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Warhammer Errata.

Posted by TakhisisFor group 0
GM, 5 posts
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 05:06
  • msg #1

Warhammer Errata

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Errata

Thanks to members of the Black Industries forums, in particular Karl-Henrik Malmquist, for helping us compile this errata.

Errata Version: 12.2

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Errata
Core Rule Book

Page 37: Add the contortionist talent to the list of talents an Entertainer can choose from.

Page 80: Pistoliers are noted as having the Strike Mighty Blow Talent. They should have the Mighty Shot Talent instead.

Page 97: Armoured Caster should apply to those using Chaos Lores as it does to those using Divine Lores.

Page 98: Grungni should not be amongst the list of gods who bestow spells.

Page 101: The strong minded talent mentions automatically gaining disorders. Ignore this as automatic disorders were dropped in play testing.

If you are using Encumbrance values with a character who has the sturdy talent ignore the Encumbrance values of the armour worn, though the –10% Agility modifier still applies.

Page 105: When fighting on foot make it harder (increase the difficulty) for characters to use weapons in the cavalry group - demilances are Challenging (–10% to WS) while lances are Hard (–20% to WS).

Page 106: To clarify, here is an up to date description of the Snare quality.

Snare Quality: A weapon with this quality is designed to entangle enemies. On a successful hit, the target is trapped unless he succeeds on an Agility Test. If this test is failed, the target is restricted to free actions or actions that enable his escape, of which there are two. The target may attempt to break the bonds by making a Strength Test or wriggle free by making an Agility Test. These tests are Full Actions. If another character assists the entangled character (also a Full Action), the Difficulty improves to Routine (+10%). For as long as the character remains entangled, attacks gain a +20% bonus to Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill Tests as appropriate to the attack.

Page 108: To clarify, here are some more detailed and updated descriptions of the Blunderbuss and Whip weapons.

Blunderbuss: A blunderbuss is a larger version of the firearm (see page 109). You can load it with nails, broken glass, small rocks, or just about anything else on hand, though shot is preferred. A blunderbuss requires two hands to wield.

Since a blunderbuss does not require a Ballistic Skill Test to fire, anyone can shoot this weapon; however, those who do not have the Specialist
Weapon Group (Gunpowder) Talent must spend 6 Full Actions to reload it. In addition, the blunderbuss has the unreliable quality, so even though you do not make a

Ballistic Skill Test to fire the weapon, you do roll percentile dice to see if the weapon suffers a mishap.

Cost 70 GC*; Enc 50; Group Gunpowder; Damage 3; Range 32/—; Reload 3 Full/6 Full; Qualities Shrapnel, Unreliable; Available Scarce
*Assuming you are using the post-SoC setting, otherwise this should be ~40 GC.

Whip: A whip is a thick leather or rope cord that when used in combat deals negligible damage. Instead, it is quite useful for entangling your foes. When you begin combat with a whip readied, you roll two 10-sided dice and take the better result.

Cost 2 GC*; Enc 15; Group Entangling; Damage SB–4; Range 6/—; Reload Half; Qualities Snare; Availability Average
*Assuming you are using the post-SoC setting, otherwise this should be 1 GC.

Page 116: A saddlebag can carry up to 250 points of encumbrance.

Page 117: The Illumination chart is incorrect in regard to spotting distances. Here are the correct values:

Match: 12 (6)
Candle: 26 (13)
Lamp: 26 (13)
Torch, Untreated: 50 (25)
Torch, Treated: 56 (28)
Lantern: 70 (35)
Camp Fire: 70 (35)
Night Vision: -

Page 117: Enc values for the waterskin and the keg should be reversed - 30 for the waterskin and 100 for the keg.

Page 127: Defensive stance is listed as a half action. It is a full action.

Page 130: A flail needs two hands to wield, and so should not be listed by the two weapon fighting rules.

Page 149: Skywalk is special in that it lasts for the length of time it takes to complete the Full Action Cast Action.  So: you move as part of the casting action, much like the way you get a touch attack as part of casting a touch spell. Once your Full Action is over the spell is no longer in effect, and if you are still in mid-air you will fall to the ground (you can't chain castings to skywalk longer distances without touching the ground in between).

Page 161: Change the last sentence of the Word of Pain description to: Those affected take a Damage 8 hit that ignores armour, but not Toughness Bonus, and they must succeed on a Will Power Test or become helpless for 1 round.

Page 163: The duration of the spell “Sign of the Raven” lasts a number of rounds equal to your magic characteristic.

Page 167: The current wording of the “Battle Fury” spell is a relic from an earlier version of the rules, before swift attack became a separate
action. The text should read: "Whilst battle fury is in effect, you must charge the nearest enemy in melee combat, all attacks must be all out attacks,
charge attacks or swift attacks, and you may not flee or retreat."

Page 169: Every time a magic item does not specify a test difficulty in order to identify it using Academic Knowledge then the difficulty is Average (+0%).
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:08, Wed 10 Feb 2021.
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