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15:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

02.00: Chapter 2 Hubert House - Open Play.

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
PC, 54 posts
H1 No Codename
Tue 12 Jan 2021
at 23:21
  • msg #71

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Virginia slurps at her coke zero. Her eyes roll around as she tries to think of the repayment for revealing the wonders of bacon. Hmm, none is required. But then she blurts out,

"Tittie Tacos!"
PC, 112 posts
H1 No Codename
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 00:36
  • msg #72

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

The look on Cythi's face might have been priceless as she it is obvious she is trying to figure out exactly what it is Virginia had said.  It takes a moment before she asks, "Okay I will gladly do that but I have to ask.  What is a Tittie Taco?"  She asks confused to all heck.
PC, 55 posts
H1 No Codename
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 01:14
  • msg #73

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

"Tittie Tacos!" Virginia throws up her arms as if confirming a field goal attempt!

"Tina's Tiny Taco Hut! If you want to thank me, then you have to go with me to eat at Tina's Tiny Taco Hut! Do ... do you know what Mexican food is??"
She pauses for Cythi to answer.

"This place is authentic Mexican now, not that pretend Mexican junk. Lots of flavors, choices, and nothing is really that spicy. And oh the cheese! It is delicious! That shredded stuff you get at the grocery store? Not Mexican. Tina's is so much different. And they have drink specials on Tuesday nights and usually there is some swarmy young man playing guitar and singing. He is not that good at singing but he thinks he is, which makes it even more fun!" She laughs.
PC, 33 posts
H1 Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 01:33
  • msg #74

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Sandra took inventory of all her purchases... this would do nicely and perhaps not startle people as much as her Goddess regalia she wore when fighting the wicked.  She WAS disappointed that cloaks and capes were not in the fashions of the day.

She turned to make her way to the main entrance she had used and before.. her small stone platform heavily laden with her packages was almost totally obscured by the four foot pile of boxes, most observers would have thought perhaps she had some ultra-cool shopping robotic carrylift hauling the packages around after her as the wheels were obscured by the bulk of packages not realizing the platform was actually hovering about 4 inches above the ground with no support at all.

Sandra still drew a lot of attention regardless for her stunning looks and exotic hair.. she mostly tried to ignore all the attention and made her way through the food court...

And saw them at a table there... both Virginia and Cythi.

She approached within 10'ft of them as she passes by and waved smiling cordially, "Well hello girls.. my you do get around!  Enjoy your shopping!"

She was still wearing her mirrored shades and Red Bikki-top & bottoms, but her shoulders and arms were covered with a white knitted shawl, the wrap around blue skirt covered most of her bottoms & bare legs, and her calves-laced short-heeled sandals clicked softly with each step as she continued on her way with the white sun hat bobbing like a gentle sail.  She walked with such confident poise and grace her head never bobbing in her stride.  A shrunken floating platform of mirrored hematite laden with many packages with her shoulder bag on top ~ followed her in silence...
This message was last edited by the player at 01:34, Wed 13 Jan 2021.
PC, 113 posts
H1 No Codename
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 01:55
  • msg #75

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

"I do know what Mexican food is as at the superstar part they ordered in for workrs quite a bit and I had a chance to try Mexican food on many occasions.  Part of it agrees with me and part does not as for some reason I do not detest spicy but a lot of sauces and condiments I detest for unknown reasons.  Like my tastebuds because of bland food does not like things but I am always willing to exit comfort zone.  If it helps why I ordered cheese fries and nothing really on my burger.  I am sorry if it seems odd."  Cythi starts with.

"I have never actually been drinking, assuming you mean imbibing of alcohol as it was forbidden for women to ever touch anything like that.  And I am not sure I am old enough as it is twenty-one for that right?"

When the person that freaks her out shows up however she goes stiff and silent letting Virginia go first in communication mainly as she needed to gain courage.
PC, 56 posts
H1 No Codename
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 03:30
  • msg #76

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Virginia looks off to the side for a moment. "No, I do not recall any sauces much really. There are some minced veggie dips. If you are in doubt just get a quesadilla, always the safe bet."

