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10:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[Chapter ???] The Exchange.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 409 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 18:18
  • msg #1

[Chapter ???] The Exchange

Angel goes out and make a show of having Lady Cass cause problems and bring attention before slipping out of sight and shifting back. The party gets the chance to explore the Stacks a little bit but overall on the first day not much actual progress is accomplished as they are mostly just getting the lay of the land and recovering from their long journey. In the end the four from Ashford (and Angel) decide to stay at an inn known as the Belching Behi that had a stylized Behir and comical gas bubbles coming from its mouth.

It was located a little ways off the main road which meant it was a little cheaper and a little quieter. Plus the owner was a gnome that employed an ogre bodyguard dressed up in a bowtie and dusty top hat which was quite amusing to watch as he tossed troublemakers quite a ways down the road.

Morren had finished a drink with the party and then said his goodbyes as he planned to take a boat and travel up the Sword Coast. Plus he figured if the Black Star mercenaries came looking having a Firbolg might make the group a little too identifiable.

It was thus with a bit of sadness that their new traveling companion said his goodbyes. Shortly after he had left a small faerie dragon came zipping through the window. The gnome bartender, Georgianomus sicced the ogre bouncer to chase it out and the group was treated to a little show watching the large ogre stumble around as the faerie dragon zipped around here and there. The dragon stopped and perched on the table for a second before the ogre stumbled over, bumping it and sloshing drinks. A few seconds later the faerie dragon zipped out of the tavern and out of sight. With a shrug the ogre went back and recovered his tiny (compared to him) top hat, slapped away some of the dirt and beer that had spilled on it and then put it back onto his head at an appropriately jaunty angle.
NPC, 1 post
Human Wizard
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 18:24
  • msg #2

[Chapter ???] The Exchange

A few minutes later the door to the tavern opened up again and a wizard walked through the door. There was no question about his profession given his resplendent blue robes that twinkled even in the shadows, his long staff craved with magical runes, ink stained hands and the obvious air of a scholar that seemed to surround him.

He took a quick glance around the tavern before heading straight towards the party's table. Approaching he nodded his head respectfully.

"Greetings! I am Draumavaunt of the Sapphire Tower. A wizard and scholar, as you might have guessed. I also happen to have been the mentor for a friend of yours, Pinna. We have been speaking for quite some time and she shared with me what you have done in Ashford. The Sapphire Tower tries to keep abreast of dangers in the region but this one had somehow evaded our gaze. I imagine a dragon's horde is quite the reward in and of itself but I have both a request to make and, if agreeable, a form of advanced payment. Please, may I sit down?"

He gestured towards an empty spot at the table where Morren had been drinking earlier that evening.
player, 72 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Sun 27 Dec 2020
at 07:56
  • msg #3

[Chapter ???] The Exchange

Sitting with the others at a shared table, Angel was just in the process of telling her companions about what she'd seen (and perhaps learned) in watching the gate that led deeper into the city, when the faerie dragon entered. The ginger she-elf giggled at the little creature's zippy antics and the ogre's bumbling reactions, even voicing a smitten "ahhh" when it landed on their table. So enamored was she by little dragon's cuteness, she barely had time to save her drink from spilling when the ogre bumped their table. She bit back her typical caustic quip and just offered the bow-tied bouncer a patronizing smile. Her drink only lost a drop or two and she was in a good mood at the moment -- so why not let bygones be bygones this time?

Leaning back in her chair to continue watching the impromptu show, Angel rolled her shoulders to re-settle her fancy black cloak against her chair's back. Gods, it felt good to be in her own skin again! ... well, more or less. She clarified with an inner secret smile.

When the obvious wizard entered, Angel couldn't help looking at him -- or rather his obviously magical and valuable things -- with an avaricious eye. She estimated their worth at quite a princely sum and her quick mind started working on various gambits to clandestinely part the wizard from his things. When he spoke though, Angel quickly refocused on his words.

I know Pinna! She thought, recognizing the name. She was the lady who was kind and escorted her into the village when Angel first arrived on Ashford's outskirts. Angel rarely ever admitted to owing anyone anything but she did like repaying kindness with kindness... a very rare trait indeed among her people.

She kicked out an empty chair. "Sure," she said, nodding at the chair for the wizard to have a seat and signaling for one of the wenches to bring an ale. "Tell us what's on your mind Dream-Vault."       
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 183 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 05:28
  • msg #4

[Chapter ???] The Exchange

Talia was lounging back in her chair happily with her mug in her hand as the tiny dragon thing and the ogre put on their vaudevillian show. While she might not have laughed openly, the corner of her lip quirked up into a smile. She held her tankard high as the table rocked and frowned darkly at the chaos before shrugging and draining her drink. She holds it up for a refill as the blue marvel enters and causes her to flinch. "Why do so many mistake gaudy for fine?"

Then the man came over and mentioned things he should not know of. Her eyes narrowed, but Angel was already speaking. While Talia did not trust the woman yet, she knew what the elf was capable of and left her to question the man. As she listened, she waited for her refill.
NPC, 2 posts
Human Wizard
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 21:43
  • msg #5

[Chapter ???] The Exchange

Draumavaunt nodded and took his seat, gathering up his voluminous robes in the process.

"<ahem>It's Draumavaunt. Draum-ah-vahnt. I suppose it doesn't matter."

He gave a little chuckle and gathered his thoughts. He cast a quick glance around the bar and while he stood out like a sore thumb the other patrons were mostly focused on their own drinks and conversations to pay more heed to the brilliant blue wizard. Even still he leaned forward and lowered his voice so it could barely be heard even at their own table.

"I have been searching for you since yesterday. My familiar has been hunting through every shop and tavern in the city looking for visitors that matched your description. You will soon find that the trouble the region faces go beyond the cult you ousted in Ashford. The Order of Brilliance is not well known but we are well established in this region and have worked tirelessly throughout the ages to bring stability to this area. There is the Emerald Tower in Amn, the Ruby Tower in Calimshan and I serve the Sapphire Tower here in Tethyr.

The Order has been tracking a lot of unusual activity around Ashford. Pinna's report however only accounts for some of what we have seen. There have been sightings of orc tribes moving into the Wealdath's End and..."

He pauses casting another look around in cautious.

"...the activities of Lord Saxton are most troubling. The Order is keeping a close eye on him but our ability to move Just as we keep an eye on things, others watch our Order closely so we must operate through agents that can slip about unnoticed."

He leans back and shuffles around inside his robes before producing a small key.

"I would like to hire you to find the orc tribe and, if possible, drive them away from Ashford before they can make some kind of alliance with the other evils that lurk inside the Wealdath. I know you just came into the city and by all means enjoy the sights and shops of Spire Keep but when you depart consider my offer. I don't know if the orcs are a threat to Ashford but I would rather not wait and find out. If you are willing to do this for me..."

He sets the key down on the table and taps it.

"I can offer this as a bit of advanced payment."
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 185 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Tue 29 Dec 2020
at 05:54
  • msg #6

[Chapter ???] The Exchange

Talia's eyebrow arches suspiciously at the comically clandestine behavior. She expected it served well enough. The news of orcs near Ashford was unsettling enough considering what they had just dealt with in the caves of Rivug. News of darker threats made her think of the knights which served Lord Saxton. Sighing heavily, she looked at the key then shifted her eyes to Angel. Again, she allowed the other woman to talk. Talia was well aware of the reputation her tongue had. She felt it well-deserved but also felt unapologetic for speaking her mind plainly and bluntly.
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 196 posts
HP: 12/12
Thu 31 Dec 2020
at 00:05
  • msg #7

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Alyssa, too, was enamored by the faerie dragon. The halfling was so taken by the creature that she almost told the over off for chasing it away.

Once the wizard joined their table Alyssa sat quietly and tried to sort out everything Draumvaunt laid out before them. Taking one last drink from her tankard and a quick look between her companions Alyssa dressed the wizard, "So, you want us too-- when we're ready to-- go home and protect said home from orcs. If we do this you will give us this key now. And you can't do this yourself because others-- like Lord Saxton are watching you?"
player, 73 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Fri 1 Jan 2021
at 13:51
  • msg #8

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Angel glanced at the key with undisguised greed and unconsciously moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. She looked up and immediately caught Talia's eye. Angel knew that look. "Really?" She questioned the other woman, a bit of exasperation creeping into her honeyed voice. "I'm not even from there." But she raised her hands in mock surrender before Talia could reply. "Okay, okay. Price of admission I guess." She mumbled to herself, but loud enough for everyone at the table to hear.

