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05:56, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Isle de Los Tiberons.

Posted by Island SpiritFor group 0
player, 50 posts
Female, Half-Elf
Warrior & Sun Mage
Sat 6 Feb 2021
at 21:31
  • msg #85

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

Trina stops and lifts her hands out in front of her to show she has no weapons in hand, which means little to her of course but they don't know that.

She smiles, "Hello!  My name is Trinaephalaryeth "Gilderleaf"! I'm a new arrival to the island.  I've met Sharn, and Teruo Nakamura said the village was this way and I could find food and shelter here. May I enter?"
Teruo Nakamura
player, 556 posts
Soldier Time Forgot
Long Live the Empire!
Sat 6 Feb 2021
at 22:36
  • msg #86

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

In reply to Island Spirit (msg # 84):

That makes sense. We will make sure that everyone knows to stay out of the swamps. If we stay out, it will not be able to bother us unless it leaves the swamps. Though I question how it knows my range without me having fired at it...

Regardless, it seems highly intelligent. Perhaps demonically so...
Island Spirit
GM, 712 posts
Watcher of the Island
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 02:04
  • msg #87

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons


A young man comes out to meet you.

"Hello there, I'm Matt, and I'm the leader of this colony. It's nice to meet you. We are still building this place so pick out a spot where when we have a chance we can make you shelter. I'm sorry if I'm a bit abrupt but we just got a message that we need to send a delegation to the main island."


The beast continues to elude your gaze. it seems that the creature might have moved to another part of the island.
Teruo Nakamura
player, 559 posts
Soldier Time Forgot
Long Live the Empire!
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 02:41
  • msg #88

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

In reply to Island Spirit (msg # 87):

Teruo will continue to guard, wondering if there are any mines around. Of the military type, rather than the resources type.

Maintain guard. That is what he is there for. Watch the whole area...
player, 53 posts
Female, Half-Elf
Warrior & Sun Mage
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 13:45
  • msg #89

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

Trina smiles, "Hello Matt... thank you ~ it is nice to meet you as well.  I'm not really skilled in architecture or carpentry but I'm willing to help where I can.  I am a Sun Wizard - specialized in fire magics... but I do have some healing magics I can use in behalf of the community!"

"Oh? So you have sea access to the mainland?  I'd very much like to know where we are.. I was ship-wreaked and I worry over the fates of my fellow passengers and crew... We were caught in a warpstorm."
Matt Robbins
NPC, 2 posts
Sun 28 Feb 2021
at 03:35
  • msg #90

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

"I'm sorry Miss Trina but we have not seen the mainland yet. So far all we know are a few islands. We have a more established place on a nearby island. "

Matt explains to her. He looks sort of disappointed that he can't give her better news.

"I'll tell you what. How about i send you with the Delegation to the main island. That way you can ask if they have encountered any new Shipwrecks. Plus I hear that they have fresh supplies. Maybe we can get some new people over here."
player, 55 posts
Female, Half-Elf
Warrior & Sun Mage
Sun 28 Feb 2021
at 05:36
  • msg #91

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

Trina ponders his suggestion, part fascinated about an unknown archipelago and part worried at being truly lost.

"Well, I suppose that might be the best for getting my bearings and finding out if any of the crew and or passengers of my ship had washed up perhaps somewhere else?  Thank you.. I'll take you up on your kind offer!"

Then she considers, "I er.. likely do not have any coin you would recognize to purchase goods with... but I do have magic I could use on your communities behalf in trade for goods and services?"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:27, Sun 28 Feb 2021.
Matt Robbins
NPC, 3 posts
Wed 3 Mar 2021
at 02:29
  • msg #92

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

"For now we barter whatever goods we have or services for what we want. With the situation here if you can work then you work. If you can work and don't well then you go hungry. We lack supplies to just feed those who do not pitch in."

Matt states Honestly.

"Please describe what you can do with Magic. It would be nice to know. Plus it would be in your best interests if the Orcs know that you are a friendly mage. We freed them from a cabal of very nasty magical users."
player, 56 posts
Female, Half-Elf
Warrior & Sun Mage
Wed 3 Mar 2021
at 12:30
  • msg #93

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

Trina smiles, "Well, I'm certainly willing to work for the betterment of the community... and food is nice too!"

She nods, "I'm so sorry your Orc residents were mistreated by mages, its a sad thing there is also no overarching organization that polices abuse of magical power... well other then the church's - Inquisition... and THEY are rarely concerned about justice."

