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18:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 127 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 20:17
  • msg #1

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The path to Hellknight Hill is well-known to the locals and even if the newly formed party did not know the way, as Warbal, the goblin ambassador, offers to lead them as well. She was worried before the fire for her goblins but with Calmont seen headed that way she is doubly concerned for their wellbeing.

OOC: Feel free to ask her any particular questions.

The citadel is only a mile from Breachill and soon it comes into view. Rising from the hilltop above is a looming structure of crumbling stone and still-imposing battlements, though verdant nature is reclaiming the site. Plumes of red smoke, which ambassador Warbal believes to be distress signals from the Bumblebrasher goblins, rise from the roof of the keep's central tower. This place can only be Citadel Altaerein, the infamous former home of the Order of the Nail Hellknights, now fallen into ruin. The gate-like doors in the center of the keep hang ajar. Not surprising, since no one has maintained this facility in years.

Overall the keep only raises up a single tall story above the hill it sits on but is quite large, about 200' long and about 100' wide at its widest part. Only the central section has battlements while the "wings" of the citadel are roofed.

A quick circle around the perimeter reveals what looks to be the main entrance (marked as A) and going clockwise there are four areas where the wall has either fully or partially collapsed allowing entry into the citadel.

Entrance A:
Battered, reinforced doors hang ajar at this main entrance to Citadel Altaerein, once the headquarters of the Hellknight Order of the Nail. Above the doorframe, a tarnished seal depicting a sunburst made of nails stands out in relief on the keep’s stonework. Under the seal runs a worn but clear line of carved text.

A line of text in jagged sharp lines is written across the top but no one seems able to read whatever language it is written in.

Entrance B:
Part of the wall has fallen outward leaving a large gap. The interior is dark but there appears to be a dozen humanoid figures lurking in the shadows within what looks to be a large open hall.

Entrance C:
Between the weeds and overgrowth another section of wall has collapsed revealing what looks to be a small office. There doesn't appear to be anything inside this room.

Entrance D:
A large section of the wall has collapsed into what appears to be a large pool of water that has formed over the years. Past the opening is what appears to be another large hall, possibly some kind of banquet hall or assembly room. In the middle of the muddy pool there looks to be a corpse wearing silvery armor lying among the rubble.

Entrance E:
This appears to look onto some kind of raised platform like a throne room dais.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 56 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 21:08
  • msg #2

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yala will make a quick circle before coming back to the others and walking up. "Several entrances. Most are just holes in the walls. Another option would be to just climb the walls, but they are steep and the mortar between the stones is not the best meaning the stones might come lose, making an already difficult climb all the more difficult."

"Miss Warbal, you know anything about the keep itself? What's inside? How safe the floors are? Traps there might be?" She asked her, contemplating things for a moment.
Warbal Bramblebrasher
NPC, 6 posts
Female Goblin
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 23:46
  • msg #3

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Warbal nods enthusiastically.

’Of course! I was born there after all. You see...”

She paused and then her expression dropped into a frown.

”Well...kind of. You see the Bramblebrashers didn’t actually settle in the main floor. The castle is way to big for our tribe to claim the entire citadel so we ended up settling in a nice defensible series of rooms in the basement level. We...kind of shared it... with other things. We kept to our section, the monsters stayed on their side and everyone kind of lived in...well...not harmony but neighborly indifference. Past the front door is a big courtyard with stairs that go up to the battlements as well as down to the lower levels. With all the holes in the walls wandering animals and monsters are often found in the wings so we Bramblebrashers mostly just stuck to our sections. If you find a way to the lower level here is what it looks like...”

OOC: I’ll update the map to include what she generally knows but until then assume it isn’t immediately helpful.

”I actually haven’t lived there in awhile. As ambassador I stay in Breachill to maintain good relations with the tallshanks...I mean townsfolks. Sorry.”
Fighter, 25 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 06:11
  • msg #4

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Maerk marched toward the citadel as if mobilizing for a military campaign. He was quiet and serious, listening to the things his companions had to say, but offering little in return. He seemed to be the calm before the storm...

Near to the citadel Maerk found a fairly comfortable and easily defensible hillock he figured to be an optimal place to set up camp. "We make camp here, then do scout."

After a circuit of the citadel, he joined the conversation with the others. "How many your Brush-fires being live here?" Maerk asked Warbal.
Sorcerer, 49 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 13:41
  • msg #5

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Nezaglomie is feeling more than a little overwhelmed.  She had come to the city to try to get some answers, and her natural ability in a crisis carried her through the battle in the hall, but now she has doubts about answering the Call for Heroes.  How is this going to get me answers about what happened to my mother?  But she trusted the soothsayer who told her to "answer the call;" if only she could be sure that it was this Call for Heroes that old woman meant!

Listening to the old goblin ambassador, Za realizes that this goblin is little different from all the goblins she had known of.  The one called Yarr is the lone exception, probably not a full goblin at all.  Living side by side with monsters.  Of course they are!  They are monsters themselves.  She does chuckles when it refers to the townsfolk as tallshanks -- just like we call them 'bigs' -- but it doesn't endear the vile thing to her especially.

Waiting while Yalandlara and Maerk make their scouting trips around the citadel, Nezaglomie greets them when they return and listen to their descriptions.  "If you could see the shadowy figures in the room where the the wall has fallen outward, then you have to assume that they could see you.  We should at least approach that way to know if they are friendly.  Perhaps they are the missing creatures, and they are just being pinned down by some ridiculous trifle they find terrifying, probably food properly prepared by a chef or some such."
Cleric, 13 posts
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 20:30
  • msg #6

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Not traveling with those scouting the keep Arnellia focuses instead upon bandaging wounds for any in the group that got injured.

An injured party member regains 11 hp over the next 10min
06:29, Today: Arnellia rolled 11 using 2d8 with rolls of 8,3.  Treat wounds .
06:28, Today: Arnellia rolled 18 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 11.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 65 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 20:43
  • msg #7

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yala tapped her chin considering for a moment as she looked at the keep. Seeing Arnellia was tending to wounds, Yala would start to help. "Good call. Before we go in there we should all be as patched up as possible." She turns to Maerk, and patches him up first.

[OOC: Pretty much everyone is hurt. lol And you gotta roll for each, but Yala will help. :)

16:40, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 11 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 4.  Treat Wounds.
And missed, making him immune to the action for an Hour. Bleh.]
Warbal Bramblebrasher
NPC, 7 posts
Female Goblin
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 21:16
  • msg #8

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Warbal answers while Arnellia spends the next 10 minutes treating Yarr and Arnellia (fails to) treat Maerk.

"There's about a dozen of us, give or take."

OOC: Is the plan is to spend the next 60 minutes healing everyone via treat wounds? If so just pick a target and roll.

OOC: Current HP totals:


This message was last edited by the player at 23:21, Wed 19 Aug 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 67 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 00:19
  • msg #9

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yalandlara moves on to treat the wounds on Sularius, then on Nez.

[OOC: Treat Wounds on Sul next!

20:17, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 14 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 7.  Treat Wounds on Sularius.

Seriously. By one?

20:19, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 9 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 2.  Treat Wounds on Nez.]

Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 77 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 00:45
  • msg #10

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Maybe ye should have treated yourself first. Yer hands be shakin'." Yarr looks concerned for Yalandlara, "Either way we can't be waiting out 'ere forever. Who knows what be happening to those goblins or if those scums stopped here long."

Yarr looks to the woman that healed him, Arnelia, "Ye got any more healin' magics? I hate to waste 'em but we needa get in there. I kin scout ahead, and if any o' the rest o' yah can sneak well as well, you should get healed and come with. Then we also need big boy over here healed to protect the rest. If we're careful like, we can keep the wounded safe until we contact the tribe inside. Maybe they can help us with these wounds summore."
Cleric, 15 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 01:09
  • msg #11

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

For the next hour Arnellia gets to work on the group Taking out her bandages and stitching thread she moves from person to person dancing with an ethereal grace as though she revels in the thought of binding and stitching wounds closed. She looks over Maerk and frowns, then Naz’s bandages and her frown deepens. Finally Sularius who’s stitches are already open and bleeding. Shaking her head she goes to Yalandlara and says,

"Sister fear not the cold for the beauty in the stars can warm yea heart, but please let me help with the wounded in the future and I inturn will try to focus more and dance less. I think the little green fella has a point."
ooc: 10:20, Today: Arnellia rolled 24 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 17.  Medicine Check.
10:21, Today: Arnellia rolled 7 using 2d8 with rolls of 4,3.  heal amount.

After seeing to Yalandlara she dances over to Yarr she gives him a kind kiss on his green little head smiling benevolently but not fixing the small bruise he has.

Lastly she bandages her own burns after caring for everyone else that she can.

OOC: 10:20, Today: Arnellia rolled 16 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 9.  Medicine Check.
10:21, Today: Arnellia rolled 6 using 2d8 with rolls of 2,4.  heal amount.

This message was last edited by the player at 02:30, Thu 20 Aug 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 72 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 06:15
  • msg #12

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"I am a trained healer as well. As a Churirgeon Alchemist, as well as having been born and raised in Shelyn's temple, and my mother being it's head I am also a trained and accomplished healer." She said softly, but it was obvious she was not amused either. "Though Yarr is right, I should have looked to my own wounds first, by tending to them I would have steadied my hands and been better to tend to the others. It's a fault I've always had though, putting other's care before my own."

"Anyway, I thank you for tending to my wounds. We should wait for another hour or so, then see to the other's wounds again. After that we should go in and see to Miss Warbal's friends." She said with a simple nod to Lady Warbal.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:21, Thu 20 Aug 2020.
Cleric, 21 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 07:26
  • msg #13

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

In reply to Yalandlara Vallindel (msg # 12):

Trained by the sisterhood. Then let’s work together to care for the brave ones that have joined us on this que.. ooooohhh! ISN’T THAT THE CUTEST CAT YOU’VE EVER SEEN! Who owns it. Do you think it lives here with the bramblebashers? Oooo! Do you think it will let me pat it?

Arnellia began to respond with he haughty and pretentious tone when she sees a cat and like the flighty elf she is goes completely off topic. Squealing with excitement she begins to try and pet the cat she has just seen.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:28, Thu 20 Aug 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 75 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 09:33
  • msg #14

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yalandlara just smiles and shakes her head at Arnellia, finally laughing softly.

The beautiful Black Cat on the other hand starts with the squeal from the elf coming for her! "Oh dear! Is this one hurt or insane?" When Jasmine realizes it was neither she will sniff Arnellia's hand, figuring she's safe. "You can pet me, but not pat me. Ear scratching's are also fine. Rubbing near my tail will get you the claw, or the bite though." Yup, not only was it a beautiful black cat, but it was a very female TALKING cat too.

"That's Jasmine. She's my Alchemic familiar. I wanted to create something beautiful, and elegant, you know, like Shelyn wants. So, I gathered the materials, added a few drops of my blood, and created my precious Jasmine." She said with a smile to Jasmine. "I mean, I make and create some music too, using my flute, and I enjoy it too! I'm sure Miss Warbal's heard some." She said with a nod. "Jasmine though, in creating her taught me a lot about life that it helped me in my studies for helping and treating others. I may lack the ability to use divine spells, but my mother says I have Shelyn's gift in other ways."

"Anyway! Let's get came setup, by the time we got that done we can look at everyone's wounds one more time, then set out to check on the Bramblebrashers." Yala said with a nod.
Dungeon Master
GM, 135 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 13:30
  • msg #15

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Thirty minutes later everyone has had their wounds looked at and what can be easily treated has been treated. While that is happening Maerk and the others are able to establish a passable campsite.

OOC: Current HP totals:

For healing purposes Arnellia still has 2 divine font heals available and I've gone back and included the Yala's healing potions I had failed to record earlier.

Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 82 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 13:51
  • msg #16

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Ah'll get a careful look ahead, maybe find a quick route to the battlements. I worry for the goblins. Most of us are fine now and Sul, ye used a bow in that last fight so ye'll be able to keep a distance behind the others if a fight breaks out. Keep a look out. Anyone sneaky is welcome to come along and help watch my back."

After giving anyone that wants to help time to get ready to join him and the party to adjust. Yarr sneaks up to the main door (12) and takes a good look at the area looking for any sections of wall that might be climbable to get onto the walls, signs of recent foot traffic, and to see if he can figure out the best way to open the door without making noise. He can't imagine the big front door of an old castle opening gracefully after all.

Perception 8.
Warbal Bramblebrasher
NPC, 8 posts
Female Goblin
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 13:57
  • msg #17

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Warbal sketches out a rough outline of the citadel, or the parts that the Bramblebrashers inhabited.

