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16:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

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Posted by TakhisisFor group 0
NPC, 4 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 00:43
  • msg #38

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The mounted archer on the road fires arrow after arrow at the goblins but misses the mark.

The knight wheels her horse and drives her lance at another of the other fiends. The goblin is able to bring its small shield up to parry aside the attack.

The goblins claim their courage and begin to argue among themselves about what to do. As they argue they are somehow still able to surge forth and attack the mounted knight. One of the fiends is able to almost land a blow but Solara brings her shield up and parries aside the fiends attack.

A group of goblin archers launch a volley of arrows at Solara. One of their arrows gets past her shield striking her in the chest .

Bravely several goblins start to move into the woods looking for the attacking mage and archers but it is taking every bit of their courage to do so.

More arrows fly from the wood line and one of which is driven deep into the goblins (G6) back. The goblin screams in pain and agony turning around looking for whoever his attacker was.

OOC - New round. Im trying not to be a pain in the ass already but I may not be being clear. In the dice roller, before you make your roll, please specify which goblin you are attacking. G2, G3, G4 etc. Then roll.

This message was last edited by the player at 02:24, Wed 24 Feb 2021.
Solara Everstone
player, 5 posts
Init: 26, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 1
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 01:07
  • msg #39

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This was going well!

No, actually, it wasn't going especially well at all, Solara would be outright lying to say otherwise--no single one of the goblins were a match for her--but there was an awful lot of them.

And the iron fisted punch to her ribs did not help matters, knocking the wind out of her--but the mail and leather held, and the poorly built arrowtip failed to fully penetrate, though it would bruise like mad before long.

Problems for later, taking hits is what armor is for

Taking advantage of her greater height and mass, Solara continued to wheel about the goblins, her lance flashing as she sought to finish the job she had begun.
Alfred Wylymot
player, 5 posts
Init: 34, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 5
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 01:27
  • msg #40

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Alfred hiding in the brush, shoots at the goblins approaching (goblin 13)
Tarlin Steepfeet
player, 6 posts
Init: 50, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 2
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 08:20
  • msg #41

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Tarlin pivoted and loosed the loaded stone at one of the goblins headed toward the woodline. He had wanted a better position, but seeing how the goblins seemed about to overpower his friend Solara, Tarlin quickly changed his tack again and rushed into the fray at her right side, swinging his hopec staff in the air to make a high-pitched warning sound as he approached.

The kender was, unfortunately, not skilled in close contest, but Tarlin was fearless and ready to assist his friend in any way he could.
player, 7 posts
Init: 42, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 4
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 13:45
  • msg #42

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The rider on the road wheels his horse and shouts. "OUTRIDERS! KEEP UP THE FIRE!  SARGENT! FORM UP THE MEN FOR A CHARGE!"  He slings his bow and pulls out a shield and sword.
Iralios Tvar
player, 6 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 3
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 13:55
  • msg #43

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"The time of magic is over. Now steel shall feast." And with sword and shield he charges towards the approaching humanoids.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:14, Wed 24 Feb 2021.
NPC, 5 posts
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 16:35
  • msg #44

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The kenders sling stone strikes one of the charging goblins in the arm, succeeding in gaining the goblins attention. The kender then turns and moves to get ready for a charge at one of the goblins attacking the knight.

The second rider dismounts and readies his sword and shield.

The goblins advance into the wood line cautiously looking for the hidden attackers. A human warrior charges from the underbrush. The goblin was waiting and slashes wildly with his sword but misses just as wildly as it had struck out. The human warrior smashes one of the goblins (G14) in the shoulder with his sword. Arrows fly from the wood line but miss their mark.

The mounted knight drives her lance past the goblins (G4) shield and into its face.

The goblin archers are mostly targeting the knight but one is smart enough to target the warhourse. Its arrow finds its mark and thunks into the warhorse flank. (-1 wd) The other goblins are all targeting Solara but all miss completely or are deflected easily off her shield. . One arrow lands in the back of the arm of one of the goblin attackers (G2). Solara lands a telling blow in the arm of her target (G4) and the goblin drops its weapon, its arm completely incapacitated.

OOC - New round. Dont forget your fortune rerolls. G2, G4, G6, G14 are the most injured right now. But G4 is going to be fleeing this round.

This message was last edited by the player at 17:45, Wed 24 Feb 2021.
Iralios Tvar
player, 7 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 3
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 18:04
  • msg #45

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"Four to one? I love these odds!" He didn't. He hated these odds. He despised violence or the prospect of dying. Yet the prospect of stopping these marauders from visiting further injustice upon his homeland was a worthy cause. A cause good enough to die for.

He attacked, yet he somehow stumbled on some branches. Both his strikes and his parries would be compromised severely.
player, 5 posts
Init: 44, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: N/A
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 19:47
  • msg #46

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This message was last edited by the player at 19:56, Wed 24 Feb 2021.
Solara Everstone
player, 6 posts
Init: 26, Wds: 11/14
Ldr: 1
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 23:33
  • msg #47

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With a little assistance, the tide was beginning to turn in the stalwart guardians of this--presumably innocent--caravan, and while it would be impossible to save those already slain...

Well, presuming things didn't go horribly wrong in the next few minutes, the ones still alive should probably be fine.

