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16:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[IC]  Portents and Omens.

Posted by StorytellerFor group 0
GM, 19 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 23 Jan 2019
at 04:04
  • msg #1

[IC]  Portents and Omens

The Pearl Fort market square is bustling with activity, even at this hour of the morning.  A blue sky with warm sun and just a scattering of clouds promises a fine and clear day.  The natives of the town are getting their shopping done before the visitors rise from their beds or berths or bunks.  Most sailors in town stay aboard their ships for the free lodging, but mercenaries or caravan guards for the merchants are often found lodged in the so-called "Sailors' Barracks", a former warehouse now outfitted with rows of stacked bunks, along with a bathhouse.  It's far cheaper for a merchant to pay for a space there for their employees than most rooms at the Pearl's Rest Inn (the only place in town that regularly has overnight guests), and less flea-ridden than buying a spot on the floor after closing at one of the taverns.

The half-stone-half-timber Pearl's Rest Inn is the finest the town has to offer in terms of food, drink, and nightly music, but other taverns like the Pig and Potion, Cracked Hull, Wicked Coin, Drunken Salt, and the Kraken's Deep offer either rowdier clientele, gambling, amorous company, less refined music, or sometimes an incurious staff and privacy, depending on the place.

The market square has stalls set up between various storefronts so people can display their wares: produce, bread, eggs, fish, oysters, pearls, candles, oil, salt, spices, leather goods, jewelry of many makes, supplies for pack animals, a small beast market, furs, clothing, weaving, one stall even sells paper, ink, and small books for those who wish to write letters, or keep accounts or a journal.

Amongst the crowd are a few natives to Pearl Fort, Amber and Aria, and several relative newcomers.  The black-braided half-orc has been lurking around the town for days, while the older man in robes and the young blond man with the sturdy build seem to be here for a different purpose they haven't divulged to any of the town gossips.

All those are in the crowd this morning when they all witness a most curious sight: a cloud appears above the stall of a single weaver, deluging her with an abrupt cloudburst out of a calm sky.  But what is most curious is that the weaver doesn't get a drop on her, as if the water dares not touch her uninvited...
Amber Elamaine
Fighter, 5 posts
Two-Weapon Warrior
The Kindhearted Mercenary
Wed 23 Jan 2019
at 06:41
  • msg #2

[IC]  Portents and Omens

Amber arrived in Pearl Fort just before dawn broke. She hasn’t been in this settlement since she was hired to capture a group of cattle thieves less than a year ago. The homey air of the area didn’t seem to change over the years, although the same cannot be said for Amber. For she is not here for sightseeing, she is here for a mission. And as she walks among the crowd, she is reminded of this fact when a cloud suddenly appears a few steps beside her. A spellcaster? Is it something related to this heir?

Amber approached the stall directly beneath the cloud, covering herself with her cloak. “Hi, there! Might you be in trouble?” she shouted toward the the girl in the middle of the downpour. Holding her sword tight behind her, she might not seem as cordial as she intends. But safety always comes first, they say.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 13 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 23 Jan 2019
at 22:25
  • msg #3

[IC]  Portents and Omens

Since the weaver woman set up her stall in the morning, Davor had been sitting in the shadow of an alley across the square watching her. He had been perched on an old crate that barely supported his weight with his green eyes fixed on her stall a few hundred feet from his hiding place. Earlier in the morning he had prepared himself by infusing his armor with some essence of the spirits such that in the darkness it now seemed to cast a light of its own. He didn't know why, exactly, he was watching this one particular weaver, but the whispers had led him to that course of action.

Davor casts Magic Vestment (3rd level) first thing in the morning on his armor.

When the clear skies opened up above the woman, Davor stirred. He got to his feet and began to make his way into the square proper at an oblique angle to the woman without taking his eyes off her. When another woman approached the weaver with a sword clutched behind her back, Davor adjusted and began to push directly through the crowd towards them. As he neared, he reached up with one hand to grasp one of the bones in his hair, made a distinct gesture in the air before him with his other hand, and spoke a single guttural word aloud.

Davor casts Detect Evil (1st level).
Soulknife, 10 posts
Thought and Action
An entwined perfection
Wed 23 Jan 2019
at 23:34
  • msg #4

[IC]  Portents and Omens

The first light of dawn found Aria strolling casually through the awakening city of Pearl Fort. As usual, she had broken her fast with her parents in the small, cramped kitchen of her childhood home. Her mother's cooking had remained excellent as had her father's penchant for nosiness. It had only taken the red-haired woman six times of politely telling him that her current business was best kept discreet before he finally took the hint. Still, she would not have traded her mornings for anything and the fact that she would soon be bereft of such familial luxury made Aria sad.

To say that the sudden downpour caught Aria by surprise would have been an understatement. The fact that the sky was a brilliant azure and the sun a golden halo casting warmth amid a scant scattering of clouds made the odd weather a curiosity that even the normally stoic woman could not ignore. The fact that the target of the offending cloud appeared to be immune to such watery hijinks gave the red-haired woman pause. Aria knew little about magic, but this situation literally shouted to the heavens of its involvement.

Abandoning her casual stroll, Aria walked purposefully toward the weaver's stall. She noticed both the swordswoman and the half-orc's interest and her own was even further piqued.

"I don't suppose you're doing that," Aria asked the weaver as she stood just outside the deluge's radius.
Heir, 5 posts
Thu 24 Jan 2019
at 03:27
  • msg #5

[IC]  Portents and Omens

The day had started just normal enough. The weaver was most likely not old enough to be considered a woman, she was fairly young to be on her own. Yet she managed to scrape enough to survive by herself. She did her best to keep a nice and well-kept look within her means, as good image led to customers spending more money. Her long wavy black hair was tied by two ribbons to keep it out of the way.

She had been working since early morning, awaiting for people to buy some of her wares or to commission some work. It had been a slow day, perhaps she wouldn't be able to afford a decent lodging that day. She kept her focus into her craft and just sighed when she heard the sound of water raining. Frowning, she motioned to pack for the day when it suddenly dawned on her that not a single raindrop touched her. She turned up and then back to her arms and body trying to make sense of the confusing situation.

Then she heard a question about her doing something by a woman to her right, she was just trying to process what was happening when she got questioned by an imposing and threatening cloaked figure in front of her. "Just what is happening?" she said completely confused and spooked.
Wizard, 4 posts
Thu 24 Jan 2019
at 21:28
  • msg #6

[IC]  Portents and Omens

Rising before the crack of dawn as was his norm, Jerec had studied his spellbook until the sun broke then freshened up and left his room in the Pearl's Rest, making sure to take his things in his travel-bag strapped across his chest and resting against his hip underneath his faded grey cloak. Even with daybreak it was too early for the kitchen staff and he wasn't able to get a bite to eat, but he had heard the market would be open and bustling, with vendors selling food.

The mage had arrived in Pearl Fort just a day earlier, with only vague information about a lucrative job. There was a demand for a man of his talents, as there always was with wizard's of at least a modicum amount of talent, power and skill. Jasper had told him he would send word of his arrival ahead and the job would find him rather then Jerec having to seek the employer out himself, for secrecy was apparently paramount in this particular job.

As he walked among the stalls of the marketplace Jerec's eye wandered over the many stalls while his mind wondered not for the first time over the past few years if Jasper's age had finally caught up with his mind. Perhaps it had not been a good idea to travel with such vague information after all...

Suddenly his attention was taken by a cloudburst over only a singular stall, though the occupant, a young woman, was not drenched in the slightest. Though the even might surprise many, to one trained in the arts arcane it was not so astonishing. Avoiding the effects of the weather was a simple magic, often used by the mercenary-mage himself on his many travels. However in this instant the girl seemed taken by surprise, which meant she had not cast the spell. Which in turn meant the cloud appearing only over her had not been conjured by her also, unless she was a very good actress and sought to draw in a crowd to her stall

Stroking his beard Jerec walked closer to the stall and the girl, noting others in the area doing the same, and one of them, a cloaked woman pointedly asked the girl right out if she was responsible for the limited deluge.

Keeping a short distance away he watched curiously to see where this might lead.
Soulknife, 12 posts
Thought and Action
An entwined perfection
Fri 25 Jan 2019
at 13:27
  • msg #7

[IC]  Portents and Omens

"Well it is raining around you, and only you mind, but you are not getting a single drop on you," the red-haired woman said matter-of-factly. "Most would find such an occurrence odd, to say the least. I, however, find it very intriguing. My name is Aria, what is yours?"
Amber Elamaine
Fighter, 7 posts
Two-Weapon Warrior
The Kindhearted Mercenary
Fri 25 Jan 2019
at 14:12
  • msg #8

[IC]  Portents and Omens

Amber was certainly curious of what is going on with the girl. But of all the people who came to the scene, Amber was most fixated on the charging half-orc. She drew her weapon and held it in front of her torso just in case. Now seeing that another woman had already engaged with the confused girl, Amber turned her body toward Davor. She crouched in a stance, staring at his movements and ready to strike if absolutely necessary.

“Don’t make me use this weapon on you, now. Who are you?” she exclaimed to the half-orc, still staying in place.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 15 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 25 Jan 2019
at 17:40
  • msg #9

[IC]  Portents and Omens

Despite pushing his way through the crowd in rather dramatic fashion, Davor had not drawn the rather imposing sword on his back even when the suspicious woman rounded on him and threatened him with her own weapon. Reassured by the lack of sensation from his spell, he grinned at the warrior but also kept an eye on the second woman, this one with red hair, who was now speaking to the weaver. In mocking imitation of formality, the large half-orc bowed to the woman brandishing her sword. "It's good to meet someone who knows how to greet others properly. Everyone else in this town is too polite to draw their weapon just at the sight of me. My clan called me Spiritwalker, but you can call me Davor. Who are you?" The sarcasm is apparent in his tone.

Rising from the bow, he cast an eye over the situation. "I don't need the spirits to tell me that this is strange." He gestured at the sudden downpour and then the clear sky. "It has all the markings of an omen and a rather obvious one at that. Why are you important?" This last statement was addressed to the weaver over the shoulder of the sword wielding woman.
Heir, 7 posts
Sat 26 Jan 2019
at 04:06
  • msg #10

[IC]  Portents and Omens

The weaver couldn't take it anymore, the whole situation was beyond absurd. Suddenly everybody was interested in her somehow. And two very scary imposing and threatening people seemed like they were about to start fighting? There was only one way to solve this, flee!

The girl left everything and began running as fast as she could, leaving all questions unanswered.
Wizard, 5 posts
Sun 27 Jan 2019
at 17:36
  • msg #11

[IC]  Portents and Omens

The situation had escalated alarmingly. One of the women had drawn a two-handed blade and was confronting another newcomer, a half-orc with it. Unsurprisingly, the girl they had all been looking at dropped everything and ran off!

"Bloody hell!" Jerec muttered into his beard, and grasping his staff moved forward to intervene before the situation escalated into a bloody affair. Moving closer to the sword wielding woman and the half-orc he remarked, "Look now lady, this fellow doesn't mean any harm. He's not even drawn a weapon, it appears he was just curious about the sudden downpour like we all are. Lets just sheathe that blade now before someone gets hurt."

He smiled at the end of his statement, trying to look like a friendly uncle solving a dispute between two favorite nephews. Glancing at the retreating form of the weaver he added, "Oh and someone should stop and talk to her, she seemed quite confused and frightened, likely thinks this is all her fault."
Human Cavalier, 5 posts
Order of the Lion
Mon 28 Jan 2019
at 14:33
  • msg #12

[IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle had been off in the distance, just having left a public house after finishing a drink. He maintained a watchful eye on the curious happenings as he unhitched his horse Demetria from the post.

Whatever had happened had caused her to start running away, and as much as fixing some local squabble wasn't the reason he was here, it was good enough reason to start. He got up on his horse and gently rode after the woman, giving plenty of space to  try and be nonthreatening.

"Excuse me young lady"
as he caught up to her "I promise that I mean you no harm. You seem to be in some distress. Can I help you out somehow? At least give you a ride to wherever you were planning on running to?"
Amber Elamaine
Fighter, 8 posts
Two-Weapon Warrior
The Kindhearted Mercenary
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 02:50
  • msg #13

[IC]  Portents and Omens

Amber considered the wizard’s insistence for a moment. After some thought, she put her head down and sighed silently. She sheathed her sword, although it was clear that it was done with some reluctance. “Maybe I’ve been out in the wilds for too long and I forgot my city manners,” she shrugged. However, it was clear that she was still suspicious of everyone. Her client strongly warned that this was going to be a perilous task, and that she should only rely on her instincts. He was adamant that Amber must not put her trust in anyone, even those who seem the most worthy of it. This particular morning, she was inclined to believe him. After all, what had happened left her with an uncomfortable sign that some change is about to happen—something she can barely handle. Deep down, although she should be more adaptive, a sense of wariness crept up to her. I’m not all that brave and mighty as I thought, I guess.

“My name is Amber. Nice to meet you too.” Amber responded to Davor’s sarcastic tone with her own, albeit a less apparent one. She was about to continue talking when Helena abruptly ran away from the scene. “We can finish our quarrel later. Now, I need to make things right,” she said, focusing her attention away from the half-orc and on the frightened girl. She pushed her way through the crowd to catch up to her. Amber was a bit guilty since she was probably the one who made her run away. She glanced at the cavalier who was riding after the girl but kept her focus on Helena.

When she was in shouting distance, Amber called out to her. “What happened with me and the orc wasn’t your fault, miss. Please come back to your stall. I promise we’ll be a lot nicer this time.” Amber definitely had some questions she wanted to ask, which is why she needed to calm Helena down first. Hopefully, she thought, this wouldn’t create more of a scene it already had. But that kind of thinking was probably too optimistic at this point.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 17 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 23:40
  • msg #14

[IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor didn't have a chance to respond before the warrior was off and chasing after the fleeing weaver so, instead he turned to the bearded man who had intervened. He gives the man a far more polite nod of the head. "I appreciate your intervention. That may well be closest I've come to being stabbed since I came here." The half-orc seemed utterly unconcerned about the fleeing girl. He was confident, after all, that he would be guided back into her path if necessary.

As he took in the man's appearance, there is enough of the implication of magic to cause Davor to ask the question. "Do you know anything about the cloud? The spirits tell me it is important, but that's about it."
Soulknife, 14 posts
Thought and Action
An entwined perfection
Wed 30 Jan 2019
at 00:19
  • msg #15

[IC]  Portents and Omens

Aria calmly watched the chaotic scene unfold around her. Her employer's words echoed loudly within the vault of her mind as she digested the revealed portent. They had said that this personage's identity would be revealed by a sign from the gods themselves. If rain falling from a clear sky upon one individual, who then miraculously defied the laws of nature to remain dry, wasn't a sign, then the red-haired woman did not know what was. The fact that several other people, including a man on horseback, were taking interest in the girl gave Aria cause for concern. If this girl was the heir, then many would be looking for her, some for good and some for ill.

With an inward sigh Aria took off toward Helena, her stride swift and sure. She thought about forming her mind blade in case the mounted man was a threat, but decided against it. Instead, she decided to call out and see if the absconding woman would listen to reason.

"Please miss, I mean you no harm. In fact, if you are who I think you are, I mean you the exact opposite."
Heir, 9 posts
Wed 30 Jan 2019
at 04:30
  • msg #16

[IC]  Portents and Omens

The girl quickly ran out of steam. She didn't have the endurance nor was fit enough to sustain a sprint for long, and that was under normal circumstances. When the kind man in the horse intercepted her and the threatening woman caught with her, and that other woman who first approached too... She just resigned to all of the attention. "Maybe this is all a bad dream?"

She leaned on a wall to catch her breath. "Ok, you all win." she spoke with resignation as she noticed the rain was still following her. "lovely..." she mussed as the adrenaline rush began to fade. "I can't feel my legs..." She began to feel drowsy and the world around her started to turn black.
GM, 23 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 30 Jan 2019
at 15:33
  • msg #17

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor Spiritwalker:
Since the weaver woman set up her stall in the morning, Davor had been sitting in the shadow of an alley across the square watching her. He had been perched on an old crate that barely supported his weight with his green eyes fixed on her stall a few hundred feet from his hiding place. Earlier in the morning he had prepared himself by infusing his armor with some essence of the spirits such that in the darkness it now seemed to cast a light of its own. He didn't know why, exactly, he was watching this one particular weaver, but the whispers had led him to that course of action.

Davor casts Magic Vestment (3rd level) first thing in the morning on his armor.

When the clear skies opened up above the woman, Davor stirred. He got to his feet and began to make his way into the square proper at an oblique angle to the woman without taking his eyes off her. When another woman approached the weaver with a sword clutched behind her back, Davor adjusted and began to push directly through the crowd towards them. As he neared, he reached up with one hand to grasp one of the bones in his hair, made a distinct gesture in the air before him with his other hand, and spoke a single guttural word aloud.

Davor casts Detect Evil (1st level).

There are no evil auras in sight around the rain or the startled young woman.

As Amber, Jerec, and Davor speak and argue in the town square, they attract no little attention from the other merchants and patrons.  As Amber dashes off to follow the young woman, Jerec and Davor are left holding the bag.  Jerec, looking perhaps less intimidating than Davor, is addressed by a motherly, plump halfling who runs a baker's stall.

"Goodness gracious, what in Yondalla's name is all this fuss and sword-waving about?  Who might you be?  And you?  Why did you scare off that young Helena?" she asks, addressing Jerec, then Davor in turn.

The girl quickly ran out of steam. She didn't have the endurance nor was fit enough to sustain a sprint for long, and that was under normal circumstances. When the kind man in the horse intercepted her and the threatening woman caught with her, and that other woman who first approached too... She just resigned to all of the attention. "Maybe this is all a bad dream?"

She leaned on a wall to catch her breath. "Ok, you all win." she spoke with resignation as she noticed the rain was still following her. "lovely..." she mussed as the adrenaline rush began to fade. "I can't feel my legs..." She began to feel drowsy and the world around her started to turn black.

As Amber, Aria, and Urle dash off after the young weaver, the exertion and excitement grows too much for her.  As she begins to swoon, Amber and Aria quickly realize that in the young woman's fear, she had run directly into the waterfront district.  And while Pearl Fort is prosperous, prosperity doesn't lay its hand on everyone equally.  This part of the waterfront district is mostly warehouses and the occasional tavern, the clientele of which is generally rough.  The Cracked Hull tavern is not known for its refinement, and the clatter of hooves from Urle's steed has brought out a knot of hard-eyed sailors and mercenaries.  They linger in front of the battered wood of the old tavern, eyeing the three warriors and the woozy weaver.  Amongst the crowd you also spy a short figure in dark robes, a rather unusual choice for the ruffins of the Hull.
Wizard, 6 posts
Wed 30 Jan 2019
at 20:33
  • msg #18

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Looking rather unperturbed over all the commotion, Jerec watched the weaver being chased by a horseman, then the sword wielding woman and then the other woman. Sighing, and hoping the young girl wouldn't fain out of fright he turned his head towards the half-orc as he spoke.

"Oh no need for that, I have come across many types of folk in my travels, and I can recognize a fellow adventurer when I see one, at least most of the time." Jerec replied with a chuckle, waving his hand as the half-orc inclined his head at him. "Stabbings are never a good thing, least of all when they happen to you. My name is Jerec, by the way," he added with a knowing smile.

Stroking his beard as he considered the half-orc's question, and the implication that he knew Jerec's trade, the mage considered how much to reveal about himself. The half-orc appeared as clueless as he was about this place, so there was little chance he would be his contact here for the mysterious job Jerec had come to this town for.

On the other hand, the half-orc appeared knowledgeable enough about the world to realize Jerec was a mage, which would not be a surprise if he was a mercenary or adventurer as Jerec surmised.

"The spirits told you hmm? Interesting. I confess to not knowing much as of yet, but the cloud fall could be from any number of things. For a mage, it is but a simple trick, but I do not know if that girl has knowledge of the arcane arts. Her reaction implies she was just as surprised as anyone," he answered finally with a small shrug of his broad shoulders.
Amber Elamaine
Fighter, 10 posts
Two-Weapon Warrior
The Kindhearted Mercenary
Thu 31 Jan 2019
at 01:54
  • msg #19

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As the girl lost conciousness, Amber rushed to help her up. She glanced at the Urle and Aria while scanning the premises. The folks who gathered around them didn’t seem friendly enough for her taste. “We don’t want to linger here. These people might be bad news for us,” she whispered. In this rough area, her eyes were particularly drawn to the conspicuous robed figure. But she tried to avoid eye contact and instead paced toward Urle with Helena still on her shoulder.

“Could you help bring her back to the market square with your steed?” she asked the cavalier. “It would be better if she is taken to a safe place as quickly as possible.”
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 19 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 31 Jan 2019
at 02:35
  • msg #20

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

He held up his hands defensively to the halfling baker and gestured towards the rain cloud which had stopped somewhere in the direction of the waterfront. "You cannot just ignore an omen! There is some mystical force at work." As he said that, one of the ropes holding the awning of the stall snapped causing the awning to fall lazily. Looking up in the air at nothing in particular, Davor said: "That seems a little anti-climactic."

Returning his gaze to Jerec and the halfling, he grinned wide, his expression just a little manic, and answered the woman's question. "As I told the rude woman waving the sword around: I am Davor Spiritwalker. I am shaman from the mountains." For all his talk of omens, he seemed strangely unconcerned that the most significant one was now some considerable distance away.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:35, Thu 31 Jan 2019.
Wizard, 7 posts
Thu 31 Jan 2019
at 15:05
  • msg #21

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec looked at the plump halfling woman with a raised brow, suppressing the urge to bring his staff in front of him in a defensive gesture at the matronly woman's ferocity.

As Davor dared to face her Jerec simply nodded along and added, "Indeed, we were just staring at her because of the sudden appearance of the cloud above her head. That's not normal, though since I am but recently arrived perhaps its a regular occurrence here?"

In case she took afront at his subtle barb and started chasing him with a rolling pin, the mage hurriedly added, "We just wanted to make sure she was alright, nothing more. Can you tell us if anything like this has happened to her before, or if any odd events have happened around her in particular?"

As he waited for her reply Jerec looked at Davor and gestured in the direction where the young Helena had dashed off to. "Should we investigate and see if aught is alright? The horseman riding after her could have some ill intentions for all we know, we don't want to end up charged with aiding and abetting a kidnapping," he said wryly.
Soulknife, 15 posts
Thought and Action
An entwined perfection
Fri 1 Feb 2019
at 23:43
  • msg #22

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I agree," Aria said with a nod. "Perhaps we should vacate this area as swiftly as possible. In fact, let us retire to the Pearl's Rest Inn. We can get some breakfast and discuss our interests regarding this situation. My treat..."

The entire time she was talking, the red-haired woman did not take her eyes off the gathered ruffians. The dark-robed individual garnered most of her attention and her blue eyes searched for any symbol or marking that might identify who or what they were.

I'm going to take a good, long look at the short, dark-robed figure and see what I can see.

18:43, Today: Aria rolled 34 using 1d20+19.  Perception check (Dark-Robed Figure).

Human Cavalier, 6 posts
Order of the Lion
Sat 2 Feb 2019
at 00:56
  • msg #23

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I'll get her there and make sure she's okay. Probably just too much excitement for one day."

It took some coordination, and a slight lack of dignity, to hoist the fainted woman on the horse with Urle, but once safely on, he moved back and headed towards the inn that he had just left "Not the day we had planned for ourselves, is it girl?" He asked his horse quietly.
Amber Elamaine
Fighter, 11 posts
Two-Weapon Warrior
The Kindhearted Mercenary
Sat 2 Feb 2019
at 02:26
  • msg #24

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

“Pearl’s Rest sounds fine. Thank you very much for your generosity,” Amber said to Aria. With Aria already keeping an eye on the suspicious figure, Amber focused her attention on the weaver girl and the cavalier during the conversation.

She took her leave and followed Urle closely behind, keeping in mind that trouble might yet appear this morning.
GM, 25 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sun 3 Feb 2019
at 16:53
  • msg #25

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Outside the Cracked Hull tavern

"I agree," Aria said with a nod. "Perhaps we should vacate this area as swiftly as possible. In fact, let us retire to the Pearl's Rest Inn. We can get some breakfast and discuss our interests regarding this situation. My treat..."

The entire time she was talking, the red-haired woman did not take her eyes off the gathered ruffians. The dark-robed individual garnered most of her attention and her blue eyes searched for any symbol or marking that might identify who or what they were.

I'm going to take a good, long look at the short, dark-robed figure and see what I can see.

18:43, Today: Aria rolled 34 using 1d20+19.  Perception check (Dark-Robed Figure).

With agreement all around to get someplace less insalubrious, Urle, Amber, and Aria take Helena with them.  But as Aria looks back, she stares carefully at the hooded figure who seems to be trying to bore a hole in them with its gaze.

The sailors and mercenaries give the three warriors a once-over, but seem to decide it would be more trouble than its worth to tangle with them, and drift back into the tavern, grumbling.

In a short while, the group has arrived back in the market square near the Pearl's Rest.


In the market square

Davor Spiritwalker:
He held up his hands defensively to the halfling baker and gestured towards the rain cloud which had stopped somewhere in the direction of the waterfront. "You cannot just ignore an omen! There is some mystical force at work." As he said that, one of the ropes holding the awning of the stall snapped causing the awning to fall lazily. Looking up in the air at nothing in particular, Davor said: "That seems a little anti-climactic."

Returning his gaze to Jerec and the halfling, he grinned wide, his expression just a little manic, and answered the woman's question. "As I told the rude woman waving the sword around: I am Davor Spiritwalker. I am shaman from the mountains." For all his talk of omens, he seemed strangely unconcerned that the most significant one was now some considerable distance away.

The baker seems mollified by Davor's quick response.  "I've seen you lurking about the place for a while...  But you've done no harm."  She shakes her head, as if to rid it of uncharitable assumptions.  "For certain if you're a Spirit Walker, you know a thing or three about omens.  What does that rain mean, and why did it fall here and now?"

Jerec looked at the plump halfling woman with a raised brow, suppressing the urge to bring his staff in front of him in a defensive gesture at the matronly woman's ferocity.

As Davor dared to face her Jerec simply nodded along and added, "Indeed, we were just staring at her because of the sudden appearance of the cloud above her head. That's not normal, though since I am but recently arrived perhaps its a regular occurrence here?"

In case she took afront at his subtle barb and started chasing him with a rolling pin, the mage hurriedly added, "We just wanted to make sure she was alright, nothing more. Can you tell us if anything like this has happened to her before, or if any odd events have happened around her in particular?"

As he waited for her reply Jerec looked at Davor and gestured in the direction where the young Helena had dashed off to. "Should we investigate and see if aught is alright? The horseman riding after her could have some ill intentions for all we know, we don't want to end up charged with aiding and abetting a kidnapping," he said wryly.

"Good heavens, that's not normal!  We petition Vogon and Obad-Hai regular as anything for fair skies and calm seas, and for certain our priests are not to lax as to forget their rites.  And if the gods were mad, why just drop a little rain on poor Helena?  Foundling babe, sweet as sweet, always does what she's told, always singing to pass the time, she couldn't offend a fly, let alone a god, big or small!" the baker says, throwing her hands in the air.

As Jerec and Davor are discussing, Urle, Aria, and Amber arrive back in the square with Helena in a swoon across Urle's saddlebow, pausing in front of the Pearl's Rest Inn.

OOC: Vogan is the god of rain and weather, Obad-Hai is the god of nature.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 20 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 3 Feb 2019
at 21:20
  • msg #26

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Scratching his chin a bit, Davor contemplated the baker's question. "Rain washes away the old and brings the new. Or it could be a sign of stormy times ahead. Without knowing who sent it, it's hard to tell." To Jerec's question he said: "I think we had better go, yes. Though I don't think we'll have to go far." He smiled in thanks to the baker and began to make his way across the market square just as those who had chased after the girl returned with her unconscious. He approached until he could see if the girl was unharmed and then kept a bit of distance to observe.
Soulknife, 16 posts
Thought and Action
An entwined perfection
Tue 5 Feb 2019
at 21:01
  • msg #27

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Aria breathed a little bit easier as they arrived back in the market square. What she had seen beneath the hood of that dark cloak worried her, but in such a crowded and public place, she doubted anything nefarious would occur. At least that was her hope.

"Let us not tarry here," Aria said as she glanced back over her shoulder. "That man in the black robe...let's just say I'd rather not discuss what I saw here. Let us get some breakfast and I'll explain."
Wizard, 8 posts
Tue 5 Feb 2019
at 22:17
  • msg #28

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Agreed," Jerec replied to Davor, following the half-orc's gaze towards the returning group with the young Helena (or so the baker had named her) draped across the horseman's saddle.

"Well there she is, looking sound. Worry not madam, we will get to the bottom of this," Jerec said to the baker before following Davor to the returning group. He got close in time to hear the emerald eyed woman's words and raising a brow asked, "A man in a black cloak you say? That sounds ominous..."

He did not ask for details, the woman had said she would rather not discuss what she saw in public. Moreover Jerec was also worried for the young girls health. Glancing at her prone he looked up at the horseman and asked, "She is not injured in any way, I hope. Otherwise the townsfolk will have us hanged before the day is done."

He was only partially joking though, for some reason Jerec found himself truly worried about the girl's safety. She did look quite innocent, and it seemed she had gotten caught up in events far outside her mundane life.
Amber Elamaine
Fighter, 12 posts
Two-Weapon Warrior
The Kindhearted Mercenary
Tue 5 Feb 2019
at 23:16
  • msg #29

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Amber mentally calculated how many people were involved in this scene. “It seems that there are five of us here who do not look like an average villager.” The preceeding events that transpired had made Amber a bit hungry. And so she started moving toward the Pearl’s Rest. Beckoning the others over, she added, “In any case, let us hurry to discuss this situation together in the inn.”
GM, 27 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 6 Feb 2019
at 04:04
  • msg #30

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

With the group of those apparently very interested in Helena's fate all gathered, the group can quickly decant to the Pearl's Rest Inn.  Helena starts to come around a little, or at least enough that she can walk with much assistance, so at least the group is not hauling an unconscious woman into the finest inn in town.

The Pearl's Rest Inn has a large common room with fine carved tables and chairs, a very large fireplace well-faced with neatly-trimmed stone, walls decorated with elegant scrimshaw and sea-themed tapestries, with a large polished bar behind which stands a human barkeep; a blonde woman of middle age and quiet charm.

The Inn is lightly populated at this hour, mostly consisting of those having late breakfasts.  As the group doesn't seem travel-worn enough to be seeking one or more of the rooms upstairs, a serving halfling politely inquires, and provides, access to one of the private dining rooms.  The fee is five gold for the room and another ten for food and drink for all, if desired.

Inside is a round table, a dozen chairs and two leather-covered benches, along with a sideboard containing several crystal-cut bottles of various-colored liquids and accompanying glasses.  The walls have a few more paintings of seascapes, and some others of scenes out of legend or myth, showing nymphs and gods, forgotten kingdoms and the broken empire, strange animals and lost lands.

The serving halfling will appear after just a moment with bread, butter, and a pitcher of the house wine (along with glasses), before taking himself off again.  Such things are part of the price of the room.  Certain meetings cannot take place without the breaking of bread and a toast or two.  More gold will bring more or tastier viands or beverages to discuss the strangeness that brought you here today...
Soulknife, 17 posts
Thought and Action
An entwined perfection
Wed 6 Feb 2019
at 17:13
  • msg #31

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Aria didn't bat an eye at the requested payment. In fact, she reached into her belt pouch and dropped five, shinny platinum coins in front of the barkeep.

"Bring your best and plenty of it," the red-haired woman said with a glance toward the massive half-orc. "I have no doubt we are all in need of sustenance and long discussions always make me thirsty."

Once they had all entered the room and the hafling had scurried off to bring the main course, Aria glanced around at those gathered. Her gaze lingered upon Helena for a long moment before she spoke again

"We all saw what happened earlier, with the rain and this girl," Aria said matter-of-factly. "I was hired by the church of Tritherion to find a girl whose presence would be heralded by some divine sign or portent. I believe this young woman to be the one that I'm looking for. With that being said, I'm curious as to the rest of your intentions. I would assume that others are interested in her as well."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 22 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 6 Feb 2019
at 23:26
  • msg #32

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor raised an eyebrow at Aria as she paid for the dinner room, the food, and presumably quite a bit more. Once everyone was inside and the halfling server had gone, he took a seat and reclined against a wall. "Maybe a round of introductions? I am Davor Spiritwalker, a shaman from the mountain tribes. I came here following a vision given to me by the spirits of my ancestors." For the time being, he said nothing about Helena. He leaned forward, poured himself a glass of the house wine, and leaned back again to drink it.
Heir, 10 posts
Sat 9 Feb 2019
at 15:56
  • msg #33

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

There was a bit of blur, and the noises were hard to understand, but little by little the senses started to return. The feeling of being on a moving object, the touch of a hand and the guidance, blindly and shakily going along with the flow. Then sensing a soft seat. The light became painful and there was no choice but to close the eyes to avoid it. Then the noise became less and less confusing and noisy, starting to turn into intelligible sound.

What a nightmare, what an odd dream, the feeling of strangeness had been strong, but at least it was quickly fading. Good thing the nightmare was over.

Helena could make something out of the voices, but that was to be expected. She would share a spot on a communal room for lodging and she wasn't one for peeking into other's conversations. Feeling finally better, she opened her eyes, making sense of the shapes around as her eyes got used to the unexpected brightness of the room...

"Ah!" she exclaimed as she noticed she was sitting on a bench surrounded by half a dozen strangers, or were they?. Her fear turned into resignation as she recognized both of the scary people that were about to stage a fight from before "So, it was not a dream...?" she lowered her eyes to show her disappointment.
Wizard, 9 posts
Sat 9 Feb 2019
at 21:23
  • msg #34

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Slathering some fresh butter on a chunk of bread, Jerec popped it into his mouth as he listened to Aria speak. Swallowing he nodded and introduced himself, "I am Jerec, a humble man of modest talents. I came here on a job, the nature of which I am now beginning to understand. It involves finding and protecting an unknown person."

Inclining his head at the slumped form of the girl he went on with a small shrug, "I don't believe the rain to necessarily be a divine omen, there are spells that can conjure a similar phenomenon easily enough. Still, the mystical arts of the divine are not well known to me so let us assume for now that she is the one I am seeking as well; what more did the church tell you about her?"

