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16:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[1.02] Party Crashers.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Faeli Blackbriar
Wizard, 28 posts
Thu 29 Oct 2020
at 19:02
  • msg #32

[1.02] Party Crashers

Faeli smirked mischievously at Razyll, as she moved into a better position so she could fire another burst of colored light at the goblins.

Yes her hair was still on fire...

A1.   Moving to L9
A2&A3 Trying Color Spray again

Tristen d'Cordain
Champion, 36 posts
Thu 29 Oct 2020
at 21:20
  • msg #33

[1.02] Party Crashers

Tristen turned and ran from the three goblins that he and Arialis killed. He ran to the south while he shouted, "Protect the townfolk!" He circled around the town guard that was fighting a goblin on a table and slashed at the goblin behind it (L12).

A1: Move 30' w/Fleet feat to H9
A2: Move 30' w/Fleet feat to K13
A3: Attack L12
rolled 20,8 using 1d20+7,1d8+4 with rolls of 13,4.  ATK/DAM

Reaction (if necessary)
Shield Block,

This message was last edited by the player at 21:23, Thu 29 Oct 2020.
Fighter, 32 posts
19/19; AC 18; F:6 R:7 W:5
Thu 29 Oct 2020
at 23:13
  • msg #34

[1.02] Party Crashers

Talitha sees the dead goblin in front of her. She is relieved for a second that not more people got hurt, but then the other goblins show up. They are far away, but she tries to make it to one of them to hit him.

A1 & A2: move 60 get to L17
A3: attack the goblin on M17
23:12, Today: Talitha rolled 19,15 using d20+9,D12+4 with rolls of 10,11.  attack, damage. – [roll=1604013130.72779.350022]

Dungeon Master
GM, 141 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Fri 30 Oct 2020
at 22:05
  • msg #35

[1.02] Party Crashers

Round 4
Arialis cuts down the blinded goblin.

Razyll cuts down a goblin next to him and his divine healing binds all of Faeli's wounds.

Faeli moves and lets loose another blast of colorful sparkles that catches the three goblins square in the face.

Tristen cuts across the battlefield before slashing one of the goblin pyromancers.

Talitha likewise cross the field of battle and cuts down a goblin.

Kaddock fires three arrows, and ends up killing the last goblin threatening the fleeing townsfolk.

The last of the civilians in the area cram themselves into the cathedral or flee away from the combat. From the Northwest where a large group of them had fled there is the sounds of screaming and more fighting, fairly close to where the adventurers are currently fighting.

Round 5
Most of the goblins are too busy clearing their vision to do anything. The one functional goblin pyromancer steps back and blows out another gout of flame encompassing Tristen and the guard. The guard is very badly burned but stays in the fight.
Goblin Pyro (L15) - A1: Step to L15 A2/A3: Burning Hands - 7 fire damage to Tristen

The guards continue fighting the goblins. One of the stunned goblins is cut down and the pyromancer is cut twice but somehow the hardy creature continues brandishing his torch at the heroes and guards arrayed against him.

Combat Tracker
Guard #118CrippledClub +91d6+4-
Guard #218BruisedClub +91d6+4-
Arialis183/16Longsword +71d8+2-
Faeli1416/16Spells +7TK 1d6+4-
Kaddock1820/20Longbow +61d8-
Razyll1717/17Scimitar +61d6+3-
Talitha1819/19Bastard +91d8+4-
Tristen1514/21Longsword +71d8+4-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Kaddock Ingir
Ranger, 22 posts
Fri 30 Oct 2020
at 22:53
  • msg #36

[1.02] Party Crashers

Kaddock continues his deadly round of bow fire.  As the foes fall he sights on the goblin that had so badly burned the gnome spell caster.  He focused his ire and then fired twice.


A1 set Goblin L12 as Prey
A2 & A3 Fire bow at L12

15:52, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 5 using 1d8 with rolls of 5.  Damage.
15:52, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 8 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 5.  Bow Shot.
15:52, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 25 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 19.  Bow Shot.