"Oh my god this taste terrible!" Virginia suddenly blurts out, dropping her sandwich on the plate! She just saw Sandra. She reacts by giving her no reason to ever come here!

"Oh hiii,.. Psy ...SANDRA!" Virginia gives a smile and waves.  Her expression though is odd. It is not disdain, more simply like confusion when she looks toward the woman.

She keeps waving. "Wash the window.... wash the window..." She hints with a whisper to Cythi. "Come on girl, help me out. Help me wave her on. Practice those pageant waves and wave her on. Wash the window ... wash that window."

Virginia goes to park parade mode, smiling and waving hoping Sandra keeps going.
PC, 114 posts
H1 No Codename
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 03:47
  • msg #77

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Cythi actually glad that Virginia seems to be on same page as her although her methods are different.  Still what can be done other than play along as she picks up her hand and waves although tongue still caught and not wanting to speak.  Still if this was to work, "H-h-h-hi Sandra."  She says and even forces a smile.
GM, 413 posts
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 04:00
  • msg #78

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Well, this thread is certainly turning about to be amusing as all get out!
PC, 34 posts
H1 Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 21:17
  • msg #79

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Sandra looks over her shoulder at Cythi, pausing briefly, "..oh and Hello to you too Cythri, no need to be shy deary I'm not going to bite.  I must say your hair is truly a spectacular, lovely wonder!  I do so envy your accentuating tattoos 'chuckle'.. I can't have tattoos.. my natural regeneration removes them too quickly!"

She smiles at the two the expression twinkling in her emerald eyes, "Well, I'll be along now.  Don't stay out too late girls and please be careful!"

With that she continues on toward the exit... clearly attracting attention as she makes for the main exit of the mall.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:18, Wed 13 Jan 2021.
PC, 58 posts
H1 No Codename
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 23:21
  • msg #80

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Virginia continues waving and smiling in parade mode until Sandra is completely out of sight.

She turns to face Cythi with her totally fake parade smile, then bursts out laughing! "Hahahahahahahaha!"

"Great job Samantha Stevens! You could have totally popped us out of here but nooooo. Fail! Now she totally has a crush on you! Spectacular! Lovely!" she laughs even louder!

"We need to put some kind of tracker on that ... wait is she following us? Is this ... they are not trying to make us part of some comedy series are they?"
, she looks around for hidden cameras. Convinced none are there, she settles back to her seat and begins nibbling the sandwich again.

"If she is part of the show, I sure hope the producers know what they are doing. That is neither a model or an actress. A lunatic or Russian athlete, maybe."
PC, 116 posts
H1 No Codename
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 23:43
  • msg #81

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

"I have to give faith that they do know what they are doing.  But mind you I am here and not completely convinced I deserve to be.  But this is a way to stay out although now I can always escape if needed from where I came from."  Cythi interjects.

"From what I was told this was not going to be a comedy but perhaps she just needs some help.  Mental therapy or the likes.  That could be why they brought her on to the show as a means not to have a person with powers out as a danger, rather keep them close and hope for the best.  You know a form of damage control for those on the show."  She offers hoping it makes sense.

"And if you want we can work on a sign to teleport out.  I just did not want to leave before paying as that seemed wrong.  Also not sure she has a crush on me or just likes the hair and tattoos which for some reason did not disappear after I received my powers despite my regeneration."  She offers confused by the Samantha Stevens comment but hoping as she gets to know more of Virginia that she would be able to understand more of the lingo she seems to use.
PC, 60 posts
H1 No Codename
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 02:25
  • msg #82

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Cythi's reasoning for Sandra's appearance makes no sense but Virginia has nothing better to offer.

