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10:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

02.11: Training Games at Sailor Point.

Posted by ControlFor group 0
PC, 125 posts
H2 Blue
Sat 6 Feb 2021
at 00:51
  • msg #61

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


Virginia narrows her eyes and she sinks into pretend envious duck lips as Cythi tells all her gifts, sounding more and more awesome!

"Uhm yeah, I got nothing like that. You are way hot stuff for sure! But maybe I got one trick that can help us." She does sneaky spy eyes left and right.

"And since you are my new bestie, I am comfortable showing youuu. Now don't laugh!"
She pauses. "Ok ok, actually if YOUuuuu laugh, it is alright! It izzz kind of funny!" She gives a cackle!

"Stay right there for a moment ...." Virginia turns away shagging with her shoulder blades as she goes as if hearing some tune in her head. She walks behind a chunk of concrete covered in ivy. She gives a beaming smile back at Cythi the moment before she disappears.

Cythi stands there waiting ... waiting and then she sees it. She almost missed it but a tiny person comes walking back around the wall. She is smaller than a barbie doll, like only six inches tall! She is blonde, dressed in green, and wears pom pom toed slippers. She looks just like a famous Dizney character, Tinkerbella! Wings and all! Only this is no cartoon, it is Virginia!

She throws up her arms and presents herself. "It's me!"
Prospect, 40 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Sat 6 Feb 2021
at 03:11
  • msg #62

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"...beautiful eyes. Can you even see them past the glow?" She said looking at her a moment. "I hide them because they show I am using my curse, the more of them I am using the brighter that they glow. Want to see?"

"ESP? Oh...Extra Sensory Perception, right? I have nothing like that. I can read minds though." She said with a simple nod. "I've learned to even use it to just glimpse into a mind just enough to know how someone is going to attack me so I can better defend myself. So much so, it just happens now."

She just sighed and shook her head. Then walked over to the only male of the group from the house. "I assume you are Alexey?" She said in that emotionless tone.
PC, 204 posts
H2 Lavendar
Sat 6 Feb 2021
at 03:53
  • msg #63

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi was actually looking around when Virginia appears.  "Oh that is just adorable.  I mean super neat."  Cythi honestly says without any laughter at all.  Sad part is she had never seen a Disney movie.  "Are you a little winged person....a fairy?"  She asks having seen it in a book somewhere at some point recently.

A moment or two later, "OK that settles it you have the coolest of powers!"
PC, 126 posts
H2 Blue
Sat 6 Feb 2021
at 12:04
  • msg #64

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"How is this even cool when they are looking for heroes? I look like a Christmas ornament! What criminal would stop for this? Or even see me for that matter?"

She slaps her hands to her hips and gives a motorboat with her lips.

"Thanks...for not laughing though. You are the first here to see this. To access my powers I have to go fairy. Which is why... watch this..."

Her wings begin to flutter. They quickly become a blur and she rises smoothly off the ground. She floats up to Cythi's eye level and gives her a wink. Cythi can now see her friend wears a tiny belt of itsy bitsy jingle bells around her waist too. They look familiar, like some Virginia purchased at the craft store the morning they wandered about town.

Virginia hovers back away a few feet.

"See, I can fly! I can do a couple other things too but... ok now don't be alarmed. I am going to do some fairy magic on you! I am going to sprinkle you with magic dust!"

Virginia gives a slight twitch and a burst of particles spring from her, engulfing Cythi! They are shiny gold in color and it is much a mixture of glitter as it is dust. It sticks to Cythi all over who now appears ready to attend a rave!

"Oop, sorry sorry! That was way too much! Still trying to get that under control. It is all harmless I promise. I have a lint roller to help get that off you later. Oh gee, there is alot in your hair too. But now .... you can FLY!"

Virginia spins and points to the sky out of habit. She mentally admonishes herself for thinking she is still acting at the theme park. Or is it the stuff inside her making her play the part? She is not certain.

"Just think about something that makes you happy and you will FLY! Like... raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with strings, and bacon is one of my favorite things!!" She sings!

You now have free flight control rank 4. 35 mph. Happy thoughts are required though. Without some happy thought in your mind you will sink back to the ground. But it should not have to consume your thoughts to the exclusion of other things.

