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17:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[1.03] Local Heroes.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Kaddock Ingir
Ranger, 51 posts
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 02:59
  • msg #70

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Kaddock chuckled at Faeli's antics and then headed over to find Daverin.
Dungeon Master
GM, 175 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 02:32
  • msg #71

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

As luck would have it the next day Sheriff Hemlock swings by the tavern to inform the heroes that Shalelu had just swung in and they would be having a meeting at the town hall to go over her intelligence and decide on a course of action for Sandpoint and its defenses.

The meeting itself takes place in a comfortable office on the second floor of the town hall and Sheriff Hemlock formally introduces the heroes to Mayor Deverin.
Shalelu Andosana
NPC, 1 post
Elven Female
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 02:42
  • msg #72

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Shalelu is a slim and elegant looking elven ranger but she appears completely haggard and worn. Run ragged, her appearance was such that the townsfolk that saw her pass through town immediately began to whisper about the dangers in the surrounding forest. She grimaces when Hemlock introduces her as an 'unofficial member of Sandpoint's town guard.'

When he introduces the heroes as "Sandpoints newest crop of goblinslayers" however that grimace turns into a smirk. Despite her worn appearance and aloof manner it seems she does hold a soft spot for some and the Sheriff knew just what to say to help break the tension.

"I was too far away when I heard about the raid. I was south of the Mossword. Just the day before one of the farms there had been raised to the ground by a group of goblins. This was not an isolated attack and it is only getting worse.

I've heard about your work in defending the city, well done. It seems to be a never ending task lately and that is speaking as someone who has dedicated several years to keeping them from causing too much trouble around these parts. They are easy to kill or drive away but they are tenacious as any weed. Kill one and there seems to be two more that sprout up.

There are five major goblin tribes in the region, and, traditionally, they are pretty good at keeping each other in line with intertribal squabbles and the like. Yet from what I've been able to piece together, members of all five tribes were involved in the raid. A fair number of the Mosswind goblins I dealt with had shown signs of battle and had made mention of 'longshanks' who had killed many of them. Now that I have met you their descriptions of these terrors makes more sense.

In any event the fact that the five tribes are working together disturbes me. Goblin tribes do not get along naturally unless they have some grand plan, real or delusional, that they can sell to one another for temporary truces and alliances and even still you need a powerful force to unify them. To put it in their parlance, big plans require big bosses. I am afraid that someone has moved in on the goblins and organized them. Judging by these recent raids, what they are organizing seems like bad news for us all."

Sheriff Hemlock
NPC, 9 posts
Human Male
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 02:48
  • msg #73

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Hemlock nods and scratches at the stubble growing on his chin.

"That's my thought as well. Too many goblins, too focused of an attack. I think this is just the prelude for something else.  After the beating we gave them it should take them a little while to regroup and I'd like to use that time as effectively as possible. After talking with the Mayor I've decided to ride to Magnimar and request additional troops for defense. It is in their best interest that we don't fall to some kind of unified goblin attack so I hope they see the value in sending some reinforcements our way until we can get to the bottom of all of this.

Shalelu, I want you to keep ranging. Sniff around Skank's Wood, Brinestump, Mossword, Devil's Platter...anywhere these goblins are nesting. See if we can't find where they are organizing from and who is keeping them pointed at Sandpoint.

Heroes, with me out of town the locals are going to need a bit of a morale boost. I know it is asking a lot but can you stay for just another couple of days, just until I get back with reinforcements? March around town and really let the folks know you're here to protect them so nobody gets panicky while I'm away. Is that too much to ask?"

Shalelu Andosana
NPC, 2 posts
Elven Female
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 02:50
  • msg #74

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Shalelu nods at Hemlock.

"I will stay in town for the night and resupply and head out in the morning."

The two shake hands and then she turns and nods towards the heroes.

