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14:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[1.02] Party Crashers.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Aldren Foxglove
NPC, 3 posts
Human Male
Foxglove Noble
Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 19:56
  • msg #83

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Kaddock Ingir:
"Lord Aldren, with the sheriff at death's door who is in charge here?  We should organize what guards are left standing and warriors and warrior mages to sweep the town to secure it and ensure that no more goblins are left running about."

Lord Foxglove gives a shrug.

"I wouldn't know, I'm not from around here. I came to town for the festival and to make arrangements for supplies. My family home has fallen into complete disrepair while I have been away and I need carpenters and glassworkers for the restoration."
Father Zantus
NPC, 4 posts
Human Male
Cleric of Desna
Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 19:58
  • msg #84

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Father Zantus and his acolytes were the first out of the the cathedral. Skilled in healing but not the ways of battle they set to work treating the wounded. The sheriff and his men, including Vorn, were able to be saved but many townsfolk were not so lucky having been killed or bled out during the battle. In the end despite the early horror only five townsfolk lost their lives in this part of town.
Ameiko Kaijitsu
NPC, 8 posts
Human Female
Rusty Dragon Owner
Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 20:04
  • msg #85

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

The party helps out where they can but eventually things move out of their hands as the temple acolytes and local herbalists and midwives take over. As they stand around contemplating what to do next Ameiko, the bartender from the Rusty Dragon, comes over and waves at them.

She too has a few cuts and scratches and her boots have a considerable amount of goblin blood splashed over them.

<b><green>"I heard that you lot were responsible for defending the cathedral. Well done, heroes! I would wager we were attack by nearly fifty of the little buggers so looking at the pile here I'd figure you're responsible for about half the defense of town just here alone.

I'm not an official mayor or anything but while the mayor is busy getting the town back in order let me say on behalf of everyone here how thankful we are for your heroism. If any of you care to stay you are welcome to stay at my inn, on the house. All the food and booze you can stuff inside yourself is on me.

If it isn't too crass to suggest, I suspect that Sandpoint is going to need a lot of help in the coming days so to lay all the cards on the table I'm hoping to keep you as my guests of honor so that you're around just in case we need a few more acts of heroism in the coming days."

She grins and throws a friendly wink at them letting them know that whether they stay or not, they are more than welcome to a clean bed and a bite to eat.
Kaddock Ingir
Ranger, 31 posts
Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 04:32
  • msg #86

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Kaddock brought water to Talitha and Arialis seeing them waver after the fight completed.  He laughed with Talitha and returned a minute or two later with a beer in a chipped mug. "It took a bit but let's hope this works."

He shrugged as well at lord Aldren's explanation.  "Is your estate in town or nearby?"

Later as Ameiko gathered them together he nodded. "We did what we could to defend ourselves and the others.  Are these types of attacks normal?  Is there a goblin tribe nearby?"  Kaddock smiled. "Thank you for the offer of hospitality.  I know I'll gladly take it up at least as long as I'm here."
Arialis Moonrider
Magus, 45 posts
Violet Knight of Kyonin
AC 18(19) HP 15/16 F5R7W3
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 00:55
  • msg #87

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

"We did what was right." She said softly to Ameiko. "To stand there and do nothing, one of my blood couldn't do it. Even the good Lord Foxglove did his part as well." She said, mentioning him, and his knife throw. "The room, will be appreciated, thank you.

Then she looked towards Lord Foxglove. "We have not formally met. I am the Lady Arialis Moonrider-Dragonfeather, the second child of the heads of the elven House of Moonrider-Dragonfeather." She said offering him a small bow. "If you need some assistance with that I could send word to my House, see if they can send some help. I am sure they can spare a carpenter or two, and maybe a glass spinner."