"Come on up and we can look for these things together!"
PC, 205 posts
H2 Lavendar
Sun 7 Feb 2021
at 22:33
  • msg #65

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi is just happy in general.  Considering how she was raised one would think she would be depressed but surprisingly not.  She does not even mind being covered in raver scabies.  "I have never flown before.  This is really cool."  She says as she tries to control as best she can.  But on first try she goes flying at a tree but a simple teleport manages to avoid it.

After a minute of figuring it out she does gain the capacity to control it at which point her smile beams.  "Thank-you for this.  I now know what a bird feels.   This is literally the greatest thing anyone has ever done for me.  Thank-you."  She says back.  "I will happily find some way to repay the debt to you."

PC, 127 posts
H2 Blue
Mon 8 Feb 2021
at 00:28
  • msg #66

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Virginia cries out and hides her face in her hands believing Cythi is about to hit that tree! "WATCH OUT!"

When the thud never happens she peeps out and is relieved to see she somehow missed it!

She giggles and chuckles watching Cythi trying to earn her wings. "Now you are getting it!" She flies up next to Cythi. "I thought we could see more from up here. Follow me and we can search together. You focus left and I will focus right."

Virginia gets ahead of Cythi at first, trying to guide her through some slow maneuvers as they look. They do long sweeping turns, upward climbs, downward swoops, and some hovers as they scan the area for the metal thing. When Cythi seems to have it under control Virginia lands right on her head, dangling her feet over her forehead laughing! Cythi can see her little legs pointing to the left and right giving direction. After a minute she takes a walk down Cythi's back. She stands on her butt and watches from the 'rear' view for a moment. Then with a laugh she flies back up along side her.

"It has to be here somewhere!"

PC, 206 posts
H2 Lavendar
Tue 9 Feb 2021
at 02:55
  • msg #67

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi is still enjoying herself as much as she can considering that they are supposed to be searching for something.  Still in the end now that she has her bearings she can start searching, "You know likely I probably wore the wrong outfit for flying.  You don't think anyone would try to peer up my dress?"  She asks her methodology of being raises still obviously impacting her despite how happy she is.  It shows too as she does not sink even a little.
NPC, 62 posts
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 20:38
  • msg #68

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Getting my feet back under me... will ramp things up now...

"I assume you are Alexey?" She said in that emotionless tone.

Alexey stared with a sudden jerk, as if he'd been lost in reverie.   But Marie had glimpsed enough to see that the rim around his pupils were glowing a bright pulsing cyan.

He shook himself as if reorienting himself and turned to face Marie.   He was a big man, tall and broad-shouldered, but he had a soft, affable face that carried about it the sense of being overwhelmed at out-of-his-element.

He shoved both his hands in his grey hoodie and nodded with a slow, hesitant smile.  "Tak." he said, then, "Yes.  Alexey.  I am he.    You are... also like us, no?  My people.  They are very excited to see you."
NPC, 63 posts
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 20:46
  • msg #69

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


From sixty feet up, the view of Sailor point was breath-taking.  They could see the Bay Bridge and the Council Island, backdropped by the South Shore and the atlas mountains.

And, true enough, their vantage-point gave them a wider breadth of view. able to see much more of the area than otherwise available to them on-foot.

Please give me a basic perception roll. DC16 & 22 respectively.  If you've powers that might apply, you're okay to bring them into play...   I'll describe what you can see based on your results.
GM, 496 posts
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 20:49
  • msg #70

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Actually, Can you give me the basic perception rolls at DC16 & 22 as well, please?   If she's  remaining on the ground, and not searching from the air, you also have the potential for a DC25 spot-hidden.
PC, 137 posts
H2 Blue
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 22:50
  • msg #71

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

17:47, Today: Virginia rolled 20 using 1d20+4.  Perception roll 1. vs DC 16   YES

17:47, Today: Virginia rolled 16 using 1d20+4.  Perception roll 2. vs DC 22   No

PC, 215 posts
H2 Lavendar
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 02:31
  • msg #72

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Fail on both

19:29, Today: Cythi rolled 20 using 1d20+5.  Perception roll 2.

19:29, Today: Cythi rolled 12 using 1d20+5.  Perception roll 1.

Prospect, 50 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 07:36
  • msg #73

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

She cocked her head to one side as she watched his reaction to her introduction.

