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, welcome to [5E] The Heroes of Ashford

17:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 353 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 13:54
  • msg #1

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

By mid-morning a small impromptu caravan had formed on the outskirts of town. The Heroes of Ashford, as the locals began calling them, were not the only people looking to travel to Spire Keep. Morren the chef, and Angel the elf were also looking to travel to the big city along with a couple local merchants and farmers. Despite all the chaos and troubles the town had faced families still needed to sell their goods and pick up food and supplies and Spire Keep was the trading hub for the entire region.

In the end in addition to the adventurers a half dozen townsfolk and travelers set off with them. The route to Spire Keep was well known and traveled. At first the trail was small but as they passed through the region and went by other towns the trail slowly widened and became more traveled and better maintained. Low points on the trail would have rocks or even planks set to keep the carts from catching in the mud after the rains and around mid-afternoon the group reached the first resting area. A clearing had been well trampled with fire pit and someone had even sunk a few hooks in the trees to allow for easy hitching of reigns and bridles.

The travelers chatted among one another. A pair of young boys barely into their teens helping their father carry grain to Spire Keep peppered the adventurers with more questions about their fight with the dragon and one of the boys, Tomas, even asked to wield Talia's polearm for a few chops against a tree. Their father just rolled his eyes and maintained an air of aloof indifference but he always seemed to be around when the adventurers retold their tale for the fifth time that day.

With their mid-day break past the caravan set out again and just as the skies began to darken and the tip of the moon began to crest the group caught sight of Sweetwater Tavern. After several weeks of travel and adventure, Yry was finally coming home.
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 151 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Tue 13 Oct 2020
at 18:19
  • msg #2

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Traveling with the people from the village had Talia in high spirits. She felt like things were moving forward, that she was protecting them, and normal. IT felt normal to be making a communal trip to Spire Keep. It wouldn't be her first trip, but it was her first trip as protector and hero.

She walked at the head of the column with her halberd across her back and felt the weight of her new mace swinging at her belt. There was a bounce in her step and a song on her lips. At the rest stop, rather than let Tomas just chop at the tree, she showed him how to stand and how to draw power up through your feet from the earth to make your blow powerful. She laughed and corrected his tries happily. She laughed almost as hard at the father desperately pretending he was not interested.

She left recounting the story to Yry though. The sorcerer was better at those things.

When the inn finally came into view, Talia was sweating and felt soreness in her muscles from the long trek. It would be good to stretch by the fire to ease the road out of her feet and down a tankard or two of Alyssa's family brew to warm her innards. "Come now, lasses and lads, let's find ourselves a bit of rest. I am certain a certain pair of women's families will be dieing to hear certain stories as well." She grinned at her friends and broke into a jog to cover the last distance.
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 180 posts
HP: 12/12
Tue 13 Oct 2020
at 21:07
  • msg #3

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Alyssa was excited to be part of the Heros of Ashford leading the small caravan and to continue to bond with her new community. She was also excited to see her family. The halfling moved about from group to group as they made there way out of town and onto the wider ways that all lead to Spire Keep. She caught sight of a game track here or a fresh pile of droppings there but with such a large group Alyssa knew the leaver was long gone before she noted it.

At the afternoon break Alyssa sat on a log, kicking her legs, near Talia's impromptu martial lesson. While she laughed Alyssa still maintained a good view of the clearing's edge. She took her role as a protector seriously and while they were in little danger here now it felt right to keep at least one eye watching.

As the Inn came into view and all the thoughts and memories of home came flooding back Talia called out breaking Alyssa's moment. Att he sight of her friend running off though the brewers' daughter gave a hoot and took off down the road to the Sweetwater Tavern. "No fair! Your legs are too long you aurochs!"
player, 25 posts
Wed 14 Oct 2020
at 13:48
  • msg #4

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Angel kept mostly to herself as the group travelled, content to observe the others with whom she travelled -- most especially the Heroes. Their mannerisms, their ways of speaking, how they interacted with everyone else, who was close to who -- everything was filed away for later use. Angel wasn't even really conscious she was doing so though, it seemed more something she'd learned to do long ago and now had become a habit. If pressed on the issue she'd have just explained it away as being a 'people watcher', but she couldn't for the life of her remember where she'd first learned to do such a thing... or why.

When the group stopped for a rest, she sat off to the side and watched Talia's impromptu weapons lesson, idly rolling a gold coin through her fingers. Without even looking at it, her attention on the lesson, the coin flashed through her fingers at an almost dizzying pace and never once faltered. She really was quite adept with those nimble fingers of hers.

Angel smiled in spite of herself at the sight of the inn, relishing the thought of a nice meal, a soft bed, and perhaps even a hot bath too!

OOC: How much for a room, a meal, and a bath, dear DM?
Dungeon Master
GM, 354 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Wed 14 Oct 2020
at 17:39
  • msg #5

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

The Sweetwater inn, as a major crossroad to a major hub, offers a full array of services.

OOC: Instead of pricing out each individual thing I'm just going to bundle services into an "experience" cost

The Inn offers a budget option for the thrifty traveler. A simple meal of bread, stew broth and a space on the floor of the common room for a single silver piece.

The "typical" traveler gets a shared room (2 people to a small room) and a basic meal of beer and stew, (that includes the actual vegetables and meat, not just broth), and a bucket of cold water that you can wash yourself with is eight silvers.

For three gold pieces you get the upper class experience. This includes a drawn heated bath, a private room, a bottle of nice wine or spirits and a custom meal like mashed potatoes and good cut of venison or pork.

Finally for six gold you get the noble experience. An extra large room with high quality linens, private bath, a servant dedicated to helping you get ready and several course meal and desert.

If you want to quibble and barter over prices a drawn bath is 2sp otherwise meals are per here:

player, 26 posts
Fri 16 Oct 2020
at 12:57
  • msg #6

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Angel entered the tavern with the others, making the connection between the inn's name and the surname Yry had offered yesterday. Looking around she took note of who was already inside and then where all the exits were -- something she found herself doing without even realizing it. Then she approached the person behind the bar and inquired about accommodations. She didn't even haggle on the price but handed over the three gold named for a private room and a drawn bath, and then asked the barkeep for some information, favoring them with her best winning smile.

"So being new to Spire Keep where would be a good place to see about buying some equipment -- a good knife, maybe a bow for hunting, and some general wilderness trekking gear?"

"Say, there wouldn't by chance be any card games running this evening, would there?"

Dungeon Master
GM, 358 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 12:43
  • msg #7

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

The evening passes uneventfully. Alyssa's family (all dozen of them) come by with a barrel in celebration of her achievements and she instantly becomes the most popular patron of the Sweetwater as the haflling brew starts flowing. It is a light, sweet beer full of fruity flavor and while it isn't very potent, free beer is free beer and it is tasty if not intoxicating.

Meanwhile Yry's parents likewise are doting on their daughter and her recent success and slip the party a bottle of wine, leaning in and letting them know their stay is on the house. Because Morren and Angel arrived with the Ashford girls they quickly are swept up in the same celebrations and complimentary drinks.

Angel is able to drum up a poker game with a merchant and his two guards and after several close hands the crowd watches as the pot in the middle of table gets bigger and bigger. Everyone is holding their breath expecting some epic showdown but the merchant and one of the guards lose their nerve at the last minute leaving Angel going head-to-head with a heavily inebriated drunk. Angel wins handidly and with her massive coin advantage quickly bullies out the rest for a respectable amount of silver in the end.

The celebrations start to die down and the fire starts to lower. The main room empties considerably as the locals go back to their homes and a few patrons turn in early. The adventurers, along with their two new temporary companions, enjoy each other's company and have a lovely evening. Eventually even Alyssa's family decide to turn in and for a brief moment it is just the six of them remaining, drinking the last of their beer and enjoying the last of their food when there is a thunderous knock on the front door.

Yry's mother frowns and crosses over, opens up the door and nearly collapses in fear...
Sir Arcturus Bor
NPC, 1 post
Human Male
Knight of the Black Star
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 13:04
  • msg #8

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Standing in the doorway is a dashing looking knight with a charming smile on his face. A light rain had begun to fall and the drops on his armor make it sparkle in the torchlight.

"May we come in?"

His voice and tone were friendly but he didn't wait for Yry's mother to respond before pushing past her. Behind him are two more knights as well as a full contingent of men-at-arms, about a dozen and a half in total. They all bear white livery dotted with a large black star which explains the innkeeper's fears.
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 152 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 18:13
  • msg #9

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

It had been a warm, pleasant night. Talia even found herself not hating Angel; not liking her exactly, but not hating was progress. Tasty beer, good food, and the prospect of a bed all had her in good cheer. And as the night wound down, she felt sated and secure. A warmth that she had come to cherish that reminded her of nights curled up beside her mother under heavy blankets. Smiling, she was just standing to excuse herself for the night when the door tried to rattle itself off the hinges.

Turning to see what the goings on were as Yry's mother went to the door, she sucked her teeth sharply at the sight of the knights. She had to fight her instincts to grab her mace and instead forced herself to sit down heavily in her chair. That company was far too much for their group. Worse, it was a fraction of the band's strength and it would bring down hell and ruin on the Sweetwater.

She watched with careful eyes even as she turned back to her tankard and filled it with a bit more wine.
Dungeon Master
GM, 359 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 21:14
  • msg #10

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

The three knights grabbed a table with Lady Lyra and Sir Arcturus talking to one another loudly while Lady Cass sits quietly to the side.

Meanwhile the other men-at-arms square away at other tables. They are quickly loud, rude, and demanding. While Arcturus and Lyra look away the guards make insulting comments about the tavern ("it's a shithole") about the beer ("tastes like donkey piss") and Yry's family ("looks like they've been breeding with ogres. Ugly ogres.")

Their conduct would be unpleasant at even the seediest tavern by the docks of a big city let alone a nice quiet countryside inn. It quickly seems like the guards have even made it a game as to who can make Yry's mother cry or get her father to outburst in anger.
Sir Arcturus Bor
NPC, 2 posts
Human Male
Knight of the Black Star
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 21:27
  • msg #11

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Meanwhile Arcturus and Lyra quickly fall into deep discussion about their upcoming mission, oblivious to the fact that not everyone in earshot is part of their party.

"So what is this, the third town that is back on their taxes?"

"The fourth I think. At least of those assigned to us."