He had been looking at Aria as he spoke but as the girl came to Jerec glanced at her curiously, even giving a friendly smile. "Well hello there! You had quite an adventure today, do you feel alright?"
Heir, 11 posts
Tue 12 Feb 2019
at 02:52
  • msg #35

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The girl did her best to recompose, despite all that had transpired, the new environment was actually quite comfortable. She didn't want to sound ungrateful. "I think I feel better." she ventured a stray look at both Davor and Aria and back to the older man "I feel tired though" she took a piece of bread and ventured taking a small bite of it.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 23 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 13 Feb 2019
at 01:08
  • msg #36

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor did his best not to look intimidating and failed utterly. He took a piece of bread in his free hand and dunked it in the wine before taking a bite. He looked somewhat puzzled by the idea that Helena is tired, but didn't comment on it. Instead, he ignored all of Jerec's tact and cut straight to what had drawn his attention to her in the first place. "I am Davor: a shaman of the mountain tribes. I have been led here by portents, visions, and whispers of the spirits of my ancestors. I don't really know why though. Do you know why omens lead to you?"
GM, 28 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 13 Feb 2019
at 16:06
  • msg #37

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As Helena and the others talk, two of the servers come back with food - grilled fish and octopus, oysters and seabeans, fine cuts of beef and ham, fried potatoes with herbs, salads with vinaigrette, fine pale wines and darker vintages from local vineyards, along with bowls of glaceed fruits and little iced tartlets.  As the dishes are laid out temptingly, you can hear some louder conversation from the common room on the other side of the doors.  The servers move quickly, and as they slide out the doors and shut them behind them, those facing them can catch a glimpse of what's going on outside.  It's quite a bit more crowded than normal, and it seems that the cook has come to the bar to argue about something with the barkeeper, face flushed and angry.

Then the door shuts behind the servers, and the noise is muffled for now.
Human Cavalier, 7 posts
Order of the Lion
Thu 14 Feb 2019
at 16:10
  • msg #38

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle sat quietly, a cross look on his face, trying to read the group. He wasn't much for tribal superstitions, ancestor worship, or Half-orcs in general. In his experience most claiming to communicate with the spirits were hucksters, and most Half-orcs were violent savages.

The food presented to the table was grand, perhaps too much so for a man on the road. Much of this would not sit well either in a sack along the way, or in his belly on a horse. More so, the platinum coins given was, essentially, charity; the establishment could never produce the amount of food equal to what they received. He pondered on this; he had seen nobles, especially young ones, dramatically overpay for trivial items, either to appear as benevolent, or as a means to show off their wealth to the commoner. Urle began to wonder if this Aria person had any noble ties.

Hearing the rumblings of a disagreement, Urle removed himself from the table to investigate. Assuming the argument was about them, he tried to disarm the situation "Listen, we don't want to cause any trouble. What's going on?"

OOC: 11:09, Today: Urle rolled 9 using 1d20+8 ((1)).
GM, 29 posts
Weaver of Tales
Fri 15 Feb 2019
at 21:38
  • msg #39

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle had intended to open the door and ask the nearest server what the impending ruckus was about.  However, with all that was going on, Urle opened the door with more vehemence than he'd intended and his question came out in more of a loud growl in one of those unexpected moments of silence.  His question rings out loud and clear, bringing everything in the Inn to a halt.

One of the cook's helpers looks behind him and yelps, diving for cover, as suddenly a swarm of robed figures come pouring out of the kitchen.  Vaulting the bar, table, and patrons, the flood of robed figures comes barreling towards the door, knives, small axes, and maces in hand.  Some hood flop off as they move, showing faces that are seemingly random combinations of fish and birds, cats and horses, lizards and dogs, with hands that are scaly, feathered, furred, clawed, or taloned in equally random patterns.  They howl and roar in a cacophonous choir as they run straight for Urle!
Wizard, 10 posts
Sat 16 Feb 2019
at 13:22
  • msg #40

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Pleased that the girl seemed better, Jerec waited for her to regain her strength and composure before asking any further questions. Reclining back into his seat he was making himself more comfortable when suddenly chaos! A swarm of figures poured out of the kitchen, weapons in hand and bestial faces.

Eyes widening in shock Jerec yelled, "Ambush!", before reaching for his staff and starting to rise from his seat...
Soulknife, 19 posts
Thought and Action
An entwined perfection
Sat 16 Feb 2019
at 16:20
  • msg #41

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Piling her plate high with an assortment of the delicious food that was lain before them, the red-haired woman tucked in. It was a bit comical considering her small stature, but Aria assaulted it with gusto. Her mental abilities demanded a high caloric intake and thus her metabolism was more akin to a hummingbird. Quite literally, she was always eating something, her ability to consume and keep her athletic figure a boon that aroused jealousy in many of the women in Pearl Fort.

As she finished a rather sumptuous piece of octopus, Aria sighed, the pangs of hunger momentarily held in abeyance. Now, she could tell them about the black-robed figure and what it might mean considering their current objective. Just as she was about to speak, however, the kitchen door burst open and a mass of those same creatures, mongrels, came pouring out with weapons bared.

"Mongrels," Aria shouted as she made ready to spring into action.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 25 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 17 Feb 2019
at 00:52
  • msg #42

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor was also arms deep in several of the dishes that had been brought to the table. Since the meal had been generously paid for, he didn't want to let anything go to waste. The half-orc tried everything that had been put in front of him though for the time being he resisted the urge to reach too far over the table in an imitation of having manners. Magical rings were all well and good, but nothing really compared to the taste of a well prepared meal.

When the fracas in the other room started, Davor let out a grunt of irritation as he dropped the turkey leg in his hand and it skittered away across the floor as though it had a life of its own. He rose to his feet and, keenly aware that his questions had not been answered, moved to interpose himself between the table and the door to the room. As he did so, he spoke a word of in some guttural tongue, made a sign with his hand, and then grasped one of the bones in his dreadlocks. Moving around the table, he touched each other person present with the hand that had held the bone and a soft, green glow seemed to pass to them.

Once he had interposed himself between the table and the door, a giant blade with a pale green, ghostly appearance materialized in his hand. The giant sword was much larger than the falchion strapped to his back almost to the point where even the large half-orc seemed like he ought to have trouble wielding it. He said nothing, but grinned savagely at the strange creatures and readied himself.

Casting Communal Protection from Evil. Creatures touched: Davor, Helena, Jerec, Aria, Amber, and Urle. Duration: 1 minute each.

Activating my Ancestral Weapon.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:53, Sun 17 Feb 2019.
GM, 33 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 27 Feb 2019
at 17:56
  • msg #43

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Pleased that the girl seemed better, Jerec waited for her to regain her strength and composure before asking any further questions. Reclining back into his seat he was making himself more comfortable when suddenly chaos! A swarm of figures poured out of the kitchen, weapons in hand and bestial faces.

Eyes widening in shock Jerec yelled, "Ambush!", before reaching for his staff and starting to rise from his seat...

The mongrels charge the door, howling and hooting, two larger ones slamming into the door and Urle, trying to get through, more trying to hurl knives from behind them.  Two daggers hit the wall, but one grazes Jerec's arm.  A fourth misses Davor. 

Piling her plate high with an assortment of the delicious food that was lain before them, the red-haired woman tucked in. It was a bit comical considering her small stature, but Aria assaulted it with gusto. Her mental abilities demanded a high caloric intake and thus her metabolism was more akin to a hummingbird. Quite literally, she was always eating something, her ability to consume and keep her athletic figure a boon that aroused jealousy in many of the women in Pearl Fort.

As she finished a rather sumptuous piece of octopus, Aria sighed, the pangs of hunger momentarily held in abeyance. Now, she could tell them about the black-robed figure and what it might mean considering their current objective. Just as she was about to speak, however, the kitchen door burst open and a mass of those same creatures, mongrels, came pouring out with weapons bared.

"Mongrels," Aria shouted as she made ready to spring into action.

Aria rushes to the door to put herself next to Urle to stop the mongrels from flooding the room.    Urle stands firm and keeps himself from being grabbed or pulled off-balance.  Amber pulls her sword and makes a flashy display of dazzling prowess, signalling death for any who try to get inside.  One of the newest looks rather cowed by her show! 

Helena keeps herself at the back of the room, behind the bulwark of bodies who seem determine, for whatever reason, to protect her.

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor was also arms deep in several of the dishes that had been brought to the table. Since the meal had been generously paid for, he didn't want to let anything go to waste. The half-orc tried everything that had been put in front of him though for the time being he resisted the urge to reach too far over the table in an imitation of having manners. Magical rings were all well and good, but nothing really compared to the taste of a well prepared meal.

When the fracas in the other room started, Davor let out a grunt of irritation as he dropped the turkey leg in his hand and it skittered away across the floor as though it had a life of its own. He rose to his feet and, keenly aware that his questions had not been answered, moved to interpose himself between the table and the door to the room. As he did so, he spoke a word of in some guttural tongue, made a sign with his hand, and then grasped one of the bones in his dreadlocks. Moving around the table, he touched each other person present with the hand that had held the bone and a soft, green glow seemed to pass to them.

Once he had interposed himself between the table and the door, a giant blade with a pale green, ghostly appearance materialized in his hand. The giant sword was much larger than the falchion strapped to his back almost to the point where even the large half-orc seemed like he ought to have trouble wielding it. He said nothing, but grinned savagely at the strange creatures and readied himself.

Casting Communal Protection from Evil. Creatures touched: Davor, Helena, Jerec, Aria, Amber, and Urle. Duration: 1 minute each.

Activating my Ancestral Weapon.

Everyone protected against evil, and falchion now floating, the mongrels will have a wealthy of ways to die if they breach the doors!

They continue to push and shove, and the doors begin to shudder against what sound like the pounding of axes.  Soon they will have reduced the doors to splinters!
Soulknife, 20 posts
Thought and Action
An entwined perfection
Fri 1 Mar 2019
at 00:16
  • msg #44

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"This door is not going to hold long under this constant assault," Aria said as she glanced over at Urle. To emphasize her concern, a piece of wood splintered right beside her face. "My suggestion is that Amber, Davor, and Jerec protect Helena. Flip the table and put her behind it. Urle and I will step back and allow the mongrels to come. Any that get past us, you three deal with. Sound good?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 29 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 1 Mar 2019
at 23:17
  • msg #45

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The great half-orc looked a little put out at the plan not involving him getting a first crack at these cloaked creatures, but he was trying to be amicable so he nodded. "Sounds like a good idea to me. Stand clear, things are gonna go flying." Davor backed up around to the far side of the table and got his shoulder underneath it enough to give a push and attempt to heavy the thing over onto its side food and all.
Wizard, 12 posts
Sun 3 Mar 2019
at 08:52
  • msg #46

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Grunting in surprise as the dagger nicked him, Jerec gazed down instinctively at his arm. Cloth or skin had not been pierced, but still the lucky shot was disconcerting. Taking out something from a pouch at his belt with his free hand he muttered archaic words in an unfamiliar tongue, "Variae Armis!"

For a moment Jerec considered barring the door with magic and suggesting everyone run, but the door was already being reduced to splinters; he also wanted to capture one of their attackers to learn the motives for this ambush, and who it was targeting. It would not be a surprise at all to learn that Helena was the target of this attack, but the mage wanted to be sure.

"Stay behind us Helena," he called out to the young woman, before moving forward to help Davor with toppling the table over to use as a barrier.
Move Action: Help Davos with overturning the table if possible. Standard Action: Cast Mage Armor (duration 6 hours).

Heir, 13 posts
Sat 9 Mar 2019
at 21:02
  • msg #47

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Things happened quite fast. The girl had barely had any time to start to process everything when the world went chaotic again. Helena moved behind the table and dropped to the floor. If there was just a way out of the place? She turned around looking for a window, a secluded spot or a space in the wall...

"I wonder what deity did I anger to deserve this?"

GM, 34 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sun 10 Mar 2019
at 08:47
  • msg #48

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Table upended by Davor and Jerec (making a horrible racket and mess), it now provides a sturdy bulwark between the splintering doors and vulnerable young woman in the corner.  Amber pulls out her double-bladed sword, the blades flashing darkly as she swings it into position with precision, as Jerec armors himself with magic and Davor prepares himself.  Aria and Urle pull their own blades, Urle's of steel, Aria's of shimmering force that blinks into existence in her hand.

The mongrels start to force open the doors, and Urle and Amber fall back, ready to repel them.

A brace of hunchbacked mongrels, one with a face that's the half fish, with mismatched hands like a bird's talon and a bear's paw, the other with a dog-like face and goat's hooves, both wielding axes with ugly daggers thrust into their belts.  Behind them are six more mongrels, all equally twisted in form, with some sounds like there could be even more coming out of the kitchen.  The inn is in chaos, but it seems most of the patrons and staff are fleeing out the front door without being pursued by the mongrels; their prey is here, it seems.

As the two door-breaker mongrels step forward, swinging their axes with murderous intent, Urle and Aria are there.  Urle's sword forces one back hard, making the mongrel grunt with the effort, while Aria's quick glowing blade slices into the other, leaving a smoking wound.  Both mongrels swing their axes in retaliation, missing Aria but just scoring Urle. 

"Give us the heir!  She will be our queen of all nations, empress of all!  Do not deny her to us!" one in the back howls, its face like a raven split with a squid.

The mongrels in the back begin to hurl slingstones and daggers at Urle and Aria, with the table making it difficult to hit Davor, Amber, or Jerec.  Most miss, but one lucky stone snaps across Aria's forehead with painful force!  The rest of the mongrels press forward, and soon the doorway will be filled with them!

Things happened quite fast. The girl had barely had any time to start to process everything when the world went chaotic again. Helena moved behind the table and dropped to the floor. If there was just a way out of the place? She turned around looking for a window, a secluded spot or a space in the wall...

"I wonder what deity did I anger to deserve this?"

While Helena doesn't recall doing anything (or not doing anything) that should have offended any god, great or small, it doesn't change the fact that monstrous creatures were here and trying to get to her.  Seeking an escape, she turns away from the chaos of combat and pats along the wall, seeking some kind of out.  The room was built for privacy, but Helena's frantic search reveals that a decorative tapestry hides a small door!
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 30 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 10 Mar 2019
at 13:45
  • msg #49

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

When he heard the shouts of the wild looking creatures, Davor retorted from behind the table."Did any of you consider asking politely rather than swarming the inn wielding weapons?"

As the stones began to fly at them, Davor decided that some additional cover was in order for those on the front lines. "Everyone watch each other's backs it's about to get hard to see." Davor shouted a word in his strange tongue and clapped his hands together. Mist spewed from the half-orc's mouth in a billowing torrent until the entire room was filled.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Helena searching for an exit. He backed up through the mist until he was once again next to her and held his ghostly falchion in a defensive stance. He did nothing to impede her attempts to find an escape but merely made sure that nothing dangerous came through the mist.

Casts Obscuring Mist at 1st level.
Wizard, 13 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2019
at 20:42
  • msg #50

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Ducking behind the table as the creatures swarmed and stones flew Jerec considered his options, his brow rising as he heard what the creatures said. Heir, queen of nations...what the blazes have I gotten into? he thought, though he had to admit to himself the thrill of danger and a mystery did make him feel alive, after what seemed like a long time.

Peering over the table the mage saw the doorway behind the first two mongrels swarming with more of the creatures, with possibly some even more behind them. The staff of the inn seemed to have charged out of the kitchens already, and if any were left behind Jerec doubted they were still alive.

Suddenly mist swarmed from Davor, engulfing the room and making it harder to see. A wise move Jerec thought, that would allow them more protection against the creatures slings and thrown daggers. But that did mean they would try to close to attacking them hand to hand.

Thus before he lost sight of the enemy completely or they moved to close to stabbing range, Jerec focused his mind and made a circular motion with his free arm, bringing it down close to his chest and intoned, "Et ignis FRAGOR!"

There was a flash of light as the mage snapped his arm palm forward and a fiery ball of angry flame streaked out towards the group of mongrels by the ruined doorway, burning through the mist until it exploded into an inferno!

Heir, 14 posts
Fri 15 Mar 2019
at 14:16
  • msg #51

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Heir? empress of nations? what is all that nonsense" Helena couldn't form a coherent thought out of the situation. The day just kept getting weirder and weirder. Taking advantage of the mist obstructing all sight, she dared to try to open the trapdoor and peek inside. Perhaps it could be a site to hide, or even a way out?
GM, 35 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 19 Mar 2019
at 08:58
  • msg #52

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor Spiritwalker:
When he heard the shouts of the wild looking creatures, Davor retorted from behind the table."Did any of you consider asking politely rather than swarming the inn wielding weapons?"

As the stones began to fly at them, Davor decided that some additional cover was in order for those on the front lines. "Everyone watch each other's backs it's about to get hard to see." Davor shouted a word in his strange tongue and clapped his hands together. Mist spewed from the half-orc's mouth in a billowing torrent until the entire room was filled.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Helena searching for an exit. He backed up through the mist until he was once again next to her and held his ghostly falchion in a defensive stance. He did nothing to impede her attempts to find an escape but merely made sure that nothing dangerous came through the mist.

Casts Obscuring Mist at 1st level.

The battlefield becomes a place of mist and shadow, making the mongrels pause in confusion as fog reins indoors.

Ducking behind the table as the creatures swarmed and stones flew Jerec considered his options, his brow rising as he heard what the creatures said. Heir, queen of nations...what the blazes have I gotten into? he thought, though he had to admit to himself the thrill of danger and a mystery did make him feel alive, after what seemed like a long time.

Peering over the table the mage saw the doorway behind the first two mongrels swarming with more of the creatures, with possibly some even more behind them. The staff of the inn seemed to have charged out of the kitchens already, and if any were left behind Jerec doubted they were still alive.

Suddenly mist swarmed from Davor, engulfing the room and making it harder to see. A wise move Jerec thought, that would allow them more protection against the creatures slings and thrown daggers. But that did mean they would try to close to attacking them hand to hand.

Thus before he lost sight of the enemy completely or they moved to close to stabbing range, Jerec focused his mind and made a circular motion with his free arm, bringing it down close to his chest and intoned, "Et ignis FRAGOR!"

There was a flash of light as the mage snapped his arm palm forward and a fiery ball of angry flame streaked out towards the group of mongrels by the ruined doorway, burning through the mist until it exploded into an inferno!

Bright fire illuminates the mist as shrieks sound further away from the room.  It sounds like Jerec's spell caught a goodly number in its lethal nimbus!

Urle and Aria continue to press the doorbreaker mongrels that they can see, slicing into them with sword and soulknife.  The half-fish-faced one goes down screaming, while the dog-faced one ducks from Aria's blade with a ferret-quick squirm.  Both of their return blows miss, but it seems like there are more mongrels that are pressing forward to take the place of any fallen foes.

"Heir? empress of nations? what is all that nonsense" Helena couldn't form a coherent thought out of the situation. The day just kept getting weirder and weirder. Taking advantage of the mist obstructing all sight, she dared to try to open the trapdoor and peek inside. Perhaps it could be a site to hide, or even a way out?

Helena opens the door and finds a short hallway lit with a small lantern, and beyond that a stone staircase descending into the ground.  From the faint whiffs of beer and wine, likely it goes to the inn's wine cellar.
Heir, 15 posts
Sat 23 Mar 2019
at 16:59
  • msg #53

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena noticed the passage, this was it! her way out!

But these people had been so nice to her... She touched the older man that was behind the table and whipsered to him "I found a trapdoor, it goes outside. You should follow."

Having said that, she moved to try to climb down the stairs..
Wizard, 15 posts
Sun 24 Mar 2019
at 13:18
  • msg #54

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Squinting his eyes and trying to see how many of the critters had survived his conjured flames, Jerec muttered under his breath as the sorcerous mist made it all but impossible to determine. Tugging his beard in frustration he was about to cast another spell when he felt a touch on his arm and a whisper; turning he noted Helena climbing down the stairs through a trapdoor she had discovered.

"Wait, I don't think that leads outside," the mage said quickly, but she had already vanished. "Great," he muttered. If the staircase led down to the cellars they would be trapped in a dead end. Still, the room along with the cover provided by the mist could be useful in avoiding pursuit...

Thinking quickly he gestured at Davor to follow them saying, "Follow us, I have an idea," then quickly descended the staircase himself into the room below.
GM, 37 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 25 Mar 2019
at 03:11
  • msg #55

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena noticed the passage, this was it! her way out!

But these people had been so nice to her... She touched the older man that was behind the table and whispered to him "I found a trapdoor, it goes outside. You should follow."

Having said that, she moved to try to climb down the stairs..

Heading down the stairs, Helena (and soon Jerec) finds herself in a damp but not unpleasant cellar, stone-floored and lined with large tun barrels on one side, racks of wine bottles on the other, with smaller kegs, butts, and firkins stacked up and labeled neatly.  Another staircase is at the far end of the basement from where she is standing.  Looking around carefully, she sees a trapdoor in the ceiling above some of the largest tun barrels.  There's an echo of shouting and cursing coming from the other staircase, along with some whimpering and muffled sobs.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 32 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 26 Mar 2019
at 01:37
  • msg #56

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor made sure to stay next to Helena as mist enveloped the room. It would be very unfortunate if she managed to disappear. When it became clear that she and Jerec intended to descend the stairs, Davor nodded to the wizard and followed behind, keeping an eye on the the opening to back into the dinning room in case any of the strange creatures managed to follow them. The combination of walking backwards and having to duck slightly in the passage, meant Davor was significantly behind the other two by the time they reached the cellar.
Wizard, 16 posts
Tue 26 Mar 2019
at 20:08
  • msg #57

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As soon as Davor descended Jerec gestured at the trapdoor in the ceiling above them and whispered urgently to Helena, "Quick girl, climb up and open the door, let us get out of here before those creatures realize you are missing. They were searching for you and I feel they will not give up so easily."

Glancing back across the cellar towards the staircase they had descended, the mage looked to see if any of the creatures had detected their escape and followed them downstairs.
Heir, 17 posts
Tue 26 Mar 2019
at 20:51
  • msg #58

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena paid attention to Jerec and agreed to his words, but she couldn't help looking towards the second set of stairs in the cellar "Up there or the stairs?"
Human Cavalier, 9 posts
Order of the Lion
Wed 27 Mar 2019
at 03:07
  • msg #59

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Protectionist at heart, Urle's first and foremost concern was keeping himself between the threat, and the target.

Pushing the monster he was grappling with to the side, he grabbed the large table nearby and, disregard for its contents, threw it on it's side in front of the doorway, creating a very crude barricade. It wouldn't stop the horde, but it would at least slow them down, and if Helena could get to safety, that would be enough.
Wizard, 18 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2019
at 18:15
  • msg #60

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Gesturing at the staircase at the far end from where they had descended Jerec replied, "That way, I believe that should lead us out of the inn; at the very least its the farthest point from the common room so it should give us some distance."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 34 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 28 Mar 2019
at 00:06
  • msg #61

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor stares intently at the stairs for a short time and his green eyes flash. "The spirits whisper of something evil that way. It might be more of whatever attacked us in the dinning room, but let me go first and make sure that it's safe." He readies the massive ethereal sword before himself and advances across the room to the base of the stairs. After pausing for a moment to listen, he begins to cautiously ascend.
GM, 39 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 28 Mar 2019
at 06:27
  • msg #62

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle pushes the already-toppled table in front of the door to give the mongrels something else to have to hack through.  Aria and Amber station themselves right behind it.

"Get going and follow her!" Amber hisses in his ear, bringing her two-bladed sword into attack position.  "I can't use my sword in that little passageway, so I'm going to stay here and buy you time."

"I'll need room to move, so my place is here with Aria.  Go, save the heir," Aria says quietly, her glowing sword illuminating her face through the mist.  If Urle so wishes, he can duck through the tapestry and down the stairs to the cellar, hot the heels of his charge...


Helena can scramble onto the stacks of barrels with a little difficulty.  They're meant to be climbed on so workers can retrieve the right vintage, so it's not too hard, but kicking the wrong barrel could start a chain reaction of burst containers and make an awful racket.  Investigating the trap door above, it seems its latched from this side.  Sliding the latch, and pressing up, Helena realizes the trap door is rather heavy.  But the view is a slice of the street outside!

Davor goes up the stairs, and quickly realizes that this staircase must lead into the kitchen.  The smells of fresh food and smoke are unmistakable, and the growling and yelling of the mongrels above must mean they're using the back door from the alley to get into the inn!
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 35 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 28 Mar 2019
at 22:05
  • msg #63

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor backs down the stairs and returns to below the stacks of barrels that Helena has climbed towards the trap-door. Keeping his voice low, he shares with the others what he learned. "The kitchen is up the stairs and from the sound of things, the mongrels are coming in that way. We'll have to keep fighting if we go that way." He looks up towards Helena expectantly.
Heir, 18 posts
Fri 29 Mar 2019
at 00:34
  • msg #64

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena peaked at the small opening she could get "I see daylight in the other side." She told the others. "But this is a bit heavy for me to move"
Wizard, 19 posts
Sat 30 Mar 2019
at 17:09
  • msg #65

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Glancing back towards the way they had come, Jerec turned and looked up towards Helena, "Excellent, that is the way to go then. If you can't open it jump down and let Davor take care of it."

The mage looked at the half-orc expectantly and urgently. There was little time to waste, they were vulnerable as long as they stayed here. He was worried about the others they had left behind, but they seemed capable enough to hold their own, not to mention Jerec's conjured exploding flames had likely whittled down the mongrels enough for the others to have a fighting chance.
GM, 40 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 2 Apr 2019
at 03:17
  • msg #66

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

In the cellar of the Pearl's Rest Inn

Those down below can hear a great ruckus from above as Amber and Aria are likely giving a good accounting of whatever mongrels are trying to make it past the blocked door.  Urle comes down the stairs a few seconds later, saying that the two women were going to buy them enough time to escape.

With a trap door established as viable escape route, Helena can climb back down and Davor up.  With a heave, the trap door flops open, revealing it to be wood with an outer covering of cemented stone to make it look like the cobblestone streets outside.  However, in Davor's haste, one of the small kegs kicks loose and tumbles down the stack.  It bangs on the floor and rolls to the base of the kitchen stairs, but mercifully doesn't burst.  There is a snuffling sound at the top of the stairs, though, as if someone, or something, has become curious...


Just outside the Pearl's Rest Inn

Zenna had been wary when coming into Pearl Fort.  Her friend Amber had beaten her here by several days, but as Zenna had made her way, she had spied a few mongrels on the paths.  Armed with that information, she had been ready to warn the others and get the heir into hiding.  Except when she entered the gates, there was a huge ruckus going on at the Pearl's Fort Inn, with smoke pouring out of the front doors and screams echoing through the streets!


The back alley of the Pearl's Rest Inn

Teana had been making her own way to the town of Pearl Fort, her mission, and the need to locate the mysterious heir, at the top of her mind.  It had been unfortunate that her employers had not known precisely what the heir looked like, but prophecy was not known for its pinpoint accuracy and ease of employment.

It seemed, however, that Fate had chosen to throw the dice in her favor.  The sounds of a small riot from the Pearl's Rest Inn had attracted her attention, and as she turned the corner to its back alley, she saw a trap door near the back wall suddenly flop open!
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 3 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2019
at 08:29
  • msg #67

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana was not used to walking long distances (much of her life, she'd preferred to jump from point to point instead), but she did realize that flying through the city would attract even more attention than she otherwise would. And while she rather liked attracting attention, she did know that she didn't want to shine too much of a light until she knew where the Heir of Prophecy was.

But when she saw the trap door, her instincts didn't fail her. She launched up into the air in her trademark hop-up jump, carrying her effortlessly to a roof overlooking the alley where the trap door had just opened. Looked like trouble was either starting or ending, so she crouched where she was, trying to be inconspicuous to anyone just coming out of the ground.

Unless otherwise stated, Teana has Air Cushion and Wings of Air on at all times, and can take to the air at a moment's notice.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 2 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2019
at 23:12
  • msg #68

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Just outside the Pearl's Rest Inn

Zenna had been wary when coming into Pearl Fort.  Her friend Amber had beaten her here by several days, but as Zenna had made her way, she had spied a few mongrels on the paths.  Armed with that information, she had been ready to warn the others and get the heir into hiding.  Except when she entered the gates, there was a huge ruckus going on at the Pearl's Fort Inn, with smoke pouring out of the front doors and screams echoing through the streets!

Zenna chasted herself when she knew that she was going to be late. She had missed Amber, and the chances of finding the heir was greatly reduced because she was late. However when she saw all the ruckus at the Pearl's Fort Inn, she wondered if Amber was at the center of the ruckus.

She ducked to a store front wall so not to be spotted by the Mongrels. But she needed to get closer in order to get a better understanding of what was happening.

Get closer
This message was last edited by the player at 01:03, Wed 03 Apr 2019.
Heir, 19 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2019
at 23:19
  • msg #69

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Seeing the keg by the stairs Helena panicked. "Let's get out of here before someone comes" She rushed back up again looking to leave the cellar soon and hopefully get somewhere safe.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 36 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 3 Apr 2019
at 02:33
  • msg #70

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Before climbing the pile of barrels, Davor released the giant ethereal sword in his hand. Before the blade struck the ground, it dissolved into green mist which quickly wafted away. It was then a matter of moments before the half-orc was atop the pile of barrels and putting his shoulder against the trap door. The action was rendered awkward by the falchion strapped to his back and he knocked one of the barrels loose while adjusting the blade to allow himself to push the door open.

As the keg crashed down, Davor wasted no time pulling himself up through the opening, quickly scanning the street for more mongrels and then laying down at the opening to reach back in and help the next climber out of the hole. "That will get someone's attention. I don't see any trouble out here. Quick."
GM, 41 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 4 Apr 2019
at 14:27
  • msg #71

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor Spiritwalker:
Before climbing the pile of barrels, Davor released the giant ethereal sword in his hand. Before the blade struck the ground, it dissolved into green mist which quickly wafted away. It was then a matter of moments before the half-orc was atop the pile of barrels and putting his shoulder against the trap door. The action was rendered awkward by the falchion strapped to his back and he knocked one of the barrels loose while adjusting the blade to allow himself to push the door open.

As the keg crashed down, Davor wasted no time pulling himself up through the opening, quickly scanning the street for more mongrels and then laying down at the opening to reach back in and help the next climber out of the hole. "That will get someone's attention. I don't see any trouble out here. Quick."

Suiting words to his charge's action, Davor can look around and sees no immediate enemies.  He reaches down to pull up Helena, then Jerec and Urle can climb up on their own.  The noises below start to get a little louder, as it seems something is coming down the stairs to investigate the noise...


Teana Florin:
Teana was not used to walking long distances (much of her life, she'd preferred to jump from point to point instead), but she did realize that flying through the city would attract even more attention than she otherwise would. And while she rather liked attracting attention, she did know that she didn't want to shine too much of a light until she knew where the Heir of Prophecy was.

But when she saw the trap door, her instincts didn't fail her. She launched up into the air in her trademark hop-up jump, carrying her effortlessly to a roof overlooking the alley where the trap door had just opened. Looked like trouble was either starting or ending, so she crouched where she was, trying to be inconspicuous to anyone just coming out of the ground.

Unless otherwise stated, Teana has Air Cushion and Wings of Air on at all times, and can take to the air at a moment's notice.

Out of the trap door emerged a substantial half-orc with elaborate tattoos and thick dredlocks with many beads and bones.  He looks around the area carefully, then reaches back down to help a young woman emerge.  She's wearing simple clothes and carrying no weapons, her hair looking a bit disheveled, as if she's been rushing about.  She looks a bit bewildered.  Two others emerge, a bearded man in robes with a crystal-topped staff, and a sturdily-build blond man with a beard, wearing chainmail and carrying a trident and warhammer.  They look like they're scanning the area for foes.


Zenna Kern:
Just outside the Pearl's Rest Inn

Zenna had been wary when coming into Pearl Fort.  Her friend Amber had beaten her here by several days, but as Zenna had made her way, she had spied a few mongrels on the paths.  Armed with that information, she had been ready to warn the others and get the heir into hiding.  Except when she entered the gates, there was a huge ruckus going on at the Pearl's Fort Inn, with smoke pouring out of the front doors and screams echoing through the streets!

Zenna chasted herself when she knew that she was going to be late. She had missed Amber, and the chances of finding the heir was greatly reduced because she was late. However when she saw all the ruckus at the Pearl's Fort Inn, she wondered if Amber was at the center of the ruckus.

She ducked to a store front wall so not to be spotted by the Mongrels. But she needed to get closer in order to get a better understanding of what was happening.

OOC: Get closer

Getting closer to the Inn, Zenna can see the the tail-end of a group of cloaked figures going in through the exterior kitchen door, while the well-dressed typical patrons of the Inn seem to be pushing through the main door, trying to get out.  A few are sporting wounds obviously inflicted by violence, slashes from blades or bashes from clubs and maces, rather than the kinds of scrapes and bumps from jostling in a panicked crowd.  The inn's main room seems to be filled with hazy smoke, making seeing detail very difficult, but there's a lot of growling and battle cries inside!
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 3 posts
Thu 4 Apr 2019
at 15:53
  • msg #72

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Well the mongrels were focused on a target inside the building. They practically ignored the well-dressed patrons. They must have a specific target. She needed more information. She hustled forward and grabbed one of the fleeing patrons.

"Shhh! Don't shout!" Zenna hissed. "How many mongrels did you see? Obviously they are not after you. But you must have seen something! Who are they after? And what other exits does the building have?"
Heir, 20 posts
Fri 5 Apr 2019
at 03:31
  • msg #73

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena hurried to close the hatch and turned her attention around. "They could find it at any time. We need to move and find a place to hide."
Wizard, 20 posts
Fri 5 Apr 2019
at 19:33
  • msg #74

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Climbing up behind the others Jerec turned and quickly lifted the heavy trapdoor with a hand, grunting as he put his back into it, and slammed it back shut. Then standing back he gripped his staff with both hands and pointed it at the portal, staring intently at the closed portal and whispering some unintelligible into his beard.

Nothing outwardly apparent happened, but then Jerec lowered his staff and glanced at the others saying, "That should hold it, now lets get somewhere safe where we can figure out what's going on and why those creatures were after Helena; I suggest leaving the town altogether for now."

It would mean abandoning the two who were still fighting inside, but Jerec felt that Helena's protection was more important. Not to mention with her out of there, the creatures would likely abandon the fight, as their priority had seemed to be killing the girl.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 37 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 5 Apr 2019
at 19:53
  • msg #75

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

After helping Helena out of the trap door, Davor turned his attention to checking for threats outside again while the others climbed up. None of the mongrels appeared to be waiting for them out here at street level. At Jerec's suggestion, Davor turned and eyed the others critically. "Most of you hardly seem ready to go traveling through the wilderness. I know the wilds well enough, but that will only take us so far..."

He paused, seeming to consider. "Normally, I would suggest that we consult the spirits about our next move, but that needs somewhere safe. If we can get off the street for long enough to catch our breath we can decide what to do."

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 21 using 1d20+4. Knowledge: Local. Somewhere to hide.
GM, 42 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 6 Apr 2019
at 07:42
  • msg #76

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Outside the Pearl's Rest Inn

Zenna Kern:
Well the mongrels were focused on a target inside the building. They practically ignored the well-dressed patrons. They must have a specific target. She needed more information. She hustled forward and grabbed one of the fleeing patrons.

"Shhh! Don't shout!" Zenna hissed. "How many mongrels did you see? Obviously they are not after you. But you must have seen something! Who are they after? And what other exits does the building have?"