Arialis Moonrider
Magus, 38 posts
Violet Knight of Kyonin
AC 18(19) HP 16/16 F5R7W3
Fri 30 Oct 2020
at 22:54
  • msg #37

[1.02] Party Crashers

"Let's hurry up and get this area mopped up so we can help out where those screams came from!" Arialis does not appear to be in good shape, but even in her condition it's amazing the blinding speed and ferocity that she moves with when cutting down the goblins. Just like that she is charging off once more, this time towards Faeli and stopping next to her to assault the goblin closest to her!

"Looks like I'm gonna have to be watching over you, eh?" She said just loud enough for the Gnome to hear, her voice obviously pained. Something she was hiding when she was barking orders.

[OOC: Action 1: Stride to M10
Actions 2 and 3: Double Slice goblin at M11.

18:52, Today: Arialis Moonrider rolled 25,9 using 1d20+7,1d8+2 with rolls of 18,7.  Longsword.
Hit: 25
Damage: 9
18:52, Today: Arialis Moonrider rolled 11,6 using 1d20+7,1d6+2 with rolls of 4,4.  Shortsword.
Hit: 11
Damage: 6
If Both attacks hit all damage is combined for purposes of resistances and weakenances. So 15 Damage.]

Fighter, 34 posts
19/19; AC 18; F:6 R:7 W:5
Fri 30 Oct 2020
at 23:13
  • msg #38

[1.02] Party Crashers

Talitha moves quickly where the other two goblins are, so she has a better chance to hit any of them. She'll attack one and the other trying to finish up whatever her colleagues did not kill in their current attack.

A1: move to M12

A2: attack1 to L12
23:09, Today: Talitha rolled 25,8 using d20+9,D12+4 with rolls of 16,4.  #1 attack, damage. – [roll=1604099367.08007.350022

A3: attack to M11
23:10, Today: Talitha rolled 24,5 using d20+4,D12+4 with rolls of 20,1.  #2 attack, damage. – [roll=1604099450.58104.350022]

Faeli Blackbriar
Wizard, 33 posts
Fri 30 Oct 2020
at 23:50
  • msg #39

[1.02] Party Crashers

Faeli gestured and pronounced gnomish words of power and another plate flew through the air at the goblin at L15. She looked up when Arialis approached. "By the Spheres, you are hurt." Faeli said before she turned and cried out for Razyll.


A1&A2     19:43, Today: Faeli Blackbriar rolled 20 using 1d20+7 ((13)).
          19:45, Today: Faeli Blackbriar rolled 6 using 1d6+4 with rolls of 2.  Damage from TK
          projectile cantrip.
A3.       Move to L7

Cleric, 29 posts
Sat 31 Oct 2020
at 00:44
  • msg #40

[1.02] Party Crashers

Razyll smirked as the gnome yelled. With any luck they would all make it out of this ambush with their skin in tact. The half-orc rose his holy symbol of Sarenrae and a sensation of warmth and the slight smell of spice settled over Arialis as the half-orc projected the divine healing of Sarenrae upon the elf.

He took a moment to growl and spit on the corpse of the goblin before him before he moved to L10.

A1&A2 Healing Font reached 1d8+8
Razyll rolled 12 using 1d8+8 with rolls of 4.  2 Action Healing (Ranged) .
A3.   Move to L10

This message was last edited by the player at 00:50, Sat 31 Oct 2020.
Tristen d'Cordain
Champion, 38 posts
Sat 31 Oct 2020
at 05:39
  • msg #41

[1.02] Party Crashers

Tristen tried to step forward and protect the militiaman that was fighting against the goblin. He added his attack and tried to take down the goblin while offering a defensive front with the militiaman. "Get yourself bandaged. I'll take care of this bugger."

Reaction: Use Retributive Strike on L15 (I think it hit K15)
A1: Melee strike vs L15
rolled 17,8 using 1d20+7,1d8+4 with rolls of 10,4.  ATK/DAM

A2: Attack L15
rolled 14,9 using 1d20+2,1d8+4 with rolls of 12,5.  ATK/DAM

A3: Move to L13

Dungeon Master
GM, 143 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 20:41
  • msg #42

[1.02] Party Crashers

Round 5
Kaddock clips one of the goblin pyros.

Arialis strides across the field and stabs the goblin singing.

Talitha stabs the two wounded goblins but fails to put either of them away.

Faeli's plate smashes into the back of a wounded goblin (L15) and drops him.

Razyll moves up and heals Arialis.

