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18:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Vander Wargrider
Ranger, 10 posts
Ac-18. Hp-21/21.
F+6, R+9, W+5. PP-17
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 19:47
  • msg #5

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

"Shaka! No! NO! Stay! Stay!" Came the oddly sing song high pitch voice from close by where the cow had been killed. Sure enough, everyone would come to know that voice and who Shaka was. Not too many Goblins and thier wolf mounts where on the ship after all.

Shaka, a large black wolf whined like a puppy at her tiny green rider, as he climbed off her back. "Here, here...who's a good girl? Yes, you are the bestest Shaka ever! Yes you are!" The goblin produced a treat from his pocket, and the wolf stared at him, panting and wagging her tail. He tosses it in the air, and she does an impressive leap before snapping her razor sharp teeth around the chewy delight and landing gracefully on the deck.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 19:48, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
Fighter, 16 posts
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 19:56
  • msg #6

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

Oivind had only been on deck to enjoy the weather making sure to stay out of the way. He watched the slaughter of the cow with little interest as it happened in all honesty he was bored as a traveler and wished he could have been doing something, but alas he wasn't for signing up for a long haul with the crew.

As the ship changed course he took notice and when the skies darkened he smiled he wouldn't be bored for long now. The Ulfen tightened the belt to his sheath that held his great axe to his back. It was already peace tied while on the ship, but he wanted to make sure he wouldn't lose it in the upcoming storms.
Sorcerer, 11 posts
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 20:06
  • msg #7

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

Nenelethas was a paying customer, or his trip had been paid for, if not by him, then by a nameless benefactor and regardless of that, he knew that he hadn't agreed to sail south, not like this at least. Or had she done that... That backstabbing, no good...

He considered approaching the captain with his advice, namely that if they were being ambushed they shouldn't turn to the south, but turn once more and come about on the would be spotter ship. If they took that ship out the ambush would be blind and they could either sail right past it or at a minimum not be caught between a rock and a hard place.

But she'd likely already thought of that, meaning that this ship was not likely fitted for such combat and what was worse, it was likely not fitted for the Eye.

Instead, he began pacing around the edge of the boat, at least on the portions of the deck he was allowed to walk freely. He watched the water, the deep blue ocean and the white crest of waves as they slapped against the boat. The motion soothed his anxiety, at least for a bit.
Pearl McCalister
Rogue, 14 posts
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 20:45
  • msg #8

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

For Pearl being back out on the water was everything.  She had been on solid ground far too long and thanks to a friend she was back on the water.  Her friend was friends with Coryn having apprenticed together for a bit of time until, well we won't get into that right now.  Pearl was enjoying the free ride to god knows where, for it didn't matter to Pearl, she was on the water and not working, just relaxing.

For the days she spent most her time at the bow of the ship just looking out over the water.  By night she tried to speak with as many of the crew and other guests as she could.  Her honeyed tongue often had warmed some of the crew up to her and had their tongues flapping about this and that.  She learned a number of juicy details from some of the crew and even of the officers.  Pearl couldn't let her wiles go to waste, not for one moment. Staying sharp meant staying alive.  One could never know what one could find out...

Looking out now at the giant Arch of Andoren, Pearl knew the direction they were heading.  It would be west for south surely meant death.  Pearl hadn't seen nor heard the conversations of the officers but when the crew began to pull on lines and the sails filled differently, Pearl knew something was up and sure as shit, the boat turned to the left heading south.  Turning to look towards the helm, Pearl caught a glimpse of the trailing ship.  She couldn't see the markings on it so didn't know if it were friendly or pirate, but the Captain seemed to have an inkling.

Pearl saw Nenelethas too up on deck, she wondered what the man was thinking.  She knew he was a VIP as well for she never saw him working and she knew that he too had his own quarters.  When the wind picked up and the waves became choppy it was just a little taste of what was to come for in the distance she could see the sky growing dark and that too meant that there were storms and even choppier waves.  She moved down from the bow and headed towards Nenelethas.  "What be yer thoughts on what its happ'nin?"  Pearl asked when she got close enough that he could hear her.  "Seems ta me that we be runnin' from that ship behind us.  I know we haven't talked much, names Pearl, and yours?"
Sorcerer, 12 posts
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 21:08
  • msg #9

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

Nenelethas had noticed Pearl early on in their stay but had not introduced himself yet, so her introduction and initiative was more than a well timed distraction.

