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02.02: The Return to Emerald city... (Open to everyone)

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
GM, 399 posts
Sat 9 Jan 2021
at 21:56
  • msg #51

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...


We are now out of combat
PC, 45 posts
H1 No Codename
Sat 9 Jan 2021
at 22:19
  • msg #52

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...


"Wow this is perfect! Look at those ... people", she is not sure sure people is the right word but combatants seems over taxing.

Virginia is very comfortable with strangers. Especially the ones who look and smell good! And she absolutely loves inadvertent inner confessions. Despite the activity going on down below she cannot resist jumping all over what he said.

"What? Like, is it fooorbidden?! No girls allowed on the rooftop?! No wait ... you said first. So you HAVE had girls up here? AHahAH! What fooor? Huh? Is this like a third "meeting" special place? Just what goes on up here??" Her tone is slathered with playful accusation as she pokes around looking for his inhibitions and making things as awkward as possible just for fun.

She watches the activity below on the off chance she actually needs to do something. It also gives him the moment to catch his breath and catch up to her being a mess.

Suddenly the report of the gun goes off below. She gasps as the tentacled man goes limp. Her hands go to her mouth. "I hope he actually was the bad guy here..."
PC, 47 posts
H1 No Codename
Force x Speed
Sun 10 Jan 2021
at 03:41
  • msg #53

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

Adrianna is amazed by what just happened. She runs up to the others at a semi normal speed.

Hey! We were supposed to be on the show together but obviously some things happened. Its great to finally meet you all.

She then stands there literally physically vibrating with adrenaline and excitement.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:14, Mon 11 Jan 2021.
GM, 406 posts
Sun 10 Jan 2021
at 04:27
  • msg #54

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...


"Yeah, 'cause is this the most romantic place I can think to bring someone.  Like I'm going to bring strange girls up here for...  some sort of romantic..." he made a strange gesture to indicate he didn't have the words, then, "..rooftop tryst."

He blushed a little, and smiled.  "I just didn't want you thinking this was a plan, is all.  Like I'd planned to find you getting all woozy in the back-alley and bring you up her to have my way with you."

He acted like he was all blase about the monster combat on the street, but Virginia could see the pulse beating at his jawline, thrumming rapidly.

She looked at the scene below.  She could see the police-cars--still a good dozen blocks away.  She could see the wreckage of the SUBV.  From her vantage point it look like ht had been grabbed and swung to one side, so it collided with a traffic light.  And she could see a blonde woman in a conservative royal-blue pant-suit pushing her way through the crowd of gawkers, then running toward the entry-way of the  same alley she, herself had ducked back into.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:32, Sun 10 Jan 2021.
NPC, 47 posts
Sun 10 Jan 2021
at 04:32
  • msg #55

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

@ON SCENE: Adrianna, Alexey, Cythi

The gun-man climbed out of the drivers-side door, slowly.  He had a head-wound and there was blood on his left side.   ""You strong enough to keep him unconsious?"  He asked Alexey.  "Because whatever he did--that thing with his eyes--it made Tiffany lose her shit. I didn't think she was going to..."

He looked around.  "Tiffany?"  he asked, his eyes scanning the crowd.

But the blond woman who'd been the passenger in the car.  She was just gone...

For the record, none of you saw the tentacle-guy actually do anything with his eyes.
PC, 50 posts
H1 No Codename
Sun 10 Jan 2021
at 19:14
  • msg #56

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...


"You're very sweet. I knew you were not some creep. I would not have come with you otherwise"
, she smiles having had her fun with him.

"Follow me. Something seems odd down below. I want to see what is going on."

Seeing the woman running away while others are closing in to see the aftermath seems odd. Plus, was she mistaken or did she see this same lady at the scene? She wants to check her out or possibly follow her. She is either suspicious or still in danger, Virginia is not quite sure.

She trots back the way they came up hoping to have a closer look.
PC, 105 posts
H1 No Codename
Sun 10 Jan 2021
at 21:27
  • msg #57

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

Cythi herself stays off to the side.  She only did a bit of work to help the group but not sure if there is anything else needed.  Still for now she waits to see what the rest wants to do.
PC, 71 posts
H2 No Codename
Tue 12 Jan 2021
at 21:54
  • msg #58

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

Alexey flinched as tentacles went limp in his 'grasp.'  Slowly, carefully, he lowered the two of them back to the ground and looked more closely at his captive.  For all that the fight had been intense, and now that it was over the look on Alexey's face spoke volumes of his brain trying to catch up.

