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10:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[2.04] Plague Rats.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 615 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 4 Dec 2020
at 21:12
  • msg #1

[2.04] Plague Rats

This tip seems a bit shakier than most but the party's networks of contacts and up pointing them to a mousy looking second-hand fishmonger with jaundiced eyes named Eries. People the party trust swear she is the expert on the sewers beneath the city and if there is trouble to be found there, she'd be the best person to contact.
Eries Yelloweyes
NPC, 1 post
Human female
Fri 4 Dec 2020
at 21:24
  • msg #2

[2.04] Plague Rats

Eries operates a pushcart in Old Korvosa. Every morning she goes down to the docks and picks up the fish the mongers there don't want to waste their time with and when her cart is full she wheels it through Old Korvosa selling the unwanted fish at steep discounts. Typically she converts most of the fish into stews or other simple recipes but she does have a small selection of cheap fish available as well.

When she sees the party approach she smiles tapping the pot of fish stew on her cart.

"I was wondering when you would come my way. The little mice have been telling me of a group of brave heroes that are trying to get to the source of the plague."

For someone who operates in the heart of the outbreak she doesn't seem very concerned by the disease.

"I think we can help one another, you and I. I know a bit about this plague nonsense that is going around, how people are pointing their fingers towards the sewers and the rats beneath them but I know that it isn't the rats that are the problem, at least in regards to the plague.

There is one rat who is a problem to me, however. You a couple days ago a wererat was caught and executed, the mob blaming him for the plague and outbreak. Normally that would be the end of it, wererats aren't known to be particularly brave or confrontational however there is a firebrand in their midsts. A rat named Girrigz Ripperclaws has taken this act as a declaration of war and is calling on the wererats of the sewers to band together and they are being whipped up into a frenzy. I am no stranger to sewers and those that live within but they will not listen to my calls for peace any longer. I fear that if Girrigz is allowed to continue he will unleash a small army and the citizens reprisals will be ten fold in return. There will be many innocents caught in the conflict on both sides and that is something I do not wish to see. Kill Girrigz and disband his nest and I will share with you everything I know about this plague."

Figus Dva
Ranger, 496 posts
Half-Drow Male
Fri 4 Dec 2020
at 22:17
  • msg #3

[2.04] Plague Rats

Figus looks over the 'woman' carefully. By her own admission she is a were-rat, and not just a were-rat, but one with influence and power among them.

"You seek to diver attention from your people and claim they are not the source of this plague. How can we be sure that the information you give us is worth it? If all you tell us is that it arrived on plague ship, that now sits on the bottom of the channel ... for example. Then the information is not worth much."
Eries Yelloweyes
NPC, 2 posts
Human female
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 00:40
  • msg #4

[2.04] Plague Rats

The old woman laughs at Figus' skepticism.

"Everyone in the city is talking about the plague ship. Everyone in the city thinks they know what is going on. I am smart enough not to make that claim but I do have more to go on than most. My sources say you're attached to the guard and I'd wager a silver that you'd prefer tangible evidence rather than speculation. I can provide that. As for where it leads, who can say, but I have something that you seek and all I ask is help in keeping the sewers safe for everyone.

Keep in mind, my people are your people too. The beggars in the alleyways, the creatures in the sewers...many of them do more for this city than any high and mighty merchant man buying and wasting fortunes. Help me and what is mine is yours to use to help stop this unpleasantness. And if you break up a lycanthropic nest hellbent on making the streets run red with blood, so much the better, no?"

Rogue, 540 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 03:03
  • msg #5

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw looks at the woman, saying "I'm just guessing here, but do you happen to have in your possession a coffer or chest of evil design?"
Eries Yelloweyes
NPC, 3 posts
Human female
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 18:19
  • msg #6

[2.04] Plague Rats

The old woman doesn't respond but a sly smile and a scratch of her nose seems to indicate that Kraw had guessed correctly.
Figus Dva
Ranger, 497 posts
Half-Drow Male
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 20:23
  • msg #7

[2.04] Plague Rats

Figus nods his head "That would be worth something. Of course it would still leave the ship out reach for now. How close can you get us to this place where Ripperclaws is hiding and how many ... men does he have with him?"
Bloodrager, 325 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 04:56
  • msg #8

[2.04] Plague Rats

"Girrigz?" she asks incredulously, her tongue tripping over the unfamiliar pattern of consonants.

"Seems like even if this fine lady isn't sending us after him, The Field Marshall will be sooner or later. Might as well beat the rush, no?" she asked, shrugging massive shoulders.

"I'm getting a long bath after another tromp through the sewers though. Feh, and yet after the pile of rotting flesh in that alley, suddenly a sewer doesn't seem that bad. Did Kraw tell you two, first place we met was when an otyugh was trying to eat me out on the streets just after the riots started. Good times. Probably find some of it's brothers and sisters down there."
Witch, 340 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 09:40
  • msg #9

[2.04] Plague Rats

"You make it sound so attractive." Kyra comments on Ayeesha's words. She too is curious on what opposition they will be facing.

Kyra can prepare Air Bubble for tomorrow, 4 castings. Not ideal since they will only last 4 minutes, but it's the best she can do.
Rogue, 541 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 14:20
  • msg #10

[2.04] Plague Rats

In reply to Ayeesha (msg # 8):

Kraw jokes "and that's when I decided that Ayeesha must be the epitome of Good Taste." He nods in agreement "yeah, I'm thinking there's likely another otyugh down there. They're so handy for garbage cleanup I'm surprised a few aren't on-hire for the City."
Eries Yelloweyes
NPC, 4 posts
Human female
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 20:10
  • msg #11

[2.04] Plague Rats

Eries wiggles her hand back and forth.

"Somewhere between half a dozen to a dozen wererats are following Girrigz <Geer-rigs>. I also know the layout of that section of the sewers and if you promise to deal with him I can make you map.

One last thing. If you can, try not to kill any of them besides Girrigz. He has to die, once you've crossed some lines you don't come back from them, but the rest are just young and reckless. They're not bad, just misguided. Without Girrigz pushing them to the extremes they should go right back to their holes and not bother anyone. If you can do that I might be able to help you out with your sunken ship problem as well."

Figus Dva
Ranger, 500 posts
Half-Drow Male
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 20:20
  • msg #12

[2.04] Plague Rats

"I can understand how this city and be extra hard for us ... special individuals" Figus looks down and moves his hand a bit to bring attention to his color "But, they do not know us and will have a hard time believing us. Is there anything you can give us, or a message that they recognize that it comes from you? To give our words some basis of authority to make them believe? It would save their lives."
Eries Yelloweyes
NPC, 5 posts
Human female
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 20:26
  • msg #13

[2.04] Plague Rats

Eries shakes her head, a bit apologetic she can't help further.

"If my word held any weight with them I wouldn't be looping in guards from the surface. I would say when you're fighting with them, maybe beat them across the head a few times and then make sure they have a clear avenue of escape. If cornered they might fight to the death seeing no other way out but I doubt any of them besides Girrigz have the conviction to fight to the death if they don't have to."
Witch, 341 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 11 Dec 2020
at 10:18
  • msg #14

[2.04] Plague Rats

"Let's see that map then, with as much details as you can remember. Having it could help us avoid unnecessary bloodshed." Kyra offers the fishmonger a pen and a piece of parchment to draw on. She does no go as far as actually making any promises to her though.

Are we ready to move on?
Dungeon Master
GM, 620 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 04:16
  • msg #15

[2.04] Plague Rats

Eries jots down a map providing the group with a round about way of getting to their destination. At times it seems almost needlessly convoluted until a peak down one side tunnel or another reveals that she is carefully routing them around other denizens of the sewers. Two goblin tribes, a small nest of otyughs, and a dark corridor that leads to a freezing area of absolute darkness that not even Figus can see through and the group finds themselves at the tunnel marked as the area inhabited by Girrigz and his followers.

Through the disgustingly visible haze of noxious sewer reek, the flow of unmentionable slop through the sewer tunnel’s filth-slick channel unexpectedly forks. Most continues on its expected path, but a small stream of ooze diverts off through a wide cleft in the moldy masonry wall. The man-sized crack cuts deep into the rock behind the wall, and wisps of thin white smoke issue forth.

OOC: Map is uploaded
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:13, Tue 15 Dec 2020.
Bloodrager, 327 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 05:28
  • msg #16

[2.04] Plague Rats

"Lovely," she groused as the entered the warrens of the sewers.

"What lovely places we find ourselves in. Dead warrens, piles of dead bodies fed on by vampire spawn and now a little jaunt through the sewers. The highlights of Korvosa for certain! Go see the big city, Ayeesha, the girls in Shah Quah all said. Go see the sights, the sounds the glamour of it all! Come back and tell us what it's like. Yeesh."