He answered her questions in order, saying, "They must think it's a pirate ship or they wouldn't be running. And the captain didn't try coming about on them, so if they had caught us, I guess that was certain death, because heading south is only shy of that."

He let that sink in for a moment and then said, "I'm Nenelethas, You can call me Nen though. I am sorry we haven't spoken before now. Seems like we may have a shorter ride aboard this vessel than we'd agreed to."

Doing his best to change the subject, but ultimately failing, he asked, "How have you enjoyed your journey so far? I have found the officers and crew to be quite pleasant and open about their lives. And our fellow VIPs, much the same. It is amazing to think of how many different paths brought us all to this moment on board this ship, headed now for the Eye."
Xao Fang
_WIP_Druid, 12 posts
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 22:22
  • msg #10

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

Knowing that they were about to get orders to trim the sails Xao had to get organized with the rest of the Riggers. While others had to put away whetstones or ropes that they had been splicing or the group that was playing cards, she had been leaning back in the sun with her cat stretched across her lap. He was an odd creature, mostly black with a tuft of white on his chest, a broken tail that meant when he wasn't thinking about it the tail curled into a large loop against his back giving everyone a solid one-eyed-wink. Previously he had been stretched across Xao's legs on his back with his paws over his head in all his 15 pound glory. "Okay you lug. Time to get up. There's work to be done and I don't think the Cap is going to take 'there is a cat on me' as a reason for laggin about." She says while while moving to stand up. He rolls lazily and gives her an sleepy annoyed look before stretching and flashing his arse to the world. She gives him a scratch behind his torn ear. "Go catch a rat and earn your keep." She then heads over to receive direction as the cat sashays away he can smell the blood from the cow carcass, rats are good, but beef is better.

When the orders come down Xao exchanges looks with the rest of the Riggers. These were not the instructions that they expected. When all she gets are shrugs from the others she sets to work just as hard as she would have if the orders were what was expected. "Ours is not to question why. Eh?" She jokes with one of the other crewmates.
Rafe Rookward
Fighter, 7 posts
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 23:17
  • msg #11

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

"That fokkin poem is gonna be the death o' me yet." Rafe mutters, then, "Come on ye lazy louts!  Put yer backs into it!"
Kalia Tyrnddare
Summoner, 15 posts
Thu 4 Feb 2021
at 05:48
  • msg #12

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

Kalia has no love for Marcino, both because of passes he's likely made at her and because on many occasions she ends up doing a lot of his work. This was especially true over the last couple weeks, at least on the work part. Thankfully though do to his new 'exploit' she's not had to worry about his passes to much. So she could concentrate more on doing his job, and hers. Maybe that will get her noticed by the Captain, or put her in a position to move off on her own.

She'd spend a lot of time with Dimitri too. As a Summoner the knowledge he was gathering interested her, so she would do what she can to befriend him, and learn from him.

She'd stay back from the conversation on the deck, but listen in on it nonetheless. Frowning gently on where it was heading, even she knew that any of the options it seemed was a death sentence. "Death by pirates, or death by an endless hurricane. Better the risk we choose for ourselves." Kalia said with a simple nod to herself, though it was loud enough someone could have likely heard her.

Then with that, she goes back to her duties.
Captain Sorina
NPC, 2 posts
Female Human
Merchant Captain
Thu 4 Feb 2021
at 21:31
  • msg #13

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

The skies grew darker as the hours went on. Day after day went as they hugged the coast and cut between islands towards the south. Soon with the setting sun it was even possible to view the dark blurry stain on the horizon that was the Eye of Abendego. The endless hurricane was hundreds of miles across allowing it to be visible even from this vast distance.

The crew was worked overtime to secure the ship against the storm. Already the winds were picking up and a light drizzle started to pour. It seemed like the ship itself was bucking against the direction as once one section was secure another would come loose.

The ship began to pick up speed from the whipping winds and the crew began to grow nervous. Many knew that heading south was a death sentence but the captain kept her resolve.

"There! On the horizon! And there! See what awaited us!"