"Let's finish up here. Was there anything else you wanted to do while we were in town?"
PC, 117 posts
H1 No Codename
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 02:44
  • msg #83

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

"Nothing I can think of that I wanted to do.  Maybe explore the town as my teleport abilities do have a caveat that I need to have seen it to go there.  But I can do that whenever.  For now what is it you would like to do?"  Cythi asks showing visible sign of relief that the crazy is gone.
PC, 61 posts
H1 No Codename
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 04:07
  • msg #84

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

"We can walk around for a little bit if you want. The things I want to do can wait. It is still early"

They tidy up the bill and leave a generous tip. Out the door Virginia goes, pulling down her shades over her eyes.
PC, 118 posts
H1 No Codename
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 04:20
  • msg #85

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

"No need if you have stuff you want to do.  Maybe I can help you with your things?"  Cythi offers not wanting this day to be about her stuff especially with all that Virginia did for her.

She follows suit heading out not having sunglasses and making notes that they might be needed.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:21, Thu 14 Jan 2021.
PC, 35 posts
H1 Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 05:47
  • msg #86

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Sandra got to the exit and without any warning walked to a open space on the sidewalk outside the mall and expanded her hematite disk to her full surfboard mirrored stone platform.  Securing her packages with a stone railing in the back of the board she stepping on it and flew away from the mall to the stunned surprise of the mall shoppers entering and exiting the glass doors...

In no time she was speeding over the cityscape back to the Hubert House.

Returning through the open window of her ground floor room ... she began to cheerfully put away her new attire in the closest and dresser along with the few pieces of underwear she already had deposited from her shoulder bag on the bed.

She rarely wore bras... feeling them an artificial social burden by the patriarchy to force control over a woman's own sexuality.  If she felt a bra was something that would enhance her appearance she wore one, if not or it was not important at that moment she wouldn't! It was simple as that.  Panties were just practical, they prevented chaffing and felt good to wear.. not restrictive.  Her flesh was still supple and not armored or tougher than normal... it was her gravitic field that allowed her to bounce tank rounds off her chest.

Teranovae did not own or maintain a large number of garments in any case... part of the earth goddess perks.. dirt did not stick to her or her clothing.  She took showers daily .. mostly only because she liked the feel of water on her skin.. rather than any need to clean dirt off her body.  Though she did sweat, but it was very little.  She had the constitution of... well of stone actually.

Not the least of the Earth Goddess perks... she was only fertile when she wanted to be.  Which gave her something of a shock when she first awoke with her powers... no periods.  At first she wracked her brain wondering if she was somehow pregnant or worse sterile ~ when she missed three months in a row... but no.  With concentration and will she found she could be fertile or not as she desired.. of course the convenience and cleanliness of no such worries was her default choice!  She guessed the legends that Earth Goddess' were also fertility icons was true.  And Teranovae was not sure how she felt about that, honestly.  She was not more amorous than she could recall from Sandra's memories... but she had not been romantic with anyone since her rebirth.  She tried to dismiss the thoughts... she had work to do to help mankind not worry over who was sharing her bed ~ which was none... thus far.

To be honest intimacy with a nice man... seemed something she would do best to avoid. Not for fear of commitment... but dread of watching him grow old and die... while she remained forever youthful.  Why subject her heart to such pain and loss at his inevitable death?  Plus as a heroine... why risk someone she would love to the danger of the villains discovering them?

It was not all Powers and Glory being an Earth Goddess.. sometimes she struggled to keep her mind on the human condition of those she swore to protect.

Sometimes... its was Very Lonely ~ not being mortal anymore.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:29, Fri 15 Jan 2021.
PC, 56 posts
H1 No Codename
Force x Speed
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 06:15
  • msg #87

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Adrianna walked into Hubert House for the first time. She'd had so much going on that she'd been pushed back on her intro for far too long. She'd actually gotten a phone call the night before about removing her from the show if the didn't meet her on camera obligations. So here she was.

Walking into the foyer she calls Hello! Anyone home?
PC, 36 posts
H1 Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 06:33
  • msg #88

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Teranovae heard the front door open and the call from the foyer...  She had just pulled on some jeans and her Black - GODDESS T-shirt but was barefooted.. still she went out to greet who ever had arrived...