"Keep him...?"  Alexey echoed, peering into the haze of silvery fire.  The hair on the back of his neck stood up at the sound of sirens.  His eyes flicked to the speaker and back to the unconscious captive.  His hands flew up defensively, his power not actually requiring him to gesture.  his heart thumped with a panic that hadn't been present during the actual fight.  <aqua>"I not want be with trouble with police.  Green card."<aqua>
PC, 51 posts
H1 No Codename
Force x Speed
Tue 12 Jan 2021
at 23:39
  • msg #59

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

Oh my! There's virtually no way the police can adequately detain him until he's in a cell.

She looks around for a store that sells duct tape. Seeing one she zips off, grabs several rolls, slaps a 50 on the counter on the way out, then proceeds to wrap Lovecraft in a cocoon of duct tape 12 rolls thick leaving only his nose and eyes clear.

The mass of tentacles were difficult but they're separated out all over his body to prevent him from being able to use their strength together.

That should hold him. I hope.
NPC, 47 posts
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 04:11
  • msg #60

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

Duct tape?    Oh, that's cruel!  Snort.

Back down in the lower-level, she could actually hear a woman talking before she burst out the back door to the dry-cleaners.

"I don't know!  Somewhere on the Yellow Brick Row.  She said, ehr voice breathless and on edge, on the verge4 of tears, "There's... a Starbase and a Pompeii's...  I didn't get a chance to look around.  Whoever he is--whatever he is--he was going to kill me.  I'm not safe here!"

@Alexey, Adrianna, Cythi
The suited man slipped the pistol behind his back--presumably into a holster--and raised both hands as he approached Alexey.  "Seriously, you don't need to worry about the police.   You saved our lives.   Nobody's going to make you pay for that.  You're a hero!  You're all of you heroes.  Just..." He stepped a little closer and eyed the tentacle man.

He nudged Lovecraft with a toe, then nodded with a slight frown.  "Someone called him Lovecraft.   Do you know this guy?"

Regardless of your answer, this guy now has a public codename, whether he wants it or not...
This message was last edited by the player at 09:35, Fri 15 Jan 2021.
PC, 52 posts
H1 No Codename
Force x Speed
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 06:44
  • msg #61

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

Yeah that was me. It just seemed to fit ya know? I'm not personally a huge fan of H.P. Lovecraft's work but I have read his entire collected works.

Adrianna admits with s sheepish smile.
NPC, 48 posts
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 06:58
  • msg #62

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

"So, you don't know him?"  the suit said. "Crap.  I was hoping you might have some insight into why he lashed out at us.  I mean, he came out of nowhere."

He stopped for a moment and closed his eyes, bringing his thumb and finger to the bridge of his nose as he let out a short sigh.  "Okay.  give me a second."

He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a cel-phone.  It's face was shattered, but apparently, it was still functional.   After a moment, "Yeah, it's William Martel.    There was a situation on the Yellow Brick Row.  You know those stormers that were on the news?  Well,one of them totalled the SUV.  And... I Lost Miss Grace.   I think it was going after her.  I'm going to be tied up with the police.  But she wasn't injured, the last I saw."

His face fell as he listened to whoever was on the other end, then "I'm injured.  Will need to go to the hospital.  Probably just a mild concussion."  Then he hung up and gland at his phone with a black look on his face.

He put a hand to his forehead and glanced at his fingers.  "Oh.  Maybe more than a concussion."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:58, Wed 13 Jan 2021.
NPC, 49 posts
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 07:01
  • msg #63

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

And in that time, two police-cars and black tactical unit van pushed their way through the crowd.  Given that it was a no vehicle zone, it wasn't that difficult to do.

The lead officer, a heavy-set black woman with narrow-set eyes and a perpetual frown stomped out of the van.  She glanced at Martel, then at the crowd--that was quickly dissipating into the surround area--and then at the gathered PCs.  "So.  Who wants to tell me what the hell just happened?"
PC, 53 posts
H1 No Codename
Force x Speed
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 12:26
  • msg #64

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

I'll be right back.

Rushes over to Mr. Martel and picks him up in a princess carry.

Hold on tight, try not to freak out, and hold your breath.

Adrianna speeds off toward the nearest hospital at top speed making sure to cradle Mr. Martel's head as she does. Traveling at over MACH 1 it won't take long to get him to care and back.

In under a minute they arrive at the ER.

Hi! This man has a concussion, a scalp laceration, and some scrapes and bruises from blunt force trauma. All acquired from combat with a super on the Row downtown. He is law enforcement.  Treat him well.

All this to the receptionist working registration before setting Mr. Martel in a wheelchair and speeding off again.
PC, 115 posts
H1 No Codename
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 14:55
  • msg #65

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

Cythi was about to step forward and offer her assistance in either healing or teleporting the man but when Adrianna took off with him she decided that it would not have mattered.  Not knowing she hopes speed travel does not hurt or aggravate the injury further but guesses that the person that took off knows better than her.