Tristan helps shield the guardsman from the fiery blast and finishes off the wounded goblin pyromancer.

The goblin pyromancer, blinded by Faeli's spell, steps back and then breaths fire in Talitha's direction, catching its own ally and Arialis in the blast.
Goblin Pyro (K13): A1 - Step A2 & A3: Burning Hands
Arialis and Talitha must make a DC 16 reflex save or take 8 fire damage

Its goblin bard companion is singed but still seems to be just fine. It tries to duck between Talitha's legs and gets stuck completely. Even as it scrambles to get its head out from between her calves one of the plates of food nearby suddenly levitates up and nearly pies Talitha in the face but the savvy fighter ducks and the pie (and metal plate behind the pie) sail harmlessly over her head.
Goblin (M11) - A1: Tumble Through - Crit Fail A2 & A3: TK - Miss

From the North down the road comes a man dressed in noble finery running at full speed screaming in terror. Those who played the archery game recognize him as Aldren Foxglove, the noble visiting Sandpoint for the festival. Behind him is a goblin wearing the skull of a horse riding on the back of a mangy looking dog. Flanked on either side like a hunter with his servant attendees are another couple more torch wielders and four more goblin warriors splattered with blood and soot.

Round 6
Seeing the goblins arraying themselves the sheriff points to Foxglove who shows signs of stab wounds already.

"Protect the civilians! Prepare to attack!"

The guards and Sheriff position themselves to intercept the goblins and the fleeing civilians.

Combat Tracker
Guard #118InjuredClub +91d6+4-
Guard #218BruisedClub +91d6+4-
Arialis1815/16Longsword +71d8+2-
Faeli1416/16Spells +7TK 1d6+4-
Kaddock1820/20Longbow +61d8-
Razyll1717/17Scimitar +61d6+3-
Talitha1819/19Bastard +91d8+4-
Tristen1514/21Longsword +71d8+4-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Fighter, 36 posts
19/19; AC 18; F:6 R:7 W:5
Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 21:25
  • msg #43

[1.02] Party Crashers

Talitha managers to avoid the stream of fire coming out of the goblin with a quick move to the side, and considers moving to where the remaining goblins are.
Then she hears the screams coming from the north and the Captain to ask for help to protect the civilians. She sees that the group can handle the remaining goblins, so she rushes to the north and waits for the civilians to come and she prepares to hold the attack from the new attackers next to the guards.

21:13, Today: Talitha rolled 22 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 15.  reflex save.

A1: Move 30 feet to G12
A3: Wield shield offhand
A3: Raise shield.

This message was last edited by the player at 07:28, Fri 06 Nov 2020.
Tristen d'Cordain
Champion, 42 posts
Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 23:31
  • msg #44

[1.02] Party Crashers

Tristen tried to finish off the goblin that was in front of him. The longsword flashed in the air, once, twice.

A1: Finish off K13
rolled 14 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 7.  ATK
rolled 5 using 1d8+4 with rolls of 1.  Damage

A2: Not sure if K13 is down. Attack again!
rolled 11,9 using 1d20+2,1d8+4 with rolls of 9,5.  ATK/DAM

A3: If K13 is down, then move to E15. If not, then raise the Shield.
Reaction: Shield Block,

Kaddock Ingir
Ranger, 23 posts
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 03:08
  • msg #45

[1.02] Party Crashers

Seeing his comrades dealing with the nearby goblins Kaddock moves up to aid in the battle against the fresh onslaught.  He moved forward, took a careful bead on the leader and fired his bow.  His movement causes him to miss.

A1: Move to F6
A2: Focus on B176 as Prey
A3: Fire bow at B17

19:09, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 8 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 2.  Bow Shot.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:10, Fri 06 Nov 2020.
Cleric, 30 posts
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 11:09
  • msg #46

[1.02] Party Crashers

Rayzll struck out twice with his scimitar which had attempted to manuever through Talitha's legs attempting to take advantage of its odd positioning.

