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02.11: Training Games at Sailor Point.

Posted by ControlFor group 0
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 08:26
  • msg #11

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Mongrel grunted.  It might've been agreement or a passing expression of disapproval about the weather.  But he did take Adrianna's hand when she offered it.

He was gentle--almost painstakingly so.  The flesh of his palm was ridged, like the pads of a wolf, and so very warm.  "A brave step looking for training.  Good step." He said.

He glanced over at Alexey.  "No rescue attempt.  Too risky.  All Miss Terranovae suggested was that we play some games to test the extents of your powers.  You don't need to train to fight.   But it's never a bad idea to train to get out of a fight."

His phone bleeped.

Mongrel pulled the phone out of--presumably--his back pocket.  "Your film crew is almost here.  We've been told to ignore them, for the most part.  But they are going to be here."
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:28, Mon 01 Feb 2021.
PC, 84 posts
H3 Blue
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 10:48
  • msg #12

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Surprisingly, Sandra's lack of familiarity with Alexey came as a comfort.  Dismissing his presence was a lot more of what he was used to than the constant staring on the street.  "Alexey.  Wiśniewski."  He replied, waiting on her to extend a hand before doing it himself.  Most people tended to dismiss him before they had even heard his name, when he was still a mere mortal.

His attention turned back to Mongrel and nodded.  "Ok.  Test.  We start?"
NPC, 55 posts
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 11:35
  • msg #13

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

It didn't take long before a nondescript white panel van drove onto the site.  Emmett was at the wheel and he seemed to know where he was going.  Even before the van was parked, the side door slid open and Archie Hilton jumped out.  But without greeting anybody, he quickly turned and started carting boxes out of the van.

Dylan stepped out of the passenger side and walked up, greeting everyone

If you didn't catch a ride with Adrainna or get there on your own, you could always have come to the site with the van.

"Miss Princess."  Dylan nodded.  "Mr. Mongrel.  Thank-you very much for your time.  It was very gracious of you.


Film Crew

Dylan Liu

Archie Hilton
Tech Lead

Emmett White
Film Crew

PC, 89 posts
H1 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 15:13
  • msg #14

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

In reply to Alexey (msg # 12):

Teranovae smiles at Alexey, and shook his hand gently, "Nice to meet you Alexey... is the second 'w' in your surname silent? 'Wise-knee-ski'...?", as she tried to phonetically pronounce his last name.

Her touch was... strangely very warm... as if something hotter then blood was under her skin.  She had the scent of fresh soil and... perhaps roses?
This message was last edited by the player at 15:15, Mon 01 Feb 2021.
PC, 120 posts
H2 Yellow
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 15:36
  • msg #15

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Adrianna smiles again at Mongreland offer her hand to Princess.

It's an honor to meet you as well. You're a fantastic role model for young women and I hope to be as well. I do intend to pursue fighting crime, perhaps alongside Sandra. She seems dedicated as well.
PC, 115 posts
H2 Blue
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 01:49
  • msg #16

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

You don't need to train to fight.   But it's never a bad idea to train to get out of a fight.

Virginia studies the immediate area as everyone talks. She is surprised these 'heroes' actually look like they do on TV, though she has never really followed them. She leans over to Cythi and speaks softly and perhaps naively.

"The werewolf is much calmer than I expected. I am relieved we are not training to fight. Sounds like we are going to get some training in negotiation tactics...communication skills, de-escalation."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:49, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
PC, 192 posts
H2 Lavendar
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 02:20
  • msg #17

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"I honestly am not sure what I would have expected from a werewolf.  I am guessing that is a werewolf?"  She says back to Virginia silently so only she could hear.  "I will agree on all fronts of that although I will be honest I was hoping for some crime fighting training."

That said she does speak up to clarify that what Teranovae said was not how she felt.  "I will gladly accept the training on combat as well as any training that you may have to offer."  She says to the heroes hoping they will talk to her directly for questions and treat her like she was there and not some errant child and that way she gets the full range of training.

She then offers to the crew, "Is there anything I can do to help if you need help unloading?"
NPC, 56 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 03:06
  • msg #18

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Oh, it's a pleasure.  Definitely."  Princess responded.  "When my powers came on, I didn't know what was going on!  I had some help figuring it out, but I really wish I'd had someone around at the time who  I needn't have been afraid I'd inadvertently crush.  Until you get a feel for the limits of your powers, it's a qgood thing to be around folks who can handle it."