The person you stopped, a stout older woman wearing a buff-and-wine linen and velvet gown, gapes at you for a moment in shock.  It takes a little shake of her arm to get her talking, but she finally manages it.

"Oh gods, it was horrible!  There were dozens of those awful beasts, just running in from the kitchen and towards that back room, and then a huge explosion of fire went off and scared me out of a year of my life!  I ran as soon as I could!" she says, more than slightly hysterical.


In the alley behind the Pearl's Rest Inn

Being elsewhere seems like an excellent thing to be right now, and Urle, Jerec, Davor, and Helena all know it.  Davor takes a moment to ponder where might be a good place to hide.

As the others keep a lookout, they see no mongrels coming to the alley... yet.  There's a lot of noise towards the front of the building, and the kitchen side, but the back alley has only echoes and the faint smell of garbage.  A couple of children come running down the alley, squealing and shrieking in excitement, but pause when they see you, and dart back the way they came.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 4 posts
Sat 6 Apr 2019
at 09:24
  • msg #77

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana decided that these four probably were likely to know what was going on. However, for the moment, she simply wanted to shadow them. Right now was not the time to make contact.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 4 posts
Sat 6 Apr 2019
at 13:13
  • msg #78

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Outside the Pearl's Rest Inn
The stout older woman pulled herself free and fled. Zenna didn't give chase because she learned what she needed. The mongrels were focused on the backroom. She needed to move to the rear of the Pearl's Rest Inn. She decided it was worthwhile to run since others were already fleeing the scene. However her pathway took her to the back of the Inn.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 38 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 6 Apr 2019
at 23:21
  • msg #79

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor began to lead the way down the alley away from the front of the inn. As he did, he laid out the options that came to mind. "There are places to hide outside of town if you all think you can handle roughing it. There are caves in the hills to the northeast, maybe a day's travel or sea caves just past the docks which are closer. Personally, I think we should just find a place in town to catch our breath. There are plenty of warehouses. If we can find one that isn't being trafficked right now, that might be best. Otherwise, if we can manage to look inconspicuous enough, one of the cheaper taverns might work. Seedier places, you know?"
GM, 43 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 6 Apr 2019
at 23:50
  • msg #80

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As Davor, Urle, Jerec, and Helena are starting to walk down the alley, two things happen.  One, Jerec and Urle spot a woman crouching on the roof looking down at them.  Two, another woman appears at the end of the alley behind you, this one armed with a scimitar and longbow!

Zenna, as you head to the back of the Inn, you see a well-build armed blond man with a neat beard, an older human man in robes with a staff, a dredlocked and tattooed half-orc, and a somewhat bewildered-looking human woman wearing the simple clothing of a typical citizen.  All four are together and headed away from you.
Wizard, 21 posts
Wed 10 Apr 2019
at 20:26
  • msg #81

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec was considering Davor's words as they moved, though he wanted Helena to make the choice and offer counsel when possible. Before they got much further though, the mage spotted movement upon the rooftops, as well as the opposite end of the alley.

Though his first instinct was to blast them with spells or confound them with illusions, the fact that they were not unnatural creatures caused Jerec to stay his hand. He was still wary though.

"Ho there strangers, be ye friend or foe?" Jerec called out loudly, pointing his staff at the woman crouching on the rooftop with his staff, while turning to stare also at the woman at the end of the alleyway. "It is not nice to follow without announcing yourselves; speak quick lest I turn you into chimpanzees or something far more unsavory."
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:29, Thu 11 Apr 2019.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 39 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 10 Apr 2019
at 22:55
  • msg #82

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor had not noticed either woman until Jerec called out with his threat. The half-orc tensed and turned, his hand clutching as though at the hilt of a weapon that wasn't there but no sword materialized in his hand. Instead he focused intently for a moment on the two figures.

Using Detect Evil to focus on Zenna then Teana. I assume there's nothing.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 5 posts
Thu 11 Apr 2019
at 10:13
  • msg #83

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana smiled and lifted her hands to show that they were empty, before expertly hopping from the roof to the ground. "Save your spells. I'm on the job, and we're probably friends." Unless brawls in this town usually spilled out through the cellar, anyway. "I'm Teana the Windstorm, from down south, and more questions can wait until we're away from here."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 6 posts
Thu 11 Apr 2019
at 16:09
  • msg #84

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna waited looking for a familiar face. When she was called out, "Mongrels are at the front door of the Inn. I'm looking for a friend... a woman, she uses two weapons." She didn't move from her position since it gave her an excellent vantage point to see multiple angles.

She basically described Amber
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 40 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 11 Apr 2019
at 23:20
  • msg #85

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor relaxed after a moment. "The spirits whisper that these two are not with the monsters, just more souls drawn into whatever tempest of fate it is that blows today. I agree that now is a good time to be leaving. A woman like that is currently holding back the tide of creatures inside."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 7 posts
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 01:11
  • msg #86

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna eyes widened after she understood that Amber was inside the Inn. That was typical of her, but foolish. "I've got to help her. She was protecting someone!" She cried out as she rushed towards the group that exited the Inn. She pulled her bow and nocked an arrow with the full intent of entering the Inn.
Human Cavalier, 10 posts
Order of the Lion
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 01:40
  • msg #87

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Just you wait" As Urle started to put himself between this mystery woman and the door "Who is she protecting?" He was starting to piece things together, but there was still too many moving parts in the last few moments for his liking "and if it's who I think, how do you two know about it?"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 7 posts
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 06:14
  • msg #88

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Stop," said Teana - a word directed at just about everyone at once. "If she's staying in there, we shouldn't waste the chance she's giving us. Let's get somewhere safe where we can all swap stories." Hopefully, that would be enough to get the crew moving in some kind of direction.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 8 posts
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 15:36
  • msg #89

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

In reply to Urle (msg # 87):

"Stranger. It's best for you to leave since you're already out." Zenna switched her tactic as she drew the scimitar seeing that the bow wouldn't be effective indoors. "The person that you described is a friend of mine. We came to this town to protect a woman." She tore her attention from the backdoor of the Inn to look over the assembled group outside the Inn. "Have you spoken with her? Her name is Amber. Was she with you?"

OOC: rolled 16 using 1d20+13.  Perception to spot a woman in the PC group.
Is there more than one?

Heir, 21 posts
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 23:54
  • msg #90

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena kept her head low and cowered behind Urle through the whole exchange. She still didn't know what to think and what to do. She was dying to apologize to this new woman, and yet, despite all of the guilt, she felt dread and fear.
GM, 45 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 14:42
  • msg #91

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The shouting from the Inn is growing louder, and there's some banging and thuds inside that are only growing angrier.  Now is the time to move.  Amber and Aria haven't emerged yet, but from some of the deep-voiced shouts and screams inside, the two are giving the mongrels a suitable taste of hell.  The group can move away from the scene of the ruckus, away from the market and core of the city, closer to the salt, fish, and seaweed smell of the docks.  With a little effort they can find an untenanted warehouse and get in through a barely-locked door.  There, amongst the dusty crates and bales, they are safe for the moment...
Wizard, 23 posts
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 21:03
  • msg #92

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"The woman you need to protect is right here," Jerec said to Zenna, thrusting his staff at Helena. "Your friend is fighting inhuman assassins in there, ready to give up her life just so Helena here can have a chance at freedom; the best way to honor her wishes would be to ensure she does."

With that little speech Jerec gestured at the group and darted towards the docks; hopefully they would be able to find a place to lay low, and maybe a ship to get them as far away from here as possible. When he spotted the abandoned looking warehouse, Jerec immediately made for it, pointing it out to the others.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:03, Mon 15 Apr 2019.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 42 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 22:35
  • msg #93

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor follows Jerec, but makes sure to stay next to Helena in case something happens again. Once they are inside the warehouse, he takes a moment to breathe then begins searching through his pack. After a moment he pulls out a strange looking berry. "While we catch our breath, I will commune with the spirits. They can give us guidance on what we should do next and perhaps what the least dangerous route is." He pops the berry into his mouth and chews as he takes a seat up against some crates. His eyes roll back and he begins to hum to himself.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 8 posts
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 03:31
  • msg #94

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana followed along with the others, though she didn't run. Instead, she moved in graceful leaps, bouncing from one point to the next and arbitrarily hopping from ground level to the rooftops and back at a couple of points.

Once inside the warehouse and not moving for the moment, she turned to Urle. "Anyway. My employers and I have a vested interest in Her Highness' safety, and they want me to stick to her like glue and keep assassins, monsters and other troubles away." She turned to Helena with a smile and a wink. "I'm sorry it's not that I'm enchanted by your beauty and defending you out of courtly love, or some other reason that the bards would prefer to sing about," she teased.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 10 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 23:56
  • msg #95

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

In reply to Jerec (msg # 92):

Zenna turned to face Jerec. "So you're all here to protect her?" She gestured to Helena, "What makes you so special? She turned to face the Inn. Amber was inside fighting to buy Helena and the others time to find safety. She blew a sharp whistle. In the distance, a wolf's howl was heard. Zenna turned to the others. "I will go with you. And protect our charge as best as I can."
Heir, 22 posts
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 01:27
  • msg #96

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena just lowered her head, the petite girl was quite uncomfortable. She actually wanted to understand the reality of the situation. What little explanation she had gotten so far had been quite short before all hell had broken loose. "How I wish I knew"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 9 posts
Sun 21 Apr 2019
at 14:47
  • msg #97

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana smiled at Helena. "It's not really you. It's what you represent. Hope for peace and prosperity throughout the South," she said. "That's what it means to be the heir to Mekarium."
Human Cavalier, 11 posts
Order of the Lion
Sun 21 Apr 2019
at 21:27
  • msg #98

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle's eyes squinted thin. He looked at Helena behind him, than back at his newfound "friends"

"This...doesn't make sense. Although we would seem to be on common cause, you're not supposed to know of such things. I was given this task by my Lord and Master, who in turn was given this from divination from a prophet. I was told this was of highest secrecy and importance. Not the sort of thing to be handled by mercenaries."

He looked at Helena again, and his face softened. "Don't worry. All will be explained"

With a sharp whistle, he beckoned his horse's arrival "I have cause to believe that this girl is who you claim. If she is, than you will understand that I am not entirely trusting. My life is sworn to her protection."

Turning back to the newly discovered princess, on bended knee "You are more special than you know, and more important. I" retracting himself briefly "we... would like to take you some place safe, and quiet, so that this can be properly explained. Now, would you like help onto Demetria? I promise, she and I mean no harm."
GM, 48 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 22 Apr 2019
at 06:49
  • msg #99

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As the unlikely band discusses what to do next, there is a small knock on the door.  Anyone looking out of one of the few windows, or through a crack in the wall, can see a street urchin, one of the ragged homeless children who live in the forgotten spaces of the city.  This one is clutching a scrap of what looks like paper, and their face is smeared with soot.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 43 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 23 Apr 2019
at 02:42
  • msg #100

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

From his trance, Davor briefly cracks an eye to weigh in. "Your prophet isn't the only one who can read the signs. The stars tell the same message to anyone who can understand. The spirits whisper of the future to those who listen. My old master swore by the coloration of the tribe's... anyway, I expect there will only be more who come. Judging their intentions will be another matter. So don't you try dragging her off on your own." He directs these comments to the knight and then appears to returns to his meditation.
Wizard, 24 posts
Wed 24 Apr 2019
at 19:58
  • msg #101

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec simply stood to the side, leaning on his staff yet listening intently. Some of the others appeared to know more than he, something that was not a usual occurrence for the mage. He kept his counsel for now and his ears open to learn more.

The knock at the door startled him, and taking a peek out the window he spotted a street urchin, clutching something in his grubby hands. "It appears our arrival did not go unnoticed...should we confirm our presence here?" he queried the others, not making a move to open the door yet himself.
Knowledge (History):24 (To learn anything about Mekarium, and/or the Heir thereto.)
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 11 posts
Wed 24 Apr 2019
at 23:33
  • msg #102

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna turned to the door. She peeked outside to get an idea of who was there before she opened it quickly, pulling the child inside. "Hush. Don't yell or alert anyone. What is it that you have?" She grabbed the note and passed it to someone before she checked outside the window. "I'll keep an eye out."
GM, 49 posts
Weaver of Tales
Fri 26 Apr 2019
at 14:34
  • msg #103

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna pulls the child in, and it remains silent, proferring the folded paper with a sharp gesture, one hand over its mouth, not making a peep.

Anyone examining the paper find that it is folded in a complicated manner so that it looks like a short-petaled flower.  Though slightly smudged by the child's fingers, it has a distinct scent of some exotic wildflower.
Heir, 23 posts
Thu 2 May 2019
at 00:28
  • msg #104

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena moved to reach the kid and take the flower, she examined it and got it close to her face, closing her eyes and appreciating the aroma. Somehow it was a bit significative. "Who gave you this?"
GM, 50 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 2 May 2019
at 06:30
  • msg #105

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The child looks over at the others, then creeps closer to Helena to whisper into her ear.  "Got it from the Court of Stars, least that's what he said. Short guy, maybe a halfling? Wore a hood and black mask with silver on it, seemed fancy, gave me a whole silver piece, said it was life and death. He was at the Mist Maiden, on the Blue Docks, about an hour ago.  Said to call him Myrian," the child says softly.
Heir, 24 posts
Fri 3 May 2019
at 16:05
  • msg #106

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena just sighed and resigned to the fact yet someone else knew of her. She just turned to he protectors for advice. "Does any of it make sense to any of you?" she moved to the child "Did you find us or was that guy who told you where to find us?"
GM, 51 posts
Weaver of Tales
Fri 3 May 2019
at 16:17
  • msg #107

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The child shakes its head.  "Said to look for a lady in the middle of a ruckus.  Saw what happened in the square, waited outside the inn, saw you go into this area, and then hunted around 'til I found the right place."
GM, 52 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 4 May 2019
at 08:51
  • msg #108

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor considers the spirits. 

Zenna, you keep a lookout in the alleyway for anything untoward.  Your diligence pays off when you spy a couple cloaked figures that you are almost certain are mongrels.  From the way they are walking, they are wounded underneath their cloaks, so it seems that Amber (and the other woman) did a goodly amount of damage before anyone escaped.  The mongrels don't seem to be looking very hard, as one is clutching his side and the other is limping badly, but they are a couple buildings away from you.

Urle, the warehouse was large enough that you could get Demetria inside, because it would defeat the purpose of hiding to have your magnificent steed standing out in the alley as an advertisement for all to see.  She seems restless and keeps looking over at the door. 

Teana remains alert and watchful for any treachery.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 10 posts
Sat 4 May 2019
at 09:04
  • msg #109

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Does the message say anything? The Court of Stars is a real thing, but I don't know why they're involved in all of this."
GM, 53 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 4 May 2019
at 09:08
  • msg #110

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The child looks at Teana, standing up a little straighter as it seems she wants an honest answer.  "Dunno, it was all folded up when I got it.  Was supposed to take it to the lady and right quick, so I did.  Can't read anyways!" the child says, the last almost cheerfully.  "'Sides, it looks all nice, like a flower, so I didn't want to muss it."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 44 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 4 May 2019
at 12:32
  • msg #111

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor opens his eyes and slowly get to his feet. "The spirits have given their message. We should read the one the child brought as well." He walks up to Helena and gently take the note from her hands, unfolds it, and reads the message aloud to those assembled.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:42, Sun 05 May 2019.
Wizard, 25 posts
Sun 5 May 2019
at 12:12
  • msg #112

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Though he was quite uneasy about having been discovered in their hideout so quickly, not to mention the description of the figure giving the message to the lad sounding rather foreboding, Jerec's ears did perk up at the mention of the ship. "That ship this 'Myrian' is could be out ticket out of this deathtrap," he said to the others.

"Though it could very well be a trap, we are damned if we stay here anyway; we will eventually be found, and though we can put up a fight who knows how many resources our enemy can field against us," he added matter of factly. Better to take their chances and seek shelter aboard the Mist Maiden.

Ofcourse, a lot depended on the contents of the message itself. He glanced towards Davos as the half-orc attempted to decipher the message, silently urging him to hurry and share the contents with the rest of them.
Knowledge (Local): 11; Knowledge (History): 20 [Trying to determine anything about the Court of Stars]

Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 12 posts
Tue 7 May 2019
at 10:31
  • msg #113

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

In reply to Storyteller (msg # 108):

Zenna continued with her watch. "A couple of mongels. But they don't seem a threat. Let's figure out a plan. What's the note say?" A four-legged canine approached their building. She opened the door to hiss at the creature in the dark before she closed the door again.
GM, 54 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 8 May 2019
at 16:46
  • msg #114

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

After a moment of study, the note unfurls with a few careful tugs.  Beneath is a lovely script in a slightly sparkling blue ink, as if the ink had been mixed with metallic or mineral dust.

To the Heir of Mekarium,

I greet you and bid you well.  You will have found that the omens have revealed your presence, and drawn dangerous attention from many, but there are also those who desperately wish to protect you.  I know this is likely confusing to you, as it is to us all.  I cannot give you complete certainty in your path, but I can let you know what the signs have told my most trusted priestess: those who seek you do not desire your death.  They desire to control you or serve you.  You would not be killed by any who know who you are, but you will likely be taken to a place they control, so they can convince you to use your power on their behalf.

What that power is, and the extent of it, I cannot tell you, only that the potential for it is vast.  If this letter has reached you, you have likely found some protectors who are of the civilized type.  While their own agendas may be varied, I am certain all wish to see you well and unharmed.  I am guessing you wish to be quit of those violent sorts who wish to possess you.  To that end, I offer my ship the Mist Maiden as a way to remove yourself swiftly from Pearl Fort.  I pledge safe passage for you and your protectors to a destination of your choosing.  Follow the messenger I have sent.

~Myrian, Baron of the Court of Stars

Wizard, 26 posts
Wed 8 May 2019
at 21:13
  • msg #115

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Gently stroking his beard as he considered the message, Jerec glanced at Helena to gauge her reaction. After a long moment he finally said, "Well, this seems to be as good an option as we are likely to get, given the circumstances. I have heard about the Court of Stars and I do believe we can trust them. For the moment, at least, though likely they too have their own agenda for helping you."

Tapping his staff on the floor with a touch of impatience he turned to the lad and said, "Well then lad, unless anyone here has any reservations, I say take us to the ship so we can be out of this deathtrap."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 13 posts
Wed 8 May 2019
at 21:18
  • msg #116

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna concurred with Jerec but she needed to hear it from the person she was entrusted to ward. "What say you, Helena. Where will you go, I will make sure to protect you wherever you decide."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 45 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 9 May 2019
at 20:52
  • msg #117

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Having now read and message, Davor shared some of the details of his vision with the others. "The spirits have shown me four paths that we might take: a mountain redoubt, a forest glen, a cavern in twilight, and the sea coast. A woman and a group of knights who I believe represented this Court of Stars offered these options, but they stood over a pit of vipers. I think we must be cautious. Even if the good will of this Myrian is genuine, their organization may be compromised." He looked at Helena. "Wizards are known to be wise, but I will follow you."
Heir, 25 posts
Tue 14 May 2019
at 19:43
  • msg #118

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena just kept struggling to make a choice. "I don't know. All I want is to wake up from this nightmare." She turned to catch a glimpse of everybody. She trusted these kind people, but the whole deal seemed shady to her. She told the kid "Can we see you in an hour by the pier?"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 11 posts
Wed 15 May 2019
at 13:36
  • msg #119

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana slipped over to Helena. "One dream ends, another begins. It's up to you to make the next dream a good one. But we've got your back," she said with the confident voice of experience. "We can hear them out, and if things get rough, we will ensure your safety."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 46 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 17 May 2019
at 00:06
  • msg #120

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor nods his agreement.
Heir, 26 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 00:14
  • msg #121

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

¬_¬ Is the kid gone already?
Wizard, 27 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 13:47
  • msg #122

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"We need to move quickly, before those beastlings pick up our trail my lady," Jerec said to Helena in a urgent tone. "If we are delayed in reaching the ship our benefactors may sail without us."

The mage tugged his beard in absently as he cautiously peered out a window, as if he expected one of the creatures to leap inside at any moment. It wasn't just the creatures that had ambushed them at the inn; given the nature of the girl and the number of people seemingly interested in her, there was no telling how many other factions could be involved. Any one of the others could end up here on their trail and cut off their escape.
Heir, 27 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 15:07
  • msg #123

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The following is assuming the kid left already

"We cannot stay here, these things are dangerous". Helena said "But I trust Davor, and I don't trust these people. We need to leave the city, but I don't want to be trapped in a ship with them."
GM, 55 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 18 May 2019
at 14:16
  • msg #124

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The child had nodded and given Helena an odd little bow before going to the door, looking through a crack cautiously, and then skittering down the street.

Jerec's examination of the outside after the messenger has left doesn't reveal any further activity outside, though it's clear there is a great deal of yelling going on in the general direction of the Inn, so that has likely drawn most of the attention in town.

Zenna, continuing her watch as the discussion carries on, does spy the same two cloaked figures staggering back the other direction at the end of the street; while they are moving slow, they do seem to be making a thorough sweep of the area.  Before long, more may start to join them...

Aside from the road out of town, and the docks, the other routes out of town would be along the seashore itself, which could be reached from the most run-down parts of the docks (in the opposite direction of the Blue Docks), or from the sewer system. There is also the possibility of scaling the walls in some fashion and leaving that way, making your way into the forest to confuse pursuit.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 12 posts
Fri 24 May 2019
at 09:23
  • msg #125

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"We need to get moving," said Teana. "We should take the main road out, and then leave the road as soon as we're out of town," she advised. She gestured to Davor. "After that, you know the terrain and know where we can hide best while we plan our next move."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 49 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 24 May 2019
at 20:56
  • msg #126

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor nodded to Teana. "Alright. I think that is a good plan. We can cover our tracks or maybe draw anyone who follows us into a trap." He moves up to the door. behind Jerec and takes a look outside for himself. "There's no time for shopping. We'll have to make do with what we have and what we can find." He steps out into the alley and heads away from the inn.
Heir, 29 posts
Sat 25 May 2019
at 00:17
  • msg #127

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena just nodded and followed the others. Hopefully the kid would stand out and call enough of these critter's attention to be a diversion.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 15 posts
Sat 25 May 2019
at 02:28
  • msg #128

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna stopped Davor before he stepped out into the alley. She motioned that she would go first. She stepped out into the alley and let out a high pitched whistle. A few seconds later, a large wolf appeared. "We follow him. He'll show us to safety. Mongrels are still about." Zenna moved to follow the wolf.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 51 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 25 May 2019
at 14:43
  • msg #129

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor let the ranger move out ahead of him and nodded to her as the wolf appeared and began to lead the way. Something gave him confidence in the woman's ability to lead them to safety so he instead allowed the party to pass him and made sure that Helena was ahead of him before following so as to keep an eye on her.
Wizard, 28 posts
Sun 26 May 2019
at 20:39
  • msg #130

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec believed they were making a mistake not going for the ship, but it was too late to argue the point now. Tugging his beard in frustration he girded his shoulders and followed the others, letting those with the lore of reading and hiding tracks take the lead.
GM, 57 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 27 May 2019
at 12:48
  • msg #131

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

With Zenna and her wolf leading the way, the group can get through the maze of buildings and side streets without meeting any more mongrels (though they spy a few at a distance).  As they get closer to the gate, the amount of guards increases, as does the occasional corpse, mostly of mongrels.  From a few chance-heard comments, it seems that after inexplicably flooding the Pearl's Rest Inn with murderous intent, the band of mongrels was fended off by a pair of women warriors.  As the mongrels flooded back out of the inn with apparent mayhem in mind, they were met with the city guard, who had been trying to hunt them down since.

Most residents seem to have fled to their homes and barred their doors and windows.  The Pearl's Rest Inn is somewhat damaged and smoke-smudged, but seems intact.  However, when you get to the main gate, it is heavily barred watched over by six Guardsmen.  It seems Pearl Fort is not taking the risk of letting marauding mongrels out to make trouble along their roads and forests and coasts...
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 52 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 27 May 2019
at 17:34
  • msg #132

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Seeing the guards barring the way out of town, Davor left his spot at the back of the group and made his way to the front. Never having had an ideal relationship with the city guard given his origins, Davor still felt optimistic that he could talk the group through the gate. Before approaching the guards, the waved his hand and spoke a word of power in his guttural tongue. His eyes flashed briefly with green light and he strode forward.

"You're barring the way for those creatures right? We were at the Pearl's Rest when they attacked. I know you have orders to bar the gate, but my friends and I clearly aren't those strange mongrels. You can let us leave for our own safety can't you?"

Davor casts the Enhance Diplomacy Cantrip to give himself a +2 bonus to his next Diplomacy roll.
Davor Spiritwalker rolled 22 using 1d20+15. Diplomacy.

Wizard, 29 posts
Tue 28 May 2019
at 20:28
  • msg #133

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec remained near the back of the group, using his staff as a walking aid as he gazed at the guards from underneath his hood. Davor seemed to have the right idea of trying to convince the guards to let them pass, and the mage hoped it worked. The last thing they needed was to draw more attention.

"My lady, try to appear vulnerable and scared, it might help convince them to let us pass," he whispered to Helena.
GM, 58 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 29 May 2019
at 09:37
  • msg #134

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor Spiritwalker:
Seeing the guards barring the way out of town, Davor left his spot at the back of the group and made his way to the front. Never having had an ideal relationship with the city guard given his origins, Davor still felt optimistic that he could talk the group through the gate. Before approaching the guards, the waved his hand and spoke a word of power in his guttural tongue. His eyes flashed briefly with green light and he strode forward.

"You're barring the way for those creatures right? We were at the Pearl's Rest when they attacked. I know you have orders to bar the gate, but my friends and I clearly aren't those strange mongrels. You can let us leave for our own safety can't you?"

Davor casts the Enhance Diplomacy Cantrip to give himself a +2 bonus to his next Diplomacy roll.
Davor Spiritwalker rolled 22 using 1d20+15. Diplomacy.

The guards had been looking quite sternly at all and sundry, and as Davor steps up, begins to open his mouth to speak (likely to tell them to move along) when the shaman gives his calm reasoning for them being allowed out.  The man hems and haws just briefly, twitching his moustache, then steps closer to Davor and the others.

"We don't want to open the gates because we've had every nervy merchant clamoring for the same thing.  And if one wagon goes out, this will become a madhouse.  Now, you're an odd sort, but you've been polite all the time you've been here, and I know you're not responsible for those fool mongrels getting ideas.  Go down to the postern gate, just down that way, and give this to Hob, the man there.  He'll let you out.  Between you and I, we've nearly got the fools rolled up, but no need to start a panic.  Go quietly and with your gods," the man says, giving Davor a small wooden chit with a stamp of a crowned pearl burned into it.

If you follow the instructions, you'll find a small gate, more of a door, set into the wall.  The guard Hob will accept the chit with knowing nod and lets you out (after checking for any watchers).  Once outside the gate, the day is oddly quiet.  There no one on the road you can see, at least immediately, and the weather still looks clear.  From behind you, there is still some shouting and cursing as the last of the mongrels tussle with someone.

The road stretches out before you: Do you go along the coast (north or south) to the other communities that dot it?  North to the Farlight Forest, perhaps a half-day distant?  Further west, to the Vellowgrass plains?
Heir, 31 posts
Thu 30 May 2019
at 00:33
  • msg #135

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Well," Helena said. "I think e will be safe for now, but I have no idea where we should go. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do." She just wanted to go back to her life, but that just wasn't an option, her protectors no doubt expected her to fulfill this destiny whatever it was.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 17 posts
Thu 30 May 2019
at 03:33
  • msg #136

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Let's go north. We can get to the forest." Zenna offered a route once they were outside the town.

OOC: What was the plan again?
I thought the plan was to go to the port. But from where we are right now... that wasn't the plan :)
Someone pick a route and let the story develop.

Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 14 posts
Thu 30 May 2019
at 04:37
  • msg #137

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"If it were my call, I'd take the bold road. South, because it's safest in the eye of a storm." Teana grinned. "Of course, that's cheap advice when I can fly."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 53 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 31 May 2019
at 00:38
  • msg #138

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor thanked the leader of the guards in a low voice, took the chit, and then led the way to the postern gate where he gave the chit to the man there. Once outside, he voiced his own opinion on the path they should take. "Nothing in my vision looked like lands to the south. The southern realms may be more 'civilized', but that doesn't mean they're safer. No, I'm for the north and the forest as well."
Heir, 33 posts
Sat 1 Jun 2019
at 02:47
  • msg #139

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I think I trust your visions" Helena said to Davor. "Once we find somewhere safe, I would like to hear your opinions and decide what is the big picture"
Wizard, 30 posts
Sat 1 Jun 2019
at 19:17
  • msg #140

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"North it is then, towards the forest," Jerec said, tapping his staff on the ground to emphasize his words. "Couldn't we have stopped by the stables to borrow a few horses? It would have helped us put distance between those creatures quicker, not to mention the mercy it would be on my old bones," he muttered.

Turning to glance back at the town Jerec peered at the gates from underneath his hood, just to make sure there wasn't a horde of the creatures following them. The guard had confirmed they were all dead but still, the mage was jumpy given recent events.
GM, 61 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 6 Jun 2019
at 08:41
  • msg #141

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

With a direction in mind and little time to waste (lest any clever mongrels see where they go, or any well-meaning guard or merchant decide they needed a lecture or company) the group hustles off to the north.  It is barely mid-morning, and with a good forced march (perhaps with Urle letting Helena ride from time to time) you can turn off the trade road to the forest by noon, pause for a bit of a meal and a break, and then carry on until the cool trees close in against the road.  Assuming you are wishing more privacy, Zenna can find a game path and get everyone off the road, eeling past the brush and concealing your trail until you're far enough away to seek a place to camp for the evening.

Casting about, Zenna eventually finds a small stream of good water and a good, flat place for everyone to rest.  With a bit a work, everyone can help make a decent rough camp and a small fire (carefully concealed from the road and using the driest wood to make little smoke) to heat up water for tea, or soup, or to cook a small beast or three for their meal.

Around you the tall trees of Farlight Forest begin to show their intermittent glow as the sun sets.  Spots of luminescence speckle the canopy, and you can spy the occasionally flitting forms of bats or owls as they dart about, seeking their own dinners.  The forest is quiet, just a few natural sounds farther away in the brush, with the night songs of birds singing overhead.

There's a small cluster of mushrooms beyond your circle of firelight, glowing softly blue, and you can spy a few small lizards, glowing a faint pink, chasing each other around the trunks of the trees.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 55 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 6 Jun 2019
at 22:01
  • msg #142

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Throughout the days travel, Davor allowed others to lead and instead stayed at the back and did his best to obscure any evidence of the group's passing. When they arrived at the stream he set up his tent, bedroll, and blanket on the flat spot, but offered it to Helena who he assumed would not have had any survival gear of her own even if she had had a chance to pack. "I've lived most of my life sleeping out in the open. I'll be fine." After helping to build the fire, he says a single strange word and the wood immediately bursts into flames.

Taking a seat by the fire, he makes an observation to the rest. "If we're going to be in these woods for long, who will need food? I can forage and hunt pretty well." The question was phrased strangely; as though he himself had no need.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 14 using 1d20+4. Knowledge: Local.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:40, Tue 11 June 2019.
Wizard, 31 posts
Sun 9 Jun 2019
at 08:06
  • msg #143

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Being used to traveling around on foot, Jerec found the going to be easy enough, even with a forced march. Still he welcomes the opportunity for breaks during their travel, and when evening finally approached he gratefully settled down onto the camp site Zenna found.

"I do not have any skill at hunting, but I would welcome some fresh food; some tender rabbit meat perhaps seasoned with some herbs and spices," Jerec replied to Davor absently, as he stared at the glowing blue mushrooms nearby. He didn't have any seasonings on him himself, but Jerec hoped the others were better provisioned.

"Now that we appear to have shaken off those beastmen, we should also discuss our plans for the morrow; do we have a specific destination we are heading for? Or are we going to wander endlessly in these damn woods?" The mage posed the question to his companions, albeit looking at Helena as he did so.

Knowledge (Nature): 15 (to discover what those shrooms are)

Heir, 35 posts
Tue 11 Jun 2019
at 17:37
  • msg #144

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena just sat in place, she had never been outside the walls and that was on top of everything else. "I hope we can think of a place." she turned to the others "I don't know what to do or where to go. Maybe you guys have some ideas?"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 17 posts
Fri 14 Jun 2019
at 18:40
  • msg #145

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I've never been around here," replied Teana. She looked at Davor.
GM, 63 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 15 Jun 2019
at 13:48
  • msg #146

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The Farlight Forest is known for its populations of elves, fey, and trolls.  The elves keep their communities hidden unless one knows where to look, the fey are usually elusive (unless they have targeted you for their amusement or an insult done to them), and the trolls, well, no one really wants to meet the trolls.

That said, there are a few known villages of elves along the road through the forest that act as trading posts for the few communities who deal with non-elven merchants.  The nearest, Greenbriar, is perhaps two days away on the road, longer if you keep away from obvious paths.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 19 posts
Sat 15 Jun 2019
at 15:39
  • msg #147

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"We should head to Greenbriar. It's an elven village... a trading post a few days from here." Zenna suggested a destination. "And that gives us about two days time for you." She stopped and leveled her gaze at Helena. "Tell me Helena. Who are your parents?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 56 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 15 Jun 2019
at 20:38
  • msg #148

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor nodded in agreement with Zenna's suggestion. "Yes, Greenbriar will be a good first stop to allow us to gather supplies. After that, the spirits say that we should make our way to the Circle of Crowns. There are wise elves there who may be able to shed more light on recent events."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:38, Sat 15 June 2019.
Wizard, 32 posts
Sun 16 Jun 2019
at 20:46
  • msg #149

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec nodded slowly as the others discussed where to go next, Greenbriar seemed to most obvious. "We could also purchase horses from there, it should allow us to cover more ground faster," the mage said.

He also hoped Helena would divulge more information about herself, either in response to Helena's gentle probing or otherwise of her own volition; it might help them understand what made her special and why so many different people were after her. It may also help them figuring out where to go to seek help.

The mage reached into the travel-bag by his side and produced a slender book with a firm brown cover, and opening it began to thumb through the pages. Strange runic lettering made up the pages along with equally strange diagrams and designs.

"By the way, do not touch those mushrooms, you won't enjoy it," he muttered to the others, gesturing absently towards the glowing blue plantlife in the distance.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:47, Sun 16 June 2019.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 18 posts
Mon 17 Jun 2019
at 16:15
  • msg #150

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana had been about to pick up a mushroom when she heard Jerec's warning, then nodded to Davor. "Greenbriar it is."
Heir, 36 posts
Mon 17 Jun 2019
at 22:32
  • msg #151

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena just lowered her eyes and made an effort to take something from the space between her dress and the girdle. She showed the item with a somber expression. It was an old and discolored playing card with the word 'Helena' written on it with a beautiful calligraphy. "This is all I know. What was left with me."
Wizard, 33 posts
Tue 18 Jun 2019
at 18:58
  • msg #152

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec peered up from his spellbook and glanced towards Helena, or more specifically at the object she was showing. "Hmm, doesn't seem like much but looks can be deceiving," he muttered, closing his book and moving closer to the girl.