"Sorry if I do not seem, ecstatic, to meet you but do understand it is nice to meet someone new." She said with an emotionless tone, but a soft smile.

"Like you? What do you mean...? Oh, you mean the...things in me?" She asked, lifting a blonde brow.
PC, 131 posts
H2 Yellow
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 10:24
  • msg #74

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

In reply to Control (msg # 70):

OOC-Rolled 22, 18, and 22 for DCs 18, 22, and 25. Staying on the ground.
PC, 109 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 11:32
  • msg #75

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

'shrug' Control never mentioned Teranovae.
GM, 497 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 19:07
  • msg #76

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

'shrug' Control never mentioned Teranovae.

Apologies.  I thought she was still with Marie.
Of course you can roll at those DCs.

NPC, 64 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 19:17
  • msg #77

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Sorry if I do not seem, ecstatic, to meet you but do understand it is nice to meet someone new." She said with an emotionless tone, but a soft smile.  "Like you? What do you mean...? Oh, you mean the...things in me?" She asked, lifting a blonde brow.

"What?"  Alexey cocked his head a little to the side, his eyes darting momentarily to the side--almost as if he was looking for a quick exit. .  "No.  I mean, you are very... I just... I did not think ecstacy was to be a thing here now.  I am sorry. My English...   Oh.  you're fucking with me, aren't you?"

"My guys have been mostly quiet.  But they won't stop talking about you.  Calling your people ancient bretheren of the radiant dawn. whatever that means.  He stopped again.  Oh.  Oh, they want to tell me.  Sometimes, they don't ever be quiet...  Can I...  Will you let them talk to you?  It is rude to stare, but it's what they want..."

Thus far, we haven't even touched on Marie having any kind of contact with her colony.  It's entirely up to you if she has heretofore.  But if she agrees, she will get that communication after this.   For earlier players, it was an ongoing internal-audio conversation.  Some might experience it as a visual as well.
NPC, 65 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 19:28
  • msg #78

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Virginia, Cythi & Adrianna all  oriented on target-1
So far, they've all missed target-2
Adrianna twigged on target-3.

True enough, raising them sixty or seventy feet into the air gave them a broad view of the area.  From Sailor Point, they could see clear across the gateway islands and the Mallory lighthouse to the bay bridge.

A glint of silver, though, came from one of the cement structures that had housed one of the old gun emplacements.   All that was left of the original structures were the cement bunker and the rusted steel reinforcements that would have served to mount the gun, load the ammunition and store the other necessities of the operation.

So, the gleaming silver stood out pretty strongly.

Up closer, it looked simply as if someone had taken a steel backpack-sized security briefcase--the kind one would expect to be handcuffed to a secret agent in a bad noir movie--and they embedded it into the very cement of the ammunition chamber.

On the exposed hillside where the gun emplacement was located, a brisk breeze came in from the water, offering a chill reminder that  spring was not always warm....

Since you got the third one as well, you've the option of goign in on it with Virginia & Cythi or exploring target-3 all by your self (for now).
This message was last edited by the player at 03:21, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
Prospect, 52 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 23:54
  • msg #79

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

His reply even caused Marie to facepalm. It was hard to maintain emotionlessness with his answer, and his answer. Then she just started laughing. Likely the first time anyone heard her laugh since she had gained her powers. "Oh god, that's so rich...  Shit!" She would quickly regain her composure, taking in several deep breaths to calm herself and still her emotions once more. "Ecstasy and ecstatic are two different things. The first means pleasure, or is synonymous with the word pleasure. Ecstatic means happy, or is synonymous with it."

"Sure, I guess, I have no idea what you are talking about but okay." She said with a shrug.
PC, 110 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 23:55
  • msg #80

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Teranovae perceptions rolls -
18:45, Today: Sandra rolled 22 using 1d20+6.  Perception DC 16. – 22
18:46, Today: Sandra rolled 10 using 1d20+6.  Perception DC 22. – 10

Teranovae spots the flash of silver and angles in her flying hematite surf-board to swoop in to hover near the case embedded in the concrete. Wary she looks around to see if she can spot any electronic surveillance divices watching the embedded case or hidden ambushers ready to strike...

