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02.11: Training Games at Sailor Point.

Posted by ControlFor group 0
GM, 431 posts
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 05:07
  • msg #2

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Sailor Point.
Sailor Point is a private, city-owned parkland area in the Hook Point area on the North Shore.  It's the site of a series of gun-emplacements (the guns themselves have long since been removed) guarding against the possibility of coastal attacks during WWI and WWII.  Now, it's abandoned but it remains undeveloped.   There was a half-hearted effort to make it a historical site, but it's largely overgrown.

The US MIlitary,AEGIS, and the ECPD use it for training grounds for team-tactics, etc.  It's also occasionally leased out to private firms for similar training.  It's also been used occasionally, for paint-ball tournaments.  The area is swept regularly for unexploded ordinances and the like, and it has to be decalred safe after any such training purposes.  There are rules and guidelines in place for organizations to clean up after themselves.  Nobody wants an accidental death on their hands.

Of the buildings that remain (all low, squat single-floor buildings, most are only one room, very utility-oriented) have all been welded shut.

There are four open-air gun-emplacements (like Disappearing_gun_emplacement.jpg and Macaulay-Point-Park) and an observation platform at the highest-point in the park.

There is a series of four other buildings--temporary barracks, latrine and ammunition supply dump (all inactive, empty shells).  Only one building is active and maintained, and it's right at the front entrance.  A small parking-lot sits beside it.  There is a general-purpose meeting room and  an open-air covered picnic area with an open-air barbecue grill set-up (you'll need to provide your own charcoal or whatever).

Cement paths--decades old--line the park.  Most are overgrown and encroached upon by the local flora.  Some of the local wildlife also wanders through, suggesting that the fences that surround the entire area might not all be contiguous.
NPC, 54 posts
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 07:39
  • msg #3

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

The Sentinels knew each other at least somewhat before they teamed up, but stories had it that none of them had worked together more than a few times.  Now, six months after the silver storm, months later, the Sentinels have more or less cemented their role as heroes in Emerald City and are well known.

Some members are, naturally more accepted than others.  Rook, for all his investigatory expertise tends to engender a certain amount polarized feelings.  Some appreciate his brusque directness while others feel that it's too unpolished.

The slick, streamlined battlesuit, Ultramarine, seeems to have been embraced well, though little is known about the person wearing the armor.

Princess and Siren seem to have garnered fairly widespread support and acceptance.  They were powerful women in their own right.  It didn't hurt that they were pretty.

Other members participated on occasion--which meant that down the road there was potential that you might actually be working alongside the Sentinels.   But for now, it was only Princess and Mongrel who met them.

By the time they made their way to Sailor Point,  Princess and Mongrel were waiting under the picnic covering.

Mongrel looked the part of the classical wolf-man, albeit in a brown and tan uniform.  He stood leaning against one of the picnic tables, his face nearly buried in his cel-phone, while Princess sat on top of it beside a bucket of Colonel's chicken.

When they pulled up, she hopped off the picnic table, showing her trademarked pink shirt with the word "PRINCESS" in shiny silver bling across her chest.

"Hey there!" She called out.   "We've got the park for the afternoon.  Only place we're not supposed to go is the former ammunition depot.  They're doing night-time hostage extraction excercises tonight."

"So..."  Mongrel stood up, putting his cel-phone behind him.   "How many are you?"

Even speaking normally, it sounded like a growl.

Mongrel, however, seemed to get the brunt of a lot of flack on a account of his beastial nature.  Internet forums continually debate whether he's a man-dog or a dog-man.

Princess was tall, blonde and built like a fitness trainer.  She wore her classic blue-jeans and pink short-sleeved t-shirt with the word "PRINCESS" emblazoned on the front.

She waved as the folks drove in.
PC, 119 posts
H2 Yellow
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 08:06
  • msg #4

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Walking toward the pair, Adrianna went to greet them wearing a high durability set of yoga pants and a dark blue tank top with a black band around the middle. She had her hair up in a ponytail today and was wearing sensible black and white trainers.

I'm not sure how many are coming other than Terranovae. I'm pretty sure most will drop by though. It's a pleasure to meet you both.

Adrianna extends her hand toward Mongrel first as he was on her right side and had asked the question.
PC, 82 posts
H3 Blue
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 14:33
  • msg #5

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

The tall man gave a polite, if nervous, smile to the two 'coaches' for the day's session.  It actually softened more when looking at Mongrel; something about the canid features of the man made Alexey somehow less intimidated.  The idea of the training session, though, hit a little close to home.

"You are train us for to save Ms. Saint James?"  He asked, puzzled and maybe a little worried.  Or a lot worried.  But that was the only rescue Alexey could picture needing to train for, and sending them in sounded like a giant risk.
PC, 190 posts
H2 Lavendar
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 18:40
  • msg #6

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi does plan on taking part so as such arrives as well bringing any that chose to take the quick trip to the location.

She smiles to all there and says, "Hi."  And then listens to the action plan.
PC, 88 posts
H1 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 19:13
  • msg #7

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Teranovae arrived on her flying surf-board of hemetite-like stone, dressed in her usual Emerald Green costume. She smiled and landed dissolving the stone surf-board somehow that made chemists and physicists scratch their heads.  She walked over to Princess and gave her a friendly sisterly hug, "Nice to see you Prin', Nice job catching Death Magnetic, still not sure how you got her gift-wrapped!" {chuckle}

Turning to look at Adrianna and Cythri, "...the young ladies from the Hubert House are not necessarily interested in crime-fighting but gaining a bit more proficiency with their powers does seem of interest to some of them.  Though I'm not sure how many will attend."

She cocked her head slightly regarding Alexey, "...sorry.. I have not met you Mr ?  Are you also staying at the Hubert House?"
This message was last edited by the player at 19:15, Sun 31 Jan 2021.
PC, 113 posts
H2 Blue
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 20:22
  • msg #8

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Arriving with Cythi, Viriginia smiles and simply gives a single sweeping wave with one hand. Her hands go behind her back and she listens.
NPC, 14 posts
H1 Yellow
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 07:42
  • msg #9

02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Janava will definitely take Cythi up on the offer for a free transport!

"They'll come." Janava said in a self-assured tone.  "We all need to know what we can do and how to control it."

She still seemed rather subdued after the training-session in the parkade.   There reality that this was a reality was hitting her.  It wasn't some nightmare she could wake up from.   And that meant that if she lost control of her emotions, if she got scared or frightened or even startled, she might turn into...  She really didn't want to think about it.   "And really... how often do people get a private session with the Sentinels?"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:11, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 08:23
  • msg #10

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Princess looked over at Terranovae and smiled.  "That girl is seriously seriously messed up.   I was hoping we could find out who arranged for her prison-break, but she hasn't given us anything yet.   And her alter-ego doesn't know anything!.  It's just such a waste."
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:27, Mon 01 Feb 2021.
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 08:26
  • msg #11

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Mongrel grunted.  It might've been agreement or a passing expression of disapproval about the weather.  But he did take Adrianna's hand when she offered it.

He was gentle--almost painstakingly so.  The flesh of his palm was ridged, like the pads of a wolf, and so very warm.  "A brave step looking for training.  Good step." He said.

He glanced over at Alexey.  "No rescue attempt.  Too risky.  All Miss Terranovae suggested was that we play some games to test the extents of your powers.  You don't need to train to fight.   But it's never a bad idea to train to get out of a fight."

His phone bleeped.

Mongrel pulled the phone out of--presumably--his back pocket.  "Your film crew is almost here.  We've been told to ignore them, for the most part.  But they are going to be here."
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:28, Mon 01 Feb 2021.
PC, 84 posts
H3 Blue
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 10:48
  • msg #12

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Surprisingly, Sandra's lack of familiarity with Alexey came as a comfort.  Dismissing his presence was a lot more of what he was used to than the constant staring on the street.  "Alexey.  Wiśniewski."  He replied, waiting on her to extend a hand before doing it himself.  Most people tended to dismiss him before they had even heard his name, when he was still a mere mortal.

His attention turned back to Mongrel and nodded.  "Ok.  Test.  We start?"
NPC, 55 posts
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 11:35
  • msg #13

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

It didn't take long before a nondescript white panel van drove onto the site.  Emmett was at the wheel and he seemed to know where he was going.  Even before the van was parked, the side door slid open and Archie Hilton jumped out.  But without greeting anybody, he quickly turned and started carting boxes out of the van.

Dylan stepped out of the passenger side and walked up, greeting everyone

If you didn't catch a ride with Adrainna or get there on your own, you could always have come to the site with the van.

"Miss Princess."  Dylan nodded.  "Mr. Mongrel.  Thank-you very much for your time.  It was very gracious of you.