"Alright so you'll enter here through those main doors. Normally they're closed so be careful. Maybe my tribe escaped? Or maybe something has moved in. This is a big entrance hall with lots of old suits of armor. Heading West either door takes you to the courtyard. There are stairs up to the battlements as well as down to the lower levels. There are also doors that lead to the North and South wings but I don't know the layout very well. I wasn't one of the scouts and we were mostly just told not to go into unsafe sections.

I would suggest going up to see if there is anyone by the signal fire before descending into the area below.

The Bramblebrashers moved into this section that is under the North wing. I think it used to be bedroom and offices for senior leaders. We still use a lot of the furniture, it's all very nice.

There are two corridors that go to the South and while I don't know exactly what's behind them the scouts say it looks to be some kind of crypt or burial area. 'Lots of dead guys, don't go in there.' is all that they said. I don't know if that means that there are undead walking around or if it is just creepy.

These doors to the east mostly just lead to storage. The top and bottom ones had a lot of food when we moved in but the middle door...well the scout that went in that door never came back out. I wasn't there but I heard there was a lot of screaming so we just kept the door shut and nothing ever came out so that was that."

OOC: Updated map (ha!) has been uploaded.
Dungeon Master
GM, 136 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 14:03
  • msg #18

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr inspects the wall and because it is stone he figures it would be easy enough to climb, or as easy as one can expect for a vertical surface and no aid ropes.

This would let them climb directly up to the battlements if they go to the area just to the left or right of the door.

OOC: DC 15 athletics checks to climb.

As for the main door Yarr spies that there are plenty of signs of forced entry over the years. There are claw marks clawing at the door frame and there are plenty of damage near the bolt locks showing how entry was forced a long time ago.

After careful inspection Yarr comes to the conclusion that the open door is unlocked.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 76 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 17:59
  • msg #19

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"I see we go in the front as Miss Warbal suggests. I'm not the best at climbing, though I do have some rope." Yala suggested once Yarr reported back.
Cleric, 22 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 20:28
  • msg #20

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Still stoking the cat gently Arnellia speaks her agreement with Yalandlara and asks Ma’am Warbal,

“I agree Yalandlara the front door may be best. Those other entrances look steep and difficult to climb. I recall climbing mount craagdoon in the five kingdoms once long ago and would not want to attempt those entrances without a day to prepare. Ma’am Warbal do you think we have time to make a proper camp and bind the injuries of our companions properly, or is it imperative we rush in straight away unprepared?”
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 29 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 21:22
  • msg #21

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius listened carefully to everything being presented, becoming visibly upset towards the end. "Do we honestly have no means with which to heal. Arnelia, you mentioned before that you are a cleric, yes? Does your god not trust you with healing magics? I am an archaeologist by trade. Gaining access to old structures where one is often not wanted is literally what I do. To leave me in the rear with my bow is a complete waste of my skills, much as leaving Maersk here to tend the camp while a fight is going on would be.

Moreover, I am something of an expert on the architectural style used by the Hellknight's in the construction of their bastions such as Citadel Altaerein before us. Aside from those such as Warbal here who has been inside, I know this place better than anyone. If anyone is going to scout ahead, I should be amongst that group."

Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 85 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 21:57
  • msg #22

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr reports back, looking a little scuffed from his failure to get up the wall.

"Ah'm terrible at climbin' apparently. The door doesn't seem to be locked though."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:58, Thu 20 Aug 2020.
Cleric, 23 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 21:58
  • msg #23

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Arnellia turns to Sularius and takes appraisal of the 6ft elf with rugged looks, blond locks, and green eyes. Appraisal of worth in his of injured state with poorly wrapped bandages already becoming stained with blood, then she smiles still stroking Jasmine and responds from her sitting position,

"Oh the eagerness of youth.. You are still grievously injured and yes I could call upon the divine to heal your wounds and then with all the blessings granted by the stars wasted when it was not necessary I could follow you all blindly into the keep. There to witness of your death, at the behest of some foul beast that has forced the Bramblebrashers to light the signal fire. Or if you wait and have the patience for but an hour I will see you right before we enter at our full strength and capabilities, to SAVE the bramblebrashers rather than die trying. For now it is best you sit and let your wounds be attended too. If Ma'am Warbal deems it necessary we rush headlong into the maws of death to save her kin. I will take her concerns into account as she and the council are the patrons of this venture after all. Perhaps Yarr and Meark could scout the outer edeges futher to see if there is a reason for us to rush to our final deaths becoming one with the stars, or if you wish we can all vote on rushing straight in for me it is lets hold off an hour, prepare this base camp properly so that Ma'am Warbal is safe and we have a fortified retreat position. Then once that is done and you are all bandaged up we enter the keep."

Arnellia is old and wise she looks poiniently at the poorly fortified camp really just some blankets on the ground as after arriving her most people were scouting the keep or getting bandaged up so nothing has been done to secure their location.

With out some significant sign of danger to the bramblbrashers (A scream or cry from the keep. I figure we are close enough to hear something.), or a direct instruction from the patrons of this, or a group vote to venture further into danger Arnellia is very hesitant to waste her limited magics so flippantly.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 86 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 22:11
  • msg #24

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Wait, why are ye lot arguing about healing? Only one of us still needs healin' badly. Ye don't have enough magic to spare one spell?"

Yarr shakes his head.

"Either way we've got two options this way in. The front door or climbing straight up to the from the ground. I've been 'aving trouble gettin' footing on the wall, but fallin' dun hurt me too bad. I could keep at it all day and not be too badly hurt. What's yer thoughts? I could try to give the wall another go pretty safely and could just poke my 'ead over the wall to check on 'em. Hell the wall ain't that high we could prolly throw up a message or a grappling hook now that I think about it."
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 77 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 22:22
  • msg #25

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"We will wait a little longer, then Arnellia can take one more look at Sularius wounds. After that, we press forward, because we can hesitate no longer. Fair?" Yalandlara said, pointedly. "And as Arnellia said, we should save her spells for when we are inside. We might need them in there, and until we hear screams we should be able to assume the Bramblebrashers are not in dire straits yet. One more hour should not hurt, but no more. At that point, we waste the spell and hope for the best is we cannot patch him up enough."

"Yup, she's laying down some law. Think I'm going to hang with Yarr for a bit." Jasmine said as she suddenly moved towards Yarr, gaining a glowering look from Yala.

[OOC: With that said, it'll be two hours before we go in. First hour, Treat Wounds and set up camp. Second hour, second round of treat wounds. Then we waste the spell and move in regardless.]
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 30 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 22:45
  • msg #26

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius sighs and shakes his head, "I have seen many winters priestess, I would hazard at least as many as you, so save you condescension for those actually younger than you. And I believe the plan was not for all of us to blindly wander into the keep, but rather for the two of us," he says with a glance in Yarr's direction, "to stealthily enter the citadel and gather what intelligence we could before returning to formulate a more sound plan."

He shrugs, "I suppose we could wait another hour or two, or perhaps five. But what we do know is the traitor and the sellsword were seen coming this way, and since they likely know that we defeated the mephits, they will likely also surmise that we will be coming here. The longer we wait, the longer they have to prepare whatever forces are inside for our eventual ingress."
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 87 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 22:53
  • msg #27

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"No now Sul. It's a very sound plan to wait another thirty minutes to an hour to climb up 30ft to where we know the goblins are on the battlements or throw a note tied to a rock up there. We could get hurt by whatever's not killing them right now and need one spell."

Yarr crosses his arms.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:54, Thu 20 Aug 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 79 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 22:55
  • msg #28

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"I hate to say it, they had plenty of time for that already. All the time we took escaping the fire, putting out the fire, and tending to the townfolks." Yala looks at the building a moment. "You said you know a lot about this keep. Why would they be interested in it? I mean honestly, when the Hellknight's cleared out they would have taken everything with them, right? So what in your studies makes this Keep special? Anything? Why attack the Gathering, the Council, over broken down rocks and the Bramblebasher's?"

"Also, I do not think we should split up to much." Yala said flatly.

"Hmm...  A note. Good idea. How's your throwing arm Yarr?" She asked curiously.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:56, Thu 20 Aug 2020.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 88 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 23:08
  • msg #29

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr turns to Maerk, "Probably not as good as Maerk's. He could just throw a note or grappling hook up there and it should be easy peasy to get up to em. Don't know why we're waiting. They be right there."
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 80 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 23:15
  • msg #30

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"I have rope, but no grappling hook. Also, if we go in there, and find something big and nasty, get in a fight with it, do you want to do it without healing? Remember Miss Warbal said there are other monster's in there the Bramblebrasher's stay away from." Yalandlara said to him quietly. "Come on. You, me, and Maerk will toss a couple note's up on the battlements while we wait for Arnellia to tend to Sularius. That can serve two things, let us know they are okay, or let us know where our query is and allow us to ask Miss Warbal what might be in that area if she knows. Because something about this...just does not smell right."
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 91 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 00:09
  • msg #31

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr pulls out a grappling hook.

"If there be something dangerous up there where they be that just means we can't wait because they are in danger. Notes be fine though. Sorry I be snippy. I'm just worried for the goblins. We don't tend to get outsiders involved in minor things and these be calling for elp. Notes are good enough. I kin write serveral kinds of goblin. The written kind and the pictures for those tribes like me old un that are still afraid of written word."

Yarr sighs, Me old tribe thought books were toe unting demons because a while back a cheiftain dropped one on is foot."

Yarr looks to their guide, "Yer tribe read?"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:11, Fri 21 Aug 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 83 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 00:40
  • msg #32

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"I'm worried for them too Yarr, but we serve them no good dead." She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and kneeled in front of him. "We will make sure they are okay, and we will save them if they are in trouble. I promise."

"We'll toss some notes up and over first, see what happens." She said as she waited for Warbal's answer too.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:41, Fri 21 Aug 2020.
Cleric, 26 posts
Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 00:53
  • msg #33

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Like a dancer Arnellia rises from where she is stroking jasmine raising herself to her full 5’5” in height she lithely moves across to Yarr, and placing a delicate hand on his shoulder says,

“I see your concern for the brumblebashers and it is admirable. Could I suggest then you go climb the walls and observe with Maerk as a spotter, if The situation is dire you can signal us and I will immediately ask for a divine blessing to be given to Sul and we will all hurry to your aid.”

She leaves that idea hanging as she struts across to Sul and pokes a finger into his chest saying,

“You on the other hand, should not be exerting your self in this condition, I will have none of it. And Don’t be looking at me with that childish look of wonderment when you know I am right. Help putt the camp a rights or make your self useful fetching wood and when that is done I will have another look at your wounds. If at that time I need to call upon the power of my goddess I will ok...
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 92 posts
Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 01:17
  • [deleted]
  • msg #34

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

This message was deleted by the player at 01:17, Fri 21 Aug 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 139 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 04:02
  • msg #35

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Just as a reminder besides the front door there are 4 other holes in the walls that lead into the wings.

Climbing the wall will let you bypass the entry foyer and the courtyard to get to the battlements. That may be worth it but just making sure everyone understands there isn't a second floor to the citadel. It's just the main floor and then battlements.
Fighter, 28 posts
Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 05:41
  • msg #36

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Maerk looked over each time his name was mentioned, nodded briefly to acknowledge that he was ready to move on the citadel whenever the group was sorted. His grasp on the Taldane language was not the strongest, and these folks were speaking very rapidly with a mixture of accents and cadences. He seemed to catch the gist of the discussion if not the intricacies of what was being discussed. It mattered little. His talents were particular and mostly violent, and he preferred it that way.

Maerk busied himself with the preparations of the camp. Often the success or failure of a campaign could be attributed to the ability to safely rest, re-arm and recoup after a rough go on the battle field. Should they need the camp, they'd find it ready.
Cleric, 33 posts
Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 22:11
  • msg #37

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

After the camp is readied Arnellia moves across to Sul and says to Yalandlara,
 “Yalandlara can you sort Nez while I treat Sul?
She then unwraps Sul’s blood soaked bandage, re-cleans the wound. Stitching it closed she rewraps It with fresh bandages. Sul soon finds it feels good and he has full functionality back.

07:59, Today: Arnellia rolled 27 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 20.  Healing Sul.
 08:02, Today: Arnellia rolled 15 using 4d8 with rolls of 1,5,2,7.  Critical treat wounds.

If Yalandlara succeeds that should be everyone healed accept Yarr Who will have one hp dmg

This message was last edited by the player at 22:14, Mon 24 Aug 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 96 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 02:53
  • msg #38

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Sure!" She said with a simple nod, then moved to treat Nez once more.