Sure enough their stalking ship had been joined by two more, spread out evenly across the horizon to the North racing their way towards their ship. They were no longer just content to stalk the Sorina's Revenge but had full sails blowing and two of the ships were gaining on them although still miles away.

With grim determination she kept their course, turning Southwest to hug the coastline of the Mediogalti Island and then escape the pirates by using the wind and storms of the Eye to lose them in the Arcadian Ocean once again. A dangerous plan but given three pirates heading towards them the surprisingly more prudent course of action, if they could stay ahead and stay intact.
Kalia Tyrnddare
Summoner, 16 posts
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 01:08
  • msg #14

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

"Captain, those two ships have speed on us, if they manage to close I have an idea." Kalia said as she walked up to the Captain. "If they do manage to get close enough I could bring forth Drakar and he could burn out their sails. That would give us the edge we need to flee." She offered, as she looked to Dimitri the ships Wizard for verification on Drakar's ability.
Pearl McCalister
Rogue, 16 posts
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 08:02
  • msg #15

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

"Okay, Nen. So far I have enjoyed myself, but it will all be for naught if that ship catches us."  Pearl didn't comment on his other thoughts though, as she had some of her own about the crew.  "Have you been on a ship before?  You know I was born on the water."  Pearl said with a wink.

As they kept their course towards the storm and the winds picked up.  Pearl watched as the crew frantically prepared the ship for the storm.  Deciding that standing around doing nothing was fruitless, Pearl just chipped in.  She knew what needed to be done and just put her skills to use.  "Here, let me help you with that,"  she said to one of the riggers she had spoken to before, Drammin Na Ket, wasn't who everyone thought he was but she wouldn't say a word about it.
Sorcerer, 17 posts
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 14:19
  • msg #16

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

In reply to Pearl McCalister (msg # 15):

Nen nodded and said, "This is my first ship of this size, but I've read a number of accounts of naval expeditions in my studies. And some included descriptions of encounters with pirates like those that are chasing us now. If we give them our cargo, we'll survive, if we fight them we might win but likely not now that they outnumber us three-to-one."

He paused and said, "You were born on the water? That must have been quite the scene. I find you quite interesting Pearl, I am sorry we haven't spent more time talking."

"Should we escape this mess unscathed, I should very much like to learn more about you."
Zug Zug Bob
_WIP_Barbarian, 16 posts
Sat 6 Feb 2021
at 17:23
  • msg #17

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

Zug Zug Bob had been his typical, jovial, if stupid by human standards self. Perhaps most surprisingly, he didn't complain about doing whatever work he was told. It was the little things that impressed him, like people that actually knew what they were doing. Oh. And a boat that didn't sink.

When it came to sailing south towards the storms, Zug Zug was oblivious to the danger. He seen the wind and choppy waters as a good thing. The ship could go faster. He seen the darkening skies as a good thing too. He could see in the dark. Other ships? Psssht. They were just wimps! If they got too close this ship would be faster and make them all splashed with water and be funny. Like chasing a horse and getting covered in dust.

Zug Zug finished covering some barrels of stuff with tarp like he was suppised to, wrapped the rope around extra tight like the bossy halfling told him too, and then wrapped it around a hook like he was shown. When he was done, Zug Zug produced Fish, his turtle, and held the reptile with both hands so it could see the sky and the water. That the creature was squirming around for dear life with all limbs, tail, and head dangling out of it's shell was another fact completely lost on "Bob."
Vander Wargrider
Ranger, 11 posts
Ac-18. Hp-21/21.
F+6, R+9, W+5. PP-17
Sat 6 Feb 2021
at 23:26
  • msg #18

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

"Shaka...come!" Vander said, leading the wolf below decks. She would not be of much use of the ships began shooting at them, and he did not want her accidentally hit by a stray bolt of cannon fire.

 "Stay...stay here." He said, petting her and making sure she was near the entrance to the ships hold, thus surrounded by cover, but not down below entirely and this out of his field of view.

Vander then drew his bow and prepared some cover for himself. He was not sure if the wind would ruin his shots, but he planned to make sure those pirate scum paid in blood for ruining his and Shaka's trip.
Dungeon Master
GM, 281 posts
Fifteen Men and a
Dead Man's Chest!
Mon 8 Feb 2021
at 21:57
  • msg #19

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

The winds were whipping at a pace that made it hard to talk to one another and the Eye of Abendego was still at least a mile away.

