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12:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kora's Apprenticeship.

Posted by DMFor group 0
Karilla Silveroak
player, 187 posts
HP 36/36
AC 4 (2 w/SWpnS)
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 01:10
  • msg #21

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

Karilla raised an eyebrow at her statement.

"You blew up your cousin?"
Kora Roustinghorn
NPC, 40 posts
6/6 HP
AC 10
Thu 18 Aug 2016
at 12:06
  • msg #22

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

"She blew herself up," Kora said. "Elzbette had all of these expensive perfumes that she just loved, and she though that if they smelled good in isolation, they must have been even better together."

She grinned. "Apparently, not all perfumes are meant to be mixed. Another reason I never wear the stuff. Elzbette's face was covered in soot, and she reeked for a tenday. I fell off my chair laughing. It was the most fun I had all winter."
This message was last updated by the player at 12:06, Thu 18 Aug 2016.
Taeghen Mournsen
player, 1035 posts
HP 43/43; AC 4
Freelance Trail Guide
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 04:40
  • msg #23

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

"A good sidearm is an excellent choice,"  Teg said as he practiced folding and unfolding his buckle knife, "but take it from some one who wished they could have gotten by with only a bow and a knife like the old days just hunting and fishing; sometimes it's better to have something heftier to show you mean business and sometimes to actually go about that business. Ogres and trolls think of stiletto stings as tickles even as they're considering whether they want to cook you for dinner tonight or snack on your raw right now."

"Kora does have a point, sometimes a proper sized weapon does speak for itself. Doesn't have to be a vicious barbarian's sword or one of the big two-handers favored by the Tormites knights."
Taeghen held up one of the sabers left by their former companion. "Bear with me on this, Kora, and don't mind who held these before. Since they'll otherwise go into the ground with their former owner, consider these sabers. Not too big, not too small, yet these feel like they cut well. Could be handy even on horseback. They don't look out of place in a city or while holding court. I've seen fencing masters who master these and similar weapons with relative ease. These can be used alone, with a buckler, or paired with another weapon, which if you're as deft as Karilla says, you should have no problem doing well with a bit of training. Those duelists I've seen can easily switched between weapons and styles of this sort as easily as shifting a stance.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 115 posts
Defender of 5th Rank
AC: 1/3/2. HP: 34/34
Thu 11 Aug 2016
at 12:56
  • msg #24

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

In reply to Taeghen Mournsen (msg # 23):

Listening to Teg speak of the sabres reminded him of some of the humans who guarded the caravans.

"Kora, as much as it pains me to see you don't have a battle axe, I have seen those kinds of weapons, the sabres, being wielded more effectively that a great Sword or long Sword, they flash through the air quite well. Don't have the impact of an axe so you need more hits when taking out an ogre, but you have the stature for any of these weapons. Personal preference"
Kora Roustinghorn
NPC, 40 posts
6/6 HP
AC 10
Thu 18 Aug 2016
at 12:05
  • msg #25

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

Kora shook her head. "No. And not because I didn't like their owner. They're a weapon for cavalry. That's my brother, not me. I'll stick with the sword that can take off the horse's head." She grinned. "And if I want to ride something later, I'll find a dragon."
This message was last updated by the player at 12:05, Thu 18 Aug 2016.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 119 posts
Defender of 5th Rank
AC: 1/3/2. HP: 34/34
Thu 18 Aug 2016
at 08:15
  • msg #26

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

I like the way you think there. Look at the big possibilities. What type of dragon would you prefer as I hear each type is specific to a colour and temperament?

The cheerful Dwarf couldn't help but like this human child, it was a refreshing change to hear of grandiose dreams like ones he had had not long ago. They were drilled out of the priests but also explained as Gorms encouragements.
Kora Roustinghorn
NPC, 41 posts
6/6 HP
AC 10
Thu 18 Aug 2016
at 12:08
  • msg #27

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

"Oh, I haven't decided," Kora says with an airy wave. "It seemed a bit presumptuous of me. After all, the dragon would have an opinion too. I'll wait for the opportunity to arise, and then turn on the charm."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 120 posts
Defender of 5th Rank
AC: 1/3/2. HP: 34/34
Fri 19 Aug 2016
at 10:57
  • msg #28

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

In reply to Kora Roustinghorn (msg # 27):

Krackor bursts out laughing then restrains himself.
Karilla Silveroak
player, 188 posts
HP 36/36
AC 4 (2 w/SWpnS)
Sat 27 Aug 2016
at 19:57
  • msg #29

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

"A horde of something shiny would probably help in your dragon hunt. The trick is to find one who won't eat you for it."
Kora Roustinghorn
NPC, 42 posts
6/6 HP
AC 10
Sat 7 Jan 2017
at 11:41
  • msg #30