"I will be taking my meal at the Rusty Dragon. If you would like you may join me and ask for information about the goblins or the surrounding areas."
Fighter, 77 posts
19/19; AC 18; F:6 R:7 W:5
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 22:43
  • msg #75

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Talitha nods at Shalelu's comment.
"I'll be in the Rusty Dragon as well. We can meet early and have a drink before dinner if you want, so we can understand if the tribes here have any specific behaviour when attacking or so... although I am not sure if the patters will matter now that they seem to be working together."
Then also responds to the Sheriff. "I don't mind at all staying around for a few more days. People in Sandpoint has been really welcoming so it will be a pleasure to stay for a couple of extra days."
Kaddock Ingir
Ranger, 52 posts
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 03:54
  • msg #76

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Kaddock listened intently to the ranger's words.  He frowned at her guesses as to what was happening but said little as it fit his own ideas.  When the sheriff spoke Kaddock nodded and grinned.  "Free food and board?  I'll gladly stay."  He did sober up and nod toward Shalelu.  "No, I think we have some loyalty to this town and blood invested in the good folk. I'd not see any more death and I'm sure my friends feel the same."

He nodded in agreement with Talitha.  "I'd like to hear more Shalelu.  Perhaps we can aid you on your patrols?"
Faeli Blackbriar
Wizard, 67 posts
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 17:18
  • msg #77

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Faeli clapped her hands together at the offer to join Shalelu for dinner at the 'Dragon. "Yay, how fun!"
Cleric, 58 posts
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 17:38
  • msg #78

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Razyll finished packing away the materials included in his healing kit and then next to Faeli. "I could eat." Razyll said as he realized that he was hungrier than he had expected.
Shalelu Andosana
NPC, 3 posts
Elven Female
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 21:30
  • msg #79

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

The group meets up with Shalelu over midday meal at the Rusty Tavern. She is well known around town but seems naturally quiet, even aloof depending on how one glances at it. She and the tavern owner Ameiko exchange news with one another but otherwise Shalelu eats comfortably in silence.
Faeli Blackbriar
Wizard, 68 posts
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 22:03
  • msg #80

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Faeli had a number of questions to ask the elf and when she invited her to lunch now was finally the time. Faeli used a bit of her discipline, and only peppered Shaleau with a few questions at a time, but it seemed obvious that a great reservoir of questions had built up within the young gnome.

"Where were you born? Do you know any magic? How many languages do you speak? Are you married? How long have you been practicing with your bow? Do you want to get married some day? Are you good at any other weapon? How far does your bow shoot?
Arialis Moonrider
Magus, 69 posts
Violet Knight of Kyonin
AC 18(19) HP 15/16 F5R7W3
Fri 18 Dec 2020
at 05:53
  • msg #81

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Arialis laughed at Faeli as she started firing off the barrage of questions at Shalelu. "Man Faeli, you did not even ask me that many questions when you first met me." Then she laughed again. "And why so much about her bow, and her being married?"
Fighter, 78 posts
19/19; AC 18; F:6 R:7 W:5
Fri 18 Dec 2020
at 13:10
  • msg #82

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Talitha orders a mug of ale and some food and eats with Shapely. She sees how the rest of the team overwhelm her with questions so she decides to stay quiet for the time being.
Talitha is not as interests in her personal information she as the help she can provide to capture some of those goblins alive to interrogate them.
"Food here is good." she says with her mouth full.
Faeli Blackbriar
Wizard, 69 posts
Fri 18 Dec 2020
at 18:25
  • msg #83

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

In reply to Arialis Moonrider (msg # 81):

Faeli looked down at her plate and blushed before she stuffed a spicy cake into her face to "distract the casual onlooker to her awkwardness." As if a gnome with a face full of spicy cake wasn't as equally awkward.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:08, Sat 19 Dec 2020.
Shalelu Andosana
NPC, 4 posts
Elven Female
Fri 18 Dec 2020
at 19:21
  • msg #84

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Faeli Blackbriar:
Faeli had a number of questions to ask the elf and when she invited her to lunch now was finally the time. Faeli used a bit of her discipline, and only peppered Shaleau with a few questions at a time, but it seemed obvious that a great reservoir of questions had built up within the young gnome.

