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13:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines - COMPLETE.

Posted by The ArbiterFor group 0
Grimm Abacus
Orlock, 56 posts
Grimm's Ferric Heads
Sat 24 Apr 2021
at 00:57
  • msg #58

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Don't forget the firepower rolls ! Those dum-dums are going to run out you know !

Yorrick moves as close as he can and fires at the grenade launching menace.

Move to N6 (via O7-8 if it matters) facing NW
Shoot at Titaban. Misses
Grimm Abacus rolled 1 using 1d6 with rolls of 1.  Yorrick autogun 3+.
Grimm Abacus rolled 5 using 1d6 with rolls of 5.  Yorrick firepower 1 out of ammo.

The Arbiter
GM, 103 posts
Live, Die, Repeat
Sat 24 Apr 2021
at 04:45
  • msg #59

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

FYI rolled for reaction attack. Whiff...

Yorrick charges forward and finds that around the corner comes barreling a three headed monstrosity coming right for him!

Chaos Spawn, WOOO! But I rolled a lot of 1's on the statline. Poor WS and only 1 attack? Booooo!

The Chaos Spawn slams into Yorrick like a ton of bricks and yet Yorrick is able to fight it to a standstil.

OOC: Charge -> 1 hit (6,2) -> no wound (1). Roll your reaction and take your turn.
Grimm Abacus
Orlock, 57 posts
Grimm's Ferric Heads
Sat 24 Apr 2021
at 10:48
  • msg #60

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Iron Henry runs to the sound of battle while Yorrick swings ineffectually at the monster.

Grimm Abacus rolled 1 using 1d6 with rolls of 1.  Yorrick reaction attack 4+.

Iron Henry: Double Move to O9

This message was last edited by the player at 10:50, Sat 24 Apr 2021.
The Arbiter
GM, 106 posts
Live, Die, Repeat
Sat 24 Apr 2021
at 21:30
  • msg #61

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Grimm thought this cultist would be a simple pushover, someone to be gutted with a chainsword and blasted with plasma but what he didn't know was that Blister was a veteran mercenary hive scum who had survived dozens of skirmishes as a hired gun for the worst of the worst in the underhive. Genestealers, Corpse Grinders, Crazy Cultists, he had survived them all with his trusty shotugn.

That being said, he did realize he was overmatched in melee so he tried to retreat. Grimm cut him off so he popped Grim right in the face with the butt of his shotgun, stunning the Orlock leader and dazing him so that his follow up attacks all swung wide.

Holeee sheeeet. Did not expect Blister surviving but here we are.

Retreat (Basic) -> Fails Init check (2). Grim fails INIT check to reaction attack (1).
Fight (Basic) -> WS 4+ (4) -> Wound on 5+ (6) -> Armor Save 5+ (2) -> 1 Wound to Grimm
Grimm Reaction Attacks -> WS 3+ (6,6) -> Wound on 3+ (1,2) -> Firepower Check (2).

Grim takes a wound.

Grimm Abacus
Orlock, 58 posts
Grimm's Ferric Heads
Sat 24 Apr 2021
at 22:57
  • msg #62

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Oh, we are so revisiting that fight next round !

Oh, and you left a ready marker on Iron Henry in O9, that might be confusing later.

Meanwhile, Ashlet stands up and moves forward.

Stand up, activate jump pack in safe mode (+3 Movement), and move to M7, claiming what cover there is to claim.
The Arbiter
GM, 107 posts
Live, Die, Repeat
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 00:34
  • msg #63

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Squint picks up his axe and hauls himself up and over to what cover can be had as well.

Stand up & move -> T9, possible partial cover.

Grimm Abacus
Orlock, 59 posts
Grimm's Ferric Heads
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 00:37
  • msg #64

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Fred moves towards the action

Double Move to X6
The Arbiter
GM, 109 posts
Live, Die, Repeat
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 01:34
  • msg #65

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Tatiban backsteps before launching a frag grenade right between Yorrick and Ashlet, hoping and praying she doesn't accidentally clip the chaos spawn and have it turn on her.