She then offers to the crew, "Is there anything I can do to help if you need help unloading?"

Archie popped open a couple of the cases, revealing a pair of shiny new camera-drones.  He absolutely beamed with delight as he pulled them out.  "Told we need to stay in and around the picnic area.  Don't want to become an 'innocent bystander statistic.'"  he made little air-quotes when he said it. "So these bad boys will give us the panorama view!"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:14, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
NPC, 56 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 03:03
  • msg #19

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Okay.  So, first things first."   Mogrel said.  Even speaking normally, his voice was a throaty growl.     The park area is entirely closed off by chain-link fences.

Our first game is a scavenger hunt.   There are three pieces of advanced technology hidden somewhere in the park.  They are metal, with moving parts,and are bigger than a backpack.  There may be electronics involved.  Find them and bring them back here, if you can.

A caution, though.  Be aware that your own expectations play into what you see and how you see things.  Sometimes that's good, sometimes not.  It's important that you are able to understand how you get to the conclusions you get to--and why.  You can team-up if you want to, or go solo.

I'm hoping for you to be able to give us some descriptions of the park area, buy more importantly a description of you might go search for such items.  If you have gadgets or tech associated with your power-build, you can say you've got them on-hand.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:13, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
NPC, 57 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 03:18
  • msg #20

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Our investigations guy is currently out in the field." Princess said.  "But I'm sure Rook would love to bend your ear on investigation techniques.  For now, this is going to be a little more hands on.  Because it's a lovely day and it would be shame to waste it!"

Now, before you run off to find these tech thingies--see, I use the very technical terms--why don't you walk me throughhow we'd start to cover an area the size of this small park quickly and effectively?"

PC, 91 posts
H1 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 03:29
  • msg #21

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"I will gladly accept the training on combat as well as any training that you may have to offer."

Teranovae raises an eyebrow, an smiles an expression of satisfaction! She was not one to push people into doing what she would prefer they do and she was not of the devious mind to use reverse-psychology to influence some one to coerce them to do something they did not want to do.  But she was proud Cythri was choosing of her own accord to take her own initiative to learn some combat training.  Perhaps someday she might choose to go further and step into the role of Meta-human Hero?  But the choice would be hers for that... regardless Sandra viewed it as a mature and responsible choice...not one taken lightly!

Turning to Mongrel, "Perhaps You as the coordinator might assign teams?  To match up participants with not necessarily complementary power sets but inspiring those involved to step out of their familiar save-zone to expend upon their relationships and interaction with others?  You already know of my powers I'm open to any team-up!"

"Though technology is not my strong suit for the scavenger hunt... I'm sure you've taken care NOT to bury anything as YOU well know I could easily sense that when I'm 'At One With the Green'... but if you would prefer, before hand, to ask I not use my natural communion with the Earth.. I'll refrain from such ~ in the spirit of fairness."

Turning to Princess, "I've worked with a team before... so would you prefer I not answer that question and let someone else tackle the tactical deployment question?"
This message was last edited by the player at 03:39, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
NPC, 58 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 04:14
  • msg #22

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Actually...  Let's leave it to the new folks." Dylan sid coming up.  He had a small manilla folder in his hands.  "You've alerady got an advantage on them with six months of practice.  Besides, I've finally been given your dossier."

He held it out to Terranovae.   "You were one of the negotiatedelements from AEGIS.  In a couple of moments, we're going to meet the second one.  Our last house-mate, Marie."  he flipped the small stack of papers over in Terranova's hands, to show another profile for a Marie Jacobs.

side note: there's nothing surprising or unexpected in Teranova's profile information.  I'm not setting up Dylan to be duplicitous in any way, which is why he shared it so openly.

Very recent power-eruption.  Apparently meets Mr Swift's criteria for Hubert House.  Workup suggests psychic dominance with TK and Telepathic undertones. More than anything, she's going to need a friend and a positive role-model.  I was hoping that you'd take that on.  The role-model, at least.

