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22:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Return home.

Posted by TakhisisFor group 0
NPC, 8 posts
Wed 28 Apr 2021
at 20:08
  • msg #264

Re: Return home

Ocelot nears the entrance. He can see the unknown elf and Tarlin firing into the tunnel but not their targets.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:09, Wed 28 Apr 2021.
Alfred Wylymot
player, 29 posts
Init: 34, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 5
Wed 28 Apr 2021
at 20:13
  • msg #265

Re: Return home

Alfred swings at the goblin still in front of him, screaming into its face to make it flee.
Iralios Tvar
player, 37 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 3
Thu 29 Apr 2021
at 01:48
  • msg #266

Re: Return home

He presses on. "FLEE OR DIE"
player, 4 posts
Thu 29 Apr 2021
at 02:52
  • msg #267

Re: Return home

Rhys fires at the fleeing Crossbowman.
NPC, 8 posts
Thu 29 Apr 2021
at 17:30
  • msg #268

Re: Return home

The unknown elfs arrow strikes the fleeing hobgoblin in the back of the head. The hobgoblin lets out a groan and stumbles going to his knees but keeps moving.
Tarlin Steepfeet
player, 41 posts
Init: 50, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 2
Fri 30 Apr 2021
at 07:16
  • msg #269

Re: Return home

Tarlin lets loose another stone, trying to aim it well for the back of the fleeing hobgoblin.
Solara Everstone
player, 28 posts
Init: 26, Wds: 11/14
Ldr: 1
Sat 1 May 2021
at 01:14
  • msg #270

Re: Return home

Solara grips her blade and shield, staggering upright.  She leans, heavily at first, into the wall of the tunnel.  The knight gives a short shake of her head, clearing away the last vestige of the poison's influence.
GM, 45 posts
Sat 1 May 2021
at 12:12
  • msg #271

Re: Return home

Iralios swings at the panicked goblin missing. Alfred hacks down into the goblins should laying it open to the bone. The goblin lets out a screak of pain and agony as its weapon falls to the ground.

The goblins turn and flee. Iralios and Alfred attack as they turn to run but neither is able to land a blow.

In seconds all they can hear is their own ragged breath.

Torendil is down with a crossbow bolt sticking out of him. Alfred is badly injured.

Ocelot rounds the corner behind the unknown elf which joined them in battle. One the floor of the tunnel is the body of a goblin and two of their dire wolves. The others having fled into the darkness of the tunnels.

OOC - The entire battle was only about 30 seconds long.

Iralios Tvar
player, 38 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 3
Sat 1 May 2021
at 14:06
  • msg #272

Re: Return home

His breathing is heavy and he closes his eyes for a moment, wincing in pain from a wound he really didn't register as adrenaline leaves his body. He sheathes his sword, offering a hand to support Solara. "Someone help Torendil, or I will have to try with unreliable magic." His eyes fall on the newcomer, an elf. "Well met, friend." he speaks with some hesitation in his voice.
Alfred Wylymot
player, 30 posts
Init: 34, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 5
Sat 1 May 2021
at 16:19
  • msg #273

Re: Return home

Alfred moves to the right of Solara to help her up and support her weight, while keeping his sword out for if the goblins return. "Come on you're good, what are we doing? We are in no shape to fight on but we cant let him get away."
Tarlin Steepfeet
player, 42 posts
Init: 50, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 2
Sat 1 May 2021
at 19:45
  • msg #274

Re: Return home

"We should smoke them out, start a fire in the entrance of the cave and wait for them to come rushing out! Is the gate locked?" Tarlin said, rushing to Torendil's side to try and tug the elf away with his meager strength.
player, 5 posts
Sun 2 May 2021
at 03:16
  • msg #275

Re: Return home

The newcomer moves forward to meet the companions.  He glides with typical Elven grace but there is something predatory in his gait.  The Elf seems welcoming all the same, but his features freeze at the sound of his kinsmen's name.

