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09:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Radgonda Lebeda
Paladin, 191 posts
HP 16/16
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 04:56
  • msg #7

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

"Then we keep a watch for just an instance." She said with a simple nod.
Warpriest, 250 posts
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 08:13
  • msg #8

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

Tosk listened to the poem that Erlin had recited.  It was a gloomy one for sure.  Tosk had never been to Ustalav before so didn't know what it was like but after listening to Ursion explain what little he knew it didn't sound like a place he was heading to any time soon.  "That was quite the poem Erlin.  This bard in black must have been an interesting fellow."

When Falco brought up that bandits may return for the goods Tosk was already shaking his heavy mane of hair.  "Falco, judging by the look and seemingly the age of the items, I don't think anyone is returning anytime soon.  Also, as Radgonda pointed out we can have a watch for the night.  With our vantage point here we should be okay."
Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 285 posts
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 17:12
  • msg #9

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

"We should probably discuss setting a watch - and I'd like to point out that I can't see very well in the darkness.  Also, much as I would love to sleep next to a cozy, warm fire it will be a beacon in this wilderness that could attract just about anything.  It might be better to pass one night uncomfortably than to have to fight for our lives and get no sleep at all, if the fire brings trouble.  Also, I'd like to point out that a sleep spell such as I have learned is pretty simple; a single guard could easily be overcome, and then the rest have their throats slit.  Not trying to be dramatic, but these things do happen.  We need to be careful."
Renee Esca
Wizard, 302 posts
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 21:36
  • msg #10

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

After finding the cache, Renee spent most of her time examining the objects they found, especially the spellbook. She even went so far as to pull out one of her own scrolls and immediately set herself to using it and applying the magics to help her to fully identify the newfound treasures.

She was so focused on their discovery, that she almost didn't even hear Ursion's question, and it took her a moment to respond.
"Ustalav might as well have been in Garund, given my situation." She said somewhat coldly, not looking up as he approached to look at the items with her. She seemed to be keenly aware of his presence, stiffening slightly, and had to take a deep breath before focusing back on the task at hand, getting lost in her studies and shutting out the rest of the world, including the presence of those around her. When she was finally done, she responded to Erlin before announcing what she'd found. "I am capable of seeing in the dark, and can take a watch." She droned. "Though I am not the most... attentive of people."

Use Scroll of Identify. Identify the items found. Take 10 on the checks, which equals a 28 with the help of the scroll.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:31, Sat 20 Feb 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 361 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 01:42
  • msg #11

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

Most of the recovered items are nonmagical. The wand is nearly completely spent, it can produce a gout of flames but only has 4 charges left. Burning Hands
Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 300 posts
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 02:18
  • msg #12

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

Ursion's mood seemed to cool somewhat after Renee's reply, and he moved off to kneel and open his pack. He pulled out his tent, his small self contained mess kit, and of course the small hardbound book, the "Measure and Chain" that he read religiously.

He eventually fell to reading, his back against the tree, while he still had daylight see by.
Falco Corras
Ranger, 115 posts
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 03:04
  • msg #13

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

Falco was glad the group was being sensible and he offered to take either the first or last watch. “I can’t see all that well in the dark, but if it’s more helpful for me to take a middle watch, I don’t mind, I just don’t know how helpful I will be.”
Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 286 posts
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 04:21
  • msg #14

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

Erlin pulled her bow out; she wasn't really the domestic type, and sitting around idle drove her nuts.

"I will scout the area around us, see if there are any tracks - who knows, maybe I can bag something for dinner".

She really could not read tracks very well, but she could shoot a deer or a rabbit with the best of them.

(OOC: Erlin will make a circle around the camp, approximately 100 yards from the center, looking for tracks, game, and anything else worthy of reporting.  23:21, Today: Erlin Bjorksdottir rolled 21 using 1d20+4 ((17)).)
This message was last edited by the player at 04:22, Sat 20 Feb 2021.
Warpriest, 251 posts
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 08:50
  • msg #15

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

"As when we were in the outpost, as long as I have some sleep during the daylight hours I can pull half of the night shift.  With Renee's help that should make most of the night covered as long as the bookends are taken by others."  Tosk commented when the question was brought up about the shifts.

Then as Erlin had suggested she go scout, Tosk thought it a good idea.  "Why not take Falco with you?  If I remember from our first conversation back in Brevoy, that he is a ranger.  Maybe he can help with the tracks and such.  I wouldn't mind a deer to have for dinner."  Licking his lips at the thought of venison for dinner.  "I can get a fire going in the meantime and we can put it out once it gets dark."
Falco Corras
Ranger, 116 posts
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 12:20
  • msg #16

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

“I will join you Erlin. Squirrel and I are decent hunters.” He said as he patted the wolf he rode.