"There's no risk-reward dynamic thing going on here."  Dylan said.  "I just think she'd benefit from your experiences.   Will you wait with me to meet her?"

Also side note:
Added +1 HP to Terranova for narratively kicking off the call to the sentinels.  I'll gladly reward things that help push thw story forward!

PC, 93 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 04:24
  • msg #23

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Teranovae takes the files and flips through them slowly, but not currently very thoroughly, nodding.

"Hmmm.. a somewhat troubled past... I see.  Yes, I think she needs more of a friend than a parole officer... I'll do what I can to inspire to her better angels if possible... but her choices must be her's, of course!  I will certainly wait here to meet with Marie, and try to reach her.  She may bear much personal guilt from her father's death.  I was spared such as my...  As Sandra's  parents died many years ago.. but I do share her memories of the pain and survivors guilt she went through, perhaps I meet Marie on some common ground?"

HP: 2
This message was last edited by the player at 04:25, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
NPC, 59 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 04:36
  • msg #24

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Phew."  Mongrel over-dramatically wiped his brow.  "Here, I thought she was going to upstage all my hard work."

"I don't see this exercise as a competition, folks.  Though you can go that route if you want to.   Collaboration and cooperation is often a crucial factor in the field."

And, again... this fairly placid exercise is going to get interrupted.  Because that's the way these things always work.  Until you guys go proactive and decide to seek shit out, shit'll find you instead :)
PC, 85 posts
H3 Blue
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 09:49
  • msg #25

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Alexey winced at the mispronunciation.  "Alexey it's ok."  He replied in a meek voice, eager for the public attention on him to end.  He sent a few nervous glances at the others and shifted his weight with discomfort.

"Maybe....we just to look?"  He suggested, rising a few feet into the air.  The idea of looking for something that might well have actively moving parts, possibly even buried as they may be, sounded strikingly simple to him even before his senses had kicked into overdrive in Michigan.  With his new senses... he was desperate not to outshine anyone, especially by accident.
NPC, 60 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 11:29
  • msg #26

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


"Okay." Mom said.  "They're here.  Do you have everything you need?"  She asked again.

The two women on the street outside didn't look like parole-officers or wardens or whatever the hell they were supposed to be that was supposed to keep an eye on her .

Tiffany she'd met.  Tall, blonde, with a tiny dancer's build.   She was dressed in designer jeans and a black a bomber jacket with gold trim, looking too much like a social media icon.   In fact, she looked a lot more confident and self-possessed than the first time Marie had seen her, cowering in the corner of the closet of the mansion.  She'd been at the araignment and at the plea-bargain.   Eventually, Marie found out that Tiffany was responsible for the lawyer she'd had--it hadn't been a state-assigned lawyer after all.

The young black woman at her side was more athletic.  She was of average height but had a powerful build with shoulders that seemed just a little too big for her.  She wore dark glasses and a conservative black suit that looked light and probably very easy to move in.  Her head kept moving, as she kept scanning the street, while Tiffany blathered on about something.

Marie had met Lizette once only, after the sentence was handed down.  Lizette Thibodeaux was to be her contact to ensure that the "restorative justice" approach was going to work.   She was apparently one of AEIGS' working representatives.  In the--very brief--interview they'd had Lizette had spent time explaining what the Hubert House project was all about and asked a couple of questions, mostly about Marie's feelings.  Marie got the feeling there was going to be a lot of talk about feelings.

But what stuck out in Marie's mind when she recalled that brief interview, was that Lizette had, at one point, gone still across the table from Marie.  Her eyes defocussed and she held the thousand-yard stare for maybe five seconds before coming back to the conversation.  And in that moment, time slowed for Marie.  She'd swear that Lizette's eyes had glowed--the little circle of light between iris and pupil glowed with a blue-grey night that was in no way related to human eye-colors.  And then Lizette approved the advocacy, signing off on the paperwork, without further questions.

Apparently, they were driving off to sailor-point for a meet and greet with the Hubert House people, the place she was bound to spend a great portion of her time for the next year.   Lizette drove.   Tiffany sat in the back-seat, insisting that Marie take the front.

So, there's the lead in.  I'd apprecviate your writing the arrival on-scene.   You've got free-reign to write Tiffany and Lizette as you wish. though I'll NPC them if there's any immediate combat-action necessary.