She let Kraw lead the way and quieted down as they moved closer in through the sewers. But she was ready to step up and back him up if they got into trouble.

She pointed to the passage to the East that seemed to branch off the tunnel they were in, whispering to the others.

"That looks like the front door. Why don't we have a look around the corner first?" she motioned along the main tunnel a few yards further where it bent to the East as well.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:32, Tue 15 Dec 2020.
Witch, 343 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 13:41
  • msg #17

[2.04] Plague Rats

"What, not an admirer of the intricacies of the city's sanitation system? Yeah, me neither." Kyra admits while trying not to gag on the stench of the place. "Anyone wants to take a quick look at what's ahead before we blunder into it?"

Can I have Kyra cast a scroll of Mage Armor on herself just before getting here?
Figus Dva
Ranger, 504 posts
Half-Drow Male
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 15:30
  • msg #18

[2.04] Plague Rats

"Well, at least it gives us job security. I mean do you see any of the Hellkights or Sable company ... or Grey Maidens coming here? No sir, you won't find them here. Only the best jobs for the best people like us in the Guard."

Figus takes a look to see if he can spot any tracks heading towards the entrance, or specific places there things would appear to be unnaturally undisturbed, a sure sign of a trap.

12:44, Today: Figus Dva rolled 19 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 9.  Preception.
12:45, Today: Figus Dva rolled 12 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 4.  Survival.

This message was last edited by the player at 17:46, Tue 15 Dec 2020.
Rogue, 546 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 17:17
  • msg #19

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw is as quiet as a light breeze as he eases himself around the corner to scout ahead. Amid the gloom his eyes pick out a secondary entry into the complex. He is alert for any sounds of movement.

09:12, Today: Kraw rolled 31 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 18.  Stealth .

09:12, Today: Kraw rolled 30 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 19.  Perception

OOC : I think it likely he can see the flickering of the campfire lighting up the main room, or at least the shadows it creates, right?
Dungeon Master
GM, 623 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 21:23
  • msg #20

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw peaks around the corners. In the first room he sees like on Eries' map a cavern split by flowing water and sewage. The flow of sewer filth oozes, pooling near its center before continuing through a crude channel in the western wall. Fat black mushrooms and other disgusting fungus grow thick around the pool of slime. Several low alcoves are cut into the walls, each filled with moldering hay, filthy furs, and tiny bones.

Kraw spies three wererats lurking in the shadows of the alcoves, plus a pair of rodents of unusual sizes (dire rats). It seems they are all positioned as guards keeping a careful eye on the entry point to their little alcove.

Going past the guard room Kraw sees two thick grates of rusted iron hedge in this section of sewer tunnel. From a man-sized crack in the northern wall seeps a steady flow of sewage, oozing into the greater flow of tainted water. A hulking pile of filth and debris partially blocks the stream of offal, a cart-sized clot in this disgusting artery.

Having faced one before, Kraw suspects that the hulking pile might be an otyugh that has become trapped somehow between the two grates.

OOC: Map updated with enemy positions
Witch, 344 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 21 Dec 2020
at 13:44
  • msg #21

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra creeps up a bit closer to the passage, but still keeps well out of sight of anyone that might be inside. She looks to others to see how to proceed.

Move to AR11.
14:36, Today: Kyra rolled 23 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 13.  Stealth.

Got a couple of AoE spells ready, Glitterdust and Web. Could be quite effective if we can get them to bunch up in there.

Rogue, 548 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Mon 21 Dec 2020
at 14:38
  • msg #22

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw sneaks back and apprises the team of what he has seen.
Figus Dva
Ranger, 506 posts
Half-Drow Male
Mon 21 Dec 2020
at 17:42
  • msg #23

[2.04] Plague Rats

"It looks like we should enter through this near entrance. I can likely keep the rats quite with a spell, but it won't do much to the wererats.

Does anyone have an Invisibility, or even a Vanish? Would make things easier to surprise them."

Bloodrager, 329 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 04:07
  • msg #24

[2.04] Plague Rats

Ayeesha looked at Kraw in response to Figus' question. If anyone could vanish...

"Not me. I can get big, though not sure how well that'll work down here. Or stretch out. Not so much on the vanishing. Might be a good thing to learn though. Shoulda brought some potions..."

"Only good idea I've got is that otyugh. Not sure how they trained an otyugh. Can't imagine it's very well trained. Think we could rile it up and it'd attack the rats? I mean assuming it can't get through the gates?" she shrugged.
Rogue, 549 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Fri 25 Dec 2020
at 16:14
  • msg #25

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw shrugs."No Vanish, but I do have 2 flasks of Vermin repellent. On the other hand, they are scavengers. if they thought that a heavily wounded person was flopping around here, they might come out to pick apart the body. I have a potion of Disguise Self I can use, and lay in wait. You all can try to ambush when I draw them forth with my dying moans?"
Witch, 348 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 11 Jan 2021
at 13:09
  • msg #26

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra nods to Kraw and looks for whatever cover is around to hide behind.

I'm in favour of trying to bait them out. Kraw can give it a try, if everyone is ok with that?
Rogue, 555 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Mon 11 Jan 2021
at 15:38
  • msg #27

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw shakes his feathered head. "Not me. I couldn't convince a desert man that it was hot outside. Someone else can imitate a half-dead wounded person. The rivulet here is low enough that I can get into the complex by climbing up and along the wall. I can get into a shadowed position and watch. If they decide to warn someone while another investigates the sounds, I might be able to silence the messenger with a pair of thrown daggers."
Bloodrager, 332 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 22:16
  • msg #28

[2.04] Plague Rats

"I've got no better plan, but you're taking on an awful lot of risk, bird-man. If they see you... It's not going to go well. Or if they have trip wires or other ways to trip you up."

She shrugged.

"It's fine with me, but it's your funeral. I'm ready to rush in if and when you et into position or need help."
Rogue, 557 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 01:07
  • msg #29

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw thinks a moment, then says "they aren't going anywhere right now. It couldn't hurt to go topside and pick up a Vanish potion or two, just to help me sneak past the guards before you bait them out" he says. A little preplanning might help him survive this campaign.
Witch, 351 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 10:28
  • msg #30

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra nods at that.

Ok, back out to resupply then? Luckily I have another Mage Armor scroll, so I'm good.
Figus Dva
Ranger, 511 posts
Half-Drow Male
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 14:42
  • msg #31

[2.04] Plague Rats

Figus smiles "Lets go and get our stuff. It will cost a bit, but will save lives in the end ... possibly ours."

Figus turns and moves to get out of the sewer using the path the group used to get here.

OOC: Kyra/Ayeesha, is Vanish on your spell list or do we need to get potions?
This message was last edited by the player at 22:24, Sun 17 Jan 2021.
Figus Dva
Ranger, 514 posts
Half-Drow Male
Sun 17 Jan 2021
at 22:32
  • msg #32

[2.04] Plague Rats

Figus will take a Vanish potion and Sneak in to (AP16). In his hands, Figus has a Tanglefoot bag and a weapon (silvered kukri) If he can not get there before the spell wears off, he will use the magic in his shirt.

17:28, Today: Figus Dva rolled 28 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 19.  Stealth.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:49, Tue 19 Jan 2021.
Rogue, 559 posts
HP 25/25 AC 18
F+3 R+7 W+3
Mon 18 Jan 2021
at 04:30
  • msg #33

[2.04] Plague Rats


Kraw bought 2 potions of Vanish. Prior to entering, Kraw mentally activated a Shield spell (SLA).

Next round

He swallows a Vanish potion, and using his nimbleness to avoid splashing water to alert the guards, he jumps and sidesteps past the rivulet, getting to dry land and positioning himself at Q-17. He quick-draws 2 silver daggers in preparation of mayhem.

Quick Draw Feat

20:25, Today: Kraw rolled 18 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 2.  Acrobatics .

20:25, Today: Kraw rolled 22 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 9.  Stealth .

Witch, 353 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 18 Jan 2021
at 12:49
  • msg #34

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra waits by the passage for a fight to start before moving in.

Recasting Mage Armor before geting here. Move to AS13, if nothing has changed since the last time.
13:47, Today: Kyra rolled 28 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 18.  Stealth.

Dungeon Master
GM, 636 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 21:57
  • msg #35

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw dances nimbly around, the potion making him nigh impossible to see. When he crosses the threshold though the mushrooms to the south of the river begin making a horrible shrieking noise. The rats of all sorts grab weapons and look around in alert although they are momentarily confused when they don't see an enemy.

<orange>OOC: Surprise is lost but you can still take initiative priority in combat. FYI it was a DC 16 nature check to identify the shriekers at the entrance but Figus rolled an 8 and nobody else is trained. They detect movement, not visual. I'd rule to allow Kraw to finish his movement though...

