the Qohorik. With his dragon and an army of thirty thousand men he marched to claim Valyria's remains, but none were ever seen again
Volantis, then the mightiest of the nine Free Cities, laid claim to Valyria's empire. Meanwhile, the Dothraki rode out of the east, sacking and burning towns and cities in their way, leading to the destruction of several realms.
War amongst Valyria's Children
As Valyria's "First Daughter", the Volantenes regarded themselves as the rightful successors of the dragonlords. The so-called tigers, aggressive Volantene nobles descended of Valyrian blood, called for war upon the other cities. Taking control of Lys and Myr and commanded the southern reaches of the Rhoyne, Volantis ruled their two sister-cities for two generations.
Resistance began when Volantis attempted to take control of Tyrosh, however, and in the end, all of the Free Cities, save for Lorath, either rebelled against Volantis or joined the alliance against the Volantenes. Pentos gave Tyrosh aid in their resistance while Myr and Lys rebelled.

Rise of the Dothraki
Because of the power vacuum left by the Doom, the Dothraki came from the east and the grasslands of central Essos exploded into war. Acting on the advice given by his mother Doshi, Khal Mengo united the sixty khalasars and focused on the west. The Tall Men of the Kingdom of Sarnor ignored the threat the Dothraki posed, instead attempting to use them in their own wars. Mengo accepted all the Tall Men offered in return for his help, but took the lands they had conquered as well. The fields, farms and towns were burned, and so these lands returned to the wild state they had once had.
The khalasar of Khal Moro, Mengo's son, destroyed Sathar, slew its men, and took its women and children to be sold as slaves. Kasath and Gornath both claimed Sathar's ruins, which resulted in conflict between the two Sarnori cities. Six years following Sathar's destruction, Kasath was destroyed as well, and Gornath followed a dozen years later. By then, Khal Moro had been slain and replaced by Khal Horro. Following Horro's death three years later, his large khalasar splintered into twelve smaller bands, who continued the conquests. Sallosh, Kyth, and Hornoth fell. Mardosh held on for six years, though the city's inhabitants were eventually forced to eat their own dead in order to survive. When the city could endure no more, the men killed their wives and children to keep them from falling into the hands of the Dothraki, after which they made one last charge.
Following the fall of Mordosh, the Sarnori united against their enemy, and faced the Dothraki in the tall grasses halfway Sarnath and the ruins of Kasath. The so-called Field of Crows ended in Dothraki victory, and a fortnight later, Sarnath was taken and put to the torch.

Regional Focus: The Reiverlands

The Andal River Kings - From Justman to Teague
 House Justman united the riverlands for almost three centuries, and King Benedict II Justman expanded their realm east to Duskendale, Rosby, and the mouth of the Blackwater Rush.[4] However, the sons of King Bernarr II Justman were murdered by Qhored Hoare in the Bloody Keep of Pyke in the Iron Islands, and the riverlands fell into anarchy when Qhored sacrificed Bernarr to the Drowned God, ending the Justman line.[29][30]

The riverlands were then disputed by Houses Blackwood, Bracken, Vance, Mallister, and Charlton for a century. The Hooks were also river kings of old who claimed the mouth of the Blackwater.[5] The various kings were pressured by the Kings of the Iron Islands, the Kings of the Rock, the Vale mountain clans, the Kings of the Reach, the Storm Kings, and pirates from the Stepstones and the Three Sisters. Torrence Teague finally reunited the riverlands, but he and his heirs were disliked by their rebellious subjects

Storm Kings
The stormlands were consolidated by the Storm Kings, House Durrandon of Storm's End, who were founded by Durran Godsgrief. In time, the Durrandons gained dominion over Cape Wrath and the rainwood, what would become the kingswood, Massey's Hook, and islands in the narrow sea, such as Tarth and Estermont.[3] Storm Kings fought river kings for control of lands north of the Blackwater Rush, and sometimes Storm's End controlled lands as far as Maidenpool and the Bay of Crabs.[18][3] The Dornish Marches were created as bulwarks against Dorne to the south and the Kingdom of the Reach to the west.[7]
The Storm Kings defended the stormlands during the coming of the Andals, but eventually the First Men intermarried with the Andal newcomers.[19] Himself aided by Andals, Gyles III Gardener, King of the Reach, conquered the lands north of the rainwood, but he failed to capture Storm's End after besieging it for two years.[20] King Arlan III Durrandon vanquished the river kings of House Teague, extending the Storm Kings' domain north to the Neck.

Local Focus: House Blackwood and House Bracken

With the Dominion of House Durrandon over the Riverlands, the ancient feud between Blackwood and Bracken has taken on a new form.
House Blackwood turned to the Durrandon's to help them agains tthe oppression of House Teague, but did not receive the River Crown as originally promised by House Durrandon, who took it for themselves. Nevertheless, House Durrandon has repeatedly intermarried with House Blackwood, leaving strong ties between the two houses.
House Bracken, under Lord Lothar Bracken, is a fierce rival of House Blackwood, deriding their pagan ways and blaming them for the Durrandon Boot that rests on the throat of Rivermen across the Trident. House Bracken has strong ties with the Faith Militant, perhaps only exceeded by House Vance of Wayfarer's Rest in the Riverlands.