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

Your morning day in Berdusk, Kora wanders off on her own, saying she has things she needs to take care of. She reappears just before noon, carrying a pair of massive two handed swords. She has one resting on each shoulder, the points bobbing in time with her steps like a pair of metallic antennae. "Hi! Look what I found at the weaponsmith! One for practice, one we can sharpen and use to decapitate horses. So, who's up first?" She giggles.
This message was last updated by the player at 11:41, Sat 07 Jan 2017.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 209 posts
Defender of 5th Rank
AC: 1/3/2. HP: 34/34
Sat 7 Jan 2017
at 16:31
  • msg #31

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

In reply to Kora Roustinghorn (msg # 30):

Krackor liked this human, Kora,  she was a breath of fresh air and seemed to have an attitude like his, cheery and open to possibilities, although his own was honed so he knew what could happen at any moment. A life of dedication and commitment has seen to that.

"Kora, if you wish to learn how to use them properly, start with a smaller heavy weapon to build strength so you can handle them, then when you've learnt, Unless others are teaching you, I'll teach you how to use them with a blindfold on, for times when no light is available. I've learnt how to teach any cleaving or crushing weapon as part of my training, it has meant not being able to learn blades as yet, but there is time."
This message was last edited by the player at 16:31, Sat 07 Jan 2017.
Corym Ildroun
player, 1197 posts
19/21 HP
AC 1 (0 w/buckler)
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 13:40
  • msg #32

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

Kora Roustinghorn:
Your morning day in Berdusk, Kora wanders off on her own, saying she has things she needs to take care of. She reappears just before noon, carrying a pair of massive two handed swords. She has one resting on each shoulder, the points bobbing in time with her steps like a pair of metallic antennae. "Hi! Look what I found at the weaponsmith! One for practice, one we can sharpen and use to decapitate horses. So, who's up first?" She giggles.

Corym looks outside the window from his negotiation with the Oghmyte.  "Ah.  My apprentice."   He gestures for Bransuldyn to look. "Fine potential. I've decided to train her body first and then, as so many humans do, change course to the practice of magic.  She insists on learning a barbarian's sword and seems to have purchased her first practice set."

Corym sniffs dismissively.

"She knows not the work of a fighter-mage, and I cannot teach her the Bladesong.  Her hands must be empty to cast spells.  This is why I brought her to your temple.  To learn the power of her body and make her realize that she is a weapon.  There are a number of powerful magicks that require touching the target to deliver.  Most mages are too frail to attempt them. But if one could wrestle like a follower of the Binder!"

A mischievous grin spreads over his face.

"Could I let her begin her lessons with the sword, and your priests could take it away from her and show her how useless it is in her hands?  She would have to put the sword down and learn to wrestle to defend herself against a skilled wrestler."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 15:40, Mon 16 Jan 2017.
GM, 1950 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2017
at 02:38
  • msg #33

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

Bransuldyn grins. "I can think of several priests who would enjoy such a challenge. A mighty weapon is only mighty if you know how to use it. That goes for words as well. Do you think she knows how to debate?"

And for the rest of the day, a succession of Oghmanite priests and lay brothers proceed to prove him right. Kora is at first reluctant to come at people with her massive sword, since they haven't done anything to annoy her. But a few teasing remarks from Bransuldyn gets her moving forward.

And very quickly moving downward, or flying in a direction she had no intention of going. She loses her greatsword in every unarmed disarm you've ever seen, and a few that you haven't. Kora starts out surprised, which shifts quickly to annoyed and even quicker to angry. For about a bell in the middle of the day she's coming after Bransuldyn's people with true, violent intent, and is losing her sword even faster for it.

Fortunately, Kora is a very bright young woman, and she soon figures out what the priests are trying to tell her. Of course, it helps that each time they pin her, they don't let her up until she explains what exactly she did wrong that time. To her credit, she never says a variation on, "Because I came at a priest of Oghma with a sword."

By the end of the day she's happily flinging herself at the priests. She's not coming close to holding her own, but she has at least gotten a basic grasp of several holds.

"That was fun! So now you're going to be training me with the sword, right?"
Corym Ildroun
player, 1211 posts
19/21 HP
AC 1 (0 w/buckler)
Mon 30 Jan 2017
at 02:52
  • msg #34

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

Corym replies aloofly, "Those that question their training only train themselves at asking questions."  He lets that statement hand in the air a bit before continuing.

"The goal of the warrior training is to strengthen your body and grant you defenses.  This training accomplishes both simultaneously. It's efficient.  Moreover it is rare, which makes it valuable. And unlike the sword it can only be learned here."