"Do you remember where you found this Helena, or who gave it to you?"
the mage asked curiously. Reaching forward with a hand he murmured something under his breath and held a palm outward, pointed towards the playing card. A glint of light appeared to pass over his eyes and he stared at the card intently, keeping his palm pointed towards it.

Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 20 posts
Tue 18 Jun 2019
at 21:44
  • msg #153

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna seemed unimpressed. "That's not even a full deck." She was about to say something else but then Jerec began to murmur something under his breath.

Not much for me to do. Carry on!
GM, 65 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 14:41
  • msg #154

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As the group discusses their past and future around the campfire, something curious happens.  The cluster of glowing mushrooms moves, the ground and mushrooms together lifting up as if the edge of a carpet.  Below the edge, the firelight reveals a pale columnar body with a flat face on the upper portion, topped by a domed red cap that flares out.  One pale, stumpy arm with thick fingers is holding up the edge of the ground, the other is on the ground, tapping the fingers on the dirt as if from impatience or nervousness.  The being is at least three feet tall, though you cannot see its feet... if it has feet.  It resembles nothing so much as a mushroom person!

"'lo.  What you?  Why you?  Need thing?  Need name?"  The mushroom person's voice is high and breathy, its eyes wide and round.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 57 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 16:29
  • msg #155

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor turns around to face the strange creature. His eyes glow briefly, but he shows no other sign of aggression. When the creature posses it's questions, he responds in kind. "We are just travelers. We didn't intend to trespass, we just need a place to sleep. Call me Davor."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 19 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 20:48
  • msg #156

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana likewise rose to her feet gracefully and bowed to the creature. "I am Teana Florin."
Wizard, 34 posts
Sat 22 Jun 2019
at 14:20
  • msg #157

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec started when the strange figure emerged from the ground, and nearly lost his concentration on his spell. Focusing his mind, he kept the spell going but also listened intently to the conversation with the creature.
GM, 66 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 24 Jun 2019
at 14:44
  • msg #158

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The mushroom-person shakes its head- cap- at Davor, and looks at each of the others with interest.  "No 'esspass, 'avor, 'eana. Is asking what you are needing. Sleep be a good thing. But safe, also good? Knowing, is good?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 58 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 24 Jun 2019
at 22:00
  • msg #159

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor settles back. "We appreciate safety, yes. What is there to know?"
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 21 posts
Mon 24 Jun 2019
at 22:08
  • msg #160

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna was unsure if her purpose here was really warranted. The heir apparent wasn't sure if she was actually an heir. And people were putting their lives at risk. She withheld her name from the mushroom person since she wasn't sure of their purpose. Davor did ask the question that came to her mind.

What else is there to know... many things. Who are they to give these answers.
Wizard, 35 posts
Tue 25 Jun 2019
at 20:43
  • msg #161

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Darcon nodded cautiously at the fungal creature and said, "Well met. Being safe is good indeed, as is knowledge. We need both these things."

The mage offered a pleasant smile while trying to recall if he knew anything about mycanoids which might be useful in negotiating with it; he dimly recognized the creature from some obscure texts and faded illustrations, but strained to remember anything more.
Knowledge (Nature): 28 [Trying to recall anything useful about Mycanoids]

GM, 67 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 08:34
  • msg #162

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor settles back. "We appreciate safety, yes. What is there to know?"

"Much, much to know.  Sound travels to the ground.  We're in the ground, of the ground.  Hear much.  A bit ago, much sound by the coast, much commotion.  And then, some leave, and you are now here.  Not hiding, but not mean.  Knowing, then, that you are good, and not wanting to be there.  If more sounds come from there, maybe they are angry sounds.  Maybe we can find out where they are going.  Would be a good thing to know, yes?" the mushroom person says, eyes wide and bright.  "And safe is good, very good.  You came closer to the earth before you left, yes?  You can go into the earth again."  It gestures below, as if inviting someone into a house.  "The earth has roads.  When things are destroyed above, it doesn't mean it was destroyed below."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 59 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 28 Jun 2019
at 00:13
  • msg #163

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Though the creature seems honest enough, Davor is naturally skeptical of anyone or anything offering so much in exchange for essentially nothing. "We did flee from the coast. It's impressive that your network is so extensive." He declines to say anything about the mushroom person's deduction that led it to conclude the party was good.

He considers the thing for a time. "We would like to know if anything angry came from the coast or if anything from that direction came this way that might be following us." At the mention of the roads below he cocks a quizzical eyebrow. "Would we need to offer anything in exchange for passage? We would not want to impose."
Wizard, 36 posts
Sun 30 Jun 2019
at 20:06
  • msg #164

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec's eyes widened as he grasped what the Myconid was offering them, a way out of their predicament, or at least a nearly fool proof way to shake off any pursuit.

"A passage underneath the ground itself, with our very own guide. It would be close to impossible for anyone to track us if we go down there, unless if they use magic," he remarked excitedly to the group.

Realizing they might have suspicions about the Myconids he added in a softer tone, "These beings are innocent and peaceful by nature, living in harmony with the earth and the things that grow underneath. They know little of deception, I firmly believe we have little to fear from them or that they will betray us."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 20 posts
Sun 30 Jun 2019
at 21:45
  • msg #165

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Underground," said Teana, rubbing her arms together a little. "I suppose if it's the safest way..." She looked over at Helena for the final decision.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 22 posts
Mon 1 Jul 2019
at 00:55
  • msg #166

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I urge caution. We don't know anything really about these mushroom people." Zenna didn't seemed convinced.
Heir, 37 posts
Mon 1 Jul 2019
at 02:22
  • msg #167

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Maybe we could try." Helena said, she found the creature a bit spooky, but far from untrustworthy. At the very least they weren't anywhere near as fishy as the guys from that order..."They seem nice."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 60 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 1 Jul 2019
at 22:36
  • msg #168

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor presses two fingers of his left hand to a tattoo on an exposed portion of his right shoulder, then moves it in a deliberate motion across his body to touch one of the pieces of bone in his hair as he speaks a word.

Davor casts Detect Evil and carefully regards the mushroom person.
GM, 68 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 2 Jul 2019
at 13:36
  • msg #169

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor Spiritwalker:
Though the creature seems honest enough, Davor is naturally skeptical of anyone or anything offering so much in exchange for essentially nothing. "We did flee from the coast. It's impressive that your network is so extensive." He declines to say anything about the mushroom person's deduction that led it to conclude the party was good.

He considers the thing for a time. "We would like to know if anything angry came from the coast or if anything from that direction came this way that might be following us." At the mention of the roads below he cocks a quizzical eyebrow. "Would we need to offer anything in exchange for passage? We would not want to impose."

"It is a good thing to know, 'avor," the mushroom person says.  It takes one hand and then carefully pressed the tip of one large finger to the soil.  Spreading white... rootlets? emerge from it, finer than hairs.  The mushroom person waits a moment, then nods ponderously.  "As you see, how they go.  They spread all ways, sea and land and where the water meets both, going out like roots seeking water."

A search pattern, that is clear enough, but one with no inkling of where their quarry had gone.

"Not impose, to go below. Want stories, color, maybe food, as we go, so we can make the histories sing," the mushroom person says.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 61 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 3 Jul 2019
at 21:33
  • msg #170

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor, making a decision, smiles at the mushroom person though he has no idea if it can recognize a smile. "I think the advantages presented by our new friend would be very helpful."

To the mushroom person he says: "Stories we have. What do we call you?"
Wizard, 37 posts
Sun 7 Jul 2019
at 20:52
  • msg #171

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec stared at the emerging rootlets with fascination. Assuming he interpreted what the mycanoid was saying correctly, they represented the people (and possibly other things) searching for Helena.

"Fascinating...can you determine why they hunt for their quarry?" he asked, though not really expecting a conclusive answer. That would be beyond the creature but then again who knew.

"Food we have and stories many, colorful and otherwise," the mage said with a laugh, wondering if they should just take the underground route to the elven village they had intended or go even farther.
GM, 69 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 8 Jul 2019
at 12:25
  • msg #172

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The mushroom person's mouth stretches into a strange smile.  "Am Caprin.  Will come, with color?" it asks, holding the "carpet" of the ground open wider.  Caprin is a bit taller than you estimated, and the opening below ground wide and generous enough even for Urle's mount.  Looking in, you can see a broad road "paved" with thin rootlets that seem to form a springy mat.

When Jerec asks about why the mongrels are hunting prey, Caprin tilts its cap.  "Not I can say. Maybe others with magic that reads the heart."

For those who go below, there is a long, shallow, spiraling ramp that leads down, down, down.  Glowing mushrooms, something like what you saw above, cling to the ceiling like chandeliers, giving off a cool but clear light.  Other strange mushrooms that resemble fans, antlers, wrinkled mounds, and enormous puffballs are scattered on either side of the road like brush, while tall capped mushrooms soar above your head thirty feet or more like trees.  Tiny lizards dart through the "foliage", along with large, pale, cricket-like insects perhaps a foot long, their chirps taking the place of bird calls.

Caprin selects one road from the five at the end of the ramp and marches along it at an easy pace.  As he does, you notice the one true incongruity of this place: above, on the ceiling between the glowing mushrooms, are what looks like an upside-down ancient town.  Squares of paving stones echo the fungal mats below, and round spires, domed complexes, and tiled roofs are scattered across the ceiling, forming an elegant town with sophisticated lines and architecture.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 62 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 9 Jul 2019
at 03:00
  • msg #173

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor takes the lead into the tunnel behind Caprin. He looks around him as they travel, fully absorbed in the sights of the strange underground realm. Walking beside Caprin he asks: "What did you mean when you said 'come with color'?" He hardly seems to remember the purpose of their travel as they march.
GM, 71 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 17 Jul 2019
at 15:56
  • msg #174

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Caprin nods around at the scenery.  "Many colors aboveground, not as many below.  Different colors.  They are important.  Precious."  Caprin looks sideways at the group as the follow the fungal road.  "Do you have a precious thing you must hide?  Many do not choose the low road unless they need to keep something secret and safe.  Some come for knowledge.  Many of those do not leave, and they leave their colors behind to choose ours."
Heir, 38 posts
Wed 17 Jul 2019
at 18:04
  • msg #175

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I guess that's..." Helena shivered to tell it out loud as she hadn't considered herself to be precious, but these people were risking their lives for her sake. "me they want to protect.."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 63 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 18 Jul 2019
at 02:19
  • msg #176

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Though he is inclined to be honest with Caprin, Davor wasn't prepared to simply state that Helena was what they wanted to keep secret and safe. When she takes that duty upon herself, he simply smiles a toothy half-orc grin. "A lot of people seem interested in the young lady. It's hard to say why, but I trust the spirits will reveal more when we need to know."
GM, 72 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 18 Jul 2019
at 03:34
  • msg #177

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Caprin only nods at Helena's comment, though he looks her over carefully.  "Upper-worlders are strange.  They build this, but we don't know why," he says, gesturing at the stretch of "town" they're walking under right now.  This one sports several larger buildings, one with a crystal dome, one with a slender spire of pale stone capped with a metal figure much like an angel, and a fountain that flows in perfect, gravity-defying arcs.  "What grows up also grows down, you know," Caprin says in a low voice, as if in confidence.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 64 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 20 Jul 2019
at 23:09
  • msg #178

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As they walk, Davor considers the structures above them. "How do you know upper-worlders built this? I've heard that saying applied to plants, but not to cities." He seems inclined to move the topic of conversation away from Helena, but also very interested in the wonders that the group is passing underneath.
Wizard, 39 posts
Sun 21 Jul 2019
at 10:28
  • msg #179

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec walked the underground path along with the others, gazing about him in wonder. The most captivating sight of-course, was the upside down town above them, and the mage who had seen sights most mortals never would could only guess at its purpose and construction.

"How far are you going to take us Caprin?" he asked the mycanoid curiously as they walked and made conversation.
GM, 73 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 23 Jul 2019
at 09:53
  • msg #180

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Down here building not like this.  Why have roofs?  No rain or ice that falls from above.  Rocks, sometimes, but it's best to be where the rock is firm, yes," Caprin says in response to Davor.  "Upper worlders wanted their buildings to be built easy, so used magic, so stories say.  Magic makes reflections."

When Jerec asks about destination, Caprin nods politely at the wizard.  "Not far.  To our First Circle for an exchange of color, and then we can tell you where our roads go so you know where you want to go."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 23 posts
Wed 24 Jul 2019
at 03:44
  • msg #181

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna followed in silence. She did not like traveling beneath the earth. The wolf companion followed near Zenna. She reached down to scratched the head. "When can we leave this place?"
GM, 74 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 24 Jul 2019
at 06:59
  • msg #182

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Caprin turns to look at Zenna and her wolf, and his expression looks a little hurt.  "Until you want to go.  You came for a road no others were on.  The First Circle is close."

Within an hour the road widens to what looks like a grove of carefully-sculpted mushrooms, their girthy stems the side of a small cottage, their caps as large as thatched roofs.  The cluster around an open area carpeted by blue and green lichen and populated by many other mushroom people of all sizes, from willowy ones nearly eight feet tall, to little ones no bigger than a foot.  Some of the mushroom folk have vest-like garments made from woven fibers in dull brown and blue, some have elaborate woven and beaded nets upon their caps, like huge, ornate doilies.  Caprin leads you into the center of the circle and bows to one with a bifurcated stem-body and two capped heads, only four feet tall.

"Seekers, this is Twin Eyes.  Twin Eyes, they seek safe passage and maybe more," Caprin says with a bow.

The upside down village you left behind soon after your conversation with Caprin, and while a flagstone road echoing the matted one below remained on the ceiling, you didn't see any other structures until you reached the First Circle.  Hanging above the "market square" of First Circle is another prosperous village with a domed central structure, many small shops or houses with handsome carvings and stonework, and a curious network of canals and fountains whose water remains stubbornly up.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 65 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 24 Jul 2019
at 22:06
  • msg #183

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor spends the rest of the march pondering Caprin's answer about where the upside down buildings came from and says little. He does shoot their ranger companion a sympathetic glance when she complains about having to travel underground.

When Caprin introduces the group to the miconid it calls Twin Eyes, Davor mimics their guide's actions and bows in turn. "You've been very accommodating so far. We hope we can continue on in safety."
Wizard, 40 posts
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 18:13
  • msg #184

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec entered the myconoid village (First Circle) cautiously, and gazed about him in amazement. To think there was an entire civilization of these beings underneath the earth...who knew what else remained hidden from prying eyes and seeking spells from humans above the ground.

He stopped respectfully before the elder myconoid, awaiting the beings answer to Caprin and Davor's words. His eyes were drawn though to the upside down village hanging above them, and he couldn't help but wonder what might happen should powerful enough spells of dispelling be cast on these wondrous towns and villages shaped into the earth above; would they simply vanish, or would they come crashing down, burying them all underneath tons of rock?
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 24 posts
Sat 27 Jul 2019
at 15:24
  • msg #185

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I am here because of her." Zenna was clearly referring to the heir. "My preference is to have the wind in my face and travel with the sun or the stars shining the path. This, while I'm sure is natural for you, is clearly not for me. The sooner we get to wherever we need to go, the sooner we'll be back to where be belong."
Heir, 39 posts
Thu 1 Aug 2019
at 02:01
  • msg #186

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena just went along with Zenna's statements. "This is a pretty place, and I'm grateful for the help. But I agree with you, I can't wait for things to go normal."
She then bowed for the elder Myconid. "Thank you for your help so far"
GM, 77 posts
Weaver of Tales
Fri 9 Aug 2019
at 14:56
  • msg #187

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor spends the rest of the march pondering Caprin's answer about where the upside down buildings came from and says little. He does shoot their ranger companion a sympathetic glance when she complains about having to travel underground.

When Caprin introduces the group to the miconid it calls Twin Eyes, Davor mimics their guide's actions and bows in turn. "You've been very accommodating so far. We hope we can continue on in safety."

Twin Eyes steps closer, leaning to examine Davor carefully on two sides simultaneously, then repeating the action on each member of the party.  When it is finished, Twin Eyes steps in front of Davor again and says, "What safety shall continue?  Safe from all harm?  We know spores that will put you to sleep and places where you could hide in such a state for a thousand lifetimes.  Safe from being hunted?  Less surface-dwellers know of the low road, and you could live here without hunters for many of your sunlit years?  But perhaps you are not who would prize physical safety above all other concerns.  Do you wish to be safe from ignorance?  Part the veils of the future and see what could be writ there?  Or perhaps the past holds your answers."  Twin Eyes glances upward to the ceiling city.  "Or does safety to you lie in numbers on your side?  Do you wish to raise an army?  Or yet does your safety lie in magic, power, and arms, and you wish strength to wield them better?  Tell me, what safety do you seek?"

Zenna Kern:
"I am here because of her." Zenna was clearly referring to the heir. "My preference is to have the wind in my face and travel with the sun or the stars shining the path. This, while I'm sure is natural for you, is clearly not for me. The sooner we get to wherever we need to go, the sooner we'll be back to where be belong."

Twin Eyes pulls back from Davor as Zenna voices her concerns.  "The way back is open to you, but the door may be thick with enemies.  If it seems that you must leave to thrive, we will find you a door clear of foes.  Those that do not thrive must find places that they can grow."

Helena just went along with Zenna's statements. "This is a pretty place, and I'm grateful for the help. But I agree with you, I can't wait for things to go normal."
She then bowed for the elder Myconid. "Thank you for your help so far"

As Helena speaks up, Twin Eyes seems to smile, though it is a subtle expression on the stiff, myconid face.  "It is well you see the beauty.  If you are who one is here for... do you have colors you can share with us?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 67 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 9 Aug 2019
at 16:27
  • msg #188

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

When Twin Eyes mentions parting the veil of the future and answers in the past, Davor grins conspiratorially. Despite being underground, a breeze seems to blow through his hair causing the bits of glass and bone to clink together softly. "I have had the veil of the future parted for me before and secrets of the past whispered in my ear."

He ponders the myconid's question as it addresses Zeanna and Helena and nods in response to what it says. "A door clear of foes that lies ahead on our path and not behind would be safety enough. Physical safety for ourselves we can supply though I would not object to warnings of spores that can put us to sleep."
GM, 79 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sun 11 Aug 2019
at 04:54
  • msg #189

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor Spiritwalker:
When Twin Eyes mentions parting the veil of the future and answers in the past, Davor grins conspiratorially. Despite being underground, a breeze seems to blow through his hair causing the bits of glass and bone to clink together softly. "I have had the veil of the future parted for me before and secrets of the past whispered in my ear."

He ponders the myconid's question as it addresses Zeanna and Helena and nods in response to what it says. "A door clear of foes that lies ahead on our path and not behind would be safety enough. Physical safety for ourselves we can supply though I would not object to warnings of spores that can put us to sleep."

When Davor mentions his own connection to the future, one of Twin Eye's head winks at him slightly.  "Then we can find you a door.  We must let the roots wander and see what is to be said.  Rest a while.  The sun is still dark in the above-world," Twin Eyes says.  And true, it has been a long day with little rest for most of you.  If anyone wishes to sleep, the myconids will provide large puffball mushrooms, curiously soft, to sleep on, and slightly firmer ones to eat (which have a pleasant nutty taste).  Twin Eyes gestures to several of the other myconids, and they scatter to various paths, sent on errands that were not voiced in a way you could hear.

Some hours later, whether people choose to sleep or not, Twin Eyes rises up, looking pleased on one face and worried on another.  "A door has been found where foes are not.  But it lies in a dangerous place.  No sleeping spores are there, but hungry distant brethren.  It lies through a mushroom forest, and you must be wary.  They like us as prey, but would not scruple to eat you as well.  When you gain the surface, though, you will be a day away from the foes that spread from the coast, amidst the sea of grass."

The "sea of grass" is likely the Vellowgrass plains to the west, which are the strongholds of the smallfolk (halflings and gnomes).  Anyone taller than the smallfolk stands out very obviously against the grasses, and can be easy pickings if they prove to be more trouble than they're worth.

"Now," Twin Eyes says, leaning forward.  "Do you have color for us?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 68 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 11 Aug 2019
at 16:45
  • msg #190

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor elects to both sleep while the opportunity presents itself. He also tries one of the mushrooms, but more out of curiosity than out of any apparent need to eat. When Twin Eyes explains the situation, Davor considers the information and then nods. "I think we can look after ourselves. A day's lead on our pursuers is worth a little risk if Helena agrees." He looks to the young woman for confirmation.

Still unsure exactly what the mushroom people meant when they referred to offering color, Davor asks a question. "Is there specific color you'd like from us? You've been very generous so far."
Heir, 41 posts
Mon 12 Aug 2019
at 11:35
  • msg #191

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"How do we do that?" Helena said finally admitting she understood little of the request.
Wizard, 42 posts
Mon 12 Aug 2019
at 18:53
  • msg #192

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec woke, feeling rested. He took a few bites to eat from the nutty tasting mushrooms before taking some time to peruse his spellbook, glancing over some spells he thought might be useful in the immediate future and committing their formulae and chants to memory.

Then he joined the others to stand before Twin Eyes, listening intently to what the elder myconoid said from both his heads. The mage didn't like the sound of the dangerous place they were to exit from but it appeared they had little choice.

"What sorts of creatures are these that prey upon you? What do they look like, and have they any weakness, say to fire or other elements?" Jerec asked Twin Eyes curiously.
GM, 80 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 15 Aug 2019
at 02:18
  • msg #193

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor elects to both sleep while the opportunity presents itself. He also tries one of the mushrooms, but more out of curiosity than out of any apparent need to eat. When Twin Eyes explains the situation, Davor considers the information and then nods. "I think we can look after ourselves. A day's lead on our pursuers is worth a little risk if Helena agrees." He looks to the young woman for confirmation.

Still unsure exactly what the mushroom people meant when they referred to offering color, Davor asks a question. "Is there specific color you'd like from us? You've been very generous so far."

Twin Eyes spreads their hands, indicating the relatively dull colors around them.  There is dull read, dark blue, occasional ocher yellows and browns.  Slightly brighter colors are seen the glow fungus that provides the light, but it's mostly pale and washed out.  Nowhere are sunny yellows, bright reds, cerulean blues, pure whites, deep pinks, or any of the colors commonly found in flowers or fancy clothing on the surface.

"You have dyes perhaps?  Or songs about bright color?  Or stories of such?  The colors that can be seen in the sun, those are what we wish."

"How do we do that?" Helena said finally admitting she understood little of the request.

"Know you any of the dyer's art?  Or have you any trove of lore or song to share?" Twin Eyes asks.

Jerec woke, feeling rested. He took a few bites to eat from the nutty tasting mushrooms before taking some time to peruse his spellbook, glancing over some spells he thought might be useful in the immediate future and committing their formulae and chants to memory.

Then he joined the others to stand before Twin Eyes, listening intently to what the elder myconoid said from both his heads. The mage didn't like the sound of the dangerous place they were to exit from but it appeared they had little choice.

"What sorts of creatures are these that prey upon you? What do they look like, and have they any weakness, say to fire or other elements?" Jerec asked Twin Eyes curiously.

Turned from his explanation of color, one of Twin Eyes' heads answers, "Like your forests above, like where I found you, but tall stalks of mushrooms with large caps.  Except some hide the predators, as they imitate the 'trees'.  They spit sticky secretions and then reel their prey up to their mouths.  They are not fond of fire, and they are clever to hide themselves and strike when you are unaware."
Wizard, 43 posts
Thu 15 Aug 2019
at 13:38
  • msg #194

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Hmm, I see," Jerec muttered, stroking his beard slowly as he listened to Twin Eyes inform them about their potential foes outside the door they would exit. These foes sounded quite dangerous and unpredictable, making Jerec wonder if it really had been worth it traveling so underground? Only time would tell he supposed.

"We shall make a note of these creatures and take the proper precautions," the mage said finally. "As for songs or stories of color, well I do believe our lady Helena here could regale you with some tavern shanty or sailors tale from her town?" He looked at Helena expectantly.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 70 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 24 Aug 2019
at 16:46
  • msg #195

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Expecting a certain reluctance from Helena, Davor grins and steps forward. "I've seen a great many things in my time and I have a tale or two that I can tell." The shaman begins to chant and wave his hands, a moment later a pale shimmering image of a snow capped mountain at night appears. In the translucent star-field behind the mountain the shifting, multicolored waves of the northern aurora can be seen. "This tale is of a hunt I undertook. A great wolf that stalked the northern peaks." He indicates the huge skull that serves as his pauldron.

Over the next few minutes, with the help of his illusion, Davor relates the tale of hunting and killing the great wolf in great detail. When he is done, the images fade and he returns to stand next to the others.

Davor casts Minor Image to enhance his story.
Heir, 42 posts
Mon 26 Aug 2019
at 02:53
  • msg #196

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena remembered the paper flower she'd received from the shady people. She took it out and showed it to the elder. It was plain white, with some of the scent still on it. "This is a white paper flower, it has some blank ink inside. At first glance it is not the best of the colors, but this fake flower was made out of a plant with some of the prettiest and shiniest flowers from a land far away, they bright beautifully in fields I can only see in dreams. These lands are across the beautiful green sea and this one flower came through them, towards me." She hesitated "It also has some other colors, the color of happiness, the color of doubt, the color of fear. Happiness, because somehow I was worthy of this humble, yet exotic gift. Doubt, because I don't know if the people who gifted this to me want to help me or use me. And fear, because it is the symbol of my uncertain future. In a way this flower is white, because it has all of the colors under the sun. Maybe it belongs down here?"
Wizard, 44 posts
Mon 26 Aug 2019
at 19:58
  • msg #197

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec smiled in wonder as he beheld both Davor's marvelous illusion, heightened by his skilled storytelling, and Helena's simpler yet more heartfelt tale about the paper flower she had been gifted.

"Well then elders, I believe that is more color than you may have received in quite some time," he said to both heads of Twin Eyes. "Will that be enough to sustain you, until we return some day and bring more to share?"
GM, 83 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 29 Aug 2019
at 01:52
  • msg #198

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Twin Eyes and the other myconids watch Davor's story with its illusions and examine Helena's origami message with deep appreciation.  Twin Eyes smiles, their strange mouths oddly wide, and nod to both.  "Color-givers, you have done well.  Come, let us get you to your surface away from your enemies."

Twin Eyes will press a small mushroom into each of Helena and Davor's palms, a small one with a white-spotted red cap.  "To ward against anything that would affect your eyes that see such colors, just eat it," they murmur to each of you.

Caprin escorts you out of the Circle and along your way.  You travel two more hours along the curious fungal road, as always echoed above by a stone road on the ceiling and occasionally spotted by perfect upside-down structures.  Some resemble a stable, some more like outbuildings, one looks remarkably like a manor.  But when the fungal growths on the ground begin to get thicker and taller, the structures above begin to retreat.  As the fungal forests rear up to sixty foot heights, they brush the tops of the low structures hanging from the ceiling above.  The fungal road below winds through the mushroom behemoths, and the end of it cannot be seen.  Strange glowing lights in violet and blue speckle the forest at random intervals, sometimes creating more shadows than they reveal.  It is something like the forest you left above yesterday, but with a strong eerie tinge.  Though there are no sounds of birds, you can hear sounds of insects, dripping and flowing water, and occasional rustlings in what passes for undergrowth here.

"I leave you here.  The road will go all the way to the end, and then you simple push upward.  It is perhaps another hour through the forest at a trot, but... trotting can sometimes mean you are more likely to be thought prey.  I wish you all of the luck you can muster," Caprin said, his speech curiously refined from how he had been talking yesterday, as if he was remembering things he had once forgotten.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:59, Tue 03 Sept 2019.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 71 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 30 Aug 2019
at 15:01
  • msg #199

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor grins at Twin Eyes as the myconid gives him the mushroom. "Thank you. You've been very helpful." He slips the strange mushroom into his pack for use when the situation arises.

During the walk through the mushroom forest, Davor continues to appreciate the structures above, but when they reach the place where Caprin wants to leave them, he refocuses on what is in front of them. "Thank you for all your help Caprin. I hope I find my way here to visit you again."

To the others in the group he says, "I know we want to be above ground again, but I think we should move slowly through this place. Even in strange terrain like this I think we can move cautiously enough to avoid attracting too much attention."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 26 posts
Tue 3 Sep 2019
at 05:38
  • msg #200

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna nods cautiously, her wolf nudging himself under her hand for a scratch behind the ears.  "We can scout for any of these ambush creatures so they can be avoided.  Give us a few moments to get ahead of you, then you come after," she says.  If people are in agreement, she moves to the thicker part of the undergrowth and begins to slink through the mushroom forest.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 23 posts
Tue 3 Sep 2019
at 07:18
  • msg #201

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana looked at Davor and rubbed her arms again. "I agree, as much as it pains me to admit it. Having me flying around the place will just draw attention."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 73 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 3 Sep 2019
at 18:33
  • msg #202

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor grins and lets Zenna get out ahead. Once the ranger has almost gone past where he can tell where she is, he begins to follow as quietly as he can. He splits his attention between following Zenna and making sure the others are with him.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 27 posts
Sat 7 Sep 2019
at 06:16
  • msg #203

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna goes carefully through the "underbrush", her wolf at her side, often disappearing entirely from view.  A few moments later the rest of the group can follow on the path.  Zenna periodically appears, signalling all is well.  But the fifth time she does this, she signals you to wait and circles back to speak to everyone.

"I saw the predators ahead.  There's a clearing about sixty feet ahead with at least six of the ambush hunters hidden on the tall mushroom stalks.  Anything going through or near the clearing can be targeted, and the undergrowth on either side is very thick."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 74 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 7 Sep 2019
at 15:45
  • msg #204

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor seems strangely excited by the news when Zenna circles back and tells of the ambush. "I think the hunter can become the hunted. If there is really no way around then an illusion entering the clearing could get them to spring their trap early and then we could spring one of our own." He pauses and thinks for a moment. "We might not even need an illusion. I could summon a pony. I think that would draw them out." A wide grin has spread across the half-orc's pace as he looks around at the others and gauges their enthusiasm.
Wizard, 45 posts
Mon 9 Sep 2019
at 22:44
  • msg #205

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec had waited patiently for Zenna to return, waiting for the ranger to ply her art while he stood silently with the others, admiring the eerie beauty of the forest. Finally, as Zenna returned with news the mage listened to the others speak then added his own counsel.

"A good idea friend Davor, a charging creature making enough noise to wake the dead would certainly put those lurking in wait on edge, and force them to spring their trap early. At the least they will be disoriented and off guard, allowing us to pick them off easily," he said in a low voice, looking at the half-orc with a small grin of his own.

Turning to regard Zenna he asked her softly, "If we creep up closer to the clearing while remaining inside the underbrush before Davor conjures the horse, do you believe the hunters will be able to see or hear us?"
ooc: In other words, can we move say, within 30 ft of the hunters/clearing while remaining within the underbrush and not be spotted without needed to make skill checks? Just want to get in range to use my spells before setting off the trap but want to get an idea how risky it might be.
Heir, 44 posts
Tue 10 Sep 2019
at 00:25
  • msg #206

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"But won't that pony get hurt?" Helena asked, not being versed in the arcane arts, she showed concern for a living being. "I mean it seems like a good idea, but I worry about hurting an animal"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 25 posts
Tue 10 Sep 2019
at 00:57
  • msg #207

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana looked at Helena with a little, tolerant smile. "You don't eat horse meat where you're from?" she asked.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 75 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 11 Sep 2019
at 00:35
  • msg #208

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor's broad grin softened slightly and something in his eyes said he was not used to such shows of compassion. "It would merely be a manifestation of the spirit realm and not a true animal. If it were badly hurt, it would simply return from whence it came. Before we attempt this, everyone gather close. I will ask the spirits to lend us their aid."

It takes only a moment and a guttural incantation for a pale green mist to pour out of Davor's mouth and suffuse each member of the group. Continuing his ritual, the shaman next draws a piece of tanned hide with black markings from his breastplate and waves his hands over it while chanting. A moment later he is surrounded by a dull, green glow and as he stands, his massive spectral blade materializes in his hand.

Finally, Davor pulls one of the glass beads from his hair and, holding it between his fingers, begins another chant. His request is answered a moment later when a plume of green smoke rises from the ground and dissipates to reveal a perfectly ordinary looking pony. "Now, let's see about these strange hunters."

Davor casts Bless on the entire party and Shield of Faith on himself (AC 22/15/21).
Davor summons his Ancestral Weapon.
Davor casts Summon Monster I to summon a pony.

GM, 84 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 12 Sep 2019
at 09:27
  • msg #209

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Everyone thusly prepared, Davor calls the pony from the spirit realm.  The little beast shakes its head and then trots out into the open space as Davor bade it.  Nothing happens for the first few moments as it traipses across the open space.  But then one of the mushroom caps opens a maw and shoots out strands of sticky white that slap into the pony's side!  The little beast gives a squeal of surprise and pain, which redoubles when a second from the opposite side does the same, trapping the pony between them as they play tug-of-war!
Wizard, 46 posts
Sun 15 Sep 2019
at 13:39
  • msg #210

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec felt a twinge of pity for the pony as it was attacked and about to be made into a meal, which was in fact being fought over. It appeared now was the time to spring their own trap.

He nodded to the others and rising up took something out from a small pouch on his belt and closed his fist around it, while chanting softly. A warmth grew inside his closed hand as he extended two fingers from it and made a series of motions in the air before him. Finally he opened his hand completely, and a sphere of bright flame sparked into existence, hovering above his palm.

Snapping his palm forward he sent the sphere of flame streaking towards the clearing with the creatures, where is exploded with a whooshing sound, engulfing everything in its path in bright flame.
Initiative: 19; Standard Action: Cast Fireball (aimed to try & include as many of the creatures in its radius as possible); Damage: 26  (Victims may make DC: 19 Reflex save for half damage).

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 77 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 15 Sep 2019
at 13:56
  • msg #211

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The pony, being in the middle of the clearing and restrained by the white strands, takes the brunt of the fiery explosion and dissipates much as it appeared in a billowing cloud of green smoke. Behind it, Davor emerges into the charred area chanting loudly in his strange orcish tongue. He places a single finger on the flat of his blade and runs it up the length of the sword. As his finger passes, a ghostly flame engulfs the weapon. Davor stands at the base of one of the two mushrooms and lets out a bellowing challenge before adopting a fighting stance in the hopes of drawing all attention to himself.

Davor casts Extended Sun Metal. 12/12 rounds.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:56, Sun 15 Sept 2019.
GM, 85 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 18 Sep 2019
at 03:16
  • msg #212

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec felt a twinge of pity for the pony as it was attacked and about to be made into a meal, which was in fact being fought over. It appeared now was the time to spring their own trap.