Lizette Thibodeaux -

Tiffany Grace -

Yes, this is the same Tiffany Grace you and Matt helped get to the Canadian Embassy

This message was last edited by the player at 11:31, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
PC, 94 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 14:05
  • msg #27

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

In reply to Alexey (msg # 25):

Teranovae persisted, "Oh! I'm sorry you misunderstood me.. I would like to know how to pronounce your surname properly Mr. Alexey? Language is one of my interests."

She ponders for a few seconds, " sounds Polish, so perhaps its ~ Vis' Nef-Ski? Is that the correct pronunciation?"
PC, 122 posts
H2 Yellow
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 16:15
  • msg #28

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Adrianna looks slightly anxious as she steps forward to speak.

I'd like to work as a team. I'm fully dedicated to being a heroine and all the risk that involves. I'd recommendwe split the area into a grid. We work as a team and help if we finish our grids first.
Prospect, 31 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 18:12
  • msg #29

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Marie nodded to her mother, sighing. "I have everything." She said, with a simple nod. "I know I did not say it before Mom, but thank you." She looked down for a moment. "Jail would have been..." She had a good idea what would have happened in jail, it would have been a death sentence. She'd of likely lost control more then once. This at least, gives her a chance.

The teen then turned and walked towards the car. The soft blue glow of her eyes is only missed by the fact that she has sunglasses on to conceal the fact. Marie wasn't a bad looking girl herself, thin, yet athletic and toned build. She had short blonde hair that stopped just above her shoulders, and was wearing worn jeans and a grey hoodie. The look on her face though was daunting, because it was pure indifference. No emotion on it, at least for right now.

She'd walk up to the pair, a backpack in one hand, and a duffle bag in the other. Looking between them for a moment, she finally turned and placed her stuff in the trunk before coming back around to them. "Hello Tiffany, Lizette." Her tone was somewhat, dry of emotion. Lizette could tell it was different from there last meeting, meaning she was learning to not just control, but suppress her emotions.

Marie would remain quiet on the drive for the most part. Remaining in her own little world. She was being taken away from her friends and family, from her world, rightfully so. She knew it had to happen, or at some point something bad would happen again. Something worse. It was when she thought that, that she finally said something. "Will the two Officer's I hurt be alright?" When Lizette gave her an affirmative answer she nodded once. "Good, I'm glad." It was hard to tell, given the emotionless tone in her voice.

Unless they asked her anything for the rest of the drive, she'd remain quiet, just looking out the window of the car. Upon arrival, Marie would pause for a moment, taking in the area. "I expected a house." She said in that dry emotionless tone, as she finally got out of the car.
PC, 95 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 21:26
  • msg #30

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Teranovae, noting the arriving car... creates a hemetite surf-board and sets the files she was handed down on the board which encases them out of sight.  She then walks over to the car as it stops.

When the women get out she addresses Marie.  Standing before her is a tall, at least 6'ft, woman dressed in for lack of better description some kind of superhero outfit{?!?} in all green.  She looks to be in her 20's perhaps? Her hair and eyes are also a bright green... including her eyebrows and eye lashes... giving wonder to if that is her natural hair color?  She is stunningly beautiful and smiles cheerfully as they get out of the car.

Her voice is mellow but strong, "Greetings Marie, I was told you would be joining us.  I'm Teranovae, one of the residents of the Hubert House, I'm glad to have you with us dear!  You have kind of caught us in a training session ~ scavenger hunt... we are not a 'formal' hero team... as many of our girls are beginners just like you!  We're not forcing any of them to take up the mantle of superhero... that is there choice, of course as is yours.  But right now this exercise is the gain some familiarity with their powers and practice using them in practical ways.  We can ALL use better control of our gifts hero or just civilian living with powers."

"But worry not, no one expects you to have masterful control as yet, and I know that is something you desire!  Come take a seat we'll talk a little about your abilities before you may decide if you wish to join in..."

She gestures invitingly to a place near one of the concrete bunkers and her hand glows a soft green light as she exerts her will to Control Geosphere and the very concrete morphs into a flowstone like park bench and table with all smooth edges and surface... looking terribly comfortable.

