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02.00: Chapter 2 Hubert House - Open Play.

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
NPC, 37 posts
Sun 3 Jan 2021
at 17:12
  • msg #1

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Hubert House is a former bed & breakfast located on the Eastern slopes of Sunset Hill, looking out over much of the University district from ti's lofty position.

Fans of Sunset Studios television and streaming fiction shows would recognize many of the features of the place, as the front foyer and several of the suites had been used in a lot of shows.

It wasn't exceptionally glamorous.  Most of the B&B furnishings had been swapped out for network-provided sets.  Functional if not expensive.

  • Third-Floor: Two bedrooms with private washrooms.
  • Second-Floor: Six bedrooms with private washrooms (Virginia & 5 others), A library, Office/computer room with four workstations.
  • Main-Floor: Kitchen, Living Room, Dining Room, Sun-Room (kitchen nook), Two bedrooms with private washrooms (one occupied by Tech Crew).  one washroom (no bath)
  • Basement: A small gym and photo-studio, laundry and a hot-water-tank, Furnace & backup-generator, 1 washroom (no bath), Underground parking for four vehicles.
  • Sub-Basement: An infirmary and communications room in the sub-basement (not in use), 1 en-suite for an attending medic (not in use), storage lockers.

System Specs:
  • +00 Toughness: Average (+06 Toughness)
  • +03 Size: large house (Small Mansion), Secret, Infirmary,
  • +05 Living Spaces, Personnel, Gym, Library, Security System
  • +02 Communications / Computer Room, Independent Generator
  • +10 TOTAL

  • Dylan Liu - Sunset Studios Producer  (Talks to plants) - does not live on-site
  • Camera & Tech Crews:
    • Archie Hilton,
    • Camilla (Cammy) Grey,
    • Emmett White,
    • Satpal Singh,
    • Susan (Soo-Jin) Salazar

    They rotate shifts.  one roaming, doing interviews, etc., the other in the office working on video and audio data.   One of the first-floor bedrooms has been converted to their use as a crash-space.
  • Susan Salazar is also the AEGIS liason.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:49, Sun 03 Jan 2021.
GM, 379 posts
Sun 3 Jan 2021
at 18:26
  • msg #2

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

So, taking a page from a discord game I'm in...  a thread for free-play in-character.

Make it up, it's all on you here.  No stress.

PC, 17 posts
H1 No Codename
Sun 3 Jan 2021
at 22:07
  • msg #3

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Toes wriggle.

Legs stretch.

Arms reach.

Eyes pop open.

Virginia's eyes slowly adjust to the golden sunlight streaming through her second floor windows. Throwing the covers back, she kips up out of bed. In her mind a song begins playing and she dances over to the french doors. She throws them open and steps out onto the balcony. Out here she smells a hint of a greasy restaurant on the air, hears the sounds of cursing on the wind, and sees threatening clouds on the horizon. Looks like a PERFECT day!!

In her mind the beat grows a bit stronger. She turns and gyrates back inside. Going over to the hallway door she throws it open, leans out, and yells "TEN MINUTES!!"

Next the beat carries her over to the bathroom. She brushes her teeth, washes her face, and pulls back her hair. After practicing a few winks and blowing herself a kiss in the mirror, she whips around and travels back into the bedroom. She figures now would be a good time to put on some clothing and the search commences.

After a short adventure, she slips on some fresh running clothes and attaches her cell phone to the waistband. Her fingers snap up headphones and sunglasses. Out the door Virginia goes.

Arriving in the kitchen she begins stretching and waits to see if anyone is going to join her.
PC, 76 posts
H1 No Codename
Mon 4 Jan 2021
at 02:45
  • msg #4

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Cythi was up at an ungodly early hour because that was how she raised and even still she had not broken that process in her mind.  Still it was likely safe at the current hour for her to go see what is going on or to make food...or find food as god only knew she could not cook anything.

As such she went downstairs after she heard the calling for Ten Minutes and uses that time to move down to the kitchen.  Any that saw her the night before will note she is wearing the same clothing.  Not because she is unhygenic but because she literally had very few items to wear and that is something she hoped to fix.  Her options in her wardrobe coffee barista outfits and a pair of sweatpants and sweat shirt.  As such she arrives in the kitchen to see what ten minutes is about and hope it was about food.