Ayeesha1637/37+1 Greatsword +72d6+7-
Figus1634/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+232/32MW Kukri +6/Silver Dagger +51d4+4/1d4-1Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #1 (AP15)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Wererat #2 (AR17)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Wererat #3 (AR20)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Dire Rat #1 (AQ15)14HealthyBite +11d4-
Dire Rat #2 (AR19)14HealthyBite +11d4-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Figus Dva
Ranger, 516 posts
Half-Drow Male
Wed 20 Jan 2021
at 16:41
  • msg #36

[2.04] Plague Rats

Following up on the original plan, Figus drinks a Vanish potion and enters the cavern. With the surprise lost, he changes the plan and attempts to entangle the nearest wererat with the Tanglefoot Bag.

11:39, Today: Figus Dva rolled 20 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 13.  Touch attack.
Rogue, 562 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Wed 20 Jan 2021
at 19:25
  • msg #37

[2.04] Plague Rats

Knowing he only has one shot at a surprise attack, the young knife master tries to plunge both silver daggers into the wererat. But some sound, or ripple as the Vanish effect faded must have given his position away, as the wererat nimbly avoided both strikes, leaving Kraw badly outnumbered.

11:21, Today: Kraw rolled 17 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 9.  TWF Dagger attack.

11:20, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 1.  Silversheen Dagger damage.

11:20, Today: Kraw rolled 2 using 2d8 with rolls of 1,1.  Sneak stab damage.

11:19, Today: Kraw rolled 11 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 4.  TWF Dagger attack. Miss!

11:19, Today: Kraw rolled 5 using 1d4+1 with rolls of 4.  Silver Dagger damage.

11:18, Today: Kraw rolled 10 using 2d8 with rolls of 6,4.  Sneak stab damage.

If struck, wererat becomes Bewildered for 1 round, taking -2 attack vs all, -4 attack vs Kraw.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:53, Thu 21 Jan 2021.
Witch, 355 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 21 Jan 2021
at 12:06
  • msg #38

[2.04] Plague Rats

Once a fight starts Kyra follows inside, trying to keep at least one party member between her and the blades of their foes. The moment she spots a wererat she whispers a word: "Sleep."

Slumber hex (will save DC 15) on a first wererat I spot. Not sure where to move to as I wish to keep Figus or Ayeesha in the front of me, and I don't know where exactly they are moving to. Hopefully there is a such a square available from where I can see and hex a wererat.

Kraw, did you make your attack while you were invisible? If yes, you have another +2 to attack and get to ignore dex bonus to AC, at least for the first attack.
Rogue, 563 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Thu 21 Jan 2021
at 17:51
  • msg #39

[2.04] Plague Rats

OOC In that case, 1st attack might hit. Goody.
Dungeon Master
GM, 640 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 22 Jan 2021
at 19:27
  • msg #40

[2.04] Plague Rats

Figus hits the closest wererat with a tanglefoot bag. While the wererat isn't glued to the floor the sticky glue plays havoc with its aim and agility.

Kraw is able to land a hit thanks to the glue slowing down the wererat.

Kyra moves forward until she can spy and hits it with a hex. The wererat kind of sways for a second before its sword slips out of its hand and it passes out against the alcove it was hiding in.

Ayeesha moves forward and cuts the entangled wererat across its side. That wererat is looking to be in some serious trouble.

One of the wererats moves to flank Kraw, pinning the bird down and stabbing at Kraw with his sword and biting with his jaws but Kraw dodges both attacks.

The entangled wererat likewise tries to take Kraw down but the nimble Tengu either doges or parries all the attacks against him.

Meanwhile the two rats charge at Ayeesha trying to bring the barbarian down. One rat lands a bite on her ankles.
OOC: 4 damage

Ayeesha1633/37+1 Greatsword +72d6+7-
Figus1634/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+232/32MW Kukri +6/Silver Dagger +51d4+4/1d4-1Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #1 (AP17)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Wererat #2 (AR17)19-2MauledShortsword +4-2, Bite -1-21d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form, Entangled
Wererat #3 (AR20)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form, Sleep
Dire Rat #1 (AQ15)14HealthyBite +11d4-
Dire Rat #2 (AR19)14HealthyBite +11d4-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:27, Fri 22 Jan 2021.
Bloodrager, 333 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sun 24 Jan 2021
at 05:06
  • msg #41

[2.04] Plague Rats

"Is this the fun part? Are we having fun now?" she called out with a big smile as their surprise had been blown. She took a moment to decapitate the wererat in between her and Kraw.

"Focus on that one, let me come up and give ya a hand."

Hit wererat at AR17 for 16 damage, hoping that brings him down.
If it does, move using acrobatics to (try to) avoid AoO to move to AQ18
23:02, Today: Ayeesha rolled 27 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 16.  attack wererat (flanking with Kraw)+4bab +1 weapon +4 str +2 flank.
23:03, Today: Ayeesha rolled 16 using 2d6+7 with rolls of 3,6.  damage.
23:06, Today: Ayeesha rolled 21 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 16.  acrobatics.

Rogue, 564 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Sun 24 Jan 2021
at 09:03
  • msg #42

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw stabs at the entangled wererat to remove the flanking threat with his left hand. With his right hand he stabs at the other wererat.

00:59, Today: Kraw rolled 10 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 2.  TWF Dagger attack, flanking.
Aaaaaand another miss.....

00:59, Today: Kraw rolled 8 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 3.  Dagger damage.

00:58, Today: Kraw rolled 10 using 2d8 with rolls of 2,8.  Sneak stab damage

01:02, Today: Kraw rolled 12 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 6.  TWF Dagger attack.

01:02, Today: Kraw rolled 4 using 1d4+1 with rolls of 3.  Silver Dagger damage.

Sheeesh, rack up another 2 misses.....
Witch, 356 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sun 24 Jan 2021
at 11:06
  • msg #43

[2.04] Plague Rats

With her first target down, Kyra focuses her attention on the wererat busy trying to stab Kraw in the back. "Easy people. Let's not slaughter them all if possible."

Slumber on AP17 wererat. I'm guessing AR17 is very, very dead now?
Dungeon Master
GM, 641 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 25 Jan 2021
at 21:04
  • msg #44

[2.04] Plague Rats

Ayeesha cuts down the wererat and it drops to the ground, very dead.

Kraw tries to carve up another rat but it presses the attack of its own forcing Kraw on the defensive.

Kyra tries to make another wererat fall asleep but it manages to shake off the hex and stay awake.

Figus crushes one of the dire rats.

The remaining wererat battles Kraw to a standstill while the dire rat at Ayeesha's feet continues to gnaw on her ankles.
OOC: 1 damage to Ayeesha.

Ayeesha1632/37+1 Greatsword +72d6+7-
Figus1634/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+232/32MW Kukri +6/Silver Dagger +51d4+4/1d4-1Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #1 (AP17)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Wererat #3 (AR20)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form, Sleep (3)
Dire Rat #2 (AR18)14HealthyBite +11d4-
Wererat #2-Dead---
Dire Rat #1-Dead---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Witch, 357 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 27 Jan 2021
at 12:48
  • msg #45

[2.04] Plague Rats

Cursing the wererat that has shaken off her magic, Kyra looks for an easier target.

Move to AU19, Slumber on rat at AR18.
Figus Dva
Ranger, 518 posts
Half-Drow Male
Wed 27 Jan 2021
at 17:02
  • msg #46

[2.04] Plague Rats

Figus moves to engage the remaining wererat, or at least to keep him from running away.

12:00, Today: Figus Dva rolled 6 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 3.  Damage.
12:00, Today: Figus Dva rolled 16 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 8.  Heavy mace attack.

Rogue, 565 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Wed 27 Jan 2021
at 17:43
  • msg #47

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw steps 5' east, then slices at the dire rat in AR18.

09:41, Today: Kraw rolled 18 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 12.  TWF Dagger attack.

09:41, Today: Kraw rolled 7 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 2.  Silver Dagger damage.

09:40, Today: Kraw rolled 20 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 15.  TWF Dagger attack.

09:40, Today: Kraw rolled 5 using 1d4+1 with rolls of 4.  Silver Dagger damage

Dungeon Master
GM, 642 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 27 Jan 2021
at 20:27
  • msg #48

[2.04] Plague Rats

The rat shakes off Kyra's hex.

Figus moves up to pin the wererat but he can't find a good opportunity to attack.

Kraw double slices the dire rat and it drops dead.

Ayeesha moves up to slice the wererat but her blade catches on the rocky ceiling halting her strike.