Film Crew

Dylan Liu

Archie Hilton
Tech Lead

Emmett White
Film Crew

PC, 89 posts
H1 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 15:13
  • msg #14

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

In reply to Alexey (msg # 12):

Teranovae smiles at Alexey, and shook his hand gently, "Nice to meet you Alexey... is the second 'w' in your surname silent? 'Wise-knee-ski'...?", as she tried to phonetically pronounce his last name.

Her touch was... strangely very warm... as if something hotter then blood was under her skin.  She had the scent of fresh soil and... perhaps roses?
This message was last edited by the player at 15:15, Mon 01 Feb 2021.
PC, 120 posts
H2 Yellow
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 15:36
  • msg #15

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Adrianna smiles again at Mongreland offer her hand to Princess.

It's an honor to meet you as well. You're a fantastic role model for young women and I hope to be as well. I do intend to pursue fighting crime, perhaps alongside Sandra. She seems dedicated as well.
PC, 115 posts
H2 Blue
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 01:49
  • msg #16

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

You don't need to train to fight.   But it's never a bad idea to train to get out of a fight.

Virginia studies the immediate area as everyone talks. She is surprised these 'heroes' actually look like they do on TV, though she has never really followed them. She leans over to Cythi and speaks softly and perhaps naively.

"The werewolf is much calmer than I expected. I am relieved we are not training to fight. Sounds like we are going to get some training in negotiation tactics...communication skills, de-escalation."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:49, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
PC, 192 posts
H2 Lavendar
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 02:20
  • msg #17

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"I honestly am not sure what I would have expected from a werewolf.  I am guessing that is a werewolf?"  She says back to Virginia silently so only she could hear.  "I will agree on all fronts of that although I will be honest I was hoping for some crime fighting training."

That said she does speak up to clarify that what Teranovae said was not how she felt.  "I will gladly accept the training on combat as well as any training that you may have to offer."  She says to the heroes hoping they will talk to her directly for questions and treat her like she was there and not some errant child and that way she gets the full range of training.

She then offers to the crew, "Is there anything I can do to help if you need help unloading?"
NPC, 56 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 03:06
  • msg #18

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Oh, it's a pleasure.  Definitely."  Princess responded.  "When my powers came on, I didn't know what was going on!  I had some help figuring it out, but I really wish I'd had someone around at the time who  I needn't have been afraid I'd inadvertently crush.  Until you get a feel for the limits of your powers, it's a qgood thing to be around folks who can handle it."



She then offers to the crew, "Is there anything I can do to help if you need help unloading?"

Archie popped open a couple of the cases, revealing a pair of shiny new camera-drones.  He absolutely beamed with delight as he pulled them out.  "Told we need to stay in and around the picnic area.  Don't want to become an 'innocent bystander statistic.'"  he made little air-quotes when he said it. "So these bad boys will give us the panorama view!"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:14, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
NPC, 56 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 03:03
  • msg #19

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Okay.  So, first things first."   Mogrel said.  Even speaking normally, his voice was a throaty growl.     The park area is entirely closed off by chain-link fences.

Our first game is a scavenger hunt.   There are three pieces of advanced technology hidden somewhere in the park.  They are metal, with moving parts,and are bigger than a backpack.  There may be electronics involved.  Find them and bring them back here, if you can.

A caution, though.  Be aware that your own expectations play into what you see and how you see things.  Sometimes that's good, sometimes not.  It's important that you are able to understand how you get to the conclusions you get to--and why.  You can team-up if you want to, or go solo.

I'm hoping for you to be able to give us some descriptions of the park area, buy more importantly a description of you might go search for such items.  If you have gadgets or tech associated with your power-build, you can say you've got them on-hand.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:13, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
NPC, 57 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 03:18
  • msg #20

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Our investigations guy is currently out in the field." Princess said.  "But I'm sure Rook would love to bend your ear on investigation techniques.  For now, this is going to be a little more hands on.  Because it's a lovely day and it would be shame to waste it!"

Now, before you run off to find these tech thingies--see, I use the very technical terms--why don't you walk me throughhow we'd start to cover an area the size of this small park quickly and effectively?"

PC, 91 posts
H1 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 03:29
  • msg #21

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"I will gladly accept the training on combat as well as any training that you may have to offer."

Teranovae raises an eyebrow, an smiles an expression of satisfaction! She was not one to push people into doing what she would prefer they do and she was not of the devious mind to use reverse-psychology to influence some one to coerce them to do something they did not want to do.  But she was proud Cythri was choosing of her own accord to take her own initiative to learn some combat training.  Perhaps someday she might choose to go further and step into the role of Meta-human Hero?  But the choice would be hers for that... regardless Sandra viewed it as a mature and responsible choice...not one taken lightly!

Turning to Mongrel, "Perhaps You as the coordinator might assign teams?  To match up participants with not necessarily complementary power sets but inspiring those involved to step out of their familiar save-zone to expend upon their relationships and interaction with others?  You already know of my powers I'm open to any team-up!"

"Though technology is not my strong suit for the scavenger hunt... I'm sure you've taken care NOT to bury anything as YOU well know I could easily sense that when I'm 'At One With the Green'... but if you would prefer, before hand, to ask I not use my natural communion with the Earth.. I'll refrain from such ~ in the spirit of fairness."

Turning to Princess, "I've worked with a team before... so would you prefer I not answer that question and let someone else tackle the tactical deployment question?"
This message was last edited by the player at 03:39, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
NPC, 58 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 04:14
  • msg #22

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Actually...  Let's leave it to the new folks." Dylan sid coming up.  He had a small manilla folder in his hands.  "You've alerady got an advantage on them with six months of practice.  Besides, I've finally been given your dossier."

He held it out to Terranovae.   "You were one of the negotiatedelements from AEGIS.  In a couple of moments, we're going to meet the second one.  Our last house-mate, Marie."  he flipped the small stack of papers over in Terranova's hands, to show another profile for a Marie Jacobs.

side note: there's nothing surprising or unexpected in Teranova's profile information.  I'm not setting up Dylan to be duplicitous in any way, which is why he shared it so openly.

Very recent power-eruption.  Apparently meets Mr Swift's criteria for Hubert House.  Workup suggests psychic dominance with TK and Telepathic undertones. More than anything, she's going to need a friend and a positive role-model.  I was hoping that you'd take that on.  The role-model, at least.

"There's no risk-reward dynamic thing going on here."  Dylan said.  "I just think she'd benefit from your experiences.   Will you wait with me to meet her?"

Also side note:
Added +1 HP to Terranova for narratively kicking off the call to the sentinels.  I'll gladly reward things that help push thw story forward!

PC, 93 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 04:24
  • msg #23

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Teranovae takes the files and flips through them slowly, but not currently very thoroughly, nodding.

"Hmmm.. a somewhat troubled past... I see.  Yes, I think she needs more of a friend than a parole officer... I'll do what I can to inspire to her better angels if possible... but her choices must be her's, of course!  I will certainly wait here to meet with Marie, and try to reach her.  She may bear much personal guilt from her father's death.  I was spared such as my...  As Sandra's  parents died many years ago.. but I do share her memories of the pain and survivors guilt she went through, perhaps I meet Marie on some common ground?"

HP: 2
This message was last edited by the player at 04:25, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
NPC, 59 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 04:36
  • msg #24

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Phew."  Mongrel over-dramatically wiped his brow.  "Here, I thought she was going to upstage all my hard work."

"I don't see this exercise as a competition, folks.  Though you can go that route if you want to.   Collaboration and cooperation is often a crucial factor in the field."

And, again... this fairly placid exercise is going to get interrupted.  Because that's the way these things always work.  Until you guys go proactive and decide to seek shit out, shit'll find you instead :)
PC, 85 posts
H3 Blue
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 09:49
  • msg #25

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Alexey winced at the mispronunciation.  "Alexey it's ok."  He replied in a meek voice, eager for the public attention on him to end.  He sent a few nervous glances at the others and shifted his weight with discomfort.

"Maybe....we just to look?"  He suggested, rising a few feet into the air.  The idea of looking for something that might well have actively moving parts, possibly even buried as they may be, sounded strikingly simple to him even before his senses had kicked into overdrive in Michigan.  With his new senses... he was desperate not to outshine anyone, especially by accident.
NPC, 60 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 11:29
  • msg #26

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


"Okay." Mom said.  "They're here.  Do you have everything you need?"  She asked again.

The two women on the street outside didn't look like parole-officers or wardens or whatever the hell they were supposed to be that was supposed to keep an eye on her .