"Torendil?" The stranger quickly scans the ground, his features tightening further upon seeing the wounded Elven Mage.  He rushes to his side, motioning gently for the Kender to back away.  There is a low growl in his throat as he surveys the stricken figure.

Crouching down, his fingers gingerly probing the bolt in Torendil's arm, the elf glances up briefly. "I am Rhys.  Torendil and I are...of the same people.  No.  That's not it...of the same tribe?"  A momentary grin appears on his face, as he shrugs slightly.  "Not everything translates."

He gazes for a moment at the other Elf's wounded arm.  He sighs softly, only a slight fey accent in his voice.  "He will live. Can one of you help me carry him outside?  I think this is a bad place for the dressing of wounds."
This message was last edited by the player at 04:46, Sun 02 May 2021.
Solara Everstone
player, 29 posts
Init: 26, Wds: 11/14
Ldr: 1
Sun 2 May 2021
at 04:37
  • msg #276

Re: Return home

The Knight brushes away the offers of assistance though she nods in appreciation of Iralios and Alfred's offers.  Her eyes sharpening, Solara takes in the scene of their recent battle.  "This certainly could have gone better...  Poison!  I should have suspected nothing less from these dishonorable curs."

Solara listens to the exchange between the rest of the companions and seems to weigh the words and the appearance of this newcomer elf.  She taps her chin with a finger for a pensive moment.  Noting the additional wounds they have recently incurred, she draws a deep breath, her voice high but clear.  "Whatever we do, standing around here in this tunnel will solve nothing.  We need to regroup, and mend our wounded."

Turning toward Tarlin, the Knight quirks a tired grin.  "Smoking these creatures out is certainly on the menu.  However, we had best be sure this is the only entrance or exit.  Otherwise, they will simply slip away."

Gazing back toward the rest of the group, Solara nods to herself, seeming to come to a decision.  She gestures towards the fallen Torendil with her sword, looking towards Iralios.  "Can you help this...Rhys, is it?  We've shed blood together.  We owe it to the wounded to see them safely clear of battle.  Let's move to the tunnel entrance."

With a last suspicious glance over her shoulder, Solara sheaths her sword and starts walking toward the tunnel entrance.  "Stay wary.  The enemy is near, and wounded.  Ocelot, will you stand rearguard with me?"
This message was last edited by the player at 04:55, Sun 02 May 2021.
Iralios Tvar
player, 39 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 3
Sun 2 May 2021
at 09:51
  • msg #277

Re: Return home

Helping Solara to her feet his attention was already on Torendil. "Yes we should take him outside."

Hearing the suggestion to smoke the monsters out he protested. "We will not burn anything. They might have slaves or captives in there that do not deserve such a fate. Also they might also have information that we could use. That they retreated instead of calling for reinforcements means that their forces are as depleted as ours."

He assisted in carrying Torendil outside and he placed his hand on his wound. He concentrated and hummed a tune as he started to remove the arrow protruding from his companion's broken body. Miraculously the broken flesh and the torn sinew begun to mend if only sligtly.
player, 34 posts
Init: 42, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 4
Sun 2 May 2021
at 13:16
  • msg #278

Re: Return home

Ocelot will make sure the gate is closed and locked then rejoin the group.  He will stay near the tunnel entrance on guard for anything coming out.
GM, 46 posts
Sun 2 May 2021
at 17:26
  • msg #279

Re: Return home

Iralios' magic indeed allows the arrow to be easily removed and even heals the woman to some degree and immediately revives the elven wizard.

