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, welcome to Oubliette: Survive the Darkness

21:54, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Introduction, House Rules, Character Creation, and RTJ.

Posted by The DarknessFor group 0
The Darkness
GM, 1 post
Tue 2 Mar 2021
at 23:29
  • msg #1

Introduction, House Rules, Character Creation, and RTJ

The Oubliette.

Once, long ago, it was an epic dungeon filled with so many monsters and traps that only the bravest or most desperate adventurers would dare walk its halls. Epic battles were fought for gold and glory. Nefarious deeds were done far from the light of day.

After the master of The Oubliette, a terrible demi-god lich named Lorcan the Vile, was slain by great heroes of legend it slowly fell from memory. The adventurers and their guilds moved on in search of other dungeons to plunder. The city that had grown up around the dungeon withered as the flow of treasure dwindled then died out. Two years after Lorcan's death the dungeon was declared 'Cleared' by the kingdom.

But, what do you do with a vast underground labyrinth?

King Alfred I was the one who struck upon using The Oubliette as a prison. Those same measures that were used to keep the monsters from attacking the surrounding lands would serve to keep the prisoners inside. So, instead of messy executions, those guilty of capital crimes were given the choice to be thrown into The Oubliette. The promise was that if they managed to escape they would be forgiven.

None ever escaped.

It is now the reign of King Alfred III. Virtually any crime is punishable by throwing the offender into The Oubliette. Speaking out against the King, stealing a loaf of bread, wearing purple and more are all now considered crimes. You have been arrested for one crime or another. it doesn't matter which one, or if you are even guilty. Your sentence is given without the chance for appeal. You have been transported to the city of Black Gate in a prison wagon.

Today, today is the day you get thrown in...


Greetings and salutations!

Oubliette: Survive the Darkness will be a Fantasy Survivor Horror Dungeon Crawl. The entirety of the game will be played out within the halls of The Oubliette as characters strive together to find or build equipment, evade ancient traps, outsmart or defeat terrible monsters, make friends with fellow prisoners, and defend their supplies from prisoners who want to rob them. Their ultimate goal is simply to survive long enough to find a way to escape.

The tone of the game is somewhat grim and gritty, with light horror thrown in. That isn't to say we can't also throw in some comedy here and there. You may expect bad puns and the occasional movie reference between the scenes of your characters running for their lives. Characters will die, only for their replacements to take of the quest for survival.

Inspirational material for this game was found in Exile: Escape from the Pit by Spiderweb Software, Dark Sun, Rappan Athuk, Tegel Manor, Keep on the Boarderlands, as well as a number of other locations.

Welcome to The Oubliette! May your stay be short but memorable!
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:30, Wed 03 Mar 2021.
The Darkness
GM, 2 posts
Wed 3 Mar 2021
at 00:34
  • msg #2

Introduction, House Rules, Character Creation, and RTJ

House Rules

1, This game will be played using the Swords & Wizardry: White Box rules by Marv Breig. Here is a link to where they can be found. The PDF is the first link in that list. We are also pulling material from White Box Omnibus, White Box Gothic, and White Box Compendium by James Spahn from Barrel Rider Games.

2, I am replacing the d20 with 3d6. This will help reinforce the more gritty nature of the setting.

3, Humans only. If dwarves, elves, or halflings ever existed it was long in the past. They are but legends now.

4, Each character starts the game with only a prisoner's smock and a rope belt.

5, Death at 0 hit points. Dead characters will have their names, location, and the cause of their demise recorded in the Realm of Lost Souls thread so that they may be remembered with honor.

6, Light will be a valuable resource. Each torch or candle will have a limited lifespan. Monsters, should there be any, may be attracted to your light.

7, Food and water are life. Sources of both are likely to be carefully guarded. I will be tracking consumption, and lack of consumption, and it will affect your character's capabilities.

8, Experience points will be earned by overcoming obstacles more than killing monsters. Creating tools or weapons from found materials will also grant experience. Exploring The Oubliette will be a third source of experience. I'll also be granting 25 bonus experience for each quality post that engages with the scene, uses all five senses, and is longer than three sentences.

9, We will be using Ascending Armor Class. Armor itself will be handled differently. There are three kinds of Armor; Helm, Cuirass, and Shield. Each of those types may be Light (+1), Medium (+2), or Heavy (+3). Padded or boiled leather would count as Light. Chainmail or Brigandine would be Medium. Articulated Plate Armor would be an example of Heavy. A character with a Light Shield and Helm would have an AC of 12. While a character with a Plate Cuirass and Helm would have an AC of 16.