"You know when we accepted Lord Saxton's offer I was expecting know...fancy dinners and fair maidens and less..."

"...tromping through the countryside shaking down farmers for their last turnips?"

"Exactly. If I wanted to stay knee deep in pigshit I would have accepted that contract up in Amn. Now there's a place that knows how to deal with sellswords."

"Oh it cannot possibly be that bad, Sir Arcturus. Even without Lord Saxton's sponsorship you're a landed nobleman now thanks to that pretty little bride of yours."

"Little is right. On our wedding night I thought I was bedding a boy. Thank the gods for brothels. The second she is seeded I can leave that unpleasantness behind me."

Lady Lyra gives Sir Arcturus a wry smile.

"You might want to consider having more than one heir. Just in case..."

Arcturus lets out a laugh and stomps his mug on the table demanding more ale which Yry's mother quickly comes by and refills.

"You know what, to the nine hells with Lord Saxton. Why don't we turn around and just go back to Spire? With the taxes from this town we can skim a little off the top and rut through an entire brothel before the morn. Come on Lyra, my treat..."

He winks at her suggestively and she laughs in response. Her laughter is light and soft, like a noblewoman having a social gathering over tea instead of being part of a rude and vulgar conversation such that they're having now.

"A very tempting offer. You can take half, I'll take half and we'll meet in the middle. But what will Lord Saxton say when we show up empty handed?"

"We're not going to spend that much...oh you mean about this last town. Right. What was it called?"

"Ashford. It says the last tax collector sent there never returned."

Sir Arcturus gave an exaggerated sigh and slumped down in his chair.

"Right. Can't let that go, can we. I suppose we'll have to make an example of them. What do you think we should do this time?"

"I like the one where you round up all the men and toss them some knives and tell them you'll spare the winners."

Sir Arcuturs smiles wistfully at that memory.

"Yeah that was fun. And their faces when Cygnatius began casting that fireball on them anyway...that was good. What about when we made them drag out all their belongings and we set them on fire in front of them. That was good too."

"Yes but we need Cygnatius for that one as well."

"Oh right. Hmmm...what do you think Lady Cass?"

The death monk didn't respond, just quietly eating the soup she ordered and Lyra and Arcturus laughed as if asking her opinion was some great inside joke.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:28, Tue 20 Oct 2020.
player, 28 posts
Wed 21 Oct 2020
at 15:58
  • msg #12

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Angel was having a good evening. She'd managed to convince a merchant and his guards to engage in a card game, and it was obvious to anyone who observed the elf that she was well in her element playing a game that depended on clever deception. She expertly played her three fellow players, losing some to bait them in, and then winning the large pot at the end with a professional gambler's skill... all told she managed to win more than a week's worth of wages in a single night!

She was just raking her winnings toward herself when the knock on the door boomed through the inn and she paused only momentarily to look toward the door. When she saw the knights push their way past, she immediately understood what was going on and quickly hid her winnings. Then grabbing her mug and nursing it slowly, she kept her eyes downcast and tried her best to be as inconspicuous as possible. This wasn't her fight and she intended to stay out of it as much as possible...
Sir Arcturus Bor
NPC, 3 posts
Human Male
Knight of the Black Star
Wed 21 Oct 2020
at 17:22
  • msg #13

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

The two knights fell quiet, focusing on their drink and laughing with their soldiers as they made the Sweetwater's lives miserable. Finally Sir Arcturus grew impatient and flung his mug of ale across the tavern nearly pegging Yry's father in the temple

"No! I refuse to have my week ruined marching to some shithole on the ass end of the Wealdath. We don't all have to be there to punish this town, right? Cass, you don't mind taking this on, right?"

The silent death monk just shook her head. Arcturus laughed and tugged on Lyra's arm.

"There, see? Problem solved. Now then, there isn't a moment to waste."

Sir Arcuturus stood up, pounding his armored gauntlet on the table to quiet down his men.

"Men, there has been a change of plans. Lady Lyra and I are needed for an important strategy meeting back at Spire Keep."

Most of the bar had been listening in to their conversation and Arcturus' announcement is punctuated by laughter and a few crude comments involving sheathing swords into scabbards or polishing polearms.

"Lady Cass will continue on to...what was it?"


"Right. Ashford. Lady Cass will proceed on and deal with the missing tax collector. We leave immediately so saddle up."

The two knights and their portion of the retinue finished off their food and drinks and Sir Arcturus threw a handful of coppers on the floor in front of the Sweetwaters. It wasn't nearly enough to cover their food and drink, let alone the damage his men had done but Lady Lyra circled back and put a single gold coin on the counter that would cover everything.

After a few minutes of commotion the common room quieted down considerably as it was just the silent death monk and her half dozen soldier continuing to eat and drink. From the window the group could hear the raucous of the knights and their men saddling up horses and departing swiftly in the direct of Spire Keep.
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 153 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Thu 22 Oct 2020
at 03:50
  • msg #14

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

The further the conversation went, the more and more Talia felt something howling in the pit of her stomach. The powerlessness of having to sit and listen to men discuss the violation of her town, her friends, and her family. She stared into her mug imagining various townsfolk fighting back and paying with lives. A distant, unseen part of her mind wondered what happened to her mother after she was defeated or even if the soldiers just wanted to have some fun.

Her lips were pressed together so hard they shone pale white as the other two left.

It was a mistake. It was the mistake that Talia was waiting for. A coil of tension released in the pit of her stomach as the odds changed. For now. If they did this; if they stopped this thing here then they set their town against the prime minister. She longed for the days of the Baron. Sighing, she lifted her mug to her mouth and looked a question at her friends across the rim. She even looked it at the cook.

With worry, she looked around at the tavern as well. The decision could not be solely hers, cold it? It implicated too many people.
player, 29 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Thu 22 Oct 2020
at 09:53
  • msg #15

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

From across the room Angel looked up at the exact moment that Talia looked around the tavern. For just a moment the elf held the human's gaze and then the corner of Angel's mouth pulled up in a crooked smile and she winked at Talia. The gesture was playful, irreverent... and also knowing. It wasn't clear if Angel would stand with the others if they chose to act, but it did seem the clever elf knew something of what Talia was considering.
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 181 posts
HP: 12/12
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 00:10
  • msg #16

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Yondalla help me!

It was almost too much for Alyssa to bear. To be forced to sit there as these bullies pushed these good people around. To hear them bad mouth the food, service, and the beer! If it wasn't for her short stature the "knights" may have seen her go to stand at one point.

And then to hear them talk about their purpose there. To have saved Ashford from a crazed dragon cult only to have some vengeful tax collectors going to deal out "punishment." Alyssa was simply frozen there as the brutish group made their way from the tavern.

Sneaking a look at the remaining men-at-arms and their leader, Alyssa caught Talia's eye and mouthed the words, "Tax collector?" with a inquisitive shrug.
Fighter, 199 posts
Female Goliath
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 03:09
  • msg #17

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Orila was looking forward to getting to Spire Keep. She was in a good mood until the newcomers began talking aloud. She wondered why the Sweetwaters were not paying attention to her story of the dragon that the group had killed over a week ago. "You're haven't heard the good part. We KILLED that dragon. It was amazing!"

"I need another drink!"

Orila cast a glance around the room. She gave a nod of acknowledgement to the other warriors that she saw in the room. She held a big grin.
Morren Deynora
player, 15 posts
Beating Faces & Eggs
AC 15, Hp 21/21
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 16:48
  • msg #18

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

"Lot o' 'em." Morren says quietly to the folks at his table, "We 'ave to be smart focus on the heart o' the problem firs'. If we do this now follow me close. Follow my lead. If you prefer to be afar get as far from the bulk of 'em as ye can. We 'ave all the initiative 'ere. Jus' a sec."

Morren heads over to the bar nearby, "Pitcher of yer strongest. I want it so strong it'll light on fire if I look at it wrong. Close as ye 'ave."

When he gets his order he walks back over to table talking loud enough for overhearing to happen, Not right to leave a new frien' sitting alone. Let's gid o'ver there."

Assuming the group understands that he's using this as an excuse for them to walk by the head bad guy towards Angel, Morren leads any that stand up and follow and paces it so the ranged combatants have time to get in spots they want to be.

If the plan is indeed agreed upon and followed, Morren 'trips' as the group gets near the bad guy and spills the pitcher all over the head bad guy's upper torso.

"Oh shite!" Morren exclaims.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:48, Fri 23 Oct 2020.
Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 142 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Sat 24 Oct 2020
at 08:02
  • msg #19

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Yry wasn't around too much. She made sure her friends were comfortable and taken care of but she also spent quite a bit of time away from the common spaces to catch up with her family. She wasn't one to sit idly and be doted on and she tried to counter each kindness with helping out around the inn, washing dishes or chopping firewood until someone found her and ran her away from the task.

She heard most of the commotion, but from outside the inn. There was a certain anger and indignation that sat in her chest and by the time she is back into the common room from a side door she doesn't disagree with the general idea but she does wish they could have waited to confront 'Lady Cass' until they were out of the inn. That chance might not have come, however, so there is little to be done.

She moved quickly to her parents, making sure they are okay and then urging them to get to the back.
Lady Cass
NPC, 1 post
Elven Female
Knight of the Black Star
Sat 24 Oct 2020
at 14:59
  • msg #20

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Morren goes to "trip" and spill his beer but even with her back turned the death monk's lightning fast reflexes kick in. Without looking her arm comes up smacking the pitcher out of the air and sending it flying in an arc. It spins wildly, the force keeping almost all of the spirits inside until it lands smack in the middle of the next table over spraying the two guards there with potent spirits.

In a fluid movement continuing her momentum she slides out of her chair, planting a foot so the momentum spins her around and into a fighting stance with her fists cocked back and ready to rain blows.
Dungeon Master
GM, 365 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Sat 24 Oct 2020
at 15:45
  • msg #21

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

The guards now drenched in spirits let out a shout and their companions all look their way, completely missing the melee about to ensue.

OOC: Surprise against all the guards who are badly out of position. Unfortunately Lady Cass was not fooled and no surprise against her.

Lady Cass' fists fly out, peppering Morren with a flurry of blows. Morren's own quick reaction times allow him to use his spoon to deflect two punches but even as he deflects one another one is coming in and overwhelms his defenses and he ends up taking two solid hits from the death monk.