Fairmarket serves as something of an administrative centre for the region, and is under the rule of Ser Tristan Wylde - The Storm King's High Reeve, who collects taxes throughout the region on behalf of the Storm King.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:06, Thu 24 Sept 2020.
The Many Faced God
GM, 18 posts
The Drowned God
The Stranger
Sun 27 Sep 2020
at 23:02
  • msg #2

Setting Context

The Court of King Durrandon

King Arrec Durrandon and his small council –
Lord Arlan Durrandon – Advisor to the King; considered pious and unrelenting.
Lord Gambel Durrandon – Advisor to the King; widely considered a ne’er do well.
Lord Hugh Bar Emmon – Master of Ships
Lord Tristayne Caron – Lord Marcher
Lord Bryce Connington – Master of Laws
Lord Ronwin Wylde – Master of Coin
Septon Mortimer  – Most Devout of the Stormlands

King Arrec is wed to Queen Ryanna Durrandon nee Caron, renowned for her beauty and gift for music.
King Arrec's heir is named for him, though he is known as Prince Rex at court.
King Arrec has two other sons, twins named Prince Horas, and Prince Loras
King Arrec's youngest child, the Princess Lyanna, though her brothers tease her as "Shy-anna" for her timorous demeanour.

Lord Arlan Durrandon is wed to Lady Erena nee Darklyn, with whom he has three young sons.
Lord Gambel Durrandon is wed to Lady Elayne nee Mooton, with whome he has one daughter.

The King's court is supported by the aged Maester Porfyn, and the younger Maester Jon.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:36, Tue 23 Nov 2021.
The Many Faced God
GM, 24 posts
The Drowned God
The Stranger
Fri 9 Oct 2020
at 20:42
  • msg #3

Setting Context

The Calendar used in the Riverlands relates primarily to the Durrandon Conquest [Before Durrandon Conquest/BDC and Durrandon Conquest/DC. The Durrandon Conquest occurred approximately 400 years prior to Aegons Conquest, meaning that an event like the Founding of House Frey moves from 300 years before Aegon's conquest to 102 years DC. Major historical events likely to be referenced in casual conversation are in bold.

110 BDC – Captain Skinner begins his career as a river pirate captain.
100 BDC – The Fall of House Justman, introducing a period of anarchy and Ironborn raiding to the Riverlands.
90 BDC – House Blackfin Founded soon after the fall of House Justman by House Bracken.
0 BDC – The Battle of Six Kings
102 DC – The Elevation of House Frey from Landed Knight to Noble following Marriage to House Tarth.
239 DC – Mountain Clansmen begin incursions into the Riverlands
240 DC – The Battle of the Blue Fork – The death of Brandomyr Blackfin
241 DC – Reconstruction of the Twins; House Caron nominated as High Reeve of Fairmarket
241 DC- House Blackfin is rewarded with lands by House Bracken, which are held by a landed knight.
251 – Birth of Thaddeus Blackfin
256 – Birth of Tybalt Blackfin
261 – Birth of Thoren Blackfin
262 – Birth of Brynden Blackfin
269 – The Shivering Spring; many highborn and low are carried off by the sickness, including Lord and Lady Blackfin.
274 – The Fallenstar Spring – Named for a silver comet at the end of winter; King Arrec ascends the throne at the tender ager of thirteen, and is feasted at great expense by Ser Tristayne Caron in Fairmarket.
Spring brings with it much conflict between Bracken and Blackwood. Lord Myrkul Mistwood is killed in a duel in Wendish Town by Ser Tybalt Blackfin, while Ser Tybalt dies at the hand of Ser Rorec Blackwood in Fairmarket.
275- Lord Mortimer Caron is found dead at the Warrior’s Seat, in Bracken Lands, A warrant is issued for Ser Rorec, who is attainted by the King and stripped of his inheritance of Raventree in favour of his Sister, Lady Agnes.
276 – The Blooding of Blacktyde - House Mallister defeats a raiding fleet of House Goodbrother and Blacktyde on the Cape of Eagles, taking several Highborn hostages.
278 dc – Thoren Blackfin marries "Red" Lanna Harlaw.
280 dc- Birth of Darvil Blackfin
281 dc – Birth of Gwen Blackfin; Brynden Blackfin courts and marries Jirelle Mooton
283 dc – The birth of Bryn Blackfin
290 dc – The Scouring of Riverthorn – Lands are decimated by plague south of the Blue Fork. Lord Thaddeus stops the spread by ordering his archers to shoot travellers breaking quarantine, earning him the respect of pragmatic lords and the vitriol of more compassionate souls. His bannerman is less harsh, accepting refugees who show no signs of the sickness, but his lands are soon tainted and the landed knight perishes.
291 dc – The Year of the Golden Fool – A Lannister Prince and his sellsword army is repulsed on the banks of the Tumblestone by House Tully and Bracken, while a second force besieging House Banemark of Ironhold  is driven off by House Blackwood and Mallister. The Elderly Lord Tully, his two eldest sons, and their three sons are all killed in the fighting, leaving Riverrun to the wastrel Edmun Tully.
- Berion Knollwood and Naton Serbera are both knighted and anointed with the seven oils by the Most Devout in the Warrior’s seat for their bravery at the Battle of Tumblestone.
292 dc – a Hedge Knight called the Red Bantam begins plaguing the lands around Sallydance, Blackfin Den, Riverthorn, and Lychester Castle.
Lord Raylon Ravensong wins a ring from Brynden Blackfin at the tourney in Ironhold, held to celebrate the birth of Helen Banemark, daughter to Lord Harald. Ser Beros Wallain wins the tournament
294 dc – Gwen Blackfin is warded at Stone Hedge
295 dc – Ser Ramsbold Dun is knighted for freeing hostages hidden by the Red Bantam in Riverthorn, though the Hedge Knight escapes.
296 dc – A succession war begins in the Vale, dubbed “The Flight of the Falcons”. King Arrec forbids the involvement of his subjects in the conflict, and the Bloody Gate is closed to trade and travel.
297 dc – Brynden and Jirelle Blackfin are killed in a fire in Fairmarket, orphaning their son Bryn. Gwen is recalled from her wardship at Stone Hedge.
299 dc- The Storm at Lychester
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:26, Sun 30 Jan 2022.
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