He let Erlin take the lead but he provided a second set of eyes and he expected Squirrel would pick up any scents.

OOC: I will happily explain the name squirrel should anyone ask :)
06:17, Today: Falco Corras rolled 22 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 16.  Aid Erlin.

Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 301 posts
Sun 21 Feb 2021
at 01:43
  • msg #17

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

As Falco and Erlin moved off, Ursion have them a wave then held his book open with the page saved as he looked over to Tosk

"Where did you say that you were from again Tosk? I'm trying to remember if you've already told us."
Warpriest, 252 posts
Sun 21 Feb 2021
at 08:45
  • msg #18

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

Tosk had been getting the camp ready for their evening but clearing away from the bigger stones that were on the area they had chosen.  When Ursion had asked where he was from, Tosk said, "I come from the Molthune area.  My tribe roamed around the area, but when I left them I went to the Arsenal district and was fortunate to be trained as an Arsenal Chaplain.  The order is quite militaristic which was easy for me to conform to."
Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 303 posts
Sun 21 Feb 2021
at 14:52
  • msg #19

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

"Oh really?" the Armiger perked up a little bit. "I had no idea that you were so close, was probably three hundred miles from me, but I suppose compared to Brevoy it seems close now."

It was a sensitive subject for some, and that seemed to lend a bit of caution to the Ursion's words. Molthune had been conquered by Cheliax and had remained part of the Empire for over three centuries. The nations independence and immediate string of civil wars were fairly recent from a historical context, within living memory even for some humans.

"Which part? How would you describe it? I've never been. I cut East through Andoran on my way here." he explained.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:00, Sun 21 Feb 2021.
Radgonda Lebeda
Paladin, 192 posts
HP 16/16
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 18:45
  • msg #20

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

She would listen to the others talk as she set up her bit of the camp. "I am curious as well, considering I am from Brevoy, to hear about where you are from."
Warpriest, 253 posts
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 19:26
  • msg #21

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

Tosk thought about where Ursion explained how he came to Brevoy.  Andoran was to the south of Molthune quite far from where Tosk came from.  "Korholm is where I did my training.  If you aren't sure where that is, it is at the mouth of the Nosam River.  It is a decent-sized port on Lake Encarthan.  To the west of that is the area where I grew up."
Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 287 posts
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 22:51
  • msg #22

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

After Erlin notched her bow and began to stealth along the outside of camp, she felt she simply had to ask Falco:

"So that is quite a 'squirrel' you have there, Falco - where has he been hiding all this time, and please tell me there is a story about how you found him!"

She had heard of wolves as animal companions before, but this was the first time she'd actually seen one.
Falco Corras
Ranger, 117 posts
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 23:55
  • msg #23

[1.10] The Forgotten Cache

Erlin's question was a good one, one he expected as the translations from his native tongue often left others quite confused.

"Squirrel in my tongue means shadow tail. Skia, means shadow, rous means tail. Shadow tail. It was a fitting name and quite funny, if I do say so myself."

"Squirrel was a pup of the alpha in the pack and I took him when I left my home because I could tell he was going to challenge the alpha soon and I couldn't watch either perish."

Now that he said it out loud, it felt a bit like why he'd left his family as well.

OOC:I don't think he's been hiding, I think the former Falco narrated him once (although I can't track that down now) but it was a part of his concept when he applied. I made the name up although that is the origin of the word Squirrel. It's from ancient greek :)

Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 304 posts
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 01:22
  • msg #24

Re: [1.10] The Forgotten Cache

Tosk thought about where Ursion explained how he came to Brevoy.  Andoran was to the south of Molthune quite far from where Tosk came from.  "Korholm is where I did my training.  If you aren't sure where that is, it is at the mouth of the Nosam River.  It is a decent-sized port on Lake Encarthan.  To the west of that is the area where I grew up."

Ursion nodded along with Tosk's explanation, as if he had some idea of the areas he was talking about.

"It's a small world." He replied with a hint of wonder. "What is it like now? We hear about the war with Nirmathas from time to time."
Dungeon Master
GM, 363 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 22:21
  • msg #25

Re: [1.10] The Forgotten Cache

Erlin finds plenty of tracks for game once she gets far enough away from the clearing and the lone tree but she understands that at this time of night it will be difficult to find game in a timely manner. She could try and hunt through the night but she would definitely be exhausted the following day.

OOC: It normally takes 4-6 hours to hunt for meaningful food. If you want to bag small game that is fine but it won't have any impact on your rations. You could hunt through the night but you will be Exhausted until you have 8 hours of sleep.

Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 288 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 00:54
  • msg #26

Re: [1.10] The Forgotten Cache

After hanging out with Falco and Squirrel, Erlin finally admitted to herself that there would probably not be anything around to bag right now, and she headed back to camp to wait her turn at watch.

"A great story.  Well, there are tracks but I doubt we're going to find anything this late - we should probably head back.  By now the others will have made a fire, and we need to figure out the watch.  Next time we'll start earlier."

(OOC: head back to camp)
Radgonda Lebeda
Paladin, 194 posts
HP 16/16
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 03:57
  • msg #27

Re: [1.10] The Forgotten Cache

She quietly listens to the story Tosk told, not wanted to interrupt. Wishing to learn more about her companions instead.
Warpriest, 255 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 05:49
  • msg #28

Re: [1.10] The Forgotten Cache

In reply to Ursion Korvonan (msg # 24):

The last Tosk had seen of Molthune was his training.  Most of that was indoors but as he left he saw the port and all its wonder.  "The area is surprisingly well kept.  I had heard stories of port cities being really seedy but not this one.  As I took my leave I went through the northern reaches of Molthune.  The countryside was beautiful and mostly undisturbed.  I was able to hunt and feed myself well with game.  How about your trip here Ursion?"
Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 306 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 16:27
  • msg #29

Re: [1.10] The Forgotten Cache

Ursion gave the vague impression that he had expected Tosk to say something other than he had. It was a very mild sort of surprise, and one that he did not seem invested in, his curiosity having been more or less satisfied.

Still, he listened attentively and then when asked about his own journey fell silent for a moment while he formulated his response.

"It was... enlightening" he began with a deflating sigh. "My Order is an institution from another time, a time before our own Civil War...which was only about sixty years ago."

He closed his book and held it in his off hand. "From the view inside our Citadel, Cheliax is still the Empire. Imperial glory, prestige, with claims to a legacy of advanced arts, architecture, medicine, conquest and technology." he explained. "House Thrune is still a newcomer, and one that many suspect will not stand the test of time"

He sighed softly again. "But I found on my way here that most make no distinction between House Thrune and Cheliax at all. When they hear I am from Cheliax, their minds immediately turn to diabolism, human sacrifice, the theological purges." he shook his head. "I can't deny those exist, it's true. What is more my Order relies on the continued forbearance of House Thrune and their allies in order to continue our work. We are on uneasy terms...they cannot force us out, and we cannot depose them." he gestured this way and that with the flat of his hand.

"But it seems that a single family can change the face of an Empire stretching back at least a thousand years in the span of a few generations. We have become synonymous" he closed with a sort of dejected shrug.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:53, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
Falco Corras
Ranger, 119 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 18:43
  • msg #30

Re: [1.10] The Forgotten Cache

In reply to Erlin Bjorksdottir (msg # 26):

Falco nodded to Erlin and said, "Yes, next time we should break a little earlier in the day to allow time for hunting."

As they returned to the campfire he considered asking questions of his own but he missed the moment and instead took in the sights and sounds of their immediate surroundings.

Drawing closer he overheard Urison talking about the Empire and family and though he was impressed with the man's speech, he knew little of the politics of Cheliax so he kept quiet for now.
Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 290 posts
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 16:02
  • msg #31

Re: [1.10] The Forgotten Cache

Erlin returned to the camp, but sat quietly while the others talked about Cheliax and devils and human sacrifice.  She shivered in spite of the warm fire, and for a second she was transported back to her original home when she was a child, only 5 or 6, when she used to sneak away into the wooded glen near the lake where the forbidden crone was exiled.  Everyone said she was crazy, and Erlin certainly thought she was, and terrifying too, but the crone told the best stories in return for food.  One day Erlin had snuck away to her hut with a bag of potatoes, but found the crone murdered, lying in a pool of blood.  The body had been there a few days, at least, and was starting to discolor - even so, she could clearly make out the bluish black tattoo on the woman's skin just beneath the nape of her neck that said "Tusen år av mörker".

Whatever demon-oriented cult the crone had belonged to earlier in life had finally caught up with her; at least that is what adult Erlin now thought.  At the time, she just wanted to run away, although she did toy with the idea of taking a trinket first.  But ultimately, she just went back, leaving the small bag of potatoes as a final gesture, certain that whatever weird object she might have stolen would have carried the crone's taint, and her curse, back with her, the last thing Erlin wanted.

And in the end, Erlin wasn't sure she hadn't brought the crone's curse back to her village that day after all.  All that talk of demons and devils sometimes unnerved her.

(OOC: "Tusen år av mörker"[Language unknown: St Cameeses Seisom t Icaeau-oulall])

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