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20:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Return home.

Posted by TakhisisFor group 0
Iralios Tvar
player, 42 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 9/14
Ldr: 3
Wed 5 May 2021
at 07:26
  • msg #289

Re: Return home

Iralios approached Alfred and begun humming a gentle tune. "Let me have a look at your hand." And a look he had indeed. And the warrior's wound were healed a bit.

OOC: +1 wound to Alfred.
player, 47 posts
Init: 44, Wds: 5/14
Ldr: 1 (elves)
Wed 5 May 2021
at 16:35
  • msg #290

Re: Return home

Torendil's eyes open and he looks about at the gathered companions "What happened? Are they all dead?"

Then he seems to recognise the elf amongst them for the first time "Rhys, you are alive! I would thank the gods if they were still here!"
Alfred Wylymot
player, 33 posts
Init: 34, Wds +1/13
Ldr: 5
Thu 6 May 2021
at 01:43
  • msg #291

Re: Return home

"Thank you my friend. No they are not all dead." Alfred says while looking at his hand.
player, 8 posts
Init: 60, Wds: 10/12
Ldr: 2 (elves)
Fri 7 May 2021
at 01:17
  • msg #292

Re: Return home

The warrior turns at Toredil's voice, relief clearly evident on his face.  "I'm afraid there are at least a few vermin left in the tunnels."  He casts a quick glance at Solara before continuing.  "I believe a plan is in the making to solve that...erm, dilemma."

"I am indeed, among the living."  Rhys gives a short bow and smiles.  Walking toward his Elven companion, his voices thickens slightly as his voice loses its amusement. "I thought all of you dead.  In the confusion, I was struck in the head, and I lost consciousness."  The warrior reaches down to help the mage to his feet. "When I came too, I found myself in a dense thicket of shrubs.  My guess is it concealed me while I was out.  Fortuitous I suppose, all things considered, but it was a harsh awakening..."

Noting Iralios' healing and Alfred walking toward him, Rhys continues while reaching for a bandage. "Once I collected my wits, I starting searching for you and the others.  I found your track leading away, and followed you."

Rhys says something quietly in Elven.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:22, Fri 07 May 2021.
Solara Everstone
player, 31 posts
Init: 26, Wds: 9/14
Ldr: 1
Fri 7 May 2021
at 02:34
  • msg #293

Re: Return home

Easing her mail coif back, and resting her helm by its strap on her sheathed sword pommel, the Knight brushes back, a damp lock of silken hair from her face.  She takes a long pull from her water skin, pondering the various musings of her companions.

Solara grits her teeth at Tarlin's suggestion, shaking her head sharply.  "No, my friend, that simply will not do."  She then looks at the warrior mage, and nods her affirmation.  "You have the right of it Iralios.  We do need information.  We also need to be smart about how we obtain it.  Though I am tempted to smoke these creatures out from their den, there are too many poor outcomes that could arise.  We'll have to do this the hard way."

"We take only as much time as we need to catch our breath and see if our new...friend, can do anything about our wounded."  The petite Knight glances at the Elves as they converse pensively, before continuing.  "Then we go back in."  With a last pull from her water skin, she places it back in her sling bag.

Solara pulls her coif back into place and looks around the group of companions. "This time, we move as one.  From back to front, it will be Ocelot and Tarlin as rear guard.  Then our inestimable Alfred, Torendil and Iralios will make up the middle.  Rhys and I will lead.  This will allow us to protect our wounded, and those who can shift the outcome of a fight with a word."  The Knight shifts her weight slightly, stretching muscles that are beginning to tighten.  "One crossbowman was almost the end of us.  When we face these disgusting creatures again, any archer is the priority from the out set.  Call your targets.  Good communication as we fight will see us through it.  Lastly, we will likely need light down there.  Those in the middle, be ready to provide it.  It will allow the fore and rear to fight more effectively."