Tiffany she'd met.  Tall, blonde, with a tiny dancer's build.   She was dressed in designer jeans and a black a bomber jacket with gold trim, looking too much like a social media icon.   In fact, she looked a lot more confident and self-possessed than the first time Marie had seen her, cowering in the corner of the closet of the mansion.  She'd been at the araignment and at the plea-bargain.   Eventually, Marie found out that Tiffany was responsible for the lawyer she'd had--it hadn't been a state-assigned lawyer after all.

The young black woman at her side was more athletic.  She was of average height but had a powerful build with shoulders that seemed just a little too big for her.  She wore dark glasses and a conservative black suit that looked light and probably very easy to move in.  Her head kept moving, as she kept scanning the street, while Tiffany blathered on about something.

Marie had met Lizette once only, after the sentence was handed down.  Lizette Thibodeaux was to be her contact to ensure that the "restorative justice" approach was going to work.   She was apparently one of AEIGS' working representatives.  In the--very brief--interview they'd had Lizette had spent time explaining what the Hubert House project was all about and asked a couple of questions, mostly about Marie's feelings.  Marie got the feeling there was going to be a lot of talk about feelings.

But what stuck out in Marie's mind when she recalled that brief interview, was that Lizette had, at one point, gone still across the table from Marie.  Her eyes defocussed and she held the thousand-yard stare for maybe five seconds before coming back to the conversation.  And in that moment, time slowed for Marie.  She'd swear that Lizette's eyes had glowed--the little circle of light between iris and pupil glowed with a blue-grey night that was in no way related to human eye-colors.  And then Lizette approved the advocacy, signing off on the paperwork, without further questions.

Apparently, they were driving off to sailor-point for a meet and greet with the Hubert House people, the place she was bound to spend a great portion of her time for the next year.   Lizette drove.   Tiffany sat in the back-seat, insisting that Marie take the front.

So, there's the lead in.  I'd apprecviate your writing the arrival on-scene.   You've got free-reign to write Tiffany and Lizette as you wish. though I'll NPC them if there's any immediate combat-action necessary.


Lizette Thibodeaux -

Tiffany Grace -

Yes, this is the same Tiffany Grace you and Matt helped get to the Canadian Embassy

This message was last edited by the player at 11:31, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
PC, 94 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 14:05
  • msg #27

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

In reply to Alexey (msg # 25):

Teranovae persisted, "Oh! I'm sorry you misunderstood me.. I would like to know how to pronounce your surname properly Mr. Alexey? Language is one of my interests."

She ponders for a few seconds, " sounds Polish, so perhaps its ~ Vis' Nef-Ski? Is that the correct pronunciation?"
PC, 122 posts
H2 Yellow
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 16:15
  • msg #28

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Adrianna looks slightly anxious as she steps forward to speak.

I'd like to work as a team. I'm fully dedicated to being a heroine and all the risk that involves. I'd recommendwe split the area into a grid. We work as a team and help if we finish our grids first.
Prospect, 31 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 18:12
  • msg #29

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Marie nodded to her mother, sighing. "I have everything." She said, with a simple nod. "I know I did not say it before Mom, but thank you." She looked down for a moment. "Jail would have been..." She had a good idea what would have happened in jail, it would have been a death sentence. She'd of likely lost control more then once. This at least, gives her a chance.

The teen then turned and walked towards the car. The soft blue glow of her eyes is only missed by the fact that she has sunglasses on to conceal the fact. Marie wasn't a bad looking girl herself, thin, yet athletic and toned build. She had short blonde hair that stopped just above her shoulders, and was wearing worn jeans and a grey hoodie. The look on her face though was daunting, because it was pure indifference. No emotion on it, at least for right now.

She'd walk up to the pair, a backpack in one hand, and a duffle bag in the other. Looking between them for a moment, she finally turned and placed her stuff in the trunk before coming back around to them. "Hello Tiffany, Lizette." Her tone was somewhat, dry of emotion. Lizette could tell it was different from there last meeting, meaning she was learning to not just control, but suppress her emotions.

Marie would remain quiet on the drive for the most part. Remaining in her own little world. She was being taken away from her friends and family, from her world, rightfully so. She knew it had to happen, or at some point something bad would happen again. Something worse. It was when she thought that, that she finally said something. "Will the two Officer's I hurt be alright?" When Lizette gave her an affirmative answer she nodded once. "Good, I'm glad." It was hard to tell, given the emotionless tone in her voice.

Unless they asked her anything for the rest of the drive, she'd remain quiet, just looking out the window of the car. Upon arrival, Marie would pause for a moment, taking in the area. "I expected a house." She said in that dry emotionless tone, as she finally got out of the car.
PC, 95 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 21:26
  • msg #30

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Teranovae, noting the arriving car... creates a hemetite surf-board and sets the files she was handed down on the board which encases them out of sight.  She then walks over to the car as it stops.

When the women get out she addresses Marie.  Standing before her is a tall, at least 6'ft, woman dressed in for lack of better description some kind of superhero outfit{?!?} in all green.  She looks to be in her 20's perhaps? Her hair and eyes are also a bright green... including her eyebrows and eye lashes... giving wonder to if that is her natural hair color?  She is stunningly beautiful and smiles cheerfully as they get out of the car.

Her voice is mellow but strong, "Greetings Marie, I was told you would be joining us.  I'm Teranovae, one of the residents of the Hubert House, I'm glad to have you with us dear!  You have kind of caught us in a training session ~ scavenger hunt... we are not a 'formal' hero team... as many of our girls are beginners just like you!  We're not forcing any of them to take up the mantle of superhero... that is there choice, of course as is yours.  But right now this exercise is the gain some familiarity with their powers and practice using them in practical ways.  We can ALL use better control of our gifts hero or just civilian living with powers."

"But worry not, no one expects you to have masterful control as yet, and I know that is something you desire!  Come take a seat we'll talk a little about your abilities before you may decide if you wish to join in..."

She gestures invitingly to a place near one of the concrete bunkers and her hand glows a soft green light as she exerts her will to Control Geosphere and the very concrete morphs into a flowstone like park bench and table with all smooth edges and surface... looking terribly comfortable.

She smiles with an openness that touches her lovely green eyes, "This way please...!"

Floating near her without any obvious support is a 8'ft long perhaps 1 inch thick, stone surf-board like plane of smooth black mirrory hematite that follows her in silence floating along some 1 foot above the ground.  You would almost think it was being repelled from the ground by magnetic force as it slightly bobs in the air like a cork in water staying within 10 ft of her at all times.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:37, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
Prospect, 32 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 22:13
  • msg #31

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

She lifts a brow as she looks at the tall woman. "You're tall." The a bit shorter blonde haired girl said in that emotionless tone. Cocking her head to one said as she looked at her a moment, it was hard to tell if she was actually looking at Teranovae or past her considering the sunglasses Marie wore.

"I doubt you would call what I have a gift, if you knew the downsides that came with them." She said emotionlessly, looking around at the rest of the facility as Teranovae spoke. "Do you REALLY think I can control this?"

"I see now. The name fits." Came that same tone as she watched her manipulate the stone.

[OOC: Marie obviously tries her hardest to suppress her emotions, to he point that it shows in the way she speaks and sometimes in her mannerisms. I'm sure part of the brief about her is a speculation that her abilities are tied directly to her emotions, but I'll let Control decide that part. :)

Also posted a pic of her on her description page. ;)]

This message was last edited by the player at 22:14, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
PC, 96 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 23:02
  • msg #32

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

She lifts a brow as she looks at the tall woman. "You're tall."

Teranovae laughs lightly, "Haha, snicker, Yes... the first 'offical' time I died.. I was a foot shorter!"

"I doubt you would call what I have a gift, if you knew the downsides that came with them." She said emotionlessly, looking around at the rest of the facility as Teranovae spoke. "Do you REALLY think I can control this?"

Then Teranovae meets her gaze eye to eye and reaches out to gently pats her hand, "Marie, I know that it may not seem a gift now, but I'll tell you this ~ I did not at first think my powers were a 'Gift' either, in fact I did not feel worthy of them and I was a danger to those around me.  When my emotions affect the geosphere around me.. I get angry volcanos awaken, I get sad... stone and rock turn to mud, I become suicidal.. earthquakes rip through the country.  Believe me.. it was not easy accepting my un-mortal state and I tried to escape it ~ Permanently to no lasting result!  But eventually with hard work and willpower, I learned to control, gain a level of mastery and Much more importantly ~ Accept I was something else and in the end embrace that new existence!  Nothing is certain, Marie... but if I can learn to control my powers I'm sure we can help you do the same.  You are not alone!"
This message was last edited by the player at 23:26, Tue 02 Feb 2021.
PC, 123 posts
H2 Yellow
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 23:12
  • msg #33

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Seeing the new arrival Adrianna zips over to her. At first she let's Sandra do the talking then decides to jump in on the bit about control.