From behind the Wererat pinned against the wall swarms of rats start to pour out through the cracks, surging forward past the trapped wererat and swarming over Kraw and Ayeesha, biting them with their sharp teeth and threatening to overrun the two heroes.
OOC: Ayeesha takes 5 damage, Kraw takes 3

The wererat takes the opportunity and focuses on Figus trying to cut his way out from the back wall. Figus takes a cut but avoids the nasty looking bite.
OOC: 6 piercing damage

Ayeesha1627/37+1 Greatsword +72d6+7-
Figus1628/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+228/32MW Kukri +6/Silver Dagger +51d4+4/1d4-1Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #1 (AP17)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Wererat #3 (AR20)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form, Sleep (2)
Rat Swarm (AQ16)     
Wererat #2-Dead---
Dire Rat #1-Dead---
Dire Rat #2-Dead---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Bloodrager, 335 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 03:32
  • msg #49

[2.04] Plague Rats

Ayeesha stepped to the side and lay into the wererat, cursing the tiny companions he had backing him up.

"Why is it always sewers and rats and ew! Anybody got anything to kill them with fire?"

5 foot step west to AQ16 I'll leave AP18 for Kraw, in case it's habitable!
Attack wererat hits AC 21 for 15 slashing
21:29, Today: Ayeesha rolled 21 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 12.  attack wererat.
21:31, Today: Ayeesha rolled 15 using 2d6+7 with rolls of 3,5.  damage.

Witch, 359 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 06:50
  • msg #50

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra digs in her pouch for a flask, then yells a warning before lobbing it at the disgusting mass. "Got some right here. Look out!"

Step to AT20, move to grab a flask of Alchemist's fire, standard to throw it at the swarm at AR18. If this is possible, I'm delaying my action for this round until after Kraw and Ayeesha, to give them a chance to get clear.

07:46, Today: Kyra rolled 23,1 using 1d20+6,1d6 with rolls of 17,1.  Alchemist's fire (Attack, Damage).
Some help that was.

Rogue, 567 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 07:16
  • msg #51

[2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw takes a 5' step to the side, pulls out a flask of Vermin Repellant, and shatters it at his feet, hoping the noxious stuff will keep the swarm away. His blade continues to threaten the wererat.

OOC: If drawing/shattering the Vermin Repellant is a Move Action, do I still get an attack?
Figus Dva
Ranger, 520 posts
Half-Drow Male
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 15:08
  • msg #52

[2.04] Plague Rats

Figus attacks the remaining wererat, but both attacks miss the creature

10:07, Today: Figus Dva rolled 9,12 using d20+6,d20+6 with rolls of 3,6.  Mace, kukri.
Dungeon Master
GM, 643 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 20:46
  • msg #53

[2.04] Plague Rats

Ayeesha steps away from the rats and chops the wererat.

Kyra throws her alchemists fire but it seems like this particular batch was old while it lit it wasn't the explosion anyone was used to. A few rats started shrieking covered in burning napalm but overall it wasn't quite what she was hoping for.

Kraw smashes the vermin repellent but for whatever reason the rats don't seem particularly bothered by it. It would seem that perhaps this particular batch was made more so for tinier insects.

OOC: Or the swarm nat 20'd their fortitude save...

@Kraw: Pulling out the vial is a move action, smashing it/ applying it to yourself is a move action just like chugging a potion.

Figus attacks the wererat but the wererat matches him attack for attack.

The swarm focuses on Ayeesha and both she and Figus are nipped and nibbled painfully.
OOC: 6 damage to both

The wererat proves to be a solid warrior, landing a strike yet again on Figus with its sword.
OOC: 7 damage

Ayeesha1621/37+1 Greatsword +72d6+7-
Figus1615/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+228/32MW Kukri +6/Silver Dagger +51d4+4/1d4-1Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #1 (AP17)19MauledShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Wererat #3 (AR20)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form, Sleep (1)
Rat Swarm (AQ16)14Swarmy   
Wererat #2-Dead---
Dire Rat #1-Dead---
Dire Rat #2-Dead---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:47, Mon 01 Feb 2021.
Bloodrager, 336 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 04:43
  • msg #54

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Ayeesha stepped back to where she was, hoping to shake off the rats. She focused on bringing the wererat down.

"Nobody? Burn 'em down? Figus, if I get this guy, try smushing them with the Anybody got anything to kill them with fire?"

5 foot step east to AQ17
Attack wererat but miss... damn!
22:42, Today: Ayeesha rolled 13 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 4.  attack wererat.
What happened with Kyra's alchemist's fire?

Rogue, 568 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 05:33
  • msg #55

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw moves to AP-18, twisting to avoid an AoO. He strikes the side of the wererat there.

21:31, Today: Kraw rolled 33 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 17.  Acrobatics to avoid AoO.

21:31, Today: Kraw rolled 15 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 5.  Silver dagger attack, flanking.

21:30, Today: Kraw rolled 8 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 3.  Silver Dagger damage.

21:30, Today: Kraw rolled 8 using 2d8 with rolls of 7,1.  Sneak stab damage.

Witch, 360 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 06:24
  • msg #56

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Rolled 1 on damage with it last round. I do have another, so same deal as before, I'll give you guys a chance to clear away from AQ15 before lobbing it there. But first, follow-up damage from last round.

07:12, Today: Kyra rolled 4 using 1d6 with rolls of 4.  Alchemist's fire damage.
+50% is 6, assuming that applies to this damage as well.

Kyra curses the alchemist that she bought that vial from under her breath as she draws another one. "One more time!" She gives the party a chance to get clear before sending her second (and last) vial flying at the swarm.

Step to AS20, grab another vial, and attack the swarm at AQ15.

07:14, Today: Kyra rolled 18,6 using 1d20+6,1d6 with rolls of 12,6.  Alchemist's fire (Attack, Damage).
Better, 9 damage to the swarm now.

Figus Dva
Ranger, 521 posts
Half-Drow Male
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 16:48
  • msg #57

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

"I got some acid, but I need to get clear of this thing first!" Figus swings his weapons as he speaks and manages to catch the wererat with the silver mace.

After the attack Figus takes a 5ft step to AQ17, then activates his shirt to take an additional move to AS19 to get some distance between him and the swarm

11:42, Today: Figus Dva rolled 10 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 7.  Mace damage.
11:41, Today: Figus Dva rolled 19,9 using d20+6,d20+6 with rolls of 13,3.  Mace, kukri.

Dungeon Master
GM, 644 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 21:28
  • msg #58

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Ayeesha takes a swing but this last wererat is obviously one of the better fighters in the den, fending of both her and Figus' constant pressure even with its back against the wall. Then Kraw joins in and for awhile the wererat is fending off all three attackers.

Krya flings her last alchemist's fire at the rats, covering them with napalm again. The rats squeal and scream in pain but the swarm remains cohesive.

Figus finally finds an opening and clonks the wererat in the head, dropping him. Figus crosses to avoid the rats but the sleeping wererat suddenly wakes up and gets to its feet, batting away Figus' quick mace attack.

Meanwhile the swarm continues to pursue Ayeesha and Kraw, swarming them and biting their exposed extremities.

OOC: Ayeesha takes 6, Kraw takes 4

Ayeesha1615/37+1 Greatsword +72d6+7-
Figus1615/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+224/32MW Kukri +6/Silver Dagger +51d4+4/1d4-1Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #3 (AR20)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Rat Swarm (AQ16)14Swarmy   
Wererat #1-Unsconscious---
Wererat #2-Dead---
Dire Rat #1-Dead---
Dire Rat #2-Dead---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:15, Thu 04 Feb 2021.
Witch, 361 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 4 Feb 2021
at 21:15
  • msg #59

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra grinds her teeth as the swarm stubbornly refuses to give up. With no more alchemist's fire left, Kyra instead steps behind Figus, draws a wand and taps him with it.

First, remaining damage to swarm:
22:07, Today: Kyra rolled 1 using 1d6 with rolls of 1.  Alchemist's fire damage.

5' step back to AT19, move action to draw a wand, standard to cast CLW on Figus.
22:11, Today: Kyra rolled 2 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 1.  CLW.

Oh, ffs.

Figus Dva
Ranger, 524 posts
Half-Drow Male
Thu 4 Feb 2021
at 22:30
  • msg #60

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Figus launches attacks at the new/remaining opponent, but fails to connect and takes a step back to give others a chance to engage him.

17:28, Today: Figus Dva rolled 15,17 using d20+6,d20+6 with rolls of 9,11.  Mace, kukri.
Rogue, 570 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 08:20
  • msg #61

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw slashes with both daggers as he tries to twist free of the swarm.

00:17, Today: Kraw rolled 21 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 5.  Acrobatics to avoid AoO.

00:42, Today: Kraw rolled 10 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 4.  TWF Dagger attack.

00:42, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 1.  Dagger damage.