"Where were you born? Do you know any magic? How many languages do you speak? Are you married? How long have you been practicing with your bow? Do you want to get married some day? Are you good at any other weapon? How far does your bow shoot?

Shalelu lets out a long sigh, apparently instantly regretting offering up her time to answer questions. She pauses to sip a glass of water before responding.

"I was born in a small village in the Mierani Forest, south of here. I know some minor magics as most elves do but I wouldn't consider myself particularly proficient in the arcane. No I am not married nor do I have any particular desire to settle down anytime soon. I have practiced with my bow since I was a child so about fifty years or so. Yes I am skilled in a variety of weapons and my bow can shoot far farther than is practical.

Now do you have any relevant questions to the matters at hand? I am here to talk about the goblin threat, not outline my personal history."

Her eyes narrow a little bit in a wince, perhaps that last comment came out a little harsher than she had expected but she didn't bother to caveat or correct it.
Arialis Moonrider
Magus, 70 posts
Violet Knight of Kyonin
AC 18(19) HP 15/16 F5R7W3
Sat 19 Dec 2020
at 04:09
  • msg #85

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

She placed a hand on Faeli's shoulder and smiled gently to her gnome companion.

"Do not take offence at young Faeli, Lady Shalelu. She reacted much the same way, but with much different questions when she found out who I was." Arialis said softly. "Mierani Forest? That is one of our ancestral homes. I am Arialis Moonrider-Dragonfeather, from Kyonin myself." One of the guardians of the Aiudara was here, and the daughter of the heads of the house no less.

"Besides the Goblins, have you noticed any other threats or creatures rallying with them?" She asked, considering. "Any, leadership?"
Cleric, 59 posts
Sat 19 Dec 2020
at 14:16
  • msg #86

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Razyll smirked that Faeli as he ate his meal, which was a grilled portion of fish with some vegetables. The half-orc looked on with some interest at the questions Arialis asked before turned to regard Shalelu for her response.
Tristen d'Cordain
Champion, 64 posts
Mon 21 Dec 2020
at 03:51
  • msg #87

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Tristen joined everyone after his stroll around the town. The people seemed great. He had several people shake his hand as he visited several different shops. He made a point to visit Savah's Armory again. He found a few pieces of armor that appealed to him. He left with a promise of spreading the word of Savah and her goods.

Tristen entered the Rusty Dragon and found his friends and an elven woman. "Sorry, I'm late. I've been checking the wares at Savah's Armory. You should check it out." He took a seat. "So we're going to go after goblins? Where should we started?"
Fighter, 79 posts
19/19; AC 18; F:6 R:7 W:5
Mon 21 Dec 2020
at 08:23
  • msg #88

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Talitha keeps eating, listening to Shalelu and to everyone else asking her questions. She decides to make one of her own.
"Where could we ambush stone of those goblins? I'd like to capture a couple of them alive and interrogate them. Maybe they can talk about what happened here and who organised it."
She speaks while chewing a piece of meat.
Kaddock Ingir
Ranger, 54 posts
Fri 25 Dec 2020
at 06:30
  • msg #89

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Kaddock shook his head and smiled slightly at Faeli's enthusiasm. "I am Kaddock Ingir."  He didn't give any more background as his scars and appearance would tell a seasoned observer of his tribe and people. "We seek to put and end to the goblin threat or reduce it.  It seems that some force or leader is focusing their attentions.  We hope to learn from you what might be done and what might be happening."
Shalelu Andosana
NPC, 5 posts
Elven Female
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 22:14
  • msg #90

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Shalelu takes another small sip of ale as she gathers her thoughts. It is clear she has a lot to say and is trying to organize things in a way that the newcomers to the area could follow.