The other ships however were closing in fast. The one in the middle, the largest of the three, seemed to be going supernaturally fast as it's sails were full of the wind even when they shouldn't be.

What follows is an hour of frantic flight as the Captain and the helmsmen try to keep distance from the other ships but it soon becomes clear it is a lost cause. The largest ship approaches and a magic cannon shot thunders, the noise warped by the wild winds. Using magical energies to propel a solid iron ball it splashes harmlessly into the water between them but the messae is clear. The ship is flying a flag of a skull and crossed daggers that the helmsman recognizes as the flag of Captain Harrigan, a notorious pirate captain of the shcakles.

Helmsmen (Aldus): "Captain, we should surrender!"

The Captain keeps silent, staring hard at the approaching ship and the two trailing behind it.

Helmsmen (Aldus): "Captain, if we resist he will put the whole crew to the sword. If we surrender he might let us live."

Captain (Sorina): "Might? Might!? You want me to surrender on a hunch!?"

Bosun (Rosie): "Aldus is right, Captain. Even if we beat back one we'll likely take damage and the other two will catch us and sink us for sure. Even if by some miracle we do survive we'll likely be sucked into the Eye if we don't make for a safer course."

Captain (Sorina): "That's it! The EYE! We'll head into the Eye and they'll have to break off pursuit!"

This immediately sends a rumble through the crew and other passengers. Even someone fresh to the sea would realize that heading into the Eye of Abendego was absolutely suicidal. The crew that had been frantically grabbing at lines and manning the sails all start letting things go slack as hands start to drift towards weapons. There was no way the entire crew and passengers were that loyal to the a merchant captain. There was no way someone wouldn't object to sailing straight into death itself.

All eyes cast about to wonder who would break the tension first. In the end it was the First Mate, Sorina's own brother. His blade suddenly appeared in his hand, pointed at his sister's torso.

First Mate (Marcino): "Sister, this is madness. I can't let you do this!"

Sorina's eyes flash with anger. She doesn't even bother replying, instead lunging forward. Marcino is caught by surprise and while he tries to steady his weapon it misses its mark, sliding off her armor and the two begin wrestling with the hilt of the blade. The rest of the crew erupts as everyone starts drawing weapons or diving for cover.

OOC: Decision time! You get to make one of three courses of actions:

1) Raise your weapons & magic to defend the captain

2) Raise your weapons & magic to mutiny and remove Sorina from command

3) Dive for cover and try to avoid getting caught in the middle

You do not need to make this decision as a unified party, instead just react as your character would. PM me if you have any questions.

Also we are not entering combat at this time so dice rolls and initiative orders are not necessary.

Fighter, 18 posts
Mon 8 Feb 2021
at 22:10
  • msg #20

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

Oivind sees the fight break out and wanders over to watch. "Don't let her dog you like that stab her." the Ulfen shouts while holding onto the rails. "Bahh, captain get under his guard and beat his brains out."

The warrior didn't care who won. He knew he was likely dead from either the eye or the pirates though he'd prefer to die in a glorious melee himself he doubted his ability to take command of the ship on his own.

He does however draw his great axe using it to help steady himself in the wind as he watches. "One of you better hurry up." he shouts loudly over the wind as he begins watching the others to see what the crew does.
Vander Wargrider
Ranger, 13 posts
Ac-18. Hp-21/21.
F+6, R+9, W+5. PP-17
Mon 8 Feb 2021
at 22:44
  • msg #21

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

Vander stared in shock at the crew fighting itself rather than the enemy shooting at them. They where all crazy. He needed to get Shaka and go.

He started heading over to one of the lifeboats, fully prepared to lower it and leave. Granted he paused, thinking the others might die out here, but what could he do to help them? He could not fight the whole crew. Certainly not with the cannons still shooting at them. Maybe some people would  help...he went down below to gather what supplies he could. If he saw some of the people he already knew, like Ridella Greenbow, maybe he could convince them to leave with him.