00:42, Today: Kraw rolled 7 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 1.  TWF Dagger attack.

00:41, Today: Kraw rolled 5 using 1d4+4 with rolls of 1.  Dagger damage.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:43, Wed 10 Feb 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 650 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 12 Feb 2021
at 01:26
  • msg #62

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra uses the wand to cure Figus a little.

Figus attacks but is parried.

Kraw tries to stab at the rats but they scurry out of the way.

Ayeesha responds by sweeping her blade cutting a dozen rats in half and sending the rest scurrying for cover. The swarm is broken!

The wererat attacks Figus, stabbing him with the sword and biting him in the arm.
OOC: Figus takes 5 from the stab and 5 from the bite. Figus, please make two fortitude saves, one vs DC 14 and one vs DC 15

Ayeesha1615/37+1 Greatsword +72d6+7-
Figus167/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+224/32MW Kukri +6/Silver Dagger +51d4+4/1d4-1Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #3 (AR20)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Rat Swarm-Scattered---
Wererat #1-Unsconscious---
Wererat #2-Dead---
Dire Rat #1-Dead---
Dire Rat #2-Dead---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Witch, 365 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 12 Feb 2021
at 12:26
  • msg #63

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

"Stupid unreliable piece of junk..." Kyra curses her wand as she hits Figus with it, trying to get it to work properly.

Better. Healing Figus, then move to AT18.
13:21, Today: Kyra rolled 9 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 8.  CLW.

Rogue, 574 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Fri 12 Feb 2021
at 14:14
  • msg #64

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw moves to AR-18 and throws a silver dagger at the last wererat, replacing it instantly with another.

10' move to AR18.
Throw Dagger.
Quick-Draw replace with another silver dagger.

06:11, Today: Kraw rolled 25 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 17.  Silver dagger attack.

06:11, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d4+4 with rolls of 2.  Silver Dagger damage.

Figus Dva
Ranger, 528 posts
Half-Drow Male
Sat 13 Feb 2021
at 00:02
  • msg #65

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Figus is not doing that good.

19:02, Today: Figus Dva rolled 9,11 using d20+6,d20+6 with rolls of 3,5.  Mace, kukri.
19:01, Today: Figus Dva rolled 19,9 using d20+5,d20+5 with rolls of 14,4.  DC14;DC 15 Fort.

Dungeon Master
GM, 651 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 16 Feb 2021
at 05:18
  • msg #66

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra expends a charge to bind some of Figus' wounds.

The wererat fights off both Ayeesha and Figus but in doing so leaves itself open to a knife throw by Kraw. The wererat spins with the hit using the momentum to gain a little extra speed slipping his blade past Figus' defenses.

"You'll die here. Girrigz will kill you all!" it hisses at Figus as it stabs him yet again.

OOC: 8 damage

Ayeesha1615/37+1 Greatsword +72d6+7-
Figus168/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+224/32MW Kukri +6/Dagger +51d4+4/1d4Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #3 (AR20)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Rat Swarm-Scattered---
Wererat #1-Unsconscious---
Wererat #2-Dead---
Dire Rat #1-Dead---
Dire Rat #2-Dead---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Bloodrager, 337 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 16 Feb 2021
at 05:24
  • msg #67

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Ayeesha moved next to the wererat, but again her heart didn't seem in it. After the swarm she was having a hard time connecting.

23:24, Today: Ayeesha rolled 11 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 2.  Attack wererat.
Witch, 366 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 16 Feb 2021
at 17:59
  • msg #68

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra keeps healing Figus as fast as the remaining wererat can hurt him. She hisses out a response at the wererat's threats.

"Look around you, you are all alone against the four of us. Drop your weapon and you may yet live through this!"

Again healing Figus.
18:53, Today: Kyra rolled 7 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 6.  CLW.

Figus Dva
Ranger, 529 posts
Half-Drow Male
Wed 17 Feb 2021
at 15:50
  • msg #69

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Figus swings twice and misses with both weapons, after which he attempts to take a step out of combat.

10:49, Today: Figus Dva rolled 7,13 using d20+6,d20+6 with rolls of 1,7.  Mace, kukri.
Dungeon Master
GM, 653 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 17 Feb 2021
at 23:04
  • msg #70

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Whereas the other wererats went down pretty quickly, this one has proven to be a skilled and nimble fighter able to fend off three attackers at the same time. His confidence starts to grow as he slips his blade past Figus' defenses again.

"Why are you still fighting! Run surface walkers! Flee before I kill you all!"

OOC: 5 damage to Figus, so net 2 healed

Ayeesha1615/37+1 Greatsword +72d6+7-
Figus1610/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+224/32MW Kukri +6/Dagger +51d4+4/1d4Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #3 (AR20)19HurtShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Rat Swarm-Scattered---
Wererat #1-Unsconscious---
Wererat #2-Dead---
Dire Rat #1-Dead---
Dire Rat #2-Dead---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:38, Sat 20 Feb 2021.
Bloodrager, 338 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 18 Feb 2021
at 04:57
  • msg #71

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Ayeesha swung again, a little more carefully this time. Then she stepped aside to let Kraw get a shot.

Bah, thought he was already wounded before I looked. Should have power attacked! sorry... Least it took a piece off of him, hopefully if I step down to AS20 gives Kraw and Figus a chance to finish him off.

Hit AC 24 for 12

22:55, Today: Ayeesha rolled 12 using 2d6+7 with rolls of 1,4.  damage.

22:54, Today: Ayeesha rolled 24 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 15.  attack wererat come on!!!

Witch, 367 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 18 Feb 2021
at 09:31
  • msg #72

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra shakes her head at the stubborn wererat as she once more heals Figus. "Stupid. Just how long do you think you can keep this up?"

Again healing Figus.
10:27, Today: Kyra rolled 3 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 2.  CLW.

Figus Dva
Ranger, 531 posts
Half-Drow Male
Thu 18 Feb 2021
at 16:01
  • msg #73

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

I am only prolonging this because he obviously needs the practice.

11:00, Today: Figus Dva rolled 8,11 using d20+6,d20+6 with rolls of 2,5.  Mace, kukri.

Rogue, 577 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Thu 18 Feb 2021
at 16:43
  • msg #74

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw tries to find a way to flip over the foe's head to occupy the space behind him. Failing that, Kraw jabs him with his enchanted silver dagger.

08:39, Today: Kraw rolled 20 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 4.  Acrobatics to avoid AoO.

08:40, Today: Kraw rolled 18 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 10.  Silver dagger attack.

08:40, Today: Kraw rolled 7 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 2.  Silver Dagger damage.

Dungeon Master
GM, 655 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 01:39
  • msg #75

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Ayeesha clobbers the wererat and Kraw sinks a blade into his side and the wererat finally falls unconscious to the floor.
Witch, 369 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sat 20 Feb 2021
at 16:24
  • msg #76

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Remembering the old woman's request, Kyra digs in her pouch for a healing kit and sees if she can stop the wererats from bleeding out.

"They'll live, I think. Assuming nothing eats them while they are out."

If it came to down to it, I'd use a wand charge or two as well to buy more time, but I don't think that will be necessary. Making rolls, starting with the wererat we took down (#1) earlier, and then this one (#3):

17:15, Today: Kyra rolled 21 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 15.  First Aid.
17:15, Today: Kyra rolled 22 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 16.  First Aid.

Looks like it worked? Mostly anyway, wererat #2 is already very, very dead.

Witch, 371 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 21:03
  • msg #77

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

With that done, Kyra turns her attention to the party and starts healing their wounds as quickly as she can.

I'll start hitting people with the wand until they are reasonably healthy, starting with the character with the lowest hp, then moving on up.

Figus: He has 13/34 hp, so the first 4 rolls go to him to bring him to full health.
Ayeesha: Has 15/37 hp, so the next 5 rolls bring her to full health as well.
Kraw: Has 24/32 hp, so the last roll heals him completely as well.

21:46, Today: Kyra rolled 4,5,6 using 1d8+1,1d8+1,1d8+1 with rolls of 3,4,5.  CLW, CLW, CLW.
21:46, Today: Kyra rolled 9,3,3 using 1d8+1,1d8+1,1d8+1 with rolls of 8,2,2.  CLW, CLW, CLW.
21:47, Today: Kyra rolled 8,4,5 using 1d8+1,1d8+1,1d8+1 with rolls of 7,3,4.  CLW, CLW, CLW.
21:49, Today: Kyra rolled 9 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 8.  CLW.

That's 10 charges, plus 1 used in the last round, so I'm down to 18 charges remaining. Let's hope we don't run into any more swarms.