18:54, Today: Sandra rolled 21 using 1d20+6.  Looking for trouble/ambush - Perception. – 21

Then she takes a defensive stance ready for her actions to trigger certain unexpected attack... she stretches out her will and uses Control Geosphere{Move Object - Rk9} to shape the concrete into a clay-like limb and deliver the silver case to her surfboard.  Then reform the concrete back to its mostly smooth surface.

She does not touch the case but is focused on watching her surroundings for attack...
This message was last edited by the player at 23:57, Wed 24 Feb 2021.
PC, 139 posts
H2 Blue
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 10:47
  • msg #81

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Virginia heads toward the object glinting in the sun. While she probably could have poured on the speed and gotten there first, when she sees Teranovae swooping in, she pulls up and simply watches from about 100 feet out. She observes for any trouble.
PC, 219 posts
H2 Lavendar
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 04:40
  • msg #82

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi follows Virginia around for the most part not being the most observant but tries to follow along and see what she sees which includes the scene unfolding below.
NPC, 66 posts
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 16:53
  • msg #83

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

@Cythi, @Sandra,  @Virginia

Terrranovae zoomed past Virginia and Cytheria to get right down to the gun emplacement before they could.  She didn't notice anything obvious in her quick scan around the area.  So, it didn't look like there was anyone looking to leap out at her when she melted the concrete.

So, there she stood on her hematite surfboard, hovering above the gun emplacement with the metal brief-case in front of her, poised for an attack that didn't seem to be coming...   She'd zoomed in and taken possession of the metal briefcase successfully, while Virginia and Cythi hovered a little above her and watched.

Sandra:    So... what now?

Cythi: how do you feel?  Lack of happy thoughts will impact your flight, after all...

Virginia:  You're a pixie right now, right?

This message was last edited by the player at 16:54, Fri 26 Feb 2021.
NPC, 67 posts
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 17:13
  • msg #84

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


While the others took to the air, Adrianna covered a lot of ground very very quickly.   One of her criss-crossed patterns led her into a little wooded copse of trees with a soggy ground.  A recent rainfall had made it more of a swamp than solid ground and even moving at her usual rapid pace, she could feel the drag of the mud.  It wasn't enough to seriously impede her--maybe f she stood in one place--but she was becoming attuned to the variances in her speed and flow of things.

The trees were clostered together closely, but they were all fairly young and from otuside the copse of trees, it looked bare, as if they were diseased.   But inside the copse, beyond the initial frontage of bare branches, it was more lush,  The trees were tall, and slim, stretching forth toward the light, leaving lots of space between them, while the canopy overhead was comparatively dense.

And several meters within the trees was a veritable metal man!

It could have been a deactivated robot or a metal sculpture.   In shape, it looked sort of like Ultramarine, from the Sentinels--and it certainly could be him.  But the coloring was all wrong.  It was black and blue with rough edges.  It looked as if the thing had been rusting away for some time.   Maybe an earlier  battlesuit prototype?

It stood nearly seven feet tall, bulky and ominous in a straight neutral stance, arms folded in front of it and head down.    It had sunk a good foot and a half into the mud, as the mud came up to it's just below it's knees.

Decommissioned. the thought came to her unbidden.  The voice was her own, but it wasn't her.

I'm kinda envisioning it as follows:

This message was last edited by the player at 17:13, Fri 26 Feb 2021.
NPC, 68 posts
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 17:23
  • msg #85

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

@Marie & @Alexey

  "Okay."  Alexey took a couple of steps forward and raised his hands--it looked vaguely like he was trying to surrender.  But it occurred to Marie that he was trying to show that he had no ill intentions and that he was--quite literally--keeping his hands to himself.

And then he just... gazed at her.

For a moment, it was just vaguely uncomfortable, him staring into her eyes, searching, probing, yearning--wait--yearning?

His eyes flashed a purplish blue and there was an enormous peal of thunder and church bells tolled.

We are freed!  a voice cried, exultant.   Oh Bright Lady!   We stayed silent as you commanded, but we have been without your blessing for so long!   The dawn-treaders call to us.  Will you consent to us responding?

Alexey's expression took on a puzzled mien.  But the glow between his pupils and irises continued to pulse.

Well, I'm sure that was unexpected.  your little guys are awake now.   Welcome to godhood.  Time to meet your worshippers.
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