All of us are working to gain control over our abilities. And the Sentinels are here to help as well. We could be in no better hands. Being part of a team means that there has to be trust roo though. We'rebuilding that trust starting today.

Adrianna looks around at her group. She sincerely hopes to help forge them into a force for good. A team that stands for good and justice and righteous punishment. This fire burns inside her like no passion she has ever known and she knows that she can't do it alone.
GM, 487 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 23:41
  • msg #34

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Side notes:

Let's assume that introductions are made all around, so that Terranova didn't just cut her away from the crowd, leaving everyone wondering who the hell this new girl was :)
It's important that Marie has been introduced, before, to Dylan Liu (the show producer and, essentially, the head of the Hubert House Project).  So, he's a known factor.

Two of the Sentinels (Princess and Mongrel) are on-site, but largely giving them space.   The others... are still localized around the entrance/picnic area.

Expect these kinds of side-notes often.   I'd rather insert these things now and again than try to rewrite stuff that's already perfectly fine as is.

NPC, 61 posts
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 23:56
  • msg #35

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Grid pattern." Mongrel repeated with what looked like it was probably a smile.  Hard to tell on a humano-canine face.  "somebody knows the basics of search & rescue!"

"It may take a while.  It's okay.  When I started, I thought it was going to be adventure all the time.  Mostly, it's long periods of intense boredom punctuated by brief flurries of ohmygod! whatthehellwasthat? AmIgoingtodie?
GM, 488 posts
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 00:00
  • msg #36

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

So... Alexey's heading up for an aerial view.

I'll need each of you to give me a straight Perception role.   One roll should do it.  I've got three targets, but I'm only going to tell you the minimum DC.  Your results will define the groupings.

Everyone may Roll Perception vs DC15

I'll generate groups and narratives from your results.

PC, 117 posts
H2 Blue
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 00:08
  • msg #37

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Alexey.  Wiśniewski."

She ponders for a few seconds, " sounds Polish, so perhaps its ~ Vis' Nef-Ski? Is that the correct pronunciation?"

Virginia appears unexpectedly next to Teranovae. She has the same expression on her face that Cythi saw at Bacon Inc.. She stares at the chiseled mountain called Alexey.

"Wiśniewski? I just wanted to say I used to know someone with that name. It was a teacher. She pronounced it 'Wish nes ski'. She told us to call her Miss Wish! If that...if that is right, we could call you Mr. Wish?!"

She ends with wry smirk and starts humming 'When You Wish Upon a Star".
Prospect, 33 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 00:18
  • msg #38

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

She looked between the two women that were talking to her. "We'll see what happens." She said in that emotionless tone. "I'm Marie, what's your name?"

Then she looked towards Tera. "It is a nice goal, control." She said as she sat down in the offered seat. "Tell me, did your powers go off because you were emotional, or because they were tied to your emotions?"

[OOC: Forgot Marie's Perception. Edited that in for ya.

19:38, Today: Marie rolled 25 using 1d20+12.  Perception.]

This message was last edited by the player at 00:38, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
PC, 118 posts
H2 Blue
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 00:23
  • msg #39

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


So are we in theater actively looking for these objects now? Is that why you are calling for a perception roll?

PC, 97 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 00:31
  • msg #40

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Then she looked towards Tera. "It is a nice goal, control." She said as she sat down in the offered seat. "Tell me, did your powers go off because you were emotional, or because they were tied to your emotions?"

Teranovae ponders briefly Marie's question, "A subtle, difference... but I'd have to say they are tied to my emotions. I think even were I being irrational the genuine feelings I was experiencing would have side effects upon the geosphere of the planet~..."

Virginia appears unexpectedly next to Teranovae. She has the same expression on her face that Cythi saw at Bacon Inc.. She stares at the chiseled mountain called Alexey.

"Wiśniewski? I just wanted to say I used to know someone with that name. It was a teacher. She pronounced it 'Wish nes ski'. She told us to call her Miss Wish! If that...if that is right, we could call you Mr. Wish?!"

She ends with wry smirk and starts humming 'When You Wish Upon a Star".

Teranovae chuckles... and sings softly, 'The Dream that you Wish ~ will come true..!'

But then something caught Teranovae's attention...

19:23, Today: Sandra rolled 20 using 1d20+6.  Teranovae Perception [+6]. – 20
This message was last edited by the player at 00:32, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
PC, 119 posts
H2 Blue
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 01:13
  • msg #41

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

20:12, Today: Virginia rolled 16 using 1d20+4.  perception.
GM, 489 posts
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 01:27
  • msg #42

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

So are we in theater actively looking for these objects now? Is that why you are calling for a perception roll?

I'm using the rolls as a unbiased way of deciding who's together when they find something... My thinking here is that the search itself isn't particularly interesting.   It gets interesting when you find the things and have to deal with whatever conflict or complications they introduce.  So... shortly, I'll post the discover of the items.

If you all can follow it, I'm totally okay with doing preamble introductions/discussions at the same time in-thread as the search/discovery.  So long as we acknowledge that they're taking place in linearly different times.
Apparently, this is causing some concern among some players.  So, I guess i'll just hold on to the results til later.

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:25, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
PC, 195 posts
H2 Lavendar
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 01:39
  • msg #43

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi gets ready to attend to the task at hand.  Planning on doing the best she can.

Perception - 19

18:38, Today: Cythi rolled 19 using 1d20+2.  Perception.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:39, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
PC, 98 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 02:46
  • msg #44

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

In reply to Control (msg # 42):

@ Cythri - I think its more a matter of the post rate.  I don't think anyone was specifically ignoring you... I in fact did indicate an acknowledgement of your post but there were so many other posts between your last post and your current one... you could still react to the post I made.  Sandra was kind of jumped with introducing a new character so it has taken a bit of her focus just this moment.  But I always try to acknowledge a post made by a player who reacts to something I posted.
PC, 197 posts
H2 Lavendar
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 02:53
  • msg #45

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

(OOC - I posted in the OOC and edited my post.  Either way is there a reason you type Cythri instead of Cythi?)
Prospect, 35 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 03:01
  • msg #46

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Then she looked towards Tera. "It is a nice goal, control." She said as she sat down in the offered seat. "Tell me, did your powers go off because you were emotional, or because they were tied to your emotions?"

Teranovae ponders briefly Marie's question, "A subtle, difference... but I'd have to say they are tied to my emotions. I think even were I being irrational the genuine feelings I was experiencing would have side effects upon the geosphere of the planet~..."

"I see." She said with a simple nod. "The difference between the two is more then subtle. In my opinion at least. One, when you gain control of your powers does not matter what happens when you lose control of your emotions. The other, even if you have control of your powers, still could erupt even if you lose control of your emotions." She explained, without emotion. "That is my opinion though, and I challenge you to change it."
PC, 99 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 03:18
  • msg #47

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Teranovae smiles, "There is a difference in people too... you are not me.. I am not you.. what works for me.. might not necessarily work for you.  Not right and wrong, good or bad... just different. We're different, we have different psychological make-ups, and bring different mental baggage and pain inside to the table.  But together.. we can work to find what works best for you ~ with the MUCH REDUCED stress that knowing ~ NO ONE here is judging you or demanding you learn control in any particular way.  Together we can walk the path of YOU finding YOUR center! YOUR WAY!!"

"The point being.. you'll not have to travel it alone and we are FAR more resilient and able to handle the growing pains of your journey of discover!  We'll be by your side when you fail and when you succeed! Until we can all rejoice WITH you when you find your balance and freedom from your fears!"

"We're not going to change your opinion.. neither do we want to!  You are not alone Anymore in this..we've all been there.. and we're here for you, Marie!  We just want to help you find your OWN truth, together as your Sisters of Power!"

OOC: @ Cythi:  Darn it! I did it again... I usually catch my mispelling! Sorry!
PC, 199 posts
H2 Lavendar
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 04:05
  • msg #48

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi speaks up, "I do not know the basics of search and rescue but if that is what it is I will do it."  She suggests and half askssays having maybe heard the term but never knowing really what it was.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:52, Wed 03 Feb 2021.
PC, 124 posts
H2 Yellow
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 11:55
  • msg #49

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

06:54, Today: Adrianna rolled 15 using 1d20+3. Perception

Adrianna takes her search seriously. In her mind she tells herself it's a bomb near a school and she's determined to find it.
Prospect, 37 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Thu 4 Feb 2021
at 04:58
  • msg #50

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Marie lifted a brow at the name 'Sisters of Power'. Finally she took off her sunglasses, revealing her eyes which are glowing a soft blue. She then facepalms. "I hope that's not going to be our team name, not unless you plan on us being porno Power Rangers." It appeared as though she was trying not to laugh, she was struggling to suppress it.