"But to your question... I am a Sun Aspected mage which means my magic is more potent during the day hours.  I specialize in Elemental - Fire spells, I'm a Fire Mage.  I do not use nor know any mind compulsion magics I personally find them distasteful.  Everyone deserves free will!  My fire magics can create, shape/control, and extinguish fires.  I know several uses to fireproof objects, make people fire resistant, heat and cool objects.  Of course I have several offensive means to utilize fire single target fireballs, explosive area fireballs, jets of flame for close combat, flaming melee and missile weapons.  I can cast several light creation spells from a sudden blinding flash, to a continual days long light effect.  I have a minor healing spell and spells to share my strength and health.  I also have spells to identify and analyze magic."
NPC, 1 post
Fri 5 Mar 2021
at 02:17
  • msg #94

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons


You watch as Arthur, leader of the Wolfkin people, walking up to your lookout. He effortlessly climbs the rocky height. Slung over his shoulders is a flintlock rifle. While primitive it's a familiar technology for him. He had been trained to use muskets in his youth.

"Good day to you Terou. I see you are hunting a great beast. While i wish you good fortune, We have a greater use for your skills. We are sending a boat to the Main island to gather supplies. There is also talk of mounting an expedition to explore other nearby islands. If so your skills might be of use in finding more places for your people. While we are starting a community here there are still not enough homes for your people."
Teruo Nakamura
player, 563 posts
Soldier Time Forgot
Long Live the Empire!
Fri 5 Mar 2021
at 02:30
  • msg #95

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

In reply to Arthur (msg # 94):

Teruo looks doubtfully at the musket on his back.

"I would love to leave you with it, but I am concerned that you may be unable to handle this creature without significant loss of life. How will you deal with it?"
Matt Robbins
NPC, 4 posts
Fri 5 Mar 2021
at 02:37
  • msg #96

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons


"That might actually come in handy. While we would like to be able to move the earth faster, fire does have it's uses."

Matt actually smiles.

"healing magic would be very helpful as we have limited supplies when it comes to healing."

He gives you a tour of the village. He starts at the gate. Currently it's more of an opening in the ditches, ramparts and  palisade.

"One of the people we have is a fan of the Ancient roman Empire. they have a book on the Roman legions. We are copying their defensive plans."

Inside the camp it is well laid out with huts being made of local materials. As the camp gets more settled early shelters are improved or replaced.

"This is going to be our home for a while."
NPC, 2 posts
Fri 5 Mar 2021
at 02:44
  • msg #97

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

In reply Arthur tells Teruo.

"The beast is a mortal creature. I can smell it from here."

He unslings his rifle.

"You already have some boys with their Panzerfaust. From witnessing what they can do a volley or two should be enough for your beast. Fear not for me as I was a soldier in my youth."

His ears twitch.

"From the sounds of the local cattle the beast is elsewhere on the island. Should we find allies then we can take a group of men and those metal boxes with guns and sweep the island. For now we are not equipped to go looking for a fight."
Teruo Nakamura
player, 564 posts
Soldier Time Forgot
Long Live the Empire!
Fri 5 Mar 2021
at 02:47
  • msg #98

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

In reply to Arthur (msg # 97):

"No, we are not. Ok, then if you have a plan. I will go where I am needed. Where is this exploratory group leaving from?"
NPC, 3 posts
Fri 5 Mar 2021
at 02:54
  • msg #99

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

"The main island. We are taking a boat over there today. It will take a few days to gather the needed crew."

Arthur finds a place to sit comfortably.

"While it is a soldier's place to seek the volley and thunder of battle. There are times when the needs of one's people outweigh one's personal desires."
Teruo Nakamura
player, 565 posts
Soldier Time Forgot
Long Live the Empire!
Fri 5 Mar 2021
at 02:59
  • msg #100

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

In reply to Arthur (msg # 99):

"Yes. Indeed. I know what you mean. Very well then, if you have the sentry duty, I will depart. There was a new mage who might do well here too..."

He gathers up his things and sets off in search of Trina and the boat.
player, 57 posts
Female, Half-Elf
Warrior & Sun Mage
Fri 5 Mar 2021
at 04:56
  • msg #101

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

Trina smiles sadly, "I'm sorry my arcane knowledge is not as complete as it should be... I'm only 25 and have not had very many years to learn, especially with no formal training in magic.  The elves of my homeland did not approve of my birth or presence. But my mother insisted on my being raised by her. So the elves did the best they could to ignore my presence by simply refusing to acknowledge it.  So everything I learned I learned by observing and self-teaching... though my mother taught as much as she could, most of my magic skill was learned sitting in on the classes the elves taught their elven students.  They could not very well refuse to acknowledge my presence if they would try to get me to leave!"