He nodded to the others and rising up took something out from a small pouch on his belt and closed his fist around it, while chanting softly. A warmth grew inside his closed hand as he extended two fingers from it and made a series of motions in the air before him. Finally he opened his hand completely, and a sphere of bright flame sparked into existence, hovering above his palm.

Snapping his palm forward he sent the sphere of flame streaking towards the clearing with the creatures, where is exploded with a whooshing sound, engulfing everything in its path in bright flame.
Initiative: 19; Standard Action: Cast Fireball (aimed to try & include as many of the creatures in its radius as possible); Damage: 26  (Victims may make DC: 19 Reflex save for half damage).


The fireball detonates, and the two mushroom cap monsters cannot dodge, tied as they are to the pony.  Both get charred from the burst of flame and release their prey, screaming outrage from the top of their tall stalks.

Davor Spiritwalker:
The pony, being in the middle of the clearing and restrained by the white strands, takes the brunt of the fiery explosion and dissipates much as it appeared in a billowing cloud of green smoke. Behind it, Davor emerges into the charred area chanting loudly in his strange orcish tongue. He places a single finger on the flat of his blade and runs it up the length of the sword. As his finger passes, a ghostly flame engulfs the weapon. Davor stands at the base of one of the two mushrooms and lets out a bellowing challenge before adopting a fighting stance in the hopes of drawing all attention to himself.

Davor casts Extended Sun Metal. 12/12 rounds.

Davor makes himself a target, the flames on his weapon a warning.  The creature bellows and casts its sticky strands at him, entangling him in its strands!

Zenna bends her bow at the one targeting Davor, only her first arrow finding its target, but sinking it deeply into its charred hide.  It whines at the injury, but doesn't let go of Davor yet.

Teana unleashes a blast of air, but with the smoke of the fireball hanging in the air, her blasts twists away without striking the creature.

The second creature casts its strands back towards Jerec, but they fall just short!

Urle hurls his trident at the second capped foe, but it falls short, clattering back to earth!
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 79 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 20 Sep 2019
at 02:34
  • msg #213

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor swings his flaming blade and severs the sticky strands in one swift stroke of the massive weapon. The half-orc then rushes next to the nearest mushroom in preparation for another strike.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 23 using 1d20+9. Escape grapple.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 26 posts
Fri 20 Sep 2019
at 02:49
  • msg #214

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana looked at one of the monsters and frowned as her shot fell short, then leaped up, pirouetting in midair and shooting a forceful wave of air at the mushroom monster, hoping to smash the fungal fiend directly into the ground.

18:46, Today: Teana Florin rolled 26 using 3d6+12.  Air Blast Damage.
18:45, Today: Teana Florin rolled 22 using 1d20+9.  Air Blast.

GM, 87 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 21 Sep 2019
at 09:49
  • msg #215

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor swings his flaming blade and severs the sticky strands in one swift stroke of the massive weapon. The half-orc then rushes next to the nearest mushroom in preparation for another strike.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 23 using 1d20+9. Escape grapple.

The mushroom monster gives a shriek as Davor severs the sticky strands, and from the stench as the strands retract, your realize they are not a sticky silk, like a spider, but some part of the creature, like a tongue.  Davor dashes over to the base of the next mushroom, cutting off the angle of attack for one of the high-perching foes!

Teana Florin:
Teana looked at one of the monsters and frowned as her shot fell short, then leaped up, pirouetting in midair and shooting a forceful wave of air at the mushroom monster, hoping to smash the fungal fiend directly into the ground.

18:46, Today: Teana Florin rolled 26 using 3d6+12.  Air Blast Damage.
18:45, Today: Teana Florin rolled 22 using 1d20+9.  Air Blast.

Leaping into her natural element, Teana's fierce gust of air indeed dislodges one of the beats from its high perch and tumbles it to the ground, where it smashes into paste!

Zenna bends her bow again, harming the last remaining foe with one well-placed shot, and a second that hits even deeper!

Jerec decides to try to bring their elevated foe down to earth, and flicks his fingers to fire several darts of magic at it.  His magic missiles hit with toppling force, and the beast falls with a hearty thud from its lofty stalk. 

Urle, seeing a foe on firm ground, urges his mount forward and swings his warhammer with a will.  With the beast on its back on the ground, it's an easy target, and Urle makes certain it will not rise again!

With the last smash of the hammer, all is calm again for the moment.  Furtive scurryings are heard in the depths of the grove, but it seems they are mostly going away from your group, not so surprisingly.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 80 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 21 Sep 2019
at 15:18
  • msg #216

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Though he has played his part well, Davor is still caught up in the adrenaline rush of the fight. He swings his massive sword, which is still ablaze with the phantasmal fire and burries the blade in the trunk of the mushroom on which their opponent had so recently been perched. He makes several more swings, hewing at the massive mushroom until it teeters and falls with a crash. Finally, the shaman warrior flings his massive sword like a spear into the dense growth beyond the clearing. The sword impacts into the stalk of another large mushroom and, a few moments later, dissipates into mist.

It is only once he has sated the spirit of battle that Davor calms enough to examine his surroundings. Still panting slightly from the exertion, he looks down into the detritus that surrounds the base of the felled mushroom. "These stalkers appear to have had considerable success with their ambushes in the past. These are the indigestible remains of more than a few victims." He reaches down, grasps the exposed hilt and pulls in an attempt to free whatever weapon is buried here.
Wizard, 47 posts
Sun 22 Sep 2019
at 14:25
  • msg #217

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec cautiously walked over to the group once the enemy was either dead or scurrying away, and looked at their mushed corpses, wondering what kind of creatures they were. Davor's battle-rage was amusing to the mage, though he hid his smile in his beard and waited until the half-orc mystic purged it from his being.

"A good plan my friend, we survived unscathed. Though we must hurry onward lest the ones that ran return with reinforcements," the mage said, gesturing at the path with his staff.

Jerec noted then that Davor appeared to have uncovered something, and he watched with interest as the half-orc attempted to pry what appeared to be a weapon from the stalk. "Careful of any traps," he cautioned, taking a step back just in case.
GM, 88 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 26 Sep 2019
at 04:56
  • msg #218

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Pulling on the hilt, Davor pulls out a fine longsword with a black metal pommel and hilt carved to look like ravens, the blade blue with a pattern of flames upon it.  There are several coins in some belt pouches, mostly modern coinage totaling about 250gp, but also one old belt pouch made of rubbery pink leather that has platinum coins marked with a stylized flame on one side and a crown on the other.  There's probably another 50 pieces of platinum in there, but the coins are of an old design you haven't seen before.  There is a set of leather armor in the remains of a rotten backpack, the leather slightly purplish and marked with faint pawprints worked into the leather.  There are also two wands, one pale and studded with tiny crystals, one deep brown and marked with symbols of armor.
Wizard, 48 posts
Thu 26 Sep 2019
at 22:03
  • msg #219

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Quite the haul," Jerec said, glancing at the items Davor pulled out one by one. His gaze lingered on the wands and he said, "If no one wants those I can take them off your hands. For safekeeping you understand, wands can be dangerous in untrained hands."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 27 posts
Thu 26 Sep 2019
at 22:36
  • msg #220

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Does anyone know a spell that can identify the magical properties of the armor?" asked Teana.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 82 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 27 Sep 2019
at 16:10
  • msg #221

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor passes the wands to Jerec and stands with the rest of the findings. He looks off to where he had heard the retreating scurrying. "It might be better to get a move on and find out what this stuff is later. We've scared the creatures off, but they might well find some friends and be back. I think we'd better not be here if that happens."

He looks at Zenna. "You've been doing a fine job leading so far. Caprin said it was an hour at a trot, so it can't be too far to the surface."
Heir, 45 posts
Fri 27 Sep 2019
at 16:35
  • msg #222

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena was impressed by the groups carefully executed plan. "That went very well. YOu guys are great!" she then turned to watch in the direction the creatures fled to. "But, maybe we should hurry to the surface, just in case."
GM, 90 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 1 Oct 2019
at 08:11
  • msg #223

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec can take his time to identify the items, a white wand of ice lances, the dark one of swift girding, the armor giving one the qualities of a cat, the sword one that can be hurled from a distance and has an affinity for ravens.  Thusly informed, the group can ready themselves and trot through the mushroom grove, wary for any more predators.

Zenna is of the opinion that with two such voracious predators within the grove, they likely didn't have any competition.  Still not dropping their guard as they pass the massive "trunks" with their mats of colorful mosses and algae, slowly the multihued gloom begins to give way to the warm gold of fading daylight, and the faint drip of water gives way to the singing of insects and the sound of wind.

Finally you find yourself in the mouth of a long, low cave in a small hummock, looking out on a vast sea of golden grass: the Vellowgrass Plains.  In the distance you can see the rounded shelters of a traveling gnome community, their ponies kicking up their heels as they frisk about in the sunset.  Aside from that, the plains look as trackless as the sea, though there are supposed to be trade roads and small cities scattered amongst the roaming communities of smallfolk.  The dangers here are from the predators that hide in the endless waves of grass, anything from landsharks to predatory large cats to wild horses to bands of raiders to carnivorous plants...
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 84 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 1 Oct 2019
at 22:56
  • msg #224

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor eyes the gnome shelters, then turns to the group. "Allow me a moment to consult the spirits on the best path forward." He pulls a leather bag from his belt, draws a circle in the dirt at the mouth of the cave, and then casts the bones from the bag into the circle. For several minutes, he simply stares down at the arrangement of bones and from time to time he takes a step to slowly move around the perimeter of the circle.

Davor is using Wisdom of the Ancestors. He wants to know about the safest path to Greenbriar.
Wizard, 50 posts
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 00:27
  • msg #225

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec felt a sense of relief as they reached the mouth of the cave and beheld the vast golden plains beyond, bathed in the light of the setting sun. He closed his eyes, feeling the fresh air on his face and perhaps it was just his imagination, but it smelled sweeter than the air they breathed before whilst traversing underground.

"Divine what you will, but going by those gnomes in the distance, I believe there is no threat to be found outside the cave,"
Jerec said to Davor. Still, the mage waited patiently as Davor divined to find the best route ahead; it could not hurt surely, and it was certainly possible any number of predatory beasts stalked within the tall grass of the plains.
GM, 94 posts
Weaver of Tales
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 09:23
  • msg #226

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor consults the spirits. 

Zenna nods at Jerec's words.  "Seems reasonable, but let me and mine find out," she says.  Zenna and her wolf carefully circle the area for several minutes before returning, looking somewhat amused.  "The villagers over there probably do feel confident because there's a line of warning stones in a big circle around here.  They might just be a kind of spirit fence, but then again maybe they shout or explode or something.  Care to take a look?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 87 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 11:31
  • msg #227

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor collects his bones. "The spirits suggest that we don't travel alone. I think we should pay a visit to the village over there once we get past the stones."
Wizard, 53 posts
Sun 6 Oct 2019
at 00:44
  • msg #228

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec nodded at both Zenna and Davor, then followed Zenna to the stones. Remaining a reasonable distance away he focused his mind and held out a palm towards the stones, chanting softly.
Cast Detect Magic on the stones. Also using Knowledge (Arcana): 19 to determine what he can

GM, 95 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sun 6 Oct 2019
at 06:54
  • msg #229

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

From the distant smallfolk village, you can see small dots of colored lights and hear the occasional faint cheer or happy shout.  It seems there might be a festival of some sort in the offing.

Jerec examines the stones carefully.
Human Cavalier, 14 posts
Order of the Lion
Sun 6 Oct 2019
at 11:14
  • msg #230

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle had been silent for some time.  Following the group.
Well more following Helena.  His face was grim.
He had not smiled sense the Mongrels had attacked.
This had turned into a frown once he found out that others had come to find the princess.
They had gotten in the way and made his mission more complicated.

It was only now that the last words of his Lord and Master had come to stick in this throat.
As he turned to leave his master called out.
Remember two things.
It is our job to serve the crown, not rule it.
The great of our order are the most humble.

So Urle looks from Davor to Jerec.  Then Teana to Zenna.
lastly back at Helena.  Then just waited.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:29, Sun 06 Oct 2019.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 31 posts
Sun 6 Oct 2019
at 13:27
  • msg #231

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana nodded to Davor. "Sounds good to me!" she said.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 33 posts
Sun 6 Oct 2019
at 23:06
  • msg #232

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Double post

While they were discussing the direction they should go in, Teana picked up the leather armor and stepped over toward Helena. "Here. I think you should have this."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:07, Sun 06 Oct 2019.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 28 posts
Sun 6 Oct 2019
at 23:50
  • msg #233

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna nods to Helena about the armor.  "It would be nice to have you in something if those mongrels or anything else come back and start trying to get at you.  We want to keep you safe."  She smiles at Helena briefly before continuing the scan the horizon.
Wizard, 54 posts
Mon 7 Oct 2019
at 16:50
  • msg #234

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Lowering his hand Jerec turned to his companions and said, "The stones have an enchantment upon them; they will, to put it bluntly, sound an alarm if we cross."

Stroking his beard thoughtfully he added, "I can remove the enchantment, but perhaps it might be better to let them announce our presence rather than simply appear in their midst with no warning?"

He left it to the others to decide what course to take, though Jerec was willing to dispel the magic if needed.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 90 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 7 Oct 2019
at 23:51
  • msg #235

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor agrees with Zenna and Teana. "Things are unikely to get safer. The armor would help protect you."

In response to Jerec he considers the stones. "I don't think we should sneak up on them either. Smallfolk are skittish. Setting off their alarm probably isn't much better as an introduction. Let me try something a little more conversational." The half-orc quickly prepares one of his small rituals.

A moment later, a booming voice echoes across the fields towards the encampment. "Hello there! We are travelers who would like to approach your camp. May we pass your stones?"

Davor casts Ghost Sound to make the booming voice.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:51, Mon 07 Oct 2019.
Heir, 47 posts
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 03:06
  • msg #236

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena looked at the suit of armor. It felt heavy in her hands. "I'm not sure. People are after me, but... what if we find someone who isn't?" She looked around with puppy eyes. "Can I even move in it?"
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 30 posts
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 18:37
  • msg #237

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna dismissed Helena's concerns with a curt, "You'll manage."

Her eyebrows raised and her lips pulled out into a smirk when Davor's ghostly voice echoed across the grasslands. "Well. I guess that's less alarming than an alarm? Low bar we're setting." She winked at the half-orc to let him know she didn't have a better suggestion and was simply poking fun.

Then she commanded her wolf to lie down. Given that he was nearly as large as a halfling, she supposed the sight of him might frighten them, and she wanted to make him look as non-threatening as possible.
GM, 97 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 10 Oct 2019
at 05:16
  • msg #238

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As Davor's booming voice echoes over the plains, you can hear an uptick in the amount of noise from the settlement.  There's a swirl of activity, and soon a group of riders come trotting out from the town.  It soon becomes clear that the riders are halflings on ponyback, dressed in colorful festival clothes over which hasty armor and tabards have been thrown.  All are armed, some both bows, some with throwing steel, flanking a somewhat older man with a trim little goatee, mounted upon a curly-horned ram.

"Hello there, travelers!  Who are you and how have you come here by this route?" he asks, his voice deep and resonate.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 34 posts
Thu 10 Oct 2019
at 06:47
  • msg #239

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana smiled at Helena. "Try it. You might find that it limbers you up."

When the halflings came up, she moved to the front and gave a courteous bow to the older man. "Blessings of the day upon you, friends. I am Teana Florin, called the Windstorm, and these are my friends. We were kind of lost underground." She gave a practiced rueful grin. "So we came here to find a place to rest, buy provisions and reorient before heading out again."

"Is there a celebration going on? Your clothes look quite festive."
GM, 98 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 10 Oct 2019
at 08:43
  • msg #240

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Lost?  Lost?  How did you manage to get yourself lost down there and found again?" one of the riders asks, sounding incredulous.

The leader shoots the man a glance but doesn't quiet his question.  "Aye, it's the Festival of the Horned Moon tonight, Teana.  How did you and your friends come to be underground, and more importantly out again and with no good idea of where you are?  Seems you might be a spot of trouble."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 35 posts
Thu 10 Oct 2019
at 10:12
  • msg #241

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"A mixture of bad and good luck. We were down there at the request of my employer, who'd sent me to retrieve something of personal importance to him," lied Teana, not wanting to mention the mongrels or Helena's backstory right now. "Anyway, we were inconvenienced by some monsters on the way back and got turned around a bit..." she gave Zenna a feigned sidelong glance, "...but we did find our way to a cave that led us back up into the open air. Can you tell us where we are now?"

Teana smiled. "And if possible, we'd like to enter town and arrange trade and accommodations. I haven't had a proper-cooked meal in weeks."

If necessary, I take 10 on a Bluff check: 25
Human Cavalier, 15 posts
Order of the Lion
Thu 10 Oct 2019
at 20:47
  • msg #242

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle waits and does his best to catch Helena eye.
He quietly mouths.
I will help you with the armor My Lady.  If I can do anything to help you with your new role in life just ask.  I will do my best.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 20:47, Thu 10 Oct 2019.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 91 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 10 Oct 2019
at 23:18
  • msg #243

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor simply shrugs at Zenna and grins. "I figure they're going to be alarmed regardless. At least this way they can feel like they're calling the shots."

As the small band of smallfolk approach. Davor allows Teana to take the lead. Since the massive half-orc is on a level with the mounted halflings, he tries not to look intimidating during the conversation.
GM, 99 posts
Weaver of Tales
Fri 11 Oct 2019
at 06:28
  • msg #244

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The leader strokes his beard for a moment, then nods, seeming to accept what Teana has told him.  "You're within a few moment's ride of Avar Hollow, my friends!  And on the eve of the Festival of the Horned Moon, no less.  Care for some dancing and feasting and a bit of a masquerade?  The more friendly faces, the merrier, I say," he says, his smile growing wider by the moment.  His fellows seem to thaw slightly as their leader's ease, their grips on their bows somewhat slacker.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 36 posts
Fri 11 Oct 2019
at 06:49
  • msg #245

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Now that sounds like something we can get behind," said Teana with a big grin, turning around to her friends. "Come. We are invited to join the people of Avar Hollow in their festival and merriment, and I for one think it's the best way to shake off the road dirt for a bit."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 31 posts
Fri 11 Oct 2019
at 14:58
  • msg #246

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"So much for alarming them," Zenna whispered Davor. "A bit odd, their eagerness to welcome armed strangers, isn't it? I'm surprised they've still got a village left at all."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 92 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 11 Oct 2019
at 21:59
  • msg #247

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor gestures at himself in mock indignity. "I naturally put others at ease. What well meaning halfling wouldn't welcome me to a festival. Plus the spirits appreciate a moon festival. I think this is a good distraction after the underground." The half-orc hikes his pack up onto his shoulders and prepares to follow the riders.
Wizard, 55 posts
Sun 13 Oct 2019
at 21:53
  • msg #248

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The tension in Jerec's body released as he realized there would be no violence coming from the Halflings, but even as he slumped in relief he could not help but feel a bit uneasy at the almost too warm a welcome the villagers gave them.

But he dismissed those feelings as the result of years of wandering and adventuring having permanently frayed his nerves, making him suspicious of everything.

"Well, lets enjoy the celebrations, we could do with a bit of relaxing before moving on," Jerec remarked the others with a smile.
GM, 100 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 15 Oct 2019
at 08:20
  • msg #249

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The leader makes a sweeping motion and watches as the group passes the fence of stones.  When nothing sounds, glows, or makes a noise, he smiles even wider.

"Nothing with wicked intent could pass those stones.  Welcome, guests!  I am Thane Wylie Tosscobble of Avar Hollow, and these are my friends, brothers, and warriors.  What are your names and where are you headed after our Festival?" he asks.  He listens to your answers as you ride and walk back towards the town.  There is a stone and log palisade around Avar's Hollow, some of the logs being living trees of great size, and the entirety of the palisade of topped with colorful lanterns in varying sizes.  The large gate is being manned by at least two of the various guards you spot atop the wall.  After some waved signals, they disappear and soon the doors creak open.

Beyond them the neat village is bedecked with more colorful lanterns, chains of colorful greenery, and homes touched up with fresh-painted designs that show flowers, animals, and the repeating pattern of the Horned Moon (a crown-like symbol with the two pointed ends up the moon pointing up into a starry sky).  Halfings and a few gnomes are bustling all over, pushing carts of decorations, costumes, dishes, and food.  Sweet and savory aromas waft on the breeze: fresh-baked bread, cake, roasting meat, bubbling soups and stews, fried savories, along with the sweet breath of juice and the slight bitter tang of beer.

Thane Tosscobble guides you in to the large town square where a large painted wooden replica of the Horned Moon is set atop many branches and old, broken carts and furniture for a bonfire.  Games of chance, fortune tellers' booths, food and drink stalls, and vendors of many goods are nearly set up all around the periphery.  You see darts, the greased pole, pin-the-horn-on-the-unicorn, a rope suspended a few feet above the central fountain for people to balance on, a stage setting up a marionette show, along with a few different Harrow readers.  A group of musicians is warming up on a nearby stage.

"We'll open up the festival rather soon, then game, eat, and seek our fortunes until the time comes to light the fire.  Then we shall have our masquerade!  A few of the booths have masks one can decorate if you have nothing suitable," he says with a chortle.  "You might be the only tallfolk in the village, but we masque ourselves to honor the moon, so please do find something to woo her!"

With a merry laugh, Thane Tosscobble goes to the marionette stage and delivers a bright shout to bring attention to himself.  The crowd noise fades as they turn to him.

"I have brought guests to help us woo the moon this night, ones with good hearts who come from under the earth.  Let us make them welcome and let us show the moon how much we miss her!"

The crowd cheers, the band begins to play, and the festival starts in full swing!
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 93 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 16 Oct 2019
at 00:16
  • msg #250

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor gives the stones a second glance as he passes by them, but refocuses his attention on the smallfolk leader when he asks for their names. Some call me Spiritwalker, but Davor will do for pleasant company." He leaves the rest of the question for the others to answer.

Davor, always appreciative of the mild chaos that a festival brings to the otherwise orderly civilized world, is amused by the sights and sounds as the group passes through the town. After the Thane gives his opening remarks, the half-orc looks at his companions. "It sounds like the first order of business is masks!" He seems eager to join in the festivities.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 37 posts
Wed 16 Oct 2019
at 00:31
  • msg #251

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana picked up the mask with the gaudiest glazing she could find, and chose a second mask that she thought might complement it (though they both looked just a little small on big folk faces). She picked out the masks and offered the second to Helena, grinning a bit.

"May I have the honor of the first dance, when the time comes?"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:32, Wed 16 Oct 2019.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 32 posts
Wed 16 Oct 2019
at 15:33
  • msg #252

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Once they were accepted into the community without hesitation, Zenna felt some of the stress of the road melt from her shoulders. The music and festive atmosphere certainly helped as well. "What luck!" she remarked to her companions. "Good timing, huh? This should be fun. Let's make masks!"
Human Cavalier, 16 posts
Order of the Lion
Fri 18 Oct 2019
at 01:45
  • msg #253

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle listen to the halfing introduction and welcome.
He lets the others take the lead.  The village maybe what the group needs.  Rest and time for Helena to come to terms with who she is would be good.  However how safe this place is only time will tell.
Urle lead Demetria into the village and find somewhere for her to stay.

Slowly he walks over to the place with the masks and takes one.
Thank you.  He tell the halfing and give a smile.

Then he settles back and finds a safe place to take in the fun and festive activities.
He keeps an active eye on Helena but does not interfere with what she is doing.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:48, Fri 18 Oct 2019.
Heir, 48 posts
Fri 18 Oct 2019
at 15:27
  • msg #254

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

In reply to Teana Florin (msg # 251):

Helena smiled shyly. "Thank you, you are very kind, and I..." She spoke with some hesitation. "...but, I..." she made a pause looking for a way "I'm thankful for you all coming to me and helping me. It's just I'm scared. Things are changing too quickly, and I feel I'm expected to become something I'm not. That more and more things will be dictated for me, and then I'll no longer get to be myself. " She moved to hold Teana's hands fighting the desire to cry. "I want to hold on to the small things. I need to hold on to the small things. I need to know I can keep choosing things like what mask to wear or... you know. That thing you guys want me to use, that is definitely not me."

She moved and started to look for a different mask, something that would harmonize with the colors she was wearing at the moment.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 33 posts
Fri 18 Oct 2019
at 17:54
  • msg #255

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna's bubbly spirit evaporated as Helena shared her worry. "Listen," she said. "Look at me. There is no you. There is just what you choose to be. And that can be whatever it has to be. You can be as strong as you choose to be, and now you have to choose to be strong. The carefree life you were used to is gone. You can mourn it, but you can't afford to hold onto it."
Heir, 49 posts
Sat 19 Oct 2019
at 04:13
  • msg #256

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I can't choose a thing if you have already decided for me." Helena answered with her eyes on the ground, her voice wasn't even angry, it was dispassionate "Besides, what do you know about my life to decide it was carefree? Being me is all I've ever had. Growing up I could never allow myself to dream of a future or to dream at all. I've survived on my own for over ten years with nobody to lean on. Being true to myself is the only thing that has kept me from giving up. If I have to surrender even that, you'll have no one to protect because I'll be dead inside."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 38 posts
Sat 19 Oct 2019
at 04:28
  • msg #257

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana bowed to Helena. "Of course. I look forward to what you decide - but I hope I can still have the dance," she said. "And I don't agree with Zenna. There's still a girl who's Helena, not just all the other stuff that's become attached to that. I'm very glad you're still holding on to that. I know we won't always agree, but I'd rather that than you become some mindless puppet."
GM, 101 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 19 Oct 2019
at 07:39
  • msg #258

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The halflings and gnomes have a wide variety of masks available, and more things to embellish them.  Most are various animals: horses, deer, squirrels, badgers, moles, mice, otters, bears, owlbears, unicorns, goats, bees, falcons, eagles, songbirds, sheep, griffins, lizards, and dragons.  Helena can find a nice one of a blue bird which harmonizes well with her dress.

Urle can find a place for Demetria near one of the inns that's clearly proportioned to cater to bigfolk, a place where his mount can easily oversee the square.

As the group circulates amongst the games and booths, they see a couple of other masked bigfolk, but otherwise it is entirely halflings and some gnomes, making most of the group feel quite tall.  The music begins to get lively as the games and trading enter full swing, and though it's not yet the time of the formal masquerade, some spontaneous dancing breaks out during the livelier songs.  The puppet show is in full swing, telling stories about the moon to children and adults alike.  Gnomes use their illusion abilities to spice up the performances, sending small illusions and balls of light across the stage and sometimes across the square.  Tantalizing smells of fried delicacies and rich pastries fill the air, many things decorated to look like the Horned Moon.

The Festival continues happily for several hours, until it seems that many of the youngest children have finally gone off to bed.  When that has happened, the music becomes a bit more stately, and the people start to gather for the masquerade.

Then, from the road leading to the gate, comes a roar that sounds like doom!
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 39 posts
Sat 19 Oct 2019
at 07:56
  • msg #259

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana, in a bright red robin mask, spent much of the time socializing, some of it showing off with feats of impossible acrobatics, and not a little time playfully flirting with the smallfolk. Then the formal masquerade began, and Teana began moving back toward Helena...

...And then the noise so rudely interrupted.

"Shit." Teana turned and leaped to the top of the gatehouse to get a better look at whatever was coming.
Human Cavalier, 17 posts
Order of the Lion
Sat 19 Oct 2019
at 12:00
  • msg #260

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle had drifted back out the way.  The mask he pick was simple just black and white.

In same way as soon as roar started he steps up next to Helena.
His mask in his hands not on his face.
Makes a whistle noise and Demetria come trotting over to him.
Good girl.  Urle says to his horse.  She nods back to him.

Turing to Helena Urle speaks.
This maybe nothing to do with us but Demetria senses it is bad news.
So we are here ready if you need us.

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 94 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 20 Oct 2019
at 20:18
  • msg #261

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor is strangely silent and seemingly introspective for a time after Helena airs her concerns. The half-orc says nothing, but merely takes a mask, the visage of an old woman, and puts it on. He feels that his counsel is not needed at this moment. Instead the shaman wanders off a distance to a corner where he can see most of the town square and begins to entertain some of the smallfolk with his own illusions and fortune telling though only the bolder members of the community are willing to give him a chance. As the night wears on, Davor keeps an eye on Helena from a distance.

When the roar disturbs the revelry, Davor jumps to his feet and places a hand on the wolf skull pauldron which glows eerily for a moment before the half-orc rushes off towards the gate. Since Urle appears eager to stay at Helena's side, he will take the initiative and investigate.

Casting Magic Vestment to refresh the enchantment.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 34 posts
Mon 21 Oct 2019
at 14:20
  • msg #262

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

When the sound echoes across the landscape, Zenna looks first to her wolf to see its reaction. Regardless, she draws her bow and eyes the halflings to see how they react. Are they surprised? Scared? She doubts it has anything to do with them, but just in case....
GM, 102 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 05:17
  • msg #263

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna's companion is as agitated as Demetria, looking at the sky and growling.  Urle steps in front of Helena as the crowd mills about, uncertain.  Some people start hustling the children away, and others start to take the paper decorations off of their weapons.

At the gate, Davor and Teana see a terrible sight as it flaps into view, silhouetted against the moon.  Large bat-like wings, a heavy body with lion's paws and a serpent tail, and not one but three heads of a ram, a lion, and the curved horns of a black dragon - it's a chimera!  Roaring again, it dives out of the sky and over the town, dragon jaws agape as it blasts the front gate with burning acid!

As the chimera comes down into the light of the torches and bonfires, the festival crowd screams and starts to panic.  The Thane shouts for order, and those who seem to be members of the town's defenses start to hustle people to shelter, while a half-dozen archers find perches and get ready to fire their bows!

OOC: Davor takes the full 23 points of acid damage, Teana takes 11 points of acid damage.  Let's get Initiative, and everyone let me know what you're doing.  The front gate is about 70' from the town square where the festival is being held.  The square is mostly full of booths and whatnot, but there is a stone fountain, and more sturdily-built shops and inns dotting around the square.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 40 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 08:10
  • msg #264

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana leaped back from the gate enough to avoid the full force of the blast, and remained flying in midair. She thought she could probably outmaneuver the chimera, so she curved out around the wall, hoping to keep the fight away from civilians. Only when she was outside did she unleash the force of her wind against the monster.

00:05, Today: Teana Florin rolled 9 using 1d20+6.  Initiative - rush rush rush.

When my turn comes:

00:10, Today: Teana Florin rolled 20 using 3d6+12.  Damagee.

00:09, Today: Teana Florin rolled 23 using 1d20+9.  Air Blast.

Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 35 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 20:14
  • msg #265

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna followed her wolf's gaze to see a chimera swooping through the sky. She didn't waste time taking cover, not while she had a clear shot, bow already drawn and arrow nocked. Instead, she fired off three shots in quick succession, the taut word of her bow transferring the strength from her muscular body into the missile's trajectory.

14:04, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 19 using 1d20+3.  Initiative.
14:07, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 25 using 1d20+12.  Attack.
14:07, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 32 using 1d20+12.  Attack (Many Shot).
14:08, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 28 using 1d20+12.  Confirm crit.
14:07, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 22 using 1d20+7.  Attack.
14:10, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 34 using 3d8+18.  Damage.
14:10, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 19 using 2d8+12.  Critical damage.

Apologies if any of that rolling is wrong, first time fighting with this character.

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 95 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 22:45
  • msg #266

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Exposed as he is on foot and in the middle of the main street, Davor has no way to escape the blast of acid breath. As the acid burns into his armor and skin leaving an acrid stench and a light haze around him, he determines that there is little he can do to attack this creature from the ground. Instead, he dashes back to the others and pulls one of the small pieces of bone from one of his dreadlocks. Chanting as he runs, a green mist pours from the hand clutching the bone and surrounds each of his companions as he touches them.

Initiative: 18
Standard Action: Cast Protection from Evil, Communal on Davor (1 minute), Zenna (1 minute), Urle (1 minute), Jerec (1 minute), and Helena (2 minutes). Get +2 AC (deflection) and +2 on saves (resistance).
Move: Move between all those people.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 18 using 1d20+3.

Wizard, 57 posts
Sat 26 Oct 2019
at 14:06
  • msg #267

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec had been sitting in a chair and enjoying some of the festival food while the others milled and danced. He was too self-conscious (and too old!) to wear masks and prance about, but he could appreciate the sight and the music.

Ofcourse, then it all went down the drain. They were cursed it seemed.

"Blazes, I knew those stones had been warded for a reason!"
He cried as he stood up quickly, the plate of food dropping to the ground. The mage was angry at himself for letting down their guard and not taking precautions.

Starting to back towards the corner of a building Jerec stared hard towards the monster, focusing his mind while his left hand moved in a circular pattern with two fingers and a thumb extended. His lips whispered an incantation, "Tempestas Fulmina!"

The mage's body tingled and suddenly lightning leapt from his left hand onto the head of the staff clutched in his right; Jerec held the staff up and aimed it towards the flying beast of legend, and a bolt of brilliant blue lightning streaked out to smash into the Chimera with a shower of sizzling sparks.

The smell of charred flesh began to permeate the air...
Initiative: 08; Standard Action: Cast Lightning Bolt @ Chimera; Damage: 21 (Chimera must make a REF save vs DC: 20 to take half damage)
Move Action: Move behind cover of a nearby building

This message was last edited by the player at 14:13, Sat 26 Oct 2019.
Human Cavalier, 19 posts
Order of the Lion
Sat 26 Oct 2019
at 19:37
  • msg #268

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle draws his bow and fires at the creature.
He gets Demetria to place herself ready to he can mount her and ride at the creature if it turns to attack him or Helena

11:15, Thu 24 Oct: Urle rolled 18 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.
20:34, Today: Urle rolled 14 using 1d20+7.  Attack with bow.

GM, 104 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 29 Oct 2019
at 05:17
  • msg #269

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna Kern:
Zenna followed her wolf's gaze to see a chimera swooping through the sky. She didn't waste time taking cover, not while she had a clear shot, bow already drawn and arrow nocked. Instead, she fired off three shots in quick succession, the taut word of her bow transferring the strength from her muscular body into the missile's trajectory.

14:04, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 19 using 1d20+3.  Initiative.
14:07, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 25 using 1d20+12.  Attack.
14:07, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 32 using 1d20+12.  Attack (Many Shot).
14:08, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 28 using 1d20+12.  Confirm crit.
14:07, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 22 using 1d20+7.  Attack.
14:10, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 34 using 3d8+18.  Damage.
14:10, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 19 using 2d8+12.  Critical damage.

Apologies if any of that rolling is wrong, first time fighting with this character.

Zenna bends her bow and fires off two powerful arrows at the chimera, striking deep into the creature's body and making it bellow with pain!