"Shaka, come!" He said, and the wolf followed.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:19, Tue 09 Feb 2021.
Kalia Tyrnddare
Summoner, 20 posts
Mon 8 Feb 2021
at 23:23
  • msg #22

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

It was at that moment that Kalia would move, when she would let her namesake be known, be seen by all! With a clap of her hands, and un utterance of a few simple words there was without hesitation a young red dragon on the deck of the ship! With a loud thunderous roar from the red dragon, Kalia begins to speak. "Stop this madness both of you! At one end of us we have the Eye, and the other we have Pirates! If you do this now, RIGHT NOW, the only one that loses is US! All of us! This will end RIGHT NOW!" Even then, the dragon stomps its front right foot down as flames seem to tease its mouth. "Neither one of you deserves to lead if this is what you resort to instead of finding a way that will work. Because look around you, all of them men are starting to leave their stations, as we get closer to the eye. Doing so RIGHT NOW is just as if not more suicidal than going into the Eye itself!"

"We do not need to sail directly into the eye, but merely give the illusion of us doing so. That should accomplish what the Captain wishes, while at the same time reducing the risk to the crew greatly. There will still be some risk, obviously, but not as much as if we had sailed into it." She explained. Then she looked to Dimitrii. "Do you have the spells to accomplish the task once we get close enough?"

She then moved over to Drakar's side and began stroking his head gently.

[OOC: I have both Intimidation and Diplomacy, if you want either or both rolled let me know. It's kinda what she's trying. Stop the fighting before it starts if she can and then provide a better plan.]
Dungeon Master
GM, 283 posts
Fifteen Men and a
Dead Man's Chest!
Tue 9 Feb 2021
at 04:04
  • msg #23

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

It is too late for negotiations. Even as Kalia is summoning her eidolon she is sprayed with blood as the crewman next to her gets his throat cut by the woman next to him. The entire ship erupts into combat and between the mutiny and the storm even a summoned dragon barely registers.

The die has been cast, one must pick a side and hope that the victors take mercy upon those that lost or refused to pick.
Sorcerer, 22 posts
Tue 9 Feb 2021
at 04:15
  • msg #24

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

Though he disagreed with her vehemently, now was not the time for a mutiny and he didn’t trust Marcino whatsoever. He waved his hand and a ball of ice shot out slamming into the first mate’s knees and slowing him in the fight for his life.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
OOC: I only somewhat regret not using my Hydraulic Push this round. That’s a crit for 10 damage and Marcino is slowed by 10 ft.
22:12, Today: Nenelethas rolled 5 using 1d4+4 with rolls of 1.  Ray of frost damage (double this).
22:11, Today: Nenelethas rolled 27 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 20.  Spell attack vs First Mate

This message was last edited by the player at 18:39, Tue 09 Feb 2021.
Rafe Rookward
Fighter, 8 posts
Tue 9 Feb 2021
at 06:10
  • msg #25

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

Rafe looks on incredulously.  Really?  NOW?!

This was the worst mutiny he'd ever heard of.  You don't mutiny in between the monster and the whirlpool either do it BEFORE you get anywhere near the problem, or you take out the idiot that made the stupid decision AFTER the decision was proved stupid.

The only thing that a break in the chain of command would do right now was ensure EVERYONE would be dead or worse.

He took up a defensive stance between the crew and where the captain and the mates were...discussing.  The crew didn't GET an opinion while there was work to be done.

"Whatdya lookin at, ya fools?  The captain said 'hurricane' so we go 'hurricane.'  End of discussion! NOW, BACK TO YOUR POSITIONS!!!"
Pearl McCalister
Rogue, 18 posts
Tue 9 Feb 2021
at 07:48
  • msg #26

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

She didn't know it was even possible for things to get worse, but sure as shit, they sure did.  With blades drawn by the crew Pearl had no choice but to draw her own at that moment.  She would defend herself if it came to that.  She hoped it wouldn't though as she found the immediate distraction of the chaos to duck behind one of the sails that were coming down.  She then began to climb up hoping that she could be away from the worst of the fighting.  If all else failed, Pearl would just dive out into the open waters.
Kalia Tyrnddare
Summoner, 21 posts
Tue 9 Feb 2021
at 18:28
  • msg #27

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

"Fine. So be it." Kalia said slowly, darkly. "Drakar, defend the Captain, put down the mutiny." Then a grin played at her lips. "End all mutineers. If they put a blade to the captain on someone loyal to her, end them, and KILL HIM, ESPECIALLY!" Kalia commanded, pointing to Marcino.