[OOC: 22:48, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 21 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 14.  Treat Wounds on Nez.

22:53, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 11 using 2d8 with rolls of 5,6.  Treat Wounds HP.

Nez regains 11 HP's.

Darn, missed a critical success by a couple. Still, a regular success should be good enough.]

Dungeon Master
GM, 141 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 13:15
  • msg #39

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

OOC: Updated HP

Elapsed time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Before anyone questions this I went back through the thread once already and this is what I got and I am not going over it again. No matter what happened before, this is the new official HP count as directed by the Gods of Keeping The Game Moving

Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 107 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 15:06
  • msg #40

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr brushes his clothes off as he stands, "Right, now that yer all done saving your healing spells lets get in there and save some people. I'll scout a room ahead with Sul, bein' careful to backtrack te the group if'n we encounter anything. If we're lucky the blightin' ars'nist hasn't burned anything else down."

Stealth to Front Door: 9
Take the time to open door very carefully once everyone is in position.
Perception into room: 22 (ignore the result in the dice roller I forgot to change my modifier, this is the correct total.

This message was last edited by the player at 20:35, Tue 25 Aug 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 101 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 21:33
  • msg #41

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"We'll stay close. And be careful you to. You see something, come right back and report it, okay? And if you can't, yell for help, we'll rush up and help." Yalandlara said with a smile and a nod.
Dungeon Master
GM, 143 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 23:20
  • msg #42

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The door opens with a loud audible creak. Yarr only pushed it for a second but that was enough for a sharp sound to pierce the otherwise silent air and echo through the chamber beyond.

OOC: Let me know if you want to keep pushing it open or not.
Cleric, 36 posts
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 03:47
  • msg #43

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 42):

Arnellia stays at 30’ ft from Yarr and Sul as the open the door and enter ready to cast at a moment’s notice.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 108 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 04:00
  • msg #44

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

OOC: Do I see anything through the crack with my rolled perception from my last post?

Yarr motions to Sul and then to his ear, leaning closer to the cracked door and listening to see if anything stirred from the noise. Seemingly he wants Sul to listen for something as well.

Listening: 17
This message was last edited by the player at 04:01, Wed 26 Aug 2020.
Fighter, 30 posts
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 05:33
  • msg #45

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The tall warrior trod the path with confidence. His battered shield swung at his side, strapped to his massive forearm which bore the scars of each failed deflection, reminders of lessons learned. In the other hand, a massive paw, scarred as well, was a worn longsword stained with the blood of many foes. Upon his head was a tarnished and dented helm which turned to his left and right with wary intent.

Maerk knew his place in this hodge-podge entourage, and when the time came, he would unleash a very primal sort of violence.

Marching alongside Arnellia
Cleric, 37 posts
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 06:27
  • msg #46

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Dressed in the lightest of pale blue veils and shirt with stars stitched into the light fabric her blooming BLUE SILK Dijin pants see through leaving little to the imagination. Arnellia knew how under dressed she was for adventuring. She carried a dark Cloke in her satchel by her side and healers tools and components in a bandolier across her chest. At her belt was a pouch filled with sling bullets and a dagger. On her hip a rapier she had no clue why she bought it she couldn't even use the thing she though tit was pretty she guessed. In her hand a sling was ready for use. With so little armor she felt safer having the big man prone to violence walking confidently next to her.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:11, Wed 26 Aug 2020.
Sorcerer, 53 posts
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 11:22
  • msg #47

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Well, I guess we're going to do this, just like adventurers in stories.  Suddenly this all seems real to Nezaglomie, where before she was just reacting to events.  She followed along behind the huge warrior Maerk and the healer Arnellia, keeping more watch to any threat coming from the sides than to what is in front.  Since her head barely reached his thighs, she couldn't see much in that direction, anyway.
Dungeon Master
GM, 144 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 13:06
  • msg #48

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The room beyond the crack in the door is quite large and from that angle Yarr doesn't see or hear anything. Maybe the next room is empty but that creak would have echoed through quite a few rooms.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 102 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 20:31
  • msg #49

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Nez, can you use your spell to give this to one of them? It will halp them with finding traps." She hands her a potion, after attaching a note on it that says 'to help find traps, last 1 hour'.
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 32 posts
Wed 26 Aug 2020
at 22:06
  • msg #50

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius cringes at the sound of the door creaking, but when nothing immediately attacked them he took a deep calming breath. "Maybe we should consider one of the other entrances, where the walls are caved in," he says quietly to the goblin next to him. "At a minimum, scouting them out might give time to whomever might have heard that squeak to lower their guard."
Sorcerer, 54 posts
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 00:04
  • msg #51

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Za whispers back, "Yalandlara, I'd be glad to, but Prestidigitation has only a 10 foot range.  I could go 30 feet with Telekinetic Projectile, if you think that smashing the bottle against him will help."

I'm assuming that they are farther away than that.  If 10 feet would reach them, then I'll go ahead and do it.

Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 103 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 00:29
  • msg #52

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

That actually caused Yalandlara to chuckle a bit. "No, no. They'd have to drink it. They it would be a bit funny to see their reaction, this is neither the time nor place." Then she looked towards a moment. "By the way, you may call me Yala if you wish. It's fine."

She then looked towards Jasmine. "You're turn my small furry friend. Take this to them. You don't need to tell them what it is, the note will." She then passed it to Jasmine, to carry in her mouth. "And be careful with it."

With that and a small vile with a note attached in her mouth Jasmine makes her way towards Sul and Yarr. Once there, she looks at the two of them, pawing at one.
Cleric, 38 posts
Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 06:53
  • msg #53

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Pssssssst... hey Yarr, Sul.. ppppsssssstttt! You guys going in or not?"

Arnellia gestures with her hands that the 2 should move on..

"I'll be right behind you."

She says with a wink and a smile.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 110 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 07:30
  • msg #54

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr jumps a little when the cat delivers the potion, but gives it a little pat and takes the offering.

He then holds his finger up to the group for them to wait a moment.

Since nothing seems to come out he readies his sword in hand and swings the door open, proceeding in.

Stealth 15
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 106 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 07:58
  • msg #55

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The cat purrs at the pat's, then head's back to Yala.

[OOC: I forgot to mention, that beside's the +1 the Perception, and the +2 to find traps and secret doors, it lasts for a full hour Yarr. So you'll have those benefit's for a ood while.]
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 33 posts
Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 14:19
  • msg #56

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius sighs and shakes his head in resignation, turning back for a moment to glare at Arnelia; it seemed that now she was in a hurry. Apparently he was the only experienced enough to realize that maybe going through the front door was perhaps not the best plan, especially when there were obvious, less direct means of entry they'd already identified.

Shrugging he follows Yarr in, focusing more on keeping an eye out for problems than maintaining whatever element of surprise they'd lost with the squeaking of the door.

09:17, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 24 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 17.  Perception.
09:16, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 8 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 1.  Stealth.

This message was last edited by the player at 19:30, Sat 29 Aug 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 146 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 19:24
  • msg #57

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The large room beyond the doors is a cluttered amalgamation of a formal receiving parlor and a ruined husk. Dented, rusted, and otherwise ruined suits of outdated Hellknight armor line the north and south walls; each display is leaning or entirely tipped over and missing its helmet, gauntlets, boots, or other pieces, likely from looters. Broken furniture is scattered about the area, as are what look like the half-chewed carcasses of several small prey animals. A wide but dirty stretch of black carpet leads to two large doors, one to the northwest and one to the southwest. According to Warble these doors should both lead to the courtyard and the stairs leading up to the battlements and down to the Bramblebrasher lair.

Scuffs on the walls indicate where valuable paintings or framed documents once hung. Prominently displayed on each wall is a seal depicting a sunburst made of nails, carved in relief and identical to the one above the front doors to this area. Toward the ceiling, running the length of each wall, is the same motto, but this time presented in matching lines of Common and Infernal: “Savagery must be quelled in the land, home, and mind.”

As the party enters they here shuffling and the snarling as three large canine-like creatures are arrayed around the room, jagged teeth bared. These are not ordinary dogs, however, as snouts are blunted, their ears thin and large and their teeth have very pronounced incisor teeth.

Round 1
25Arnellia1510/13Rapier +51d6-
23Rabid Dog? #117HealthyJaws +91d6+3-
21Nezaglomie1415/15Flames +71d4+4-
20Yarr1821/21Dogslicer +71d6+2Eagle Eyes
14Sularius1814/14Rapier +71d6+4-
11Rabid Dog? #317HealthyJaws +91d6+3-
7Rabid Dog? #217HealthyJaws +91d6+3-
7Maerk1820/20Longsword +91d8+4-
5Yalandlara1714/14ECB +51d8+1-

*Eagle Eyes - +1 Perception, +2 to find traps or secret doors

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Sorcerer, 55 posts
Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 03:12
  • msg #58

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

22:02, Today: Nezaglomie rolled 15,7 using d20+7,d4+4.  Produce Flame at closest dog.

Nezaglomie gasps when she hears the snarling dogs. "Stay!" she shouts, not really expecting it to work.  Since it doesn't, she casts Produce Flame, causing a small ball of fire to appear in her hand and fly towards the nearest dog.  Unfortunately, the canine dodges just in time, and the flame splatters harmlessly on a ruined piece of armor behind the creature.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 109 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 04:57
  • msg #59

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Wait don't attack them! Try giving them something," Yalandlara called out as she watched the fire propel outward!

[Orange: I go so low in the init, I can't do much more than advise ATM. lol]
Cleric, 41 posts
Sun 30 Aug 2020
at 09:42
  • msg #60

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

“Ooooh, what are those ugly things I’m not going near them. Perhaps this is more a task for you strong gentlemen. “

Arnellia stays where she is, letting the others act.

OOC: Delay action until after Yarr and Sul.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:56, Mon 31 Aug 2020.
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 35 posts
Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 21:13
  • msg #61

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius took a moment to calm his nerves, aided by the fact that there were people between himself and the rabid looking do creatures, and tried to ascertain what these creatures were, and if there might be a way to pacify them without needing to kill them. Finally, he draws his bow and prepares to fight if necessary.

Recall Knowledge (Nature): 23
Command Animal?: 9

Not sure if both rolls are needed, or if I could just command animal on the first roll, but I'm assuming I need to at least know what these things are first.

16:09, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 23 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 18.  Nature.
16:10, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 9 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 4.  Command Animal.

Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 114 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 22:07
  • msg #62

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"These are goblin dogs. Likely the goblins'."

Yarr pulls out a ration and holds it out as he stops trying to hide.

"Nilbog ni sgod eht erussaer ot tpmetta I."

OOC Fetch ration from pack and make Nature check to reassure the dogs in goblin. Raising shield if I have enough actions.

Rolled 19 on the die for a trained total 21. Not including any modifiers for the snack or using goblin.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:06, Tue 01 Sept 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 112 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Mon 31 Aug 2020
at 22:47
  • msg #63

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yalandlara will hold where she is for now, waiting to see how the dog's react to Yarr's offering, and allowing Jasmine to reassume her position on her shouldings.

[Delaying to see what happens. Yarr and the Dogg's go way before me in the init, so I need to see what happen's with that before I act. I mean honestly, everyone's before me in the init, soooo. lol]
Fighter, 33 posts
Tue 1 Sep 2020
at 05:13
  • msg #64

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Maerk didn't quite like their formation. He raised his shield and lifted his sword. If the rabid creatures attacked, the first to come within his reach would taste steel!

A1: Raise Shield
A2: Stride (if necessary depending on how things go, either inside the hall and to the right of the door [T,24], or Step back to [T,25] if they rush...
A3: Ready a Strike

Dungeon Master
GM, 151 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 23:09
  • msg #65

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The dogs seem to relax visibly seeing a goblin at the forefront of the group and when Yarr tosses them a ration they snatch at it without hesitation. They start to growl and snap at one another over crumbs and pieces but the don't seem to take offense to the party crossing into the room anymore.

OOC: Mechanically the food shifts them to Indifferent

As Yarr calls out to them they bark and start wagging their tails. These goblin doggos are definitely good boys, but they are still hungry judging by how they start circling close to Yarr and barking at him. If the group could procure some actual meat they might be able to actually befriend the dogs. Otherwise the dogs seem happy enough to let the group explore and pass unmolsted.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 114 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 23:30
  • msg #66

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Glad we avoided that." Yalandlara said softly as she made her way up. "They look hungary still, I have more rations, or do they eat something else Yarr?"
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 117 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Wed 2 Sep 2020
at 23:41
  • msg #67

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"They'd likely prefer undried meat, but sum rations outta help a bit at leas'. There be jerky in summa the good 'uns you kin buy. Pass it 'ere or toss it to 'em though. Mos folk get right ruffled by these things dander. I kin teach you some simple words in goblin that might be good fer makin' nice with 'em as well."