10, To emphasize the danger everyone is in, and speed up play on a message board, any time a character gains a +1 to their Basic Hit Bonus their attacks will also deal an extra d6 damage. All bonuses apply to this new dice as well. For example, a 3rd level Fighter with a +1 to Strength and a greatsword would deal 3d6+6 damage.

11, We will use group Initiative. When combat begins I'll roll a d6 for the opponent and a d6 for the party. Whichever group rolls higher goes first.

12, Posting Rate, Please post once every 1-2 days. We don't need to worry about posting on the weekend.

13, No Spell Slots! Magic users have their spells tattooed upon their bodies. Each time they attempt to cast a spell they must make an Intelligence roll against DC: 10. (Modifiers may apply in certain circumstances.) Success means the spell goes off. Failure means that it doesn't. Rolling below the spell's level +2 means that the character suffers a great mishap. I'll roll upon my secret Mishap table and the resulting effect will be applied. This could mean simply that the spell is lost for the rest of the day. Or, it could mean that the forces of magic were too great to be contained and the Magic User explodes as the pent up energy is released in one giant blast.

14, Clerics Learn Prayers! A Cleric will learn specific prayers as gifts from their god. Just like the Magic User they may use these prayers as often as they like by making a DC: 10 Wisdom roll. Success means the spell goes off like normal. Failure means it does not. Rolling below the spell's level +2 results in a Divine Wrath roll. I'll roll on my Divine Wrath table and the result will be applied to the cleric. This could be as simple as the Cleric losing access to that spell for the rest of the day. Or, they could find that their god had abandoned them forever.

15, Any character may attempt to secrete a tiny object somewhere upon their body before they are thrown into The Oubliette. Something like a wedding band, or a lockpick. Once I have approved the item the player will make a Dexterity or Charisma roll. Success means that they get to keep the tiny item. Failure means that they do not.

16, Half of all earned Experience Points from a dead character may be applied to the player's replacement character.

17, This game is rated 'M' for Mature. That means that we will be dealing with some grim and icky stuff. There may be mentions of cannibalism, unholy rites, human sacrifices, and other topics that relate to evil. This is not the place to play out Adult fantasies or treat your fellow players like poop. If I believe that a player is harassing another player I will give one warning. If the behavior repeats itself that player will be removed. The Oubliette is bad enough without players making things worse for each other.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:04, Thu 04 Mar 2021.
The Darkness
GM, 3 posts
Wed 3 Mar 2021
at 01:09
  • msg #3

Introduction, House Rules, Character Creation, and RTJ

Character Creation

1, Roll 3d6 in the following order for Ability Scores. Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma.

2, The following Classes are available; Acrobat, Barbarian, Bard, Cavalier, Cleric, Druid, Duelist, Fighter, Healer, Illusionist, Jester, Mage, Marksman, Martial Artist, Metaphysician, Monster Hunter, Necromancer, Paladin, Ranger, Reaver, Scholar, Spiritualist, Thief, Tomb Robber, Undead Slayer, Wanderer, War Priest, and Weapon Master.

3, Copy down the class information I'll send you based upon your selected class.

4, Give me at least one paragraph of character background. Include family, Friends, goals, failings, and what crime they were accused of. More detailed backgrounds that engage the setting and give me plot hooks I can use as the game goes on will earn bonus experience points.

5, Tell me what your character is afraid of. Be specific. Bonus Experience points will be earned by role playing out your character's fears.
The Darkness
GM, 4 posts
Wed 3 Mar 2021
at 01:14
  • msg #4

Introduction, House Rules, Character Creation, and RTJ

Request to Join

If you've made it this far and are still interested in taking the plunge into The Oubliette I welcome you!

Please send me a PM with the following information.

1, The name of your first character.

2, Have you played Swords and Wizardry: White Box before?

3, How often are you able to post?

4, A three paragraph writing sample that describes your character waking up in a twenty foot by twenty foot dark dungeon room that is lit only by a tiny patch of bioluminescent moss. There are two exits. One to the right, and the other straight ahead. Both are dark.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:37, Wed 03 Mar 2021.
The Darkness
GM, 8 posts
Wed 3 Mar 2021
at 01:58
  • msg #5

Introduction, House Rules, Character Creation, and RTJ

Character Sheet

Experience Points:
XP Needed for Next Level:
Total XP Bonus:

Hit points: _/_
Armor Class:
Saving Throw:



Class Ability:

Equipment: Prisoner's Smock. Rope Belt.
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