Drakar in an instant flanks Marcino on the opposite side of the Captain and begins to bite and claw him! Kalia on the other hand casts a spell on herself (Mage Armor) and then begins tossing fire at Marcino one after the other as if it was nothing for her (Elemental Wrath: Acid Splash: Fire)! "I have waited a long time for this, for how you treated me."
Zug Zug Bob
_WIP_Barbarian, 18 posts
Thu 11 Feb 2021
at 02:31
  • msg #28

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

Zug Zug actually understood this! They were acting like orcs! Well...the stupid orcs. Putting Fish away (down his shirt), he grabbed the nearest chunk of wood heavy enough to function as a greatclub, turned, and glared menacingly at the closest idiot that looked like they wanted some. "Zug Zug say Stoopid Hoomans! Too puny like elfs! No fight like Orc! Orc Smash! Orc no fight Orc! Orc fight biggest boat! Take biggest boat! All other boats puny!" He was trying to explain to whomever that they should attack the biggest ship. But these people were all stupid and didn't understand him. Instead they were trying to fight each other. It made no sense.

Zug Zug made a sad face in confusion.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:32, Thu 11 Feb 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 286 posts
Fifteen Men and a
Dead Man's Chest!
Thu 11 Feb 2021
at 22:42
  • msg #29

[Prologue] The Eye of the Storm

Oivind, Vander, Pearl and the other passengers all stay out of the mutiny. As passengers they were treated as cargo and nobody questioned why cargo didn't suddenly pick up a sword or bow to help or hinder.

Rafe and Zug Zug try in vain to redirect attention but the crew is already attacking one another and as they aren't taking an immediate side they are largely ignored.

Drammin Na Ket tries to shoot the captain with a crossbow but his run through by the captain's steward.

Dimitri looked like he was going to hold tight but when some of the crew turn their blades and crossbows in his direction he panics and lets loose a fireball, blasting Fattias Carter and Shon Everlasting overboard and singeing half a dozen others.

Crewman Thorn Ertum is stabs the Apothecary who responds by lashing out and cutting Thorn's throat.

Rigger Kimes Pellegrin pulls a blade and goes for the wheel but Helmsman Aldus Thornton and his steward Ezekiel rush to stop her. In the resulting fray Ezekiel is bumped overboard instantly disappearing beneath the waves. Aldus forgets himself and rushes to the side to try and help but Kimes runs her sword through his back and the tip punches out of his chest.

In front of Rafe, The Brat is about to stab Kal'yne when suddenly a bolt pops through his neck. Looking up Rafe sees overhead that Bertrand Sardonus is clinging to the rigging with his legs, hanging upside down to fire and reload his crossbow.

Up on the main deck Marcino frees his blade but is blasted with a gout of water and then charged by a small flying red dragon. Attacked and pressed he is forced to turn his attention from Sorina and face the two threats. He stabs Kalia's dragon opening a vicious wound but the distraction allows Sorina to draw her own blade and the two lock up.

Captain (Sorina): "You're my brother! How can you do this?"

First Mate (Marcino): "How can I not? You're trying to kill us all! Better a possible death by the pirates rather than certain death going into the Eye! It's just a ship! It's just money Sorina. Our lives are not worth this!"

He growls and lunges and she parries, anger rising.

Captain (Sorina): "Just a ship!? IT'S MY SHIP AND I'D RATHER DIE THAN LOSE IT!"

She feints left and Marcino's defense goes wide to intercept but he realizes too late her action and she buries her sword into his chest.

The largest pirate ship is getting very close now. It will soon be upon them. Even if they wanted to there would be no escape from being boarded.

OOC: Next round! If you would like to do something here are some ideas I thought up, but by no means is this all encompassing. Do what you want but some thoughts are

- Protect a specific NPC
- Attack a specific NPC
- Run to your quarters and hide your valuables
- Try to launch a rowboat to escape
- Start firing ballistae/crossbows at the enemy pirates (or spells or whatever)
- Loot a dead body
- Barricade yourself in your room
- Drop your weapon and prepare to surrender to the pirates

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