Yarr goes through a few commands and words. Enough for the party to know how to praise, scold, call, and tell the things to stay put.

"If'n we get these likin' us a bit more with sum meat or enough food, they'd be a big 'elp."
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 115 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 3 Sep 2020
at 00:06
  • msg #68

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yala reached into her pack and pulled out another ration for the pups. [Language unknown: "Taio wasei, E and thwil ho risi adnde."] She was clearly speaking in pretty good goblin.

"Miss Warbal taught me how to speak goblin awhile back. I'm sure we can get some squirrel or rabbit for them, they are pretty common in the woods around here." Yala said in thought, clearly liking Yarr's idea.
Fighter, 35 posts
Thu 3 Sep 2020
at 13:39
  • msg #69

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Maerk distrusted the creatures. "When they end the eat, then what?"

He kept his shield and weapons at the ready. He didn't like leaving an enemy, or a potential enemy at his back. Men were one thing, but savage animals were quite something else.

He motioned with a jerk of his hairy chin that they should proceed.
Sorcerer, 58 posts
Thu 3 Sep 2020
at 15:49
  • msg #70

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Nezaglomie also pulls out a ration and feeds it to the pups.  She copies the words Yarr and Yalandara have said to the dogs, probably butchering the pronunciation some.  One of the dogs comes close and she gives it a good scratching.
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 37 posts
Sat 5 Sep 2020
at 00:52
  • msg #71

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius pulls some food from his rations and kneels down holding the food out. Calmly he does his best to repeat the word Yarr said was for praising the creatures reaching out to pet one if it allows him to.

19:50, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 24 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 19.  Nature.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 119 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 03:14
  • msg #72

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Well. Looks like they be right picky ones. maybe if we kill a monster er summun in ear we kin toss 'em some fresh meat an' get um moving. Which we should be doin'. Back to scoutin'."

Yarr heads cautiously forward along the wall.

Stealth 23
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 117 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 23:14
  • msg #73

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Agreed. We can search the room later, though lets see if there is anything magical in here first. Anyone have a detect magic?" Yala asked the other's.

"Also, Sularius, would you like a potion like Yarr took? I have one left." She offered him.
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 39 posts
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 23:29
  • msg #74

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius glances Yalandlara and nods at the offer of the potion, "I'll quickly check to see if there is any magic in here, and then follow behind Yarr."

Casting Detect Magic

Then sneaking with Yarr

18:29, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 21 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 14.  Stealth.

Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 118 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 23:36
  • msg #75

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

She hands Sularius the potion. "Same as his, makes it better to notice things, and even better to see traps and secret doors. Only works for an hour but that's an hour our scout's are even better." She said with a nod.

[OOC: Like with Yarr, Sularius you'll have +1 to overall Perception, and +2 to find traps and secret doors, it lasts for a full hour. So you'll have those benefit's for a good while.]
Dungeon Master
GM, 155 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 18:06
  • msg #76

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

There doesn't seem to be anything magical in the foyer.

Pressing forward the next door opens without a loud squeak and reveals a narrow corridor that stretches around the octagonal center of the keep, and is divided into segments by doors leading through this level of the towers or into interior rooms. Here and there, a few remaining paintings of dour-faced Hellknights still grace the walls between high, narrow windows that let in limited light.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 122 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 18:31
  • msg #77

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr motions and then makes his way left to the south side of the keep, keeping his eyes and ears sharp.

Stealth if I need to reroll 24
Perception 16, 17 if a trap or secret door is afoot

Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 40 posts
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 03:37
  • msg #78

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius drinks the potion given to him by Yalandlara and then quietly follows closely behind Yarr, keeping his eyes open for trouble.

Following 10' behind Yarr

Stealth: 21 (from previous roll)
Perception: 18, 19 for traps

22:35, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 18 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 10.  Perception.

Fighter, 37 posts
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 04:21
  • msg #79

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

There arose a temptation within the hulking warrior to throw back his head and issue to the challenge to any and all within the ruined keep. Let the enemy come to them and meet their doom!

Amazingly, Maerk resisted, for now.

"Doors make little difference to Maerk," Maerk said quietly, though it was unclear if he meant that doors were merely an obstructional annoyance to him, or something else.

He followed Sularius through the door, weapon and shield at the ready.
Dungeon Master
GM, 158 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 20:53
  • msg #80

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr opens the door revealing a small defensive chokepoint with two other doors inside, one leading west and the other south. Both doors have been left open allowing the group to see that the Southern door leads to a hallway that curves out of sight and the West door leads to yet another door, also shut.

According to Warble's directions the group should keep heading West to reach the battlements.
Cleric, 46 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 01:09
  • msg #81

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Arnellia skirts the dogs making a face at the foul creatures saying,

"Eeeww what ugly creatures are you saying these are pets yarr? I guess they would make fearsome looking guards I guess..."

Her coments fade as she realises the group is getting ahead of her and she hurries to catch up almost bumping into Maerk to get back to her position in the group.

"They don't look like they used to have much fun."

She whispers to Maerk looking up at the dour faced hell knights.

"What happened do you think whey did they just leave all this here? Are we heading west?"

Arnellia says nervously as she looks about.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 119 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 02:08
  • msg #82

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yalandlara continues to follow the others as the continue through the fortress. She considered the remaining potions for a moment, and stayed back where she was as they followed Lady Warbal's directions.
Sorcerer, 60 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 02:10
  • msg #83

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Nezaglomie stays close behind Maerk.  The big man's bulk is oddly a comfort, even though she sometimes thinks he is a giant.
Fighter, 39 posts
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 05:02
  • msg #84

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Maerk seemed unperturbed by the proximity of the smaller members of the party as they drew close. He simply needed room to swing his battered blade and maneuver the dilapidated shield he bore with seeming ease. He waited for the companions at the fore to make their decision towards progress of their goal.

The tall warrior shrugged at Arnellia's question. "Maybe they go to war, break their shields, not come back." It seemed the most plausible to Maerk, considering his own experience as a mercenary. War was a terrible, horrific thing, many were they who would never darken the doors of home an hearth ever again. "War takes, seldom gives, and never ends..."
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 121 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 05:40
  • msg #85

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"They moved I think. Someone that knows more would have to answer that, but they picked up most of their stuff and moved. Least thats the story." Yalandlara answered both Arnellia and Maerk.
Dungeon Master
GM, 161 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 20:51
  • msg #86

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

OOC: West or South?
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 124 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 20:55
  • msg #87

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr heads west towards the battlements, stopping to listen at the door and check for traps before going in.

Natural 20 total 25
Dungeon Master
GM, 162 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 21:10
  • msg #88

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Moving into the next area reveals several things. To the South is a large dais with stadium-style benches behind it. Garbage litters what was once pristine floors.

To the west is yet another door identical to the one they just opened and presumably leads to another hallway that encircles the central courtyard.

To the North is a large iron gate through which the party can see the central courtyard. From the courtyard is a series of barking growls and claws scratching on stone. In addition there are some high pitched voices that seem to be talking excitedly although it is difficult to understand what they are saying, or even what language they're speaking in due to the noise from whatever is barking and clawing.

The gate is set into the wall a ways so even pressing one's face against the grate won't show who or what is making all that noise. The only way to find out is to open the gate and heard into the courtyard.

In addition there are two other doors to the West and another door to the East near the dais and benches.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:14, Mon 14 Sept 2020.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 125 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Mon 14 Sep 2020
at 21:59
  • msg #89

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr motions to the door heading towards the center of the castle and speaks quietly to the group, "The battlements be right o'er the front door. So I figure most sensible place to make the access would be summere dis ways. it be in the core of the place and this would circle around a round tower right well wudnit?"

If there are no objections Yarr moves to the door stealthily.

Stealth 12, Perception 13 if i need new of either
This message was last edited by the player at 04:02, Tue 15 Sept 2020.
Sorcerer, 61 posts
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 00:49
  • msg #90

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Nezaglomie stands 15 feet from the door, at the best angle to see through it as soon as it opens even a crack.  She readies some flame in her mind, and nods at Yarr.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:31, Tue 15 Sept 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 123 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 03:54
  • msg #91

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Go for it Yarr. If you see anything, let us know. I have a couple bomb's left, just in case, and a couple antidote." She said softly, staying a bit back from them still but finally pulling out her Elven Curved Blade just in case.
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 41 posts
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 22:05
  • msg #92

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sualrius takes up a position behind Yarr and draws his bow, ready to fire if they are attacked.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 127 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 22:11
  • msg #93

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr will open the door once everyone has their weapons out and signals ready.

Stealth 19, Perception 10
Dungeon Master
GM, 164 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 20:59
  • msg #94

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

A short flight of stairs leads down to an open-air courtyard surrounded by imposing octagonal walls, while a heavy iron gate separates it from the halls to the south. A few errant milkweeds and tufts of crabgrass protrude from the cracked cobblestone flooring. The ground to the west is sunken in, creating a natural pool of rainwater. To the north, the battlements above have partially collapsed into a huge mound of stone and wooden rubble, under which some sort of reptilian creature seems to have been crushed. The top half of a flight of wooden stairs rises up to the battlements above the collapsed section of the walls; broken plants from the bottom half lie amid the rubble below. A thick rope has been affixed via a grappling hook to the lower portion of the stairs, dangling down to within a few feet of the top of the rubble pile.

The desperate shouts and barking growls continue here, but now their sources are obvious. The shouts come from the battlements above, where a few goblins and a halfling man holding another goblin at knifepoint can be seen. The man seems to be threatening the goblins, while the goblins look like they’re pleading for mercy. The source of the growling is of greater concern for it comes from a large, draconic beast not far away at ground level, roaring at the delicious but inaccessible prey above!

<orange>OOC: Neither the reptile nor the goblins nor halfling have noticed you so you're not in intiative order yet
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 42 posts
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 21:43
  • msg #95

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius taps on Yarr's shoulder and motions for him to step back for a moment before they're seen. Assuming he does, Sularius steps back enough to ensure his whisper won't carry through the doorway, "To state the obvious, that stairway collapse is pretty recent, probably the only way they had to kill that creature. The one growling, and probably the dead one too, is a grauladon, a dragon and crocodile mix that is way out of its natural habitat here. It can breath a cloud of noxious gas that will sicken you, so we need to spread out as much as possible and kill it quickly. Then we can deal with what's going on up above."

16:51, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 12 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 6.  Dragon Lore.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:52, Thu 17 Sept 2020.
Sorcerer, 63 posts
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 22:01
  • msg #96

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Why would we need to kill it?  It is probably just hungry and confused, being out of its natural environment.  If this is part dragon, then it has nobility; we can't just attack it like we would a rabid dog."  However, in spite of her words, she keeps a sharp eye on the lizard, knowing how dangerous they can be.  Za glances up at the halfling and goblins, "It is obvious what has happened up there:  The goblins attacked that poor halfling, but like a hero he managed to turn the tables on them."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 22:03, Thu 17 Sept 2020.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 129 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 23:15
  • msg #97

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr rolls his eyes, "Anyone that's not busy making up excuses to kill the people we all came here to save, cover me. I'll sneak in and get some attention on me to try to get it away from the wall so we can flank it and at least knock it out. That crocodile nobility is surely going to try and eat me.  Neza kindly don't take its side when it comes after me and while your working on that keep one eye on that halfling."

Yarr gives everyone a moment to adjust to his plan and be ready to go before doing so. If Sularius also wants to sneak in he'll wait to draw attention until Sul is in. Yarr keeps his shield up as he sneaks and tries to make it to center of the left wall.

Stealth 13

If he's spotted by it or everyone's ready Yarr shouts up at the battlements the name of the arsonist they chased to castle, making a sensible guess that a fleeing criminal running into goblin turf might take a hostage, "Hey Calmont! Put the knife down!"

If the halfling reflexively turns, Yarr will have proven his point.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:16, Thu 17 Sept 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 124 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 01:10
  • msg #98

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"That poor halfling is the one that just tried to kill us all. So if you want to go save him, be my guest. Me on the other hand, I'm completing our task. Save the goblins, take the hafling back." She stated flatly to Nezaglomie. "Or did you forget?"

Then she looked at the Graludon. "And he's right. Not all dragon's are noble. While they all are majestic, many are also cruel and sadistic. There is nothing noble about that."