The battle maid catches Ocelot and Tarlin with her gaze.  "Be wary of our rear.  These are treacherous creatures.  They will undoubtedly try to catch us unawares.  Make no mistake, yours is the most important role in this venture"

player, 9 posts
Init: 60, Wds: 10/12
Ldr: 2 (elves)
Fri 7 May 2021
at 02:54
  • msg #294

Re: Return home

Reminded of his task by the knights words, the Elf turns towards the approaching Alfred.  Wincing in sympathy at his wounds, Rhys looks at the man frankly.  "This...well, this is unfortunately beyond my craft.  What you really need are a few days of rest, with herbal poultices and several hearty meals."  The Warrior gently peels away the filth from Alfred's wounds.  "I will do what I can."  Rhys sluices Alfred's wounds with clean water, washing away the dried blood and tunnel muck.  He pulls out a small capped skin and unstoppers it.  "This will sting."  The Elf then splashes Alfred's wounds with a clear liquid and applies bandages.  "Its not much friend, but it should keep you free from infection."

Rhys then approaches Iralios and Solara, applying his healing craft as he can.
player, 35 posts
Init: 42, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 4
Mon 10 May 2021
at 12:19
  • msg #295

Re: Return home

Ocelot will position himself in the rear of the party.  To Tarlin " We will need to spin around and watch the group's back.  We can take turns walking backwards."
Iralios Tvar
player, 43 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 12/14
Ldr: 3
Mon 10 May 2021
at 22:35
  • msg #296

Re: Return home

It still hurt quite a bit but at least it was cleaned now.
"My gratitude, friend. So will you be joining us?"
He turned towards the rest of them. "So, we are moving on?"
Solara Everstone
player, 32 posts
Init: 26, Wds: 9/14
Ldr: 1
Tue 11 May 2021
at 14:17
  • msg #297

Re: Return home

Solara looked at the others. "Lets get moving. The longer we wait the more time they have to prepare for us."

Solara moves toward the entrance of the tunnels.
GM, 48 posts
Tue 11 May 2021
at 14:19
  • msg #298

Re: Return home

As Solara moves forward they all begin to stack up behind her.

OOC - Please tell me where you are placing yourself in the stack.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:21, Tue 11 May 2021.
Iralios Tvar
player, 44 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 12/14
Ldr: 3
Tue 11 May 2021
at 21:20
  • msg #299

Re: Return home

Iralios stands next to her. Shield and sword ready.
Alfred Wylymot
player, 34 posts
Init: 34, Wds +1/13
Ldr: 5
Wed 12 May 2021
at 03:22
  • msg #300

Re: Return home

Alfred takes up a position behind Solara, Rhys and Iralios with his bow ready. "If we can sneak up on them we might have a chance."
Tarlin Steepfeet
player, 45 posts
Init: 50, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 2
Wed 12 May 2021
at 08:08
  • msg #301

Re: Return home

Tarlin keeps himself in the back, taking his turn viewing the rear. He put a hand on Ocelot's cloak, adding to Ocelot's plan: "I'll tug your cloak hard if we're being attacked from behind, Ocelot."
player, 36 posts
Init: 42, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 4
Wed 12 May 2021
at 11:08
  • msg #302

Re: Return home

Ocelot nods.  He will lightly keep his hand on Tarlin's shoulder when the Kender is walking backwards. "Keep going backwards unless I push to stop you. "
Iralios Tvar
player, 45 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 12/14
Ldr: 3
Wed 12 May 2021
at 12:18
  • msg #303

Re: Return home

"Also, if you spot that scum of a hobgoblin again he is our first target. I am not dying poisoned and unable to fight back."
GM, 49 posts
Wed 12 May 2021
at 14:15
  • msg #304

Re: Return home

Once they are ready the companions move back into the tunnel. Once back inside the door they are able to get a better look around the corner to their left. They can see and feel that the tunnel slopes down from the entrance.