OOC: Morren takes 9 bludgeoning damage

Round 1
Lady Cass16HealthyFists +51d6+2-
Alyssa1428/28Shortbow +71d6+3-
Angel1321/21Dagger +51d4+3-
Morren1517/26Soup Spoon +51d8+3-
Orila1631/31Maul +52d6+3-
Talia1538/38Dragon's Breath +61d6+4-
Yry1528/28Frostbite +51d6-
Blackstar Mercenary #114Unarmed-Surprised 
Blackstar Mercenary #214Unarmed-Surprised 
Blackstar Mercenary #314Unarmed-Surprised 
Blackstar Mercenary #414Unarmed-Surprised 
Blackstar Mercenary #514Unarmed-Surprised 
Blackstar Mercenary #614Unarmed-Surprised 
gle d20 roll

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:41, Mon 26 Oct 2020.
player, 33 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Sat 24 Oct 2020
at 16:21
  • msg #22

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

(Edited at DM's direction)

(actions taken before combat)
When Angel's poker companions (the merchant and his guards) decided to leave, she graciously helped the drunken guard to his feet and wished her fellow card players a good night...

(in combat actions)
As Lady Cass let loose a rain of blows on the cook, Angel touched with her thumb the wool/fleece string still tied around her finger from the day before and under the table made an arcane hand gesture. Suddenly, from the direction of the inn's main door, (N-9?), came the sound of a swiftly-approaching galloping horse and then Lady Lyra's voice called out. "Guards! Ambush! Arcturus has been shot! Help!"

OOC: action -- cast Minor Illusion
     move -- (none)
     bonus -- (none)

This message was last edited by the player at 12:03, Sun 25 Oct 2020.
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 154 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 13:21
  • msg #23

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Talia noted Morrhen's ruse and smirked. She thought it more funny than a good idea. when it backfired, she blinked in surprise.

A second latter, a new sensation welled up within her. The instinct to protect her friends and allies fueled a knot of red fire in her stomach. Gritting her teeth, she stepped up beside her giant ally and swung the mace at the harbinger of death who would probably enjoy, greatly, seeing her mother's broken form at her feet. Talia wouldn't have it; wouldn't allow it. even as she moved, a spectral form flowed along side her and then separated out. Talia seemed unaware of the form as her mace connected. The figure moved with Talia and attacked using the same form as the woman warrior. More to the point, perhaps, Talia's form lagged a split second behind, so perhaps it was she who copied the specter's form?

Move: J5
Bonus: Rage
Action: Reckless attack, Lady Cass.

21:16, Today: Talia Alden rolled 20 using 2d20+6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 8,14.  attack.
21:18, Today: Talia Alden rolled 11 using 1d6+6 with rolls of 5.  damage.

Fighter, 200 posts
Female Goliath
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 08:48
  • msg #24

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Orila sprang into action. She lifted and slammed her maul on the unsuspecting Blackstar Mercenary closest to her. The maul slammed into the chest as she stepped toward another mercenary. "Come on then." Orila gestured to the mercenaries to come at her. </blue>"You've been disrespecting these nice inn folk for the last time."</blue>

Action: Attack merc @K7
rolled 16 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 11.  ATK
rolled 10 using 2d6+3, rerolling ones with rolls of 4,3.  DAM

Move: 5' to L6

NOTE: Need to list my Trip Attack to maneuvers available

Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 182 posts
HP: 12/12
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 20:55
  • msg #25

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Alyssa watched as Morren made his way past the monk. For no apparent reason. She saw as he "tripped" and incredibly as the Death Monk swatted the pitcher out of the air and proceeded to land several blows against their cook-friend. Reacting without conscious thought Alyssa nocked and loosed an arrow at the monk.

OOC: 16:45, Today: Alyssa Tealeaf rolled 25,4 using 1d20+6,1d6+3 with rolls of 19,1.  short bow lady cass, ac 16.
Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 143 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Mon 26 Oct 2020
at 21:25
  • msg #26

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Yry's first concern is the bystanders in the room, which happen to be people she grew up with and considers family. She calls out to the maid in the middle of the guards, making eye contact and saying, "Hide under a table!" She retrieves the crystalline ring from her neck as she does so, saying a string of syllables in draconic.

A white, shimmering mist quickly spreads through the front portion of the inn, engulfing most of the guards. Yry also isn't sure of Angel's capabilities so it seems a good idea to give her some cover, as well.

_ _ Yry Sweetwater the sorcerer iii______ ___ _ __ _
 hp ██████████ hd ♡♡♡
 ac {15} [13 d. resilience + 2 dex] p.per {13} p.inv {10} p.ins {13}
 sorcery points ❆❆❆ spell slots ❆❆❆ ❆❆

 {action; cast fog cloud (20' radius, 120' range) on the bottom right corner of P6}

Dungeon Master
GM, 367 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 06:45
  • msg #27

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Round 1
From outside comes a call for help. Several of the mercenaries turn their heads around at the call reaching for weapons and looking like they're about to dash out.

OOC: Mercenaries #3, #4, #5 failed their saves

Morren responds to the assault with a rapid series of attacks on his own. While she deflects most of his attacks he ends up smacking her across the face with a shovel. Needless to say that attracts the attention of the unfooled men-at-arms in the tavern.

Orila catches a guard completely by surprise and her maul knocks his lights out completely.

A ghostly form of a barbarian woman strikes down hard on Lady Cass and a split second Talia's own strike lands causing a grievous wound on the monk's side.

Complicating things further a fog cloud spreads throughout the bottom half of the tavern.

Round 2
Lady Cass is wounded but seems focused enough to realize what is going on. She redirects her many attacks and pummels Talia who, despite her barbarian's rage, seems to take quite a few punishing hits. And ordinary person would have likely been beaten in the ground but Talia's rage sustains her and she weathers the punches and kicks looking angrier than ever before. Floating around and above her like a ghostly outline the barbarian ghost roars out a soundless challenge before pointing her sword at Lady Cass.

Lady Cass reacts by punching out at the ghostly warrior surrounding Talia and she strikes the ghost directly and shatters it like a burst balloon and soon Talia is raging all by herself.

OOC: Talia takes 4, 7 and 3 damage from the series of attacks and kicks.

Lady Cass16HurtFists +51d6+2-
Alyssa1428/28Shortbow +71d6+3-
Angel1321/21Dagger +51d4+3-
Morren1517/26Soup Spoon +51d8+3-
Orila1631/31Maul +52d6+3-
Talia1524/38Dragon's Breath +61d6+4-
Yry1528/28Frostbite +51d6-
Blackstar Mercenary #214HealthyUnarmed--
Blackstar Mercenary #314HealthyUnarmed-Fooled
Blackstar Mercenary #414HealthyUnarmed-Fooled
Blackstar Mercenary #514HealthyUnarmed-Fooled
Blackstar Mercenary #614HealthyUnarmed--
Blackstar Mercenary #114UnconsciousUnarmed--

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Fighter, 202 posts
Female Goliath
Wed 28 Oct 2020
at 15:31
  • msg #28

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Orila was about to attack another one of the Blackstar Mercenary members when a fog cloud obscured everyone on one side of the Inn. So she shifted her feet until she was facing the death monk. She brought her maul down for an overhead strike. Heartened by her success, she followed up the overhead strike with another strike to the side.

Action: Attack K4
rolled 24 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 19.  ATK
rolled 9 using 2d6+3 with rolls of 5,1.  DAM.
rolled 6 using 1d6 with rolls of 6.  Reroll 1 and 2.
Damage = 5+6+3 = 14

Action Surge
Action: Attack K4 (death monk)
rolled 21 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 16.  ATK
rolled 8 using 2d6+3 with rolls of 3,2.  DAM
Damage = 8

Total Damage = 22

IF Monk is down, then move to M5

player, 35 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Thu 29 Oct 2020
at 11:30
  • msg #29

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

The appearance of the magical mist gave Angel's illusion an otherworldly feel, as a horse could be heard anxiously snorting and pawing the ground from the direction of the outside door (N-9) and Lady Lyra's voice called out again. "Guards! Hurry! They're coming!"

The mist also gave the elf some cover as she quickly and quietly moved around her table in the direction the fireplace. Once there, she reached into the fire and took hold of a piece of burning wood -- thankful once more for the mist concealing that the flames licking her skin didn't seem to harm her much at all. Silently sliding the burning brand from the fire, she suddenly swung it at the shadowy form of the mercenary who had been next to the fireplace... one of the two who'd been liberally splashed with the spirits from Morren's failed ploy.

OOC:  ongoing -- minor illusion, round 2/10
  move -- starting in R-4, moving to Q-3 and then P-3, using stealth to attempt quiet move
     object interaction (free) -- pull burning brand from fire (i.e. torch from sconce)
     action -- attack merc in 0-4 (advantage and disadvantage should cancel each other out to make for a normal attack; improvised weapon (torch) functioning presumably like a club, proficiency bonus added to a presumed regular melee attack)
06:23, Today: Angel rolled 11 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 10.  Torch attack vs. Merc (AC 14).
    (Presumed Miss!)

Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 183 posts
HP: 12/12
Thu 29 Oct 2020
at 14:38
  • msg #30

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Alyssa gave a involuntary shutter as Yry's fog filled the far end of the tavern. She then moved around some tables to get a better line on the monk. Once clear of Talia, Alyssa loosed a second arrow at the monk.

OOC: Move I6 to H4
Attack Lady Cass, hit AC 20 for 6+4 damage

10:36, Today: Alyssa Tealeaf rolled 20,9,4 using 1d20+7,1d6+3,1d8 with rolls of 13,6,4.  short bow lady cast, ac 16.

Talia Alden
Barbarian, 156 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Thu 29 Oct 2020
at 16:07
  • msg #31

[Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Talia stumbled and felt something foundational in her quake as the spirit burst. Tears welled to her eyes and she felt a hollowness. Flooding into that empty space came anger, defiance, and indignity. Standing up tall, she grunted angrily and stepped in to attack her foe. Still she felt knowledge foreign to her own mind guide her. Knowledge, she now knew, was her ancestors guiding her strikes and granting her wisdom. It flowed through her connection to her ancestors, whoever they were, and to see one vanquished thusly haunted her, enraged her. However, something seemed missing this time and her mace hit thin air. She snarled.

Move: none
Bonus: none
Action: attack, miss.

00:05, Today: Talia Alden rolled 15 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 9.  attack monk.

Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 144 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Fri 30 Oct 2020
at 06:58
  • msg #32

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Yry continued her icy incantation in the draconic language, white motes of frost energy building around her hands and the crystal ring. She directs the energy at Lady Cass, letting it accumulate and forcing her to resist it.

Yry hopes the waitress has gotten to safety but can't tell as the mist obscures that area.

_ _ Yry Sweetwater the sorcerer iii______ ___ _ __ _
 hp ██████████ hd ♡♡♡
 ac {15} [13 d. resilience + 2 dex] p.per {13} p.inv {10} p.ins {13}
 sorcery points ❆❆❆ spell slots ❆❆❆ ❆❆

 {action; cast frostbite on Lady Cass, con save dc 13 or take 3 cold damage and disadvantage on next attack}
 {01:55, Today: Yry Sweetwater rolled 3 using 1d6 with rolls of 3.  frostbite con dc 13.}

Dungeon Master
GM, 371 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Fri 30 Oct 2020
at 20:26
  • msg #33

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Orila hammers Lady Cass, knocking her solidly about. Lady Cass does not go down, just pausing in her fight to spit out a gob of blood onto the ground and then drop back into her fighting stance.

Angel pokes at one of the guards with her flaming brand but the sudden appearance of a fog cloud makes it hard to see and her big thrust hits nothing but air. Still she thinks that they aren't really aware of her yet.

Alyssa fires a shot but the monk's hand snaps up and she slaps the arrow mid flight sending it into the wall instead. Ta

Talia continues to rage, no longer guided by the spirits but the monk is everywhere and nowhere, expertly ducking and dodging and weaving back and forth to avoid being hit.

Yry's blast of ice clips the monk freezing an arm and slowing her down a bit.

Morren likewise stabs out with his spear/spoon/shovel and again the monk dodges out of the way.

Three of the guards run out of the bar, drawing sword and preparing to assist Sir Acturus but when they get outside and see nothing they get confused and stand there looking around.

The other two move up, ending up partially flanking Orila and stabbing at her with their swords. With Orila focused on Lady Cass exclusively she is wide open to attacks from behind and she takes two quick slashes in rapid succession.
OOC: Orila takes 12 slashing damage from their sword attacks.

Round 3
Lady Cass lashes out at Morren again, punching him but not quite quick enough as he deflects the hit. She then suddenly leaps right over everyone's head. She was just standing there and with barely any movement she was soaring through the air to land on the other side of the guard. She lands by the unconscious guard and suddenly punches down onto his skull, splitting it like a gourd with one hammerstrike. The tattoos on her arm start to glow brilliant white, racing up her arm and for a second every tattoo on her glows revealing numerous ones even beneath her clothes. Her eyes glow white as well making it hard to look at her. When everyone's eyes refocus and adjust it looks like she has healed quite a bit. Still silent she looks back at the party with murderous intent.
OOC: Before the deathblow she looked like she was Mauled but after the glowing bit of death monkery she is just Injured.

Meanwhile the unconscious mercenary is definitely dead.

Lady Cass16InjuredFists +51d6+2Raging
Alyssa1428/28Shortbow +71d6+3-
Angel1321/21Dagger +51d4+3-
Morren1517/26Soup Spoon +51d8+3-
Orila1619/31Maul +52d6+3-
Talia1524/38Dragon's Breath +61d6+4-
Yry1528/28Frostbite +51d6-
Blackstar Mercenary #216HealthyLongsword +31d8+1-
Blackstar Mercenary #316HealthyLongsword +31d8+1-
Blackstar Mercenary #416HealthyLongsword +31d8+1-
Blackstar Mercenary #516HealthyLongsword +31d8+1-
Blackstar Mercenary #616HealthyLongsword +31d8+1-
Blackstar Mercenary #1-Dead---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 184 posts
HP: 12/12
Fri 30 Oct 2020
at 20:51
  • msg #34

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Alyssa looked on in amazement as she watched her arrow be effortlessly deflected into the wall. With a guttural growl she loosed another arrow at the monk.

OOC: 16:48, Today: Alyssa Tealeaf rolled 19,4,5 using 1d20+7,1d6+3,1d8 ((12,1,5)).

player, 36 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Sat 31 Oct 2020
at 16:15
  • msg #35

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Angel heard the sounds of booted feet moving and guessed that at least some of the mercenaries were making for the door, fooled by her illusion. She mentally altered the magic to hopefully keep the confusion going... (sound now coming from O-8, if possible, if not still from N-9)... "Guards! Where are you?! Where'd all this mist come from?!"

As Lady Lyra's voice echoed through the fog, Angel crept forward in the direction she'd seen the shadowy figure of the mercenary whom she'd failed to strike go...

Move: starting P-3, moving to O-4 and then N-5, using stealth to move quietly

... when she spotted that mercenary again she saw that he was now outside the mists and engaging Orila. Angel drew her newly-acquired dagger and gripped it in her other hand as she moved into striking distance, and then swung first with the burning brand she still held...

Bonus: off-hand attack (burning brand) 1st attack roll with Advantage for unseen attacker

11:07, Today: Angel rolled 8 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 7.  Torch attack vs. Merc. (AC 14)
11:07, Today: Angel rolled 4 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 3.  Torch attack vs. Merc. (AC 14).
  (Miss! -- even with Advantage. GRRRR!)
Action: attack mercenary (dagger) Sneak Attack applied for ally being within melee of foe
11:08, Today: Angel rolled 25 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 20.  Dagger attack vs. Merc. (AC 14).
11:09, Today: Angel rolled 13 using 2d6+3 with rolls of 5,5. (Hit! Crit!)
11:09, Today: Angel rolled 4 using 1d6 with rolls of 4.  Sneak attack damage.
     (14 Piercing damage to merc)

Fighter, 204 posts
Female Goliath
Sat 31 Oct 2020
at 18:35
  • msg #36

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Orila craned her head and followed the Death Monk as she soared over her head. She shifted her maul in her hand when she saw two of the mercenaries around her. She slammed her maul against one of the mercenaries and attempted to drive him back.

Reaction: Stone's Endurance reduces damage from previous round by 6 HP
rolled 9 using 1d12+3 with rolls of 6.  Stone's Endurance

Standard: Attack M5 using Pushing Attack (1 superiority die)
rolled 20 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 15.  ATK
rolled 10,6 using 2d6+3,1d8 with rolls of 5,2,6.  DAM, Superiority Die

DC13 or be pushed back 15'

Move: None

Morren Deynora
player, 18 posts
Beating Faces & Eggs
AC 15, Hp 21/21
Sat 31 Oct 2020
at 18:39
  • msg #37

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

"First you randomly kick my drink out of my hand and start punching me, then you kill you own man we subdued in self-defense? What the hell are you paying them for them to tolerate your psychopathy?"

Morren moves over to the monk and bonks her with his shovel.

"You'll answer for that murder, you nutjob!"

Focusing his ki, he flurries with kicks. One misses, but the other strikes keenly and threatens to knock her off balance.

Move to k7
Attack with magic spoon (17 to hit, 7 damage)
Bonus: Spend ki point to flurry, hitting once and on hit using Open Hand ability to force her to make a DC13 Dex save or fall prone. (First Flurry Strike 14, Second flurry strike nat 20 to hit, 7 damage.)

13:30, Today: Morren Deynora rolled 7 using 2d4+2 with rolls of 3,2.  Crit kick damage. – [roll=1604169057.65309.349468]

13:30, Today: Morren Deynora rolled 7 using 1d8+2 with rolls of 5.  Bonk damage. – [roll=1604169034.00394.349468]

13:26, Today: Morren Deynora rolled 24 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 20.  Flurry 2. – [roll=1604168806.6549.349468]

13:25, Today: Morren Deynora rolled 14 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 10.  Flurry 1. – [roll=1604168744.18513.349468]

13:17, Today: Morren Deynora rolled 17 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 12.  +1 spear shovel. – [roll=1604168221.86683.349468]

Dungeon Master
GM, 374 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 15:35
  • msg #38

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Round 2
Alyssa fires an arrow at the monk who once again deflects it midflight.

Angel misses with her flaming brand but is able to sink her dagger up into the man's back in a gap in his armor. Just as he begins to turn to face the new attacker Orila's hammer catches him in the side and he drops down.

Morren steps up and lets loose a flurry with his spoon but this time it seems as if he is striking stone. He knows he lands a few good hits but the monk just doesn't seem to be reeling like she should be. Finally he ends with a sweep of her legs that she jumps over.

Yry casts her ice magic but this time the monk seemed ready and dodged the point in air where the temperature began to freeze.

Talia smashes a guardsmen with her mace.

The mercenaries that had run out of the bar realize they had been tricked and turn around, swarming over Morren. Morren does his best but with attacks coming from every angle he takes several hard slashes.
OOC: Morren takes 13 damage from the guards attacks

Round 3
Lady Cass once again leaps into the air, flipping over Morren's head and landing on the table next to Angel and Orila. Angel is still obscured by the fog which puts Orila bearing the brunt of the death monks' reprisal. She lets loose another flurry of attacks, overwhelming Orila's defense and landing two solid hits. With her last attack she leaps off the table driving her heel through the temple of the fallen guard and once again her tattos flair up, binding her wounds and making her muscles bulge.

OOC: Once again she dropped down to Wounded but healed back up to Injured

Lady Cass16InjuredFists +51d6+2Raging
Alyssa1428/28Shortbow +71d6+3-
Angel1321/21Dagger +51d4+3-
Morren154/26Soup Spoon +51d8+3-
Orila1612/31Maul +52d6+3-
Talia1524/38Dragon's Breath +61d6+4-
Yry1528/28Frostbite +51d6-
Blackstar Mercenary #316HealthyLongsword +31d8+1-
Blackstar Mercenary #416HealthyLongsword +31d8+1-
Blackstar Mercenary #516HealthyLongsword +31d8+1-
Blackstar Mercenary #616HealthyLongsword +31d8+1-
Blackstar Mercenary #1-Dead---
Blackstar Mercenary #2-Dead---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Fighter, 206 posts
Female Goliath
Mon 2 Nov 2020
at 17:10
  • msg #39

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Orila reeled from the blows. But she held her ground and caught her breath. She brought up her maul and smashed it on the monk. She quickly tried to sweep the monk's legs out from under her.