Then like Yarr, she looked up to Calmont. If it's clear that Yarr is spotted she will mimic him. "Calmont unhand that Goblin and drop the knife! Come with us peacefully and you will not be harmed, I promise!" Then after she yelled that, she said to herself. "Much."

[OOC: 21:10, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 15 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 10.  Diplomacy.

Had to try the nice approach.]

This message was last edited by the player at 01:24, Fri 18 Sept 2020.
Cleric, 49 posts
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 09:29
  • msg #99

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Oh my that is huge, what type of creature is that thing... Oh no don't shout you'll let it know we're here!? Oooh to late."

Whispers Arnellia eyeing the beast warily her eyes going wide as Yalandlara shouts out at the halfling.

"Oh no best get ready mighty Maerk. If Lara keeps shouting like that you will soon have a chance to test your masterful weapon skill upon."

Arnellia steps forward on to the steps, readying her most powerful spell.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:14, Sat 19 Sept 2020.
Cleric, 51 posts
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 19:21
  • msg #100

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Before the beast can be drawn to them she summons a large shard of ice and hurls it at the creature, then dashes back behind the group.

"Uh oh, I think I just made it angry!"

trying to take advantage of a surprise round with winter bolt only to just piss the creature off by  the looks of it everyone ready to run.


05:16, Today: Arnellia rolled 12 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 5.  spell attack winterbolt.

Cast[two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature or object
You fling a hollow icicle filled with winter’s wrath. Make a
spell attack against a target within range. The bolt deals
1d8 piercing damage and lodges in the target. At the end of
the target’s next turn, the bolt shatters, releasing a whirl of
snow and ice that deals 1d12 cold damage to the target and all
adjacent creatures. The bolt can be removed with an Interact
action, which causes it to melt harmlessly without detonating.
Critical Success The initial bolt deals full damage and is
especially well anchored, taking 2 Interact actions to
remove. The bolt’s explosion deals double damage.
Success The bolt and its explosion deal full damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 19:21, Sat 19 Sept 2020.
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 45 posts
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 04:48
  • msg #101

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

With the grauladon hopefully distracted by Yarr and then Arnelia, Sularius takes the opportunity to launch a surprise attack at the creature, but seems equally distracted and misses the creature completely.

Well, that was lovely, are there critical misses in 2e? Can't seem to find anything about it.

23:44, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 8 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 1.  Shoot grauladon.

Fighter, 43 posts
Tue 22 Sep 2020
at 04:23
  • msg #102

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Maerk grunted and strode forward down the steps, readying his shield and sword. His objective was to provide protection for his companions who were attempting to persuade or otherwise convince their foes to give up their on their own current plans.

The tall warrior felt something strange in the pit of his stomach. It might have been a touch of fear, though the big man's thoughts were more centered on how the monster's tail would taste after he spitted it over their campfire.

A1: Stride 25' to W,10
A2: Raise Shield
A3: Ready Strike, Trigger = Dracodile enters melee range

Sorcerer, 64 posts
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 03:33
  • msg #103

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

A1:  Move to W8
A2&3: Cast Produce Flame
22:30, Today: Nezaglomie rolled 25,5 using d20+7,d4+4.  Produce Flame.
If that's a critical success, the target takes double damage and 1d4 persistent fire damage.

Nezaglomie sighs, "I guess we're going to provoke it.  Well, it's not a real dragon, anyway."  She moves barely in range of her Produce Flame cantrip and fires it off, hitting the creature squarely on its shoulder.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:35, Wed 23 Sept 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 170 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 18:22
  • msg #104

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

While everyone prepares themselves Yarr sneaks out into the courtyard to try and get a better look at things. Almost immediately the grauladon whips its head in his direction and lets out a snarl. It seems the element of surprise has been lost!

Sularius steps out, aims, and fires at the grauladon but misses.

The grauladon responds by charging forward at Sularius, crossing the courtyard in an ungainly flopping stride that is common with semi-aquatic creatures. It seems the nickname "dracodile" is quite fitting. It snaps its jaws at Sularius who jumps back out of the way.

With the grauladon now right by the gate Nez realizes she doesn't have to leave the corridor and in fact can put some distance between her and the beast and steps back into the auditorium before bringing forth fire and lights up the creature's back.

Arnellia as well moves into the auditorium next to Nez and lets loose with a bolt of ice but it misses and flies harmlessly over the creature's back to shatter against the far wall.

OOC: Placeholder for Yarr's action

Yala considered running out to try to talk with the halflings and goblins but with the grauladon spotting them and charging she decides on a different course.

OOC: Placeholder for Yala's action

Maerk sees the beast and knows what he must do. Raising his shield he charges in and stabs at the beast cutting a deep wound in its side.
OOC: 9 damage

Round 1
OOC: Double check everything, make sure it is accurate

27Sularius1814/14Rapier +71d6+4Eagle Eyes
20Grauladon17HurtJaws/Tail +101d12+4/1d10+4-
16Nezaglomie1415/15Flames +71d4+4-
14Arnellia1510/13Rapier +51d6-
13Yarr1821/21Dogslicer +71d6+2Eagle Eyes
11Yalandlara1714/14ECB +51d8+1-
10Maerk1820/20Longsword +91d8+4-

*Eagle Eyes - +1 Perception, +2 to find traps or secret doors

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 137 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 19:14
  • msg #105

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr curses under his breath at the other drawing the attention of the thing when that had been his own intentions. Sword in hand, it was time to show them what he could do with a real weapon. Unarmed he had been a large part in dispatching both mephits, now he would set his actual weapon to the dracodile.

From his position to the left of the room he dashes up behind it, attempting a a dynamic kickflip attack... and the creature sees him coming, leaving Yarr looking like a fool. Falling prey to the thing's response he kicks off the things attacking limb and stumbles.

Frustrated, Yarr just stabs the thing.

Action 1: Tumble Through attempt coming up from a flanking position = 11 (would trigger reaction if he takes it).
Action 2: Try again = 13 (... same as above)
Action 3: Just stab from place I came up to = 20 to hit for 7 damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 19:26, Thu 24 Sept 2020.
Sorcerer, 65 posts
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 19:30
  • msg #106

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

She is so pleased with how solidly the last flame struck, Nezaglomie starts a little victory dance.  However, this causes her to lose focus on the next flame and it flies far over the dracodile's head.  Feeling a bit chagrinned, she backs up a step or two.

A1 & 2:  Produce Flame
A3: Step back to AD 8

14:26, Today: Nezaglomie rolled 8,7 using d20+7,d4+4.  Produce Flame.

Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 132 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 19:54
  • msg #107

[Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

[Language unknown: "Liouar erme u ugh, beer whisli inunlo stancehoupro il."] She stated, frustrated she strides in taking a pairs of slashes at the dracodile with the large elven blade.

[OOC: Action 1: Stride to Z9

Action 2: Attack 1 on Dracodile
15:50, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 15,7 using 1d20+2,1d8+1 with rolls of 13,6.  Elven Curved Blade Attack 1.
Hit: AC 15
Damage: 7 Slashing

Action 3: Attack 2 on Dracodile
15:52, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 8,8 using 1d20-3,1d8+2 with rolls of 11,6.  Elven Curved Blade Attack 2.
Hit: AC 8
Damage: 8 Slashing]

Cleric, 52 posts
Fri 25 Sep 2020
at 03:35
  • msg #108

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

OOC: Double check everything, make sure it is accurate

27Sularius1814/14Rapier +71d6+4Eagle Eyes
20Grauladon17HurtJaws/Tail +101d12+4/1d10+4-
16Nezaglomie1415/15Flames +71d4+4-
14Arnellia1510/13sling +51d8Range 60’
13Yarr1821/21Dogslicer +71d6+2Eagle Eyes
11Yalandlara1714/14ECB +51d8+1-
10Maerk1820/20Longsword +91d8+4-

*Eagle Eyes - +1 Perception, +2 to find traps or secret doors

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Dungeon Master
GM, 171 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Sun 27 Sep 2020
at 05:22
  • msg #109

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Round 1 cont.
Yarr jukes left and right but the grauladon is just too big and squat for him to duck around. Still he lands a solid stab at it in the end.

In response the grauladon belches out a cloud of noxious breath, a sickening smell of rotten meat and decay.

Yarr, Maerk, and Sularius are caught in the cloud and find themselves trying to fight back from retching all over the place.
OOC: Yarr, Maerk, Sularius must make a DC 18 fortitude save or be Sickened 1 (2 on a critical fail)

Yala draws her curved blade, steps forward and takes a stab at the grauladon scouring a hit on its scaly hide.

Up on the battlements both the halfling and the goblins have all turned to watch the spectacular fight happening in the courtyard below them.

Round 2
27Sularius1814/14Rapier +71d6+4Eagle Eyes
20Grauladon17WoundedJaws/Tail +101d12+4/1d10+4-
16Nezaglomie1415/15Flames +71d4+4-
13Yarr1821/21Dogslicer +71d6+2Eagle Eyes
11Yalandlara1714/14ECB +51d8+1-
10Maerk1820/20Longsword +91d8+4-

*Eagle Eyes - +1 Perception, +2 to find traps or secret doors
*Sickened - -1 (or -2) on all checks and DCs.

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Sorcerer, 66 posts
Sun 27 Sep 2020
at 05:49
  • msg #110

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The gnome sorceress gets her focus back, and sends another ball of flame at the lizard, landing a sizzling hit on its ear.

00:46, Today: Nezaglomie rolled 22,6 using d20+7,d4+4.  Produce Flame.
A1 & 2:  Produce Flame
A3 Study the halfling.  Do I believe that he is the one who set the fires in the Heroes' Hall? 

Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 139 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Mon 28 Sep 2020
at 00:25
  • msg #111

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr staggers, not looking very good at all, and slips on some of the moisture left behind from the breath weapon. He barrels forward and nearly faceplants into the dracodile, but reflexively catches himself with one arm and cartwheels over the thing as he'd been trying to do on purpose so many times before. And this time was on purpose to. That will be his story and he will stick to it.

Now flanking the beast with his burly warrior compatriot he bares his sword into the thing with a flash of finesse, driving it home in a devastating strike and he tries to strike against with a dramatic spin. However, the beast has no appreciation for theatrics it seems, shifting at bite of his sword and Yarr is forced to change direction mid-swing, which cuts the force down. Even then it's about as solid as strike as his first of the fray.

Critically Fail Save, Sickened 2 Included in math below, treating flanking as a bonus to the relevant rolls for easier mathing:

Action 1: Tumble Through to W8 for flanking = 23.
Action 2: Attack = 24 to hit, 11 Damage.
Action 3: Confident Finisher = 14 to Hit, still does 1d6 on miss for 5 damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:41, Mon 28 Sept 2020.
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 46 posts
Mon 28 Sep 2020
at 03:31
  • msg #112

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius tries to hold back the involuntary retching that the strange creature's breath is now causing him as he gingerly takes a step away from it and then fires his bow twice, hitting it once.

Failed Fortitude Save (-1 factored into attacks)
Action 1: Step to Y6
Action 2: Shoot bow; hit AC: 24 for 5 damage
Action 3: Shoot bow; miss (hit AC: 13)

21:49, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 8 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 5.  Fortitude Save.
22:25, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 24 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 18.  Shoot Dracodile.
22:29, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 5 using 1d6 with rolls of 5.  Damage.
22:25, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 13 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 12.  Shoot Dracodile.

Cleric, 53 posts
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 18:53
  • msg #113

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Knowing that she would be useless on the front lines Arnellia slips forward, and as Maerk draws back his weapon to strike the creature she lightly touches it and calls upon the blessings of Polura,

[Language unknown: "Le loen resstinti we men lackar our saan avehasugh resortati! Oftrilpose Urisma!"]

A bolt of cold blue energy flows from her hand through Maerk and into his weapon, giving it magical properties.

1. Step forward to AA8
2. Cast magic Weapon on Maerk

Traditions arcane, divine, occult
Cast[two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range touch; Targets 1 non-magical weapon that is unattended
or wielded by you or a willing ally
Duration 1 minute
The weapon glimmers with magic and energy. The target
becomes a +1 striking weapon, gaining a +1 item bonus to
attack rolls and increasing the number of weapon damage
dice to two.

Dungeon Master
GM, 175 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 19:24
  • msg #114

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius steps far back from combat and fires off a pair of arrows. One bounces off the scales but the other lands home.

OOC: There aren't 5' steps anymore. Only certain creatures/NPCs have Attacks of Opportunity anymore so I took the liberty of moving you farther back.