Dungeon Master
GM, 657 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 22:04
  • msg #78

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

The rats had swarmed through large cracks in the wall but unless the party could alter their size there is only one passage for them to go through. Surprisingly given the amount of noise that had been made, the four wererats in the next room are not aware anything is wrong. Instead their attention is focused to a form of "entertainment" where a dire rat has been caged in with a stray cat and the two are hissing and fighting. The sound of the cat crying in pain from a deep cut was enough to drown out the sounds of combat.
Rogue, 579 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 23:07
  • msg #79

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw retrieves his thrown daggers and waits for the others. He pulls out a Vanish potion and readies it for use.
Witch, 374 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 21:26
  • msg #80

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra steps behind the cover of a tunnel wall and digs in her component pouch, ready to cast a spell the moment the rest of the team makes their move.

Step to AU20, ready to cast Web at upper-right corner of AR27 when the rest of the party engages. Careful where you step guys, it's going to get sticky out there.
Rogue, 581 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 06:08
  • msg #81

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw quietly positions himself on the slim ledge bracketing the water flowing into the next room. Turning invisible would be a wasted effort if he splashed loudly enough through the brackish water to alert the wererats.
Rogue, 585 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Fri 5 Mar 2021
at 16:51
  • msg #82

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw pre-positions himself in AU20. As their backs are turned, a Vanish potion would be a wasted resource at this point. Kraw nimbly launches himself into the fight, stepping side-to-side along the rough passage and avoiding any splashing to alert the wererats. Ending his move in AU24, he cuts once with his enchanted silver dagger, hoping to bring one down (in AU25).

08:48, Today: Kraw rolled 24 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 8.  Acrobatics .

08:48, Today: Kraw rolled 20 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 7.  Stealth .

08:48, Today: Kraw rolled 24 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 16.  Silver dagger attack.

08:47, Today: Kraw rolled 7 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 2.  Silver Dagger damage.

08:47, Today: Kraw rolled 10 using 2d8 with rolls of 2,8.  Sneak stab damage.

Wererat is now Disoriented for 1 round. His AC is lowered by 2 (lowered by 4 vs Kraw).
Dungeon Master
GM, 662 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 8 Mar 2021
at 23:01
  • msg #83

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw appears and skewers a wererat with his blade and Ayeesha comes in and knocks him unconscious.

Figus tries to follow suit but he fails to connect.

Kyra drops a web, entangling two wererat completely however the webbing latches onto the campfire and immediately lights on fire. The trapped wererats struggle as they see the fire climbing up the webbing.

The wererats are caught by surprise. Two struggle with the webbing while the third arms itself and quickly escapes from the flaming web.

Round 1

Ayeesha1615/37+1 Greatsword +72d6+7-
Figus1610/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+224/32MW Kukri +6/Dagger +51d4+4/1d4Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #1 (AS26)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form, Webbed
Wererat #3 (AT25)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Wererat #4 (AU25)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Wererat #2--Unconscious---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Figus Dva
Ranger, 535 posts
Half-Drow Male
Tue 9 Mar 2021
at 15:24
  • msg #84

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Figus attacked the webbed wererat in front of him with both of his silvered weapons.

10:23, Today: Figus Dva rolled 4 using 1d4+3 with rolls of 1.  Kukri damage.
10:21, Today: Figus Dva rolled 9,15 using d20+6,d20+6 with rolls of 3,9.  Mace, kukri.

This message was last edited by the player at 20:32, Wed 10 Mar 2021.
Rogue, 587 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Tue 9 Mar 2021
at 15:35
  • msg #85

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw leaps over and past the untrapped wererat, landing in AU26. From his almost-flanking position he stabs at the wererat in AU25.

07:33, Today: Kraw rolled 29 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 13.  Acrobatics to avoid AoO.

07:33, Today: Kraw rolled 10 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 2.  Silver dagger attack.

07:33, Today: Kraw rolled 8 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 3.  Silver Dagger damage.

Heh. In position, but that's a miss...
This message was last edited by the player at 15:36, Tue 09 Mar 2021.
Witch, 380 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 11 Mar 2021
at 06:17
  • msg #86

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra moves to get a better view of the situation, focusing her magic on the wererat still outside of the webs.

Move to AS20, Slumber on wererat AU25.
Dungeon Master
GM, 664 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 11 Mar 2021
at 18:55
  • msg #87

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Figus swings his weapons and engages with a webbed wererat.

Kraw flips over the free wererat but fails to land a strike with his dagger.

Kyra's hex finally takes hold and Wererat #4 slumps over and falls asleep.

With her main target out of action Ayeesha shifts to attacking the webbed wererat, hitting him hard with her greatsword, knocking him out with a single strike.
OOC: Crit! Even with the DR that is a 1-hit KO.

The remaining wererat struggles against the webbing which is now fully on fire. The wererat screams as its fur starts catching.

Round 2

Ayeesha1637/37+1 Greatsword +72d6+7-
Figus1634/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+232/32MW Kukri +6/Dagger +51d4+4/1d4Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #1 (AS26)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form, Webbed, On Fire
Wererat #4 (AU25)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form, Asleep (10)
Wererat #2--Unconscious---
Wererat #3--Unconscious---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Witch, 381 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 11 Mar 2021
at 21:12
  • msg #88

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

With only one wererat still standing, Kyra dismisses her spell with a gesture of her hand, so that her companions can reach the last opponent safely.

Dismissing Web. I'm guessing that also takes out the fire as well, as webs disappear?
Figus Dva
Ranger, 538 posts
Half-Drow Male
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 20:42
  • msg #89

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Figus moves to engage the remaining wererat and strikes with his weapons, connecting solidly with his mace. The damage is not enough to disable the wererat, but it should set it up for a sneak attack from Kraw.

16:40, Today: Figus Dva rolled 10 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 7.  Mace damage.
16:39, Today: Figus Dva rolled 24,8 using d20+6,d20+6 with rolls of 18,2.  Mace, kukri.

Rogue, 589 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 21:49
  • msg #90

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw moves to position himself opposite Figus and flank the wererat. His enchanted silver dagger stabs the rodent-man painfully.

14:47, Today: Kraw rolled 35 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 19.  Acrobatics .

14:47, Today: Kraw rolled 15 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 5.  Dagger attack, flanking.

14:46, Today: Kraw rolled 7 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 2.  Dagger damage.

14:46, Today: Kraw rolled 3 using 2d8 with rolls of 1,2.  Sneak stab damage.

Dungeon Master
GM, 668 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 18 Mar 2021
at 15:14
  • msg #91

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra dissolves the webbing back into magical essence and the fire, now without fuel, disappears almost instantly as well.

Figus smacks the wererat with his mace.

The wererat defends itself against Kraw's sneak attack and Ayeesha's wild strike, responding with a pair of strikes of its own that Ayeesha carefully counters.

Round 3

Ayeesha1637/37+1 Greatsword +72d6+7-
Figus1634/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+232/32MW Kukri +6/Dagger +51d4+4/1d4Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #1 (AS26)19InjuredShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Wererat #4 (AU25)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form, Asleep (3)
Girrigz (AS28)25HealthyRapier +13/+8 Bite +61d6+4, 1d6Hybrid form
Wererat #2--Unconscious---
Wererat #3--Unconscious---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:22, Thu 18 Mar 2021.
NPC, 1 post
Male Wererat
Thu 18 Mar 2021
at 15:19
  • msg #92

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

A large wererat pokes its head out of the tunnel near Kraw and snarls as it sees his den under attack.

"Surface walkers!? You'll pay for all the crimes you've committed against my people! You shall rue the day you raised your blade against Girrigz, the mightiest wererat this city has ever seen!"
Figus Dva
Ranger, 541 posts
Half-Drow Male
Thu 18 Mar 2021
at 15:23
  • msg #93

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Figus finally hits his stride and manages to connect with both of his weapons.

OOC: Should have added +2 for flanking with Kraw for the original attacks. All damage is silver.

11:22, Today: Figus Dva rolled 2 using 1d4+1 with rolls of 1.  crit damage.
11:20, Today: Figus Dva rolled 11,2 using d8+3,d4+1 with rolls of 8,1.  Damage.

11:22, Today: Figus Dva rolled 26 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 18.  confirm with the Kukri.
11:18, Today: Figus Dva rolled 18,24 using d20+6,d20+6 with rolls of 12,18.  Mace, kukri.

Rogue, 591 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Thu 18 Mar 2021
at 17:25
  • msg #94

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw reacts by stepping to AR26 and makes a full attack on the wererat he is behind.

10:21, Today: Kraw rolled 23 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 15.  Dagger attack #1, flanking.

10:21, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 1.  Silver Dagger damage.

10:20, Today: Kraw rolled 14 using 2d8 with rolls of 8,6.  Sneak stab damage.

10:19, Today: Kraw rolled 20 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 12.  Dagger attack #2, flanking.