"So, what's going on here?" She asked, looking around again. "Why meet here, instead of the house?"
PC, 125 posts
H2 Yellow
Thu 4 Feb 2021
at 05:27
  • msg #51

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

To get a feel for your powers as well as work on control like everyone else here. We all need better control whether we decide to go full supe or not, although I'm hoping everyone else chooses that option.
PC, 201 posts
H2 Lavendar
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 02:49
  • msg #52

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi for now goes into more of an observation mode.  She does give a wave to the new girl but does not want to interrupt anyone else.  That though is more of the way she was raised then anything else.  Still she makes note of everything her perception allows.
PC, 102 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 03:17
  • msg #53

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

In reply to Marie (msg # 50):

Taranovae blinks, and then a smile splits her face and She chuckles, "Haha...oh Certainly not.. I was just being little flowery in my wording ~ and clearly failing! Yeah that would be a horrid name!" 'snicker'

"It is only currently the majority of our members are women... we would not want to exclude Alexey.. or make him feel unwelcome with such a name.  But we're getting ahead of ourselves... a team name is not needed we are not a 'team' yet, and personally I'm more familiar with being a solo hero.  Though I did once ponder requesting joining the Sentinels, but I'm still undecided. I like my freedom.  But that is topic for another time."

"As to what going on here Adrianna speaks true.. this is just a training exercise.. a scavenger hunt for technological devices hidden by Mongrel in the park vicinity."

Teranovae gestures and her hands glow a emerald radiance and the flowstone bench and stools she'd made before morph again into a very detailed stone topographical map of the Bunker Park evirons.

"The park is oblong in shape so we could split it up into say four or five sections sections to begin the search...", to which the map develops colored stone boundaries de-marked in the topographical map.  The Far North Shore. The Central Bunker. The Parking Green {where tourists could lay out campers}, and the Far South Shore. Then a high bluff area behind the Central Bunkers.

"Who wants Which section?"

OOC: I do not have an actual map.. so the 'sections' I listed are purely made up unless the GM wants to specifically define some areas.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:21, Fri 05 Feb 2021.
Prospect, 39 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 03:30
  • msg #54

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"How's a scavenger hunt for technological devices supposed to help us learn to control our powers?" She asked, finally putting her sunglasses back on to conceal her glowing eyes again. "I mean, I can help with it, given some of my skills I'd be supperb at finding things, but my curse is useless for such a task. Unless..." She did take a look at Mongrel, then back to Tera. "Are there any rules I should know about?" A small grin played at her lips.
PC, 128 posts
H2 Yellow
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 03:30
  • msg #55

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Adrianna looks at a rough sketch and comes up with a simple plan.

We don't have time to get fancy. We'll break it into 4 quadrants. Sandra will take northeast, I'll take northwest. We can both cover ground very quickly. Cythi and Virginia take southeast, Alexey and Marie take southwest. Once we clear our areas meet back here. This can be our staging area. Ready? Break!
PC, 103 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 05:13
  • msg #56

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

In reply to Marie (msg # 54):

Teranovae smiles at Marie, "You have such pretty eyes... why do you hide them?  But as for the scavenger hunt... I'm expecting there will be some... offensive surprises guarding the concealed devices!" She 'winks'!

She wags her finger chidingly at Marie, "Now-Now... no use of ESP! I can also sense when and where anything has been altered in the natural earth... so buried things are easy to find... but I have agreed to not use that sense in the spirit of fairness to the other scavengers... you should too!  But we'll leave it to the Honor system eh?", 'grin'

Turning to Adrianna, "Very well I'll take the Central Bunker area and you have the Far North Shore..."

Teranovae gestures to her 8'ft Hematite Stone Surf-board, it floats over as she step on it and off she flies... at a significant speed...
This message was last edited by the player at 05:20, Fri 05 Feb 2021.
PC, 123 posts
H2 Blue
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 10:47
  • msg #57

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Turning to Cythi, Virginia says, "Yay, we're together! Uhm, I think that is the direction she means" and she points." She begins walking in that direction

"Now the Easter Bunny did not leave eggs this year, instead it is a weird mechanical box. I don't want to see the chicken that laid that! But this should be a walk in the park! Get it? And if we find ours early, we can go help Alexey ...." She makes eyes at Cythi with a laugh.
PC, 202 posts
H2 Lavendar
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 20:30
  • msg #58

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi was actually happy, "I actually got that reference."  She states almost falling down laughing at the jokes that Virginia made.

"I am more than game to find this and then help the others as needed."  Not understanding the eyes made but still happy to help everyone she can.
PC, 124 posts
H2 Blue
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 23:03
  • msg #59

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


After walking around a minute but really only getting started Virginia stops and puts her hands on her hips. She gives the immediate area a once over then turns to Cythi.

"What is something that makes you smile? Something that makes you happy? Hmm, or first, do you have any special gifts for finding these lost tool boxes?"
PC, 203 posts
H2 Lavendar
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 23:58
  • msg #60

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Honest answer to the second part is no.  I can teleport all over and see if I can find it but other than that I don't really have any senses.  That said I will be honest I don't know what you can do either.  But that said, I know I can teleport, blast things, heal both myself and others, blast people..."  She trails off thinking for a second, "I can also summon a staff that I can use in combat if ever I need to get hand to hand.  I also can lift more then you would think."  She says listing off everything so nothing is hidden from her bestest friend.
PC, 125 posts
H2 Blue
Sat 6 Feb 2021
at 00:51
  • msg #61

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


Virginia narrows her eyes and she sinks into pretend envious duck lips as Cythi tells all her gifts, sounding more and more awesome!

"Uhm yeah, I got nothing like that. You are way hot stuff for sure! But maybe I got one trick that can help us." She does sneaky spy eyes left and right.

"And since you are my new bestie, I am comfortable showing youuu. Now don't laugh!"
She pauses. "Ok ok, actually if YOUuuuu laugh, it is alright! It izzz kind of funny!" She gives a cackle!

"Stay right there for a moment ...." Virginia turns away shagging with her shoulder blades as she goes as if hearing some tune in her head. She walks behind a chunk of concrete covered in ivy. She gives a beaming smile back at Cythi the moment before she disappears.

Cythi stands there waiting ... waiting and then she sees it. She almost missed it but a tiny person comes walking back around the wall. She is smaller than a barbie doll, like only six inches tall! She is blonde, dressed in green, and wears pom pom toed slippers. She looks just like a famous Dizney character, Tinkerbella! Wings and all! Only this is no cartoon, it is Virginia!

She throws up her arms and presents herself. "It's me!"
Prospect, 40 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Sat 6 Feb 2021
at 03:11
  • msg #62

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"...beautiful eyes. Can you even see them past the glow?" She said looking at her a moment. "I hide them because they show I am using my curse, the more of them I am using the brighter that they glow. Want to see?"

"ESP? Oh...Extra Sensory Perception, right? I have nothing like that. I can read minds though." She said with a simple nod. "I've learned to even use it to just glimpse into a mind just enough to know how someone is going to attack me so I can better defend myself. So much so, it just happens now."

She just sighed and shook her head. Then walked over to the only male of the group from the house. "I assume you are Alexey?" She said in that emotionless tone.
PC, 204 posts
H2 Lavendar
Sat 6 Feb 2021
at 03:53
  • msg #63

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi was actually looking around when Virginia appears.  "Oh that is just adorable.  I mean super neat."  Cythi honestly says without any laughter at all.  Sad part is she had never seen a Disney movie.  "Are you a little winged person....a fairy?"  She asks having seen it in a book somewhere at some point recently.

A moment or two later, "OK that settles it you have the coolest of powers!"
PC, 126 posts
H2 Blue
Sat 6 Feb 2021
at 12:04
  • msg #64

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"How is this even cool when they are looking for heroes? I look like a Christmas ornament! What criminal would stop for this? Or even see me for that matter?"

She slaps her hands to her hips and gives a motorboat with her lips.

"Thanks...for not laughing though. You are the first here to see this. To access my powers I have to go fairy. Which is why... watch this..."

Her wings begin to flutter. They quickly become a blur and she rises smoothly off the ground. She floats up to Cythi's eye level and gives her a wink. Cythi can now see her friend wears a tiny belt of itsy bitsy jingle bells around her waist too. They look familiar, like some Virginia purchased at the craft store the morning they wandered about town.

Virginia hovers back away a few feet.

"See, I can fly! I can do a couple other things too but... ok now don't be alarmed. I am going to do some fairy magic on you! I am going to sprinkle you with magic dust!"

Virginia gives a slight twitch and a burst of particles spring from her, engulfing Cythi! They are shiny gold in color and it is much a mixture of glitter as it is dust. It sticks to Cythi all over who now appears ready to attend a rave!