Bonus: Second Wind, regain 13 HP
rolled 13 using 1d10+3 with rolls of 10.  Second Wind

Action: Attack Death Monk and Trip Attack (Superiority Die) HITS, Total 14 Damage
rolled 16 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 11.  ATK
rolled 12,2 using 2d6+3,1d8 with rolls of 6,3,2.  DAM, Superiority Die
DC 13 DEX to avoid TRIP
Move: None

Talia Alden
Barbarian, 157 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Thu 5 Nov 2020
at 04:25
  • msg #40

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Talia's mind noticed and assessed the monk's activity unconsciously as she faced off against the guard. ON one hand, some foreign though concluded, they must reduce the numbers of the foes. However, each fallen foe fed the monk's strange ability. It was a fine balance whether they could handle the monk's assaults while felling the guards. Gritting her teeth, she saw the trio of guards return and kept her focus there. He mace went wide and she felt her distraction palpably. Her mind was of two states and she needed to focus.

Move: k6
Bonus: none
Attack: mace to Guard at j7. Miss

Talia Alden rolled 13 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 7.

player, 38 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 06:28
  • msg #41

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Skirting the edge of the magical mist, Angel dropped the burning brand and reached out to snatch the fallen mercenary's dagger before continuing on to the next mercenary standing at the edge of the fog cloud. Steeping close enough to focus on that mercenary's form, Angel summoned her inner magic and spoke a command to him, her voice taking on a strange timbre as her eyes flashed red. "Flee!"

OOC: Move: N-5 to M-6
        (Free) - drop burning brand (torch)
        Object Interaction: take fallen merc's dagger (now wielding a dagger in each hand)
        Action: cast spell (Command) vs. merc in L-6
          (Wisdom Save vs. DC 12)

Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 185 posts
HP: 12/12
Fri 6 Nov 2020
at 21:43
  • msg #42

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Growing frustrated with her arrows being swatted away at the last moment, Alyssa redoubled her effort and loosed what she felt was a sure shot.

OOC: 16:39, Today: Alyssa Tealeaf rolled 18,9,2 using 1d20+7,1d6+3,1d8 with rolls of 11,6,2.  short bow lady cast, ac 16.

Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 145 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Sun 8 Nov 2020
at 09:24
  • msg #43

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Yry, not liking the monk's ability to heal herself with the passing of the mercenaries tries to do away with a couple of them. Yry focuses, building a point of frosty magic behind the two mercenaries and then letting it explode in a swarm of ice magic and clinging cold.

_ _ Yry Sweetwater the sorcerer iii______ ___ _ __ _
 hp ██████████ hd ♡♡♡
 ac {15} [13 d. resilience + 2 dex] p.per {13} p.inv {10} p.ins {13}
 sorcery points ❆❆❆ spell slots ❆❆❆

 {action; hit mercs at L6 & L7 with snilloc's snowball swarm, dc 13 dex save to take half of 8 cold damage.}
 {03:20, Today: Yry Sweetwater rolled 8 using 3d6 with rolls of 1,4,3.  mercs at L6 and L7 snowball swarm dc 13 dex save half.}

Dungeon Master
GM, 375 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Sun 8 Nov 2020
at 20:05
  • msg #44

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Round 3
Orila bashes the monk on the table but her sweep of the legs causes the monk to easily step over the strike. With the runic tattoos still glowing Orila finds that the monk seems a bit sturdier than normal, unflinching in the face of mighty strikes.

Talia swung but she felt like the mace was bucking in her grasp, throwing off her aim as if it didn't want to be wielded by her.

Angel continues to maneuver through the cover provided by Yry's fog cover. The mercenary turns and flees at full speed. When he drops his guard both Orila and Talia strike, Orila smashing his chest even as Talia clips the man's legs out from under him and he drops to the ground.

Morren turns to the guard next to him soaked in alcohol and touches his magical spoon to it and the guy ignites in fire. The guard flails around for a bit but is clearly out of the fight as the potent alcohol causes incredibly hot flames to cover his head and chest.

Alyssa fires another shot and while the monk again slaps it out of the air she is jut the tiniest bit late and the arrowhead clips her check slightly drawing a thin red line of blood.

Yry's spell materializes next to the two mercenaries and although they get their shields up in time, they are still pelted with ice balls causing a fair amount of damage.

The two mercenaries continue to gang up on Morren and while he defends himself against one the other one cuts him down.
OOC: Morren takes 4 damage dropping him to 0

Round 4
The death monk once again brings down her heel onto the temple of a dying guard to crush his skull and cause her tattoos to flare up again, mending her wounds and seemingly empowering her. With another sudden jump she leaps over Talia's head and this time lands at the table next to Yry and Alyssa.

The monk is clearly breaking a sweat at this point but her eyes show she is excited with bloodlust. She suddenly springs out with a punch heading towards Yry while a snap kick is heading towards Alyssa. Both heroes are able to duck or backpedal out of the way. While they have avoided Cass' attacks this round it seems like the monk has almost healed all of her injuries thanks to the deaths of the guards. Now with Morren fallen and vulnerable it seems probable she will attempt to do the same to the fallen giant, crushing his skull in order to empower her tattoos.

Lady Cass16HurtFists +51d6+2Raging
Alyssa1428/28Shortbow +71d6+3-
Angel1321/21Dagger +5 x21d4+3-
Morren150/26Soup Spoon +51d8+3Dying
Orila1625/31Maul +52d6+3-
Talia1524/38Dragon's Breath +61d6+4-
Yry1528/28Frostbite +51d6-
Blackstar Mercenary #416HurtLongsword +31d8+1-
Blackstar Mercenary #516HurtLongsword +31d8+1-
Blackstar Mercenary #1-Dead---
Blackstar Mercenary #2-Dead---
Blackstar Mercenary #6-Dead---
Blackstar Mercenary #3-Dying---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:22, Mon 09 Nov 2020.
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 159 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 15:33
  • msg #45

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Talia's mind slowly began to focus again. She saw the room moving and the alien thoughts flowed through her live a chorus. Still, the thoughts were still foreign feeling to her. Her mother said that one day these voices and her own instincts would begin to merge, but this was not yet that day. Her eyes locked onto the monk's footing and she grinned as the chorus of thoughts merged into a singled instruction. She glanced at the guard near her and then sent a sorrowful look to the fallen warrior. With Glynellis gone she knew of none among their group who possessed healing magics. The best she could do was to keep the monk from the man. Her form braced all on its own as she knew the course of action she chose would cost her much.

She sighed and broke from combat, allowing the man to strike at her if he wished through her dropped guard, as she moved toward the table the monk occupied. The strength of her ancestors flowed through her veins as she dropped her mace and gasped the table. A maniacal grin split her face as she flipped the furniture. Even as the wooden structure flew into the air, she attempted to grab it around the base and press the monk back with it.

Move: I7, provoke AoO.
Bonus: UH?
Action: uhmm?

Okay, I am not sure how to "count" this. Use an Object? Attack? A "grapple" with interesting fluff? Let me know what you think and I'll roll the dice. The goal is to disrupt her footing and then press her back.

This message was last edited by the player at 17:44, Mon 09 Nov 2020.
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 186 posts
HP: 12/12
Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 16:38
  • msg #46

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

As Alyssa ducked out of the way of the quick kick from the monk she saw Morren's form on the ground. Slipping past Talia, the halfling rushed to their fallen companion. Calling upon the powers of nature to help heal the firbolg, Alyssa hoped she wasn't too late to help.

Move to J6
Cast Cure Wounds for 6 points

11:36, Today: Alyssa Tealeaf rolled 6 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 5.  cure wounds, Morren.

Fighter, 208 posts
Female Goliath
Mon 9 Nov 2020
at 20:43
  • msg #47

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Orila tried to follow the death monk across the room. She tossed a table and rushed behind Yry. "Don't let that monk get close to you." She smashed the maul against the legs of the monk.

Move: 30' to G7. Not sure if the table will slow me down. But Orila is trying to flank with Talia who is at I7
Actin: Attack death monk, 1st roll Hits AC 22
rolled 22,12 using 1d20+5,1d20+5 with rolls of 17,7.  ATK
rolled 11 using 2d6+3 with rolls of 4,4.  Damage

Maneuver Die to Trip, 5 Damage, DC 13 Dex to avoid TRIP
rolled 5 using 1d8 with rolls of 5.  Maneuver Die

player, 40 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 02:21
  • msg #48

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Angel’s mouth curled into a feral grin when the mercenary affected by her magic fled and was promptly cut down by the others. Now that’s how it’s done! She crowed inwardly... and then promptly cursed with her next thought when Talia abandoned her position to go after the mad monk.  No! What the Nine Hell’s are you doing?! Kill the easy ones first! ... but the other woman was already gone before Angel could give voice to those thoughts.

Oh well. Work with what you have, not what you want.

Using the edge of the fog for cover Angel crept behind the next merc she could see and unleashed with her daggers...

OOC: move — from M-6 to M-7
     Action and Bonus Action — attack merc in L-7 with two daggers
19:45, Today: Angel rolled 23 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 18.  Dagger attack vs. merc. (AC 16). Hit!
19:46, Today: Angel rolled 5 using 1d6 with rolls of 5.  Sneak Attack damage.
19:46, Today: Angel rolled 6 using 1d4+3 with rolls of 3.  Dagger damage .
19:48, Today: Angel rolled 11 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 6.  Dagger attack (2nd hand) (AC 16).
     (11 piercing damage to merc)
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 04:48, Tue 10 Nov 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 377 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 16:40
  • msg #49

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Round 4
Talia avoids a hit on her back as she attempts to dump the monk prone. The monk tries to steady but with the table flipped completely over it knocks her feet from under her and she ends up prone on the ground.

Alyssa crosses over and heals Morren back up.

Orila smashes her maul down on the prone monk landing a solid hit and likely cracking a few ribs.

Angel uses the fog for cover and takes out another guard.

Morren gets back to his feet and in a flurry of blows takes out the last remaining guard.

Yry withdraws, ducking behind the bar counter to put some distance between herself and the monk's flying fists.

Round 5
The monk stands up and lashes out with a two-hit combo against Talia. Talia deflects the first but takes a solid hit to the chest with the second.
OOC: 8 damage becomes 4 damage due to barbarian resistance

The party notices that the monk's glowing tattoos have faded now that she hasn't killed anyone in the past few seconds and while before she was striking out like an octopus and leaping across the room with her flow disrupted she seems very much diminished.