A1. Attacking goblin at M11
 Razyll rolled 10 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 4.  Scimitar attack on goblin at M11.
 Razyll rolled 8 using 1d6+3 with rolls of 5.  Damage attack 1.
A2. Second Attack on goblin at M11
 Razyll rolled 11 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 10.  Scimitar attack on goblin at M11 (-5 Pen).
 Razyll rolled 5 using 1d6+3 with rolls of 2.  Damage attack 2.
A3. Raises shield

Arialis Moonrider
Magus, 40 posts
Violet Knight of Kyonin
AC 18(19) HP 15/16 F5R7W3
Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 06:17
  • msg #47

[1.02] Party Crashers

Arialis lashed out at the Goblin in front of her one more time! Then charged off to join the forming line against the oncoming goblins. "Faeli, got any of those color sprays left? If so try and hit this lot coming at us!"

[OOC: 03:17, Yesterday: Arialis Moonrider rolled 20 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 13.  Reflex Save.

Made save.

Actions 1 and 2: Double Slice Goblin at M11.
Action 3: Stride to G15.

01:10, Today: Arialis Moonrider rolled 18,6 using 1d20+7,1d6+2 with rolls of 11,4.  Shortsword.
01:10, Today: Arialis Moonrider rolled 27,6 using 1d20+7,1d8+2 with rolls of 20,4.  Longsword.
Longsword Hit: 27 Critical (Nat 20)
Longsword Damage: 12
Shortsword Hit: 18
Short Sword Damage: 6
If Both attacks hit all damage is combined for purposes of resistances and weakenances. So 18 Damage.]

Faeli Blackbriar
Wizard, 34 posts
Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 19:28
  • msg #48

[1.02] Party Crashers

Faeli looked around the battlefield and she knew there was no chance for her to back it to the frontline to repel this new terrifying wave of goblins. The gnome thought for a moment and then adapted a wicked smile.

Running through the mess of the ruined festival, Faeli spared one glace back to the little girl which she saw was cut down by a goblin. With renewed determination she ducked down behind the stage.

OOC: Faeli moved to J17 and hides behind the stage.

Cleric, 31 posts
Sun 8 Nov 2020
at 00:00
  • msg #49

[1.02] Party Crashers

Razyll shook his head as he watched the gnome bolt into danger.

"Gnomes..." The half-orc said under his breath as he prepared to charge into the horde of goblins.
Dungeon Master
GM, 144 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 15:32
  • msg #50

[1.02] Party Crashers

Round 6
Talitha moves to withstand the incoming goblin charge.

Tristen stabs at the blind goblin pyro in front of him and while he lands a solid hit the goblin is still a dangerous threat flailing wildly around with its burning torch.
OOC: FYI I did this a little wrong but I don't think it matters. If you are blinded it stacks a lot of conditions
- You cannot Step
- You stride at half speed
- You are flat-footed

Kaddock aims at the goblin commando but misses.

Razyll stabs and slices but the frantic goblin proves too difficult to hit.

Arialis finishes off the goblin singer and then rushes off to meet the incoming goblin war party.

Faeli dashes behind the stage.

The goblins charge forward, swarming over the line of guards and adventurers. The guards raise the shields, letting their wooden shields take the hits from the goblin dogslicers. Arialis ends up taking several hits as she ends up being flanked and swarmed by a pair of goblins that jump on her and stab her repeatedly.

Then the goblin pyros come over and oblivious to their own warriors they bath the guards and adventurers with fire! Two goblin warriors and a guard go down to the indiscriminate flames while further down the line another guard gets engulfed when a goblin torch bearer pulls a ball of flame from the end and tosses it right in the guards' face.

The goblin commando on his goblin dog charges forward and the pair of them bear down on the Sheriff and he collapses under their combined attack.

OOC: In the end -
Arialis: 14 damage
Talitha: 6 Make a DC 16 Dex save or take 12 damage (6 for half. Let me know if you want to react and take it on the shield).

2 guards are dead. 2 goblin warriors are dead. Sheriff Hemlock is disabled.

Meanwhile the blind goblin tries frantically to find Tristen, swinging its burning torch around wildly but it cannot find where anyone is anymore.

Combat Tracker
Arialis180/16Longsword +71d8+2Dying 1
Faeli1416/16Spells +7TK 1d6+4-
Kaddock1820/20Longbow +61d8-
Razyll1717/17Scimitar +61d6+3-
Talitha1815/19Bastard +91d8+4-
Tristen1514/21Longsword +71d8+4-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Fighter, 38 posts
19/19; AC 18; F:6 R:7 W:5
Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 20:26
  • msg #51

[1.02] Party Crashers

Talitha sees the flames again and this time she's not able to avoid them, although she manages to cover most of her body with the shield.
She shouts at the others as she sees Arialis and the Captain fall to the ground. "How are you doing back there?! We need help in the front! Those pyromaniacs are a pain in the ass!! Anyone shoot them!!"
She really needs to divert the attention from the fallen colleague, si she dives into the middle of the combat.