Move -> I1
Shoot (Basic) -> Frag -> Targeting M7 to hit Ashlet and Yorrick -> Miss! (2) -> Scatters 4" SE

The shot goes wide, bounces down the hallway and explodes right behind Yorrick but just far enough that neither he nor Ashlet take any shrapnel.

Tatiban gets worried when she reaches for her bandolier and doesn't find another grenade, but she quickly remembers that she had stored extras on her belt.
1 on the firepower die but 6 on the ammo check so she is good to go
Grimm Abacus
Orlock, 60 posts
Grimm's Ferric Heads
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 01:49
  • msg #66

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Greta stands up and moves forward.

Stand up and Move to W6
The Arbiter
GM, 111 posts
Live, Die, Repeat
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 12:48
  • msg #67

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

The chanting builds to a height and it feels like it is coming to a head...but then it dies back down again to a more "normal" warp-fueled psychotic chant for posession.

So close, got a 5 and 6.

Round 5
Cultists get priority (rolled a 6, you had priority last time...)

Squint grips his axe and comes charging in, gunning for Yorricka!

x2 Attacks at WS 4+ -> x2 Hits (5,5,) -> Wound on 3+ (S5 vs T3) -> (6,6) -> Injury Dice (2,1)

1 flesh wound, 1 serious injury

Grimm Abacus
Orlock, 61 posts
Grimm's Ferric Heads
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 13:52
  • msg #68

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

I still had a Fred to move I think (just moving forward to join the fun)

Also, the current map got cropped very badly, if you could repost it ?

Oh, and I shouldn't remind you, but... Squint gets a free Coup de Grace if he wants it...
This message was last edited by the player at 13:55, Sun 25 Apr 2021.
The Arbiter
GM, 113 posts
Live, Die, Repeat
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 14:37
  • msg #69

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Fred moved as part of Msg #64.

I fixed the map issue. Right now because of how crowded it is the map is getting too large to upload so I will have to crop it manually a bit until some people die off.

I believe I don't get a CDG because Squint and Hans are engaged in melee even though they're not facing one another.

Grimm Abacus
Orlock, 62 posts
Grimm's Ferric Heads
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 15:05
  • msg #70

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Oh, sorry, couldn't see the map so I forgot about Fred. And you're right about Squint, I didn't realize he'd charged to V7 rather than W8. Well then...

Group Actication: Grimm, Greta

Grimm does his best to kill Blister. his best is not nearly good enough.

Grimm Fight (Basic): 2 attacks
Grimm Abacus rolled 4.  Grimm Chainsword 2+.
Grimm Abacus rolled 5.  Grimm Plasma Pistol 3+.
Grimm Abacus rolled 5.  Plasma Pistol Firepower. No issue
Grimm Abacus rolled 3.  Grimm Chainsword Wound 4+.
Grimm Abacus rolled 1.  Grimm Plasma Pistol Wound 3+.

Blister is... fine ? And gets a reaction attack

Grimm Abacus rolled 6.  Blister reaction attack 4+. Grimm uses Parry
Grimm Abacus rolled 4.  Blister reaction attack 4+ second try.
Grimm Abacus rolled 2.  Blister Wound roll 4+.

That also goes nowhere.

Greta slips through the fighting, then turns to fire a shredding shot at Four Fingers. To her delight, this not only brings him down but leaves him bleeding on the floor.

Don't need him to get into melee too !
Greta W6->V5->U4->T4 I believe that she never gets within engagement range.
Fire template, automatic hit on Four fingers.
Grimm Abacus rolled 6.  Greta Firepower, 1=out of ammo.
Grimm Abacus rolled 3 using 1d6 with rolls of 3.  Scattershot.
Grimm Abacus rolled 5.  Greta Wound roll 5+. Oh ?
Grimm Abacus rolled 4,5.  Extra wound rolls scattershot 5+.
Grimm Abacus rolled 3.  Four Fingers save 5+.
Grimm Abacus rolled 2.  Four Finger save secound wound 5+.
Grimm Abacus rolled 5,5.  Four Finger Injury Rolls.