Coming in and seeing Virgina though she was not so sure.  "Morning!"  She says smiling.
GM, 380 posts
Mon 4 Jan 2021
at 06:58
  • msg #5

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

One should also note that, as a former bed-and-breakfast, it is a professional-grade kitchen.   At it's peak occupancy, they'd have to have cooked for 20-25 people.  Typically, it'd only be breakfast, but they probably offered some "room service" dinner options if given enough advanced warning.
PC, 19 posts
H1 No Codename
Mon 4 Jan 2021
at 11:02
  • msg #6

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

"Morning sunshine!" Virginia greets Cythi with genuine warmth and absolutely no clue exactly how appropriate the comment is. "You look positively radiant!"

Her face glows with way too much enthusiasm but it is rock solid. There is no hint of a doubt to it. She throws her arms up and around in an arc, her hips the opposite direction.

"Ready to go running?" she asks. As she waits for an answer she notices the young lady is wearing the same thing from the night before. That either means she is not going or has nothing else to wear ..... or both.

Before Cythi has time to answer she takes her by the hand and begins leading her back upstairs. Her ploy is to find something in her room for Cythi to wear. "Let's see if anyone else is coming! I need to get my credit card from my room too. Oh my, but you are warm!" she lets go of Cythi. "You feeling alright princess?"
PC, 77 posts
H1 No Codename
Mon 4 Jan 2021
at 15:58
  • msg #7

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Did she just say Jogging?  Cythi thinks to herself before checking her garb and thinking she is fine for that.

Then she is grabbed and dragged upstairs, "I think I am good to go but yes I am feeling fine.   Why do you ask?"  She says and definitely not sure on some things so decides to ask.  "Also thank-you for thinking I look radiant but why do you think I am warm?"  She decides to leave off why the princess comment but figures she would circle around to that after.

(OOC - Added measurements to Cythi for ease under description)
This message was last edited by the player at 15:59, Mon 04 Jan 2021.
PC, 9 posts
H1 Terrannovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Tue 5 Jan 2021
at 04:17
  • msg #8

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

The morning sun rising in the over the Sunset hills is a spectacular sight for 1,000 feet up... something Sandra slowed her progress slightly to appreciate.  She was really uncertain about this 'position' on what amounted to her as a tawdry 'reality-show/sitcom'... that is not what her PR team of lawyers told her it was but that is how it seemed to her.  Something that seemed beneath the dignity of a New Goddess of the Earth... but televanglism was worse by far!

Sandra was standing on her black-mirrored surface of the Hematite-hued Surf-board like stone she used to fly about.  It was indeed stone given motion and flight by her will... and gleamed like a shard of flatten oval-shaped blackened silver in the morning sunrise as she sped along at a 120mph.

She was not clad in her usual Emerald green super hero costume... but this morning worn a vibrant red bikini top and bottoms with a blue wrap-around skirt, golden calve laced sandals, and mirrored shades with a white wide-brimmed sunhat framing her long flowing Emerald Green hair int he wind-shear of her travel.  She carried a large shoulder bag that had a few changed of clothing.  She always traveled light figuring to buy more clothes wherever she ended up.. though she had a couple of homes around the world they were nothing spectacular but comfortable and modest her lodging for the show would be provided on sight.  Half the fun would be purchasing new clothing on-site to wear and fill her living arrangements on the set of the show.

She had achieved a certain amount of fame as her superheroine 'real name' ~ TERANOVAE, fighting the wicked and greedy of powerful... often times labeled supervillains of Freedom City back east. But her PR team convinced her THIS Day-time show... would be a better was to spread her message of the awakening of the New Gods of this era to a wider audience.  She what she considered the banality of it all!  She Teranovae did not require worshipers, nor did the fame or wealth from the monetization of her image and grandeur draw her to do what she did ~ these were not her goals. Her divine power was hers alone weather people placed faith or sent prayers to her or not.. no. Her goal was to inspire humankind to greater deeds of charity, Nobility and Equality by her sterling example to stand up to the forces of corruption and avarice making to Stand with like-minded brave souls against the forces of evil, darkness and greed.  To show that Good deeds were their own reward that mortal humanity should follow the example of this Era's New Gods to strive for a brighter and  more mature and civilized tomorrow!