She walked out to the Foyer, a tallish young woman at least 6'ft tall maybe.. and barefooted.  Her build was practically amazonian.. not in chiseled muscles per se, but she definitely had a athletic build like a gymnast or dancer perhaps?  She wore a Black T-Shirt with a single word in bold white across her chest - GODDESS, and designer blue jeans which barely contained her physique.  But she herself was a the real treat ~ a stunning beauty with long flowing Green hair, which matched her eyebrows and eye lashes... above equally enchanting Emerald Green eyes.

She smiled, "Hello Welcome to Herbert House! I'm Teranovae, or Sandra if you prefer."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:48, Thu 14 Jan 2021.
PC, 57 posts
H1 No Codename
Force x Speed
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 07:17
  • msg #89

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Hello. My name is Adrianna. I'm the last one to arrive I suppose. I've done a one on oneninterview so far but now they want to see how I get along with everyone else. Mind introduce to everyone?

Adrianna steps forward to shake hands with Sandra while smiling broadly. She's 6'2, long dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She has a friendly face and is wearing black LuLu Lemon yoga pants and a form fitting black Underarmor top. She has a small dark red Chanel clutch in her left hand containing her keys, her phone, and her wallet. She is wearing black ankle high zip up UGG boots.
PC, 37 posts
H1 Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 15:18
  • msg #90

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Sandra chuckles, "..Sorry, I'm just about as new here as you are, the two girls here Cythi and Virginia are currently at the shopping mall, and seem a little shy.  I myself just arrived today.  I think there was a man here as well in the weight room briefly but I have not met him yet and don't know his name."

"But don't let that stop us from finding you a room!  Sorry all the main floor bedrooms are filled I believe."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:21, Thu 14 Jan 2021.
PC, 58 posts
H1 No Codename
Force x Speed
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 22:38
  • msg #91

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Well alright then. Lead the way. I ended up with Super Speed, enhanced intellect, and enhanced toughness. A couple of other little quirks too. What did you end up with and has anyone worked up a group training regimen for the group yet? We'll need to learn to work together to be effective. That scrap on the Row was a mess. I can think of 2 dozen ways we could have all done better.

I can work on some ideas I've had for a suit to streamline my abilities while I'm here too. Some of my contacts at Lockheed Martin are interested in what I come up with so they're willing to front supplies and a facility.
PC, 62 posts
H1 No Codename
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 00:10
  • msg #92

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Virginia strides with confidence around the shopping areas of town. She stops and goes, looking in the windows. Sometimes Cythi falls behind staring at things. Sometimes Virginia is left behind, but they always meet back up.

In the end she ends up with a few purchases. One bag holds shoes obviously intended to help her in the height department. The other holds an odd assortment of items from a craft store. And one bag holds a selection from the confectionary.

"Alright, I think I am about finished for today. Do you want to pop us back to the house from here?"
PC, 119 posts
H1 No Codename
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 01:00
  • msg #93

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

Cythi herself for the most part window shops simply because she was used to not having.  Still she almost pops in to get a cellphone but not having enough experience and wondering if the team will get one she decides to leave it.

"Sure can..."  She says holding out her hand and once accepted teleports her and Virginia back to her room.

Once in the room she puts the rest of her bags down planning on putting stuff away later.
PC, 38 posts
H1 Terranovae
New Goddess, All Woman
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 01:29
  • msg #94

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

In reply to Adrianna (msg # 91):

Teranovae / Sandra shrugs and leads the way up the stairs to the upper floors which she has never seen until now, "I have never been upstairs so I'm uncertain as to which rooms are unclaimed.  We will have to use our best judgement I'm afraid."

She is as graceful as she is beautiful as she leads the way to the second floor and continues, "As to what did I get?  The woman you see before you Sandra Demetra died. A week after the Silver Storm in Emerald City... crushed to death in collapsing section of the Lake Lenore Caves in Washington State on an ill-fated archaeological dig for Native American artifacts along with 7 other students."