20:09, Today: Talitha rolled 23 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 16.  Reflex save. – [roll=1604952571.70043.350022]
Not sure how it works. If I react and take it on my shield the damage goes to my shield instead of me? Then yes :)

A1: Move to H14
A2: Attack goblin in I15
20:24, Today: Talitha rolled 27,7 using D20+9,d8+4 with rolls of 18,3.  Attack and damage one handed. – [roll=1604953440.05208.350022]
(I don't know if the goblin had an AC>17, but if not it's a critical hit, damage 14)

A3: Raise shield

Tristen d'Cordain
Champion, 44 posts
Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 21:07
  • msg #52

[1.02] Party Crashers

Leaving the blinded goblin, Tristen rushed into the fray. He saw that Arialis had gone down, "Abadar needs his heroes to rise! Rise and fight for Sandpoint!" He rushed to her side striking at the goblin. He quickly knelt down and touched Arialis on the shoulder, shaking her. "Abadar has granted a boon!"

A1: Move to I14 (AoO or not)
A2: Attack I15
rolled 16,5 using 1d20+7,1d8+4 with rolls of 9,1.  ATK/DAM.

A2: Lay on Hands, heal Arialis for 6 HP, and grants +2 AC Bonus for turn.

Cleric, 32 posts
Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 00:31
  • msg #53

[1.02] Party Crashers

Razyll steps up where Tristen left off. Moving to L13 Razyll attacks the blinded goblin at K13. His sword flashes out twice-the second slash going wide.

A1. Move to L13
Razyll rolled 4 using 1d6+3 with rolls of 1.  Scimitar Damage (May be a critical).
Razyll rolled 25 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 19.  Attack on goblin at K13.
Razyll rolled 9 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 8.  Attack #2 on blinded goblin at K13 (-5 attack pen).
Didn't roll damage on the second attack because it looks like an obvious miss.

Faeli Blackbriar
Wizard, 35 posts
Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 02:14
  • msg #54

[1.02] Party Crashers

Faeli ducked behind the stage and gestured with her hands again while she recited the words which would temporarily allow her to telekinetically throw an unattended bottle of some solution at the goblin at I15.

A1.& A2
21:12, Today: Faeli Blackbriar rolled 6 using 1d6+4 with rolls of 2.  Damage to goblin at I15.
21:12, Today: Faeli Blackbriar rolled 12 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 5.  Attack I15 goblin.
A3. Move to N17

Kaddock Ingir
Ranger, 24 posts
Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 03:24
  • msg #55

[1.02] Party Crashers

Seeing the damage caused by the pyromaniac goblins Kaddock aligned his bow and focused on the most dangerous of them.

A1: Make F16 Prey
A2, 3: Fire at F16

19:24, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 2 using 1d8 with rolls of 2.  Damage.
19:23, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 11 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 8.  Bow Shot.
19:23, Today: Kaddock Ingir rolled 21 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 15.  Bow Shot.

Arialis Moonrider
Magus, 41 posts
Violet Knight of Kyonin
AC 18(19) HP 15/16 F5R7W3
Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 06:09
  • msg #56

[1.02] Party Crashers

Arialis stood up and growled low. "Thank you Tristen." Then she looked around. "Cut these little bastards down where they stand!" She said to her allies as she lashed out at the goblin at G14 with her twin blades!

[OOC: Action 1: Stand Up.
Actions 2 and 3: Double Slice goblin @ G14.

01:05, Today: Arialis Moonrider rolled 25,8 using 1d20+7,1d8+2 with rolls of 18,6.  Longsword Attack.
Hit: 25
Damage: 8
01:06, Today: Arialis Moonrider rolled 22,3 using 1d20+7,1d6+2 with rolls of 15,1.  Shortsword Attack.
Hit: 22
Damage: 3

If Both attacks hit all damage is combined for purposes of resistances and weakenances. So 11 Damage.]

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