"I decided to learn the most flashy most obvious magics they could not ignore, instead of a broad base of magical knowledge I specialized in Fire Magics.  Until they could no longer ignore me, that is when I decided to leave and search the world for my father."

"I'm not planning on making a home here.. but I'm no precisely in a hurry to leave either... eventually I know I'll discover the magic to allow me to return home and continue my search for my human father.  But that is long term for now."

She observes all closely during the tour noting the fortifications being constructed.

"I am also a warrior skilled in tactics, and survival, tracking, navigation, stealth and trap making. I will be more than willing to donate my skills to the efforts of the Ram-packed earthen-works and Motte and Bailey construction... the Elves of the Great Wood use such fortifications interspersed among trees and Very cunning and lethal traps to hide their bastions of defense as well.  I'm fairly familiar with such earthen works."
This message was last edited by the player at 04:57, Fri 05 Mar 2021.
Island Spirit
GM, 721 posts
Watcher of the Island
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 01:35
  • msg #102

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

After a bit more talking you find yourself on a small boat heading towards another island.


You find yourself in command of an Outrigger canoe heading towards the main island. the wind is favorable and should nothing unforeseen happen you should be at the main island in a couple of hours.
Teruo Nakamura
player, 568 posts
Soldier Time Forgot
Long Live the Empire!
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 01:41
  • msg #103

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

In reply to Island Spirit (msg # 102):

Two checks, both rolled skill. We did not take the same boat?
Island Spirit
GM, 723 posts
Watcher of the Island
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 02:10
  • msg #104

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

You did take the same boat and you are after about an hour and a half on the main Island.
Teruo Nakamura
player, 569 posts
Soldier Time Forgot
Long Live the Empire!
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 03:05
  • msg #105

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

In reply to Island Spirit (msg # 104):

After spending several decades looking out for the invaders coming in the American Large Stationary Targets, Teruo, in no overly excited to see one here. Yet strangely, the sight is of some interest.

"Come, Trina. This large warship should have some useful equipment for us. If nothing else, we might be able to use the weapons to deal with that thing. I can introduce you to the are not opposed to meeting dwarves, are you?"
player, 58 posts
Female, Half-Elf
Warrior & Sun Mage
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 05:41
  • msg #106

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

Trina is a slight nervous on the small craft... constantly watching the horizon for clouds or the possibility of a storm.  Even her large red-feathered eagle 'Kyrie' rustles endlessly upon her shoulder clearly agitated as well!

But once the short trip at sea is over and they disembark her mood brightens and her eyes are wide in wonder at the new sights.

She nods in agreement with Teruo, "Yes indeed, I'd dearly like to replace my Breastplate armor and broadsword I lost in my shipwreaking! Oh! There are Dwarves here... Certainly Not! They are the finest craftsmen in all Yurth and generally honest to a frank bluntness... but they almost Never lie! A great and noble ffolk!"
Teruo Nakamura
player, 570 posts
Soldier Time Forgot
Long Live the Empire!
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 05:47
  • msg #107

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

In reply to Trina (msg # 106):

"This one also drinks copiously. Come, lets see if I can find him..."

He hauls his boat up onto the beach and heads off to the resort, or the LST, whichever is closer.
player, 59 posts
Female, Half-Elf
Warrior & Sun Mage
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 06:25
  • msg #108

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

Trina nodded and followed... then grabbed Teruo by the shoulder her eyes going Wide her lovely face struck with pure FEAR!

She leaned close and whispered, "Teruo... there is a VASTLY powerful magical presence nearby!  It..frightens me..."
Teruo Nakamura
player, 571 posts
Soldier Time Forgot
Long Live the Empire!
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 06:42
  • msg #109

Re: Isle de Los Tiberons

In reply to Trina (msg # 108):

"Ah, she should. I suspect she is what dragged some of us here. A demi-goddess, or something like that. You may get to meet her."

He tried to put his arm around her to comfort her, unsure if it was even appropriate or not. She did look frightened...

"I have met her. Unless you are evil, you don't need to fear her too much. Of her Dragon boyfriend."

It was about then that he heard a familiar voice. He looked around for the source...

"Looks like our short friend has found us first..."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:43, Sat 06 Mar 2021.
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