Then she turned her attention fully back to the wizard. "Apparently, I've been 'volun-told' to be the resident..." she looked briefly back to Talia. "Negotiator? Spokes-bitch? Whatever," she interjected, with a dismissive wave of her hand. "We'll figure it out later." Addressing the wizard once more, she continued. "Apparently, Mistress Talia, long may she live, thinks I use my tongue well..." She paused once again and looked to the other woman. "Seriously sweetie, you have no idea," she purred, giving Talia an obviously flirtatious wink.

Back to the wizard. "So like our beloved little Alyssa said, you want us to go find some orcs hanging out near Ashford and bust up their pretty little heads before they start making friends with some other nasty stuff in the area, and in return for said favor, you're gonna give us that there key," she summarized, gesturing to the wizard's key. "Okay, Drones-On-Alot, obvious question, what's the key to and why should we think it's important enough to buy our cooperation?"     
NPC, 3 posts
Human Wizard
Mon 4 Jan 2021
at 16:35
  • msg #9

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

The wizard's eyebrows furrow at Angel's various comments and he frowns when she, again and seemingly with intent, mispronounces his name. He pauses and shifts back, picking the key up off the table.

"I'm sorry, have we met before? Have I done something to offend you? Pinna told me this was a group of heroes looking to make the realm a better and safer place for everyone but it would seem she has misrepresented this group."

He leans back, crossing his arms in a bit of a huff as he glares at Angel.
player, 75 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Mon 4 Jan 2021
at 17:49
  • msg #10

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Angel smiled broadly. "Why, I don't believe we have," she replied brightly, sticking out her hand for the wizard to shake. "I'm Angel, and I believe I mentioned Mistress Talia, long may she live, and little Alyssa. That's Yry, the sweetest of the Sweetwaters," she added, pointing to the other human at the table. "And the tall drink of water over there is Orila... she looks fierce," Angel stage whispered to the wizard, with a mischievous wink. "But I'm pretty sure if you rub her belly, she calms right down."

Turning her full attention back to Draumavaunt, Angel sat back in her chair, crossed her legs at the knee, and placed her hands primly in her lap -- looking every bit the part of a relaxed and regal noblewoman. "Don't be upset, Master Draumavaunt," she began, even her voice taking on the tone and cadence of the upper class. "I meant no lasting offense by the misuse of your name. I only wished to make the point that we all value our names, and that the niceties of mutual introductions shouldn't be simply ignored, especially when one is looking for favors... or friends."   

"Mistress Pinna spoke correctly -- at least about these four," Angel continued, gesturing to her companions. "Less so about myself, but I'd like to think that's only because we hadn't the time to get to know one another," Angel added with a wry smile. "If I may be so bold as to speak for my companions..." she paused to look at the others to see if any of them would object. "We're honored to be considered for the task at hand, and pray you continue with your presentation," she concluded, giving a hand gesture that made it seem as if she were giving the wizard permission to continue...
NPC, 4 posts
Human Wizard
Tue 5 Jan 2021
at 17:29
  • msg #11

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Draumavaunt uncrosses his arms but makes a point of putting the key back into his pocket.

"Yes, well if you feel I am rushing things then that is only a testament for how busy I am and the importance of the task at hand. I think I am done here. I shall give Pinna the details if you decide to investigate further. She may have patience for your antics but I, frankly, do not. I think I shall wait to deliver a reward until after I witness deeds worthy of it."

With great show Draumavaunt stood up, lingering at the edge of the table to straighten his robes.
player, 76 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Tue 5 Jan 2021
at 19:00
  • msg #12

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Angel smiled sadly, probably the most honest expression she'd had during the whole exchange. "Don't go, Draumavaunt," she said sincerely as she stood as well. "Like I said, these are the ones you want to talk to, not me. Gods know why they wanted me to speak for them..." Then she grabbed her drink and left the table, making her way over to the bar to find a seat by herself...
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 197 posts
HP: 12/12
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 00:27
  • msg #13

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Staring in awe at the show and production that Angel made, makes, is making, the halfling was again a moment late interjecting herself into he conversation.

Alyssa made to stand but then realized it would only bring her head closer to the floor and remained in her chair. "Master Draumavaunt. Please do not judge us in our current state. We are recently arrived and the road was not an easy one. The four of us are the ones that Pinna spoke to you about. Angel there is a late addition to Ashford via a flaming portal not unlike the sphincter of an angry mule." Turning to address her companions, "Could explain a lot right there."
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 186 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 02:54
  • msg #14

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Talia smiled as Angel moved hastily away from the table. The smile was gentle though, not vicious. Talia appreciated the efforts. Other than poking fun at the man's name, which was ridiculous, the other woman had not done anything Talia found problematic. She nodded at Alyssa's jape and chuckled, "Aye, If you think there is aught of danger near Ashford and seek adventuring types to sort it, we are the best chance. Heroic? Uhmm..." She rubbed her chin and gave a small shake of her head, "Attempts are made at such, but success cannot be measured by us in the attempt." She winced as she recalled the stress over the situation with the slain knights.

She stood where Alyssa could not and extended a hand to the man. "Come, retake your seat. Explain the dangers to our home, sir. The reward... well, the primary reward would be the safety and security of our friends and family, yes?"
Fighter, 231 posts
Female Goliath
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 21:37
  • msg #15

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"We've been tested by the dragon." Orila stated evenly. "We bested that challenge. A group of orcs wouldn't be too much of a challenge, but a tribe of them... Hrms. I'm interested."
Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 148 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Thu 7 Jan 2021
at 17:44
  • msg #16

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Yry comes in holding a basket of candied fruits and artisanal foods wrapped as gifts-- probably for her family. She sees the group at a table and moves over to it.

"Did something happen?" She smiles to the robed man lingering nearby. "Hello, sir."
NPC, 5 posts
Human Wizard
Thu 7 Jan 2021
at 21:04
  • msg #17

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Draumavaunt considers the words of the group and then his demeanor softens a bit and he sits back down looking a little embarrassed himself.

"I suppose I should consider that you are fresh off the roads and travel is no longer safe or secure any more. Not since the late Baron Spire was in command of things anyway."

He drummed his fingers on the table for a second as he weighed his options and then nodded to himself, digging into his robes and fishing out the key once again.

"I believe the dangers you will face are worse than even a baby dragon and while you may not be deserving of this gift I do believe it will be necessary for a successful mission.

Besides, perhaps after a trip to the Exchange your mood will brighten. Here, try it out. I'll be waiting when you return. Or if you would like I can accompany you."

He sets out the key and smiles at the group. His smile turns into confusion at the looks on everyone's face and he chuckles to himself and shakes his head.

"There I go rushing into things. What is it the commoners say...something about putting a cart on a horse? In front of a horse? Next to know what, it doesn't matter. Judging by the looks on your face you do not understand what it being presented.

This key can be used to unlock passage to the Klacken Exchange. The Exchange is the magic stores of all magic stores, an inter-planar repository for magical items and strange and unusual items used by the wealthy and powerful all around the world. Organizations like my own use them primarily to find magic items but we can also give out "fittings" if you will where you can look at exchanging magical or unusual items in your possession for other things. Hence calling it an Exchange. I do not know what you recovered from the dragon's den but if there are items you think will not be of much value you might be able to barter for something more practical. If nothing else they are a good source for healing potions and the like. Be mentally prepared, however. It is a strange place, as one would expect an inter-dimensional magical market would be."

He moves the key to the middle of the table.

"Go on, take it. It works on anything with a lock but as a warning guest keys like yours are one use only."
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 187 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Tue 12 Jan 2021
at 08:48
  • msg #18

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Absently, Talia's hand trailed to the unusual mace at her side and her finger scratched idly under the thing's inanimate chin. She felt no need to exchange anything in her possession and couldn't identify anything unusual other than the mace in her possession any way. she looked at the others and wondered how they felt. Too, she knew they still had several items in their possession they wished to sell. This market provided a seemingly ideal place to do so. Still, that very enticing offer caused sparks of suspicion in her heart.

"A... heady offer, sir Draumavaunt. I'll not speak to the status of our inventories or the needs of our people, but the offer is grand."

She allowed her eyes to narrow dramatically to communicate her own suspicion, "Mayhap too grand? Why such largess, sir? Deserving you said but also necessary. Why necessary? I'd like to know more before we accept... or is the key ours regardless of accepting or not?"

Sighin heavily, she grunted and leaned forward, "I am probably being overly careful, but recent events have made us..." She looked around slowly at her friends. She even shifted her gaze to Angel. A woman she didn't like exactly but would not wish ill upon either. Nay, perhaps, she was growing accustomed to the other woman. She smiled softly at no one in particular then softened her gaze when it returned to the gaudy wizard, "Could you allow us a few moments to discuss after, of course, you help us understand the problem better?"
Fighter, 232 posts
Female Goliath
Tue 12 Jan 2021
at 19:52
  • msg #19

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"Talia, you seemed worried about something. The man said it was a bunch of orcs. We can do that." Orila seemed sure of herself in a boastful manner. "And that small fella Arthua tried to take on that dragon all by himself. Well he did so at the beginning. But we've taken out the dragon, so... we can take out a tribe of orcs."
NPC, 6 posts
Human Wizard
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 16:09
  • msg #20

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Draumavaunt shifted, tugging at the bottom of his beard as he lowered his voice again.