The grauladon snaps its jaws at Maerk and Yarr. Yarr dodges back but Maerk gets the strong jaws clamped hard onto his leg sending pain up and down his body. The grauladon spasms violently practically ripping Maerk's leg off and splashing the ground with blood. Maerk collapses and starts bleeding out almost immediately.
OOC: Grauladon crits with a 28 inflicting 28 damage. Maerk drops to 0 and picks up the Dying 1 condition

Nez continues to ignite the grauladon's back on fire causing it to roar in pain finally letting go of Maerk's torn leg.

Yarr carthwheels over the grauladon and lands two hard blows right in its vitals and the creature shudders and goes still.

OOC: Combat has been concluded. Maerk still has to make his recovery roll unless Arnellia or Yalandlara can help him heal before that.

First of all magical healing just fixes things.

After that it is a medicine check vs. DC 15 + Dying level to stabilize him

Otherwise Maerk rolls a flat 1d20 vs. DC 10 + Dying level.

So to recap:
Right now it is Medicine vs. DC 16
Maerk has to beat a DC 11 to reduce dying. If he fails it increases and the checks get harder

Round 3
27Sularius1814/14Rapier +71d6+4Eagle Eyes
20Grauladon17WoundedJaws/Tail +101d12+4/1d10+4-
16Nezaglomie1415/15Flames +71d4+4-
13Yarr1821/21Dogslicer +71d6+2Eagle Eyes
11Yalandlara1714/14ECB +51d8+1-
10Maerk180/20Longsword +91d8+4Dying 1

*Eagle Eyes - +1 Perception, +2 to find traps or secret doors
*Sickened - -1 (or -2) on all checks and DCs.

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 136 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 19:29
  • msg #115

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"He's not looking good." Yalandlara quickly moves over to next to Maerk and begins working on him.

[OOC: 15:28, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 8 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 4.  Medicine.

I realized for Medicine checks I should of rolled Crafting, it's part of my class, instead of Medicine. I still fail to roll, but the results a 10 not an 8.]

This message was last edited by the player at 20:03, Tue 29 Sept 2020.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 141 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 21:41
  • msg #116

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"We probably shouldn't wait an hour to avoid using a spell to heal that." Yarr remarks calmly.

Before puking a lot and not being able to get the sick out.

Though he is still a tiny bit bitter they took so long to chase the arsonist for the sake of a single healing spell and took the long way through this thing rather than climb a rope up a 30 ft wall straight to the goblins. Now one of them needed a leg reattached, they would still be down one spell if not more, and in the time they'd waited the arsonist had taken a hostage. The cleric's arrogance that they were so inept as to make one healing spell the difference between their total defeat or a victory but abject terror of the grave danger of climbing 30 feet and peeking over a ledge had done this. Though to be fair, the other dracodile might have been alive when they first arrived, albeit beneath them if they'd just come up the wall.

But this wasn't the time to dwell on mistakes, and perhaps if Yarr hadn't slipped, Maerk would have both his legs. Yarr's mistake was as likely a cause of this as anyone else's.

Except a certain someone's.

"Calmont. Put the knife down." Yarr shouts up to the mistake maker holding the hostage as he moves to the bottom of the stairs, "Whaddya you even think'll 'appen if you stab tha goblin? We've two 'ealers 'ere and ye'll have nothin' but a whole tribe of goblins and a 'ole party of adventurers after ye."

He gestures to the dracodile, "Ye saw what just me wus able to do te that thin' and that wudn't even personal. You wanna make this personal? 'Cause if you want to live holdin' that goblin ain't doing it. I'm givin' ye a chance to surrender an' plead yer case peacefully before I walk straight up to ye an' stab ye hostage or no."

Forgot to include the sickened in my rolls. So I tried to puke out the sickened condition and failed. If that ends after the fight or something ignore the puking line and add two to these rolls...

Diplomacy: 16 to convince him that the hostage isn't a practical way out of this and that I'll spare him if he surrenders.
Intimidate: 7 to be scary to accent the point(unless the display of battle prowess or my dialogue adds any bonuses).
Deception: 15 to convince him I'd come at him regardless of the danger to the goblin.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:06, Tue 29 Sept 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 138 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 21:47
  • msg #117

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Agreed. This just proves the point that waiting earlier was valid." She then looked back towards where Arnellia and Nezaglomie were, and called for Arnellia. "Arnellia we need your healing spell quickly please!"
Cleric, 54 posts
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 05:12
  • msg #118

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Arnellia stretches out her hands and calls the power of he divine god,


A golden beam envelopes Maerk and his missing leg brining them back together and mending them.
Then she kneels performing battle medicine upon the warrior.

"What were you thinking you crazy warrior your supposed to hit the creature with that devine weapon I granted you not offer up your leg to be ripped off! What were you thinking you galoot! But you are ok big guy aren't you?"

Cast heal 15:05, Today: Arnellia rolled 11 using 1d8+8 with rolls of 3.  heal 2 actions.

15:07, Today: Arnellia rolled 17 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 10.  Medicine Check.
15:09, Today: Arnellia rolled 10 using 2d8 with rolls of 8,2.  battle medicine healing.

This fixes him but will not remove the dying condition.
This should also stabilize him automatically and bring him back to consciousness.

This message was last edited by the player at 05:15, Wed 30 Sept 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 177 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 16:48
  • msg #119

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Marek is healed and brought back to consciousness thanks to Arnellia's healing magic.

Looking up at the battlements it seems that Calmont isn't waiting around to talk and the party catches sight of him dragging his hostage into one of the battlement towers. Before Yarr can even begin shouting up at him, the halfling disappears. The goblins are jumping and shouting at one another. Some of them are pointing at the rope dangling down, some of them are pointing at the party of heroes helping Maerk to his feet and others are pointing towards the door where Calmont entered.

OOC: With the rope it is a single DC 15 athletics check to climb up.

Digging out the rubble doesn't seem feasible on the time scale of this adventure. It would likely requires days, additional labor, and the construction of pulleys and scaffolding.

The goblins appear to be in the middle of a debate which involves just as much insults and head smacking as it does actual ideas. Their constantly overlapping shouts make it impossible to hear but eventually one of them, the biggest finally shuts the other ones up long enough to shout down.

[Language unknown: "Caart! For wil paoer di? Of la Osmero?"]
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 139 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 19:21
  • msg #120

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yalandlara will call back up to them as she moves over to the rope. [Language unknown: "Sstho, a in ek tha rithu. Tiilse n hinc leing Wilardest. Art Staverrat u tinnteany urhong riica ev t mannt omli ma at atlelo il esat st."]

Finally, she gives a sigh and tries to climb up.

[OOC: 15:20, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 16 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 15.  Athletics.]
Dungeon Master
GM, 178 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 21:14
  • msg #121

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Citadel Altaerein’s battlements provide a breathtaking view. To the east rise the majestic Five Kings Mountains, looming as ageless rocky monoliths in the hazy fog. To the south, rolling foothills unfurl, nestled around Breachill’s rooftops. Along the battlements, six bonfires have been heaped, although currently only the southwestern three are burning fitfully, sending plumes of reddish smoke into the air.

Yala finds herself among the eight goblin survivors who continue to plead with her in their goblin tongue. Calmont has been shouting as well in goblin but switches over to Common when he sees Yala climbing up.
Calmont Trenault
NPC, 2 posts
Male Halfling
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 21:15
  • msg #122

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The hunched halfling man, his hair wild and gestures manic, has a terrified goblin in a headlock as he waves a knife about menacingly, standing in the only surviving doorway in the northeast tower.

"And who are you? Oh... wait! The do-gooders from town! You were supposed to burn in the fire! What are you doing here... No closer! I’ll cut this goblin’s ears off if you don't
leave at once!"

To press his point he presses the point of his blade into the goblins ear causing her to squeal with pain.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 140 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 23:26
  • msg #123

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"If you harm him, you will find yourself with no chance of mercy. I will let the Goblin's have their way with you. Let her go, and surrender to me peacefully though and I will see to it you are given a fair trial and mercy. On Shelyn's love, I swear." Yalandlara said softly, leaving her weapon put away and opening her arms in piece.

19:25, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 25 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 20.  Diplomacy.

Holy...maxed that roll!]

Calmont Trenault
NPC, 3 posts
Male Halfling
Thu 1 Oct 2020
at 04:10
  • msg #124

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

OOC: As I'm still new to the system I like to show my work.

So that is a Diplomacy (Make An Impression) Check.

That is a Diplomacy 25 vs. Will DC (16)

That is a success so he shifts from Hostile -> Unfriendly.

An improvement but he's not going to drop his knife or hostage just yet...

The halfling seems receptive to Yala's words and some of the anger bleeds from his voice but he maintains a firm grip on his hostage.

"No! I won't let her go. Not until these little pests tell me how to find Alseta's Ring!"
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 143 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 00:26
  • msg #125

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The tonic Yarr was given finally started to kick in and the goblin went a little big-eyed, puking up a slosh of bile into a nearby wall.

"Ugh. Blast ye. Is that all ye wanted?" the goblin wipes his mouth with a hanky, "Ye ever think te just ask the adventurous goblin in town about it? I'd just 'ave taken ye right to it. Put the goblin down and come along. No need for this nonsense. I'll show ye to it."

Fort save 18, passed it narrowly.
Bluff 25 (rolled a 19)

Calmont Trenault
NPC, 4 posts
Male Halfling
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 03:55
  • msg #126

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Calmont cocked his head to the side, focusing on Yarr.

"Wait, how would you know how to get to the basement? You just arrived but these vermin have been squatting here for months. They lived in the basement so they know!"

His confidence is wavering though and a bit of hope creeps into his voice.

"You'll take me to the Ring? No tricks? We can split the reward. I'm sure there will be money enough to go around when we find a path to an elf gate. I..."

His grip must have loosened as the goblin he's holding suddenly elbows him in the gut. In surprise he drops his dagger and the goblin pushes off, bolting towards Yala and the rest of her goblin tribe. The goblins let out a cheer and welcome the ex-hostage with open arms as Calmont scrambles to grab his dagger. Without a hostage a lot of his bravado has bled away but he still has a look of defiance.

"Alright...fine I don't need her anymore. Let's go. How do we get to the basement"

OOC: FYI only Yala climbed up and is on the battlements. Everyone else is still down in the courtyard.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 145 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 04:14
  • msg #127

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"We it ain't up there for one." Yarr quips, "I'll help my friend get his bearings while you climb down. I doubt any of us stand a chance without some extra muscle against whatever drove the goblins up here to begin with and made them light the signal. Wasn't you. It was days before ye got 'ere. Whatever it be it drove off a whole tribe."

As Yarr talks he checks on Maerk, and moves among the group, winking to them when his back is turned to the halfling, to let them know he's luring the halfling to them. He stops at Sul.

"You need to clear yer stomach still? We need ya ready."

He will pat him on the back of he does and hope it helps.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:44, Fri 02 Oct 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 145 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 05:39
  • msg #128

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yala puts an are around the small goblin when she gets to her. [Language unknown: "Romce ati etei? Mi wiei naera prte ere riat?"] After making sure the Goblin was okay, she let her go to her friends, then stood back up and looked towards Calmont. Motioning the goblin's to move back as she does so. She wanted them behind the rope down so he couldn't grab another incase he listened to Yarr. As she did this she would turn back and ask one. [Language unknown: "Eeas inglinted herhe t topohihi?"]
Fighter, 45 posts
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 05:54
  • msg #129

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The big warrior groaned with pain and winced as the magic knit together bone and sinew and muscle once more. At some point he must have blacked out from the pain, for the details of the last several moments were a blurry memory to him, as if he were seeing them through a mist from somewhere above the battlefield. This was not the first time he'd been on death's door, but it was certainly one of the most painful!

He pressed his hands against the wounds, partly to staunch any remaining blood leaking out, but also to steady the shaking of his core and appendages. He felt his stomach churn and his ears ring, and a tightening about his face which he soon recognized as the sensation on experienced just prior to passing out! This he fought as he staggered to his feet, retrieving his weapon and shield.

He thought Arnellia was saying something to him, but her words were lost to the surge of blood pounding in his head with every heartbeat. His head soon began to clear, and though his stomach churned, he was too stubborn and downright tough to let his injuries get the better of him. With a grunt and a snarl, he made his way toward the rope.

"Maerk will climb and tear the arms from Cal-mot!" the warrior bellowed, and he looked as if he meant it!

Fortitude Save DC18: Maerk rolled 27, Nat20!
Calmont Trenault
NPC, 5 posts
Male Halfling
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 13:43
  • msg #130

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Calmont had been heading towards the rope to climb down but as Maerk stood up and roared he backpeddled, looking at Yarr in anger.