Sandra grimaced at the thought of being ogled by the masses of mindless TV or Cable watchers... but if she could inspire more hearts and minds this way through some ... 'dating show'... 'sigh' she guessed it would be worth the effort.

She flew in over the University District taking in a view of the awakening community then soars up to the heights overlooking it all to the neighborhood of the Hubert House on the Eastern slopes where she would be staying.

With a rush of wind her hematite surf-board floated down to the walkway to the House to hover a mere 5" off the ground before she looked the place over and stepped off to the side walk, lifting her gaze to the upper stories of her new temporary home for the show.

She walked up the pathway to the house her Hematite surf-board liquefying and melting into the ground leaving no trace it was ever there as she ascended the steps to the house she knocked three times and then entered without a word and stood int he foyer looking around before calling out, "Hello, is anyone home?  I'm Teranovae, the new member to the show... can anyone tell me where my room is?"
PC, 20 posts
H1 No Codename
Tue 5 Jan 2021
at 04:18
  • msg #9

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

It is obvious to Virginia that the taller girl is allowing her to lead her back upstairs. Though that is not unusual, most everyone is taller. Plus she not known for giving people enough time to oppose her.

Once at her room she says, "This won't take but a moment. Did you see anyone else stirring? Psh, whatever." She pulls Cythi inside. There are a two piles of clothing pouring out of her closet but other than that the room is fairly well tended.

"If you see anything you want ..." Virginia gives an open invite with a point. She turns her attention to a dresser drawer and begins digging around for her card.

Most all of the cascading clothes are in petites but not everything. Cythi is sure to find something if she desires.

"Ha! Got it!", Virginia turns around with a snap, displaying the credit card like the Olympic torch. "If the others don't want to come along they are snooser losers! We are stopping by Bacon Incorporated. My treat!"

OOC I thought I read something about you always being warm. Maybe that was a draft version. Or I am losing my mind.
PC, 79 posts
H1 No Codename
Tue 5 Jan 2021
at 04:31
  • msg #10

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

(OOC - Might have been before teleport instead of solar type)

"Thank-you but I think this will do as I think this is what most people use to jog in.  I am hoping to some point be able to buy some clothes but since leaving where I came from all I have is the one outfit from there and my barista outfits."  She says hanging her head a bit ashamed.  "Still I can see if we can find a place to purchase more if you know of such place."  She suggests while definitely eyeing the clothes.

"I will definitely take the offer of food though and will even gladly jog with no cheating on my part."  She smiles as she quirks her brow, "Did you hear someone else?  I thought I did?"  She asks hearing another voice.
PC, 22 posts
H1 No Codename
Tue 5 Jan 2021
at 04:45
  • msg #11

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

"I don't "know" a place ... but it sounds like a great excuse to find one!" She does not even register the hint of scavenger eyes. The wardrobe offer was sincere.

"Oh! I did hear sumpin! Did someone fall out bed??" She shrugs and walks into the hallway.
PC, 11 posts
H1 Terrannovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Tue 5 Jan 2021
at 04:59
  • msg #12

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Sandra walks around the Foyer looking up the stairs, "Hello?!? Is anyone here?"

She is a tallish woman of about 6'0" approximately... her build is athletic her legs muscled like a dancer's not quite Amazon in build but fit and slender.  Her golden sandals laced up her calves make only a light shuffle as she moves with graceful and regal poise.  Her eyes are a vibrant Emerald Green matched by long tresses of equally exotic Green hair!

She is a beauty... her Red Bikini contrasting the Green of her hair and eyes.  The azure-hued light wrap around skirt at her waist only partially concealing her slender legs.

She peers up stairs her face framed by mirrored shades at her brow and a wide-brimmed white sunhat pulled to the back of her head.
PC, 80 posts
H1 No Codename
Tue 5 Jan 2021
at 15:38
  • msg #13

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

"Let us go see what it is."  Cythi says as she this time grabs Virginia's hand and guides her down the stairs if she accepts.

When down and seeing the new person Cythi pauses and smiles, "Hello." She starts off with simply.  "I am Cythi."  She would introduce Virginia as well if she followed.

