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11:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 127 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 20:17
  • msg #1

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The path to Hellknight Hill is well-known to the locals and even if the newly formed party did not know the way, as Warbal, the goblin ambassador, offers to lead them as well. She was worried before the fire for her goblins but with Calmont seen headed that way she is doubly concerned for their wellbeing.

OOC: Feel free to ask her any particular questions.

The citadel is only a mile from Breachill and soon it comes into view. Rising from the hilltop above is a looming structure of crumbling stone and still-imposing battlements, though verdant nature is reclaiming the site. Plumes of red smoke, which ambassador Warbal believes to be distress signals from the Bumblebrasher goblins, rise from the roof of the keep's central tower. This place can only be Citadel Altaerein, the infamous former home of the Order of the Nail Hellknights, now fallen into ruin. The gate-like doors in the center of the keep hang ajar. Not surprising, since no one has maintained this facility in years.

Overall the keep only raises up a single tall story above the hill it sits on but is quite large, about 200' long and about 100' wide at its widest part. Only the central section has battlements while the "wings" of the citadel are roofed.

A quick circle around the perimeter reveals what looks to be the main entrance (marked as A) and going clockwise there are four areas where the wall has either fully or partially collapsed allowing entry into the citadel.

Entrance A:
Battered, reinforced doors hang ajar at this main entrance to Citadel Altaerein, once the headquarters of the Hellknight Order of the Nail. Above the doorframe, a tarnished seal depicting a sunburst made of nails stands out in relief on the keep’s stonework. Under the seal runs a worn but clear line of carved text.

A line of text in jagged sharp lines is written across the top but no one seems able to read whatever language it is written in.

Entrance B:
Part of the wall has fallen outward leaving a large gap. The interior is dark but there appears to be a dozen humanoid figures lurking in the shadows within what looks to be a large open hall.

Entrance C:
Between the weeds and overgrowth another section of wall has collapsed revealing what looks to be a small office. There doesn't appear to be anything inside this room.

Entrance D:
A large section of the wall has collapsed into what appears to be a large pool of water that has formed over the years. Past the opening is what appears to be another large hall, possibly some kind of banquet hall or assembly room. In the middle of the muddy pool there looks to be a corpse wearing silvery armor lying among the rubble.

Entrance E:
This appears to look onto some kind of raised platform like a throne room dais.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 56 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 21:08
  • msg #2

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yala will make a quick circle before coming back to the others and walking up. "Several entrances. Most are just holes in the walls. Another option would be to just climb the walls, but they are steep and the mortar between the stones is not the best meaning the stones might come lose, making an already difficult climb all the more difficult."

"Miss Warbal, you know anything about the keep itself? What's inside? How safe the floors are? Traps there might be?" She asked her, contemplating things for a moment.
Warbal Bramblebrasher
NPC, 6 posts
Female Goblin
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 23:46
  • msg #3

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Warbal nods enthusiastically.

’Of course! I was born there after all. You see...”

She paused and then her expression dropped into a frown.

”Well...kind of. You see the Bramblebrashers didn’t actually settle in the main floor. The castle is way to big for our tribe to claim the entire citadel so we ended up settling in a nice defensible series of rooms in the basement level. We...kind of shared it... with other things. We kept to our section, the monsters stayed on their side and everyone kind of lived in...well...not harmony but neighborly indifference. Past the front door is a big courtyard with stairs that go up to the battlements as well as down to the lower levels. With all the holes in the walls wandering animals and monsters are often found in the wings so we Bramblebrashers mostly just stuck to our sections. If you find a way to the lower level here is what it looks like...”

OOC: I’ll update the map to include what she generally knows but until then assume it isn’t immediately helpful.

”I actually haven’t lived there in awhile. As ambassador I stay in Breachill to maintain good relations with the tallshanks...I mean townsfolks. Sorry.”
Fighter, 25 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 06:11
  • msg #4

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Maerk marched toward the citadel as if mobilizing for a military campaign. He was quiet and serious, listening to the things his companions had to say, but offering little in return. He seemed to be the calm before the storm...