"Oop, sorry sorry! That was way too much! Still trying to get that under control. It is all harmless I promise. I have a lint roller to help get that off you later. Oh gee, there is alot in your hair too. But now .... you can FLY!"

Virginia spins and points to the sky out of habit. She mentally admonishes herself for thinking she is still acting at the theme park. Or is it the stuff inside her making her play the part? She is not certain.

"Just think about something that makes you happy and you will FLY! Like... raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with strings, and bacon is one of my favorite things!!" She sings!

You now have free flight control rank 4. 35 mph. Happy thoughts are required though. Without some happy thought in your mind you will sink back to the ground. But it should not have to consume your thoughts to the exclusion of other things.

"Come on up and we can look for these things together!"
PC, 205 posts
H2 Lavendar
Sun 7 Feb 2021
at 22:33
  • msg #65

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi is just happy in general.  Considering how she was raised one would think she would be depressed but surprisingly not.  She does not even mind being covered in raver scabies.  "I have never flown before.  This is really cool."  She says as she tries to control as best she can.  But on first try she goes flying at a tree but a simple teleport manages to avoid it.

After a minute of figuring it out she does gain the capacity to control it at which point her smile beams.  "Thank-you for this.  I now know what a bird feels.   This is literally the greatest thing anyone has ever done for me.  Thank-you."  She says back.  "I will happily find some way to repay the debt to you."

PC, 127 posts
H2 Blue
Mon 8 Feb 2021
at 00:28
  • msg #66

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Virginia cries out and hides her face in her hands believing Cythi is about to hit that tree! "WATCH OUT!"

When the thud never happens she peeps out and is relieved to see she somehow missed it!

She giggles and chuckles watching Cythi trying to earn her wings. "Now you are getting it!" She flies up next to Cythi. "I thought we could see more from up here. Follow me and we can search together. You focus left and I will focus right."

Virginia gets ahead of Cythi at first, trying to guide her through some slow maneuvers as they look. They do long sweeping turns, upward climbs, downward swoops, and some hovers as they scan the area for the metal thing. When Cythi seems to have it under control Virginia lands right on her head, dangling her feet over her forehead laughing! Cythi can see her little legs pointing to the left and right giving direction. After a minute she takes a walk down Cythi's back. She stands on her butt and watches from the 'rear' view for a moment. Then with a laugh she flies back up along side her.

"It has to be here somewhere!"

PC, 206 posts
H2 Lavendar
Tue 9 Feb 2021
at 02:55
  • msg #67

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi is still enjoying herself as much as she can considering that they are supposed to be searching for something.  Still in the end now that she has her bearings she can start searching, "You know likely I probably wore the wrong outfit for flying.  You don't think anyone would try to peer up my dress?"  She asks her methodology of being raises still obviously impacting her despite how happy she is.  It shows too as she does not sink even a little.
NPC, 62 posts
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 20:38
  • msg #68

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Getting my feet back under me... will ramp things up now...

"I assume you are Alexey?" She said in that emotionless tone.

Alexey stared with a sudden jerk, as if he'd been lost in reverie.   But Marie had glimpsed enough to see that the rim around his pupils were glowing a bright pulsing cyan.

He shook himself as if reorienting himself and turned to face Marie.   He was a big man, tall and broad-shouldered, but he had a soft, affable face that carried about it the sense of being overwhelmed at out-of-his-element.

He shoved both his hands in his grey hoodie and nodded with a slow, hesitant smile.  "Tak." he said, then, "Yes.  Alexey.  I am he.    You are... also like us, no?  My people.  They are very excited to see you."
NPC, 63 posts
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 20:46
  • msg #69

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


From sixty feet up, the view of Sailor point was breath-taking.  They could see the Bay Bridge and the Council Island, backdropped by the South Shore and the atlas mountains.

And, true enough, their vantage-point gave them a wider breadth of view. able to see much more of the area than otherwise available to them on-foot.

Please give me a basic perception roll. DC16 & 22 respectively.  If you've powers that might apply, you're okay to bring them into play...   I'll describe what you can see based on your results.
GM, 496 posts
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 20:49
  • msg #70

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Actually, Can you give me the basic perception rolls at DC16 & 22 as well, please?   If she's  remaining on the ground, and not searching from the air, you also have the potential for a DC25 spot-hidden.
PC, 137 posts
H2 Blue
Tue 23 Feb 2021
at 22:50
  • msg #71

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

17:47, Today: Virginia rolled 20 using 1d20+4.  Perception roll 1. vs DC 16   YES

17:47, Today: Virginia rolled 16 using 1d20+4.  Perception roll 2. vs DC 22   No

PC, 215 posts
H2 Lavendar
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 02:31
  • msg #72

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Fail on both

19:29, Today: Cythi rolled 20 using 1d20+5.  Perception roll 2.

19:29, Today: Cythi rolled 12 using 1d20+5.  Perception roll 1.

Prospect, 50 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 07:36
  • msg #73

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

She cocked her head to one side as she watched his reaction to her introduction.

"Sorry if I do not seem, ecstatic, to meet you but do understand it is nice to meet someone new." She said with an emotionless tone, but a soft smile.

"Like you? What do you mean...? Oh, you mean the...things in me?" She asked, lifting a blonde brow.
PC, 131 posts
H2 Yellow
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 10:24
  • msg #74

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

In reply to Control (msg # 70):

OOC-Rolled 22, 18, and 22 for DCs 18, 22, and 25. Staying on the ground.
PC, 109 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 11:32
  • msg #75

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

'shrug' Control never mentioned Teranovae.
GM, 497 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 19:07
  • msg #76

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

'shrug' Control never mentioned Teranovae.

Apologies.  I thought she was still with Marie.
Of course you can roll at those DCs.

NPC, 64 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 19:17
  • msg #77

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Sorry if I do not seem, ecstatic, to meet you but do understand it is nice to meet someone new." She said with an emotionless tone, but a soft smile.  "Like you? What do you mean...? Oh, you mean the...things in me?" She asked, lifting a blonde brow.

"What?"  Alexey cocked his head a little to the side, his eyes darting momentarily to the side--almost as if he was looking for a quick exit. .  "No.  I mean, you are very... I just... I did not think ecstacy was to be a thing here now.  I am sorry. My English...   Oh.  you're fucking with me, aren't you?"

"My guys have been mostly quiet.  But they won't stop talking about you.  Calling your people ancient bretheren of the radiant dawn. whatever that means.  He stopped again.  Oh.  Oh, they want to tell me.  Sometimes, they don't ever be quiet...  Can I...  Will you let them talk to you?  It is rude to stare, but it's what they want..."

Thus far, we haven't even touched on Marie having any kind of contact with her colony.  It's entirely up to you if she has heretofore.  But if she agrees, she will get that communication after this.   For earlier players, it was an ongoing internal-audio conversation.  Some might experience it as a visual as well.
NPC, 65 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 19:28
  • msg #78

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Virginia, Cythi & Adrianna all  oriented on target-1
So far, they've all missed target-2
Adrianna twigged on target-3.

True enough, raising them sixty or seventy feet into the air gave them a broad view of the area.  From Sailor Point, they could see clear across the gateway islands and the Mallory lighthouse to the bay bridge.

A glint of silver, though, came from one of the cement structures that had housed one of the old gun emplacements.   All that was left of the original structures were the cement bunker and the rusted steel reinforcements that would have served to mount the gun, load the ammunition and store the other necessities of the operation.

So, the gleaming silver stood out pretty strongly.

Up closer, it looked simply as if someone had taken a steel backpack-sized security briefcase--the kind one would expect to be handcuffed to a secret agent in a bad noir movie--and they embedded it into the very cement of the ammunition chamber.

On the exposed hillside where the gun emplacement was located, a brisk breeze came in from the water, offering a chill reminder that  spring was not always warm....

Since you got the third one as well, you've the option of goign in on it with Virginia & Cythi or exploring target-3 all by your self (for now).
This message was last edited by the player at 03:21, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
Prospect, 52 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 23:54
  • msg #79

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

His reply even caused Marie to facepalm. It was hard to maintain emotionlessness with his answer, and his answer. Then she just started laughing. Likely the first time anyone heard her laugh since she had gained her powers. "Oh god, that's so rich...  Shit!" She would quickly regain her composure, taking in several deep breaths to calm herself and still her emotions once more. "Ecstasy and ecstatic are two different things. The first means pleasure, or is synonymous with the word pleasure. Ecstatic means happy, or is synonymous with it."

"Sure, I guess, I have no idea what you are talking about but okay." She said with a shrug.
PC, 110 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 23:55
  • msg #80

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Teranovae perceptions rolls -
18:45, Today: Sandra rolled 22 using 1d20+6.  Perception DC 16. – 22
18:46, Today: Sandra rolled 10 using 1d20+6.  Perception DC 22. – 10

Teranovae spots the flash of silver and angles in her flying hematite surf-board to swoop in to hover near the case embedded in the concrete. Wary she looks around to see if she can spot any electronic surveillance divices watching the embedded case or hidden ambushers ready to strike...