Then she looked towards Razyll. "...if I remove my armor, can you, help close this wound?"
Tristen d'Cordain
Champion, 47 posts
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 03:49
  • msg #88

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Tristen spent several minutes in order to refocus his divine gifts from Abador. He enjoyed the others as they were discussing several things in the aftermath of the goblin invasion. He heard Lady Arialis Moonrider-Dragonfeather talk of removing her armor. "I can offer some healing, Lady Arialis." He hurried and bowed finding himself in the company of two nobles.
Fighter, 47 posts
09/19; AC 18; F:6 R:7 W:5
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 07:18
  • msg #89

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Talitha is still sitting in the same place she sat a few minutes ago. She's been looking at the rest of the people run around with fresh water and clean clothes for the wounded. She has some injuries that would require assistance, but it seems noone has noticed it so far.
"I'll gladly take the offer as well, Ms. Ameiko. And I won't decline the offer of one of your famous spicy pies if you add that to the offer as well.
She smiles but the pain in one of her arms turns it into a grimace.
"And as everyone is saying, we did what we considered we had to do at that moment, and we'll do it again if it's needed, although I would prefer a nap, some food and bandages in between fights..."
Aldren Foxglove
NPC, 4 posts
Human Male
Foxglove Noble
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 14:53
  • msg #90

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Kaddock Ingir:
"Is your estate in town or nearby?"

Aldren laughed and shook his head.

"Oh no, not at all. If it was my renovations would be much easier. It's about a day's walk South and West of here. If you ever want to come visit you will of course be guests of honor for what you have done although right now I would ask you wait until my renovations have been completed. It would be embarrassing to treat such fine heroes in its current state of repair but once it is completed I will of course send word if I can."

Arialis Moonrider:
"We have not formally met. I am the Lady Arialis Moonrider-Dragonfeather, the second child of the heads of the elven House of Moonrider-Dragonfeather." She said offering him a small bow. "If you need some assistance with that I could send word to my House, see if they can send some help. I am sure they can spare a carpenter or two, and maybe a glass spinner."

Aldren Foxglove bowed, taking Arialis' hand to kiss it in a formal manner.

"And I am Aldren Foxglove of the Magnimar Foxgloves. About 80 years ago my Great Uncle built Foxglove Manor as a way to establish our own lands and get out of the crowded city but things just never seemed to work out. There was a tragic accident when I was young so we moved back out again. For over a decade the manor has sat abandoned. My sisters live in Korvosa now and want no part in it so it is up to me to restore both my family's lands and fulfill our legacy.

I appreciate your offer of aid, Lady Arialis. I can hire the help that I need but an elven craftsmen would be appreciated. Elven woodworking is especially beautiful, so I've been told."

Faeli Blackbriar
Wizard, 43 posts
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 16:28
  • msg #91

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

In reply to Arialis Moonrider (msg # 87):

"Of course he can!" Faelie said before she looked back to Razyll "Right Razyll?"
Cleric, 38 posts
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 19:39
  • msg #92

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

"Yes, yes-of course, everyone please gather around. I will see what I can do."

Razyll took ten minutes to refocus his attention and faith on the tenets of the Dawnflower.

"Please anyone who is hurt, gather over here." Razyll instructs as he picks a place far away from the blood and viscera of the fallen goblin corpses.
Fighter, 49 posts
09/19; AC 18; F:6 R:7 W:5
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 20:09
  • msg #93

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Talitha stands up and moves close to Razyll, following his instructions to the best of her ability.
If he can heal her so easily, he'll become her best friend for the rest of their stay in Sandpoint.
Tristen d'Cordain
Champion, 48 posts
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 20:49
  • msg #94

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Tristen welcomed the news that the owner of the local inn offered him a room. "Thank you." He moved and gathered around Razyll. He had been seriously wounded in the goblin attack. He'd accept whatever aid was offered. "Thank you, Razyll."
Cleric, 39 posts
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 21:04
  • msg #95

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Razyll slowly recites The Dawn Brings New Light. It was often used against evil and despair, but in this context Razyll used the verses to highlight that each new day, brings with in new opportunities. He thanked Sarenrae for his continued existence and acknowledged that even if a new day brings the afterlife, there were things still to be thankful for.
Arialis Moonrider
Magus, 46 posts
Violet Knight of Kyonin
AC 18(19) HP 15/16 F5R7W3
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 03:38
  • msg #96

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

"I will send word to my family to send a craftsmen." She said, offering him a small smile and nod.