Near to the citadel Maerk found a fairly comfortable and easily defensible hillock he figured to be an optimal place to set up camp. "We make camp here, then do scout."

After a circuit of the citadel, he joined the conversation with the others. "How many your Brush-fires being live here?" Maerk asked Warbal.
Sorcerer, 49 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 13:41
  • msg #5

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Nezaglomie is feeling more than a little overwhelmed.  She had come to the city to try to get some answers, and her natural ability in a crisis carried her through the battle in the hall, but now she has doubts about answering the Call for Heroes.  How is this going to get me answers about what happened to my mother?  But she trusted the soothsayer who told her to "answer the call;" if only she could be sure that it was this Call for Heroes that old woman meant!

Listening to the old goblin ambassador, Za realizes that this goblin is little different from all the goblins she had known of.  The one called Yarr is the lone exception, probably not a full goblin at all.  Living side by side with monsters.  Of course they are!  They are monsters themselves.  She does chuckles when it refers to the townsfolk as tallshanks -- just like we call them 'bigs' -- but it doesn't endear the vile thing to her especially.

Waiting while Yalandlara and Maerk make their scouting trips around the citadel, Nezaglomie greets them when they return and listen to their descriptions.  "If you could see the shadowy figures in the room where the the wall has fallen outward, then you have to assume that they could see you.  We should at least approach that way to know if they are friendly.  Perhaps they are the missing creatures, and they are just being pinned down by some ridiculous trifle they find terrifying, probably food properly prepared by a chef or some such."
Cleric, 13 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 20:30
  • msg #6

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Not traveling with those scouting the keep Arnellia focuses instead upon bandaging wounds for any in the group that got injured.

An injured party member regains 11 hp over the next 10min
06:29, Today: Arnellia rolled 11 using 2d8 with rolls of 8,3.  Treat wounds .
06:28, Today: Arnellia rolled 18 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 11.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 65 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 20:43
  • msg #7

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yala tapped her chin considering for a moment as she looked at the keep. Seeing Arnellia was tending to wounds, Yala would start to help. "Good call. Before we go in there we should all be as patched up as possible." She turns to Maerk, and patches him up first.

[OOC: Pretty much everyone is hurt. lol And you gotta roll for each, but Yala will help. :)

16:40, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 11 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 4.  Treat Wounds.
And missed, making him immune to the action for an Hour. Bleh.]
Warbal Bramblebrasher
NPC, 7 posts
Female Goblin
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 21:16
  • msg #8

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Warbal answers while Arnellia spends the next 10 minutes treating Yarr and Arnellia (fails to) treat Maerk.

"There's about a dozen of us, give or take."

OOC: Is the plan is to spend the next 60 minutes healing everyone via treat wounds? If so just pick a target and roll.

OOC: Current HP totals:


This message was last edited by the player at 23:21, Wed 19 Aug 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 67 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 00:19
  • msg #9

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yalandlara moves on to treat the wounds on Sularius, then on Nez.

[OOC: Treat Wounds on Sul next!

20:17, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 14 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 7.  Treat Wounds on Sularius.

Seriously. By one?

20:19, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 9 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 2.  Treat Wounds on Nez.]

Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 77 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 00:45
  • msg #10

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Maybe ye should have treated yourself first. Yer hands be shakin'." Yarr looks concerned for Yalandlara, "Either way we can't be waiting out 'ere forever. Who knows what be happening to those goblins or if those scums stopped here long."