(OOC - Did not want to assume actions for Virginia or I would have introd her too.)
PC, 23 posts
H1 No Codename
Tue 5 Jan 2021
at 23:28
  • msg #14

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Virginia finds Cythi's grip amazing! She bungles along with her like a kid sister.

Once downstairs the presence of the green haired woman is a surprise! Were they not just down here? She must be in one of the first floor bedrooms. Skirt, sandals, bikini ... swimmer?

She stands demurely while Cythi holds her hand and does the talking.

OOC Oh yeah, it is all good. We are just trying to get this thing rolling.
PC, 81 posts
H1 No Codename
Tue 5 Jan 2021
at 23:42
  • msg #15

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Cythi then indicates, "And this is Virginia!"
PC, 12 posts
H1 Terrannovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 00:15
  • msg #16

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

She smiles warmly, "Greetings, young sisters... I am Sandra, also self-named Teranovae, reborne Goddess and daughter of GAEA.  I am for better or worse a new contestant in this tawdry 'supermodel shakedown'...", she rolls her eyes in almost disgust at the prospect and sighs, " PR team says this contest will afford me more publicity as a platform for my social messages of Equality, Honor, Justice, Responsibility, and a civic devotion to civilized Peace ~ than just being a colorful hero fighting the unsavory for the public good."

"So here I am... make no mistake I have no interest in 'winning' this contest... as IF some one else's opinion of our individual self-worth has any bearing on who any of us are?  I'll leave the winning and tawdry pageantry to you young ladies if you desire such things.

Sandra casts her gaze approvingly over all the assembled young women... and smiled even more brightly...
"My, you are all so Very Lovely!  I imagine you will all break a few young hearts in time!  Just try to remember girls... love Yourself and who YOU are... and other peoples opinions on beauty or other purely artificial means of judging a young woman will not matter in the least!"

Her eyes twinkle.. but there is no hunger, or desire in their swirling emerald depths... no ulterior motives... she is what she appears with no irony or derision in her tone ~ All somewhat frank Honesty.

She smiles again, "But such things are of secondary concern... could you direct me to a unclaimed room to settle my few current possessions?"

She is bearing only a large shoulder bag.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:23, Wed 06 Jan 2021.
PC, 24 posts
H1 No Codename
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 01:46
  • msg #17

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Virginia is silent, letting everything that Sandra - self-named Teranovae - reborne Goddess and daughter of GAEA said linger in the air.

Her mouth drops open.

She dismisses 99% of what the woman says and after a loooong silence, all that comes out is, "Manic Panic. Electric Lizard." That has got to be her hair coloring!
PC, 13 posts
H1 Terrannovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 01:59
  • msg #18

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Sandra crosses her arms at her ample chest and chuckles at Virginia's fanciful words, "...that is a certainly a funny combination expressive words of suprize... the youth of today have such colorful expressions.  A. Room. Please?  Or am I to just search for the first empty one?  I'd rather not mistake one already claimed."
PC, 82 posts
H1 No Codename
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 03:09
  • msg #19

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Cythi was almost wait she was stunned.  Not because of what she proclaimed as insanity but something that directly ties into her home life.  For that she actually looks somewhat fearful but holds her best to let Virginia interject again.
PC, 15 posts
H1 Terrannovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 03:34
  • msg #20

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Sandra smiles up at the two ...speachless girls and shakes her head in mirth, " seems I have powers I did not realize!  A Mental Stunning and a Mental Tourette's Affliction!" {chuckle}

"Don't let my exotic-magnificence be too overwhelming girls~", her tone one of lightly teasing mirthful sarcasm than any real claim of self-proclaimed greatness, "... You DO want to win the contest don't you? You'll need to be far more articulate if you wish to impress the 'judges'." {snicker}

She waves them off, "...don't worry about me.. I'll do some wandering about.  I'm sure I'll find a room to my liking eventually."

With that she turns to look at the structure of the downstairs foyer and walks over to a support column her expression one of curiosity.  She touches the pillar and moves her hand across its surface tracing it to the nearby wall.. and a few feet along the wall when she stops.  A very slight tremble goes through the mansion.

And she turns to look toward where the steps to the basement are and ambles that way exploring the house...
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