"I awoke a week later encased in the collapsed cave complex... an aware of my powers. A Newly Born Earth Goddess.. a daughter of GAEA.  Some might claim I am just a reborn Sandra... but I am not really that woman anymore.  I'm immortal... changed in many ways.. not human anymore...though I look like her and share her memories.. we are not the same.  Sandra was somewhat self-absorbed and more concerned about her ambitious career as an intern archaeologist, where I've dedicated my immortal life to protecting mankind and trying by example to be an inspiration for Compassion, Courage, Justice and Nobility as a Goddess should be.  Hopefully my efforts to protect mankind's self-determination to choose to be a noble and mature species perhaps someday to become divine in their own right.  I will certainly be around long enough to watch and assist where I can.. but mankind must walk their own path.. I cannot lead.. mankind must mature and choose to walk the path of enlightened civilization. Soto that end I have worked off an on again with the Sentinels of Emerald City as a 'superhero'. Sandra Demetra.. would NEVER do that! She was never so altruistic or courageous.  She was not a bad woman, just not a hero.  I still share her interests in archaeology.. and most of her memories, but my goals and purpose are much more far reaching than simple acquiring wealth or fame and renown."

She pirouettes turning in a circle and there is a burst of Emerald radiance from her and a bright flash as briefly naked a transformation takes place...

And she is clad in her superhero outfit, "I named myself Teranovae."

"It has been postulated that residue from the Silver Storm in Emerald City got into the ground water and eventually somehow to me? But I can neither confirm or rebut that possibility.  But I think its more than that.. 'shrug', its a mystery.. one I seem to be living with."

"But such is my burden to endure. As to my powers.. some would claim I am just a metahuman.. but I know different.  I control gravity and the very geosphere of the planet. I could ~ if I were careless, knock California off into the Pacific, so I must be very careful how and where I use my powers.  I Am immortal.. I do not die.. slay me and leave me on the earth and I will return a week later.  In one of my... less stellar moments, I tried to kill myself... by throwing myself into an abandoned quarry. I awoke a week later none the worse for wear.  I can expand my scenes to become one with the green.. as I call it, the very Geosphere of the planet sensing alterations to the planets crust and eco-system.  I'm attuned with the Very planet I can regenerate and can expand that ability to heal others and yes.. raise the recently slain restoring life to the deceased.  I'm uncertain if there is a limit on how long a deceased being can be restored to life by my powers.  I can also draw upon the power of the planet to boost my strength to... well simply titanic proportions! 'Punching holes in battleships', as my friend Princess, a member of the Sentinels of Emerald City ~ coined the phrase."

"I can control, shape and create stone, metal, and crystalline structures by will alone controlling gravity as well.. I tend to make minor tremors where I use my powers so I try to be very careful the property damage can be very costly.  I'm protected from harm by an gravitic field.. but I don't seem to be able to expand it to others curiously.  Something I'll have to work on I guess.  I fly by means of a stone surf-board that resembles hemetite... I create, that respond to me will."

She shrugs, "There are other... Earth Goddess perks, but honestly they are not really 'powers'.. just more evidence I'm not human anymore.  I'm still not sure I like all the changes.. but apparently.. I'm going to have to live with that."

And in a instant she glows brightly Emerald green and her costume is replaced with her Jeans and Black 'GODDESS' T-shirt.

"There has been no 'team' training as yet... again as far as I know.. As I just arrived.  BUT I am fairly experienced with team tactics and coordination.. working with the Sentinels has refined my combat skills to a fine precision. I hope to help pass on these skills to this team..if a 'Team' is what ultimately forms."
This message was last edited by the player at 03:23, Fri 15 Jan 2021.
PC, 59 posts
H1 No Codename
Force x Speed
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 01:45
  • msg #95

02.00: Chapter 2 HubertHouse - Open Play

That is utterly fascinating! What are your thoughts on forests essentially being one large lifeforms connected by root systems? And would you be willing to talk to a clinical psychologist friend of mine?I believe he'd be obsessively interested in studying your psychological state and the changes that have occurred to you.

They walk along the stairs up to the second floor and Adrianna pokes her head into the last door on the right at the end of the hall.

This one looks empty and I can have my things brought over immediately.  Why don't we go grab a coffee and discuss potential training scenarios. We can see if anyone else is home on our way out so we can snag them too and get a detailed list of the powers everyone is working with. My treat. Sound good?
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