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11:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 14 posts
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 21:44
  • msg #1

Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

A thread for discussing and sorting out the fine detail of this family.
player, 12 posts
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 22:39
  • msg #2

Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

Your starting stats are Reach 0 Grasp 0 Sleight 0.

Choose what the Eldritch Powers are:
Dark forces from beyond this world: you always roll Sleight with Advantage.

Choose one of each, or create something else:
Scientists driven insane by occult findings.
Twisted Bloodline.

Draw a sign of one from each category on the map, or invent your own:
• An isolated and ancient town, your refuge.
• A cyclopean temple that invaded our reality.
• A memetic virus spreading insanity and devotion.
• A mirror maze where angles bloom into impossible complexity.

Each other Family or Faction discloses their stance in the shadow war:
They say what secret practices they hold to honour the Eldritch Powers. You say how they are rewarded. You give them 2-Treaty.
They say who among their people worship the Eldritch Powers. You tell us how. Exchange 2-Treaty.
They say how they battle against the Eldritch Powers. You tell us how you helped them survive this far. Take 2-Treaty on them.

Each of your doctrines augment Enlightened Madness. Choose your relation to the Eldritch Powers:
• Arcane Cultists.
You use the Powers’ knowledge for power. Always count the boxes next to Pride and Wealth as if they held a 3.
• Twisted Bloodline.
The Power’s eldritch energy sings in your blood. Always count the boxes next to Faith and Mirage as if they held a 3.

• Monstrous Servants.
You are twisted and uplifted by the Powers’ gifts. Always count the boxes next to Lore and Echoes as if they held a 3.

Your Doctrine must change from one Age to the next.

Your settlement is an expression of the Endless City, just fleetingly touching this plane. You can perform a ritual to make your settlement disappear under the cover of night or mist, just to reappear somewhere else on the map.

• Rare Materials
• Spies

• Leadership
• Luxury
• Prestige

Eldritch characters gain a spell to evoke Hostile Grounds of their choice in the current scene at the cost of 1-Harm.

In addition, pick 3:
• Words of madness and power (Ranged, Hidden)

• Sustained by the void (Sealed, Implanted)

• Void walkers (Space, Air, Mount)

Take Enlightened Madness and pick one more:
You have a ritual that’s complex, time consuming or costly; describe it. When you perform it, the gaze of the Eldritch Powers is drawn to the world. The next time your Family or Character discards a 1, 2 or 3 thanks to Dis/Advantage, place it in one of these slots:
Faith  O O 3 Pride
Lore   O O 3 Wealth
Echoes O O O Mirage
Once any row has a sequence from 1 to 3 in any direction, the stars align and you are infused with the quality next to the 3. All dice in that row are infused and set to 6.
When you invoke this power before your Family or Character takes action, you can replace one of the dice you would roll with an infused die (set at 6). Roll the others as normal. Once all infused dice are gone, you are no longer considered infused.

Your domains extend to secret places beyond this world, into an infinite city of arcane design. Chose two sectors from the Endless City and place them on the map:
• A Bizarre Bazaar
• A Defiled Temple
• A Secret Street
• A Den of Vice
• An Arcane Library
• Corrupted Gardens
• The Ancestral Home
Tell us how these places pervert mundane expectations and give us a sign of their alien power and wisdom. Also choose a second stat you roll with Advantage when you act in the City. Grants Advantage with Reach.
While in the City, you can activate Enlightened Madness freely.
You can change sectors or their location at the beginning of every Age, and you may remove an infused quality to bring another sector into this world.

At the beginning of every Age, secretly decide if you are Devoted, Infiltrated By or Hostile towards the Eldritch Powers.
Gain 1-Treaty on any Family or Faction who shares your current stance when you support them.

Servant characters get an Inheritance move. Quick Characters also pick one:
• Night Stalkers. You can see perfectly and move silently in the utmost darkness - but you become a carrion eater.
• Deep Dweller. You can live and travel without complaint in a particular type of hostile land (sea, void, radiation, etc) - but you have a compulsion to lure others there despite their inability to survive.
• Dream Lurker. You can visit other people’s dreams - but you must embrace an addiction to a forbidden drug of your choice.
• Scaly Dancer. You can hypnotize others with your swaying motions - but you are bound to always keep a treasure of the next world safe.
• Storm Rider. When you commune with a place of power, its energy bursts free and does roughly what you wanted - but there are always unintended side effects decided by the GM.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:34, Sat 20 Mar 2021.
player, 13 posts
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 22:58
  • msg #3

Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

player, 14 posts
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 22:58
  • msg #4

Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

• An isolated and ancient town, your refuge.
• A cyclopean temple that invaded our reality.
• A memetic virus spreading insanity and devotion.
• A mirror maze where angles bloom into impossible complexity.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:17, Sun 25 Apr 2021.
player, 15 posts
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 22:59
  • msg #5

Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

player, 16 posts
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 22:59
  • msg #6

Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

Arcane Cultists
You use the Powers’ knowledge for power. Always count the boxes next to Pride and Wealth as if they held a 3.
With the discovery of frequencies and resonances that have allowed the Aethernauts to pierce the wall between our reality and another, it allowed to them make leaps in the field of physics beyond what they could have ever hoped, as well as the energies from the resonances allowing them to see and think beyond the limits of what they though was possible.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:36, Sat 20 Mar 2021.
player, 17 posts
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 22:59
  • msg #7

Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

Your settlement is an expression of the Endless City, just fleetingly touching this plane. You can perform a ritual to make your settlement disappear under the cover of night or mist, just to reappear somewhere else on the map.