Lady Cass16InjuredFists +51d6+2-
Alyssa1428/28Shortbow +71d6+3-
Angel1321/21Dagger +5 x21d4+3-
Morren156/26Soup Spoon +51d8+3-
Orila1625/31Maul +52d6+3-
Talia1520/38Dragon's Breath +61d6+4-
Yry1528/28Frostbite +51d6-
Blackstar Mercenary #1-Dead---
Blackstar Mercenary #2-Dead---
Blackstar Mercenary #6-Dead---
Blackstar Mercenary #3-Dying---
Blackstar Mercenary #4-Dying---
Blackstar Mercenary #5-Dying---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:07, Thu 12 Nov 2020.
Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 146 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 21:48
  • msg #50

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Yry falls back to keep a watch over the fight and so that no one has to worry about her being useless and vulnerable in melee. She focuses icy magic at the monk, the frost threatening to seep cold into her bones and stiffening the joints.

_ _ Yry Sweetwater the sorcerer iii______ ___ _ __ _
 hp ██████████ hd ♡♡♡
 ac {15} [13 d. resilience + 2 dex] p.per {13} p.inv {10} p.ins {13}
 sorcery points ❆❆❆ spell slots ❆❆❆

 {action; frostbite @ Lady Cass, con dc 13 or take 6 cold damage and disadvantage on next attack}
 {15:46, Today: Yry Sweetwater rolled 6 using 1d6 with rolls of 6.  frostbite con dc 13.}

player, 41 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 02:44
  • msg #51

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Angel felt part of the mercenary's vitality flow into herself when she cut him down. (+4 Temp HP) She spent just a heartbeat savoring the feeling, like one might relish the taste of fine wine, and then she stepped out of the fog cloud, one of her daggers twirling along her fingers with enviable skill. She gave the monk a wicked smile. "Well, well. You seem to be in quite a pickle, Lady Cass," she said mockingly, stepping over to one of the chairs and sitting down, kicking her feet up on the table. "What will you do now?" The elf taunted, casually waiting for Cass to make her move...

OOC: Move: M-7 to L-6, (part of move spent sitting down and propping feet on table)
     Object Interaction: manipulating chair to sit down
     Action: hold action/ready action

Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 187 posts
HP: 12/12
Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 19:15
  • msg #52

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

As Lady Cass gained her feet, Alyssa tried once more to pin this problem down. Rushing her shot before she had gotten folly back on her own feet the shot went high and wide.

14:10, Today: Alyssa Tealeaf rolled 8,7,3 using 1d20+7,1d6+3,1d8 with rolls of 1,4,3.  short bow lady cass, ac 16.

Fighter, 210 posts
Female Goliath
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 02:49
  • msg #53

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Orila seized the advantage to smash the maul against the monk. He tried to trip the monk again. Pressing on every advantage that was available.

Action: Attack death monk w/advantage (flank) Damage either 16 or 19. DC 13 to avoid Trip.
rolled 19 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 14.  ATK.
rolled 6 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 1.  ATK.
rolled 11,6 using 2d6+3,1d8 with rolls of 6,2,6.  DAM, Superiority Die.
Rerolling for 1 and 2
rolled 1 using 1d6 with rolls of 1.  Reroll 1 and 2.
rolled 2 using 1d6 with rolls of 2.  Reroll 1 and 2.
rolled 5 using 1d6 with rolls of 5.  Reroll 1 and 2.

Don't know if I should use the rerolled 1. But if not, then the 5 works. Up to the DM.

Dungeon Master
GM, 380 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 15:19
  • msg #54

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Round 6
Yry fires off more frost at the death monk but as the air begins to cool around her she twists out of the way of the spell.

Angel prepares her action.

Alyssa fires but Cass ducks the shot.

Orila smashes the maul into Lady Cass' side nearly knocking her prone but the monk flips in the air getting her feet under her. She is looking very badly injured at this point.

Talia tries to bring her mace down but the monk pops her fists up, punching out Talia's elbow and causing her strike to go wide.

Morren lashes out with strikes, punches, and kicks but the death monk deflects them all.

Round 7
As Lady Cass begins to move Angel attempts to hold her mind, shouting "Halt!" but the death monk's powerful will cuts through the magical enchantment.

The monk is bleeding badly and seems to be running out of steam. The glow from her tattoos has completely faded and there aren't any wounded or dying nearby for her. In a last act of desperation she goes purely defensive, running around the group to stand in the middle of the downed guardsmen. She steadies her stance, preparing to once again drive her heel through the temple of one of her own men in order to empower her death magic tattoos.

Lady Cass16MauledFists +51d6+2-
Alyssa1428/28Shortbow +71d6+3-
Angel1321/21Dagger +5 x21d4+3-
Morren156/26Soup Spoon +51d8+3-
Orila1625/31Maul +52d6+3-
Talia1520/38Dragon's Breath +61d6+4-
Yry1528/28Frostbite +51d6-
Blackstar Mercenary #1-Dead---
Blackstar Mercenary #2-Dead---
Blackstar Mercenary #6-Dead---
Blackstar Mercenary #3-Dying---
Blackstar Mercenary #4-Dying---
Blackstar Mercenary #5-Dying---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 188 posts
HP: 12/12
Thu 12 Nov 2020
at 18:50
  • msg #55

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Anticipating what the monk was about to do, Alyssa dug deep into herself and hoping to recreate her shot in the dragon's cave sent another arrow at the Lady Cass. Alyssa wasn't sure if it was a trick of the spell's celerity or not but the handling swore she saw the monk wink as the arrow slipped past its target.

I don't think movement is necessary other than to run away from these rolls...

13:44, Today: Alyssa Tealeaf rolled 12,9 using 1d20+7,1d20+7 with rolls of 5,2.  Zephyr strike Lady Cass AC 16.

Fighter, 211 posts
Female Goliath
Fri 13 Nov 2020
at 23:48
  • msg #56

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

"Kill her men. She's going to use her magics on them. Kill them before she does it herself." Orila shouted to her companions. She rushed to stand over one of the mercenaries. She brought down the maul as she smirked at the death monk.

Move: 30' to K8
Standard: Attack K8
Should have advantage on attack
rolled 14 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 9.  ATK.
rolled 13 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 8.  ATK.

rolled 12 using 2d6+3 with rolls of 4,5.  Damage

This message was last edited by the player at 23:48, Fri 13 Nov 2020.
player, 46 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 28/24
Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 01:57
  • msg #57

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Angel pursed her lips in displeasure when Lady Cass resisted her spell and tracked the monk’s movement across the room. Her eyes widened in surprise when the other woman stopped in the middle of her fallen men. She fully expected Cass to make a run for it... that’s what she herself would have done. But an opportunity was an opportunity — Angel knew better than to question good fortune. Orila’s words made little sense to the elf; she hadn’t yet seen Cass use any magic (OOC: Angel’s been in the fog whenever Cass used her death magic)... but that didn’t stop Angel from taking full advantage of the golaith’s tactical movement. As soon as Orila was close enough to threaten Cass, Angel launched herself out of the chair, daggers poised and ready to strike down the monk...

OOC: movement — half move spent getting out of chair (same as stand from prone maybe?)
                  action and bonus action — attack Cass with two daggers
19:32, Today: Angel rolled 18 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 13.  Dagger attack vs Lady Cass (AC 16). Hit!
19:32, Today: Angel rolled 19 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 14.  Second dagger attack (AC 16). Hit!
19:33, Today: Angel rolled 6 using 1d4+3 with rolls of 3.  Dagger damage (1st attack).
19:34, Today: Angel rolled 2 using 1d4 with rolls of 2.  Dagger damage (second attack).
19:34, Today: Angel rolled 1 using 1d6 with rolls of 1.  Sneak Attack damage .

    (9 piercing damage to Lady Cass)
This message was last edited by the player at 02:01, Sat 14 Nov 2020.
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 161 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Sat 14 Nov 2020
at 07:16
  • msg #58

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Talia rubbed her elbow and her mind was split. One side panicked and fretted about the situation. Though the guards were all down and dying, that provided fuel for the monk's strange death-fueled abilities. A calmed part of her mind watched the monk's movements and saw that she was desperate. The group had been negating her tricks and had her on the ropes now. Penny by penny they were chipping away at her resilience. She stood and strode toward the woman and smirked. She then moved at Orila had done to a guard bleeding out on the floor and casually staved the man's head in. She then moved toward the monk again.

Move: to guard for the killing blow then to monk? Map is not updated
Bonus: nadda
Action: Kill dying guard

Seeing as the monk went full defensive this turn, might just wait to attack again.

Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 147 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Sun 15 Nov 2020
at 09:08
  • msg #59

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Yry keeps channeling ice magic, cold snaps of freezing air crackling around Lady Cass, giving her one or two more things to think about as she tries to defend herself.

_ _ Yry Sweetwater the sorcerer iii______ ___ _ __ _
 hp ██████████ hd ♡♡♡
 ac {15} [13 d. resilience + 2 dex] p.per {13} p.inv {10} p.ins {13}
 sorcery points❆❆ spell slots ❆❆❆

 {action; frostbite @ Lady Cass, con dc 13 or take 5 cold damage and disadvantage on next attack}
 {bonus action; quickened frostbite @ Lady Cass, con dc 13 or take 3 cold damage and disadvantage on next attack
 {03:06, Today: Yry Sweetwater rolled 5,3 using 1d6,1d6 with rolls of 5,3.  frostbite, quickened frostbite.}

Dungeon Master
GM, 381 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 16:27
  • msg #60

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

As Orila and Talia prepare to execute the fallen guards to prevent the death monk from killing them herself, Angel slips out of the fog and buries her daggers in the back of the monk. The monk's eyes go wide and she turns around launching a hammer fist towards Angel's temple but her accuracy and balance is shot. The spin makes her stumble and fall to the ground. She tries to rise up to her feet but stumbles again, coughing up huge gobs of blood and spitting them to the floor. On her hands and knees she tries once last time in vain to stand but her strength is gone and she collapses motionless to the ground.

OOC: Combat is over! Each PC earns 100xp from the fight!

OOC: Lady Cass and 3 guards are "dying" while the other three guards are "dead", FYI
player, 47 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 28/24
Mon 16 Nov 2020
at 19:11
  • msg #61

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Once again Angel felt vitality from Lady Cass flow into herself when the monk collapsed, and she couldn't help drawing a deep breath and closing her eyes momentarily with the sensation. It was like the rush from a drink of cold ale running down a parched and dry throat, almost orgasmic in a sense. She sauntered over to the dying monk and crouched down to touch the tip of her new dagger to the base of Cass' skull. Then with a deft stab and twist she TRIED to send to monk to her gods...

