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, welcome to Legacy: Life Among The Ruins

11:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Game Status.

Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 39 posts
Wed 7 Apr 2021
at 19:16
  • msg #1

Game Status

I'm going to use this thread to keep important info easily accessible for all. So things like the latest map iteration (and key), family and faction info etc.
GM, 40 posts
Wed 7 Apr 2021
at 19:28
  • msg #2


The current version of the map can be found here:


001.027 - Current Location of a collection of drone weapons still waging war.
003.013 - A courthouse full of preserved archives.
003.015 - The ruins of a settlement where remains a plague too efficient and deadly to be natural.
004.025 - A dangerous ruin full of squatters with nowhere else to go.
005.005 - A hospital, once private and fancy, probably not that now but definitely still secluded like before.
005.021 - A cyclopean temple that invaded our reality
007.017 - A  carrier  vessel  large  enough  to  shelter   thousands   and   win   wars   single-handed.
008.002 - A refugee camp torn apart from the inside.
008.017 - An idyllic cabin by a lake, where the last and first lawman retreated to.
011.013 - A mirror maze where angles bloom into impossible complexity.
012.001 and 012.002 - Scars of  mankind’s most destructive and desperate tactics. Warped beyond recognition or safe observation.
013.021 - Main settlement of the Aethernauts.
015.007 - The campus which currently forms the home base of the Protean Foundation.
015.008 - A slender tower turned into a haven for the desperate.
015.025 - Endless City: An Arcane Library
016.015 - A research lab, this one reclaimed by nature and partially uplifted animals.
017.007 - Catacombs filled with failed genetic experiments. The dumping ground for some of the work that Protean Labs didn't talk about.
018.004 - A refugee camp housing a violent revolutionary for the destitute.
018.020 - A temple, with holographic monuments to the few Olympians who have chosen to forgo their mortal existence and unite with the Cosmos.
020.027 - Endless City: A Defiled Temple
022.023 - The Last Redoubt of the Eternal Olympians.
026.002 - A fortress of glass and stone perched in a remote location.
026.008 - A mobile guildhall where veterans traditionally meet to toast the living and the honoured dead.
026.017 - An isolated and ancient town, refuge of the Aethernauts.

000.000 - A memetic virus spreading insanity and devotion.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:07, Sun 11 Apr 2021.
GM, 41 posts
Wed 7 Apr 2021
at 19:30
  • msg #3


The current families (and the information on them that would be public knowledge) are:


Eternal Olympians

Protean Foundation

Bennington Family

Unbidden Inc.
GM, 42 posts
Wed 7 Apr 2021
at 19:31
  • msg #4


The current factions (whose existence is public knowledge) at the moment are:

Elders of the Homeland

The collected representatives of the major settlements, landholders and traders who meet in times of crisis to try and plot a united way forward for the Homeland. While technically entirely democratic they are led in all but name by 'Old' Rand, arguably the oldest living man in the Homeland (save those for whom technology has rendered age meaningless), and widely respected as a mediator and level head.

Land - Between those who tend to take an active part in discussions when this informal group meets almost the entire Homeland is carved up, or at least those areas which are known to be safely habitable.

Recruits - Similarly the bulk of the Homeland's population follow the decisions made by this group and are influenced by it's decisions.

Prestige - This group has long been the last word, or at least on a par with the major families, in how things should proceed in the Homeland. While it holds little formal influence the members are respected and their views hold weight.

Luxury - There is little time for leisure in the Homeland and most energy goes primarily on subsistence. Luxury items go a long way for most of the people.

Safety - While comparatively safe compared to your understanding of the rest of the world the Homeland is still beset by dangers and the Homeland lacks anything like a co-ordinated military. Only the Bennington Family's efforts really protect them from the worst things that the fallen world can throw at them.

Homeland Nationalists

A recently formed loose coalition of the more hawkish members of the Homeland who propose a more forceful resolution to the current influx of refugees though the exact extent of this proposed force varies wildly depending on who you speak to. Their most prominent spokesperson is Karissa, one of the most famed monster-hunters of the Homeland, who is very much of the 'drive them out with fire and steel' school of thought.

Morale - While the exact lengths they wish to go to may vary all members of this faction have a shared purpose of limiting, or removing entirely, the influx of refugees.

Spies - Even in areas which don't openly support this approach there are always sympathizers willing to pass on information and details to faction members.

Leadership - There is no unified leadership to the faction which can often lead to pulling in various different directions.

Weaponry - The faction are stockpiling for war and don't have enough weapons to arm their numbers. They are aggressively seeking to obtain more and more advanced weapons.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:25, Sun 25 Apr 2021.
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