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10:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

02.11: Training Games at Sailor Point.

Posted by ControlFor group 0
GM, 488 posts
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 00:00
  • msg #36

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

So... Alexey's heading up for an aerial view.

I'll need each of you to give me a straight Perception role.   One roll should do it.  I've got three targets, but I'm only going to tell you the minimum DC.  Your results will define the groupings.

Everyone may Roll Perception vs DC15

I'll generate groups and narratives from your results.

PC, 117 posts
H2 Blue
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 00:08
  • msg #37

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Alexey.  Wiśniewski."

She ponders for a few seconds, " sounds Polish, so perhaps its ~ Vis' Nef-Ski? Is that the correct pronunciation?"

Virginia appears unexpectedly next to Teranovae. She has the same expression on her face that Cythi saw at Bacon Inc.. She stares at the chiseled mountain called Alexey.

"Wiśniewski? I just wanted to say I used to know someone with that name. It was a teacher. She pronounced it 'Wish nes ski'. She told us to call her Miss Wish! If that...if that is right, we could call you Mr. Wish?!"

She ends with wry smirk and starts humming 'When You Wish Upon a Star".
Prospect, 33 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 00:18
  • msg #38

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

She looked between the two women that were talking to her. "We'll see what happens." She said in that emotionless tone. "I'm Marie, what's your name?"

Then she looked towards Tera. "It is a nice goal, control." She said as she sat down in the offered seat. "Tell me, did your powers go off because you were emotional, or because they were tied to your emotions?"

[OOC: Forgot Marie's Perception. Edited that in for ya.

19:38, Today: Marie rolled 25 using 1d20+12.  Perception.]

This message was last edited by the player at 00:38, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
PC, 118 posts
H2 Blue
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 00:23
  • msg #39

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


So are we in theater actively looking for these objects now? Is that why you are calling for a perception roll?

PC, 97 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 00:31
  • msg #40

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Then she looked towards Tera. "It is a nice goal, control." She said as she sat down in the offered seat. "Tell me, did your powers go off because you were emotional, or because they were tied to your emotions?"

Teranovae ponders briefly Marie's question, "A subtle, difference... but I'd have to say they are tied to my emotions. I think even were I being irrational the genuine feelings I was experiencing would have side effects upon the geosphere of the planet~..."

Virginia appears unexpectedly next to Teranovae. She has the same expression on her face that Cythi saw at Bacon Inc.. She stares at the chiseled mountain called Alexey.

"Wiśniewski? I just wanted to say I used to know someone with that name. It was a teacher. She pronounced it 'Wish nes ski'. She told us to call her Miss Wish! If that...if that is right, we could call you Mr. Wish?!"

She ends with wry smirk and starts humming 'When You Wish Upon a Star".

Teranovae chuckles... and sings softly, 'The Dream that you Wish ~ will come true..!'

But then something caught Teranovae's attention...

19:23, Today: Sandra rolled 20 using 1d20+6.  Teranovae Perception [+6]. – 20
This message was last edited by the player at 00:32, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
PC, 119 posts
H2 Blue
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 01:13
  • msg #41

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

20:12, Today: Virginia rolled 16 using 1d20+4.  perception.
GM, 489 posts
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 01:27
  • msg #42

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

So are we in theater actively looking for these objects now? Is that why you are calling for a perception roll?

I'm using the rolls as a unbiased way of deciding who's together when they find something... My thinking here is that the search itself isn't particularly interesting.   It gets interesting when you find the things and have to deal with whatever conflict or complications they introduce.  So... shortly, I'll post the discover of the items.

If you all can follow it, I'm totally okay with doing preamble introductions/discussions at the same time in-thread as the search/discovery.  So long as we acknowledge that they're taking place in linearly different times.
Apparently, this is causing some concern among some players.  So, I guess i'll just hold on to the results til later.

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:25, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
PC, 195 posts
H2 Lavendar
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 01:39
  • msg #43

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi gets ready to attend to the task at hand.  Planning on doing the best she can.