When they discovered the resonance frequency to open the gateway between our world and another, the Endless City, as it became known, was found on the other city.

The Endless City defied conventional physics, with buildings and rooms twisting into shapes that would not be possible on Earth, that also changed in sized and moved location.

No matter how far they tried to explore, the city didn't seem to stop, with show signs of who lived there or built it.

Experiments allowed them to create ways to stabilise some of the city, and become the main base for what would become the Aethernauts. Moving their research equipment, they expanded their research, as well as monitoring both sides of the gateway.

Once the being from beyond started to influence Earth, the Aethernauts discovered they could create more gateways to and from the Endless City, and even have elements of it existing in two places simultaneously.

The control room where they monitored the former United States, for any breaches.

An example of the walls within the Endless City breaking conventional physics.

A memorial to those who died in service to the Aethernauts.

A corridor linking between Earth and the Endless City, the red glow a result of resonance energy forming a tunnel.

An excavation site within the Endless City, where it seems much of the materials the city is built from are found, as well as intending to see if details of any history can be found.

This message was last edited by the player at 13:10, Sat 20 Mar 2021.
player, 18 posts
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 22:59
  • msg #8

Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

Rare Materials
Whatever exotic resource your family needs, you have some of it in stock. A nugget of uranium, memory-storing crystals, unbreakable adamantium, whatever.
Unusual items were both brought in to see how they would react once passing through the gateway and where the laws of physics are different, as well as discovering more unusual things during expeditions within the Endless City.

Your agents across the homeland send you details on the movements of factions and the dangers of the wasteland. You know more about your foes (and friends) than they can imagine.
Aethernauts travel across the homeland, gathering research on the impact of the world, and searching for any new rifts that haven't been intentionally caused by the Aethernauts. They are also protected from more of the dangerous environmental conditions thanks to their suits. This allows them to see and hear things that others may not realise.

It’s unclear how your family is meant to operate. There’s no clear voice managing discussions, and few have a clear idea of what they’re meant to be doing at any one time.
The Aethernauts are not one cohesive group of scientists working towards a common goal. They are a multitude of divisions and departments, each vying for personnel, resources, and the means to prove their contribution is the most valuable and worthy.

Life is harsh and uncomfortable. Tempers are frayed, stress is high, and it’s difficult to imagine that tomorrow will be any better than yesterday.
Much of the equipment that was able to be brought through the gateway to the Endless City was functional - scientific equipment, military grade lodgings, office equipment. As a result, they lacked the space and time to bring luxuries, and as time has passed it has started to get to people.

Your family are pariahs, disdained, or beneath other’s notice. Your citizens get more done when they hide their affiliation, and though others will respect bargains and obligations they’ll do so grudgingly.
When you open a gateway that allowed beings from outside our reality to come in, and cause the downfall of humanity, it does lead to everyone not liking you.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:19, Fri 19 Mar 2021.
player, 19 posts
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 23:00
  • msg #9

Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

Eldritch characters gain a spell to evoke Hostile Grounds of their choice in the current scene at the cost of 1-Harm.

In addition, pick 3:
• Words of madness and power (Ranged, Hidden)

• Sustained by the void (Sealed, Implanted)

• Void walkers (Space, Air, Mount)

This message was last edited by the player at 12:41, Sat 20 Mar 2021.
player, 20 posts
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 23:00
  • msg #10

Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

Grants Advantage with Reach.

A Defiled Temple

A temple not of this time or dimension, made from stones unlike any on Earth, it is surrounded by a foul pool filled with slimy tendrils. Inside, there are maps of the stars that show constellations not visible in our night sky.

An Arcane Library
This message was last edited by the player at 12:41, Sat 20 Mar 2021.
player, 22 posts
Sat 20 Mar 2021
at 12:37
  • msg #11

Re: Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

GM, 37 posts
Mon 5 Apr 2021
at 21:00
  • msg #12

Re: Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

Any preference for where your main settlement (for now at least!), your landmarks and your endless city bits should go on the map?
player, 27 posts
Wed 7 Apr 2021
at 21:16
  • msg #13

Re: Aethernauts (Eldritch Servants)

Any preference for where your main settlement (for now at least!), your landmarks and your endless city bits should go on the map?

Main settlement - 013.021

An isolated and ancient town, your refuge - 026.017

A cyclopean temple that invaded our reality - 005.021

A memetic virus spreading insanity and devotion - 000.000

A mirror maze where angles bloom into impossible complexity - 011.013

Endless City: A Defiled Temple - 020.027

Endless City: An Arcane Library - 015.025
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