OOC: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! (I hate hate hate the die roller some days!)
12:58, Today: Angel rolled 8 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 3.  Coup de Grace attack vs Cass .
12:58, Today: Angel rolled 7 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 2.  Coup de Grace attack vs Cass (advantage).
      (Miss! and Miss!... how freaking embarrassing!)

... but it appeared Angel's luck ran in capricious spurts, because at the last moment she lost her balance and the blade slid off the dying monk's neck, gouging the inn's wooden floor. A blind one-handed adolescent goblin could have done better. Snarling in frustration, Angel gathered herself and what was left of her dignity and stood up. "Fine," she was heard to mutter to the dying Cass. "Die on your own then. What I get for trying to be nice." Honestly, I really should've known better. She chided herself. No good deed goes unpunished.

Turning her attention to the mercenaries, she began to search their bodies; taking everything she found of value and putting it on the tables.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:27, Mon 16 Nov 2020.
Fighter, 216 posts
Female Goliath
Tue 17 Nov 2020
at 21:13
  • msg #62

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

"Did you hear what they were talking about? These were tax collectors or something. They were headed to Ashford?" Orila shook her head, "They didn't seem like real tax collectors though."
Dungeon Master
GM, 382 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 00:02
  • msg #63

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Yry's family peak their heads out from behind the bar and look at the death and destruction littering their inn floor.

"Oh my!" exclaimed Yry's mother looking at the blood and bodies.
Morren Deynora
player, 19 posts
Beating Faces & Eggs
AC 15, Hp 21/21
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 04:49
  • msg #64

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

"Real tax collectors don't kick a drink out of man's hand and try to kill him, then start butchering her own guards."

Morren motions at the tattoos on the monk, "Anyone got any idea what is with these magic tattoos? She was using them to eat her troops I think."
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 163 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 14:18
  • msg #65

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Talia took a few sobering breaths as the combat seemed to be winding down. She felt the strange secondary instincts fading from her mind and her own thoughts taking precedence again. Channeling her ancestors like that was strange feeling, but she embraced the technique more and more now that she understood its nature. Wandering a bit among the destruction, she nodded, "Aye, they WERE headed to Ashford. The others rode off for a bit of merriment. I don't expect things will go... well once this event is revealed."

She looked around to the other locals with fear gnawing in her guts. "'Real?' They'll be all too real when the Lord Saxton's agents go looking in Ashford for what happened or the other 'knights' come looking for their friend. The price will be real, too. The mayor and the council need to be told."

She pursed her lips and looked around again, "And this needs to be hidden. Anyone got any knowledge on how to make it look like they were ambushed on their way to Ashford? Goblins or some such?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:59, Wed 18 Nov 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 383 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 14:31
  • msg #66

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Searching through pockets and pouches the party finds the following:
- x6 suits of Chain Shirt marked as the property of the Black Star Mercenary Company (50gp/per)
- x6 Shields painted with the Black Star insignia (10gp/per)
- x6 Longswords marked with the Black Star stamp (15gp/per)
- x7 Daggers (2gp/per)
- x1 Quarterstaff (2sp/per)
- Various bits of gems and silver that ends up worth about 6gp
- Some kind of signet ring worn by Lady Cass that looks like it could be valuable. It is just a simple silver ring but has an incredible amount of detail carved into it making it look similar to her tattoos
- A small diary found in the pocket of Lady Cass
- Two rolled up scrolls in the pocket of Lady Cass
- A rolled up scroll found in the pocket of one of the dead guards

Checking for magic the monk's ring is the only thing that has a faint glow about it.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:14, Sat 21 Nov 2020.
player, 50 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 28/24
Wed 18 Nov 2020
at 14:36
  • msg #67

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

"Maybe..." Angel replied, looking up from her work of looting the corpses as she set a couple more daggers on the table. She met Talia's gaze with golden eyes and a most definite mischievous gleam. "Depends on much you need someone versed in the grand art of deception." She quipped.
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 189 posts
HP: 12/12
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 15:29
  • msg #68

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Alyssa caught her breath. Out of long habit she started collecting her arrows without consciously thinking to do so.

Talia Alden:
"And this needs to be hidden. Anyone got any knowledge on how to make it look like they were ambushed on their way to Ashford? Goblins or some such?"

Without looking up from retrieving the last couple arrows the halfling spoke out loud, "There's the Dragon-Cult caves..."
Dungeon Master
GM, 385 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 15:34
  • msg #69

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

The Dragon Cult caves are about three days walk from the Sweetwater inn. If the party could fly it would be a lot closer but going on foot means winding around the woods and traveling through the swamps.
Fighter, 217 posts
Female Goliath
Sat 21 Nov 2020
at 22:43
  • msg #70

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

"So our plan is to hide these bodies at these caves which are three days walk from here? If they came on horse, then we can take them there faster. But we'll have to ditch the horses too. And everything else that they have with their emblem on them." Orila looked around the common room. "There's blood everywhere."
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 165 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Sun 22 Nov 2020
at 17:46
  • msg #71

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Talia blinked and then stared. "Or... we could just burn them. My mother tells me my people use funeral pyres all the time as do other peoples. These..." She wrinkles her nose and makes to spit. Glancing at Yry's mother, she thinks twice and swallows hard then shakes her head, "They barely deserve such consideration, but it solves the problem, yeah? Then, all we have to do is agree to a story? Simple enough a babe could manage. I'd rather make it look like they got ambushed somewhere though. Would their comrades believe bandits could take them out or monsters?" She felt a bit cool discussing the problem like this, but she knew it needed to be done. She felt the sickness held at bay for now, but she knew a reckoning was coming.
player, 51 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 28/24
Sun 22 Nov 2020
at 19:12
  • msg #72

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Angel pursed her lips in displeasure and sighed disappointedly when Talia spoke. Gods Above she hated being ignored! Almost as badly as she hated the change she'd noticed in Jack. Seriously though, what did you expect? She chided herself. No good deed goes unpunished.

Dropping her gaze to the items on the tables, Angel started taking some of the daggers. She slipped one into the top of each of her boots, and slipped another two into her belt to go along with the pair she'd already 'borrowed'. (6 daggers total on person now) The others could have the rest of the gear -- it was all marked with the mercs' symbol anyway. Her eyes fell on Lady Cass' ring and she reached out for it, but paused with her hand hovering over it for a few moments. Dammit! She cursed to herself. Why should I care? They obviously don't want me around! Let'em go off and carry out their plan. What does it matter to me if it sounds doomed to fail! Its. Not. My. Fight... Then why did you help them? Her conscious answered back.

You're a fool. She told herself, finally making up her mind and snatching the ring off the table. She turned to face the others and held up the ring. "Or..." she began, slipping on the ring and suddenly Angel's form seemed to shift and she 'became' Lady Cass... or at least her flawless duplicate... right down to the tattoos on her arms and the clothes she wore. "You can let Cass and her thugs complete her mission. 'Collect' Ashford's taxes and send word to Sir Bors that she's located an unguarded dragon hoard and is setting off to investigate it. They disappear in the tunnels and no one knows what became of them."

OOC: Note: Change in portrait is supposed to reflect the change in Angel's appearance to reflect Lady Cass. Sorry that I couldn't find the exact picture in the portrait gallery.

Also, Pink Italics are inner thoughts.

This message was last edited by the player at 19:14, Sun 22 Nov 2020.
Fighter, 219 posts
Female Goliath
Mon 30 Nov 2020
at 22:50
  • msg #73

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

In reply to Talia Alden (msg # 71):

"Burning them is an option. But we shouldn't leave signs of a pyre near the Inn. That would cause more questions to the Sweetwaters." Orila began to straighten a few chairs in the common room. She saw Angel sudden change her appearance in front of her. "That's an interesting idea. Will you be able to mimic the voice as well? What about the guards. Who's going to disguise themselves as the guards. I don't think that I'll be able to manage that with my size. And I don't like the idea of taxing the people of Ashford. They've been good to us..."
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 168 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Tue 1 Dec 2020
at 10:29
  • msg #74

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Talia was waiting for others to comment on her idea when Angel shifted her appearance. Her eyes narrowed even as her suspicions burned bright through them. Looking to the ring, her mouth pulled tight and pale then she sighed heavily, "I do believe the idea would to be to fake collecting the taxes, as in Lady Cass took them into the dungeon with her. Either way, it has merits as an idea. Ultimately, we will need to deal with the fallout of this event... at some point." She sighed and looked out the door to the open night. "I had wanted to get this shopping trip done as well. We could combine it with a bit of reconnaissance on the knights as well. Still, I expect that we all need to agree on the path to choose. That should include the Sweetwaters." She looked around at those who had been in this with her. Again, the circle of her acquaintances had grown through adversity. She was , as yet, unsure whether it was a good thing or bad thing.

Pressing her lips together hard, "My vote is to burn them. Take them in a wagon with us along the track to the city and dispose of them along the way. Then do the shopping we need to and seek out information on the knights there. Perhaps we can even head off some trouble there?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 392 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Tue 1 Dec 2020
at 14:32
  • msg #75

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

The Sweetwaters are appreciative of any plan that gets the bodies far away from the inn as possible. Father Sweetwater, after ushering the rest of the family out of the common room, has a a few thoughts.

"The Knights of the Black Star, if you can really call them knights, have been causing problems for everyone. Lord Saxton's been squeezing the surrounding area dry. Rumor has it he's building up an army but nobody knows what for. There ain't no love for them around these parts, you can trust that. If anyone asks they stayed the night and left early in the morning heading East. If your friend there wants to put on a show, make a big point of riding off that works too.

If she don't want to talk none just going to the city and looking like that in a couple of places would probably confuse the others considerably. If most of them abandoned their duty, why wouldn't all of them? That way you can keep going on your way and not worry about drawing any attention to Ashford at all."

Fighter, 222 posts
Female Goliath
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 15:07
  • msg #76

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

"Well seems that me, Talia and the others are intent on heading to the city." Orila glanced around the room at her companions. "Angel. What will you do? You found yourself in Ashford but a week ago. This men and this monk were bad people... intending on taxing folks in an evil manner. And this one." Orila checked the face of the monk. "Even kills her own men to fuel herself. Dark magicks from my experience."