Four Fingers is seriously injured.
The Arbiter
GM, 119 posts
Live, Die, Repeat
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 20:17
  • msg #71

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Titaban readies another frag grenade and tries to place it between Ashlet and Yorrick again. This time the grenade goes off wounding both members of the Orlocks.

Titban targets M7 -> BS 4+ (5) -> Wound 4+ (6,4) -> Injury Dice (2,4)
Yorrick and Ashlet are both Seriously Injured

No Knockback (1) on Ashlet

Grimm Abacus
Orlock, 66 posts
Grimm's Ferric Heads
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 20:48
  • msg #72

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Ouch ! I take back everything I said about rubber grenades !

Well then:
Group Activation: Hans, Yorricka

Yorricka stands up but does not attack.

Play Down But Not Out on Yorricka. Yorricka takes a Flesh Wound but becomes Standing and Engaged... and promptly does nothing (because she cannot afford a reaction attack).
A question here, the card says Standing and Active, but she is in base contact... so I assume she ends up engaged ? Otherwise I'd love to more her and have her fire at someone :)

Hans attacks Squint. His fist connects but does no damage.

Face Squint (free with activation)
2 unarmed attacks, +1 to hit for having Yorricka assist
Grimm Abacus rolled 6,3.  Hans attacks Squint, 3+.
Grimm Abacus rolled 3,2.  Wound 4+.
Right, nothing to see, take a lovely reaction attack
-1 for axe, -1 for assist from Yorricka
Grimm Abacus rolled 5.  Squint reaction 6+.
No second action

The Arbiter
GM, 123 posts
Live, Die, Repeat
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 21:22
  • msg #73

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Even as Yorricka is standing up, Yorrick finds himself being chewed up and ravaged by the chaos spawn. Without anyone to help him the wounded ganger is quickly ripped apart.

Chaos Spawn activates and CDG's Yorrick. Alas poor Yorrick, he had such great promise!
Grimm Abacus
Orlock, 67 posts
Grimm's Ferric Heads
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 22:21
  • msg #74

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

To save Yorrick or Yorricka, that was the question :/

Fred charges the axe-wielding madman, intent on removing him from the face of the ... I mean the bowels of the Hive. He feints right, knees Squint, and then delivers a powerful uppercut that knocks the scum out. Then he proceeds to apply the boot to the injured Four Fingers behind him.

Charge to U7
Fight Squint
+2 to hit from assists
+1 attack from charging
Grimm Abacus rolled 2,2,2.  Fred Attacks Squint x3 2+ -> 3 Hits
Grimm Abacus rolled 3,4,5.  Fred Wound rolls x3 4+ -> 2 Wounds
Grimm Abacus rolled 1,5.  Squint Save x2 5+ -> 1 Saved
Grimm Abacus rolled 6.  Injury roll Squint.

Squint goes out of action ! Yoohoo

Oh, and a free Coup de Grace on Four Fingers, since Fred is engaged with him and there are no standing fighters left. Four Fingers goes out of action !

The Arbiter
GM, 126 posts
Live, Die, Repeat
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 23:19
  • msg #75

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Blister tries to pop Grimm in the face again. He almost gets a hit in but Grimm parries.

Blister activates
WS 4+ (6) -> Parry reroll (2) -> Miss!

Grimm Reaction: WS 3+ (6,6,2) -> Wound (1,2) No wound
Firepower check passed.

You can finish out your remaining activations.

Grimm Abacus
Orlock, 70 posts
Grimm's Ferric Heads
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 23:44
  • msg #76

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Ashlet crawls toward the safety of the tunnels.

Crawl (Double) to N9

Iron Henry moves forward and shoots the chaos spawn. He is quite happy to see that the ... thing ... appears to bleed.