Corym taps the top of his goblet of wine pensively.

  Every warrior must learn more than one weapon. Be diligent in this study, and I promise to find you the most brutally skilled master of the great sword you can imagine. And thereafter, the Art."
GM, 1954 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2017
at 22:44
  • msg #35

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

"Ah, but those who speak only in too-clever riddles do nothing more than sow disciple discontent," Kora says with a grin. "Besides, I have often been told that the only stupid question is the one you don't ask, and that if you do not ask for something, you will never get it. So I can match you for bland cliches."

She sighs, and shrugs. "Very well. I'll let the priests keep throwing me around."

And so she does, dutifully showing up at the temple every day, and training with you when the priests are not available. At least until Lexanna heads to Asbravn. Then she insists on coming along. "Friends are more important than training," she says, her jaw thrust out slightly.
Corym Ildroun
player, 1215 posts
19/21 HP
AC 1 (0 w/buckler)
Sun 5 Feb 2017
at 23:29
  • msg #36

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

Corym sniffs dismissively, "Incorrect, but as it happens, I was planning on accompanying our companions. I'll be happy to help you continue your training on the way.  I've inquired with your instructors, and they have given me the forms that I am to see you practice each morning and evening.  I'm certain that Obar and Krackor will oblige. Additionally, you are only to ride half of the time.  They say you're winded too easily and steady cross country striding will build your stamina."

Anticipating the almost certain balking, Corym continues on.

"The City of a Thousand Spires may possess a swordmaster suitable for you.  The question is whether you will be ready for them.  The key to mastery of the great sword is wrists and shoulders.  Wrists to hold the blade firm.  Shoulders to maneuver it.  In time your wrestling would prepare you, but you're eager to be on to your study of magic and so I am prepared to accelerate." Corym pauses as if remembering something forgotten,  "If that is still your desire?"

Assuming that the answer is yes, Corym continues on.

"Students at the academy study the Bladesong from birth to learn to cast spells one-handed with a sword wielded in the other.  Not only do we not have years, neither of your masters have ever studied the Bladesong.  And so we craft the old anew! Someone had to have invented it in the first place after all!"

"When in the midst of your magic, you will be all but defenseless--your hands must be empty.  But already we begin working around the problem. Because of your Oghmyte training, your hands are weapons.  More importantly, so are your legs.  You will be able defend yourself even when you are in your magic.  Consider holding an enemy hostage between interlocked thighs while you summon up the Shocking Grasp to deliver the final stroke! But unlike most wizards, both the spell and the hand shall harm!"
  The elf is clearly getting excited--it's clear why Corym focuses on engineering and architecture.  He loves design. "But you insist on a sword.  And the sword cannot be separate from the whole it must be integrated.  It must be sheathed when casting, but quick to draw and quick to return to the scabbard.  Draw, strike, sheathe--one movement."

The elf laughs nervously, realizing he got a bit too excited and banishes the thoughts with a wave of the hand.  "That all still belongs to tomorrow.  Today, we strengthen wrists and shoulders."  He leads Kora to where he has placed two fist sized stones. "We're going to have to get you some gloves. You'll be carrying the stones while you ride--you can guide your horse with your knees. When your hands and wrists are too tired, you can take a break from them and run."
Karilla Silveroak
player, 198 posts
HP 36/36
AC 4 (2 w/SWpnS)
Sun 5 Feb 2017
at 23:48
  • msg #37

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

     Karilla listened to Coyrm's instructions to the apprentice intently and agreed with his training strategy. She shook her head slightly wondering why Kora wanted to wield such a cumbersome weapon.

     She conceeded to the fact that it would but helpful if they needed to take down mounted riders, but Karilla would rather dismount the rider by bow and steal the horse rather than cleaving the poor beast in twain. She wondered if Kora had considered this when reflecting on how Kora reacted to their horses eaten by ghouls outside the drow cavern.

     The human girl was stubborn, as many of her kind are, and it would be best to let her come to her own conclusions about the weapon best suited for her.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 258 posts
Defender of 5th Rank
AC: 1/3/2. HP: 34/34
Mon 6 Feb 2017
at 00:06
  • msg #38

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

Corym Ildroun:
I'm certain that Obar and Krackor will oblige. Additionally, you are only to ride half of the time.  They say you're winded too easily and steady cross country striding will build your stamina."

On hearing that Kora is also going along and Corym asking him to help in her training, specifically strength training, Krackor chuckle.