18:54, Today: Sandra rolled 21 using 1d20+6.  Looking for trouble/ambush - Perception. – 21

Then she takes a defensive stance ready for her actions to trigger certain unexpected attack... she stretches out her will and uses Control Geosphere{Move Object - Rk9} to shape the concrete into a clay-like limb and deliver the silver case to her surfboard.  Then reform the concrete back to its mostly smooth surface.

She does not touch the case but is focused on watching her surroundings for attack...
This message was last edited by the player at 23:57, Wed 24 Feb 2021.
PC, 139 posts
H2 Blue
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 10:47
  • msg #81

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Virginia heads toward the object glinting in the sun. While she probably could have poured on the speed and gotten there first, when she sees Teranovae swooping in, she pulls up and simply watches from about 100 feet out. She observes for any trouble.
PC, 219 posts
H2 Lavendar
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 04:40
  • msg #82

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi follows Virginia around for the most part not being the most observant but tries to follow along and see what she sees which includes the scene unfolding below.
NPC, 66 posts
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 16:53
  • msg #83

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

@Cythi, @Sandra,  @Virginia

Terrranovae zoomed past Virginia and Cytheria to get right down to the gun emplacement before they could.  She didn't notice anything obvious in her quick scan around the area.  So, it didn't look like there was anyone looking to leap out at her when she melted the concrete.

So, there she stood on her hematite surfboard, hovering above the gun emplacement with the metal brief-case in front of her, poised for an attack that didn't seem to be coming...   She'd zoomed in and taken possession of the metal briefcase successfully, while Virginia and Cythi hovered a little above her and watched.

Sandra:    So... what now?

Cythi: how do you feel?  Lack of happy thoughts will impact your flight, after all...

Virginia:  You're a pixie right now, right?

This message was last edited by the player at 16:54, Fri 26 Feb 2021.
NPC, 67 posts
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 17:13
  • msg #84

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


While the others took to the air, Adrianna covered a lot of ground very very quickly.   One of her criss-crossed patterns led her into a little wooded copse of trees with a soggy ground.  A recent rainfall had made it more of a swamp than solid ground and even moving at her usual rapid pace, she could feel the drag of the mud.  It wasn't enough to seriously impede her--maybe f she stood in one place--but she was becoming attuned to the variances in her speed and flow of things.

The trees were clostered together closely, but they were all fairly young and from otuside the copse of trees, it looked bare, as if they were diseased.   But inside the copse, beyond the initial frontage of bare branches, it was more lush,  The trees were tall, and slim, stretching forth toward the light, leaving lots of space between them, while the canopy overhead was comparatively dense.

And several meters within the trees was a veritable metal man!

It could have been a deactivated robot or a metal sculpture.   In shape, it looked sort of like Ultramarine, from the Sentinels--and it certainly could be him.  But the coloring was all wrong.  It was black and blue with rough edges.  It looked as if the thing had been rusting away for some time.   Maybe an earlier  battlesuit prototype?

It stood nearly seven feet tall, bulky and ominous in a straight neutral stance, arms folded in front of it and head down.    It had sunk a good foot and a half into the mud, as the mud came up to it's just below it's knees.

Decommissioned. the thought came to her unbidden.  The voice was her own, but it wasn't her.

I'm kinda envisioning it as follows:

This message was last edited by the player at 17:13, Fri 26 Feb 2021.
NPC, 68 posts
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 17:23
  • msg #85

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

@Marie & @Alexey

  "Okay."  Alexey took a couple of steps forward and raised his hands--it looked vaguely like he was trying to surrender.  But it occurred to Marie that he was trying to show that he had no ill intentions and that he was--quite literally--keeping his hands to himself.

And then he just... gazed at her.

For a moment, it was just vaguely uncomfortable, him staring into her eyes, searching, probing, yearning--wait--yearning?

His eyes flashed a purplish blue and there was an enormous peal of thunder and church bells tolled.

We are freed!  a voice cried, exultant.   Oh Bright Lady!   We stayed silent as you commanded, but we have been without your blessing for so long!   The dawn-treaders call to us.  Will you consent to us responding?

Alexey's expression took on a puzzled mien.  But the glow between his pupils and irises continued to pulse.

Well, I'm sure that was unexpected.  your little guys are awake now.   Welcome to godhood.  Time to meet your worshippers.
PC, 140 posts
H2 Blue
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 23:44
  • msg #86

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


Yes, pixie form.

PC, 220 posts
H2 Lavendar
Sat 27 Feb 2021
at 01:43
  • msg #87

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

(OOC - Cythi is flying, flying is cool and there is little to bring her mood down up here right now)

Cythi enjoying this but confused, "Weren't we told to get something techyish.  I mean I know I am one not to be in the full knowledge of what is technology but when he said moving parts and that I don't think is what we are looking for?"  She asks as she continues to look around.

Perception - 14
Prospect, 54 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Sat 27 Feb 2021
at 03:03
  • msg #88

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"...the...f***...!?!" It was totally unexpected, and surprising! She had no idea how to react to what she was hearing or experiencing! And this was someone who heard voices in her head normally!

"...shit...shitshit...stay calm Marie." She told herself, aloud as she shook her head, breathing heavily. Then thinking back to the voice in her head. Freed? Bright Lady? Commanded? Who Dawn-treaders? Who are you...? Consent to responding...? I...guess...
PC, 141 posts
H2 Blue
Sat 27 Feb 2021
at 04:10
  • msg #89

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Virginia puts up her hands and gives a shrug, "The wolf did imply techy, but that is all I have seen. If that is not it then we will just look some more."

Virginia continues to hover about in the area of Teranovae in case she triggered some form of defense mechanism.
PC, 111 posts
H2 Green Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Sat 27 Feb 2021
at 05:39
  • msg #90

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Teranovae rises and backs away on her flying stone surf-board... then turns to those nearby.  Looking at the metal case on the surfboard's forward section of her.. as she wills the board to morph and securely hold the case. It 'sinks' like it was cemented into the surfboard... but is still visible.

Addressing the other, "Well.. maybe this is what we're looking for?  It has not exploded yet so... I guess we return it to Mongrel?"

"Have any of you spotted anything else unusual in your searches?"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:40, Sat 27 Feb 2021.
NPC, 69 posts
Mon 1 Mar 2021
at 07:18
  • msg #91

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point


There was a swell of  noise, like the crashing of waves on a distant shore, then one voice cut through the chatter, the static, a n old woman's voice ,creaky yet warm, with the slightest southern twang to it.

"You're better than this."  She said.  I was there on the day you took us in.  I sat at the feet of the Speaker bound to silence.   The one who came before me.  You are realigning, relearning, remembering.  And I am here to help you.

So, breathe.  she said.  Just breathe.  Feel the air moving in and moving out.  Feel the earth beneath your feet.  You are connected but separate, a part of and apart from. You can turn the volume down.  I can show you how.

Alexey stiffened momentarily, but he seemed more concerned than frightened.  "It is your first time they talk to you?"  He asked.  "My guys wondered why they didn't flash back.  They say your people did something and you punished them by commanding silence.  They are ashamed.  I...  I might have something that will help."

Alexey dug into the inside pocket of his windbreaker and came out with as plastic-coated wafer.  It looked like a standard vanilla wafer from a grocery store, cheap candy.

"Take one.  It is like a reward.  It will make them happy."  he held out the wafer to her.
GM, 498 posts
Mon 1 Mar 2021
at 18:56
  • msg #92

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Okay...  folks...

Tell me how you look some more.  The briefcase was pretty obvious, glinting in the sun like that.

Virginia, Cythi & Sandra are all up in the air looking around.  From their vantage point, they can see that Mongrel and Princess have made their way to the observation-platform at the top of the hill.   In war-time, it would've been used to sight possible enemy ships.  Now, it was a nice observation area with a breathtaking view of the sea.

Sandra, are you planning on doing anything with that briefcase, or are you just going to leave it on the surfboard?

Since we seem to be stalling out on this, I'm open to suggestions on what you want to see to move forward...
Prospect, 55 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Mon 1 Mar 2021
at 21:42
  • msg #93

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Marie breathed heavily for a bit longer before finally stilling her breath, then after several moments breathing more calmly. ...this, that you did to me. It made it so I couldn't feel anything, without hurting people...  Still, I shouldn't of reacted how I did to you. She said softly to the elder voice. I apologize, for my actions. Please, go ahead and talk to your friends, you and I can talk after...