Yarr looks to the woman that healed him, Arnelia, "Ye got any more healin' magics? I hate to waste 'em but we needa get in there. I kin scout ahead, and if any o' the rest o' yah can sneak well as well, you should get healed and come with. Then we also need big boy over here healed to protect the rest. If we're careful like, we can keep the wounded safe until we contact the tribe inside. Maybe they can help us with these wounds summore."
Cleric, 15 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 01:09
  • msg #11

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

For the next hour Arnellia gets to work on the group Taking out her bandages and stitching thread she moves from person to person dancing with an ethereal grace as though she revels in the thought of binding and stitching wounds closed. She looks over Maerk and frowns, then Naz’s bandages and her frown deepens. Finally Sularius who’s stitches are already open and bleeding. Shaking her head she goes to Yalandlara and says,

"Sister fear not the cold for the beauty in the stars can warm yea heart, but please let me help with the wounded in the future and I inturn will try to focus more and dance less. I think the little green fella has a point."
ooc: 10:20, Today: Arnellia rolled 24 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 17.  Medicine Check.
10:21, Today: Arnellia rolled 7 using 2d8 with rolls of 4,3.  heal amount.

After seeing to Yalandlara she dances over to Yarr she gives him a kind kiss on his green little head smiling benevolently but not fixing the small bruise he has.

Lastly she bandages her own burns after caring for everyone else that she can.

OOC: 10:20, Today: Arnellia rolled 16 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 9.  Medicine Check.
10:21, Today: Arnellia rolled 6 using 2d8 with rolls of 2,4.  heal amount.

This message was last edited by the player at 02:30, Thu 20 Aug 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 72 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 06:15
  • msg #12

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"I am a trained healer as well. As a Churirgeon Alchemist, as well as having been born and raised in Shelyn's temple, and my mother being it's head I am also a trained and accomplished healer." She said softly, but it was obvious she was not amused either. "Though Yarr is right, I should have looked to my own wounds first, by tending to them I would have steadied my hands and been better to tend to the others. It's a fault I've always had though, putting other's care before my own."

"Anyway, I thank you for tending to my wounds. We should wait for another hour or so, then see to the other's wounds again. After that we should go in and see to Miss Warbal's friends." She said with a simple nod to Lady Warbal.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:21, Thu 20 Aug 2020.
Cleric, 21 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 07:26
  • msg #13

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

In reply to Yalandlara Vallindel (msg # 12):

Trained by the sisterhood. Then let’s work together to care for the brave ones that have joined us on this que.. ooooohhh! ISN’T THAT THE CUTEST CAT YOU’VE EVER SEEN! Who owns it. Do you think it lives here with the bramblebashers? Oooo! Do you think it will let me pat it?

Arnellia began to respond with he haughty and pretentious tone when she sees a cat and like the flighty elf she is goes completely off topic. Squealing with excitement she begins to try and pet the cat she has just seen.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:28, Thu 20 Aug 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 75 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 09:33
  • msg #14

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yalandlara just smiles and shakes her head at Arnellia, finally laughing softly.

The beautiful Black Cat on the other hand starts with the squeal from the elf coming for her! "Oh dear! Is this one hurt or insane?" When Jasmine realizes it was neither she will sniff Arnellia's hand, figuring she's safe. "You can pet me, but not pat me. Ear scratching's are also fine. Rubbing near my tail will get you the claw, or the bite though." Yup, not only was it a beautiful black cat, but it was a very female TALKING cat too.

"That's Jasmine. She's my Alchemic familiar. I wanted to create something beautiful, and elegant, you know, like Shelyn wants. So, I gathered the materials, added a few drops of my blood, and created my precious Jasmine." She said with a smile to Jasmine. "I mean, I make and create some music too, using my flute, and I enjoy it too! I'm sure Miss Warbal's heard some." She said with a nod. "Jasmine though, in creating her taught me a lot about life that it helped me in my studies for helping and treating others. I may lack the ability to use divine spells, but my mother says I have Shelyn's gift in other ways."

"Anyway! Let's get came setup, by the time we got that done we can look at everyone's wounds one more time, then set out to check on the Bramblebrashers." Yala said with a nod.
Dungeon Master
GM, 135 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 13:30
  • msg #15

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Thirty minutes later everyone has had their wounds looked at and what can be easily treated has been treated. While that is happening Maerk and the others are able to establish a passable campsite.

OOC: Current HP totals:

For healing purposes Arnellia still has 2 divine font heals available and I've gone back and included the Yala's healing potions I had failed to record earlier.

Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 82 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 13:51
  • msg #16

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Ah'll get a careful look ahead, maybe find a quick route to the battlements. I worry for the goblins. Most of us are fine now and Sul, ye used a bow in that last fight so ye'll be able to keep a distance behind the others if a fight breaks out. Keep a look out. Anyone sneaky is welcome to come along and help watch my back."

After giving anyone that wants to help time to get ready to join him and the party to adjust. Yarr sneaks up to the main door (12) and takes a good look at the area looking for any sections of wall that might be climbable to get onto the walls, signs of recent foot traffic, and to see if he can figure out the best way to open the door without making noise. He can't imagine the big front door of an old castle opening gracefully after all.

Perception 8.
Warbal Bramblebrasher
NPC, 8 posts
Female Goblin
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 13:57
  • msg #17

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Warbal sketches out a rough outline of the citadel, or the parts that the Bramblebrashers inhabited.

"Alright so you'll enter here through those main doors. Normally they're closed so be careful. Maybe my tribe escaped? Or maybe something has moved in. This is a big entrance hall with lots of old suits of armor. Heading West either door takes you to the courtyard. There are stairs up to the battlements as well as down to the lower levels. There are also doors that lead to the North and South wings but I don't know the layout very well. I wasn't one of the scouts and we were mostly just told not to go into unsafe sections.

I would suggest going up to see if there is anyone by the signal fire before descending into the area below.

The Bramblebrashers moved into this section that is under the North wing. I think it used to be bedroom and offices for senior leaders. We still use a lot of the furniture, it's all very nice.

There are two corridors that go to the South and while I don't know exactly what's behind them the scouts say it looks to be some kind of crypt or burial area. 'Lots of dead guys, don't go in there.' is all that they said. I don't know if that means that there are undead walking around or if it is just creepy.

These doors to the east mostly just lead to storage. The top and bottom ones had a lot of food when we moved in but the middle door...well the scout that went in that door never came back out. I wasn't there but I heard there was a lot of screaming so we just kept the door shut and nothing ever came out so that was that."

OOC: Updated map (ha!) has been uploaded.
Dungeon Master
GM, 136 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 14:03
  • msg #18

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr inspects the wall and because it is stone he figures it would be easy enough to climb, or as easy as one can expect for a vertical surface and no aid ropes.

This would let them climb directly up to the battlements if they go to the area just to the left or right of the door.

OOC: DC 15 athletics checks to climb.

As for the main door Yarr spies that there are plenty of signs of forced entry over the years. There are claw marks clawing at the door frame and there are plenty of damage near the bolt locks showing how entry was forced a long time ago.

After careful inspection Yarr comes to the conclusion that the open door is unlocked.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 76 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 17:59
  • msg #19

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"I see we go in the front as Miss Warbal suggests. I'm not the best at climbing, though I do have some rope." Yala suggested once Yarr reported back.
Cleric, 22 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 20:28
  • msg #20

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Still stoking the cat gently Arnellia speaks her agreement with Yalandlara and asks Ma’am Warbal,

“I agree Yalandlara the front door may be best. Those other entrances look steep and difficult to climb. I recall climbing mount craagdoon in the five kingdoms once long ago and would not want to attempt those entrances without a day to prepare. Ma’am Warbal do you think we have time to make a proper camp and bind the injuries of our companions properly, or is it imperative we rush in straight away unprepared?”
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 29 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 21:22
  • msg #21

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius listened carefully to everything being presented, becoming visibly upset towards the end. "Do we honestly have no means with which to heal. Arnelia, you mentioned before that you are a cleric, yes? Does your god not trust you with healing magics? I am an archaeologist by trade. Gaining access to old structures where one is often not wanted is literally what I do. To leave me in the rear with my bow is a complete waste of my skills, much as leaving Maersk here to tend the camp while a fight is going on would be.

Moreover, I am something of an expert on the architectural style used by the Hellknight's in the construction of their bastions such as Citadel Altaerein before us. Aside from those such as Warbal here who has been inside, I know this place better than anyone. If anyone is going to scout ahead, I should be amongst that group."

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