10:19, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d4+4 with rolls of 2.  Dagger damage.

10:20, Today: Kraw rolled 13 using 2d8 with rolls of 6,7.  Sneak stab damage.

The combined damage from both silver daggers is 39.
Witch, 383 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 18 Mar 2021
at 17:37
  • msg #95

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Hearing a new voice, Kyra moves closer to get a clear sight of their target before she focuses her magic on him.

Move to AS22, then Slumber (DC 15?) on Girrigz. Hey, when all you have is a hammer...
Bloodrager, 341 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 15:06
  • msg #96

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

In reply to Kyra (msg # 95):

Ayeesha grimaces with determination and swings with flat of sword at wererat#1.
(+9 to hit -4 to do non-lethal damage for +5 to hit.)

Critical Threat! Just a hit for 15 NL DMG.

10:59, Today: Ayeesha rolled 24 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 19.  Great SD to hit WR#1w/NLDMG.
11:01, Today: Ayeesha rolled 8 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 3.  Roll to confirm Critical.
11:03, Today: Ayeesha rolled 15 using 2d6+6 with rolls of 6,3.  NL DMG to WR1.

"Grizzit izzz ittt! Drop your weapon and lets talk about this!"
Dungeon Master
GM, 671 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 22 Mar 2021
at 21:10
  • msg #97

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Figus knocks the wererat he's facing out with a double strike.

Kraw turns and sinks a blade into Girrigz just as he steps through the door...or tries to but he finds the blurry form difficult to pin down. Obviously the wererat leader had picked up some kind of magical protections.

Ayeesha steps up to support Kraw, slashing Girrigz with her blade opening up a big wound on his chest.

Girrigz responds by carving up Ayeesha with a silver-plated rapier that shines even in the dim light. Girrigz displays tremendous skill landing hit after hit, opening up numerous wounds across Ayeesha's torso and limbs.
Attack #1: Hit for 8
Attack #2: Crit for 12
Attack #3 (bite): Miss

Round 4

Ayeesha1617/37+1 Greatsword +72d6+7-
Figus1634/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+232/32MW Kukri +6/Dagger +51d4+4/1d4Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #4 (AU25)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form, Asleep (2)
Girrigz (AS28)25BruisedRapier +13/+8 Bite +61d6+4, 1d6Hybrid form
Wererat #1--Unconscious---
Wererat #2--Unconscious---
Wererat #3--Unconscious---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Bloodrager, 343 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Mon 22 Mar 2021
at 22:43
  • msg #98

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 97):

I think you need to adjust the game map but this is what She will do anyways.


Ayeesha will use free action to start rage adding 12hp and +4 STGH to get a bonus to hit of +11.

+11 on the roll for a 19, miss even with flanking.

18:35, Today: Ayeesha rolled 8 using 1d20 with rolls of 8.  Attack Girrigz+11.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:58, Mon 22 Mar 2021.
Witch, 385 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 23 Mar 2021
at 06:10
  • msg #99

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra curses at the ineffectiveness of her magic as she digs in her component pouch. A cloud of golden dust suddenly appears behind the big wererat, covering everything an everyone in the area.

Glitterdust at upper-right corner of AS29. Will save (DC 15).
Rogue, 595 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Tue 23 Mar 2021
at 08:52
  • msg #100

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw pulls the unused potion and his hip and swallows the Vanish potion. He then tries to slip past the big wererat to AS 29, getting himself into a flanking position.

Standard: Drink Vanish potion
Move: Acrobatics to AS29.
Free: spend 1 Harrow point to gain DR 3/-.

01:48, Today: Kraw rolled 18 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 2.  Acrobatics to avoid AoO.

Figus Dva
Ranger, 543 posts
Half-Drow Male
Tue 23 Mar 2021
at 12:43
  • msg #101

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Calling upon his heritage Figus concentrates and summons purple light (Faerie Fire) to surround their target.
Dungeon Master
GM, 673 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 24 Mar 2021
at 15:47
  • msg #102

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Ayeesha lets the rage flow and swings her sword but Girrigz parries and deflects the strike.

Kyra drops a blast of glittering magic onto the wererat and he lets out a surprised squeal. The rat starts blinking its eyes and looking around but it is clear its been temporarily blinded by the blast of magic.

With Girrigz unable to see, Kraw is able to slip around behind the wererat leader and Figus outlines the wererat clearly, ruining the effect of whatever blurry spell was providing it cover.

Girrigz listens carefully and despite his blindness is able to still score a hit on Ayeesha with his rapier.
OOC: Hits for 10. 2 temp HP left, 17 regular HP.

Round 5
Ayeesha1817/37+2+1 Greatsword +7+22d6+7+3Rage
Figus1634/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+232/32MW Kukri +6/Dagger +51d4+4/1d4Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #4 (AU25)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form, Asleep (1)
Girrigz (AS28)25-6BruisedRapier +13/+8 Bite +61d6+4, 1d6Hybrid form, Blind
Wererat #1--Unconscious---
Wererat #2--Unconscious---
Wererat #3--Unconscious---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Rogue, 596 posts
HP 31/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Wed 24 Mar 2021
at 16:08
  • msg #103

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

With a flurry of twin silver daggers and his beak, Kraw makes repeated slices into the back of the huge wererat.

09:02, Today: Kraw rolled 21 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 13.  TWF Dagger attack, flanking.

09:01, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 1.  Silver Dagger damage.

09:01, Today: Kraw rolled 9 using 2d8 with rolls of 8,1.  Sneak stab damage.

09:00, Today: Kraw rolled 27 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 19.  TWF Dagger attack, flanking. Threat!

09:00, Today: Kraw rolled 15 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 7.  Crit confirm.

08:59, Today: Kraw rolled 5 using 1d4+2 with rolls of 3.  Silver Dagger damage.

09:00, Today: Kraw rolled 5 using 1d4+2 with rolls of 3.  Added crit damage .

08:59, Today: Kraw rolled 8 using 2d8 with rolls of 1,7.  Sneak stab damage.

08:58, Today: Kraw rolled 27 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 20.  Beak attack, flanking. Threat!

08:59, Today: Kraw rolled 9 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 2.  Crit confirm.

08:58, Today: Kraw rolled 3 using 1d3+1 with rolls of 2.  Beak damage .

08:58, Today: Kraw rolled 3 using 2d4 with rolls of 1,2.  Sneak stab damage.

Depending on whether a 15 confirms a crit or not, Kraw delivers either 34 or 39 damage.

Grig is Disoriented (Debilitating Injury). He takes a -2 penalty to all attack rolls (-4 vs Kraw). This lasts 3 rounds.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:10, Wed 24 Mar 2021.
Bloodrager, 346 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 24 Mar 2021
at 16:57
  • msg #104

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

In reply to Kraw (msg # 103):

OCC:Nice Kraw.

Ayeesha sensing the Blood in the water, smiles ferally and focuses her bloodrage to ensure the Rat is crushed by the flanking attack they have unleashed on him.


Ayeesha will  use Destined Strike w/free action for +2 on top of +2 flanking and +11 to hit while raging for +15 to hit the blind Girrigz.

Hit for 14 Damage.

12:40, Today: Ayeesha rolled 14 using 2d6+10 with rolls of 2,2.  Raging GSwd Dmg +10.

12:39, Today: Ayeesha rolled 33 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 18.  GSwd attack +15 to hit on blind Girrigz.

Witch, 387 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 25 Mar 2021
at 06:25
  • msg #105

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Seeing that her spell finally had some effect, Kyra decides to again focus on healing the party. She moves closer to the melee to help Ayeesha before the wererat can retaliate against her, assuming he is in any shape to do so now.

Move to AR26. Hitting Ayeesha with a CLW wand for:
07:23, Today: Kyra rolled 6 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 5.  CLW.

Figus Dva
Ranger, 546 posts
Half-Drow Male
Thu 25 Mar 2021
at 18:07
  • msg #106

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Figus moves up to help attacking the others

14:07, Today: Figus Dva rolled 5 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 2.  Damage.
14:06, Today: Figus Dva rolled 26 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 18.  Attacking the Blind with the mace.

Dungeon Master
GM, 674 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 27 Mar 2021
at 23:10
  • msg #107

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Girrigz's magical wards help deflect some of Kraw's blades force but he still has two large blades buried up to their hilts in his side.

Ayeesha comes in from the front with a big wallup of her own.

Figus likewise connects with a blow that likely broke a bone or two.

Kyra comes up providing support for the group by healing some of Ayeesha's stab wounds.

The wererat next to the fire begins to stir. Has it already been that long that Kyra's slumber is wearing off?