"It would seem these particular orcs might be linked to the tribe that raided Spire Keep and murdered the good Baron. Before you dismiss them as just a band of orcs consider the level of skill and planning needed to successfully raid a city this size and murder its rulers. I think it behooves you to treat this as a much more serious threat which is why I want to ensure you have all the tools at your disposal to achieve victory.

We are not a wealthy order and our means are limited but through the Exchange we should be able to give you a sizeable advantage in your coming fights."

Fighter, 233 posts
Female Goliath
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 21:35
  • msg #21

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Orila smiled as Draumavaunt explained how these orcs raided the Spire Keep. She understood that this was a larger challenge than even those guarding the Spire Keep was able to contain themselves. "I like it!"

The goliath leaned in closer to the key on the table. Orila turned to Talia, "Let's take the key and deal with these orcs. Draumavaunt has said that we bested only a baby dragon. I thought it was larger than a mere baby."

"But if, no - when we best this tribe of orcs! Then people will notice."
Orila being goliath-born wanted to seek greater and greater challenges. She looked around the table when she finished declaring her intentions. "Are you all with me?"
player, 77 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 07:15
  • msg #22

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Over at the bar, Angel nursed a drink, giving the others the time and space they needed to talk to the wizard...
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 189 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 15:24
  • msg #23

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Arching any eyebrow, Talia made a show of leaning back in her chair with a pursed lip. Finally, she nodded and smiled in a small way at her friend. She then looked to the wizard, "we'll make use of the gift and see about these orcs. Aye. Any more information to be had about them then?" She looked around at Alyssa and Yry to see what the other women thought of the situation.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 19:55, Tue 19 Jan 2021.
NPC, 7 posts
Human Wizard
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 19:56
  • msg #24

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Druamavaunt shook his head sending his long beard rippling.

"I'm afraid our knowledge is limited at the moment. We cannot look too closely without making our attentions known. On that note I must be off. Enjoy your advanced payment. If it is your first time using the Exchange it is quite an interesting experience."
Fighter, 234 posts
Female Goliath
Wed 20 Jan 2021
at 19:54
  • msg #25

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Orila grabbed the key from the middle of the table. She held up the key to her eyes. "Where is the door? Where do I use this key?" Apparently the goliath had forgotten the wizard's instructions. She looked up as the wizard prepared to leave. "Alright. How do we reach you when we've dealt with these orcs?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 415 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Wed 20 Jan 2021
at 21:04
  • msg #26

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

As soon as Orila takes hold of the key the lock to the tavern's kitchen begins to glow faintly.

Draumavaunt looks around for a few seconds before nodding towards the afflicted door.

"It works on any door. The closest door really. Just put it into the lock and twist. And the rest of your friends will want to stay close, its magic is powerful but still limited. I recommend holding hands to ensure nobody gets left behind."

He gathers his things and straightens his robes.

"Now all apologies but I really must be off. Say hello to Pinna for me when you head back."

He smacks himself lightly on the forehead and starts digging in his robes again pulling out a small wrapped bundle. It feels like a book along with some other miscellaneous items wrapped up in some kind of oiled parchment and tied tightly with string.

"If you can, please deliver this to her. She asked for it awhile ago but I haven't had any agents going in that direction for quite some time. She would be most appreciative of it."

With that he tips his large floppy hat and turns, moving swiftly towards the exit and out the door. Despite his rather scattered personality he moved with speed and purpose when he needed to.
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 190 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Thu 21 Jan 2021
at 15:03
  • msg #27

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Eyeing the key and the package, Talia sighs heavily and feels a certain frustration at how suspicious she had become. It reflected poorly on her upbringing. As a girl raised in a small town, she had been more trusting at one point. Still, life had sent a few strange things her way lately. "I say we take a room. Use the key from within or some such? Whatever we do, we need to get the shopping done quick and get back to Ashford."
Fighter, 235 posts
Female Goliath
Sat 23 Jan 2021
at 18:21
  • msg #28

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"Sounds good." Orila waited until the wizard left the table. She spied Angel off to the side. She rapped the table with her knuckles. "Angel!" She waved the elven woman back to the table. "We've made a decision."

Orila held up the key with her fingers. "We've taken the job. Do you want to join us in dealing with the orc tribes... or are you planning on heading to something else? We've offering you a one-time opportunity to join us. For Ashford and the surrounding communities."
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 191 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Sun 24 Jan 2021
at 11:06
  • msg #29

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

When Orila called Angel over, Talia eyed the woman sourly but then looked at the goliath woman and nodded firmly. "Aye. It'd be useful. Maye even good? To have you around. You're certainly tricksy enough for both of us!" It was as close as Talia was willing to get to a compliment at this time.
player, 78 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Mon 25 Jan 2021
at 02:25
  • msg #30

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Over at the bar, Angel's head snapped up at the sound of her name, and she turned to meet Orila's gaze with a look that was a curious mixture of surprise and relief. A small smile curved her lips at the goliath's invitation... but it vanished just as quickly when her eyes flickered over to notice Talia's sour look. Turning back, Angel picked up her drink and drained the rest of it, leaving a coin on the bar next to her empty cup. Then she slid off the barstool and lazily strolled back over to the table where the rest of the Ashford companions sat, arriving just as Talia spoke...

Angel's face softened at Talia's words and an amused, mischievous twinkle flashed in her bright golden eyes. Without a word, she bowed her head and gracefully dipped a brief curtsy toward the other woman, a gesture more one of acknowledging the compliment than meant to indicate station or rank. When she straighten back up she held Talia's gaze for a couple moments and then extended her hand. "We seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot. Shall we try again?"
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 199 posts
HP: 12/12
Mon 25 Jan 2021
at 15:48
  • msg #31

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Talia Alden:
"I say we take a room."

Alyssa nodded absently as her friend spoke, the halfling's mind racing at the implications of an orc war band near Ashford. As Orila called Angel back to the table Alyssa did a quick count of their group. "Do you think they have a 5 bed room here? Maybe pair of joining rooms? And no, I'm not sleeping in a bureau!"
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 193 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 02:26
  • msg #32

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Talia stiffened for a second as the mischievous look spoke of yet more acerbic japs at her expense. When the woman seemed genuinely appreciative of the words, Talia blinked. She almost spluttered at the bow, "Well, I, umm. umm." Talia heaved a sigh and then nodded simply, "Aye." Talia stood and accepted the extended hand with a firm grip. "Aye, let's do that. Join us then." Talia motioned to a seat at the table but the phrase seemed to contain more.

She then sat again and looked at Alyssa, "The room ain't as much for sleeping as of yet. I expect the greater Ashford party here will take multiple rooms at that. The room is a safe place to stow gear and depart and return to using the key."
This message was lightly edited by the player at 09:32, Tue 26 Jan 2021.
player, 79 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 07:02
  • msg #33

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Angel took the offered seat and listened while the others spoke of getting a room so they could use the key. "I'll get us a suite," she volunteered. "We can use it initially for the "key thing", and then get other rooms as needed later on."

Barring no objections from the others, Angel rose from the table and went to see about getting a suite for them to use...

OOC: Just FYI, this is one of those times where Angel covers for party expenses with funds she skimmed off the top, as per our earlier discussion... you're welcome.  ;)   
Dungeon Master
GM, 417 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 23:00
  • msg #34

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

The party retires to their suite. As Draumavaunt had indicated the key seems to highlight the closest lock so whoever holding the key sees the glowing lock shift as they walk down the hallway to their room. Inside the accommodations are cramped but luxurious. If only the rooms were larger it would be down right elegant but the fluffy comfortable beds barely fit inside the individual rooms and the only other furniture is crammed into the main common room. Despite paying top price the room is cramped for five people.

Once inside their room the only thing left to do was to try out the key. Despite being clearly oversized it slipped easily into the glowing lock of the room door. There is a brilliant flash of light that lasts for several seconds, blinding everyone. When the light dims the party finds they have been teleported to a strange place. They find themselves seated on comfortable leather chairs and couch surrounding a low wooden coffee table. The floor is tiled with dark marble and the walls appear to be finely crafted stone leading up to huge vaulted ceilings, easily over 20' tall. Floor-to-ceiling windows and giant skylights present plenty of light however the windows are opaque so it is impossible to see the landscape beyond and determine where the party has been transported to.