Then she would move over to Razyll, undoing the straps to her armor and removing it. Dropping it at her feet. It was obvious she had a decent wound, as her tunic had a huge gash in it as did her side. Still though, beneath her armor was the form of an alluring, elegant, and beautiful elven woman. One that is hard to believe is over a hundred and twenty years old at that.

[OOC: Heh, you do know that to remove the wounded condition is via regaining HP through Treat Wounds via the Medicine Skill, or getting back up to full HP via magical/other healing and a 10 minute fast rest. :) ]
Kaddock Ingir
Ranger, 32 posts
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 06:28
  • msg #97

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Kaddock nods to Aldren. "I certainly wish you luck in rebuilding your family legacy Lord."  He steps away as Arialis begins to speak and looks around.  Seeing the mayor Kaddock steps over to the important man.  "Mayor, my comrades and I would like to continue to help your town through the crisis.  Is there ought we can do to aid either in patrolling or trying to put an end to these incursions?"
Cleric, 40 posts
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 13:02
  • msg #98

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

In reply to Arialis Moonrider (msg # 96):

Razyll smiled. "Barely a scratch" the half-orc lied as he started to work on the wound which the elf presented. His hands were sure and surprisingly gentle as it cleaned the wound of the detritus left by the goblins ill maintained blades.

"I am just clearing away a present that your dancing partner left for you in her, this may hurt-just a bit." Razyll said as he finished cleaning the wound and applied cleansing ointments. He stitched the wound with trained precision as he looked over his next patient and planned his healing approach.

"See..." Razyll said as he turned his attention back to Arialis. "...that wasn't so bad."

OOC: Totally forgot that Razyll has Battle Medicine! He could've used non spell based healing.
Razyll rolled 24 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 16.  Treat Wounds (Arialis).
Success The target regains 2d8 Hit Points, and its wounded condition is removed.
In my Pathfinder group, the healing is kindda a gift so the person healed rolls the recovery dice. I am not sure it matters overly much who rolls but it seems more neat to me.  I assumed the DC to be 15 but the target number can be modified due to circumstances by the GM. If the Treat Wounds roll was a critical success Arialis would instead recover 4d8 Hit Points, and the wounded condition is removed.

Fighter, 50 posts
09/19; AC 18; F:6 R:7 W:5
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 14:11
  • msg #99

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Talitha sees Razyll taking care of the wounded Arialis with expert care and she is sincerely impressed. She approaches the cleric once he's done treating the wounds of the elf and with a timid smile she shows her wounds to the half orc.
"You did very well with Arialis. Do you think you could have a look at these? specially the burns hurt like hell..."
Faeli Blackbriar
Wizard, 44 posts
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 14:29
  • msg #100

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Fali looked on with great interest as Razyll mended the wounds of Arialis. The gnome held tightly onto the elf's hand as the half-orc worked.

"Oh no, Talitha that looks bad." Faeli said as Talitha displayed her wounds.
Kendra Deverin
NPC, 3 posts
Human Female
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 15:41
  • msg #101

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Kaddock Ingir:
"Mayor, my comrades and I would like to continue to help your town through the crisis.  Is there ought we can do to aid either in patrolling or trying to put an end to these incursions?"

The mayor comes around to give thanks to the heroes that helped save the villagers in the Cathedral.

"I am sure I will find a use for you. While we were able to fend off the goblin raiders our city guard took heavy casualties. With Sheriff Hemlock bedridden for awhile I am sure that your help will be needed."

She looks at Ameiko and the innkeeper nods at her.

"I'm guessing you'll be staying at the Rusty Dragon Inn so I will send someone if we need you. Thank you again, I can't imagine what would have happened if you hadn't been here. It's strange though. We've had goblin raids before but it is usually just a handful rooting around in garbage bins or sneaking pies off of windowsills. I haven't heard of something like this happening...well...ever. At least not for a long time."

