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3.0 Halcyon Passed the final test.

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
NPC, 46 posts
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 16:02
  • msg #1

3.0 Halcyon Passed the final test

The last test had been a hybrid VR test.  One of the metas on AEGIS staff, Doctor Tupol Khan, had flown from New York to give the test.  He was an older black man with dreadlocks tied back over his shoulder.  He had a beard and glasses and looked very weary, like his already thin frame was made skeletal by the effort.   But his smile was warm and approving, and that seemed to counter the obvious frailtly of him.

Khan explained that he spent years developing the ability to create realistic psychic simulations, that his workforce were detail-zealots.  But, he still needed the use of a mild sedative and the induction machine to help new targets get into his head.

In the simulation, Halycon had had to rescue a bunch of scared children on a luxury cruise ship that had been overrun with armed terrorists.   With no real practical exit off the ship, this was really an effort in finding the kids, ensuring their safety, and taking out the team of ten paramilitary-style commandos.

Khan had seemed pleased with her performance.  After the final screening, she was directed to a small conference room overlooking the harbour.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 16:02, Tue 23 Feb 2021.
Director Maddox
NPC, 6 posts
No Conditions
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 16:02
  • msg #2

3.0 Halcyon Passed the final test

The AEGIS HQ was an enormous dome structure on the North Shore.  It had once been a naval station, but it had been decommissioned in the seventies.   It had undergone several changes through the years until the Silver Storm happened, and the influx of government money to deal with the metahuman situation became available.   AEGIS New York was well-established and with UN backing, the development of "The Dome" was streamlined and fast-tracked.

Director Maddox was born and raised in Emerald City.  She had been one of the youngest ECPD officers ever promoted to the rank of detective. She was an average looking woman with short brown hair, crisp black dress-pants and an a blue collared dress-shirt.

"We had thirty-five considerations." Maddox welcomed Halycon into the room.   "Ten made it to simulation stages.  We've had a couple of pitch-hitters in to help us ramp up operations here, but we're looking to fill out the roster, and Dr. Khan tells me that you performed exceptionally."

Maddox motioned for Halycon to enter the room, take a seat.

Inside, a bespectacled Indian man sat with a small stack of papers, writing on a business folio.

"Ravinder Gupta."  Maddox said.  "From legal."  Gupta looked up, smiled perfunctorily, and nodded.

"We're going to make this quick." 
Maddox said. "This meeting is largely a formality.  I didn't want you feeling like we're a faceless uncaring organization.  If you never have face-time with me, how are we going to develop a relationship? "

Director Maddox
NPC, 7 posts
No Conditions
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 16:05
  • msg #3

3.0 Halcyon Passed the final test

Five years ago, there was an event, here in Emerald City.  They call it the Silver Storm.  It is possible that a biological agent that may trigger metahuman eruption was released during that event.

Since that time, Emerald City has had sporadic clusters of such eruptions.   We've been able to tamp down much of the media coverage, but statistics don't lie.

Your goals on this team are two-fold  You are Emerald City's representatives.   You are to protect the city.  But also, you are to seek out and tend to those who may be newly erupted.    You're not babysitters.  I'm not asking you to take them under your wing and teach them.  This isn't the movies and you're not the 'academy for the suprisingly gifted.'  Just, protect the people.  And if we make progress towards identifying the source of Emerald city's metahuman eruption... quality, so much the better.

On occasion, we may need to deal with legal and political ripples from your activities.  That's where I come in.    While you have my sanction, you are an autonomous team funded and assisted by Aegis.   We will assign case-files, but there is nothing to prevent you from taking on your own cases.

I will expect to be kept in the loop, as I cannot provide legal and technical support without knowing what's going on.    I am answerable to the United Nations Council on Metahuman Affairs.

If you'll turn to the second document in your package, you'll find the contract you've negotiated.  Please take it, review it, and returned it--signed-- within three days.  At that point, if not returned, the offer of employment will be revoked.  Needless to say, this information is confidential.

Player, 47 posts
H1 No Conditions
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 18:39
  • msg #4

3.0 Halcyon Passed the final test

The old Halcyon would have taken this contract and reviewed it from top to bottom and even elicited her own counsel but the new one really was different.  No more the shy Doctor girl who finished med school early and was on her second year of residence.  Now thanks to all that happened she had a new level of confidence and it showed.  Along with it though came a new level of risk.

But Halcy is still Halcy as such she reads through it quickly and finds all items she had discussed.

"I am actually happy you met with us as that means yes you like a bit of hands on despite being busy as I imagine you are.  I have read and everything we have discussed is in there." She says as she grabs the pen and starts the process of signing it that way it is done and no chance of her spending the three days weighing it all.  She actually as much shocks herself doing this and wonders what the people back home would think.  One day she will have to return and find out.  As well as call her folks tonight.

She finishes it off signing Dr Halcyon Hardinger and then asks the one thing she forgot, "Do you or I pick the hero name or is that a joint discussion as I understand this is a high priority team and names might be important for such a high profile team."
Director Maddox
NPC, 8 posts
No Conditions
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 00:55
  • msg #5

Re: 3.0 Halcyon Passed the final test

Calpurnia smiled, impressed that the young woman didn't dither about the contract.  She was operating in good faith, after all.

"It's a joint effort." Calpurnia said.  "It's your name.  But it also reflects on us as your backers.  So if you were to choose a name like Madame Hentai, we'd be inclined to veto it on the grounds that it presents an image counter to the image we want to present.

We have an standing contract with Vontrenom.  I can put you in contact with them to do the due diligence on anything you suggest, or they can even do a workup to sugegst names that might work, if you don't have anything in mind already."

NPC, 47 posts
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 01:01
  • msg #6

Re: 3.0 Halcyon Passed the final test

Gupta leaned forward.  "That's where the distinct identities clause comes in.  If you were to create... errr, Madame Hentai and endorse a product line of... something appropriate to that name, there would be no issue.  So long as the identity remains separate and distinct.  However, if it is ever revealed that she and your AEGIS identity are one and the same, there would be legal repercussions, and you would likely be enjoined to select one or the other for future endeavors."

OOC: Which also means that if you want to moonlight, and can conceal your identity, there's nothing to actually stop you.  Kinda sucks for those who can't pull it off...  Emerald Star is green, for instance.  There's no mistaking her for someone else.  I suppose she could wear a one-piece zentai suit...
Player, 52 posts
H1 No Conditions
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 02:20
  • msg #7

Re: 3.0 Halcyon Passed the final test

Halcyon thinks for a minute or two.  "Honestly I think I will just go as me all the time.  I really do not see a need for a secret identity and my primary attack ability is kind of hard to hide."  She says thinking about it and really shooting a bunch of arrows would be hard to hide.

"On the name part I am more than happy for coming up with a name jointly as let us face it.  I probably would not pick the best although Madam Hentai would not even make the list.  I would have thought Artemis as you know wings and shoot arrows but likely something like that would be taken although note to self I should look that up.  Tauriel likely is one that would have complications and likely would have to Tolkein's heirs for permission."

"Basically and I am guessing you have read my bio so would know since this change my outlook has done a one-eighty.   Oh wait how about Erato from mythology.  That would be a good name!"  She goes on obviously babbling somewhat.  "I will also hear any suggestions that may be offered."  She is happy with that.

"Also I am open to whatever you want for an outfit as I have no sense of style and have been repressed long enough.  So if you have ideas I am game!"
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