There are other clusters of chairs and couches forming six distinct clusters of furniture arranged equidistant in a 3x2 grid broken up and divided by rows half-wall partitions topped with the occasional potted plant. The air is cool and crisp with hints of airflow but there doesn't seem to be any open window.

At the other end of the room are two notable items. The first is a large wrap-around desk with an ancient gnome sitting behind it struggling to read a book through incredibly thick spectacles. The gnome is old beyond measure and seems almost completely bleached of color. His hair is white, his skin is ashen gray and even tongue seems to be more gray than pink.

The other note is that there are no exits to this room. Instead one of the four walls is instead made up of a giant brass circular cover, like a vault door only on a scale that is absolutely massive. A best estimate is that the door is about 30' tall.

As the party's eyes adjust from the blinding light they hear voices arguing.


"Now as we stated the Exchange is perfectly neutral and we take no sides..."

Looking over there are two men advancing on one another and a young gnome, barely more than a child, trying without success to keep the two separated.

"You think you can aid the Kingdom of Gartanyan and not pay a price?"

The first speaker moves to draw an obviously magical sword, throwing back is jewel encrusted fur cloak and pulling out a sword that ignites with wild green flame as soon as it leaves the scabbard. He pulls with such vigor that the golden crown he is wearing nearly topples from his head.

The second man stops advancing upon seeing the flaming sword in front of him.

"Oh that is how you want it, Tanning? A brawl in the lobby of the exchange? So be it! I will end the war here and now."

He waves a gloved hand in the air and a spear made entirely of light. He gives it a quick spin before taking a defensive stance.

The gnome lad is shouting at both of them but his cries are drowned out by the clashing of metal as the two begin attacking.

Back at the front desk the ancient gnome just grunts.

"Well that's enough of of that."

He pulls a lever next to him and with a flash of light both men disappear, but their weapons remains. The spear of light turns into a solid silver metal while the flaming blade extinguishes the green flame and clatters noisily to the ground.

"Twelve, what have I told you? This is why you need to move quickly to avoid an intersection. Now attend to your duties, we have new guests."

The old gnome stabs a finger towards the party still in their little seating area. The young gnome pauses for a second, debating cleaning up the fallen weapons and then just kicking them under a nearby couch and running over to greet the party.

"Greetings, travelers! I am #12 and I would like to cordially welcome you to the Klacken Exchange! If you'll just follow me we can get you processed and taken care of swiftly and to your utmost satisfaction!"

He is trying to put on a professional smile but is clearly ruffled by the melee. He is wearing a blue shirt with an insignia on it that matches the shape of the key handle, a cog surrounded by circles. He has a small cap on as well with #12 embroidered into it with brass colored thread. The party notices that he isn't wearing any shoes, instead his feet covered with thick wool socks that are causing his little feet to have to pump twice as hard due to the lack of grip.

He looks around and then holds out his hand.

"If I can see your exchange key, it will help expedite the processing."

He looks back at the old gnome staring daggers at him from behind the counter and leans forward.

"I know you have a lot of questions but I can answer them as we walk. Just, please hand the key over so we can get things moving. Please?"
player, 80 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Wed 27 Jan 2021
at 17:27
  • msg #35

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

OOC: sorry for the presumptive post... trying to appease the DM, who seems to want to move things along.

Angel sighed at the others' hesitation and then reached out to pluck the key from Orila's hand. (the last one who had the key according to post #28) She promptly handed it to the little gnome named "12". "Here ya go," she said brightly, and then glanced over to where he'd kicked the weapons under the couch. "Oh! It looks like you dropped something. Here, let me help you with that," she added, already moving past "12" toward the couch...
Dungeon Master
GM, 418 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Wed 27 Jan 2021
at 18:58
  • msg #36

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

The little gnome gladly accepts the key, motioning towards the others to follow.

"Please, come with me."

When Angel starts moving towards the dropped weapons he turns a little pale and shakes his head.

"No, you can't touch those. Just...just follow me. This way. Whatever questions you have I can try to answer but we must get moving."

He casts a glance at the desk where the ancient gnome is still glaring at him, tapping his fingers rhythmically next to what looks to be a giant bowl of water.
Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 149 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Thu 28 Jan 2021
at 00:32
  • msg #37

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Yry is rather stunned even after her eyes clear, looking around the room again and again-- only stopping for a break when the imminent melee draws her attention. She is very much a surprised doe, following orders-- requests-- with wide eyes. When 12 asks for the key she checks her belt and seems relieved when Angel turns the key over. This place seemed powerful in a way the sorceress was intimidated by-- in truth, like a country bumpkin in awe of a big city or cathedral.

She follows 12 politely, showing her respect to the ancient gnome with a brief curtsy as the party is whisked away to whatever their destination is.
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 194 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Thu 28 Jan 2021
at 04:33
  • msg #38

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Talia blinked rapidly to clear the light from her eyes only to have her attention stolen by the rude men nearby. She didn't know them or the names they mentioned. That hardly seemed problematic considering the context but it still unnerved her sense of control. The rather pushy gnome and glaring elder gnome also set her teeth to grinding. They were being terribly impolite. Still, she'd taken the lesson provided that acting rashly or untoward in this place got you booted and, apparently, a fine was in place for such behavior. Not wanting to lose her mace, she only frowned a little bit when Angel nicked the key from Orila's grip to hand over. She cast a hard look the other woman's way then let it go.

She followed along while casting more dirty looks at the elderly gnome. She had no interest in starting fights this day.
player, 81 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Thu 28 Jan 2021
at 12:24
  • msg #39

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"Are you sure? It'll only take a moment," Angel offered taking one more step toward the couch before turning back toward the gnome. Her doe-eyed expression was the epitome of sincere innocence. She held her position for just a couple moments longer, to see if "12" mind change his mind, but when he didn't she deflated a bit as she shrugged, disappointed. "Okay, okay. I was just trying to help," she replied, returning to the group.

It was only when the little gnome turned around to lead the companions to wherever it was he wanted them to go, that the mask of helpful faux-sincerity slipped from the elf's face, replaced by an impish grin -- and two things were immediately obvious to those of her companions who noticed. One, like the wizard previously, and Talia before that, it seemed Angel just couldn't help needling those she met; and two, she was one hell of an actress.
Dungeon Master
GM, 419 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Fri 29 Jan 2021
at 22:20
  • msg #40

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

The gnome lad, Twelve, led the group down the hallway towards the giant brass vault door. He seemed a little surprised that he wasn't bombarded with questions but he quickly went into his tour guide speech anyway.

"Right. You're in the Klacken Exchange. We deliver magical solutions for a multiverse of problems. We exist in our own little pocket universe so time and space don't really operate the same here as it does wherever you come from. Take all the time you need here and when you are returned no time will have passed. Quite handy, that. No?"

As he led the his little tour past the ancient gnome still glaring at him the old man gave the party a quick once over and then gave his judgement.

"Vault 4."

With that delivered the old gnome shifted to stare at the bowl of water. Twelve gave an energetic nod and motioned for the group to follow him once again.

"Don't mind Number One. He just tries to run a tight ship after all. We try to hurry people through arrivals and processing to avoid any the one you saw earlier. We are supposed to be neutral in all matters but that can sometimes mean our clients aren't pleased to see one another. That almost never happens...almost. My name is Josianamus Klackencogswheel, hence the name. Originally it was the Klackencogswheel Extraplanar Magical Exchange but none of our clients seemed to like that very much so it was eventually just shortened to the Klacken Exchange. I'm just the greeter, and cleaner, and messenger. I'll take you to your personal curator who will be able to explain things much more clearly than I can."

The gnome stopped about fifty feet away from the giant brass door. The door itself was covered with small engravings depicting various magical scenes. Wizards casting fireballs at dragons or reading ancient tomes or performing grand rituals. The engravings were so detailed that as the party walked forward the way the light and shadows hit the engraving caused them to appear to move. The fireballs would explore, pages would be turned, rituals circles would appear to glow. At first it looked magical but it quickly became apparent it was just expert craftsmanship and tricks of the light as the scenes just flipped back and forth over and over again.

"The key that you handed me is what we refer to as a guest pass. Our clients can get them issued to allow select guests access to our inventory. Sometimes it is just to do some shopping for the client but many times keys are given out as rewards for services conducted. Each key is single use however. Once your needs have been satisfied, within the limits of your client's tier of course."

Number Twelve, aka Josianamus, was standing next to a lever set into the marble floor. The young gnome began pulling and pushing the lever, flipping it through a complex series of positions. The ground began to rumble but instead of the giant vault door opening instead the whole wall began to rotate. Along nearly invisible seams the vault door and the wall behind it rotated clockwise so the giant brass door sank into the floor like a setting sun. As it did so on the other side of the wall opposite a new vault door came into view like a sunrise. This one was engraved with pictures of kings and rulers commanding armies and demanding loyalty from their subjects.