Perception - 19

18:38, Today: Cythi rolled 19 using 1d20+2.  Perception.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:39, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
PC, 98 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 02:46
  • msg #44

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

In reply to Control (msg # 42):

@ Cythri - I think its more a matter of the post rate.  I don't think anyone was specifically ignoring you... I in fact did indicate an acknowledgement of your post but there were so many other posts between your last post and your current one... you could still react to the post I made.  Sandra was kind of jumped with introducing a new character so it has taken a bit of her focus just this moment.  But I always try to acknowledge a post made by a player who reacts to something I posted.
PC, 197 posts
H2 Lavendar
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 02:53
  • msg #45

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

(OOC - I posted in the OOC and edited my post.  Either way is there a reason you type Cythri instead of Cythi?)
Prospect, 35 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 03:01
  • msg #46

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Then she looked towards Tera. "It is a nice goal, control." She said as she sat down in the offered seat. "Tell me, did your powers go off because you were emotional, or because they were tied to your emotions?"

Teranovae ponders briefly Marie's question, "A subtle, difference... but I'd have to say they are tied to my emotions. I think even were I being irrational the genuine feelings I was experiencing would have side effects upon the geosphere of the planet~..."

"I see." She said with a simple nod. "The difference between the two is more then subtle. In my opinion at least. One, when you gain control of your powers does not matter what happens when you lose control of your emotions. The other, even if you have control of your powers, still could erupt even if you lose control of your emotions." She explained, without emotion. "That is my opinion though, and I challenge you to change it."
PC, 99 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 03:18
  • msg #47

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Teranovae smiles, "There is a difference in people too... you are not me.. I am not you.. what works for me.. might not necessarily work for you.  Not right and wrong, good or bad... just different. We're different, we have different psychological make-ups, and bring different mental baggage and pain inside to the table.  But together.. we can work to find what works best for you ~ with the MUCH REDUCED stress that knowing ~ NO ONE here is judging you or demanding you learn control in any particular way.  Together we can walk the path of YOU finding YOUR center! YOUR WAY!!"

"The point being.. you'll not have to travel it alone and we are FAR more resilient and able to handle the growing pains of your journey of discover!  We'll be by your side when you fail and when you succeed! Until we can all rejoice WITH you when you find your balance and freedom from your fears!"

"We're not going to change your opinion.. neither do we want to!  You are not alone Anymore in this..we've all been there.. and we're here for you, Marie!  We just want to help you find your OWN truth, together as your Sisters of Power!"

OOC: @ Cythi:  Darn it! I did it again... I usually catch my mispelling! Sorry!
PC, 199 posts
H2 Lavendar
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 04:05
  • msg #48

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi speaks up, "I do not know the basics of search and rescue but if that is what it is I will do it."  She suggests and half askssays having maybe heard the term but never knowing really what it was.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:52, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
PC, 124 posts
H2 Yellow
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 11:55
  • msg #49

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

06:54, Today: Adrianna rolled 15 using 1d20+3. Perception

Adrianna takes her search seriously. In her mind she tells herself it's a bomb near a school and she's determined to find it.
Prospect, 37 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Thu 4 Feb 2021
at 04:58
  • msg #50

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Marie lifted a brow at the name 'Sisters of Power'. Finally she took off her sunglasses, revealing her eyes which are glowing a soft blue. She then facepalms. "I hope that's not going to be our team name, not unless you plan on us being porno Power Rangers." It appeared as though she was trying not to laugh, she was struggling to suppress it.

"So, what's going on here?" She asked, looking around again. "Why meet here, instead of the house?"
PC, 125 posts
H2 Yellow
Thu 4 Feb 2021
at 05:27
  • msg #51

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

To get a feel for your powers as well as work on control like everyone else here. We all need better control whether we decide to go full supe or not, although I'm hoping everyone else chooses that option.
PC, 201 posts
H2 Lavendar
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 02:49
  • msg #52

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi for now goes into more of an observation mode.  She does give a wave to the new girl but does not want to interrupt anyone else.  That though is more of the way she was raised then anything else.  Still she makes note of everything her perception allows.
PC, 102 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 03:17
  • msg #53

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

In reply to Marie (msg # 50):

Taranovae blinks, and then a smile splits her face and She chuckles, "Haha...oh Certainly not.. I was just being little flowery in my wording ~ and clearly failing! Yeah that would be a horrid name!" 'snicker'

"It is only currently the majority of our members are women... we would not want to exclude Alexey.. or make him feel unwelcome with such a name.  But we're getting ahead of ourselves... a team name is not needed we are not a 'team' yet, and personally I'm more familiar with being a solo hero.  Though I did once ponder requesting joining the Sentinels, but I'm still undecided. I like my freedom.  But that is topic for another time."

