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02.11: Training Games at Sailor Point.

Posted by ControlFor group 0
GM, 431 posts
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 05:07
  • msg #2

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Sailor Point.
Sailor Point is a private, city-owned parkland area in the Hook Point area on the North Shore.  It's the site of a series of gun-emplacements (the guns themselves have long since been removed) guarding against the possibility of coastal attacks during WWI and WWII.  Now, it's abandoned but it remains undeveloped.   There was a half-hearted effort to make it a historical site, but it's largely overgrown.

The US MIlitary,AEGIS, and the ECPD use it for training grounds for team-tactics, etc.  It's also occasionally leased out to private firms for similar training.  It's also been used occasionally, for paint-ball tournaments.  The area is swept regularly for unexploded ordinances and the like, and it has to be decalred safe after any such training purposes.  There are rules and guidelines in place for organizations to clean up after themselves.  Nobody wants an accidental death on their hands.

Of the buildings that remain (all low, squat single-floor buildings, most are only one room, very utility-oriented) have all been welded shut.

There are four open-air gun-emplacements (like Disappearing_gun_emplacement.jpg and Macaulay-Point-Park) and an observation platform at the highest-point in the park.

There is a series of four other buildings--temporary barracks, latrine and ammunition supply dump (all inactive, empty shells).  Only one building is active and maintained, and it's right at the front entrance.  A small parking-lot sits beside it.  There is a general-purpose meeting room and  an open-air covered picnic area with an open-air barbecue grill set-up (you'll need to provide your own charcoal or whatever).

Cement paths--decades old--line the park.  Most are overgrown and encroached upon by the local flora.  Some of the local wildlife also wanders through, suggesting that the fences that surround the entire area might not all be contiguous.
NPC, 54 posts
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 07:39
  • msg #3

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

The Sentinels knew each other at least somewhat before they teamed up, but stories had it that none of them had worked together more than a few times.  Now, six months after the silver storm, months later, the Sentinels have more or less cemented their role as heroes in Emerald City and are well known.

Some members are, naturally more accepted than others.  Rook, for all his investigatory expertise tends to engender a certain amount polarized feelings.  Some appreciate his brusque directness while others feel that it's too unpolished.

The slick, streamlined battlesuit, Ultramarine, seeems to have been embraced well, though little is known about the person wearing the armor.

Princess and Siren seem to have garnered fairly widespread support and acceptance.  They were powerful women in their own right.  It didn't hurt that they were pretty.

Other members participated on occasion--which meant that down the road there was potential that you might actually be working alongside the Sentinels.   But for now, it was only Princess and Mongrel who met them.

By the time they made their way to Sailor Point,  Princess and Mongrel were waiting under the picnic covering.

Mongrel looked the part of the classical wolf-man, albeit in a brown and tan uniform.  He stood leaning against one of the picnic tables, his face nearly buried in his cel-phone, while Princess sat on top of it beside a bucket of Colonel's chicken.

When they pulled up, she hopped off the picnic table, showing her trademarked pink shirt with the word "PRINCESS" in shiny silver bling across her chest.

"Hey there!" She called out.   "We've got the park for the afternoon.  Only place we're not supposed to go is the former ammunition depot.  They're doing night-time hostage extraction excercises tonight."

"So..."  Mongrel stood up, putting his cel-phone behind him.   "How many are you?"

Even speaking normally, it sounded like a growl.

Mongrel, however, seemed to get the brunt of a lot of flack on a account of his beastial nature.  Internet forums continually debate whether he's a man-dog or a dog-man.

Princess was tall, blonde and built like a fitness trainer.  She wore her classic blue-jeans and pink short-sleeved t-shirt with the word "PRINCESS" emblazoned on the front.

She waved as the folks drove in.
PC, 119 posts
H2 Yellow
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 08:06
  • msg #4

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Walking toward the pair, Adrianna went to greet them wearing a high durability set of yoga pants and a dark blue tank top with a black band around the middle. She had her hair up in a ponytail today and was wearing sensible black and white trainers.

I'm not sure how many are coming other than Terranovae. I'm pretty sure most will drop by though. It's a pleasure to meet you both.

Adrianna extends her hand toward Mongrel first as he was on her right side and had asked the question.
PC, 82 posts
H3 Blue
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 14:33
  • msg #5

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

The tall man gave a polite, if nervous, smile to the two 'coaches' for the day's session.  It actually softened more when looking at Mongrel; something about the canid features of the man made Alexey somehow less intimidated.  The idea of the training session, though, hit a little close to home.

"You are train us for to save Ms. Saint James?"  He asked, puzzled and maybe a little worried.  Or a lot worried.  But that was the only rescue Alexey could picture needing to train for, and sending them in sounded like a giant risk.
PC, 190 posts
H2 Lavendar
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 18:40
  • msg #6

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi does plan on taking part so as such arrives as well bringing any that chose to take the quick trip to the location.

She smiles to all there and says, "Hi."  And then listens to the action plan.
PC, 88 posts
H1 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 19:13
  • msg #7

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Teranovae arrived on her flying surf-board of hemetite-like stone, dressed in her usual Emerald Green costume. She smiled and landed dissolving the stone surf-board somehow that made chemists and physicists scratch their heads.  She walked over to Princess and gave her a friendly sisterly hug, "Nice to see you Prin', Nice job catching Death Magnetic, still not sure how you got her gift-wrapped!" {chuckle}

Turning to look at Adrianna and Cythri, "...the young ladies from the Hubert House are not necessarily interested in crime-fighting but gaining a bit more proficiency with their powers does seem of interest to some of them.  Though I'm not sure how many will attend."

She cocked her head slightly regarding Alexey, "...sorry.. I have not met you Mr ?  Are you also staying at the Hubert House?"
This message was last edited by the player at 19:15, Sun 31 Jan 2021.
PC, 113 posts
H2 Blue
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 20:22
  • msg #8

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Arriving with Cythi, Viriginia smiles and simply gives a single sweeping wave with one hand. Her hands go behind her back and she listens.
NPC, 14 posts
H1 Yellow
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 07:42
  • msg #9

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Janava will definitely take Cythi up on the offer for a free transport!

"They'll come." Janava said in a self-assured tone.  "We all need to know what we can do and how to control it."

She still seemed rather subdued after the training-session in the parkade.   There reality that this was a reality was hitting her.  It wasn't some nightmare she could wake up from.   And that meant that if she lost control of her emotions, if she got scared or frightened or even startled, she might turn into...  She really didn't want to think about it.   "And really... how often do people get a private session with the Sentinels?"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:11, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 08:23
  • msg #10

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Princess looked over at Terranovae and smiled.  "That girl is seriously seriously messed up.   I was hoping we could find out who arranged for her prison-break, but she hasn't given us anything yet.   And her alter-ego doesn't know anything!.  It's just such a waste."
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:27, Mon 01 Feb 2021.
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