This door rotated up into position like the sun rising to midday but then didn't stop, it too continuing to rotate over and set, disappearing beneath the floor. A third vault door rose up and this was engraved with what looked to be heroes fighting terrible monsters or avoiding deadly traps. This time when the vault door was fully visible it locked into position. The gnome pulled the lever one more time and this time the giant vault door opened.

Through the door was what looked to be a giant warehouse filled with shelves.

Looking like library stacks but instead of books each shelf was full of boxes of varying shapes and sizes, each with a little card on the front labeling it. While the shelves themselves seem organized the overall layout is more akin to a maze and very little of the room is actually visible through the haphazard shelf layouts.

Standing on the other side of the vault are two more gnomes waiting patiently. One has a badge that says "#4" and the other has a badge that says "#8". Looking at them it would appear that the gnomes must all be related. Between #4, #8, and #12 it could easily be grandfather, father, and son.

Number Twelve runs forward, handing the key off to Number Four before heading back to man the lever, presumably to close the vault once the party had entered.
Number Four
NPC, 1 post
Male Gnome
Exchange Curator
Fri 29 Jan 2021
at 22:28
  • msg #41

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

The older gnome waves the party forward.

"Greetings and welcome to the Klacken Exchange."

He motions for the party to in and then gestures to the side where there is yet another seating area that looks remarkably like the one they just left. It was hard not to feel like the gnomes were shuffling them along like an assembly line, each one repeating a line they had spoken a hundred times before.

"Let's get the obvious questions out of the way, shall we? My name is Josianamus Klackencogswheel but you can just call me Number Four. Next to me is also Josianamus but we call him Number Eight. I'll be your curator for your stay here and Number Eight will be assisting. Yes, every gnome here is named Josianamus and yes it is because we are all the same person. The Exchange is run by twelve versions of the same person. We're not copies or clones or anything, we are just at twelve different points in our lives. The Exchange operates under a very complicated time loop. Honestly it is a headache and a half to even begin to explain it. All you need to know is that time has effectively stopped for you while you're here. You'll be returned at the exact time and spot that you arrived from.

Now the mission behind the Exchange was to create the universe's greatest magic shop. I succeeded beyond my wildest expectations when I created not just this plane's greatest magical emporium but every plane's greatest magical emporium. We're actually connected to thousands of alternate planes or dimensions or realities or worlds, whatever language you would prefer. Rest assured that our inventory is second to none.

Because of this we do not provide a catalog, so to speak. Instead if you tell us about your desires or interests or problems that you are facing we can provide a solution. Typically this is with a magical item but we do have a wide array of exotic materials. We have found that half the time just having the right metal or mineral is just as good, and far cheaper, than bothering with enchantments.

There are conditions, however. We do not take gold or other baubles from guests. Instead we offer an exchange. You trade us an exotic or magical item and we will return in kind. Depending on current exchange rates this can be very favorable for you. Our clientele mostly caters to wizards and rulers and they tend to put very little value on flashy swords or sturdy armor so mercenaries and adventurers such as yourselves can often get very favorable rates. So come in and have a seat while we check the credit available on your account."

Number Four pats one of the chairs before going off to the side to consult with Number Eight. Number Four pulls out a jeweler's monocole and begins reading off tiny numbers that had been engraved on the key while Number Eight has produced a small black ledger and is flipping through it, repeating the numbers. After a few moments they find the entry they are looking for and then both of them grin, nodding excitedly with one another.

"Ah, a guest of the Order of Brilliance. Very nice, very nice. A member in very good standing. With their line of credit you will find your exchanges to be at a very favorable rate indeed. So tell me what kind of magical solutions you are looking for and what you can offer up in exchange and I can figure out the best solution you need."

OOC: To put this into context, many of you received magical items as part of the dragon's hoarde, items you may or may not want to keep. This is way to swap them for something different and potentially unique.

Don't feel like you have to identify specific items because the point of the Exchange is to not be limited by just what is available in the core rulebook. I have bookshelves full of books from all editions of Pathfinder and D&D and so maybe a custom item is in the cards.

I hope you can really dive into your character's head and answer the question "what kind of magic do you want" from their perspective in their own words. Barring that if you, the player, have your eye on something specific again let me know. Sometimes it takes a couple tries to find something you really like but I've found doing it this way makes shopping a lot more fun and engaging (at least from my end :D)

Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 150 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Sat 30 Jan 2021
at 07:20
  • msg #42

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Through the course of the tour, and the snippet of conversation she caught while arriving late, she gets the general gist of what is happening. When Four asks about magical solutions and exchanges Yry perks up quickly. "If it's okay with my companions, I might go first? You see, I have this hideous helmet that I can't bear to use. It would probably be quite useful to the right person-- it seems to read minds and the idea of actually doing that doesn't sit right with me. Plus I can't bear to wear it, it is actually horrid."

She removes the helmet from her bag and puts it on the table.

"As for what 'solution' I might be looking for, well, I use ice magic. If I could be more potent, or have something to protect my friends, that would be nice. Something with a more pleasant form..."
Fighter, 237 posts
Female Goliath
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 17:29
  • msg #43

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

In reply to Angel (msg # 35):

Orila was stunned with the sight in front of her. The goliath turned her head back to view where the door was. She snapped her head back when Angel snatched the key. "Hey?!?" The goliath stared at the small gnome in front of the group her retort fading from her lips.
player, 82 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 22:15
  • msg #44

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

... She snapped her head back when Angel snatched the key. "Hey?!?" ...

Angel turned back just enough to give the goliath a saucy look. "Ya snooze, ya lose, Beefcake," she quipped back...

DM via PM:
As you pass by the front desk the ancient gnome leans forward, taking a careful look at Angel. He grunts catching her attention as she walks by and passes her a small brass button...

Angel hesitated for just a moment, wariness and confusion on her face, before she reached out and took the button. Holding it in her hand, a surprised look came over the elf's face and she shrugged her shoulders, glancing back over one shoulder at that fine black cloak she always wore. Then she looked at the ancient gnome again with a puzzled look and slowly reached up to unclasp the cloak, taking it off -- the first time any of the companions had ever seen Angel not wearing it. As the dark garment slid from her shoulders, to drape over one arm, the look on Angel's face couldn't have been more shocked had she just been honestly told she was the new queen of Evermeet. Then a broad grin spread across her face. "Thanks!" She said to the ancient gnome, offering him an overly-dramatic stage-bow that while a bit flippant, seemed every bit sincerely grateful. Then Angel moved to catch up with the others, literally skipping as she returned...

Number Four:
... So tell me what kind of magical solutions you are looking for and what you can offer up in exchange and I can figure out the best solution you need."</b>

Angel snorted scornfully. "So what's the catch, huh? You already mentioned the conditions. Can't buy but only trade, so what's the fine print of that trade? Years of service? A few nights in bed? Oh, I know! You want our souls as part of the bargain too, eh? Well, you're probably too late on that one. If I had a soul, it's probably been lost a few times over by now." She slumped back in her chair, the steam having gone out of her tirade. "Magical quick fixes don't help. You play the hand you're dealt and hope you can bluff better than the others at the table." she added quietly, almost to herself. She paused for moment, rolling that small brass button through her fingers as she looked at her black cloak, now draped over the arm of her chair. She reached out to stroke it almost lovingly. "But you know," she continued in that quiet introspective voice. "If there were such a thing as faerie wishes, I'd think I'd like to be free. Just disappear, you know, so no one could find me. Just be someone else for awhile..." Her voice trailed off as she got a far-away look in her eyes and zoned out for a bit.
Number Four
NPC, 2 posts
Male Gnome
Exchange Curator
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 15:09
  • msg #45

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Number Four takes out a loupe and places it over his eye, giving the helmet a once over and then his eyes widen so much the loupe falls out and he has to quick catch it in his hand.

"A helm of telepathy? Yes, yes that is something that a lot of our clients are very interested in. We can give you very favorable exchanges if you're willing to part with it."

He takes the helmet and gently places it on the desk, turns, then turns back and adjusts it a little farther from the edge as if it might tumble from the edge and become damaged in some way.

"I think we can part with a Tiamat's Tear for that."

He gives Number Eight a nod and Eight disappears for a few minutes before coming back with a small box. He opens it up and instantly the temperature in the room seems to drop a degree or two as if an icy breeze had picked up. Inside is what looks to be a round frozen drop of water about the size of a fist that glows with an icy blue light.

"In a world of mountains and ice dragons once ruled over other races but the other races eventually revolted and slaughtered every dragon. When the last dragon was killed it is said that Tiamat herself wept at the death of her children before departing from the world forever. The tears froze solid and the myth is that if they unfreeze they will birth forth a new dragon. We at the Exchange cannot verify the veracity of any of that, but we can say that this tear greatly empowers ice magic. In theory it can do so forever but it does take a little while to charge and recharge."