The only light is a faint light coming from the side passage to their left. The passage to their front and right are dark.

Somewhere deep in the tunnel they can hear what sounds like chains rattling and the grunting of something or someone seeming the struggle against the chains. Somewhere deep in the tunnel was the faint screeches of the goblins seeming to argue among themselves. But the voices are too indistinct to make out what is being said.

The tunnel to their front is just wide enough to put two abreast but the side passages narrow rapidly.

OOC - If you dont like where you are positioned please tell me now. Also, please articulate exactly what you have in your hands. Dont forget to call delays. But you dont have to roll until your trigger event occurs. The hobgoblin had escaped down the front tunnel which is where the wolf also fled. The goblins all fled down the left passage toward the dim light.

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:16, Wed 12 May 2021.
Solara Everstone
player, 33 posts
Init: 26, Wds: 9/14
Ldr: 1
Fri 14 May 2021
at 00:32
  • msg #305

Re: Return home

The Knight wrinkles her nose, as the stench of goblin seeps into her nostrils.  She looks at the three paths before the group and motions towards the tunnel to the left.  Solara turns for a brief moment, an upraised finger to her lips, before moving forward.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:28, Fri 14 May 2021.
player, 10 posts
Init: 60, Wds: 10/12
Ldr: 2 (elves)
Fri 14 May 2021
at 00:39
  • msg #306

Re: Return home

Rhys blends into the seams of shadow, while keeping pace with the lady knight.  The silver tip of his spear dances in small, graceful circles.  The warrior grins wolfishly in anticipation, as he advances.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:40, Fri 14 May 2021.
Tarlin Steepfeet
player, 46 posts
Init: 50, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 2
Fri 14 May 2021
at 09:26
  • msg #307

Re: Return home

Tarlin kept pace with Ocelot, keeping a calm view of their rear in case of any attack.
Alfred Wylymot
player, 34 posts
Init: 34, Wds +1/13
Ldr: 5
Sat 15 May 2021
at 15:48
  • msg #308

Re: Return home

Alfred, bow at the ready kept a watchful on the tunnels they past and ready to fire an arrow at any threat.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 15:48, Sat 15 May 2021.
Iralios Tvar
player, 46 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 12/14
Ldr: 3
Fri 14 May 2021
at 22:10
  • msg #309

Re: Return home

"I suggest heading to the left and trying to engage the fiend and force them towards us. Do not overextend and keep an eye out for a possible flank."
NPC, 9 posts
Sat 15 May 2021
at 16:17
  • msg #310

Re: Return home

The group moves down the corridor. Despite all efforts they are not very quiet as a group. Only the elves and Tarlin having any real ability to move quietly when necessary.

As they near the turn at the end of the left corridor the smell of animals emanates strongly from the hide curtained entrance directly in front of them. Iralios stifles a couch but the sound carries down the tunnels.

The hide covered tunnel entrance is silent and dark beyond while the light comes from likely lanterns down the corridor to the right. The right corridor seems to open up slightly into a wider tunnel or room.

The rattling of the chains and the grunting continues but now sounds it is coming from behind them. The goblin voices can still be heard but they are growing fainter are coming from the area of light.

player, 37 posts
Init: 42, Wds: 14/14
Ldr: 4
Sat 15 May 2021
at 16:42
  • msg #311

Re: Return home

Ocelot is looking everywhere but ahead.
Iralios Tvar
player, 47 posts
Init: 35, Wds: 12/14
Ldr: 3
Sat 15 May 2021
at 23:49
  • msg #312

Re: Return home

Iralios takes two steps to the right, shield raised and sword in hand. "Care to cut down that leather?"
Tarlin Steepfeet
player, 47 posts
Init: 50, Wds 13/13
Ldr: 2
Tue 18 May 2021
at 06:48
  • msg #313

Re: Return home

Tarlin, like Ocelot, kept his eyes trained backwards, attentive to any approaching threat.
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