Urle draws his bow and fires at the creature.
He gets Demetria to place herself ready to he can mount her and ride at the creature if it turns to attack him or Helena

11:15, Thu 24 Oct: Urle rolled 18 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.
20:34, Today: Urle rolled 14 using 1d20+7.  Attack with bow.

Urle bends his bow as well, but the string snaps in his haste to protect his charge.  Demetria pounds up to him, and he swings into the saddle, lance at the ready for the next attack!

Davor Spiritwalker:
Exposed as he is on foot and in the middle of the main street, Davor has no way to escape the blast of acid breath. As the acid burns into his armor and skin leaving an acrid stench and a light haze around him, he determines that there is little he can do to attack this creature from the ground. Instead, he dashes back to the others and pulls one of the small pieces of bone from one of his dreadlocks. Chanting as he runs, a green mist pours from the hand clutching the bone and surrounds each of his companions as he touches them.

Initiative: 18
Standard Action: Cast Protection from Evil, Communal on Davor (1 minute), Zenna (1 minute), Urle (1 minute), Jerec (1 minute), and Helena (2 minutes). Get +2 AC (deflection) and +2 on saves (resistance).
Move: Move between all those people.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 18 using 1d20+3.

Davor's protective magic flows around his closest companions, armoring them against the chimera's evil!

The chimera flies over Teana and looks down at the brightly lit square.  It dives, snapping and butting at Zenna, Urle, and Demetria.  The dragon head connects with Zenna, the lion head misses Urle, but the goat head butts Demetria hard!

Teana Florin:
Teana leaped back from the gate enough to avoid the full force of the blast, and remained flying in midair. She thought she could probably outmaneuver the chimera, so she curved out around the wall, hoping to keep the fight away from civilians. Only when she was outside did she unleash the force of her wind against the monster.

00:05, Today: Teana Florin rolled 9 using 1d20+6.  Initiative - rush rush rush.

When my turn comes:

00:10, Today: Teana Florin rolled 20 using 3d6+12.  Damage.

00:09, Today: Teana Florin rolled 23 using 1d20+9.  Air Blast.

Teana, seeing the chimera blow past her, can fly after it and carefully target her air blast to foul the creature as it starts to land amongst her companions, intent on carnage.  The blast of wind strikes it hard, and the dragon head roars back at her in anger!

Jerec had been sitting in a chair and enjoying some of the festival food while the others milled and danced. He was too self-conscious (and too old!) to wear masks and prance about, but he could appreciate the sight and the music.

Ofcourse, then it all went down the drain. They were cursed it seemed.

"Blazes, I knew those stones had been warded for a reason!"
He cried as he stood up quickly, the plate of food dropping to the ground. The mage was angry at himself for letting down their guard and not taking precautions.

Starting to back towards the corner of a building Jerec stared hard towards the monster, focusing his mind while his left hand moved in a circular pattern with two fingers and a thumb extended. His lips whispered an incantation, "Tempestas Fulmina!"

The mage's body tingled and suddenly lightning leapt from his left hand onto the head of the staff clutched in his right; Jerec held the staff up and aimed it towards the flying beast of legend, and a bolt of brilliant blue lightning streaked out to smash into the Chimera with a shower of sizzling sparks.

The smell of charred flesh began to permeate the air...
Initiative: 08; Standard Action: Cast Lightning Bolt @ Chimera; Damage: 21 (Chimera must make a REF save vs DC: 20 to take half damage)
Move Action: Move behind cover of a nearby building


Jerec's lightning bolt hits the chimera broadside, making lightning dance over its hide as it leaves a smoking wound behind.  The chimera seems unusually tough, the lion head screaming at Jerec in defiance! 

The town guard fire several arrows at the beast, a few hitting and adding their own chastisement for daring to interrupt their festival.

OOC: Initiative:
19 - Zenna
18 - Urle (higher Dex)
18 - Davor
14 - Chimera
09 - Teana
08 - Jerec
06 - Townsfolk
02 - Helena

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:56, Thu 31 Oct 2019.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 36 posts
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 21:29
  • msg #270

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Reeling from the dragon's bite, Zenna staggers back and fires another volley at the three-headed monstrosity. "Go!" she shouted to her wolf. "Defend Helena!"

5' step backwards, then full attack to fire two arrows with many shot followed by second attack. Free Action to command wolf to Defend Helena.
15:27, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 10 using 1d8+6.  Damage (PBS).
15:27, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 17 using 1d20+7.  Attack.
15:26, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 17 using 2d8+12.  Damage (PBS/Many Shot).
15:24, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 20 using 1d20+13.  Attack (Point Blank/Many Shot). This should actually be 19, modifider should have been 12.

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 97 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 22:17
  • msg #271

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

With the beast now on the ground where he can hit it, Davor summons the massive ghostly great sword and swings it over his head at the monster's flank. The blade finishes materializing as it comes down and the half-orc roars.

Free Action: Summon Ancestral Weapon.
Move Action: Move adjacent to the Chimera (preferably flanking).
Standard Action: Attack with Ancestral Weapon hits AC 17 (19 w/flanking) for 11 damage.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 17,11 using 1d20+10,2d6+5. Attack w/ damage.

Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 42 posts
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 22:23
  • msg #272

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana slowly rose higher in the air as a storm of wind surrounded her, growing in force as she readied her attack and pointed her hand at the beast. When she was ready, she fired the blast of air at the chimera.

5 foot step upward, Gather Power, fire an empowered blast.

14:21, Today: Teana Florin rolled 16 using 1d20+9.  Attack: Empowered blast.
14:21, Today: Teana Florin rolled 42 using 3d6+12.  Empowered blast, damage (x1.5).

If I hit, 42 damage to the beastie.

Human Cavalier, 21 posts
Order of the Lion
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 23:15
  • msg #273

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Deciding attack is sometime the bests form of defense Urle charges with his lance.
Demetria herself is well trained horse and not like other animals.
She also little upset at being head butted.  The horse has look of two can play at that game.  So she give creature a good bit back.

The two do there best to run the creature into the grown and knock it over.

22:57, Today: Urle rolled 25 using 1d20+14.  Attack with lance.
22:59, Today: Urle rolled 7 using 1d8+5.  x2 damage.
23:04, Today: Urle rolled 24 using 1d20+11.  Over run action.

Hit AC 25 for 14 damage and CMB 24 knocked prone CD 19 less (cannot be avoided).

23:08, Today: Urle rolled 25 using 1d20+7.  Attack bite.
23:08, Today: Urle rolled 7 using 1d4+4.  Damage.
23:12, Today: Urle rolled 11 using 1d20+4.  Over run action.

Hit AC 25 for 7 damage and CMB 11 knock down (cannot be avoided).

This message was last edited by the player at 23:30, Wed 30 Oct 2019.
Wizard, 58 posts
Thu 31 Oct 2019
at 20:50
  • msg #274

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As the beast landed and attackers swarmed it, Jerec crept out from behind the corner of the house and darted forward in order to get in range to be able to target the creature with a potent spell he knew.

As soon as he was able to get a clear view Jerec made a pattern with his left hand and murmured a series of quick incantations, pointing at the creature with the stiffened fingers of his hand. A blast of white hot fire lanced out and blazed into the beast's broadside, scorching its flesh.
Move Action: Get into range; Standard Action: Cast Scorching Ray (2 rays);
Ranged Touch Attack (Ray I: 10); Damage I: 11
Ranged Touch Attack (Ray II: 10); Damage II: 15

GM, 106 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 2 Nov 2019
at 08:22
  • msg #275

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna Kern:
Reeling from the dragon's bite, Zenna staggers back and fires another volley at the three-headed monstrosity. "Go!" she shouted to her wolf. "Defend Helena!"

5' step backwards, then full attack to fire two arrows with many shot followed by second attack. Free Action to command wolf to Defend Helena.
15:27, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 10 using 1d8+6.  Damage (PBS).
15:27, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 17 using 1d20+7.  Attack.
15:26, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 17 using 2d8+12.  Damage (PBS/Many Shot).
15:24, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 20 using 1d20+13.  Attack (Point Blank/Many Shot). This should actually be 19, modifider should have been 12.

Zenna's companion sprints across the square, out of reach of the chimera, and plants himself between Helena and the beast, growling ferociously.  Zenna unleashes a barrage of arrows, but only two get through, driving deep into the joint by the wing and making that wing droop uselessly.

Deciding attack is sometime the bests form of defense Urle charges with his lance.
Demetria herself is well trained horse and not like other animals.
She also little upset at being head butted.  The horse has look of two can play at that game.  So she give creature a good bit back.

The two do there best to run the creature into the grown and knock it over.

22:57, Today: Urle rolled 25 using 1d20+14.  Attack with lance.
22:59, Today: Urle rolled 7 using 1d8+5.  x2 damage.
23:04, Today: Urle rolled 24 using 1d20+11.  Over run action.

Hit AC 25 for 14 damage and CMB 24 knocked prone CD 19 less (cannot be avoided).

23:08, Today: Urle rolled 25 using 1d20+7.  Attack bite.
23:08, Today: Urle rolled 7 using 1d4+4.  Damage.
23:12, Today: Urle rolled 11 using 1d20+4.  Over run action.

Hit AC 25 for 7 damage and CMB 11 knock down (cannot be avoided).

Urle and Demetria come in from the other side in the next breath, barreling the chimera right over and striking true with lance and tooth!  The chimera is knocked off it its feet, seemingly stunned.  Its dragon head snaps at Urle as he passes, but misses, and the lion head tries to get at the wolf, who dodges with alacrity, leaving it with nothing.

In rapid succession, Davor's spiritual greatsword, Teana's blast of air, and Jerec's twin blasts of fire bring a certain end to the chimera's life!  The town guard fire a couple of volleys of arrows into it, just to be certain.  After a several more moments of silence, it becomes clear the creature is quite dead.  A hush falls over the town, a deathly quiet, as the light of the Horned Moon silvers the scene below with pale light.
Human Cavalier, 22 posts
Order of the Lion
Sat 2 Nov 2019
at 09:25
  • msg #276

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle sits high on the back of Demetria and lifts his lance up in the air toward the moon.

Thane Wylie Tosscobble of Avar Hollow.  A real challenge has been set to see if we are all worthy of courting the moon.  You have opened your gates to us in friendship.  Together we have face the foe and have won.  Now let us heal the wounded,  move the creature body and return to our celebration.  Let us celebrate this friendship.

If Urle can spot the Thane he turns Demetria toward him and faces the halfing.
He places his simple mask back in his face.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:28, Sat 02 Nov 2019.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 43 posts
Sat 2 Nov 2019
at 11:38
  • msg #277

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana let out a breath and stilled the wind around her as the chimera fell, then turned back and descended into the village, aerobraking with invisible wings and coming to a perfectly graceful landing. She took a look at her acid-spattered vest and the armor underneath and winced a bit, but said nothing, instead turning to the others - villagers and fellow adventurers alike - and nodded to Urle. "Well done with that charge, there," she said approvingly. She then walked over to Davor.

"Are you alright, Davor?" she asked the shaman.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 37 posts
Sat 2 Nov 2019
at 15:35
  • msg #278

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I'm fine too, thanks," Zenna assured Teana with a sly wink as she shook acid from her hair. "What the hell was that?" she asked the halfling chieftain. "Have you seen that thing before? Any idea why it would attack you here?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 98 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 2 Nov 2019
at 16:53
  • msg #279

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor thrusts his sword into one of the beast's heads and leaves it there. A few moments after the blade leaves his hands, is dissipates like smoke blown by a light breeze. He looks at Teana and grins. "I'm going to need to get some new tattoos I think." He flexes his left arm experimentally. The acid burned skin cracks and black paint chips away from his breastplate revealing the silver gleam of mithril in the light of the moon.

Strangely, his cloak, though it was already badly tattered, does not seem to have suffered too greatly from having been drenched in acid. From one of its folds, Davor produces a thin piece of wood to which he speaks a word before he starts passing it over his wounds. The burned and blackened skin returns to its original grey-green hue though the tattoos that once covered it are badly damaged. After a moment, only scars remain on the shaman's exposed skin.

Standing, he looks around. "Anyone else?"

Use 2 charges from Wand of Cure Light Wounds to restore 6 hit points.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 3 using 1d8+1.  Wand of Cure Light Wounds.
Davor Spiritwalker rolled 3 using 1d8+1.  Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 15 using 1d20+5.  Knowledge (Nature): Chimeras.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:40, Mon 04 Nov 2019.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 44 posts
Sat 2 Nov 2019
at 17:08
  • msg #280

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana held out her hand for a single tap of the wand, causing most of the acid burns on her body to heal.

09:07, Today: Teana Florin rolled 5 using 1d8+1.  1 wand charge.
Human Cavalier, 24 posts
Order of the Lion
Sat 2 Nov 2019
at 18:22
  • msg #281

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

After Davor uses the first cast of the wand Urle stops the half-orc.
I thought you where a Mystic.  A Shaman, a Soothsayer.
Are they not skilled in healing magic?  Why do you use a magic item?

There seems to be an edge of contempt or dislike in the names Urle uses for the half-orc.
Wizard, 59 posts
Sat 2 Nov 2019
at 20:16
  • msg #282

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Dashing forward to join the others Jerec gazed at the corpse of the beast with consternation, before looking at Davor in concern. The mystic had taken the brunt of the creature's foul breath, and it was a wonder he still stood on his feet.

The cracked and raw skin of the half-orc with its wounds exposed made him ill, and he swallowed down nausea. Before he could say anything though, Davor healed himself by using a wondrous wand containing spells of healing.

"A very useful item that, I pray we won't have to use it much in the future,"
Jerec remarked gazing at the wand with naked jealousy on his features.

Gesturing at the beast's body he went on, "Well this was certainly not a normal occurance. Why did this creature attack?" The mage glanced at one of the guards and gestured him over. "You there, are these types of attacks by unnatural beasts and monsters a normal occurrence?"

Jerec hoped the guard answered in the affirmative, because if not it meant it was Helena's presence here that may have drawn the creature from the skies, and that would be trouble not only for them all but for anyone in their proximity until they unraveled the mystery of Helena's past, present and possibly future.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:55, Sat 02 Nov 2019.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 38 posts
Sun 3 Nov 2019
at 16:34
  • msg #283

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I'll take a couple hits," Zenna tells the half-orc, smiling in gratitude for his sharing the wand.

09:34, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 9 using 1d8+1.

09:33, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 5 using 1d8+1.

09:33, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 3 using 1d8+1.  CLW.

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 101 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 3 Nov 2019
at 18:32
  • msg #284

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor takes care of the others with the wand and then eyes it before looking at Urle. "I guess I could channel the power of the spirits to the same end, but I took this from... well, at any rate I got my hands on this and it does the work without needing to bother the other side." He stuffs the stick back into the folds of his cloak and looks around to see how the town is fairing.
Human Cavalier, 27 posts
Order of the Lion
Sun 3 Nov 2019
at 20:05
  • msg #285

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle seems irritated.  Moving the reins of Demetria.  Stop.  He tells Davor.  That is a waist of a good magic item when it maybe needed later.
He gets of his horse.
Under his breath you can here him speak.
Mystic, Shaman, Soothsayer.  Spellcaster spell blasters Wizards and Sorcerers.
Cleric, priest and paladin.  Charlatans, shister, Rogue, scoundrels and thief's they are one and all.

He turns to each one of the group with a stern look.
You did not see me do this.  Not a word or you will be as breathless as the beast at our feet.

Urle gets down on one knee.
For the Lady of the Shattered Lands, Weaver of Peoples.  For they that guard her.

A wave of positive energy comes from Urle.  Followed by two more.  He gets up.  Not a word.   He repeats.

Urle goes to get back on his horse but stops as he remember something and  turns to Teana Florin.
Thankyou dear lady.  I have been trained sense I was 12 to become a Rider in the Cavalry of Our Lady of Shattered Lands. I worked hard in the skills of horse and weapons that I could join their number as a simple rider.  Just to be one of there riders was enough.  More than enough.
He shakes his head.  But because of Robbins stupid actions it seems I became her body guard.  Me? They should have chosen someone better.

Urle leads Demetria away to the stables and returns to the place he had been in to watch over Helena.
As he does he speaks to his horse.
You did good girl, very good.  I am proud of you.

OOC:  Everybody heals 17 hp.
19:33, Today: Urle rolled 4 using 1d6+1.  Heal all.
19:33, Today: Urle rolled 7 using 1d6+1.  Heal all.
19:32, Today: Urle rolled 6 using 1d6+1.  Heal all.

Everybody healed up.
Davor you should only used your wand once.  You be on 1 hp down.  Up to you if want use second cast.

This message was last edited by the player at 20:10, Sun 03 Nov 2019.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 102 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 4 Nov 2019
at 22:43
  • msg #286

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor makes the motion of turning a key in front of his mouth and throwing the mimed key away. He then begins looking around for smallfolk likely to answer the other's questions while he studies the body of the chimera.
GM, 108 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 7 Nov 2019
at 06:07
  • msg #287

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor considers what he knows about chimeras.  They are violent, predatory beasts said to be created by unnatural magical experimentation.  While some breed true, they are often found at the end of a metaphorical leash of some kind of spellcaster specializing in transmuation magic or priest of chaotic or monstrous god.

Gesturing at the beast's body he went on, "Well this was certainly not a normal occurrence. Why did this creature attack?" The mage glanced at one of the guards and gestured him over. "You there, are these types of attacks by unnatural beasts and monsters a normal occurrence?"

Jerec hoped the guard answered in the affirmative, because if not it meant it was Helena's presence here that may have drawn the creature from the skies, and that would be trouble not only for them all but for anyone in their proximity until they unraveled the mystery of Helena's past, present and possibly future.

The lead guard, an older woman who takes a moment to wipe her brow, shakes her head slowly.  "We get nasty beasties every now and then, but normally they're from underground.  The warning stones give us time to arm the walls and we can cut them down before they get too close.  Big bugs usually, sometimes big snakes or lizards.  Sometimes we get grasscats going after the herds, and once in a while a big flying thing gets blown here after a hard storm, but we haven't had a good blow like that for months."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 103 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 8 Nov 2019
at 01:48
  • msg #288

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor kneels next to the body of the chimera and gives the creature a sniff and a stiff prod. He considers the amalgamated monstrosity for some time before rising to look back at the others. "Beasts like this aren't natural. The spirits hint that this may be the pet of some mage. We bear a fate and there are no accidents with fate. This is an ill omen."
Wizard, 60 posts
Fri 8 Nov 2019
at 19:04
  • msg #289

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Ehmm...interesting," Jerec replied to the guardwoman, stroking his beard and peering at the corpse of the chimera thoughtfully. It seemed to be as he feared, the presence of Helena somehow drew this creature, whether by dark chance or darker design of some twisted conjurer.

However it would not do to let the villagers know they had brought this upon them, assuming it was indeed true. "Yes, an ill omen indeed Davor. Perhaps we should help the villagers with the wounded and then be on our way, we do have a destination to reach and answers to get."
GM, 109 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 12 Nov 2019
at 10:23
  • msg #290

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The group can assist the rest of the townsfolk in getting rid of the corpse by helping them hitch it to their ponies and taking it to the cave mouth they emerged from.  "Something will eat it," seems to be the general consensus.  They'd rather not burn it and let everyone for miles know they were burning something vile, they won't let it lie for dangerous scavengers to pick over it, and they'd rather not bury it and poison their land.  The creatures below are not known for being picky, and they usually stay below.

As those who are interested help drag the chimera away, they notice something interesting.  Between the creature's shoulderblades is a faint mark, easier to notice when you were hitching the creature up to the various beasts of burden.  It's a mage's mark, an arcane sigil, for a wizard known as Thray Mountainson. Having a solitary tower in the foothills of the mountains to the north, the Mountainson is said to be an expert of stone, the crafting, creation, carving, animation, and enchantment of it, and of the study of creatures who carry stone within them, or have abilities to carve or shape that he finds useful.

As well, the group knows that Greenbriar, the elven village some five days away now, has an an elven sage who might know more about Helena's sudden rise to prominence.

The Thane, while grateful for your actions, is also happy to see you upon your way.  "We will never forget this festival... one way or the other.  I am glad that no one was seriously hurt.  Here, take these masks in remembrance, and best of luck to you on your journey," he says, pressing upon you the masks you had during your brief time at the festivities.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 39 posts
Tue 12 Nov 2019
at 14:43
  • msg #291

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna accepts the mask without acknowledgement. "Have you had any dealings with a wizard in the mountains yonder?" she asks the little Thane, nodding in the appropriate direction. "Thray Mountainson, if that means anything to you?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 104 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 13 Nov 2019
at 00:51
  • msg #292

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor is one of those who offers to help transport the corpse of the chimera to the mouth of the cave. He is of the opinion that, if anything, the myconids will appreciate it. Though he doubts that they often venture to that entrance. He notices the mark and recognizes it from his time in the mountains. When he returns to town, he informs any who did not come of the discovery.

When the Thane offers the masks, Davor accepts his with a grin. He is eager to discuss their plans once they are beyond the borders of the village, but for the time being he doesn't feel inclined to ask any questions that might invite suspicion.
GM, 110 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 13 Nov 2019
at 10:15
  • msg #293

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The Thane gives a small shrug.  "No dealings direct, though occasionally caravans have come through that bear goods of his tower's working, statues and icons and delicate little decorative bits.  He takes apprentices from time to time, so it is said, which makes sense as one man would be hard-pressed to do all he is said to do, even if only mundane things."
Wizard, 61 posts
Wed 13 Nov 2019
at 20:57
  • msg #294

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec noted the mark and the remarks about the wizard with a stoic, unreadable expression. Stroking his chin he glanced towards Helena and said, "Our journey to the Sage must take priority, and we must leave as soon as possible."

Looking at the Thane he bowed slightly and added, "Our thanks for your hospitality, and any trouble we may have caused. One small favor I must ask, we arrived here because we are escaping assassins hunting us for...reasons that will take too long to explain. Let me just say, those hunting us are evil, enemies of all good folk. So if any anyone comes inquiring about us, please feign ignorance of ever having seen us."

Jerec did not want to go into too many details in case their pursuers caught up (and if what he suspected about the Chimera was true, they may already have) and interrogated the villagers. Nor did he want to reveal their destination for the same reason. He just hoped any trouble they had brought upon the villagers would leave with them.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 45 posts
Sat 16 Nov 2019
at 22:06
  • msg #295

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana took her mask with a gracious nod, then looked to the others. "We should get going. Faster we make it to Greenbriar, the safer Helena will be."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 105 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 16 Nov 2019
at 23:35
  • msg #296

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor nods his agreement. He is clearly reluctant to discuss anything else in the presence of the smallfolk. He heads for the gate.
GM, 112 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sun 17 Nov 2019
at 02:47
  • msg #297

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The group makes their hasty farewells and departs before anything else can happy.  It lacks only a few hours until dawn, so you can travel for a while longer before needing to sleep.  Mounting a guard throughout part of the day, you don't see much but birds, insects, and the occasional rustle of rabbits or rodents.  Waking before noon, you can press on to try to cover as much ground as possible.  The Vellowgrass Plains stretch out before you as you keep pushing back towards the Farlight Forest, the growing line of green from the towering trees growing taller by the day.  By the third day, you're into the cool green paths, a relief after the shadeless expanse.

While on the Plains, you had been wary but had not seen signs of any mongrels, only the occasional traveler or trader on the road.  But when you reach the Farlight Forest, the places to hide multiply, and anything may hide within.  You seek out the best path you can, keep alert, and travel warily.  It's perhaps midday when you see what seems to be mist ahead on the path.  But as you get a little closer, you realize it's not mist but spiders' webs, huge sheets of them, thick across the paths and through the trees.  It's eerily silent except for a faint drip of water from an early-morning rain shower, with even the birds having fallen silent...
Wizard, 63 posts
Sun 17 Nov 2019
at 12:40
  • msg #298

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Despite their strenuous march, Jerec found the days of travel to be a welcome reprieve from the trials of the days before. The mage finally found he could let down his guard and chat with his companions, or just enjoy the scenery.

Ofcourse, good things never lasted. It seemed to be going well when they entered the forest but as soon as they came across the webs Jerec knew there would be trouble. "Not a good sign, where there are webs there are giant spiders, and even worse things, things from older ages," muttered the mage to his companions, gazing at the webs warily.

The webs appeared to be across all the paths they could see, so there did not seem to be an option to chose another path, aside from turning back, which they could not do. Unless...Jerec quickly turned to Teana and asked her, "Teana, could you use your talents to fly above the tree line and see if there is another way through the forest?"

Anticipating trouble nonetheless, the mage murmured the words to a spell of warding, and a slight shimmer suffused him for a moment before vanishing.

"Unless if Teana finds us another way through, I think there is nothing to it but burning our way through these," he said to the others. "I hope we have torches aplenty."
Perception check: 11. Aside from listening and looking for signs of an ambush from the path, webs and the trees, Jerec will try to see if there are alternate paths in sight.

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 106 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 17 Nov 2019
at 21:32
  • msg #299

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Each night during the journey, Davor communes with the spirits looking for insight on their path. He shares what he learns, no matter how cryptic with the rest of the party.

When the group reaches the spider webs blocking their path, the shaman's first instinct is to search for magic. A word and a gesture before his eyes allow him to see traces magic in the surrounding area. "The spirits might know another path as well, or at least which way would be safest, but it would take some time to consult with them."

Davor casts Detect Magic.
Human Cavalier, 29 posts
Order of the Lion
Mon 18 Nov 2019
at 04:20
  • msg #300

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle studies the area head.
Drawing his sword instead of his lance.

04:16, Today: Urle rolled 18 using 1d20+5.  Knowledge: Nature.
04:15, Today: Urle rolled 26 using 1d20+8.  Perception.

Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 46 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2019
at 04:29
  • msg #301

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Sadly, I can't even carry one of you, or I'd suggest that we go over."

Teana rose to try to examine the forest from the sky, looking for a way through - or around - that didn't get them tangled in webbing.

19:28, Today: Teana Florin rolled 15 using 1d20+5.  Perception.
GM, 113 posts
Weaver of Tales
Fri 22 Nov 2019
at 09:51
  • msg #302

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The group examines the area with great care.  Davor's sight shows some faint conjuration magic within the webbing, dispersed evenly throughout.  While Jerec and Teana don't see any particular route through or over the webs, Urle's eyes snag on a particular set of webbing that looks more sturdy to his eyes.  He takes a few steps to the side to confirm it, and then he sees: there is a way over, through a cunningly-concealed rope bridge that starts as a low tree branch just outside the webbing.  It wouldn't be visible to most, but the broad bridge, now that he sees it, could easily take three people walking abreast.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 107 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 26 Nov 2019
at 00:44
  • msg #303

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor shakes his head. "The spirits are showing me traces of magic in the webs. I doubt that it is meant to be helpful, whatever it is. I think it would be best to find another route if there is one."
GM, 115 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 27 Nov 2019
at 06:44
  • msg #304

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As Davor speaks, the webs shift slightly, and six shimmering spiders the size of large dogs, each ghostly silver, appear amongst the webs.  They slowly creep downwards in perfect synchronization, each making a peculiar bell-like tone as their legs strike the webs.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 47 posts
Wed 27 Nov 2019
at 06:50
  • msg #305

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana landed and looked at the pale spiders. "They don't look friendly."

21:49, Today: Teana Florin rolled 26 using 1d20+6.  Knowledge: Nature.

26. What have I heard about these?

A moment later, she shook her head. "Actually, I retract that. These are moon spiders - and this is not their normal behavior. Please don't attack." She then walked toward the spiders - though remaining at something of a distance - and bowed respectfully.

"[Language unknown: Ha prriil om, omac'ndth n our Acas]," she said in flawless Elvish.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:12, Sun 01 Dec 2019.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 40 posts
Wed 27 Nov 2019
at 17:18
  • msg #306

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna was not particularly inclined to attack the spiders even before the half-elf spoke. Her hand hovered near her bow just in case, but she kept her distance, hopeful that Teanna could learn something from the arachnids, or at least convince them to permit the party passage through - or along? - their webs.
Wizard, 64 posts
Wed 27 Nov 2019
at 20:01
  • msg #307

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec had instinctively moved back at the appearance of the spiders, staff raised defensively and the words to a powerful spell on his lips. It was a powerful conjuration of fire, which could not only dismay the spiders but possibly also burn through the webs.

He hesitated when Teana spoke though, listening carefully and waiting to see how the spiders responded, as he was fluent in Elven as well.
Human Cavalier, 30 posts
Order of the Lion
Fri 29 Nov 2019
at 18:28
  • msg #308

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle says to himself.
Spend to much time speaking to spirits and not enough looking right in frond of yourself.

Urle walks over and tests the spiders web.

He then point.
I can see a way through.  It looks like it is a rope bridge make of silk.
What do you think.  Shall we try this.

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 108 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 30 Nov 2019
at 14:16
  • msg #309

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Once the spiders appeared, Davor took a step back and watched cautiously. If Teana was willing to try and treat with the creatures, he would let her, but he remained cautious. Just because the spiders were intelligent did not mean they weren't dangerous. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

The shaman's eyes flicked briefly towards Urle at the man's comment, but he showed no other sign that he had heard the words. "We should wait. If the spiders guard the way, we must deal with them one way or another."
This message was last edited by the player at 02:58, Wed 04 Dec 2019.
GM, 116 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sun 1 Dec 2019
at 06:13
  • msg #310

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana Florin:
Teana landed and looked at the pale spiders. "They don't look friendly."

21:49, Today: Teana Florin rolled 26 using 1d20+6.  Knowledge: Nature.

26. What have I heard about these?

A moment later, she shook her head. "Actually, I retract that. These are moon spiders - and this is not their normal behavior. Please don't attack." She then walked toward the spiders - though remaining at something of a distance - and bowed respectfully.

"[Language unknown: To wallce thnd, ovelatlarugh m etho Olut]," she said in flawless Elvish.

The center spider pauses, the frontmost two legs coming together as if clasping hands in a prayerful manner.  "[Language unknown: Itous lesenctha andni preivewheres o rut Omeaveureconintest, ecel prni rutbe ma men k reand ananha, andoulkorpreere.  O larpr ulus a virhouthe rehat, a nce ev?]"

The other two spiders are still, though there is a faint skittering that might mean there are more behind the hanging webs further in that cannot yet be seen.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 48 posts
Sun 1 Dec 2019
at 11:56
  • msg #311

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana paused for a moment to digest what the spiders said, then responded.
Heir, 51 posts
Tue 3 Dec 2019
at 20:38
  • msg #312

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena just kept silent, she had been silent for quite a long time, as she was sure all of the calamities that kept happening were because of her. She just wanted her life back, or more accurately the peace that came with it. It wasn't a good or nice life, but at least she could be sure she wasn't harming anybody. And the horrors that kept coming certainly didn't help.

Now a few giant spiders guarded the way. She felt fear of their unusual and eerie presence, and what could happen if Teana didn't manage to appease them. And the idea that they could in fact be peaceful creatures bothered her even more, after all, they could be even more innocents harmed because of her existence. She instinctively drew close to Davor and clung to him.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 109 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 4 Dec 2019
at 03:14
  • msg #313

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor was caught off-guard when Helena gripped him. He was hardly used to close contact; the orcs of his childhood never showed such affection and most people in civilized lands were too disturbed by or outright scared of him to get so close. The half-orc's attention was drawn away from the Teana and her conference with the spiders to the young woman at his side.

Fortune telling was not the world's most honest profession, but there were a number of skills required to perform it well. One of those skills was the ability to intuit people's feelings quickly an accurately. The girl's guilt, or at least sense of responsibility, was palpable. Her discomfort with the sudden changes was to be expected.

"I have found over years of living in the wild not entirely of my own will, that there is a kind of peace to be found out here that is never possible in a town." The shaman was seemingly musing to himself in a low voice. "The trick is not to think too hard about a destination, or a goal. Allowing the will of the spirits to guide you grants a different kind of peace. The wilds are full of strange things, but I once said the same about civilization."
GM, 118 posts
Weaver of Tales
Fri 6 Dec 2019
at 10:07
  • msg #314

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana Florin:
Teana paused for a moment to digest what the spiders said, then responded.

The spider in the middle tapped their legs together briefly.  "[Language unknown: Ec ta oul e laticanti li, ri nc comstivor e aconunis mi ieame ma.  Fo tedyinati hi ecreto mo buthisrom ei viron asnontacev, itet er alhat and chennd pe earatehatthi titi ntna ne rutpa ers o pre]."  The middle spider spreads its first pair of legs in what would be a magnanimous gesture for most humanoids, and then points to the route through the webs that Urle had noted earlier.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 49 posts
Fri 6 Dec 2019
at 11:09
  • msg #315

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana looked at the rest of the group. "Are any of you trained singers?" she asked in Common. "Preferably but not necessarily in Elven."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 41 posts
Fri 6 Dec 2019
at 14:48
  • msg #316

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna blanched at the prospect. "Such gifts are not to be shared under duress! Better that than the gift of blood, I suppose, but... I hope someone else can?" The thought of performing filled her with a dread that no monster could, and in particular she didn't like the idea of doing it at anyone's behest.
Wizard, 65 posts
Fri 6 Dec 2019
at 20:40
  • msg #317

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Raising an eyebrow at the spiders' request, Jerec muttered something into his beard in exasperation. [Language unknown: "Fi whe, nceel elmont e iv ion is san siadlo lo cenaen t redratore? Poca tho, u catr n andournte ameternte?"]
This message was last edited by the player at 20:41, Fri 06 Dec 2019.
Human Cavalier, 31 posts
Order of the Lion
Fri 6 Dec 2019
at 22:17
  • msg #318

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle answers.
I know few battle songs but they really only good for group that drinking an evening away after hard day.  Not really what spiders would wish.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:29, Sat 07 Dec 2019.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 110 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 7 Dec 2019
at 15:08
  • msg #319

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor's attention is pulled away from Helena by Teana's question. "I have been taught the ritual chants of the orc tribes. I don't know that they would be to the spiders' liking either."
Heir, 52 posts
Tue 10 Dec 2019
at 04:02
  • msg #320

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Upon hearing the request for song Helena dared to speak. "I can sing, a little. I used to sing for the other orphans and while working on my wares. Customers like it, a little."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 42 posts
Thu 12 Dec 2019
at 22:59
  • msg #321

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Well let's hear it, then. Before this thing gets any notions of collecting a gift of blood."
Heir, 53 posts
Fri 13 Dec 2019
at 03:23
  • msg #322

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena closed her eyes and began singing about the fields and a departed lover, and the sun.

21:20, Today: Helena rolled 18 using 1d20+13.  Sing, song of nature, love and sun.

Dice Roller just hates me today.

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 111 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 13 Dec 2019
at 16:16
  • msg #323

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor listens to Helena sing. The song is a better performance than any he would have made and certainly about more appropriate topics. Out of the corner of his eye, he watches the spiders to gauge their reaction.
GM, 120 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 14 Dec 2019
at 06:12
  • msg #324

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The spiders seem to quiet at Helena's song, remaining attentive to the end.  When the song comes to an end, the two silent spiders crawl back up into the trees as the central spider speaks.  "[Language unknown: Fo plwepo onehi red hasil anyersbut.  Ek strillart, al no nte ai, ee trsta redticted.]"  Then the central spider ascends as well, leaving the group with the path Urle had found open to them.