OOC: You can use the tear 1/short rest to add an extra damage die to an ice spell. This die does get multiplied for crits. Alternatively 1/long rest you can add two extra dice of damage (note this prevents the 1/short rest ability from working.)

As Angel delivers her thoughts the gnome tugs at his beard.

"Do you have anything magical to trade? Even if you don't this account comes with a fair amount of credit that we could deliver something to you but it wouldn't be much. We can offer you a couple pinches of Dust of Disappearance. How do you feel about that?"
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 200 posts
HP: 12/12
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 15:50
  • msg #46

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Truly in awe of the entire experience Alyssa allowed herself to be ushered through the Exchange and into Vault #4. Making a point to ignore the baiting and sniping amongst the group the halfling focused more on the vastness of Vault #4 and the impressive efficiency that the gnomes, no, gnome is able to manage.

Thinking about her own equipment, Alyssa removed the scabbard and short sword from her belt and placed it on the table. "It isn't much, I know, and given the needs of your clients maybe not as in demand but... I'm an archer truth be told. If I don't need to get close enough to use this I'm much happier in general."
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 195 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 16:00
  • msg #47

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Talia was peering here and there around the vault. Unlike the others, she was satisfied with the item she had and had no other items to trade. As she looked here and about, she made this status clear, "I'm happy with my current acquisition, really. I've been meaning to learn some Draconic though, if you could manage that for me. Otherwise, see to the rest." She paused then looked at the others, "Wait, didn't we have some stuff not divvied up yet? Or am I misremembering?"
Fighter, 238 posts
Female Goliath
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 19:05
  • msg #48

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"Well I did take this circlet." Orila removed the Circlet of Blasting from her head. "Didn't get a chance to try it. I'm conflicted in using this... conflicted because, I really like the hammer and the personal challenge that I can overcome. This trinket..."

"What can you offer in exchange?"

player, 83 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 23:04
  • msg #49

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Angel glanced up as “4” asked if she had any magical items to trade. She vaguely remembered that at one time she must’ve had such things, but certainly not anymore... not since the portal. Then her eyes fell on the ring she still wore... the one they’d taken from the tattooed monk woman, Lady Cass... the one she’d picked up to try adding to her disguise. Angel didn’t know if it really was magical, but it certainly seemed too incredibly detailed not to be. She pulled it off and held it out to the gnome without a word... too much talk might lead to questions she didn’t want to answer.

OOC:  offering Lady Cass’ ring up for trade...
Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 151 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 07:49
  • msg #50

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"Oh, yes, that could be very helpful. I would be amenable to such a trade." Yry seemed largely transfixed by the beauty of the frozen teardrop.
Number Four
NPC, 3 posts
Male Gnome
Exchange Curator
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 18:15
  • msg #51

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange


The gnome looks at the sword and shrugs. It is clearly not an "in demand" item but he doesn't seem very bothered by it either.

"Honestly one weapon is as good as the next. We have magical bows of similar enchantment we could trade. Or a quiver so you'll never run out of arrows and can always find the one you need with but a mental thought. We do have a more...unusual bow we've been trying to get rid of for awhile. The Bow of the Elements. If powered by a spell it can temporarily pass that enchantment onto the arrows fired from it. Hit it with a fire bolt and it will shot flaming arrows, that kind of thing. It needs to be recharged from time to time but it is something a little more exotic."

OOC: 3 options:
+1 Bow (any type)
Everfull Quiver (infinite arrows plus acts like a bag of holding for specialty arrows)
Bow of the Elements: You can hit it with an energy spell (cantrips are fine) and then for the next encounter all arrows fired from it add +1 of that energy type. It only works for basic elements (ice, fire, sonic, acid)  but it's something a little different. Otherwise it's a normal +1 Bow


The gnome looks at Talia's mace and gives a look of surprise. He begins studying it very closely, switching out his loupe for another and yet another.

"Do you even know what you have there? That is Tiamat's Fury. How did you even get your hands on that? I had heard it had been destroyed. It barely has any power left but the pathways are still there. Come back when it is fully charged and we would reward you handsomely!"


Number Four takes the circlet and looks at it this way and that before handing it back.

"It is a powerful thing, and beautiful too. Surprisingly in demand if nothing more than a fashion accessory. A hammer you say. Hmmm... how about Earthbreaker?"

He gives a nod and the other gnome disappears before coming back with a little cart and a long box. Inside in a very carefully cushioned interior is a large spiked maul with glowing runes along the head. Overall the construction looks crude, not slim and elegant like elven crafting, or incredibly precise like dwarven construction. The head is lumpy and uneven, the spikes are different angles and lengths and the head doesn't even seem to be fitted correctly to the hilt.

"Orcish in origin, what they lack in aesthetics they more than make up for in utility. Go on, pick it up but for the love of whatever god you worship do not give it a swing."

Despite its crude look lifting it gives the sense that it is much sturdier than it looks and is perfectly balanced despite looking like everything is set wrong. Apparently the uneveness counterbalances one another to perfectly balance in the crudest of ways.

"It is magical but the effect is quite pronounced. If you strike it against the ground it can cause an explosion, cracking stone and turning up soil. It happens automatically so be careful with how you swing it but it can be very useful for tactical situations."

OOC: It is a +1 Maul with the following three effectys
1) As an standard action you can strike the ground with it and create a line of uneven terrain that extends 30'. Anyone already standing on it must succeed at a Dex saving through (versus your strength mod) or fall prone. Afterwards the terrain remains difficult terrain for movement purposes.

2) You can strike the top of the hammer at your feet and instead of a line it hits every tile adjacent to you instead. Same effect as above, just different AoE shape. Note that this will disrupt your friends as well if they are hit.

3) (Automatic) whenever you miss an attack roll 1d6. On a '6' the swing hits the ground and effect #1 is triggered, with a direction based on where you versus the enemy you missed as points to connect.

NOTE: you can't use this to dig or collapse walls. While it will could theoretically cause structural damage effectively it uses your strength so large objects like walls or gigantic creatures would be unaffected without huge boosts to your strength.


The gnome takes the ring and studies it very carefully.

"Curious. I don't believe I have ever seen this before. Interesting. No offense but we rarely get anything new from adventurers. Good for recovery, not for discovery as I always say. Interesting. So you say you would like to be seen less. Well we have Hats of Disguises in a variety of means and measures. Rings, amulets, scarves. Boots of Elvenkind to help you move quietly and carefully. Cloaks as well for camouflage. Well known, very effective but also a little mundane, no? There are a couple of more exotic options. One is the Cowl of the Faceless Man. If you're in a crowd of people you can pull it on and you'll blend it with the rest of the crowd. At least until you do something that draws specific attention to you again. The something you already have in your pocket."

The gnome arcs his eyebrow at her with a small smirk on his face.

OOC: The Cowl lets you 1/encounter turn invisible while in a crowd (10 or more humanoids). You'll stay invisible so long as the crowd is sufficiently crowdy or until you take an action that breaks invisibility (attacking or casting a spell). It requires targets to have sufficient intelligence though.

This is pretty much a guarantee in any busy inn or city street. In theory if you were surrounded by ten guards you could use it to blend in with them as well although depending on the situation a saving throw might be warranted if it is unlikely you can "mix and mingle" with the crowd. Not impossible, just not a guarantee. The party does count towards that so it might work in places like a busy shop.

The overall idea is that you become so utterly featureless that you become just another face in the crowd so I don't have specific mechanical rules to cover every situation. As for the stipulation, it won't likely fool someone who has other perception means like scent. It might fool a dragon if for some reason there are a crowd of humanoids near a dragon but animals oozes, mindless undead etc. don't have a blindspot for "just one of the crowd". PM me if you have more questions.

Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 201 posts
HP: 12/12
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 17:23
  • msg #52

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Number Four:
"Honestly one weapon is as good as the next. We have magical bows of similar enchantment we could trade. Or a quiver so you'll never run out of arrows and can always find the one you need with but a mental thought. We do have a more...unusual bow we've been trying to get rid of for awhile. The Bow of the Elements. If powered by a spell it can temporarily pass that enchantment onto the arrows fired from it. Hit it with a fire bolt and it will shot flaming arrows, that kind of thing. It needs to be recharged from time to time but it is something a little more exotic."

Alyssa listen to the gnome in wonder as he explained the various capabilities of the items they had. "Oh, I don't think I need anything exotic..." The halfling then gave the quiver a closer look, "So, this will never run out of arrow? 'Find the arrow I need?' Does it provide different types of arrows as well?"