So it is that as the first Goblin that gained her attention shrunk back, dropping its weapon and looking to-and-fro for a way out, that she turned her attention to the other Goblins that were engaging her.  Setting her gaze on the one injured by its fellow, she gathered up her strength and struck out once more.
Alfred Wylymot
player, 6 posts
Init: 34, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 5
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 02:50
  • msg #48

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Alfred, getting mad, yells “DIE you green pigs!”
player, 8 posts
Init: 42, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 4
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 13:01
  • msg #49

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The man on the road yell, "ALRIGHT MEN, CHARGE!!"  He runs to aid Solara yelling some battle cry he learned in his travels and banging on his shield.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:03, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
Tarlin Steepfeet
player, 7 posts
Init: 50, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 2
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 05:17
  • msg #51

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Tarlin tried to push forward, to position himself in front of his injured friend if he could at all, swinging his staff in a wide arc at one of the goblins as he closed in (G6). He howled with fire and brimstone as he closed in. "Run for your lives, knaves! Save your cowardly lives! Any goodly warrior you bring low will be replaced by another!"
NPC, 7 posts
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 14:16
  • msg #52

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The kender charges into the fray and lands a crippling blow to a goblins knee (G6). Its the same goblin that had been shot in the back by one of its fellows and the goblin goes down in screaming pain, its knee shattered by the blow.

The other mounted warrior, now dismounted, charges into the fray and hacks down a goblin (G4) before it can flee. Adding insult to injury, the warhorse stamps the fallen goblin into the mud.

In the wood line the mage-archer stabs at the fiends but misses badly. An arrow from the remaining archer concealed in the woods fires an arrow striking the goblin in the fiends forearm. Entering one side and protruding through the other. The goblin (G14) wails in pain and drops his weapon. The badly wounded goblin (G14) disengages but the remaining three goblins charge forward swinging their swords wildly. None are able to land a blow in their mad change.

Solara delivers a massive blow to a goblins head (G2). The goblin archers fire at the mounted knight. One arrow lands solidly in her leg (-9 wds), the other is deflected by het pot helm.

One of the fiends turns away from fighting the knight and attacks the new dismounted warrior (G8). The warrior is able to avoid the attack easily.

OOC - New round. My apologies, I should have just waited for Tarlins rolls. The kenders intervention took down the goblin that would have struck Solara in the head and actually no fortunes were necessary because Tarlin charged (+10 WS to hit) and Solara never needed a parry reroll. This group now is fighting 2 to 1 odds so they gain a +10% in combat.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:14, Tue 23 Mar 2021.
Iralios Tvar
player, 8 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 3
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 14:29
  • msg #53

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He fought on, but it looked bad. He was no true warrior yet and in a three to one fight even goblins could be deadly.

"Alfred, I need you"
player, 9 posts
Init: 42, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 4
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 15:06
  • msg #54

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Ocelot pushes forward still shouting to try and frighten the goblins. "AT THEM NOW.  KILL THEM ALL!"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:02, Fri 26 Feb 2021.
Alfred Wylymot
player, 7 posts
Init: 34, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 5
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 19:43
  • msg #55

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Alfred draws his sword and charges into battle along side Iralios.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:40, Fri 26 Feb 2021.
Iralios Tvar
player, 9 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 3
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 19:51
  • msg #56

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The white mage's relief is visible.
player, 6 posts
Init: 44, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: N/A
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 20:22
  • msg #57

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Solara Everstone
player, 7 posts
Init: 26, Wds: 2/14
Ldr: 1
Fri 26 Feb 2021
at 23:22
  • msg #58

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"Gah!"  Solara hissed as a lucky arrow caught her in the leg...  Which was presently protected by little more than her boots and cloth.

Bloody goblins and their lucky shots!

This did not, of course, stop her from retaliating against her foes with all the force she could muster, though the situation seemed to be growing grim, the uncommon valor of these goblins keeping them steady even when many of their numbers were crippled or dead.

Fortunately, her companions seemed to have the remaining goblins in the melee under control, which gave her an opportunity to rear back, and set her gaze on the archers.  She gestured sharply, and kicked her steed into motion, her lance sailing in for the nearest of them.
Tarlin Steepfeet
player, 8 posts
Init: 50, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 2
Sat 27 Feb 2021
at 02:49
  • msg #59

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Still howling at the goblins, Tarlin took another wide swing, hopec staff whining with the force of the strike. The kender was trying to batter down the pitiful thing to clear the way to the other goblins for himself and his comrade Ocelot.
GM, 17 posts
Sat 27 Feb 2021
at 15:35
  • msg #60

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Tarlin charges forward and slams his hopec into the side of a goblins head and breaks its neck. It collapses into the mud.

The dismounted archer (Ocelot) swings his sword but the goblin is able to parry at the last second.

The warrior-mage strikes out with his sword missing badly and putting himself in a bad position. The archer joins him in the melee but is unable to land a blow. The warrior-mage trades sword blows and parries with one of the goblins.

The knight turns the warhorse and charges into the goblin archers striking one of them (G7) in the head.

The goblins on the road break. They turn and flee as fast as they can. The dismounted archer (Ocelot) strikes down the goblin (G8) brutally as it turns to flee.

OOC - New round. The fight in the woods is still going on. But, they might break and run also soon.

Iralios Tvar
player, 10 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 3
Sat 27 Feb 2021
at 19:08
  • msg #61

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They were winning. He could tell as much with confidence. Despite letting his guard down he pressed on!

"One more push and they break!"
player, 7 posts
Init: 44, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: N/A
Sat 27 Feb 2021
at 22:01
  • msg #62

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player, 10 posts
Init: 42, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 4
Sat 27 Feb 2021
at 22:53
  • msg #63

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The dismounted archer finishes off the wounded goblin and then rushes over to help free the prisoners.
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