"Does anyone one else need aid as I can open a portal to the hospital or offer healing."  She asks out to anyone else in the area.
PC, 54 posts
H1 No Codename
Force x Speed
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 23:00
  • msg #66

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

Adrianna reappears just then.

Okay who needs a debrief?
PC, 59 posts
H1 No Codename
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 23:36
  • msg #67

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

Virginia hears what the lady says. She seems to be talking into a cell phone.

Virginia thinks. She cannot be certain what the situation is. For all she knows tentacles was the good guy and the others were the bad guys. Regardless, a something is up. If she does not get involved, who knows what will happen next. She steps from the doorway.

"Psst? Do you need help? I might know a safe place for you to go" she makes an offer.

Virginia does not know if 'the house' really is a safe place for her to go. She does know there are are more people with powers there. Considering what just happened, it kind of makes sense to offer to take her there.
Tiffany Grace
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 09:41
  • msg #68

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

@Alexey, Adrianna, Cythi
Pretty much wrapped up here...

The woman glanced around, then spying Virginia, she visibly relaxed.  "So long as you're not with that walking hentai poster-boy." she said after a moment, "I think I'll be fine,.   But I would feel better getting away from here.   Billy's going to be furious with me, though.  He must be worried sick.  If he's not dead, I mean."

"Did you see what happened?  This bloody Octopus-man lifted my car like it was nothing."

Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 09:42
  • msg #69

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

Matt came up behind Virginia.   "Here.  Come inside.  Get out of the alley, at least."
PC, 67 posts
H1 No Codename
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 21:17
  • msg #70

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

"Yes, yes come this way. At least get out of sight for a minute."

Virginia does the beckoning hands to invite her into the doorway. She considers adding that this is the passage to the "most romantic place" but drops the silliness as this might be a serious situation.
Tiffany Grace
Sun 17 Jan 2021
at 05:24
  • msg #71

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

The woman followed, without hesitation.   She looked at her phone and pulled up another contact, then dialed.   It went straight to voice-mail.

"So..." she said after a moment.  "This is kind of awkward.  My name's Tiffany.  I'm really lost.  But I really don't want to be involved with the police.  It's all sorts of complicated.    Like 'I-don't-have-my-passport' complicated.   If I can get to the Marstech or the Canadian Embassy, I'm sure I can clear it all up.  Can you help me?   I... I have money."
PC, 78 posts
Sun 17 Jan 2021
at 12:38
  • msg #72

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

Virginia considers the woman's words. Lost, police, passport, embassy. This sounds like a spaghetti mess! She does not look like some kind of hostile threat, and a terrorist would probably use threatening language. She focuses in on four words. Can you help me?

"Psh, keep your money. I am Virginia, of course I can help! This is Matt. He is very careful about who he is romantic with on rooftops." She tries to lighten the situation. "Wouldn't you like to help as well Matt?" she gives him a sweet smile and then the 'DO IT!' eyes expression. However she is prepared to go without him if he balks. She could not blame him. She has not gone easy on him.

"It really should not be a problem. Like who is going to even know who you are around here?" Then Virginia thinks about the spy movies she has seen and second guesses herself.

"Which way is the embassy from here?"

OOC Is this pre group acquaintance or post group acquaintance? I think we have all been playing it as pre. Just asking to be sure.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:39, Sun 17 Jan 2021.
GM, 425 posts
Sun 17 Jan 2021
at 22:36
  • msg #73

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

Let's make it prior to the group meeting.   I don't actually have any plans for Tiffany.  Getting her to the embassy should be no problem.  I mean, there isn't actually anybody after her.  But winding down this thread with a NPC having a debt-of-gratitude isn't a bad way to go...

Off to run errands.  something in-character later tonight.

PC, 81 posts
Mon 18 Jan 2021
at 00:51
  • msg #74

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

"If they are looking for you, then that means they are not looking for three. Why don't we all take a casual walk in the direction of the embassy?"

Virginia gives Matt the sweet eyes this time hoping he will play along. She puts Tiffany in the middle, and the two of them to the sides. She looks for any visual details she can swap with the woman, sun glasses, purse, hat.

Off they go to look for their next companion along the 'yellow brick road', or the embassy. Whichever comes up first!
NPC, 50 posts
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 06:37
  • msg #75

Re: 02.02: The Return to Emerald city...

Tiffany seemed honestly relieved.

Matt fell into line with an easy smile.  He even unzipped his sweat-shirt and offered it to Tiffany.

Despite the initial presentation to the contrary, he was actually in fairly good physical shape.  Though understated, he obviously worked out.

Matt called up a map app on his phone and they were on their way to the Canadian Embassy within moments...

And that seemed a good enough to let this go.

Rest assured, both Matt & Tiffany will be appearing again...  I just haven't figured out in what capacity...
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