Orila stood up and faced Angel and Morren. "But both of you. You're quick in a fight. Thanks for your help. Will you stick with us? We're going to a place that is unknown in order to protect Ashford. We could use your help."
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 171 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 15:18
  • msg #77

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Talia had her arms crossed beneath her chest and eyed the group as the tension over what to do built. Grumbling a bit as Orila spoke, she nodded at Angel then smiled at the firbolg. "Aye, that scrape would have been a sore sight worse without the aid. You were in your right to spectate. My thanks that you did not." Most of what Talia said was directed at Morren but she let her eyes settle on the transformed Angel and there was thanks in her eyes if not on her lips exactly.

She then looked to the corpse and grunted, "Whatever we decide, we'll need to borrow a wagon, Ma'am. I'll get the corpses loaded up. We can sort what direction to move after that." She looked to Yry with a raised eyebrow then glanced at the door. Talia would need help.
player, 56 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 28/24
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 16:13
  • msg #78

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Angel shifted back to her previous form -- that of a copper-haired elf with a very nice tan -- and smirked at the goliath. "Is there a way to tax people that ISN'T evil?" She quipped and then she shrugged at Orila's follow-up question of what she was going to do now. "I've got nowhere special to be. If nothing else, staying with you lovely folks promises to be anything but boring," she replied cheekily, indicating the dead bodies currently strewn about the tavern floor.

When Talia spoke, Angel's expression grew more serious though she never quite lost that mischievous gleam in her bright golden eyes. She nodded slightly in response to the woman's words; meager acknowledgement for meager thanks... but still Angel seemed to appreciate the gesture nonetheless. "I still think you're making a mistake, but if you're intent on heading on into Spire Keep then I suppose I could help like he suggested," she said, gesturing to the Sweetwater patron who'd spoken earlier. "Hells, it might even be fun seeing how twisted I can make the trail for those who try to follow our dear Lady Cass."

"And this might help too," she added, picking up the the small diary found in Cass' pocket. She opened it briefly to see if it was in a language she knew, before slipping the little book into her own pocket.
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 192 posts
HP: 12/12
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 17:44
  • msg #79

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

After collecting her arrows Alyssa had gone to check on the Sweetwaters and to see if there was anything that she could do to help calm them. Not to mention helping others helped to keep the halfling's mind off of what just happened.
Talia Alden:
"Whatever we decide, we'll need to borrow a wagon, Ma'am."

"I can see if my parents need their wagon for a while. I feel the need to see them again anyway."
Dungeon Master
GM, 396 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 23:07
  • msg #80

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

The Sweetwaters not only lend a wagon for the bodies but also come out to help dispose of them. It is still the middle of the night so Yry's father directs them to a little glen a ways off of the main road. Together the group digs a mass grave and dumps the bodies in. Digging a grave deep enough for this many people takes most of the night but with eight people helping the work is manageable and the deed is done by the time the sun starts cresting.

"You lot had best be off. Better to not be seen around these parts for awhile, I figure. If anyone asks the soldiers stayed the night and left at dawn. May the gods favor you."

Yry's father wrapped her in a big hug, letting go only for Yry to be swept up in her mother's embrace. Their meeting was painfully short but they understood the gravity of the situation and with a final wave the the departed back towards the inn while the party made their way towards Spire Keep.
Dungeon Master
GM, 397 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 23:18
  • msg #81

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Spire Keep was orders of magnitude grander than Ashford. A city on the rise it had already become the third most populous city in Tehtyr and its star only seemed to be rising further. Even the relatively recent turmoil with the Baron's tragic demise had done little to halt the rapid expansion.

As they approached a veritable stream of merchants and farmers were pouring their way in and out of the city. The city itself showed signs of its rapid growth as the original walls and fortification couldn't contain the growth and the city spilled out across three river banks with bridges and ferries transporting people across the forked river.

Right at the fork was the mighty bastion that gave the city its name. It too showed signs of growth as it originally had been just a simple wooden pallisade but now was a towering stone fortress with 20' high curtain walls and siege engines in the turrets guarding the river fork.

The late Lord Spire had made it his city's mission to secure trade along the river and despite being hundreds of miles inland the city boasted a sizeable navy of shallow bottomed naval vessels designed to root out pirates along the riverbanks and to do customs inspections on incoming and outgoing goods.

One item of note is the heavy presence of the timber trade being so close to the great woods. Alongside the boats and vessels was a near continuous line of fallen trees being floated down the river to the sawmills as Spire Keep. The hum of water or steam powered blades filled the air with a soft but constant background hum as logs were debarked and cut into planks

Newcomers in the city would like first wind up in the Stacks, the neighborhood on the outskirts of town where limited space and rapid growth had caused buildings to develop vertically. Three or four story buildings were quite common along these streets and a series of ladders and stairs allowed storefronts to exist on every single layer as taverns, general goods and other suppliers for travelers all tried to be as close to the town gates as possible. It wasn't uncommon to see three taverns and inns stacked one on top of the other, each trying to compete with the other for a piece of the traffic crossing in front of it.
player, 61 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 28/24
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 18:53
  • msg #82

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

In consultation with her new-found companions, Angel had taken one of the horses left behind by Cass and crew, hoping to use it to boost her deception that the death monk made it back to Spire Keep. She held back as the others went on ahead and entered Spire Keep, waiting down the road and out of sight for about another hour. Then using her inborn magic to take Lady Cass' form, she mounted the horse and road purposely toward the gates of Spire Keep.
Dungeon Master
GM, 404 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 20:26
  • msg #83

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Nobody paid any particular attention besides making way for the horse. While there were plenty that recognized "Lady Cass" as a member of Lord Saxton's mercenaries-turned-knights, traffic in and out of the city gates was thick and the guards waved her through just like everyone else.
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 175 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 10:10
  • msg #84

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Though she detested the act, it was smart. Talia rode atop another stolen horse and wondered at the notion that Lady Cass had just arrived with a mob of peasants rather than her soldiers. She expected that Angel had a story in place for that or would think of one off the cuff. She seemed nimble on her toes both physically and metaphorically. Talia, for her part, gaped like a country bumpkin at the city. She had never spent much time in such environs. Sure, she was aware that she had been born in this city and she knew she had traveled her a time or two with her mother, but it was different seeing things through the eyes of an adult. An adult that was wary and suspicious rather than a child simply following a lead and wondering at things. She touched the mace that rested at her hip and traced the fangs of the small, delicate maw.

She leaned down to one of the guards and asked after a good, "but cheap" inn nears the gate.
Dungeon Master
GM, 405 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Fri 18 Dec 2020
at 16:37
  • msg #85

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

The guard snorts at Talia's request but points her towards the first inn on the road through the stacks. There she can see four inns stacked on top of one another. The stores and taverns don't use words but instead have large and colorful signs. While the general exteriors are shabby and ill constructed each sign is brightly painted and looks fresh too as it seems the proprietors are competing with one another to attract attention.

The "ground floor" sign is of an obese chicken, the 2nd floor sign is a golden spiderweb, the 3rd floor sign is of an orc's head with X's over the eyes and the top floor's sign is painted black with silver moon and stars stylized on it.

Just looking down the main road Talia can see nearly two dozen signs and while they all have bright and fresh sign pictures it is hard to tell what they are advertising for. It seems this part is namely inns, taverns, and "quiet" industries like general stores and shops.

In the distance she can hear the telltale sound of forges fuming and iron being hammered. There isn't any whiff of foul chemicals in the air so the tanneries must be located in a different section of the city.
player, 64 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 28/24
Sat 19 Dec 2020
at 20:59
  • msg #86

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Disguised as Lady Cass, Angel rode by the gate guards and then decided to make herself more noticed. She kept her horse at a walk, but refused to pause or turn aside for anyone in her path, instead making others dodge out of her way. She passed by a few taverns before picking one at random, and when she tied up her horse, she intentionally smacked the horse next to hers with the reins — causing it to make a commotion, and thus making herself, or rather Lady Cass, more seen. Entering the tavern, she held up a single finger when she came to the bar, indicating that she wanted a drink. However, on tasting it, she spat it back out across the bar, and promptly poured the drink out on the floor. Then without saying a word — in fact Angel had purposely not spoken the entire time she pretended to be the death monk — she got up and left without paying. Once outside, she promptly ducked down a nearby alley...
player, 65 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 28/24
Sat 19 Dec 2020
at 21:09
  • msg #87

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

(continued from above post)

In the alley, after looking around to make sure no one was watching, Angel shifted back to her red-headed elven self, and then left the alley. Strolling casually down the lane, whistling an upbeat elven tune from her childhood... which more than likely hadn’t been heard in a thousand years or more.

Peering closely at the shop signs, Angel began looking for someone that sold leather armor. She certainly could do with a new suit of studded...
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 177 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Sun 20 Dec 2020
at 04:25
  • msg #88

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Seeing the road of inns and taverns, Talia blanched. This seemed an odd way to arrange an inn. Was there only one floor for guests to eat, drink, and sleep? It seemed inconvenient. Perhaps, if she looked, she could find a more traditional inn. Still, she was not here by herself. While Angel, disguised as the monk, moved off by herself. Talia looked to Yry and Alyssa, as well as the others of their company, for a moment. She then sighed heavily. There were a few errands she wanted to run. She looked up the road and pointed to the black and silver sign the guard had motioned to, "I am going to have a look around, I can meet you all at the inn later on?"

Talia was going to shop for a shield, so she needed to find a smith or a weapons shop.
Fighter, 227 posts
Female Goliath
Mon 21 Dec 2020
at 17:03
  • msg #89

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Orila walked towards the Inn, "I'll be in one of these. I hope I find something suitable." She walked into the first inn.
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 194 posts
HP: 12/12
Tue 22 Dec 2020
at 20:11
  • msg #90

Re: [Chapter 1.05] The Sweetwater Inn

Alyssa's head swam at the sights and never ending sounds of Spire Keep, or at least from the Stacks. Trailing the others, and momentarily loosing sight of them in the short distance from the gate to the first proper Stack, Alyssa made a point of staying with the taller women.

Nodding to Talia's plan the halfling decided to stay with Orila and hopefully avoid getting lost, "If its all the same to you, Orila, I'll stay with you. You're more of a landmark in this sea of a town than I could ever be!"
This message was last edited by the player at 20:12, Tue 22 Dec 2020.
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