She starts to look around, searching for someone.

"We have a few rangers who hunt in the woods, I'll see if they will be willing to scout the trails and find out what is going on. I don't want to send you out into the wilderness blind. For now just stay close and once we have better intelligence on the surrounding goblin tribes we will put together a posse to keep this from happening again."
Cleric, 41 posts
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 15:58
  • msg #102

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

In reply to Talitha (msg # 99):

Talitha's burns were bad, but there were not beyond Razyll's ability to treat. The half-orc produced a wicked looking knife and some of his ointments.

"We will have to remove the damaged portions first, but this salve should help with the pain." Razyll said as he lightly applied a mixture of oils. He examined the rest of Talitha while the agents worked on deadening her sensitivity to pain before he set to removing the damaged skin.

"There, there-just a little more." the half-orc cooed has he finished with his ghastly work and bandaged the wound with wraps which had been heavily treated with salves.

OOC: Razyll rolled 19 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 11.  Treat Wounds (Talitha)
Success The target regains 2d8 Hit Points, and its wounded condition is removed.

Fighter, 51 posts
09/19; AC 18; F:6 R:7 W:5
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 21:35
  • msg #103

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Talitha wraps a piece of cloth around her healthy hand and bites it to withstand the pain while Razyll takes care of the burns and the other wounds.
It takes a while and by the face of the fighter it is a painful process, but at the end of it she looks much better.

"I don't know why it always hurts more the healing of the wounds than when I get hurt..."
She smiles at the half orc very thankful for his care.

21:33, Today: Talitha rolled 6 using 2d8 with rolls of 3,3.  Heal treated wounds.
Faeli Blackbriar
Wizard, 45 posts
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 22:01
  • msg #104

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Faeli winced as she watched Razyll work.

"Careful, careful-oh my the gods, you are not going to...okay. I think I am going to go stand over here."

Faeli said as she detached herself from Razyll's healing efforts to seek some fresh air to help clear her greenish pallor.
Tristen d'Cordain
Champion, 49 posts
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 22:33
  • msg #105

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Tristen gave a nod to the mayor. "Yes, I'll be at the Rusty Dragon. I'll be available to help the town in any way that I can." He waited patiently for Razyll to tend to his wounds.

Tristen 4/21 HP

Cleric, 42 posts
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 22:53
  • msg #106

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

Razyll gestured for Tristen to join him when he had time to separate himself away from the Major. The half-orc prepared his tools as Tristen de-armored himself for the cleric's examination.  Razyll silently went to work on cleaning the wounds of the Champion and mending his torn flesh. He growled deep in his throat at the harm which the goblin's misshapen blades had caused.

"Looks like they got you good." Razyll said as he looked over the extent on the wounds and prepared a strategy.

"Thankfully your blade got the last word."

OOC: Razyll rolled 26 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 18.  Treat Wounds(Tristen).
Success The target regains 2d8 Hit Points, and its wounded condition is removed.
Critical Success The target regains 4d8 Hit Points, and its wounded condition is removed.

Arialis Moonrider
Magus, 48 posts
Violet Knight of Kyonin
AC 18(19) HP 15/16 F5R7W3
Fri 20 Nov 2020
at 02:35
  • msg #107

Re: [1.02] Party Crashers

"Thank you Razyll, I appreciate it." She said with a soft smile and an appreciative nod.

Then she looked towards Faeli as she held her hand, with a perked delicate violet brow. " I, thank you too..."

"We will await your word at the Rusty Dragon Mayor." She said with a nod.

"Razyll, if you could see to Tristen when you are finished with Talitha." She asked quietly, then picked up her armor, and followed after Faeli.

[OOC: 21:29, Today: Arialis Moonrider rolled 8 using 2d8 with rolls of 1,7.  Healed.

I think that puts me at 11 of 16 HP now, which is ALOT better then being at 3 and wounded. :) LOL!]

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