The group can walk the oddly springy path, easily large enough for Urle's horse, as it winds through the trees and back down again, the webs and branches makes it nearly impossible to get a clear view of one's surroundings or even where they are going, precisely.  It takes perhaps half an hour before the path slopes all the way to the ground in a clearing ringed by green, thorny branches, a large arched tunnel extending into a broad, paved plaza surrounded by fine buildings that seem to have grown from the ground and woven into elegant shapes.  A silvery moon spider squats next to an elderly elf woman, her white hair brushing the ground behind her, her robes seemingly woven of silver and starlight.  Her expression is one of curiosity and openness.

"Welcome to Greenbriar, travelers.  I am Yalevenia the Sage, and Melody here tells me that you have come a long way to find us," she says, her voice an aged whisper.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 50 posts
Sat 14 Dec 2019
at 07:23
  • msg #325

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana smiled at Helena. "Beautiful song. You've got some real talent."

She followed behind Urle on the path. When they reached Greenbriar, Teana gave the Sage a graceful bow of greeting, but turned to the others who had led them on this path. She herself knew very little about Greenbriar, other than that an elderly elven sage was clearly someone not to trifle with.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 112 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 14 Dec 2019
at 13:55
  • msg #326

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor moves to the front when the party emerges into the clearing. He gives a surprisingly polite bow to the elven woman which looks all the stranger coming from this wild half-orc. "We knew Greenbriar was the first stop on our journey further north. I've heard that there's a place called the Circle of Crowns where we could seek the wisdom of the elves. There've been many twists and turns on our journey already and danger hounds us. We'd not have you unprepared if they arrive on your doorstep and we wouldn't ask you to give us shelter without knowing the danger."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 43 posts
Sat 14 Dec 2019
at 15:26
  • msg #327

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna flinched a bit at Davor's words, as she was ready to accept any help they could get, but she otherwise waited quietly to see how the elven woman would receive them.
GM, 121 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 16 Dec 2019
at 04:50
  • msg #328

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor moves to the front when the party emerges into the clearing. He gives a surprisingly polite bow to the elven woman which looks all the stranger coming from this wild half-orc. "We knew Greenbriar was the first stop on our journey further north. I've heard that there's a place called the Circle of Crowns where we could seek the wisdom of the elves. There've been many twists and turns on our journey already and danger hounds us. We'd not have you unprepared if they arrive on your doorstep and we wouldn't ask you to give us shelter without knowing the danger."

"If it is wisdom you seek, then you have arrived here in good time.  We do not receive many visitors, and of late most of those have been hostile.  Mongrels have been seen in the woods, and Melody's kin have fed well on those who would not heed warnings.  Come."  Yalevenia moves slowly into the village proper, and is soon joined by a younger elf man, whom she leans on.  Melody the spider returns to her webs.

Yalevenia calls to a few passing younger elves and speaks to them in a low tone.  They scatter on whatever errands she has set them on as Yalevenia presses onward to a grove of willows whose drooping branches conceal the inside from prying eyes.  A middle-aged elf woman meets them, dressed in simple pale blue robes with complicated green embroidery, with strands of flowering vines braided in her hair.  She holds a flagon of glass filled with water, which she pours out for each of you, including large bowls for Urle's steed and Zenna's wolf.  The water is quite cold and tastes of minerals.

"The Circle gathers, Eldest," the woman says when she is done.  Yalevenia nods, and has her escort hold aside the branches.  Inside are a circle of standing stones, thick with carvings and moss, with smaller stone below them where elderly elves are taking their places.  Within the circle of willows, the small sounds of the village are deadened, and the place has an air of great calm.  If you choose to go inside, Yalevenia follows and is aided to her seat by her escort, who then withdraws.  There are a dozen elderly elves in elaborate robes, two of them quite blind (one bearing  staff, the other a spear), one bearing a thin bow on the ground at his side, one carrying a sword, one with a large white raven on her shoulder, a pair of twins who wear metal bracers, one whose hair is still fiery red (actually flickering with tiny flames), one who looks faintly wet with pale green skin, an exceptionally frail and tiny elf who sits upon a small disk of magical force, a stooped one with a scar upon his brow, and Yalevenia with her long hair pooling on the ground.

"You are strangers to our woods, but ones of benign intent and certain need, else you would not have traveled here uninvited but open-hearted.  And upon the heels of searching mongrels, I see there must be something of grave import amongst you.  What counsel do you need of the Circle of Crowns?" asks the scarred elf, in a firm, carrying voice that could have been heard on a battlefield.
Wizard, 66 posts
Mon 16 Dec 2019
at 20:30
  • msg #329

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As he followed their host further into the village until they reached the so proclaimed Circle, Jerec gazed in wonder at the gathered elves, many of them elderly, which for elves meant they were truly of a legendary age. What things they must have seen during their lives!

His mind was a whirl, as the mage realized he stood among beings of ancient wisdom and undoubtedly power as well. Not only could they find the answers they sought here, but much and more besides. There could be few limits to the arcane lore these beings had gathered, and Jerec seriously considered asking to stay and learn from them for a few years.

And yet, they had a task to do and that must surely come first. Clearing his throat he bowed to the gathered elven council and spoke, "I am Jerec esteemed ones, a mage of some middling skill. Days ago my companions and I came across this young lady, a villager by the name of Helena, just as she was set upon by the mongrels you mentioned."

Jerec paused and gestured towards Helena, before continuing to speak, "She seems to be the heir of some power or importance that we cannot yet determine, and pursued by all manner of beastial abominations. Perhaps you can shed some light on this mystery and those hunting her, and offer a solution so that she may find a way to live in peace once more."
ooc: Jerec will try to recal what he may have heard about this 'Circle of Crowns'

Knowledge (History): 27; Knowledge (Arcana): 29

Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 51 posts
Mon 16 Dec 2019
at 20:57
  • msg #330

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana briefly glanced at Jerec as he explained what he wanted to hear, then turned back to the Circle to listen to what they had to say.
Human Cavalier, 32 posts
Order of the Lion
Mon 16 Dec 2019
at 21:03
  • msg #331

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Seeing little point in saying anything Urle just stays close to Helena.
His job was to guard her.  Keep her alive.
He lot other do talking as he not been allowed to return her to his orders.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 113 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 16 Dec 2019
at 23:20
  • msg #332

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor offers a little more information. "I have had visions and counsel from gods and spirits. Signs which portent great change for the world of mortals and of the potential for many nations to become one. Two forces converged on a single being: one a jagged thing of black and red and green, trailing poison and pain, the other a glowing gold and pink, leaving flowers and silver in its wake. I will admit that the meaning of some of these signs is beyond me, but the spirits led us here to you."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 44 posts
Mon 16 Dec 2019
at 23:43
  • msg #333

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna opened her mouth, then realized she had nothing to say. Nothing important, anyway, for she was not the one most in need of answers. She gave Helena an encouraging look. The young woman was clearly frustrated and confused, and Zenna hoped for her sake that these elves, wise as they appeared, could offer her some explanation for what was happening to her and why.
GM, 122 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 08:01
  • msg #334

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As he followed their host further into the village until they reached the so proclaimed Circle, Jerec gazed in wonder at the gathered elves, many of them elderly, which for elves meant they were truly of a legendary age. What things they must have seen during their lives!

His mind was a whirl, as the mage realized he stood among beings of ancient wisdom and undoubtedly power as well. Not only could they find the answers they sought here, but much and more besides. There could be few limits to the arcane lore these beings had gathered, and Jerec seriously considered asking to stay and learn from them for a few years.

And yet, they had a task to do and that must surely come first. Clearing his throat he bowed to the gathered elven council and spoke, "I am Jerec esteemed ones, a mage of some middling skill. Days ago my companions and I came across this young lady, a villager by the name of Helena, just as she was set upon by the mongrels you mentioned."

Jerec paused and gestured towards Helena, before continuing to speak, "She seems to be the heir of some power or importance that we cannot yet determine, and pursued by all manner of beastial abominations. Perhaps you can shed some light on this mystery and those hunting her, and offer a solution so that she may find a way to live in peace once more."
ooc: Jerec will try to recall what he may have heard about this 'Circle of Crowns'

Knowledge (History): 27; Knowledge (Arcana): 29

The elf with the white raven speaks first.  "I am Hebidarin, Crown of the Inner Eye.
 Explain in much detail precisely what happened, anything you saw, anything you felt that was out of the ordinary, and anything that was said by the mongrels,
" she asks gently.

If the group is forthcoming, the members of the Circle murmur amongst themselves slightly, their voices low and slightly agitated.

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor offers a little more information. "I have had visions and counsel from gods and spirits. Signs which portent great change for the world of mortals and of the potential for many nations to become one. Two forces converged on a single being: one a jagged thing of black and red and green, trailing poison and pain, the other a glowing gold and pink, leaving flowers and silver in its wake. I will admit that the meaning of some of these signs is beyond me, but the spirits led us here to you."

Hebidarin nods at Davor as he tells her about his vision, looking as if he just gave her a piece of the puzzle.  The very frail old elf woman sitting atop the disk of force addresses Helena.  "I am The Frail, Crown of History.  Young woman, long ago, when your many-times-great grandmother was alive, there was a great empire called Merkarium.  All the lands in which you've traveled, all the lands that you've ever heard of and beyond, they were all part of the Empire.  It had great shining cities raised by magic, and enormous centers of learning and inventing and spellcraft were common.  But the unrestrained use of magic had a terrible cost upon the lands and people.  Long ago wars tore the Empire apart, and Merkarium's Imperial family were deposed and most killed as the Empire fragmented.  Very few escaped, and all were said to have died by assassins, even the bastard sons and daughters.  It was because of the Imperial bloodline - you see, some of the greatest war machines and magical engines could only be activated by a scion of royal blood.  With no one left of the blood, the ancient wonders of the past were left to molder in their vaults."  The Frail smiles sadly.

"Until now.  It seems that the gods, the spirits, maybe an ancient form of magic has loosed itself into the world and found the last person remaining with blood of the ancient Imperials.  That is you, my dear.  Your touch could activate those machines, and with them, you could have a comfortable personal future... or cause a revolution.  It seems you stand at a crossroads, as you have a choice to make about what you will do.  You have the powers to bring forth wonders, or raise armies.  The mongrels, it seems have found something likely related to the later, or they would not be seeking you so diligently."
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:39, Sun 22 Dec 2019.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 52 posts
Sun 22 Dec 2019
at 03:52
  • msg #335

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana let the others discuss the mongrels, since she hadn't been in that fight so closely. But as the Crown of History ended her explanation, she turned to look at Helena for the girl's reaction.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 114 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 22 Dec 2019
at 19:03
  • msg #336

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor whistles softly and also glances at Helena out of the corner of his eye. He doesn't want to step on the girls toes, though he suspects that she may be too stunned to speak.
GM, 124 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 28 Dec 2019
at 03:04
  • msg #337

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Hebidarin, Crown of the Inner Eye, says, "Have there been further omens than the vision you describe and the events in the town square?  Any unusual weather, activities of beasts or sentients, any odd places you've seen in reality or dreams?  There is a reason all of this is coming to a head now.  The omens that have been swirling around this young woman have sharpened to attract to her like skyfire to a lightning rod."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 45 posts
Sat 28 Dec 2019
at 13:15
  • msg #338

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Chimera!" Zenna blurted out. The strange beast had been on her mind ever since the attack, and she was eager to have an explanation for it.

Edit: Corrected the name of the mythical creature we fought :-)
This message was last edited by the player at 21:39, Sat 28 Dec 2019.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 116 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 28 Dec 2019
at 18:02
  • msg #339

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor nods, agreeing with Zenna. "We were attacked by a beast. It bore the symbol of the wizard Thray Mountainson. I have had mixed experiences with wizards, but that one is famous enough in the mountains that I have heard his name."

The shaman ponders briefly before relating the details of another vision. "The spirits also showed me four paths that we could take: a mountain redoubt, a forest glen, a cavern in twilight, and the sea coast. We find ourselves in a glen now, though there is always a deeper meaning in the spirits' messages. This one was delivered by a woman as bright as a star and surrounded by six knights."
Human Cavalier, 33 posts
Order of the Lion
Sat 28 Dec 2019
at 21:19
  • msg #340

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle is his normal stone faces self.
He keeps an eye on Helena and says very little.
Wizard, 67 posts
Sun 29 Dec 2019
at 22:01
  • msg #341

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec nodded at Zenna and Davor's words, waiting for the Hebidarin to reply. He was astounded by the answers, yet also grateful for the mystery to be resolved after all. But it brought with it even more questions, and more dangerous perils.

"Do you know who those mongrels work for, and how they detected Helena to be the last of the Imperial bloodline of Merkarium? And what advice do you have for her, and her guardians? Where do we go from here?" he queried the elven sages.

It seemed Helena was destined to somehow activate the machines of those elder times, but to what end? And was it truly necessary? Helena appeared the sort who would far prefer a life of peaceful ignomity, unless if the mage had read her completely wrong.

"What if she does not want anything to do with her legacy? Is there anyway she could be rid of this magic, or a way for her to live in recluse and peace?"
he added to his list of questions.
GM, 125 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 30 Dec 2019
at 08:22
  • msg #342

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor nods, agreeing with Zenna. "We were attacked by a beast. It bore the symbol of the wizard Thray Mountainson. I have had mixed experiences with wizards, but that one is famous enough in the mountains that I have heard his name."

The shaman ponders briefly before relating the details of another vision. "The spirits also showed me four paths that we could take: a mountain redoubt, a forest glen, a cavern in twilight, and the sea coast. We find ourselves in a glen now, though there is always a deeper meaning in the spirits' messages. This one was delivered by a woman as bright as a star and surrounded by six knights."

The elf with the bow, a slim man whose wrinkles are so fine that his great age isn't immediately obvious, is the one to speak after the circle consults with one another.  "I am Falanon, Crown of Beasts.  The chimera is an unnatural creature, but one that yet follows the rules of its component creatures.  Quelvarin, the Crown of the Arcane," he nods at the woman with flames in her hair, who nods back at him, "says that lion and goat provide strength and hunting power, but the dragon in the chimera supplies the magic that aids the meld, and it is magic that can be called to, bound, and twisted if one has the will.  Though I cannot say with complete certainty, I speculate that the creature was stolen and sent on your scent.  You were forced to leave the town abruptly, yes?  If the creature had been stolen against some future need, all one would need would be something from Helena's home for the creature to be able to seek her. Your strength and that of the smallfolk prevented a tragedy, as likely those who sent it did not expect you to be within walls."

Quelvarin takes up the narrative.  "Thray Mountainson is careful with his creations as well as who he sells them to.  There may be a dead or intimidated client of his who is missing a chimera."

The blind elf with the staff speaks next.  "I am Xalphanio, Crown of Dreams.  Six knights is a powerful card in an old deck of divination.  In the modern Harrow deck the card is called The Uprising, an overwhelming strength that catches the subject up in something much more powerful.  The shining star woman I believe is as the Harrow card of the Big Sky, one who causes momentous change.  The four places, those are avenues of the change, the nexus of them, if you will.  How dramatic and open the change may be.  Consider this: a change atop a mountain is seen by all the land at once, a change upon the shores of the sea spreads everywhere eventually, what takes place in a forest glen travels only as fast as the inhabitants of the forest do, while what takes place in a cavern only is known by those who venture out of it.  It is not a matter of change taking place or not, it will, it is a matter of who knows it and how widespread it will be."

Jerec nodded at Zenna and Davor's words, waiting for the Hebidarin to reply. He was astounded by the answers, yet also grateful for the mystery to be resolved after all. But it brought with it even more questions, and more dangerous perils.

"Do you know who those mongrels work for, and how they detected Helena to be the last of the Imperial bloodline of Merkarium? And what advice do you have for her, and her guardians? Where do we go from here?" he queried the elven sages.

The elf with the sword speaks in answer to Jerec's first set of questions.  "I am Kedrenal, Crown of War.  Some great magic was loosed that sought out the heir, and such a magic could only have come from ancient Imperial sources.  It would likely have been a warning to any Imperials that their vaults had been accessed.  But there is only one Imperial left, my dear."  He bends a kindly smile upon Helena before continuing.  "I expect this: Someone has opened a vault.  Found that ancient warning system.  Was already allies with the mongrels, or commanded their loyalty.  Sent them to watch for anything unusual where the omens gathered, and determined that where they focused the most, the Heir would be revealed.  Clearly the gods and spirits sent out what warnings they could, but no god or spirit hands their followers an entirely clear map, yes?  Mortals must make their own choices."

Kedrenal raises an eyebrow at the scarred elf, who looks faintly amused.  The Crown of War continues.

"I believe you seek someone with the knowledge and power to uncover an ancient vault, someone who already holds mongrel allegiance, and someone who either knew or was already a client of Thray Mountainson.  The signs point to your enemy being a powerful magician with a silver tongue and willingness to work with those whom other reject.  I do not know such a person by name, but if you found who commanded the chimera, I believe you will find your foe.  The Mountainson will know who was supposed to have it, and then you will either know the name you seek, or will find the scene of the crime of your true foe."

It seemed Helena was destined to somehow activate the machines of those elder times, but to what end? And was it truly necessary? Helena appeared the sort who would far prefer a life of peaceful ignomity, unless if the mage had read her completely wrong.

"What if she does not want anything to do with her legacy? Is there anyway she could be rid of this magic, or a way for her to live in recluse and peace?"
he added to his list of questions.

It is the twin elves with the bracers who answer this time, their voices in unison.  "We are Yis-Fallon, Crowns of Blood.  Can you deny your mother and father, even if you do not know them?  Rage and plea to the gods and spirits, your blood remains your blood.  It is not something that can be rejected.  But what can be woken can also be put to slumber, if one has the will.  It may be enough to use what the Empire created to lock their vaults once again, if you have a way to convince those who seek such power that the alternative would threaten their blood.  Someone seeks to control Helena like a puppet.  For a time, even if only a shining moment, you will have to be an Empress."
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:23, Mon 30 Dec 2019.
Human Cavalier, 34 posts
Order of the Lion
Mon 30 Dec 2019
at 18:31
  • msg #343

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle listens to the elves.
He then speaks in a low tone.
Elves and there wisdom.  Consider this: a change atop a mountain  covered in thick clouds will be seen by no-one for it is hidden, a change upon the shores of the sea may sink an island killing all that live there, but the island is rarely visited and nobody cares, what takes place in a forest glen may set forest on fire and all around will see it, while what takes place in a cavern creates giant Insects that slowly come out and destroy the animals and lands around them.

Urle looks up. Oh He says now realizing he is speaking out loud.
He looks over to Helena.
I am sorry.  That was wrong of me.  I will protect you for as long as you wish my lady.  That and that alone is my role and pleasure.
Urle goes back to looking at his feet hoping the elves will forget what he just said.
In an even lower voice just so can be heard he adds
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 118 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 2 Jan 2020
at 06:25
  • msg #344

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor eyes Urle, but speaks to the elves. "I first learned of using cards when I came to civilization. My people don't use cards to interpret the will of the spirits." He shakes the bag of bones tied to his belt. "I'm sure that as with every message from the beyond, interpretations vary. I think I see more of what the vision meant than I did before."

As the rest of the elves speak, Davor studies Helena's reaction. "We have a path to follow, but I've ventured off the path before. It's your choice. Do we seek out the wizard?"
Heir, 54 posts
Tue 7 Jan 2020
at 06:16
  • msg #345

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena's head was swimming with the attention of all of these important strangers talking about such a grand history and destiny.  "I... I'm an orphan, a weaver and dyer.  I know naught of empires or being an Empress!"  The very idea seems to frighten her.  "I don't want to hurt anyone, not even by accident.  If... if this other mage in the mountains knows how to stop all this, couldn't we ask him?"  Her voice seems small, though she is clearly trying very hard not to seem too afraid.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 53 posts
Tue 7 Jan 2020
at 07:07
  • msg #346

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana rolled her eyes a bit at Urle, then turned to Helena and shook her head. "It's not going to be that simple. Whoever's behind the mongrels isn't going to back down just because we ask nicely, and if you want to be free of him, there's going to be more blood on the ground before we're done." She reached over to Helena and patted her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Helena. If I could, I would take this burden from you. But all I can do right now is help you through your trials and advise you where I can."

"The Mountainson will know more about our enemy, though. But we also need to know more about these vaults and where to find them."
GM, 127 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 11 Jan 2020
at 04:31
  • msg #347

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana Florin:
Teana rolled her eyes a bit at Urle, then turned to Helena and shook her head. "It's not going to be that simple. Whoever's behind the mongrels isn't going to back down just because we ask nicely, and if you want to be free of him, there's going to be more blood on the ground before we're done." She reached over to Helena and patted her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Helena. If I could, I would take this burden from you. But all I can do right now is help you through your trials and advise you where I can."

"The Mountainson will know more about our enemy, though. But we also need to know more about these vaults and where to find them."

The blind elf with the staff speaks up.  "I am Santirian, Crown of Lands.  There were many vaults, and such things were held in secret, as they were to put down rebellions or raise great cities.  However, with the passing of the Empire, certain things can be discerned.  There was a stronghold in the mountains, the remains of which were declared cursed.  They lie fifty miles from the Mountainson's own abode.  There was also a city in what is now the Vellowgrass Plains, near where you were attacked, said to be the sight of many wonders.  Both of those places may have not just wonders or terrors that answer to the Heir, but also other things hidden away against greatest need, weapons or items of magic, that never got a chance to be employed.  I think the mountain stronghold is to be the likelier site of your foe, but you may choose to arm yourselves further before confronting such a person.  Or else perhaps you have other resources?"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 54 posts
Sat 11 Jan 2020
at 04:42
  • msg #348

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana nodded to the Crown of Lands. "Thank you," she said, then looked at Helena.

"I advise a side trip to the Vellowgrass vault before we do anything else. Our enemy and his mongrelfolk friends have whatever he's managed to get working from his vault. Let's not go into this unarmed."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 119 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 11 Jan 2020
at 19:03
  • msg #349

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor grunts a general agreement with Teana's words to Helena. Though his expression is implacable, he continues to watch the apparent heir to the Empire out of the corner of his eye as the conversation continues.

As Santrian speaks, a look of puzzlement crosses Davor's face. "But I thought this foe wouldn't have been able to use any of the contents of the vault? That was the whole idea. They would need Helena. Or are there regular weapons alongside the imperial ones? Anyway, I think we'll waste time and risk more attacks searching for this Vellowgrass vault." Though he offers his opinion gruffly, Davor looks around for the others' thoughts.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 55 posts
Sun 12 Jan 2020
at 01:09
  • msg #350

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"The Crown of Lands just said that they had other weapons and items," clarified Teana.
Human Cavalier, 35 posts
Order of the Lion
Sun 12 Jan 2020
at 11:19
  • msg #351

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

After his last outburst Urle keeps his mouth shut.
Placing his hand over his mouth to make sure he does not make the same mistake as before.
GM, 128 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 16 Jan 2020
at 03:44
  • msg #352

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"The machines in the vaults were not the only things there.  They cached other weapons and items of power - which is why if someone has found a vault, they are dangerous even without being able to activate the machines.  One could purchase many things with such treasures.  Perhaps the loyalty of many clans of mongrels," the Crown of War says quietly.

"Tell me," the Crown of Lands asks thoughtfully, "when you were telling us your story about your trip underground to reach the halfling town, didn't you mention something about a city on the ceiling of the caverns?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 121 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 17 Jan 2020
at 00:46
  • msg #353

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Understanding dawns on Davor's face as the Crown of War explains. "There's a fair number of orc tribes that wouldn't necessarily turn up their noses at that kind of bounty either."

Davor nods in response to the Crown of Lands' question. "I'd never quite seen anything like that before. The myconids didn't seem to know much about it. Or least they couldn't really explain what they knew in a way we understood."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 46 posts
Fri 17 Jan 2020
at 14:13
  • msg #354

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"No, I should think orc tribes aren't turning up their noses at much," Zenna scoffed, then meekly added, "No offense."
GM, 129 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 22 Jan 2020
at 07:45
  • msg #355

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"The reversed city may yet hold answers, or at least resources to gird yourself when going into the mountains.  If you foe is in that direction, for certain they have guarded themselves well, with walls and guards and wards," the Crown of Lands says thoughtfully.  "The Heir's presence should unlock more in the city, once you approach it, according to what we know.  It will be up to you her and you how to best make use of what you find, and how best to employ it."

It is clear from his attitude that the Crown of Lands is not talking about simple martial or magical prowess.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 122 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 22 Jan 2020
at 22:48
  • msg #356

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

If he is offended by Zeanna's comment, Davor has a strange way of showing it. He lets out a chortle and shrugs.

Being a shaman, Davor is used to puzzling statements from those trying to give him advise so his expression does not change much as the Crown of Lands suggests returning to the underground realm. He considers what question to ask, but ultimately settles on an observation. "There would have to be something pretty useful to justify the risk of backtracking. Any mongrels on our trail would be twice as likely to find us. If we do go back though, how do we uh... get up to the city?"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 56 posts
Wed 22 Jan 2020
at 22:56
  • msg #357

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Well, you know I can get there, and once I find a way inside a structure, I can drop a rope," Teana suggested. "We should buy several ropes before we go."
GM, 130 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 23 Jan 2020
at 03:56
  • msg #358

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Rope is easily found here.  Are we not friends with spiders?" the Crown of Lands said with a small smile.  "And are there those amongst you who can cast the spell of spider-walking?  Such scrolls are in abundance here."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 123 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 23 Jan 2020
at 22:11
  • msg #359

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Appearing for a moment to appear like he wants to imitate Urle and complain about the proposed solution, Davor holds his tongue and simply nods. He decides to let others voice their opinions on whether backtracking to the upside-down city is worth it.
GM, 131 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sun 26 Jan 2020
at 01:00
  • msg #360

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The Crown of War speaks again, his tone more kindly "It is a large decision, making this plan of attack.  You could find things in the under-city that could be useful to you, but your enemies may wait for you there. You could strive towards the mountains to confound them, as your enemy thinks you may be elsewhere and so their numbers would be thinned at what could be their source.  Or you could seek swift passage elsewhere, hoping that a moving target will give you peace.  Though we have thin records of two possible vaults, there certainly could be others.  We are some of the oldest, but we are not all who remain."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 57 posts
Sun 26 Jan 2020
at 07:59
  • msg #361

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Well, you all know what I think. I think we should hit the city before the other side does. I'd rather they not get even more plunder to fund their army, and we could use whatever's stored there."
Human Cavalier, 36 posts
Order of the Lion
Sun 26 Jan 2020
at 12:04
  • msg #362

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Why is everybody is so much of a hurry?
The lands have been without a ruler for so long.
I think it is more important for Helena to be given the time to work out who she is and what she wishes to be.

Urle looks over to the girl.  A sad worried look on his face.
He shakes his head again.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 58 posts
Sun 26 Jan 2020
at 12:38
  • msg #363

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"We are being chased," responded Teana. "Though, if Greenbriar can provide us with a sanctuary to rest for a time, then we can do that if Helena wants."
Human Cavalier, 37 posts
Order of the Lion
Sun 26 Jan 2020
at 14:30
  • msg #364

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Just because we are being chased does not mean we have to run around like headless turkeys running in what ever direction we are being herded to.  Urle answers.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:54, Sun 26 Jan 2020.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 124 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 26 Jan 2020
at 15:58
  • msg #365

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor eyes Urle curiously. On one hand, he agrees with the knight that Helena might benefit from a chance to rest and process everything that has happened, but on the other... "We're likely to be herded by other forces regardless. Destiny will have its way in the end." The statement is of little help in making a decision, but the shaman clearly feels that their path is already set. He looks to Helena encouragingly.
Heir, 55 posts
Thu 30 Jan 2020
at 05:56
  • msg #366

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena clutches her hands, trying to not cry at the thought of all of this fuss and danger being because of her.  She looks up at her protectors and lifts her chin a little.  "You have all fought so hard to help me, and I know so little about swords and bows and magic.  But as much as I want it, these mongrels won't just stop and let me go home."  She sniffs a little to hold back her emotions, but keeps going.  "So you should have the best you need to stay safe.  I could only make you a rug or a tunic with what I know, but if what I am unlocks these vaults and you can get things you need so you and other people won't get hurt, then that seems like the best thing to do."
GM, 133 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 4 Feb 2020
at 01:42
  • msg #367

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Then you may stay for a short while, preparing yourself for what is to come," says the Crown of War.  "Come, be refreshed, eat, bathe, sleep, and learn what you can before the winds of destiny pick up speed again."

The group is escorted from the Crown Circle and into the village itself.  They are given the use of two of the huts, and shown a bathhouse, dining hall, a meditation glade, a place to practice arms, several workshops, and the homes of the various Crowns where they studied their ancient texts and added more to them with each day.
GM, 135 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 8 Feb 2020
at 09:23
  • msg #368

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

A week passes, in practice and meditation, of arms, of magic, of spirit, of self.  Those who need to consult the sages, others look to themselves for answers and preparations.  The moon spiders keep an eye on the signs of the mongrels, and report that they are no longer moving in force through the Farlight Forest, but instead only having a few small groups search while the bulk of the resources seems to be elsewhere.

You are as ready as you've ever been.

Yalevenia is there as you are ready to leave, smiling as she presses a small bundle into each of your hands.  "This will aid you in climbing the walls of the inverted city, or the mountains to the north as need be.  They will last two days, so be mindful.  Be well and wary, choose wisely," she says, making a sign of luck and blessing over each of you.

OOC: Still headed to the underground city?  If so, are you returning the same route you came by?  Traveling openly, or hidden?
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 128 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 8 Feb 2020
at 14:56
  • msg #369

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor spent most of the week in communion with the spirits. The shaman barely emerges from the meditation glade for the entire time the party stays with the elves and the glade is thick with the smoke of incense and the low chants of the half-orc. When the time approaches for the group to leave, he emerges to share what he has be told. "The spirits have shown me things about the underground city. There are ghosts and danger there. More than just the mongrels and their masters. We'll have to be careful."

Despite the week of meditation, Davor seems none the worse for wear. When an opportunity presents itself, he takes Helena aside. "I know you still have doubts, but the spirits show me the past as well as the future. Your ancestors who built the empire did great good for many. You have the opportunity to do the same, I think. The spirits have faith in that."
Heir, 57 posts
Mon 10 Feb 2020
at 00:30
  • msg #370

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

With so much turmoil surrounding her and with no real understanding of what was before her, it was probably understandable when Helena chose to remain alone and for most part apparent from the others during the week that they spent in the Elven lands.  She spent the time quietly riling against all that had happened.   Slowly though, the pent up frustration and anger changed into a resigned and stubborn unwillingness as her mind struggled to accept that she, a simple weaver, could in any way be the person they sought.   And yet she couldn't find any other plausible reason behind the attacks, behind these men and woman who now mothered over her and behind the Circle's warnings.   Somehow, she was who they said they she was.

And it was then that depression set in.  If her body was to be used as a tool for war, could she in good conscience allow this to happen?   Selfishly life knowing that her life, given, could probably save millions?  She could end this... if she had the guts.   And yet despite it all, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

These dark thoughts continued to plague her and as they gathered to continue their journey, the other are sure to notice how haggard the young woman appeared, her eyes dark and sunken, her movements listless and tired, her voice barely a whisper and yet some vague sense of duty forced her to continue moving, to continue supporting the group who'd gathered to 'shepherd' her to the war she could see brewing on the proverbial horizon.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 62 posts
Mon 10 Feb 2020
at 01:46
  • msg #371

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Much of Teana's time was taken up with the elven sages. The libraries of Greenbriar contained knowledge about the elements and elemental planes that Teana had never dreamed, and the elven sages, while somewhat less learned about psychic abilities in particular, helped teach her disciplines of focus and meditation used by clerics, druids and wizards alike. She had gotten far on talent and doing what came naturally, but now she had knowledge to reinforce that talent. Of course, this wasn't free, and Teana spent a significant amount of money on consultations and minor permanent spells that helped her channel her abilities more effectively.

300 gold spent on retraining.

When she wasn't studying, Teana was up in the air for at least an hour each day. She flew around Greenbriar's "airspace," heading up towards the clouds and simply exulting in her power. (One of her teachers had had to admonish her after she accidentally triggered a short burst of unexpected rain, but she quickly learned to get that under control and he took it with good humor.)

And at day's end, Teana made sure to drop in for dinner with the group, trying to gather the others in one place at least for that part of the day. She did notice Helena's increasingly dour mood, but for most of the week merely did her best to cheer her up with companionable banter and a few wry "dad jokes" from her hometown. But near the end of the week, she took the chance to "accidentally" meet the distraught girl in the inn hallway a candlemark before bedtime.

"Helena. Please talk to me."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:46, Mon 10 Feb 2020.
Heir, 58 posts
Tue 11 Feb 2020
at 01:13
  • msg #372

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena really wasn't up for talking and while Teana's words were clearly meant to offer support, Helena was far from ready to accept that support.  Dark eyes considered the half-elf and she simply shook her head and continued on to wherever she'd been going.

When Teana saw her again - at the gathering - there was little if any difference in the way she looked, but she'd at least broken her self-inflicted isolation.  Time would tell what might happen next.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:17, Wed 12 Feb 2020.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 48 posts
Wed 12 Feb 2020
at 13:22
  • msg #373

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I've tried with her as well," Zenna told Teanna after seeing the half-elf rebuffed by Helena. "Seems it's just too much for her right now. Let's hope that's a luxury she can continue to enjoy."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 63 posts
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 23:18
  • msg #374

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Indeed," replied Teana softly. "All we can do is be ready for when she needs someone."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 129 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 00:51
  • msg #375

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor chimes in on the conversation. "Kindness isn't my strength, but she wasn't receptive to what I had to say either. The spirits are growing more restless and I'm worried that fate with only pull more harshly on her as we go on. Strange as it probably sounds, I think leaving this place and forging ahead on the path may improve the situation." He seems genuinely concerned by Helena's state and earnest in his desire to help despite advising leaving the safety of the elves.
Human Cavalier, 39 posts
Order of the Lion
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 19:32
  • msg #376

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle spent this time in three ways at the elven forst.
First sitting and watching over Helena from a distance.
Second sitting with his eyes close and facing the sun.  Talking quietly to himself.
Lastly looking after and grooming Demetria.
He does not speak to the others or to Helena

As Helena draws into herself so does Urle.  Somewhat paralleling the girl.

The day after Teana Florin spoke to her the knight went to the elves and asked for a few items.

He then for the first time, walks up to Helena and looks her in the face.
I am a simple Cavalier.  A horseman trained to fight.
If you are what they think you are you deserve someone better than me to protect you.
They should have sent someone else.  My friend was to be your body guard not me.