OOC - Wounds are updated on the character profiles.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:30, Sun 02 May 2021.
Alfred Wylymot
player, 31 posts
Init: 34, Wds +2/13
Ldr: 5
Mon 3 May 2021
at 02:28
  • msg #280

Re: Return home

Sheathing his sword, "I will go up the tower to spot any reinforcements, and to see if I can spot their master fleeing."
Tarlin Steepfeet
player, 43 posts
Init: 50, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 2
Mon 3 May 2021
at 07:41
  • msg #281

Re: Return home

"Well, if we're not smoking anyone out, we should consider pursuing them. I could go in with Ocelot and...Rhys, was it? We are fresh, and they are exhausted--we have the advantage."
Iralios Tvar
player, 40 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 9/14
Ldr: 3
Mon 3 May 2021
at 19:30
  • msg #282

Re: Return home

He nods at his Kender friend. "And I am coming with you."
Solara Everstone
player, 30 posts
Init: 26, Wds: 9/14
Ldr: 1
Mon 3 May 2021
at 23:53
  • msg #283

Re: Return home

"Alfred, wait.  All of you...just, wait a moment." Solara takes in the group with a frown, ill at odds with her fair beauty.  "This is my fault.  We should never have split up.  Such a tactic only works, sometimes, when you have the full lay of  the battlefield."

The knight swallows tightly.  "I know that you are all brave.  Yet, I would not see your lives sold so poorly, if at all."  She motions at Alfred's wounds.  "My friend, you're one firm strike from becoming goblin scat.  What happens if any reinforcements find you, before you find them...?"

Solara turns to look the warrior mage and Kender in the eye.  "As I said, your valor is of no question.  Yet we divided our strength, just moments ago.  We walked away alive, but not without a price."  Her winding gaze coming to rest on Torfendil, as though to drive the point home.  "You have no idea what remains in that warren.  There could be a few terrified and wounded foes, but what if there are more then we discerned?"

"Lastly, we have wounded.  Who will guard them?  Will that not further deplete our strength?  Let's think this through."
player, 6 posts
Init: 60, Wds: 10/12
Ldr: 2 (elves)
Tue 4 May 2021
at 00:02
  • msg #284

Re: Return home

Rhys nods appreciatively toward Iralios, as he mends Torfendil's arm with his art.  "Thank you."

The Elven warrior continues to check the fallen mage to see if traditional medicine will help further his friend's progress.  He listens to all the companions as they discuss their next step.
Iralios Tvar
player, 41 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 9/14
Ldr: 3
Tue 4 May 2021
at 13:14
  • msg #285

Re: Return home

He nods towards Solara. "Our lives are precious and valuable, almost as much as the lives of those who will suffer if we do not end this now. I have a feeling, a premonition if you will, that there is something foul and grand about to take place. We need information, information that we cannot retrieve if we don't press on. In an orderly fashion, without anyone left behind."
player, 7 posts
Init: 60, Wds: 10/12
Ldr: 2 (elves)
Wed 5 May 2021
at 01:01
  • msg #286

Re: Return home

The Elven Warrior looks up from his ministrations, nodding in agreement to both Solara and Iralios.  "It would be wise that we stick together."  Deft movements of his hands show the smooth tracery of thread closing the partly healed wound on Tarendil's arm.  He draws tight the last row of stitches, and ties off the knot.

Rhys stands, his kit bag still open, needle, thread, bandages and poultices, in abundance within.  "I can try my hand at aiding anyone in need.  I am no mage, nor herbalist.  However, my small craft might be of help."  He gestures his offer to the rest of the group.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:08, Wed 05 May 2021.
Alfred Wylymot
player, 32 posts
Init: 34, Wds +2/13
Ldr: 5
Wed 5 May 2021
at 02:14
  • msg #287

Re: Return home

"So we go back in at full numbers but not strength." While walk over to the Elf to get help.
Tarlin Steepfeet
player, 44 posts
Init: 50, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 2
Wed 5 May 2021
at 06:49
  • msg #288

Re: Return home

Tarlin looked back and forth between Solara, Rhys, and the depths of the cave. He seemed, repeatedly, about to say something, before blurting out: "So we let those goblins escape, then?"
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