"As to what going on here Adrianna speaks true.. this is just a training exercise.. a scavenger hunt for technological devices hidden by Mongrel in the park vicinity."

Teranovae gestures and her hands glow a emerald radiance and the flowstone bench and stools she'd made before morph again into a very detailed stone topographical map of the Bunker Park evirons.

"The park is oblong in shape so we could split it up into say four or five sections sections to begin the search...", to which the map develops colored stone boundaries de-marked in the topographical map.  The Far North Shore. The Central Bunker. The Parking Green {where tourists could lay out campers}, and the Far South Shore. Then a high bluff area behind the Central Bunkers.

"Who wants Which section?"

OOC: I do not have an actual map.. so the 'sections' I listed are purely made up unless the GM wants to specifically define some areas.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:21, Fri 05 Feb 2021.
Prospect, 39 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 03:30
  • msg #54

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"How's a scavenger hunt for technological devices supposed to help us learn to control our powers?" She asked, finally putting her sunglasses back on to conceal her glowing eyes again. "I mean, I can help with it, given some of my skills I'd be supperb at finding things, but my curse is useless for such a task. Unless..." She did take a look at Mongrel, then back to Tera. "Are there any rules I should know about?" A small grin played at her lips.
PC, 128 posts
H2 Yellow
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 03:30
  • msg #55

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Adrianna looks at a rough sketch and comes up with a simple plan.

We don't have time to get fancy. We'll break it into 4 quadrants. Sandra will take northeast, I'll take northwest. We can both cover ground very quickly. Cythi and Virginia take southeast, Alexey and Marie take southwest. Once we clear our areas meet back here. This can be our staging area. Ready? Break!
PC, 103 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 05:13
  • msg #56

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

In reply to Marie (msg # 54):

Teranovae smiles at Marie, "You have such pretty eyes... why do you hide them?  But as for the scavenger hunt... I'm expecting there will be some... offensive surprises guarding the concealed devices!" She 'winks'!

She wags her finger chidingly at Marie, "Now-Now... no use of ESP! I can also sense when and where anything has been altered in the natural earth... so buried things are easy to find... but I have agreed to not use that sense in the spirit of fairness to the other scavengers... you should too!  But we'll leave it to the Honor system eh?", 'grin'

Turning to Adrianna, "Very well I'll take the Central Bunker area and you have the Far North Shore..."

Teranovae gestures to her 8'ft Hematite Stone Surf-board, it floats over as she step on it and off she flies... at a significant speed...
This message was last edited by the player at 05:20, Fri 05 Feb 2021.
PC, 123 posts
H2 Blue
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 10:47
  • msg #57

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Turning to Cythi, Virginia says, "Yay, we're together! Uhm, I think that is the direction she means" and she points." She begins walking in that direction

"Now the Easter Bunny did not leave eggs this year, instead it is a weird mechanical box. I don't want to see the chicken that laid that! But this should be a walk in the park! Get it? And if we find ours early, we can go help Alexey ...." She makes eyes at Cythi with a laugh.
PC, 202 posts
H2 Lavendar
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 20:30
  • msg #58

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi was actually happy, "I actually got that reference."  She states almost falling down laughing at the jokes that Virginia made.

"I am more than game to find this and then help the others as needed."  Not understanding the eyes made but still happy to help everyone she can.
PC, 124 posts
H2 Blue
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 23:03
  • msg #59

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


After walking around a minute but really only getting started Virginia stops and puts her hands on her hips. She gives the immediate area a once over then turns to Cythi.

"What is something that makes you smile? Something that makes you happy? Hmm, or first, do you have any special gifts for finding these lost tool boxes?"
PC, 203 posts
H2 Lavendar
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 23:58
  • msg #60

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Honest answer to the second part is no.  I can teleport all over and see if I can find it but other than that I don't really have any senses.  That said I will be honest I don't know what you can do either.  But that said, I know I can teleport, blast things, heal both myself and others, blast people..."  She trails off thinking for a second, "I can also summon a staff that I can use in combat if ever I need to get hand to hand.  I also can lift more then you would think."  She says listing off everything so nothing is hidden from her bestest friend.
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