Despite his blindness, Girrigz is still able to be dangerous with his blade. Given that Kraw had just sunk both his daggers and beak into Girrigz's back it was easy enough (relatively speaking) for the wererat to spin around and bury his blade into Kraw's side.
OOC: 6 damage

Surprisingly, the blindness doesn't clear from his eyes giving the party more time to take advantage of his crippling disability to inflict major damage on him.

OOC: Girrigz fails on a 13...nicely done Kyra...

Round 6
Ayeesha1822/37+2+1 Greatsword +7+22d6+7+3Rage
Figus1634/34Silver Mace +6/Mace +51d8+3/1d6+1-
Kraw18+226/32MW Kukri +6/Dagger +51d4+4/1d4Shield
Kyra1720/20Tarot Deck +71d4Mage Armor
Wererat #4 (AU25)19HealthyShortsword +4, Bite -11d6+2, 1d4+1Hybrid Form
Girrigz (AS28)25-6MauledRapier +13/+8 Bite +61d6+4, 1d6Hybrid form, Blind
Wererat #1--Unconscious---
Wererat #2--Unconscious---
Wererat #3--Unconscious---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Figus Dva
Ranger, 547 posts
Half-Drow Male
Sun 28 Mar 2021
at 02:28
  • msg #108

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Figus starts thinking of getting rid off his cursed weapons.

22:26, Today: Figus Dva rolled 13,14 using d20+8,d20+8 with rolls of 5,6.  Mace, kukri with Flanking.
Rogue, 598 posts
HP 25/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Sun 28 Mar 2021
at 02:31
  • msg #109

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw attacks in a frenzy of silver daggers and beak pecks.

19:26, Today: Kraw rolled 18 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 10.  TWF Dagger attack, flanking.

19:26, Today: Kraw rolled 7 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 2.  Silver Dagger damage.

19:26, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 2d8 with rolls of 2,4.  Sneak stab damage.

19:25, Today: Kraw rolled 18 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 10.  TWF Dagger attack, flanking.

19:25, Today: Kraw rolled 4 using 1d4+2 with rolls of 2.  Silver Dagger damage.

19:25, Today: Kraw rolled 7 using 2d8 with rolls of 4,3.  Sneak stab damage.

19:24, Today: Kraw rolled 12 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 5.  Beak attack, flanking.

19:24, Today: Kraw rolled 4 using 1d3+1 with rolls of 3.  Beak damage .

19:24, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 2d4 with rolls of 3,3.  Sneak stab damage.

If an 18 hits, Kraw does 24 more damage, and Grig takes a -2 AC vs the attacks of others (-4 AC vs Kraw) for 2 rounds.
Bloodrager, 348 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sun 28 Mar 2021
at 13:15
  • msg #110

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

In reply to Kraw (msg # 109):

Ayeesha Slashes at the Rabid Rat with her Great Sword; focusing her fury with a Destined Strike from her flanking position to end this Faerie fired, Glitterdusted, Flanked, Blind mad rat's rampage!

 Free action: Activate Destined Strike
 Standard Action: Attack with Great Sword

09:09, Today: Ayeesha rolled 16 using 2d6+10 with rolls of 4,2.  GSWD RAGE DAMAGE +10.

09:08, Today: Ayeesha rolled 32 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 17.  Rage,Flank,Destined Strike,GSWD +15 .

Slashing him for 16 points of damage!

"Take that you dirty Rat!"
Witch, 388 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sun 28 Mar 2021
at 18:33
  • msg #111

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kyra again heals Ayeesha, but then pulls back, wary of the other rat that has now shaken off her magic.

Healing Ayeesha. Lotta good that did.
20:28, Today: Kyra rolled 2 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 1.  CLW.

Move to AQ23.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:33, Sun 28 Mar 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 676 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 29 Mar 2021
at 15:55
  • msg #112

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Fending off both Kraw and Figus leaves Girrigz open to a big monster strike from a raging Ayeesha. She cleaves the wererat in two, muscling through its supernatural resistance and getting to the creature's heart.

There is a pause for a second before the remaining wererat drops his blade and flees from the room. It seems the threat of Girrigz has finally been dealt with.

OOC: Hurray! Combat is over. Everyone level up!

Poking through the rest of the cave system the party finds a few rats here and there that are quickly dispersed or dispatched. On Girrigz himself is a set of magical chainshirt as well as a magical silver rapier along with 30gp.

In the room beyond is obviously Girrigz personal nest and the party finds a small cache of loot Girrigz had stolen away:

  • 22 daggers
  • 12 short swords
  • 3 light crossbows
  • 60 black metal bolts
  • 4 chain shirts
  • 12 flasks of alchemist’s fire
  • a masterwork longsword
  • a masterwork suit of chainmail
  • 4 potions of cure moderate wounds
  • a masterwork silver dagger
  • an eversmoking bottle

In addition a search of the main barracks area reveals various bits and bobs the other wererats had scurried away.

  • 3 smokesticks
  • a tanglefoot bag
  • 20 tindertwigs,
  • a bent copper trumpet bearing a pennant with the city’s coat of arms worth 120 gp
  • a complete set of carpenter’s masterwork artisan’s tools

Witch, 390 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 29 Mar 2021
at 16:51
  • msg #113

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

With the wererat leader dead and his last minion running, Kyra gets to work on keeping the fallen wererats alive. Well, those in one piece anyway. It's all the same to Kyra, but the old woman might be upset about killing too many of them.

It would take Kyra 5 rounds to stabilize them all, starting from what she thinks is the worst case. Hopefully we won't lose any of them. Figus has a heal skill, so he could help out as well.

Now, as for the loot, we should obviously keep the healing potions and alchemist's fire in case we run into any more swarms, but Kyra does not really care about the rest. Sure, an Eversmoking bottle is an interesting item, but it's also the only really valuable time here. What are the "black metal bolts" made out of anyway? Something expensive?

Figus Dva
Ranger, 549 posts
Half-Drow Male
Mon 29 Mar 2021
at 17:04
  • msg #114

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Figus gives a hand in trying to keep as many lesser wererats alive as possible. Of greater concern to Figus is the bite he took from one of the wererats. At the very least he will cast a Diagnose Disease spell the next day to see if he is infected.

OOC: Figus would like the tanglefoot bag to replace the ones he used. The eversmoking bottle maybe useful and healing potions and alchemist's fire as well. The rest I am all for selling.
Rogue, 599 posts
HP 25/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Mon 29 Mar 2021
at 17:21
  • msg #115

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

Kraw expresses an interest in the magic chain shirt, willing to trade up (and sell) his +1 Studded Leather. He also wants one potion to each frontline fighter, himself included.
Witch, 391 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 29 Mar 2021
at 17:33
  • msg #116

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

OOC: There's a magic chain shirt? Thought the bottle was the only magical item we found.

Also, Kyra could use the MW silver dagger, but only if we are selling it otherwise. If one of you guys are taking it that's alright, it would be kinda wasted with Kyra.

Rogue, 600 posts
HP 25/31 AC 18
F+3 R+8 W+3
Mon 29 Mar 2021
at 17:45
  • msg #117

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

OOC Girrigz had ON HIM a magic chain shirt And a magic silver rapier.And Kraw already has a +1 Silver dagger and 3 MW daggers.
Bloodrager, 349 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Mon 29 Mar 2021
at 21:45
  • msg #118

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

In reply to Kraw (msg # 117):

Ayeesha would like the Silver Rapier +1 for now if every one passes. Piercing weapons work well under water.  She would like 3 flasks of Alchemist's fire. And we can sell the rest that no one wants so we can buy supplies for the dive.
Eries Yelloweyes
NPC, 6 posts
Human female
Thu 8 Apr 2021
at 20:01
  • msg #119

Re: [2.04] Plague Rats

After putting down Girrigz’s revolution, Eries Yelloweyes returns to the group to thank them for their help and to give them the information she promised them.

"As it happens, several sewer tunnels empty into the Jeggare River below the Wall of Eodred. On the night the black-sailed ship was sunk, some of my eyes were watching in secret. I can tell you that there was nothing on the ship except for the strange yellow light but once it sank, strange debris drifted from its hull. We tracked down some of the flotsam and discovered they were small boxes filled with dead rats. There were also pouches of silver coins tied to floating timbers. It was suspicious and the coins had foul air around them so my eyes kicked the debris back into the river.

I'm fairly certain the ship's sinking, the strange flotsam, and the advent of the plague are connected somehow.

In thanks for your service I can provide you with this map of the tunnels. It will take you to one of the tunnels directly next to where the ship sank. This side branch here leads to a hidden tunnel in an alchemist's shop basement. If you want I can have my eyes fetch you some potions that will let you breath underwater and deliver them at a discount. I would do it for free but my eyes still need to eat."

OOC: She will "sell" Potions of Water Breathing for 300gp each
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