She smiles with an openness that touches her lovely green eyes, "This way please...!"

Floating near her without any obvious support is a 8'ft long perhaps 1 inch thick, stone surf-board like plane of smooth black mirrory hematite that follows her in silence floating along some 1 foot above the ground.  You would almost think it was being repelled from the ground by magnetic force as it slightly bobs in the air like a cork in water staying within 10 ft of her at all times.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:37, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
Prospect, 32 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 22:13
  • msg #31

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

She lifts a brow as she looks at the tall woman. "You're tall." The a bit shorter blonde haired girl said in that emotionless tone. Cocking her head to one said as she looked at her a moment, it was hard to tell if she was actually looking at Teranovae or past her considering the sunglasses Marie wore.

"I doubt you would call what I have a gift, if you knew the downsides that came with them." She said emotionlessly, looking around at the rest of the facility as Teranovae spoke. "Do you REALLY think I can control this?"

"I see now. The name fits." Came that same tone as she watched her manipulate the stone.

[OOC: Marie obviously tries her hardest to suppress her emotions, to he point that it shows in the way she speaks and sometimes in her mannerisms. I'm sure part of the brief about her is a speculation that her abilities are tied directly to her emotions, but I'll let Control decide that part. :)

Also posted a pic of her on her description page. ;)]

This message was last edited by the player at 22:14, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
PC, 96 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 23:02
  • msg #32

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

She lifts a brow as she looks at the tall woman. "You're tall."

Teranovae laughs lightly, "Haha, snicker, Yes... the first 'offical' time I died.. I was a foot shorter!"

"I doubt you would call what I have a gift, if you knew the downsides that came with them." She said emotionlessly, looking around at the rest of the facility as Teranovae spoke. "Do you REALLY think I can control this?"

Then Teranovae meets her gaze eye to eye and reaches out to gently pats her hand, "Marie, I know that it may not seem a gift now, but I'll tell you this ~ I did not at first think my powers were a 'Gift' either, in fact I did not feel worthy of them and I was a danger to those around me.  When my emotions affect the geosphere around me.. I get angry volcanos awaken, I get sad... stone and rock turn to mud, I become suicidal.. earthquakes rip through the country.  Believe me.. it was not easy accepting my un-mortal state and I tried to escape it ~ Permanently to no lasting result!  But eventually with hard work and willpower, I learned to control, gain a level of mastery and Much more importantly ~ Accept I was something else and in the end embrace that new existence!  Nothing is certain, Marie... but if I can learn to control my powers I'm sure we can help you do the same.  You are not alone!"
This message was last edited by the player at 23:26, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
PC, 123 posts
H2 Yellow
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 23:12
  • msg #33

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Seeing the new arrival Adrianna zips over to her. At first she let's Sandra do the talking then decides to jump in on the bit about control.

All of us are working to gain control over our abilities. And the Sentinels are here to help as well. We could be in no better hands. Being part of a team means that there has to be trust roo though. We'rebuilding that trust starting today.

Adrianna looks around at her group. She sincerely hopes to help forge them into a force for good. A team that stands for good and justice and righteous punishment. This fire burns inside her like no passion she has ever known and she knows that she can't do it alone.
GM, 487 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 23:41
  • msg #34

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Side notes:

Let's assume that introductions are made all around, so that Terranova didn't just cut her away from the crowd, leaving everyone wondering who the hell this new girl was :)
It's important that Marie has been introduced, before, to Dylan Liu (the show producer and, essentially, the head of the Hubert House Project).  So, he's a known factor.

Two of the Sentinels (Princess and Mongrel) are on-site, but largely giving them space.   The others... are still localized around the entrance/picnic area.

Expect these kinds of side-notes often.   I'd rather insert these things now and again than try to rewrite stuff that's already perfectly fine as is.

NPC, 61 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 23:56
  • msg #35

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Grid pattern." Mongrel repeated with what looked like it was probably a smile.  Hard to tell on a humano-canine face.  "somebody knows the basics of search & rescue!"

"It may take a while.  It's okay.  When I started, I thought it was going to be adventure all the time.  Mostly, it's long periods of intense boredom punctuated by brief flurries of ohmygod! whatthehellwasthat? AmIgoingtodie?
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