OOC: Just trying to clarify if the quiver produces any mundane arrow or if specialty arrows would need to be placed into it to be recalled later?
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 196 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Sun 7 Feb 2021
at 15:47
  • msg #53

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Number Four:

The gnome looks at Talia's mace and gives a look of surprise. He begins studying it very closely, switching out his loupe for another and yet another.

"Do you even know what you have there? That is Tiamat's Fury. How did you even get your hands on that? I had heard it had been destroyed. It barely has any power left but the pathways are still there. Come back when it is fully charged and we would reward you handsomely!"

Talia, in her typical surly manner, eyes the gnome darkly and then shakes her head, "I haven't the foggiest idea what that is. I cannot bloody understand the thing. And I don't know what you mean by filling it. Explain."

Talia runs a finger along the head of the mace slowly and then waits for more information as the others get around to exchanging their items or making deals. She was starting to feel left out which was making her even more surly.
Fighter, 239 posts
Female Goliath
Sun 7 Feb 2021
at 18:34
  • msg #54

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"An orcish maul?!?" Orila smiled as she hefted the maul in her hands. "I want these orcs to know what hit them. This is splendid." Orila gave the gnomes a nod of her head. She moved to the side, while testing the balance and the swing of the maul, giving the others the opportunity to discuss their particular matters.
Number Four
NPC, 4 posts
Male Gnome
Exchange Curator
Mon 8 Feb 2021
at 22:28
  • msg #55

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange


When Orila gives it a test swing both gnomes go pale with panic, gasping in surprise and fear. Number Four nervously lifts a finger and points at the maul.

"Please. Please do not do that. We have anti-magic wards in place but the effects of it breaking the ground are not magical, it is some kind of resonance ability with whatever the head is made of. We exist in an extra-dimensional pocket so if you do breach the ground we might fall...forever. Just...put it back in the box for now."

Number Eight comes forward with the padded case to assist Orila and ensure no accidents happen when stowing it away.


The gnome gets quite animated as he begins to describe the weapon in Talia's hands.

"Tiamat's Fury is an ancient artifact, far older than the realm you came from. It must have been buried for millenia for it to become so weak. To power it back up you must bath it in the blood of dragons. Every different dragon type whose blood you bath it with will empower it further. If the legends are true not only will it strike harder and truer but you will unlock the special attacks of that dragon. Kill a red dragon with it and it can breath fire. Kill a white dragon with it and it can breath frost. Kill a blue dragon with it and it will shoot lightning. Not only that but its abilities get stronger too.

When fully powered it is said the wielder could strike dragons down from the sky with a single blast from it.

You must be cautious however, as the stronger it gets the fiercer the intelligence inside of it. We do not know what kind of soul or mind is bound to the Fury which is why we would like you to empower it. The legends say five should be sufficient to fully unlock the mind inside so if you ever get that far bring it back and we will reward you quite handsomely.

You should know that you must engage the dragon with the Fury in combat. We have plenty of dragon's blood on hand but stored blood will not do anything. It must be fresh and it must be taken with violence and anger."

The gnomes study it a bit further and give a few additional details to Talia to help her wield it better. Number Four also reveals that languages aren't necessary, it is instead about formulating the command with her mind. She can say anything as a trigger so long as she frames it the right way mentally.

OOC: Translation:

Right now it has only been soaked in the blood of a red dragon which is why it can breath fire. Talia didn't know so she didn't wield it against the black dragon so it is still just a +1 Mace and the fire breath only does 2d6 damage fire. Each additional dragon type will increase its enchantment by +1 and add +1d6 to its breath weapons, capping out at +5 and 6d6 fire/ice/electricity/acid cone/lines.

With the gnome's help you can also come up with your own trigger word!


The gnomes show off the quiver and explain how it works. First of all when desired whenever you reach into it, it will produce a regular arrow. These arrows only exist to be fired and if the archer tries to give them away they crumble into nothingness. They are created, fired, and when removed from the body dissolve into dust.

As a secondary ability Alyssa could story any number of specific arrows, be they magical or gimmick arrows, and when she reached for one in the quiver and thought about which one she was hunting for she would always grab the right one. She could store a thousand different arrows inside and always pull out the one she was looking for.

Talia Alden
Barbarian, 197 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Tue 9 Feb 2021
at 03:41
  • msg #56

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Talia stares at the weapon with a blank face for a long time then a wild grin slowly splits her face. "SO, that's what the bloody this has been trying to say. Well, I expect it was being a bit more malevolent. Still, it only speaks Draconic." She frowns for a moment then laughs much as her mother often did at a good jest: full-throated and from deep in her belly. "It will make for a grand tale. Indeed. I shall endeavor to do so, gnome, but my pass this time was for a guest only. How might I find this realm again via the kingdom of Tethyr? And don't ask me to chat with the confounding blue wizards again."

She glances over to where the others were claiming their prizes and considered the information she had gleaned to be equivalent in service. "I guess that means I need to find four more dragons to defeat. Wish I had known when we killed that black one."
player, 84 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Tue 9 Feb 2021
at 04:39
  • msg #57

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Number Four:
..."Curious. I don't believe I have ever seen this before. Interesting. No offense but we rarely get anything new from adventurers. Good for recovery, not for discovery as I always say. Interesting. So you say you would like to be seen less. Well we have Hats of Disguises in a variety of means and measures. Rings, amulets, scarves. Boots of Elvenkind to help you move quietly and carefully. Cloaks as well for camouflage. Well known, very effective but also a little mundane, no? There are a couple of more exotic options. One is the Cowl of the Faceless Man. If you're in a crowd of people you can pull it on and you'll blend it with the rest of the crowd. At least until you do something that draws specific attention to you again. The something you already have in your pocket."...

Something new? Angel thought, already kicking herself for so casually handing over something unique and valuable. She was just about to ask for the ring back, when the gnome mentioned what she had in her pocket. She frowned in confusion, until it suddenly hit her. The brass button! She’d just put it in her pocket to use both hands in taking off the ring. She quickly fished it out, twirling it in her fingers as she addressed the gnome. ”You’d let me keep this for that ring? And it’ll keep doing what’s its doing?”
Number Four
NPC, 5 posts
Male Gnome
Exchange Curator
Tue 9 Feb 2021
at 07:56
  • msg #58

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange


The gnome brushed away her concerns.

"We have agents everywhere and everywhen. Or at least every where and when we need them. Remember, time doesn't work the same way here as there. If you empower Tiamat's Fury I'm sure tale will be told and we can then make sure a key falls into your hands at the proper time and place. I hope. Probably."

The gnome nodded to himself confidently as if reassuring himself and his colleague/alter ego as much as Talia.


The gnome didn't reply but did nod before turning his attention to those still shopping.
player, 85 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Tue 9 Feb 2021
at 11:45
  • msg #59

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

”Done!” Angel exclaimed, and with a flourish of her hand, the little brass button seemingly disappeared... the she-elf really was quite good at sleight of hand.
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 202 posts
HP: 12/12
Tue 9 Feb 2021
at 21:10
  • msg #60

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Alyssa nods appropriately as Four explains the quiver's qualities. "Thank you. Yes. I think you've sold me on it!"
Number Four
NPC, 6 posts
Male Gnome
Exchange Curator
Thu 11 Feb 2021
at 19:54
  • msg #61

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Number Four grins as everyone seems happy with their chosen exchanges.

"Now, your account has a little bit left over for some parting gifts. Please stop by the front desk on your way out and Number One will get you sorted out for your return. On behalf of all of us here at the Klackencogswheel Exchange, we thank you for your patronage and hope you consider us for all your magical needs."
Dungeon Master
GM, 422 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Thu 11 Feb 2021
at 20:19
  • msg #62

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Behind the party the giant door opens with a rumble and they can see down back into the small (by comparison) waiting area. Number Twelve is standing at the threshold hopping from toe to toe.

"Alright then, come this way. Right here, watch your step."

The young Number Twelve leads the group back to the front desk where the crotchety ancient gnome starts pulling out small potion vials and lining them up.

"I was told this should be sufficient. One healing potion, and one vitality potion each."

As the party accepts their parting gifts the old gnome leans in and hands an extra potion to Yry.

"That helm is quite valuable to us so here's a little something extra. Hope it comes in handy."

Once everyone has their weapons and potions sorted away the young gnome hands the old one the key the party had used and the gnome twists it into something underneath the counter and pulls one of the levers next to him. With a rumble a section of the floor raises up revealing a door in the middle of the room. The door is freestanding, they can see both sides of it however when Number Twelve opens the door it shows the inn room back in Spire Keep.

"On behalf of all of us, I hope you have enjoyed your time at the Klacken Exchange. Whenever you need magical solutions I hope you consider the Klackencogswheelm Exchange."