Remember my axe when we first met, how heavy it felt, feel it now, it is no different to any other axe, I think a plane shaft should do the trick, I shall acquire one before we leave

Getting an axe shaft<can be used as a club), he gets Kora's name engraved on it "Kora, 'Mistress lightbearer'" and a hole through one end with what appears to be an eye mask set so it can spin with two plates that look like they could be lowered to seal the hole completely (eyes 'holes are actually metal).  It wasn't a heavy stick, but it will appear to be.

ooc: At some point after presenting the stick to Kora, Krackor will take it back one night and cast "Weight Chest" (first level spell lasts day/level).  Makes the item appear to be 1+d4 times the handlers own weight.  He will also cast Continual Light on the metal eye holes of the mask then close the shutters to block out the light.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:09, Mon 06 Feb 2017.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 265 posts
Defender of 5th Rank
AC: 1/3/2. HP: 34/34
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 13:32
  • msg #39

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

In reply to Krackor Steelfist (msg # 38):

GM, 1974 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2017
at 06:11
  • msg #40

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

Kora is an early riser, and likes to begin the day with physical activity. In Berdusk that usually meant a run through the mostly-empty streets, but she is wise enough not to leave the camp when traveling. You don't see when she first tries to lift the enchanted axe handle, but you certainly see the results.

She walks over to Krackor as he is having morningfeast, a camp axe in one hand and a number of sticks in the other. She tosses the sticks at Krackor's feet. "You shouldn't overload horses like that. They'll get hurt." She then walks away without a word.

Looking at the sticks, you realize that she's chopped the axe handle into ever-smaller halves. Since only one item can contain the weighty chest enchantment, she's turned the haft into many items. The smallest is half the length of your finger.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 269 posts
Defender of 5th Rank
AC: 1/3/2. HP: 34/34
Sat 11 Feb 2017
at 18:08
  • msg #41

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

Kora is an early riser, and likes to begin the day with physical activity. In Berdusk that usually meant a run through the mostly-empty streets, but she is wise enough not to leave the camp when traveling. You don't see when she first tries to lift the enchanted axe handle, but you certainly see the results.

Ooc: It was mentioned and shown to Kora when handed to her that the item was also a torch.
Breaking the stick would have broken the spell as it was on the whole item. It wouldn't have overloaded the horse as it wasn't handling it.

Krackor has always gotten up with the sky lightening. It will have been then that he cast the spell and gave it to her, so he would have seen and precented her 'damaging it' as he helped her train
This message was last edited by the player at 18:14, Sat 11 Feb 2017.
GM, 1975 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2017
at 18:15
  • msg #42

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

((ooc: I went back and checked before I posted, and there's no mention of the item being a torch, or having any enchantment on it. It has "Mistress Lightbearer" on it, and a bit of an odd head, but it's basically just a stick. A stick that is now in several pieces.))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 270 posts
Defender of 5th Rank
AC: 1/3/2. HP: 34/34
Sat 11 Feb 2017
at 23:16
  • msg #43

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

Krackor Steelfist:
ooc: At some point after presenting the stick to Kora, Krackor will take it back one night and cast "Weight Chest" (first level spell lasts day/level).  Makes the item appear to be 1+d4 times the handlers own weight. He will also cast Continual Light on the metal eye holes of the mask then close the shutters to block out the light.

Put in Bold for you.

Krackor would have stopped Kora breaking it
This message was last edited by the player at 23:17, Sat 11 Feb 2017.
GM, 1976 posts
Sun 12 Feb 2017
at 02:55
  • msg #44

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

((ooc: Okay, my fault. I missed that completely.

But Kora still cuts it into pieces. You have to sleep sometime, and you annoyed her. :) She simply waits until you turn in.))

Krackor Steelfist
player, 272 posts
Defender of 5th Rank
AC: 1/3/2. HP: 34/34
Sun 12 Feb 2017
at 11:39
  • msg #45

Re: Kora's Apprenticeship

In reply to DM (msg # 44):

Ooc: thats fair enough. The lessons will be explained to Kora as follows:

"1) Never judge a weapon by how it looks, nor a person. A knife can be as deadly as a Greatsword in the right hands."

"2) Just because something or someone doesn't look strong, doesn't mean they are not, for they may have magic to help them. There are girdles that would help you lift this shaft no matter how strong this spell is at the time."

"3) Learn that it is never wrong to ask for aid, especially when you come across adverse conditions."

"4) Rely on your comrades. You can not lift this at the moment but I can. The magic lasts for days but the lessons take only one if you listen"

"5) Anything can be made into a weapon and anything can be made into a tool"

"6) You are my favourite but don't tell anyone"
at which he winks.

"7) This gift is also from my God, which shows he watches all"would have meant to say this but intellect would have said say this afterwards.

If she still wishes to chop it up, he hopes she doesn't damage the 'Torch' part.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:31, Mon 13 Feb 2017.
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