Move to O7
Grimm Abacus rolled 5.  Iron Henry shoot chaos spawn 3+ -> Hit
Grimm Abacus rolled 5.  Firepower Die. -> 2 Hits
Grimm Abacus rolled 6,2.  Wound rolls x2 5+ -> 1 Wound
Chaos Spawn takes 1 wound and has one left

This is where a normal gang would bottle, but your chaos guys are immune you said :/
Also, recovery roll for Ashlet

Grimm Abacus rolled 5,5.  Ashlet recovery roll. (forgot to switch back to 1d6, using first result) -> still seriously injured.

Edit: oh, and
Grimm Abacus rolled 4.  Priority for next round.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:45, Sun 25 Apr 2021.
The Arbiter
GM, 132 posts
Live, Die, Repeat
Mon 26 Apr 2021
at 00:38
  • msg #77

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

They aren't immune, they just get HTA. They rolled a 4 + 4 = 8 < 9 starting models Chaos gets a '5' for priority.

Round 6
The chanting stops, and it doesn't sound like it was because they were successful, but that the sound of gunfighting had gotten too close to the ritual chamber.

Bathia the cultist witch has entered vision.
Grimm Abacus
Orlock, 71 posts
Grimm's Ferric Heads
Mon 26 Apr 2021
at 00:54
  • msg #78

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Greta moves and shoots the abomination, seriously injuring it.

Move to R5
Shoot - Salvo - range is short - +1 to hit
Grimm Abacus rolled 4.  Greta shoots 3+ -> Hit, no Knockback
Grimm Abacus rolled 3.  firepower dice -> 1 Hit
Grimm Abacus rolled 5.  Wound roll 5+ -> Wounded ! Second wound, injury
Grimm Abacus rolled 3.  Injury roll -> Serious Injury

The Arbiter
GM, 134 posts
Live, Die, Repeat
Mon 26 Apr 2021
at 03:09
  • msg #79

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

If a spawn of the warp could be put down so easily, the Imperium would have eliminated Chaos from the galaxy millenia ago.

Chaos Spawn cannot be pinned and ignore flesh wounds and serious injury results.

Meanwhile the Cult Leader finally makes his appearance. He looks pissed at having his possession ritual interrupted!
Grimm Abacus
Orlock, 72 posts
Grimm's Ferric Heads
Mon 26 Apr 2021
at 04:07
  • msg #80

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

So I'm going to have to roll a 6 on an injury roll ? Likely after passing a 5+ wound roll unless I use Grimm's plasma pistol. That may... take a while.

Iron Henry takes his time, and aims another volley at the spawn.

Aim, Fire

Grimm Abacus rolled 4.  Iron Henry shoots spawn 2+ -> Hit
Grimm Abacus rolled 5.  Firepower die -> 2 Hits
Grimm Abacus rolled 3,2.  Wound rolls 5+ -> No wound

The Arbiter
GM, 139 posts
Live, Die, Repeat
Mon 26 Apr 2021
at 11:47
  • msg #81

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Yeah, that is kind of the point. From reading around online they are very susceptible to things like Blaze. Or just pouring on the fire and hoping something gets through. I'm looking into it further though.

Titaban moves up and tries to fire a frag grenade at

<orange>She did fire, but the blast didn't wound so /shrug.

Grimm Abacus
Orlock, 74 posts
Grimm's Ferric Heads
Mon 26 Apr 2021
at 14:14
  • msg #82

[Week 01] The Haunted Mines

Group Activation Hans, Fred

The two Orlock sergeants move together to lay on the hurt on the chaos spawn. Their accuracy is spot on, but the abomination just shrugs everything off.

Hans moves to S4
Fire shotgun-scattershot
Automatic hit, Shotgun savant applies
 rolled 4,6.  Hans scattershot with Shotgun Savant -> 6 wound rolls
 rolled 1,2,4,4,3,2.  Wound rolls 6+ -> no injury
 rolled 6.  Firepower die -> no issue

Fred moves to R4
Fire boltgun - short range
  rolled 5.  Fred shoots 2+ -> Hit
  rolled 6.  Firepower die -> 3 Hits !
  rolled 4,1,1.  Wound rolls 5+ -> no injury

Oh well, I tried !

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