The young gnome looks nervously at the older one who gives him a nod of satisfaction. Apparently he had finally remembered the expression correctly.
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 198 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Mon 15 Feb 2021
at 07:29
  • msg #63

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Talia, somewhat impressed, took the potions and tucked them into her gear. She then smiled at the gnomes and moved through the door. She saw no need to stand on ceremony. This was payment for work. She'd enjoyed the visit and hoped her mission with the mace would prove entertaining and interesting, but she didn't expect to see the gnomes much, if ever, again.

Once, back in the Inn, she turned to the others and sighed, "It's time to get some shopping done and then get back to Ashford to sort this orc issue out. Some asking about for unusual orc migrations might not go amiss either. Meet back here tonight?" She smiled at each companion in turn, even Angel, and then started to sort her packs to make room for the potions and her intended purchases.
player, 87 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Tue 16 Feb 2021
at 02:25
  • msg #64

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

When it was time to leave, Angel fetched her fine black cloak off the arm of the chair and swept it back onto her shoulders -- where it settled against her back like it was meant to be there. Strutting back to the front desk, whistling a merry tune, she wore a grin plastered on her face that would have done any canary-eating cat proud. Taking the pair of offered potions and secreting them in an inner pocket of her vest, she paused to give a nod and a wink to the old gnome behind the counter and then stepped back through the portal to the suite she'd rented for them all.

"Aye," she replied to Talia's suggestion. "I've a couple things to pick up myself. Tonight," she agreed, and made ready to leave on her own shopping excursion...
Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 152 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Tue 16 Feb 2021
at 22:13
  • msg #65

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"Oh! Thank you," Yry says to the old gnome, wondering if she should have haggled about the helmet a little.

When they are back in the suite, Yry quickly recovering from the dizziness of magical travel, she nods at the plan. "See you all then."
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 203 posts
HP: 12/12
Wed 17 Feb 2021
at 14:28
  • msg #66

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Alyssa missed the woods. Between the bustle of Spire Keep then the otherworldly Klacken Exchange not to mention the moving between the two, this halfling missed the sun on her face and the wind in the leaves.

Snapping out of her melancholy, Alyssa looked to her companions as her hand came to rest on her new quiver. "At this point I think all I need to do is fine a fletcher to fill this wonder," a smile crossing her face.
Fighter, 240 posts
Female Goliath
Wed 17 Feb 2021
at 19:36
  • msg #67

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"Okay." Orila said as different people made their way on their personal errands.

Just updated my personal post in the equipment thread.
Dungeon Master
GM, 427 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 22:45
  • msg #68

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

The group does a little digging, casual so as not to attract any real attention to themselves and discover that there are about fifty members of the Knights of the Black Star. Their leaders are as follows:

  • Sir Arctauros "the Brave" - the leader which the players met before at the tavern. Likely a Fighter.

  • Lady Lyra Augustania Mercadillo IV "the Muse" - operates as the knights "ambassador" smoothing over ruffled feathers and covering up war crimes. Met before at the tavern. Likely a bard.

  • Lady Cassiopelyn "the Fair" - a death monk and their primary executioner. Killed at the tavern but Angel's impersonation has successfully spread through Spire Keep and she is still reported as being alive and in the city.

  • Sir Cygnatious "the Wise" - he doesn't leave his tower very much anymore. Likely a wizard.

  • Sir Aquilan "the Just" - he is often portrayed by Lady Lyra as a paladin serving the cause of good and justice although no specific gods or paladin orders are ever specified. Likely a paladin (at least according to Lyra).

  • Sir Fornaxis "the Haunted" - pale and rumored to never really sleep and plagued by ghosts. Likely a Warlock.

  • Sir Octanus "the Honest" - this one the party each receives contradictory information from. The most likely theory is that Sir Octanus is actually multiple people all portraying the same person. Physical descriptions match so it seems possible Octanus is portrayed by three or four brothers. Could be a fighter, a cleric, a rogue, or a wizard.

  • Sir Orionelyr "the Swift" - an elven archer with legendary accuracy. Is rarely seen in Spire Keep and instead patrols the neighboring woods. Likely a ranger.

  • Lady Ur'san "the Wildling" - a wild savage from a barbarian tribe, Ur'san lives for combat. She has a legendary reputation for anger, bloodshed, and alcoholism. Likely a barbarian.

  • Sir Scorpion "the Poisoned Blade" - even the existence of Scorpion is not very wildly known. All the group can figure out is that there is rumored to be an assassin working for the Black Star.

The other thing of note is the specific timeline of when the Black Star was elevated to knighthood is something that a lot of locals finds suspicious. First the Spire family was murdered during a surprise orc invasion, then when Lord Saxton assumed role as temporary regent he almost immediately elevated the Black Star from a brutal mercenary company to knighthood. It is likely he did this to create a personal army that he could use to secure power but some wonder if being knighted and awarded lands were payment for something.
Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 153 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 04:55
  • msg #69

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"This whole thing is troubling, as if what we heard at the hou- Inn wasn't bad enough. I wonder if they often employ orcs to prepare the way for themselves to be the 'heroes'. We might really be entangled in this..." Yry shakes her head, pacing around the inn room they met back up in. There is a sense of indignation that might be unusual for those who know the quiet sorceress well.

"We should hurry to Ashford."
player, 89 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 05:13
  • msg #70

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"If it was orcs in the first place," Angel replied, confident they could speak freely in the privacy of their shared suite, but still lowering her voice to near whisper levels just in case. She looked ready for adventure in her new suit of studded leather. "I'd bet good coin that that supposed orc ambush that took out the Spire family was more Blackstar than orc."

Yry Sweetwater:
... "We should hurry to Ashford."

"Agreed," the elf replied. "It would be best if we don't attract attention by all leaving together. The less we can be connected to one another the better. I'm not worried so much by the folk here at the inn, but the gate guards will be the first ones anyone asks about seeing us. We should stagger our departures to leave separately and meet up some distance down the road."   
Yry Sweetwater
Sorceress, 154 posts
Gentle cold
Warm heart
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 05:16
  • msg #71

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Yry smiles, "You really are very clever. That's a good idea, shall we do that?" Yry asks, looking at the others.
player, 90 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 05:42
  • msg #72

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Angel blushed slightly at what Yry said, but just as quickly that honest expression was gone, replaced by a cocky, lopsided grin. "Thanks doll, you're not so bad yourself," she replied, giving the other woman a saucy wink... but for those who noticed though, it was clear Angel deeply appreciated the sorceress' compliment.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:47, Sat 20 Feb 2021.
Alyssa Tealeaf
Scout, 205 posts
HP: 12/12
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 17:16
  • msg #73

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"It would be best if we don't attract attention by all leaving together. The less we can be connected to one another the better. I'm not worried so much by the folk here at the inn, but the gate guards will be the first ones anyone asks about seeing us. We should stagger our departures to leave separately and meet up some distance down the road."   

Alyssa nodded at the elf's suggestion. "That would make sense. Are you thinking leaving at first light or should some of us leave this afternoon?" The halfling tried to remain nonchalant about it but she was excited about the possibility of being back in the woods.
player, 91 posts
Sun-Elf Rogue
AC:13; HP 24/24
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 21:55
  • msg #74

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"Since I'm the one who rented this suite, it makes sense for me to leave last," Angel replied. "Plus if need be I can provide some misdirection on who was where and when," she added...

... then suddenly her body and clothing shifted to assume Talia's form, and she gave the other woman (Talia) a smirk before shifting back to herself...

"Might come in handy like it did with making folk believe You-Know-Who is still above ground."
Fighter, 241 posts
Female Goliath
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 15:04
  • msg #75

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

"To Ashford? Here I was thinking that we needed to go after the orcs. Wasn't that what we agreed with that wizard?" Orila was confused and required Alyssa to explain her thoughts.

"Alright. So you're thinking that these knights will be attacking Ashford. But it's a small village. What would they gain?" Orila gathered her gear in preparation for the trip. "We can discuss as we travel. We need to grab one of these people you identified and ask some serious questions."
Talia Alden
Barbarian, 202 posts
AC:15; HP 38/38
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 03:09
  • msg #76

Re: [Chapter ???] The Exchange

Talia mused at the idea and slowly started to shake her head when Angel shifted into her appearance. She startled badly and glowered a moment before a small smile played across her face and she chuckled. She was a direct person, but that didn't mean being direct was the only good path forward. "The only issue is we did not arrive alone. Yes, it feels like that for some reason, but there are villagers that need escort home. So, I will go with them. Yry and Alyssa can easily leave at the same time, yes? Or no? And you leaving last, with distractions, seems best."

She turned to Orila and nodded firmly, "Aye, the orcs. But best to rally in Ashford first and warn people then sortie from there with the proper gear."
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