"You said you were going to help me! You said you were going to take me to the ring! You LIED to me!"

Calmont hits his head with a fist.

"I should NEVER have trusted a filthy goblin like you. They're all liars! Stupid stupid liars!"

Before Maerk has even reached the rope Calmont charges Yala trying to stab her in her stomach.

OOC: Yala is hit for 5 piercing damage

24Nezaglomie1415/15Flames +71d4+4-
22Calmont20HealthyDagger +91d4+4-
21Maerk1810/20Longsword +91d8+4Wounded 1
16Sularius1814/14Rapier +71d6+4Eagle Eyes
14Yarr1821/21Dogslicer +71d6+2Eagle Eyes, Antidote
11Yalandlara179/14ECB +51d8+1-

*Eagle Eyes - +1 Perception, +2 to find traps or secret doors

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the player at 13:52, Fri 02 Oct 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 146 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Fri 2 Oct 2020
at 19:39
  • msg #131

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yalandlara curses in Elven.  And with that she pulls out her large Elven Curved Blade and tries to smack him so hard with it that he flies of the battlement's to the rest of the party, and if he doesn't, she wheel's back for another swing and does it again!

[OOC: Action 1: Redraw Weapon.
Action 2: Try to hit the little bastard so hard he ends up down with the party. :)
15:33, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 18,6 using 1d20+2,1d8+1 with rolls of 16,5.  Elven Curved Blade Attack 1.
Hit: 18
Damage: 6

Action 3: See action 2, only try harder. :)
15:34, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 17,10 using 1d20-3,1d8+2 with rolls of 20,8.  Elven Curved Blade Attack 2.
Hit: 17 (Critical Hit, Nat 20)
Damage: 20]

Sorcerer, 67 posts
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 00:13
  • msg #132

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Nezaglomie, hearing Yarr's words, is surprised to learn that he knows where this ring is, but she understands when he winks.  It's no surprise that a goblin would be such an accomplished liar.

When the halfling shouts, "You said you were going to help me! You said you were going to take me to the ring! You LIED to me!  I should NEVER have trusted a filthy goblin like you. They're all liars! Stupid stupid liars!", Nezaglomie realizes that more fighting is imminent.  Never one to be indecisive, she launches a ball of flame into the halfling's face.

I wrote the text before rolling.  It seems it worked!  Yet another minimum damage, though.
19:12, Today: Nezaglomie rolled 23,5 using d20+7,d4+4.  Produce Flame
Action 1 & 2, Produce Flame

Fighter, 47 posts
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 08:03
  • msg #133

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Maerk sheathed his sword and quickly produced a javelin from the quiver across his back. He cocked his arm back and then let it fly. He squinted as a wave of nausea passed over him. Certainly wasn't his best throw.

A1 Sheath Sword
A2 Draw Javelin
A3 Attack! - Maerk rolled 10

Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 152 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Sat 3 Oct 2020
at 15:29
  • msg #134

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr strides over to the rope around Maerk and dramatically darts up the entire distance of the wall... slipping and falling onto Maerk's shoulder right at the top. He hadn't accounted for the blood of the dracodile all over him.


The goblin then scampers back up the wall, this time getting his footing and leveling his blade at the nefarious halfling.

"Come peacefully or face the lot o' us! As ye 'ave seen in the past I strike very hard an' true right after makin' a fool o' meself!"

Action 1: Stride to rope.
Action 2: Climb... and Critically Fail.
Action 3: Climb. Critically succeed. End up in W16

This message was last edited by the player at 15:30, Sat 03 Oct 2020.
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 48 posts
Mon 5 Oct 2020
at 20:35
  • msg #135

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius fires his bow at craven halfling, but his nausea and coughing make all of his shots miss his target.

Action 1: Shoot bow and miss
Action 2: Shoot bow and miss
Action 3: Shoot bow and miss

14:57, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 9,13,13 using 1d20+7,1d20+2,1d20-3 with rolls of 2,11,16.  Shooting Arrows.

Dungeon Master
GM, 188 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 00:43
  • msg #136

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Nez sees Calmont charge and flings fire at Calmont and catches the halfling's hair on fire. He quickly beats it out though.

Calmont cuts Yalandlara across her midsection.
OOC: This is the attack already referenced

Maerk flings his javelin but it is an awkward throw and lands off to the side.

Sularius fires off a trio of arrows which sail high over the halfling.

Yarr (eventually) scampers up the rope. Calmont seems heavily focused on Yarr as the target of his rage which leaves him completely open for Yalandlara to wallop him with two big strikes from her curve blade.

Arnellia summons forth a beam of pure holy energy from prayers to the Shimmering Maiden that lance out to strike at Calmont's black heart. Calmont twists away from the beam just in time.

Nezaglomie flings more fire at Calmont but he is very aware of the ranged arsenal being thrown at him from the courtyard and ducks down making it even more difficult to hit him as magical beams and fire go over his head.

He snarls and stabs at Yarr this time with murder in his eyes. He plunges his knife deep into Yarr's belly.

"I'll show you what I do to lying gobs!"

He twists the knife in Yarr's gut.

OOC: Crit! 13 piercing damage to Yarr!

Calmont takes the dagger out and pumps his little arm stabbing again and again at Yarr's midsection but thankfully he doesn't find that same gap in Yarr's armor and his leathers take and turn the blade aside. Calmont is no longer striking with thought or skill but in a blind rage oblivious to the fact that he isn't even doing any damage anymore.

24Nezaglomie1415/15Flames +71d4+4-
22Calmont20MauledDagger +91d4+4-
21Maerk1810/20Longsword +91d8+4Wounded 1
16Sularius1814/14Rapier +71d6+4Eagle Eyes
14Yarr188/21Dogslicer +71d6+2Eagle Eyes, Antidote
11Yalandlara179/14ECB +51d8+1-

*Eagle Eyes - +1 Perception, +2 to find traps or secret doors

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 49 posts
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 17:43
  • msg #137

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius fires three more arrows, his first just missing the halfling while the other two miss the mark completely.

I'm assuming I'm still at -1 due to the nausea.

Action 1: Shoot bow and miss
Action 2: Shoot bow and miss
Action 3: Shoot bow and miss

12:26, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 5 using 1d6 with rolls of 5.  Damage.
12:25, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 19,4,4 using 1d20+6,1d20+1,1d20-4 with rolls of 13,3,8.  Shoot Arrows.

Cleric, 56 posts
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 18:15
  • msg #138

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"OOOH! You mean little peck! you deserve this!"

Shouts Arnellia as she winds up her sling and hurls a rock at the cruel halfling she follows this up with a second stone. But these are little more than distractions to the halfling. Arnellia stomps her foot and says,

"Ooooh I missed! He makes me so mad!..."

Action1: Attack with sling
Action2: Reload Sling
Action3: Attack with sling
04:07, Today: Arnellia rolled 13,2 using d20+5,d6 with rolls of 8,2.  sling + damage.
04:08, Today: Arnellia rolled 11,1 using d20,d6 with rolls of 11,1.  sling + damage.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 154 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 18:28
  • msg #139

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr flips over the halfling's head and his subsequent slash with his weapon also takes a similar path. Deciding on the fly to take the murderer in alive, Yarr kicks him in the snoot.

Action 1: Tumble Through 24
Action 2: Slash miss 14
Action 3: Pawnch 22 to hit, 6 nonlethal damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 23:43, Tue 06 Oct 2020.
Calmont Trenault
NPC, 6 posts
Male Halfling
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 23:02
  • msg #140

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

OOC: @Sulariusu  - Sickened

Sularius clips Calmont with an arrow and Yarr kicks him in the face and the halfling collapses. He's not unconscious but he is too dazed to fight back.

OOC: Combat is over! I figured you wanted to take him alive for interrogation and quest delivery
This message was last edited by the player at 19:33, Thu 08 Oct 2020.
Fighter, 48 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 04:47
  • msg #141

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The huge warrior had another javelin cocked back to throw, but paused upon seeing their goblin swashbuckler disable the foe!

"Maerk will tie, kick him down to Maerk!" He instructed Yarr. The warrior stood beneath the balcony ready to catch the halfling and bind him.

"Too get Maerk's javelin..." he added to the request, hoping that Yarr could located it among the debris.

"Who will make speak to the Brushfires?" Maerk asked the others, still struggling with 'Bramblebashers'...
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 148 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 14:42
  • msg #142

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yalandlara stands over Calmont for a moment, her Elven Curved Blade at the ready, then finally she sheathed it. "It would upset my mother and Shelyn more if I did not bring you book." She then pulled out her rope and tied him up.

"I'll tied him up up here Maerk, but make sure he's good when we pass him down." She called down to the tall warrior. "I can handle talking to the Bramblebrasher's along with Yarr since he's up here with me."

She will then finish tying Calmont up, and then toss him down to Maerk. Afterwhich she would then look over to the goblins. [Language unknown: "Out she taai bend? Ereoerhis ul?"] Then she further asked. [Language unknown: "For cepapa nifo ousbe e ha eshiet thehascom?"]
Dungeon Master
GM, 190 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 17:33
  • msg #143

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

As the dust from the drama on the battlements settles, you hear a distinctive, garbled throat-clearing coming from nearby. Soon, the short, slight goblin woman who'd been held hostage by Calmont approaches.

[Language unknown: "Utmist u. Unmepl ma, liurus. Icna fipe ndeomeect, aler?"]

Her voice is like that of a hoarse bird.

[Language unknown: "Tiut er ei ekheel, llouna rat’an ce butersive sta Sancomartveringles hi reil unll. Si ckni tedinereawhi! Ilit ruttra'stadin! Ssill!

Il n Llevut ce E a ic Befirorememeca inli-sill. U iv et weouen ri me iock n acwi, acme wh ckerto rehas! Lethha bleac proavethe? Wer ce howe ourandort. Reliho hasughare seivni adekntof thowheera u ncout mewas whlefo unitfomi, ardei ch tawe-aclopr her tio nial osear hengiv thacinic ut acromi e toissi larnteson outromdin si hasmenshe ichortouneau! Di thasanmen! N eveineman! All ad Peanetunoffonc!"

Helba looks back at her people, and a deeply morose look settles upon her face.

[Language unknown: "E teiou iv e strainame t leatsa. Ove evrieculla astom stroneilltra, ratlesone me ssave."]
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 149 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 17:39
  • msg #144

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

She nodded once and smiled. [Language unknown: "Llas, a teugh avethosti. Hi i Tedameeenallund Oretioromthe. Mi lar larli nce ivtios. Ie ha an nc, eau yinresund ri tiit. Enil coneresan oulanynde sa in dayoneentoer ti Redyinion."] She said pointing to Yarr and her Familiar. Then she will point to each of her companions below introducing each in turn. After that she turns back to the Chieftess.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 156 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 18:16
  • msg #145

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr tips his hat to the leader of the goblins, speaking in their shared tongue, [Language unknown: "Prfo llteanla asos me erswerlin teetac an rienliie. Witil ce ni pales ri out wimaca n ekdin wilerswhiven romicaterwit onwit ti. Dinardstr ers arwhnc ourhe asck, atwi virsa e ho ngun ar. Ll al tiprst i ughec pe tra. Il ad fiear olver? K k yinca rifiil?"]
This message was last edited by the player at 18:16, Wed 07 Oct 2020.
NPC, 1 post
Female Goblin
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 18:45
  • msg #146

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The goblin chieftain checks herself over and nods. She looks down at the others and shifts so she speaks a halted and heavily accented common.

"Will you help us, friends? Our home has been invaded. We are safe now but have no home. We can show you secret way into basement. Then you clear it out for us?"
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 157 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 19:16
  • msg #147

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yarr nods, "I've no problem clearing the place out and lookin' for this ring thing he was on about just to make sure it's nothing serious. problem is we're a bit battered. Not in any condition to go up against them. We could use a rest, or at least some healing."
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 150 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 20:46
  • msg #148

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"We also need to deliver that one back to the village." Yalandlara said as she pointed to Calmont.
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 50 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 22:24
  • msg #149

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

As the others begin talking, Sularius finds a corner of the room and begins retching until he's gotten everything out of his system.

Wiping his mouth on his arm, he rejoins those on the ground floor, "What did she say we're dealing with? Do we have time to go back to town first?"
Fighter, 50 posts
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 03:50
  • msg #150

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Adjusting his shield and hefting a javelin, Maerk turned his attention to their surroundings. "There are other threats, we go or stay for fighting, but noise brings trouble. We make much noise here."