"There are five major goblin tribes in this part of Varisia. Closest is the Birdcrunchers. They live in the caves along the western edge of the Devil's Platter although typically they are the least aggressive of the five. They typically are found shifting through trash piles, not raiding farms and towns. To the south are the Licktoads that inhabit the Brinestump Marsh. East are the Seven Tooth goblins. They have a lair somewhere in Shank's Woods. Farther east are the Mosswood goblins. The Mosswoods are probably the largest tribe but are also the most fractured as infighting has kept them from being too much of a threat except to themselves. And finally, there are the Thistletop goblins, who live on the Nettlewood coast atop a small island

I have not seen anything close to proper leadership in goblins. They live short, violent lives so it is rare for a goblin to even make a name for itself outside of the tribe but there are six notable goblins in the area. If someone is rallying the goblins together they will have to have at least one of these so called goblin "heroes" aligned with them to keep the tribes in line.

Big Gugmut is an unusually muscular and tall goblin from Mosswood who, it is said, had a hobgoblin for a mother and a wild boar for a father.

Koruvus was a champion of the Seven Tooth tribe, as well known for his short temper as he was for his prized magical longsword that he picked off of some fallen adventurer. I think Koruvus is actually dead as he vanished several months ago after he supposedly discovered a “secret hideout” in a cave along the cliffs, but the Seven Tooth goblins remain convinced he is out there still, a ghost or worse, waiting to murder any goblin who tries to discover his hideout.

Vorka is a notorious goblin cannibal who lives in the Brinestump marsh, a “hero” mostly to goblins other than the Licktoad tribe.

Rendwattle Gutwad is the obese chieftain of the Brinestump goblins, a corpulent monster who, it is said, never leaves his throne.

Ripnugget is the leader of the Thistletop goblins and controls what the five tribes agree is the best lair.

And then there’s Bruthazmus, an infamous bugbear ranger who lives in northern Nettlewood and often visits the five tribes to trade things he’s stolen from caravans for alcohol, news, or magic arrows."

Shalelu pauses, a look of distaste crossing her face.

"Bruthazmus and I have a bit of a history. He hates elves and I dislike bugbears preying on the innocent. We have crossed paths several times but I have not been able to put him down yet, nor he I. I will get him one day, that I promise but until then he is a threat to the region."
Arialis Moonrider
Magus, 71 posts
Violet Knight of Kyonin
AC 18(19) HP 15/16 F5R7W3
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 23:37
  • msg #91

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

"Something's missing...  So from what you are saying each has their own hero, but none of the hero's like one another. So what could have brought them all together? We're missing a vital piece of the puzzle here that must be found." She said in thought. "We need to find the dynamic that has changed between them, and put it back the way it was. With the tribes united they will only grow in both threat and tenacity."
Kaddock Ingir
Ranger, 55 posts
Tue 29 Dec 2020
at 01:59
  • msg #92

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Kaddock listened to Shalelu's tale. Some people looked down on the half bloods but to his reckoning a mix of blood had less to do than whether one was competent and trustworthy.  Certainly Shalelu seemed to be both from what he had heard of her and what he'd observed so far.  "Did you get a chance to examine any of the dead from the attack?  Were the goblin raiders from all five tribes?"
Fighter, 80 posts
19/19; AC 18; F:6 R:7 W:5
Tue 29 Dec 2020
at 08:47
  • msg #93

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

Talitha listens to Shalelu, trying to follow with all the names of the tribes, locations and the so called goblin heroes.
After a while she seems to have lost track of all names.
"I say we pick one tribe, go there and try to ambush a group of goblins from that tribe. Interrogate them for more info and then kill them. Maybe the smallest tribe, just in case."
She pauses for a second "I'd say try to ambush the ranger, that old friend of yours. But looks like that's going to prove difficult. He sounds like he's quite sneaky."
She keeps eating while talking.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 21:56, Sun 03 Jan 2021.
Arialis Moonrider
Magus, 72 posts
Violet Knight of Kyonin
AC 18(19) HP 15/16 F5R7W3
Tue 29 Dec 2020
at 18:44
  • msg #94

Re: [1.03] Local Heroes

"Doing so would leave the town without defender's." Arialis said in thought. "We need to look into thing's here, let Shalelu do her thing out there. Why here? Why this town in particular? And why with such a force? That was no mere raid. Raids are small, grab and go. They were here to kill and claim. Why? What's here, or what was here that they or whoever is pulling their strings is after..."
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