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, welcome to Waters of Providence, Call of Cthulhu

03:45, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Posting Conventions.

Posted by Keeper of ProvidenceFor group 0
Keeper of Providence
GM, 20 posts
45 years of RPGs
Whattya know Whattya say?
Sun 24 Jan 2021
at 03:00
  • msg #1

Posting Conventions

This game is rated Mature. As such, we are allowed mature themes, strong language, drug use, and/or extensive violence as some minor portion. Please, conduct yourselves accordingly.

I’d like everyone to check in at least five days a week. Post something, even if it’s just in the OoC thread at least every other time you log in. This shows me that you are engaged. But try to avoid double posts where you post again before anyone else responds. (Sometimes this can’t be helped.)

If you’re going to be absent for three days or more, please note that in the Absence Log. No explanation is necessary. This lets me know that we shouldn’t wait for you and keeps the story moving. I will post for you when necessary, especially if in an action scene, but will try not to commit your character to any action you haven’t already indicated. For example, I won’t have your character make an attack unless they have already been engaged in combat.

A good post responds to the ongoing conditions/situation, describing your character’s words and actions. Better posts include some colorful description to contribute to the scene/mood. Best posts also provide a hook to prompt other characters’ responses. Strive to be best.

Please don’t write in a stereotypical Italian/Chico Marx dialect: “Hey! Whassamatter you?” Just use standard English. It’s fine to incorporate some Italian words or expressions. Using 1920s-1930s slang and expressions is encouraged and please try to avoid later idiom and phrases. Here’s some appropriate slang:

Words spoken by your character should be in a consistent Color so that I don't miss what has been said. Unvoiced words should be in the same Color and italicized. Out-of-character questions/comments should be in Orange.
This all helps me process multiple posts every day.

Please post die roller results in Orange and in the format: <character name> rolled ## for <Skill/Characteristic> <level #>. So, Andy rolled 27 for hard Accounting 05.
This keeps me from having to search for your roll on the Die Roller and having to flip through multiple screens to determine your result.

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:56, Mon 08 Feb 2021.
Keeper of Providence
GM, 29 posts
45 years of RPGs
Whattya know Whattya say?
Mon 15 Feb 2021
at 13:12
  • msg #2

A Note About Time

I expect our story to play out over several weeks in-game. Consequently, time will move cinematically, not continuously (though I don't expect any flashbacks).

I will jump intervening hours, even days, to move one or all to the next important bit. When I do, if you feel like there was something your character wanted or needed to do in the intervening time, let me know in a Private Message. I may choose to play out a quick scene with you in private or perhaps in a public thread. (Rats! Would that be a flashback?) Or I may work it into the current or future thread.

My point is that I don't want anyone stewing over missed opportunities. Talk to me, friends. I want this to be the best possible game experience for all of us.
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