OOC: Watching and listening for trouble.
NPC, 2 posts
Female Goblin
Fri 9 Oct 2020
at 17:28
  • msg #151

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Helba nods.

"Yes. Dangerous to stay here now. Maybe you sleep outside castle. Bramblebrashers can keep guard for you."

She pauses, studying the group.

"Where is Warbal? Did you talk to her?"
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 152 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Fri 9 Oct 2020
at 23:50
  • msg #152

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"She came with us here. She is just outside the main entrance where we set up our camp if you wish to join us and talk to her yourself." Yalandlara said with a soft smile. "I am sure she would like to see with her own eye's that you are okay, and be eager to hear that after a rest we will help you clear out your home."
Cleric, 58 posts
Sat 10 Oct 2020
at 00:16
  • msg #153

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

“It seems calmont knows something about this place maybe we should question him before we return him to town. I didn’t catch what you said to the goblins though and I need a nights rest soon.”

Says Arnellia from the back of the group.

“Oh and are any of you injured I can ask her divine wonderness to help you.“

She says in common to both the goblins and the party,
Fighter, 51 posts
Sat 10 Oct 2020
at 18:49
  • msg #154

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Good idea," Maerk grunted in his thick accent. "Let us go make rest then we come back to fight."

The warrior prepared to throw Calmot over his shoulder and exit the ruins when his companions were ready.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 153 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Sat 10 Oct 2020
at 20:22
  • msg #155

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"It seems he was looking for something here, something in their home but they do not know anything about it. We should find out from him what. Then come back and help them clear out there home." She called down to the others. "But first, they agreed we rest."

She then looked over to Helba and offered her hand. [Language unknown: "Tinnotred strpo ntrat no ni re bencwe utch Eela Icninc?"]
NPC, 3 posts
Female Goblin
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 14:11
  • msg #156

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Helba nods and turns around and musters her tribe. They climb down the rope they had set and a few of them poke around the courtyard picking up weapons and supplies the goblins had abandoned when fleeing from the grauladon.

Along the way she explains what had drove them out from their home.

"Cultists, at least I think they're cultists. They called themselves the Cinderclaws, and they said our home was their home now. They threatened to roast us! To peel us and eat us! Ack! And
they had dragon monsters with them! So of course we ran from the vaults. Then so many monsters on the ground floor, so we ran up here, to the battlements. That dragon thing down in the courtyard kept us from getting away! It wanted to eat us!

We ran up the stairs and they followed but they are big and clumsy and one of them collapsed the stair case onto the other one trapping us up top! We survive by eating birds and bugs but that not keep us fed very much longer. So we set the fires for help to arrive and it did. This why Helba is chieftain. Helba smart."

She taps her temple to drive the point home.

"If you can go down to vaults and clear out stupid cultists that would be best for Bramblebrashers. There's a secret door just down the hill to the west. It's not hard to find when you look, but I can show it to you! It goes right to the vaults, where we used to live; we used the door all the time to go out and hunt for food. Stupid cultists probably don't know where it is so maybe you go down and bash them good?"

True to her word while the rest of the tribe joins Warbal at the makeshift campsite nearby she leads whoever is interested around to the south of the outside wall and shows the location of the secret entrance.

"We keep camp for you. If you want to rest we keep watch. If you want us to watch stupid halfling while you fight cultists we can do that too."

OOC: Map has been updated to reveal the secret entrance down.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 17:01, Tue 13 Oct 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 156 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 20:29
  • msg #157

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yalandlara listens as Helba says her piece, nodding as she says it all. "We will clear the cultists from your home, I promise." She said with a nod. "Then the rest of this place too, so something like this doesn't happen again."

"We would appreciate that. It will allow us to rest sooner, and proceed with clearing you home sooner." She said with another nod as she went with Helba to the location.

Upon their return she looked to the rest of the party. "Alright, we rest tonight. Tomorrow we take bake the Bramblebrasher home for them, so everyone get rested. Does anyone need any wounds tended to?"
Sorcerer, 76 posts
Wed 14 Oct 2020
at 15:31
  • msg #158

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

10:21, Today: Nezaglomie rolled 13 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 5.  performance

"Thank you, Yalandlara, but I have no injuries," Nezaglomie replies very formally to the healer.

As the group finishes the meal but before anyone seems ready for sleep, the tiny gnome starts to sing a song.  Her voice is passable, but she hits a few bad notes and messes up the rhythm at one point in order to take a breath.  Her song is in gnomish, but the sad, haunting melody makes it clear even to those who do not speak the language that it is a lament.  However, the song ends on a happier note, shifting to a major key and more upbeat rhythm.  [Language unknown: Presa ingad stitinsan oreatioul ce omhana ...], she says wistfully.

As the group readies to sleep, Za asks no one in particular, "Should we set watches?  I know we have the Bramblebrashers surrounding us, and supposedly protecting us, but they ARE goblins.  Should we just trust them like that?  I'm not tired, anyway; I'll take first watch."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:33, Wed 14 Oct 2020.
Yarr the Hearty
Swashbuckler, 166 posts
Level 1 in Yarr
The Heartiest of Classes
Wed 14 Oct 2020
at 15:36
  • msg #159

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

On the way out Yarr points to the dracodile, "Anyone know if the meat o' this thing be poisonous? We could use it to feed the goblin dogs we passed if it be safe. Either way I assume we be in the company o' their owners. We should stop by and collect them."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:36, Wed 14 Oct 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 160 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Wed 14 Oct 2020
at 23:44
  • msg #160

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

She looked to Nezaglomie a moment and nodded. "If we are going to be traveling together, we may as well do it as friends. You can call me, Yala if you want." She said to the Gnome.

Then she listened as she song. "Is that song from where you are from?" Yala asked thoughtfully.

"We can trust them. They've been friendly to us in the village for, well forever. We trade all the time. I get herbs from some of Helba's goblin's because they know where to find the good one's for me to make my potions. In return, I give them a couple. Others make similar deal's with them." She said as she offered Helba a smile.

She looks over the dracodile. If she determines it's not poisonous, she'll let Yarr know.

[OOC: Is it poisonous?

19:43, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 24 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 19.  Knowledge Nature.]

Dungeon Master
GM, 201 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 13:39
  • msg #161

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

The meat is perfectly fine and while it is a little more "fresh" than the goblin dogs prefer they are hungry enough not to turn their noses up at a free meal. Helba and the goblins are delighted that the goblin dogs are "tamed" and with their assistance the goblin dogs are rounded back up and brought back to camp.

The goblin dogs make excellent watch animals at the unfortunate expense when one of them shakes itself in the middle of camp and sends lice and fleas everywhere. The goblin dogs are quickly removed from the middle of camp and a pair of goblins takes over managing each dog as they patrol father out from the resting heroes.

By the time the group has rested and recuperated it is around mid-afternoon with evening right around the corner. Calmont was causing a fuss cursing the goblins but Helba would just sit behind him and bonk him on the head whenever he spoke up so he had finally learned his lesson and was sitting quietly, stewing in his own misery.
Warbal Bramblebrasher
NPC, 9 posts
Female Goblin
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 13:43
  • msg #162

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Meanwhile Warbal is in very high spirits having been reunited with her tribe. Helba and her talk for awhile and reconnect and after a bit of a discussion the two of them come up with a plan. Warbal, being the more eloquent of the pair, speaks first.

"I was speaking with Helba and I think we have a solution. I know you don't want to leave Calmont unattended but if you walk all the way back to town and then back here again it will be getting dark. I know exploring in the dark can be difficult for some of you Sorry.

With the goblin dogs helping out so long as we keep them fed with that dragon thing you found we can afford to split the tribe. I can take four Bramblebrashers back with me and we can escort Calmont back to town. Helba will stay here with the other four along with doggies and keep the campsite secure.

That way you can go fight those cultists and when you come back out we will have your reward for saving the tribe and arresting Calmont ready and waiting for you!"

She looks very pleased at being able to have the Bramblebrashers help the party out after all they had done for her.
Sorcerer, 78 posts
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 15:37
  • msg #163

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Nezaglomie casts Prestidigitation to clean away the dirt and fleas that got on her from the dogs.  She does this several times on herself, to be sure, and on each of her companions, if they like.  She tries to use the spell to clean the dogs themselves, but hears the faint whimper of the arcane forces crying in hopeless defeat.

Replying to Yalandara, she says, "Thank you, Yala.  Please, call me Za.  Yes, that song is the story of the founding of my home village.  Gnomes had to leave their home and traveled for hundreds of miles before they found a place to make a new home."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:45, Thu 15 Oct 2020.
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 161 posts
HP: 14/14 AC: 17
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 20:20
  • msg #164

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Yala smiled to Za softly. "It was beautiful. It seems to me that many people have such a story. The humans with Azlant, us elves when we originally left Golarion, the Dwarves, you Gnomes, even these precious Goblin's. Most of them are very sad stories, yet all of them, beautiful in their own ways." Then she smiled brightly to Za again. "Tell you what, next time you sing it, if you don't mind, can I play my flute with you?"


After they rested, and woke up in the morning she would stretch and redo her infusions for the day. Then she looked towards Lady Warbal, as she spoke her piece nodding at her proposal. She then looked back towards the other, before looking back to her. "That sounds good to me and would allow us to work faster towards clearing out the Bramblebrasher's home."
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 54 posts
Thu 15 Oct 2020
at 22:20
  • msg #165

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Sularius nodded to at the pretty alchemist's words, "I agree, we should deal with these cultists as quickly as we can. Who knows what they might be up to in there. Has anyone ever heard of these Cinderclaws?"
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 164 posts
HP: 22/22 AC: 18
Fri 16 Oct 2020
at 01:28
  • msg #166

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

She considered for a moment if she knew anything about the Cinderclaws.

[OOC: 21:24, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 23 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 16.  Society.
21:25, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 18 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 11.  Occultism.
21:27, Today: Yalandlara Vallindel rolled 22 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 17.  Religion.]

NPC, 4 posts
Female Goblin
Fri 16 Oct 2020
at 14:10
  • msg #167

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Helba nods and begins assigning out out her tribe, positioning some on guard duty, some on dog duty, and some on prisoner duty.

OOC: Spellcasters/Alchemists let me know if you are modifying your prepared preparations. I'll keep this camp thread open in case there is other down time stuff you'd like but I will spin up the dungeon crawl thread as well so we can keep that moving.

Before the party sets out Helba uses a stick in the dirt to draw out a rough map of the catacombs and point out what they know about the dangers that lie within.

"We...we didn't explore much past our area. Over here are monsters. We send someone in to check and...they didn't come back. Lots of screaming."

She shudders.

"Over here are dead things. Creepy. We didn't explore. Likely some will rise up and attack us! We stay over here in our area. Cultists set off all our traps already so you should be fine but..."

She pauses, scratching the back of her head nervously.

"We had to leave Big Brasher behind. He is probably very angry and hungry at this point if cultists haven't driven him out yet."
Sorcerer, 79 posts
Fri 16 Oct 2020
at 15:14
  • msg #168

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Nezaglomie still finds it odd to be looking at a goblin and conversing as if talking with a real person.  "Big Brasher?  Who or what is that?  Some pet of yours?  Are there command words that will calm it?"
NPC, 5 posts
Female Goblin
Fri 16 Oct 2020
at 17:19
  • msg #169

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

Helba studies her feet really intently.

"Big Brasher is our mascot. Was supposed to be. He's...a bear. A big one. We lured him down to use as defense but he didn't take to being confined very well so we just locked the doors and occasionally throw some food in. If cultists are smart they might just leave him there to starve, if he hasn't already broken down the doors..."
Sorcerer, 81 posts
Fri 16 Oct 2020
at 17:59
  • msg #170

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Maerk, do you think you could carry a haunch of that dracodile to feed to the bear?"
Yalandlara Vallindel
Alchemist, 165 posts
HP: 22/22 AC: 18
Fri 16 Oct 2020
at 20:10
  • msg #171

Re: [Chapter 1.02] The Ruined Citadel

"Definitely need a haunch for that. Yarr and Sularius I've made you both the Eagle Eye potion again." She said, offering it to them. "Wait to drink it until we get inside."

[OOC: My stuff is the same as last time. I'm leaving my 6 infusion open for Quick Alchemy if I need something on the fly.

I'll give Yarr and Sul an Eagle Eye again so they get the +1 Per, +2 to find traps and secret doors for an hour. That'll leave me with 4 Elixer of Life's, 2 Antidote's, 2 Alchemist Fire's, and 1 open slot left. It's all already noted on my sheet like always.]

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