She would nod to Alexey. "...the powers I gained, made it impossible for me to feel emotions without possibly hurting others. Pretty seriously." She said quietly, looking down towards the ground. "How could they of known it'd be like that though..." She reached out and took the wafer, looking at it. "...what's, this?"
This message was last edited by the player at 21:19, Tue 02 Mar 2021.
PC, 221 posts
H2 Lavendar
Mon 1 Mar 2021
at 22:40
  • msg #94

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi suggesting, "Perhaps we should split up.  I can do random teleports to see if I can find whatever it is by just going in a grid patter of teleport, look around and continue.  It will give us another set of eyes on the ground?"  She suggests as she starts to sink with Sandra nearby and that obviously affecting her mood.
PC, 145 posts
H2 Blue
Tue 2 Mar 2021
at 01:47
  • msg #95

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Sure" Virginia replies to Cythi.

Virginia is uncertain how to proceed. She lights in a tree top to think. She wonders if Princess and the Wolf can really even see her out here? She decides to sit behind a leaf and observe the observers for a bit. She looks to see if any particular area has their interest. If she sees them pointing at anything or often checking a location, that is where she will go search. If she does not receive any inadvertent clues, she will fly slowly below the treetops to make a more focused search of the grounds.

( Have a sinking feeling Cythi? :-p)
NPC, 70 posts
Thu 11 Mar 2021
at 23:45
  • msg #96

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Terranovae flew to the observation deck to present the briefcase to Princess and Mongrel, and they seemed to be engaged in some sort of hushed dialog (that would be difficult to overhear unless you had and used advanced senses).

Part-way through the discussion, Princess put a hand on Sandra's shoulder and the two of them left the observation deck, taking the stairs down, then--presumably--heading to the little tunnel that led to the path to the parking lot.

Please see Message 84   Any reaction to the metal behemoth in the copse of woods?

Actually, of all things, Mongrel and Princess appeared to be having tea.  Emmett was filming the area, holding a handicam on a hand-held gimbal, and moving it back in forth in slow, wide arcs.

At this point, to move things forward, Virginia, you can opt in to Adrianna's or Cythi's discovery.

Random teleports, does net you something...  Near the entrance to the park, bound behind the big wooden "Sailor Point" sign (property of Emerald City Parks, etc.etc...) the grey and brown box was nailed in place.  It might've been anything, except that this one had a small antennae and  a black panel on the lower-half of it that had a series of blue lights that went back and forth in sequence...

NPC, 0 posts
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 00:13
  • msg #97

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

I apologize, for my actions. Please, go ahead and talk to your friends, you and I can talk after...

The elder voice seemed relieved... Grateful even.  I am the Speaker now.  But your... world.  It is so much bigger and... scarier than we remember.  You are our God, and there is no other for us.  I will tell you all that I can.   

She reached out and took the wafer, looking at it. "...what's, this?"

"One of the doctors.  When I first awakened.  They said it is laced with azetidine, It is like chocolate or wine. It gives them pleasure.  Arsenic is like sugar." Alexey offered.  "They gave me a list of things that they like to eat.  One of my guys' hosts was a chemist, I think."  As Alexey was talking, he seemed to relax a little bit, to ease out of the big awkward Polish schtick he'd been pushing so hard.  It occurrerd to Marie that it might be because they weren't talking about him but of something else.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:13, Fri 12 Mar 2021.
NPC, 72 posts
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 00:13
  • msg #98

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

At that point, Princess and Sandra came walking down the path that led up the hill to the observation deck.

"I'm going to take Sandra away from you for a little bit. " Princess said with a smile.   "Something's come up and it needs a girl's touch.  Probably nothing.  But a woman's work is never done."

Sandra rolled her eyes, but laughed.  " I found a briefcase by one of the gun emplacements.  it's with Mongrel now.  Just two more to go!"
PC, 244 posts
H2 Lavendar
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 02:30
  • msg #99

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi teleports straight up from the spot waving around to see if she can get Virginia's attention and even calls her over so she can check and see if she is right.  She does not leave the spot though so she does not lose it.

"Virginia come over here and see what I found!"
PC, 153 posts
H2 Blue
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 01:06
  • msg #100

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Having completely over thought the situation, Virginia throws up her hands and begins pacing on a tree branch. Here she was thinking they were under high scrutiny and Princess and Mongrel are over there simply chilling out! And Emmett is not going to even see anything waving his camera around!

Hmpf! She thinks to herself. She puts her hands on her hips and gives herself a reply ... well, the pressure to perform is off at least! Wonder what is up with Teranovae? she ponders...

She lights back into the air to begin searching again. After a moment she catches sight of Cythi waving her arms around. She zips over to see what is up.

"What is going on? You found something? Show me!"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:47, Sat 13 Mar 2021.
PC, 77 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 02:27
  • msg #101

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

She looked between Princess and Sandra a moment, then nodded.

Finally she would look back towards Alexey, considering a moment. ", I eat it, so that they can...? ...or hold it for them to eat?"

She then considered a moment as the 'Speaker' spoke. Our worlds bigger and scarier then you remember? How long have you been here? What do you mean, that I'm your god?
PC, 246 posts
H2 Lavendar
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 03:09
  • msg #102

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Sorry I stopped flying but look at that!" Cythi says when she gets there and points it out.


Random teleports, does net you something...  Near the entrance to the park, bound behind the big wooden "Sailor Point" sign (property of Emerald City Parks, etc.etc...) the grey and brown box was nailed in place.  It might've been anything, except that this one had a small antennae and  a black panel on the lower-half of it that had a series of blue lights that went back and forth in sequence...

PC, 154 posts
H2 Blue
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 22:25
  • msg #103

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Virginia flies up next to Cythi with a whiff of gold pixie dust in the air. She hovers and looks at what the barista is carrying on about.

"What is that thing? Do you think it is something we are looking for? Seems odd to be right here at the front near the sign. I would almost guess it is one of those new power meter boxes. The ones they can read by wifi or something."

She looks to see if there is any cabling or wires coming out of it.
PC, 248 posts
H2 Lavendar
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 03:17
  • msg #104

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"I am not sure what it is.  Do you think we should grab it though or not?"  She asks not being the most technologically advanced of the group.   "Do you think it just safe to grab it?"
PC, 157 posts
H2 Blue
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 10:07
  • msg #105

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Virginia's tiny mouth moves this way and that as she ponders the box.

"Do you see any off switches on this thing? Do we have screwdriver? Ripping electronics off a wall seems like a good way to break it or get hurt in the process."

She buzzes around the thing trying to determine how it is attached.

"Can you just..." Virginia makes wiggly jazz hands at it, " off?" Indicating Cythi's teleporting powers.
NPC, 73 posts
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 00:31
  • msg #106

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Princess and Terranovae left in Princess's jeep. Sure, they could have flown, but Princess would still have to come back for the vehicle.

As Virginia and Cythi approached the strange metal box affixed to the park's entrance sign, the area was momentarily rocked by an explosion from the observation deck where Mongrel had been.

@Marie & Alexey
It was visible from Marie and Alexey's position in the picnic area, too.  A cloud of fire, and dark smoke, and from their position, they could see Mongrel thrown clear.  It looked like he was thrown into the wooded area below.

Moments later, Both Dylan and Emmett came running out of the tunnel that led up to the observation deck.   They were both wide-eyed and disoriented.

"Are you okay?"  Dylan asked Marie & Alexey.

Alexey nodded but went to them, concern touching his features.   "What happened?  Is this part of the game?"

Dylan Lieu, Executive Producer, Emmet Smith, Film Crew

PC, 84 posts
H1 Violet
Emotionally Emotionless
Wed 17 Mar 2021
at 02:35
  • msg #107

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"I am fine." Came her emotionless tone. "Alexey, stay with them, make sure they are okay. I am going to go check on Mongrel. He was thrown into the woods below the observation deck I think." As she spoke her eyes began to glow brighter as she began to use more of her power, so much so that a dim glow could be seem through her sunglasses. Then suddenly she was in the air, and flying towards the woods near the observation deck.
PC, 253 posts
H2 Lavendar
Wed 17 Mar 2021
at 02:45
  • msg #108

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi herself was about to answer Virginia when the explosion happened.  "What the heck was that.  We should go see!"
PC, 163 posts
H2 Blue
Wed 17 Mar 2021
at 10:43
  • msg #109

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

"Splinters! Yes, let's go check that out!"

Virginia gathers herself and begins leading them toward the sound of the explosion.
PC, 256 posts
H2 Lavendar
Thu 18 Mar 2021
at 02:07
  • msg #110

Re: 02.10: Training Games at Sailor Point

Cythi realises she should have asked for a new sprinkle of fairy dust but instead decides to teleport in small jumps to follow.
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