He drops a bag on the ground in front of her.  In it is all that a weaver would need make small peace of cloth for a table.
Urle turns to go as he does he adds.
When it is all to much I go and look after Demetria.  Brush her down and tell her how I feel.
Make something for the elves to thank them for their hospitality and talk to the fabric.
I know all weavers do, like us that groom a horse talk to our horses.

Then he heads back and heads of to Demetria to groom her again.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:36, Tue 18 Feb 2020.
Heir, 59 posts
Wed 19 Feb 2020
at 23:07
  • msg #377

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena doesn't say anything as Urle delivers his odd gift... but when she joined the group she had something neatly folded, wrapped and tied, in her hand.   Unbeknown, her first attempt to calm herself had been a disaster and after several attempts, she'd abandoned her work and almost the group!  Forced though to confront the situation, she'd returned, and finished the piece.

She now stood before the group, hesitant and yet... needing to speak, "I can't..."  She clears her throat.  "I don't understand why this happened to me.  The Circle of the Crowns' has shed some small light but it still makes little sense to me."

She licks her lips, clearly still nervous, but straightens her shoulders as she visibly forces herself into a final decision, "But while I struggle with that, I know that I can't and won't be used to fuel a war."  Her words have an odd ring of finality.  "Omens aside, though I struggle to understand the why of that, if I am forced to lead in some way as Empress or otherwise, then I will do what I must."

She looks to each of the gathered group, "I've been remiss.  I have not had a chance to speak to you about why you chose to search for me, defend me, indeed remain with me and risk your lives for me... but you are still here and I thank you for that."  She seems to be gaining in confidence as she continues.  "I can offer nothing or significant value in exchange for your support but I beg you to stay.   Simply put, I need you and I have no one else to turn to."  She tries to look each of you in the eye as she continues, "What I can offer is simply this.  I will endeavour to the best of my ability to honour those who sent you."

She lets that settle in before continuing, "Of the possible destinations... fleeing this place and starting anew is all I'd like to do but with Omens pointing to me, I cannot take this option.   I must face my Blood."

"As for the Mountainson, he holds a clue but anyone powerful enough to take a Chimera from another powerful Magician is also likely able to hide or misdirect their actions and are also likely to attempt to kill me once again. We will have clues enough in due course."

"The cursed ruins in the mountain smacks of the source of our enemy's efforts and while heading there may be a surprise, walking blindly into the unknown fills me with fear.  Who knows what will await us there or even what a cache might hold or have bought them."

"Other Vaults - with nothing to go on, we'd be wasting the opportunity we have here if we did nothing while we searched for other options.  They are acting... so must I."

"And finally, the city under the Vellowgrass plain.   While I have no desire to walk back underground - past the corpse of the Chimera and those feeding upon it - this city would seem to provide us with Knowledge... answers... and resources.   I see no other viable option but to head to Vellowgrass."

She knows the group had already considered this the most viable option and so would be ready.  "I am ready to depart without further delay."  The group would decide if they wanted to travel with her and she was still unsure if they would.

Turning then to those elves who'd joined them for their departure, she offered them a odd half-bow (she'd never had to do such a thing before!) "Thank you.  Truly.  For your kind hospitality, for your protection and support, for you patience.  And most especially, your willingness to share your wisdom.  I hope in time that I can repay you in kind.  Until then, a small gift of thanks."  She offers them the cloth she'd woven.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:46, Thu 20 Feb 2020.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 64 posts
Thu 20 Feb 2020
at 02:55
  • msg #378

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana listened to Helena's speech, and then smiled when she came to an end. "Well done, Helena," she said. "A very good analysis of our situation. And I can only speak for myself, but I'm not leaving you. You have my metaphorical sword. And if you ever need someone to talk to, you know I'm always here. I hope that you'll trust me when that time comes."
Human Cavalier, 40 posts
Order of the Lion
Thu 20 Feb 2020
at 09:14
  • msg #379

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle did not say anything.  When Helena looked at him he nodded his head with somber smile on it.  The simple fact she had a small peace of cloth with her said it all.
He did not have to say anything it was clear he was going with her unless she told him otherwise.

He nodded his head again, more to himself than anything else when she offered the gift to the elves.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 130 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 21 Feb 2020
at 12:53
  • msg #380

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor meets Helena's eyes and grins broadly. "You have my ethereal sword. And the regular one too I suppose, but most importantly we'll have the council of the spirits to help us walk this path of destiny." The half-orc seems eager, his toothy grin managing not to be menacing. He is prepared to depart immediately, but offers to carry any extra supplies that the others want to take.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:09, Sun 02 Aug 2020.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 49 posts
Fri 21 Feb 2020
at 15:52
  • msg #381

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna looked at Helena with great sadness. "I am here because I feel for you. You have been thrust into an impossible situation. You should not expect to make sense of it. No one could." She smiled. "I assure you, killing manticores and treating with intelligent spiders is not a typical day for me, either. We put one foot in front of the other, not because we know what we are doing, but because we do not know what else to do. We are creatures of instinct, same as Koto here." She reached down to scratch the head of the wolf that was never far from her side. "Only difference is we are cursed with the ability to question why we do what we do."
Wizard, 69 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2020
at 13:46
  • msg #382

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"And you have my magic, Helena. I believe you have made a good choice, and we will be here beside you through this storm of Fate," Jerec says.
GM, 137 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 26 Feb 2020
at 14:05
  • msg #383

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The elves accept Helena's woven cloth with a bow.  "You have put much thought and heart into your weaving as you have into the thoughts of your future and fate. Fare you well upon your path, and we will watch the waters and stars for when the wheel turns."

With blade and spell and spirit and power, the group can take their leave of the Circle of Crowns, heading through the spider-silk paths into the thick forest trails.  There seem to be no immediate sign of the mongrels, as the elves told you, but you are several days from the underground entrance in the Vellowgrass Plains...

OOC: How do you guys want to travel?  Openly?  Subtly?  Leave no trace? Get a wagon and conceal your numbers? In disguise?
Heir, 61 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2020
at 23:14
  • msg #384

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Having made her decision to return to the underground city, Helena is content to let those with her debate the actioning of that decision.   She'll say as much too, "So what's our best chance of getting back to the city underground?   Which way should we go?"   Simplified terms.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 132 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 27 Feb 2020
at 03:03
  • msg #385

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor offered his own opinion as soon as they set out. "There's no reason not to at least try to travel without leaving an obvious trail. If they know we reached the elves, they might wait here for us to leave. If we can slip by unnoticed it might take them a long time to realize. Let's move quietly and disguise our trail."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 65 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2020
at 06:08
  • msg #386

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana nodded to Davor. "I'd say sneaking's the best option if we're in a group," she said.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 50 posts
Sun 1 Mar 2020
at 00:27
  • msg #387

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna nodded enthusiastically. "Drawing attention to ourselves would cost far more time than rushing would save."
Wizard, 70 posts
Mon 2 Mar 2020
at 15:40
  • msg #388

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec taps his mouth in consideration.  "Some of you are skilled in the arts of stealth, but some of us are not. Perhaps a compromise?  For those who are stealthy, keep out of sight. And for those of us who would likely make you curse our clumsiness," he smiles and waves at himself, "Perhaps we should take a disguise. Then our numbers would appear to wrong if they see us, and if anyone does interfere we shall give them a nasty surprise!"
Human Cavalier, 41 posts
Order of the Lion
Mon 2 Mar 2020
at 15:54
  • msg #389

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle added.
Like Jerec I have not studied or practiced the art of stealth.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 133 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 2 Mar 2020
at 23:38
  • msg #390

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor lets out a laugh. "I won't pretend to be any more subtle than you Urle. I'm just saying that we should cover our tracks or at least obscure them so that we're hard to track. Anyone who manages to spot us will pick me out immediately."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 66 posts
Tue 3 Mar 2020
at 00:03
  • msg #391

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Indeed. It'd be impolite of us to not even try to hide our exit and our tracks. All we're saying is that I shouldn't be tearing ass to Vellowgrass through the sky in plain view."
Heir, 62 posts
Tue 3 Mar 2020
at 23:38
  • msg #392

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena gives the group an odd little shrug.  She was far from versed in the ways of the stealthy but was happy to follow as directed - and if that meant dressing up as a tree... well, she'd go along with that too!

Se does offer an additional though though, "Maybe that's not an entirely bad idea.   If you make off towards Valegrass in full view, maybe even with a magical entourage provided by Jerec... only to double back and then head off in another direction at some point as if you were deliberately trying to mislead followers towards Valegrass, any pursuers might be mislead into heading elsewhere.  You could then sneak back to Valegrass while we do our best to leave with the minimum of fanfare?"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 67 posts
Wed 4 Mar 2020
at 04:16
  • msg #393

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana gave Helena a smile. "Excellent idea, Helena," she said. "I'll improve on it. I'm going flying in the direction of Thror Mountainson. Like I'm scouting. And then you guys go out under cover of dark after I've made a show of myself. I'll lose them about halfway out and meet the rest of you at Vellowgrass. Simpler that way."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 51 posts
Wed 4 Mar 2020
at 15:35
  • msg #394

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna gave a low whistle at Teanna's plan. "Times like these, I wish I were clever."
Human Cavalier, 42 posts
Order of the Lion
Thu 5 Mar 2020
at 20:37
  • msg #395

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

20:36, Today: Urle rolled 3 using 1d20+2.  Charisma check.

Total failure.  sorry.

Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 69 posts
Thu 5 Mar 2020
at 21:07
  • msg #396

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana stepped in as Urle began gathering materials for his disguise. "Urle, that won't work," she said as he tried to garb himself as a peasant. "If you're going to do this, you need to coordinate your disguises as a group. I'll help you plan them out."

Teana was as good as her word. Soon, she had hit the market and had the group working on disguises and personas with the best of her flair and sense for theatrics.

For Urle and his steed, that meant ribbons on his lance, cheap fools-gold and costume gem adornment on his armor, and otherwise looking like a pompous noble git who was trying too hard to compensate for poverty. His horse was made to look like a beribboned nag, and it whickered a bit at the obvious foolishness.

Jerec found himself in a simple hooded robe for protection from the elements, like a young apprentice mage on his first adventurous journey.

Davor likewise got a hooded robe, and a temporary coat of green face-painting to disguise his usual tattoos. He was still unmistakably a half-orc, but a fellow scholar of Jerec's and one dressed so as his orcish heritage wasn't too obvious.

Helena got a new set of travelling clothes a bit above what she'd worn back home, though Teana made sure they were patched a bit from "hard wearing." She also presented her with a new lute of elven make, the better to look the bard. "A gift from me," she said to Helena with a smile.

When Teana was done showing off her talent, to all eyes the group would be another bunch of pilgrims just leaving Greenbriar after a consultation with the Crowns, on their way to the next tourist trap. Which was mostly the truth...but they didn't look like they were escorting an Imperial Princess. Now all Teana had to do was make sure that nobody took too close a look!

I am spending 25 gold to purchase the equivalent of 5 uses from a disguise kit, and 5 more gold to buy the lute for Helena. I will accept contributions from the group for the kit materials. The lute is a gift.

EDIT: All are now disguised with a roll of 20 (+2 bonus from the kit, +2 from Helena's Aid Another), because I'm taking 10 to ensure reliability across the disguises.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:13, Fri 06 Mar 2020.
Heir, 65 posts
Thu 5 Mar 2020
at 23:15
  • msg #397

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

While she didn't know Teana's direction for the disguises, she was happy to help being a weaver and seamstress by trade and not a bad one either.   As it turned out, Teana's choice would be about as far from 'comfortable' for Helena as one might get and still be suitable but she helped where she could, donned the outfit Keana set for her, and graciously accepted hte Lute.  "Thank you.  That's a really kind gift.  I don't actually know how to play, but this might just encourage me to learn."  That, however, might however not be ideal so after plucking a few strings, she leaves it be.  Maybe after everything calms down she'll be able to get some time to learn?  Who knows.

[24 on a Prof: Seamstress roll.]
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 52 posts
Thu 5 Mar 2020
at 23:28
  • [deleted]
  • msg #398

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

This message was deleted by the player at 23:38, Thu 05 Mar 2020.
Human Cavalier, 45 posts
Order of the Lion
Thu 5 Mar 2020
at 23:34
  • msg #399

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle look at Teana Florin as she interrupt him.
I have no idea what I am doing.
He and Demetria stand still as she sort him out.

However once he has his new cloths on Urle thinks about what going on.
Taking on the role as best he can.  Remembering how the minor noble acted in his order.

If we can take 10 then I use Know: Nobility.
That give Urle role of 17 to act and be like minor noble.

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 134 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 6 Mar 2020
at 01:24
  • msg #400

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor also accepts Teana's guidance on what to wear in order to disguise himself. He acknowledges that he may well be the most recognizable member of the main group since the giant wolf will not be traveling with them. He adds only two pieces to his own ensemble: first wrapping his large orcish falchion so thoroughly that it cannot immediately be recognized as a weapon and second gathering his dreadlocks and hiding them under a slightly ridiculous scholar's cap. Anyone who manages to get a peak under the cloak will see his armor, but he reasons that at that point, the jig will be up anyway.

Grinning at the others, Davor appears to be in an excellent mood as they set out. "If only you could make me shorter." He holds out five gold piece for Teanna. "I've gotta be honest, I've only ever tried to appear stranger, never unnoticeable. It doesn't help to be unobtrusive as a fortune teller."
GM, 139 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 7 Mar 2020
at 09:21
  • msg #401

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Cleverly disguised, with Teanna leaving openly to lay a false trail, and Zenna and her wolf skulking alongside the group in hiding, the group can leave the Farlight Forest and begin the three-day trek back to the Vellowgrass Plains and the entrance to the Low Road and its strange, upside-down city.

The group emerges from the cool shade of the deep forest to the thinning trees, their first day of travel going uneventfully.  Teana makes her way north to the mountains, flying openly and making a small spectacle of herself, enough so that small communities of elves, gnomes, and others do at least spy her.

By that evening, the group can find a place to camp along the road, one that has been used by other travelers in the past, going by the blackened fire ring and slight path to a nearby stream.  You have not been stopped long when you hear the squeak and rattle of a wagon and the clop of horse hooves.  A large trader's caravan pulls into the edge of the light, a cloaked figure on the driver's bench, a half-dozen cloaked figures walking along beside the caravan.  The caravan is plainly pain and painted a solid brown with a simple symbol of the sun and moon in yellow and white upon its side.  The driver pushes his hood up as he enters the light, showing the face of a wrinkled human who perhaps had a touch of orc blood in his ancestry somewhere.  He stares at the party, surprised, and bobs his head.

"Light of evening to you, younglings. Can a passel of pilgrims share the space for the night?" he asks, his voice seemingly rough with age.

OOC: Can I get two Stealth checks from Zenna and your wolf companion for being sneaky today? And when did you want to start doubling back Teana?  I'll need two Stealth checks for when you do, please.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 73 posts
Sat 7 Mar 2020
at 10:13
  • msg #402

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana spent her first and second days travelling at top speed on what amounted to a forced march through the sky. In the morning, however, the Windstorm was gone with the dawn, using tricks she'd learned escaping more than one married person's bedroom. This time, she made a point of moving quietly in the direction of Vellowgrasss, relying on her Ring to keep her fed and her agile feet rather than her beauty and grace in the sky. She was still trusting to speed as much as stealth, but hopefully the enemy would think she

As I usually do, taking 10 for 18 and 18.

The plan is to move through the sky for two days. After that point, I figure the rest of the crew have either slipped the enemy's net or not.

Heir, 66 posts
Sat 7 Mar 2020
at 14:12
  • msg #403

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Having now been travelling with the group for some days, Helena had begun to relax a little around the group.  Because of this, she'd settled enough to take a place near their small fire and was completing some fine needlework when the sounds of the approaching wagon disturbed the party.  Unsure what to do she hurriedly began to  pack her things, thinking that she'd need to leave.   She was still doing this when the wagon rolled up.  Unsure what to say though she remained silent leaving the 'talking' to the others.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:24, Sun 08 Mar 2020.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 135 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 7 Mar 2020
at 14:27
  • msg #404

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor makes sure his cloak is wrapped around himself and his hood is up when he hears the noise of the approaching wagon. Aware how they might appear, he studies the newcomers cautiously before answering. "Evenin'. You'll have to pardon our nervousness, but it's dangerous times out here these days. Another traveling group in your camp is another set of eyes keeping watch so long as you can trust 'em. Who might you be?"

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 19 using 1d20+4.  Knowledge: Local. Does the symbol on the wagon carry any significance.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 28 using 1d20+13.  Diplomacy. Tell us who they are before we tell them who we are.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 15 using 1d20+10.  Sense Motive. Read on the answer. Do they seem nervous, suspicious, ready to attack, etc.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:30, Sat 07 Mar 2020.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 54 posts
Mon 9 Mar 2020
at 19:56
  • msg #405

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Alone again," Zenna whispered to her lupine companion as they slunk into the shadows of the great trees. Neither was any stranger to moving undetected through the woods, and they kept pace with the party without exposing themselves, at least not to the best of the ranger's judgment.

Strangers she did not like. No matter how unassuming they seemed, coincidences made her uncomfortable. The value of the young woman who traveled with them rendered risk unwise. This was no time for kindness to strangers.

Not that any of that was up to her. Her place was to stay hidden, and to settle a rough hand in the wolf's soft fur to convey the same instruction to her. They were the Ace up the sleeve, which hopefully would not be needed.

15:53, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 23 using 1d20+9.  Stealth (wolf).
15:53, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 21 using 1d20+15.  Stealth.

GM, 141 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 12 Mar 2020
at 04:43
  • msg #406

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

O'er the Nightfang Mountains - Day One

Teana Florin:
Teana spent her first and second days travelling at top speed on what amounted to a forced march through the sky. In the morning, however, the Windstorm was gone with the dawn, using tricks she'd learned escaping more than one married person's bedroom. This time, she made a point of moving quietly in the direction of Vellowgrasss, relying on her Ring to keep her fed and her agile feet rather than her beauty and grace in the sky. She was still trusting to speed as much as stealth, but hopefully the enemy would think she

As I usually do, taking 10 for 18 and 18.

The plan is to move through the sky for two days. After that point, I figure the rest of the crew have either slipped the enemy's net or not.

Teana soars through the air like an elemental spirit, keeping her eyes roving for any danger that might beset her or her companions: large birds or flying monsters, movement of bands of mongrels or other foes, oncoming storms or the like.  While the weather is fairly clear, aside from a morning fog, she does spy two bands of mongrels moving east and west along the mountain trade roads.  There are eight in each group, five bowmen who also carry small axes, two spearmen in heavier armor, and one in fancier armor carrying a greatsword.  Both groups seem to be seeking any travelers to the mountains, and the western-traveling group is the one that might possibly come into contact with Helena's escort.  For certain the western trade road descends towards the Vellowgrass Plains at a few turn-offs, and if the mongrel group takes any of them they have a good chance of running into Teana's friends.

Teana has kept herself well-hidden using the trees and peaks to keep herself out of immediately line-of-sight with her potential foes, so she doesn't believe they know of her presence yet.


The Travelers' Rest - Day One

Having now been travelling with the group for some days, Helena had begun to relax a little around the group.  Because of this, she'd settled enough to take a place near their small fire and was completing some fine needlework when the sounds of the approaching wagon disturbed the party.  Unsure what to do she hurriedly began to  pack her things, thinking that she'd need to leave.   She was still doing this when the wagon rolled up.  Unsure what to say though she remained silent leaving the 'talking' to the others.

Helena can't see much of the other pilgrims, but the old man seems to make no move that he would want to use the whole of the campsite for his own party.  The place is fairly large, so it seems it would not be odd to find more than one party of travelers using it.

Urle recognizes something of these travelers. 

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor makes sure his cloak is wrapped around himself and his hood is up when he hears the noise of the approaching wagon. Aware how they might appear, he studies the newcomers cautiously before answering. "Evenin'. You'll have to pardon our nervousness, but it's dangerous times out here these days. Another traveling group in your camp is another set of eyes keeping watch so long as you can trust 'em. Who might you be?"

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 19 using 1d20+4.  Knowledge: Local. Does the symbol on the wagon carry any significance.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 28 using 1d20+13.  Diplomacy. Tell us who they are before we tell them who we are.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 15 using 1d20+10.  Sense Motive. Read on the answer. Do they seem nervous, suspicious, ready to attack, etc.

"Pilgrims of balance, we be, and I be Equivalence Lul. Been a terrible attack on Pearl Fort, and we be seeking to aid them in rebalancing their lives," the old man says in rough, aged tones.

Zenna Kern:
"Alone again," Zenna whispered to her lupine companion as they slunk into the shadows of the great trees. Neither was any stranger to moving undetected through the woods, and they kept pace with the party without exposing themselves, at least not to the best of the ranger's judgment.

Strangers she did not like. No matter how unassuming they seemed, coincidences made her uncomfortable. The value of the young woman who traveled with them rendered risk unwise. This was no time for kindness to strangers.

Not that any of that was up to her. Her place was to stay hidden, and to settle a rough hand in the wolf's soft fur to convey the same instruction to her. They were the Ace up the sleeve, which hopefully would not be needed.

15:53, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 23 using 1d20+9.  Stealth (wolf).
15:53, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 21 using 1d20+15.  Stealth.

Zenna and her lupine companion are well-hidden from the caravan and its people.  From her angle she can see the caravan seems to be heavily burdened and filled with crates, bags, bundles, and bales.  Those walking behind the caravan are carrying heavy packs and some bear staves.  They have eating knives on their belts, but nothing more lethal, at least not obviously.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 07:05, Thu 12 Mar 2020.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 74 posts
Thu 12 Mar 2020
at 06:54
  • msg #407

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The westward-leaning group were getting too close to the team, from Teana's viewpoint, and they might just be able to report back if they met them and lived - or one of them was being spied on. An interception was called for before the enemy got any clue as to Helena's location.

Teana landed behind a rocky outcropping near her enemies. Using the cover to her advantage, she prepared herself mentally, then when the enemy came just into range, she popped out from behind the outcrop and extended her hand. The first thing the enemy would notice was the crack of thunder, reaching their ears a split second after a lightning bolt had found its way into one of the archers' backs, almost certainly frying the soldier through his armor in an instant.

For the sake of the Empire, Teana was going to kill these men. No; she was going to murder them.

Attacking from surprise, at a distance of 120', with an empowered Lightning Blast - 1 burn cancelled.

22:46, Today: Teana Florin rolled 16 using 1d20+9.  Lightning Blast - attack.
22:47, Today: Teana Florin rolled 31 using 6d6+9.  Lightning Blast - damage

This is a ranged touch attack against a flat-footed archer.

22:54, Today: Teana Florin rolled 8 using 1d20+5.  Initiative.

The latter obviously only starts applying after the surprise round.

A wind began kicking up around Teana an instant later, to make life that much less pleasant for the enemy archers when they inevitably began to return fire.

Immediate action to activate Enveloping Winds - 25% ranged miss chance for the archers.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:02, Thu 12 Mar 2020.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 137 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 13 Mar 2020
at 00:02
  • msg #408

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor stands carefully, letting his cloak fall about himself, but he pulls back his hood in what he hopes will be seen as a sign of trust. He does maneuver so that the fire is at his back so that his features will be obscured in the growing darkness. He makes his way forward and passes Urle and his horse as he does so. The half-orc stands next to the horse for a moment before moving on towards the newcomers.

Taking in the pilgrims and their lack of obvious weapons, Davor relaxes slightly. Since the pilgrims do not seem particularly on edge, he approaches them. "We don't exactly have a claim to this particular clearing and there's room enough for both our groups. I've heard of your god I think. Balance is a delicate path to follow. We've heard no mention of anything at Pearl Fort. I thought you folk mostly kept to the mountains. It must be somethin' if it's bringing you all that way."
GM, 142 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 06:28
  • msg #409

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

O'er the Nightfang Mountains - Day One

Teana Florin:
The westward-leaning group were getting too close to the team, from Teana's viewpoint, and they might just be able to report back if they met them and lived - or one of them was being spied on. An interception was called for before the enemy got any clue as to Helena's location.

Teana landed behind a rocky outcropping near her enemies. Using the cover to her advantage, she prepared herself mentally, then when the enemy came just into range, she popped out from behind the outcrop and extended her hand. The first thing the enemy would notice was the crack of thunder, reaching their ears a split second after a lightning bolt had found its way into one of the archers' backs, almost certainly frying the soldier through his armor in an instant.

For the sake of the Empire, Teana was going to kill these men. No; she was going to murder them.

Attacking from surprise, at a distance of 120', with an empowered Lightning Blast - 1 burn cancelled.

22:46, Today: Teana Florin rolled 16 using 1d20+9.  Lightning Blast - attack.
22:47, Today: Teana Florin rolled 31 using 6d6+9.  Lightning Blast - damage

This is a ranged touch attack against a flat-footed archer.

22:54, Today: Teana Florin rolled 8 using 1d20+5.  Initiative.

The latter obviously only starts applying after the surprise round.

A wind began kicking up around Teana an instant later, to make life that much less pleasant for the enemy archers when they inevitably began to return fire.

Immediate action to activate Enveloping Winds - 25% ranged miss chance for the archers.

Two mongrels fall, smoking and twitching from the electrical assault, while the others whirl around to face Teanna.  The mongrel with the greatsword, who seems to have wolf eyes, scaly snake skin, and one hand like a lobster's claw, screams out, "Shoot her!  Zash, Belin, surround the windwalker!"

The two spearmen, barking agreement like they have a portion of dog in them somewhere, start to circle widely, while the three archers fire at Teana.  Only two strike her, delivering shallow wounds, but nevertheless the archers howl in triumph.

Teana calls upon the winds to protect her from more arrows, while the spearmen run towards her to be able to cast their spears.  The leader with his greatsword does not draw his blade.  Instead he unreels a length of thin rope from a bag, looping it between his hands as he holds what looks like a large treble fish hook in one claw.  Whirling it around, he casts it in the space that separates them.  Impossibly it flies like an arrow from a bow, bobbing on Teana's winds but not being deflected.  It whips around her waist and snags in her clothing as the leader gives an especially ugly grin, hands set on the rope.  It's clear he intends to yank her down to earth like a wayward kite!


The Travelers' Rest - Day One

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor stands carefully, letting his cloak fall about himself, but he pulls back his hood in what he hopes will be seen as a sign of trust. He does maneuver so that the fire is at his back so that his features will be obscured in the growing darkness. He makes his way forward and passes Urle and his horse as he does so. The half-orc stands next to the horse for a moment before moving on towards the newcomers.

Taking in the pilgrims and their lack of obvious weapons, Davor relaxes slightly. Since the pilgrims do not seem particularly on edge, he approaches them. "We don't exactly have a claim to this particular clearing and there's room enough for both our groups. I've heard of your god I think. Balance is a delicate path to follow. We've heard no mention of anything at Pearl Fort. I thought you folk mostly kept to the mountains. It must be somethin' if it's bringing you all that way."

"Tis fair, tis fair. The news reached us near fortnight agone, and we've been traveling for not quite the same. Ships in harbor saw the danger and fled to save themselves from raiders and scuttling. Twas a large band of murderous ruffians, perhaps with a touch of madness to make them think to attack Pearl Fort and get away unscathed. Some say some rumor of a great treasure or prize lured them there, but of course no one will say just what. But more as like they only needed some excuse to wish to exert violence on another."  Equivalence Lul shakes his head at the folly of the greedy, as one of his fellow pilgrims comes up to help with the horses.  "Tis true we not often leave our fastness, but a stone from our god's church is the foundation of Pearl Fort, and connections must be honored.  These be my fellows, here to lend their weight to balance the scales."  The names of the pilgrims are all palindromes, Anna, Kek, Ror, Pup, and similar.  The tend to the wagon, horses, and camp chores in teams of two, while Equivalence Lul goes to sit near the fire.  The man is a few decades older than the pilgrims, and clearly the road has worn on him.

"Where do you go, travelers?  The road we have traveled has been tense.  A few times we felt eyes upon us, but they perhaps recognized that my pilgrims are trained to peace as well as defense, and found us too difficult a morsel to digest.  Or else we were not a prize they sought."
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:53, Tue 17 Mar 2020.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 138 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 22:48
  • msg #410

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor listens with interest to the descriptions of the news from Pearl Fort. His interest is not a traveler's curiosity of course, but to get a better idea what happened after the group left that they didn't see. The shakes his head sadly when Lul finishes. "That's a shame alright. It's the sorta thing I'm used to up in the mountains, but not in a place like Pearl Fort."

The half-orc perks up a little at the mention of a cornerstone, he seems tempted to say something, but holds his tongue. He thinks to himself that it is best not to trust these strangers yet. He doesn't want to reveal his familiarity with Pearl Fort by asking about the town's local gods. Instead, he nods in understanding. "Believe me, I understand the importance of such things." He follows Lul back to the fire.

From behind the old man, Davor gives the others a nod, indicating that the man is not a threat. At least for the moment. "We're headed across the plains." He says by way of a non-answer.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 75 posts
Wed 18 Mar 2020
at 03:49
  • msg #411

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Well, that was a clever move. Pity that the boss in question had just made himself a priority target.

The wind picked up around Teana, crackling with her deadly power, and she sent her lightning bolt at the conveniently metal-armored mongrel who had just enroped her. It would be difficult to hold her trapped if he was another heap of smoking meat.

Gather Power to fire an empowered lightning blast. Ranged touch, as before.

19:44, Today: Teana Florin rolled 14 using 1d20+9.  Attack.
19:44, Today: Teana Florin rolled 34 using 6d6+9.

Whether or not her foe dropped, she immediately dropped behind the outcropping and crouched, waiting for a good shot at her next attack.

Five-foot-step, behind cover. On the ground for the moment.
Heir, 67 posts
Wed 18 Mar 2020
at 13:38
  • msg #412

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Why a half-orc was the designated spokesperson for this motley crew may have been an oddity to the Equivalence Lul and yet Helena (not that she was the ideal spokesperson!) remained silent, her hood up, her bags 'ready' and close by should she need to run.  There was certainly a level of tension about her that he would see.
GM, 143 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sun 22 Mar 2020
at 08:27
  • msg #413

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

O'er the Nightfang Mountains - Day One

Teana Florin:
Well, that was a clever move. Pity that the boss in question had just made himself a priority target.

The wind picked up around Teana, crackling with her deadly power, and she sent her lightning bolt at the conveniently metal-armored mongrel who had just enroped her. It would be difficult to hold her trapped if he was another heap of smoking meat.

Gather Power to fire an empowered lightning blast. Ranged touch, as before.

19:44, Today: Teana Florin rolled 14 using 1d20+9.  Attack.
19:44, Today: Teana Florin rolled 34 using 6d6+9.

Whether or not her foe dropped, she immediately dropped behind the outcropping and crouched, waiting for a good shot at her next attack.

Five-foot-step, behind cover. On the ground for the moment.

The lightning bolt sizzles the mongrel leader, making him clamp his arms down on the rope and howl in pain.  Though his body smokes from the powerful assault, he does not yet fall!  The remaining archers fire at Teana, but with her retreat to cover all she hears is the clatter of arrows on stone.

The spearmen begin to climb the rough hills (the click of their claws on stone giving Teana that clue), trying to get closer and higher so they can throw their weapons at her.  With a roar, the leader yanks on the rope about Teana's waist with savage strength, pulling her prone and dragging her slightly out of cover!


The Travelers' Rest - Day One

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor listens with interest to the descriptions of the news from Pearl Fort. His interest is not a traveler's curiosity of course, but to get a better idea what happened after the group left that they didn't see. The shakes his head sadly when Lul finishes. "That's a shame alright. It's the sorta thing I'm used to up in the mountains, but not in a place like Pearl Fort."

The half-orc perks up a little at the mention of a cornerstone, he seems tempted to say something, but holds his tongue. He thinks to himself that it is best not to trust these strangers yet. He doesn't want to reveal his familiarity with Pearl Fort by asking about the town's local gods. Instead, he nods in understanding. "Believe me, I understand the importance of such things." He follows Lul back to the fire.

From behind the old man, Davor gives the others a nod, indicating that the man is not a threat. At least for the moment. "We're headed across the plains." He says by way of a non-answer.

"Well, best be careful about your travels, strangers.  Town we passed by was doing some repairs and said they'd had a spot of trouble from a monster, though they'd had the luck to kill it.  May be that the winter will be bad, if it's driving such big beasts off the mountains so early and raiders into towns looking for loot.  No balance in such things. Often I wish for the barons and kings and lords to all tend to their lands, but some are much more in the breech than the observance.  Each one for himself out there, that's what I've seen," Lul says, sounding somewhat dejected.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 76 posts
Sun 22 Mar 2020
at 09:34
  • msg #414

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana fell over. That was embarrassing. But she didn't waste time. Rising to one knee, she shot her arm forward and sent another blast of lightning at the leader, her iron will approaching its limit to ensure that nothing was left of her foe but a smoking puddle.

Then, if the rope left her adversary's hand, Teana backstepped behind the boulder again immediately.

Rise from prone. Shoot (1 burn - regular negation because I can't Gather). Take full cover.

I'm hoping this guy is dead, or I am so cooked...

01:28, Today: Teana Florin rolled 24 using 1d20+9.  Lightninging the boss.
01:29, Today: Teana Florin rolled 34 using 6d6+9.  Damage.

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 139 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 22 Mar 2020
at 13:33
  • msg #415

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor nods solemnly at Lul's words. Normally in such a conversation he might begin to talk about the spirits he had spoken with and the omens he had read, but he resists the temptation here to avoid revealing anything that might make him more distinctive instead, he looks around at the others in the group and particularly notes Helena's discomfort. "Well, I think it's time for us to be beddin' down. We've had a long day of travel and we'll have the same again tomorrow. I don't know how you set watchmen, but we'll have one of us alert for danger." The half-orc's tone is as cheerful and pleasant as ever, the comment meant as reassurance rather than a threat.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:15, Sat 04 Apr 2020.
Human Cavalier, 48 posts
Order of the Lion
Sun 22 Mar 2020
at 23:02
  • msg #416

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle decide to stay back and away from the traveling group.
The less contact Helana group has with the others at the moment the better.
As Davor decided to speak Urle could not see any point in taking himself.

He set himself and his horse for rest and sleep.
Heir, 68 posts
Mon 23 Mar 2020
at 01:10
  • msg #417

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helene's head bobs at the suggestion that the lords of the lands should be looking after their people... but doesn't add to the conversation, Davor is doing well enough and they'd already received some information - knowing that the village their helped previously, had not been attacked further.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 55 posts
Mon 23 Mar 2020
at 21:07
  • msg #418

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna remained hidden in the woods as the others went to sleep. "Not tonight," she whispered to her wolf when the beast yawned. "Tonight we watch."
GM, 144 posts
Weaver of Tales
Fri 3 Apr 2020
at 14:44
  • msg #419

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

O'er the Nightfang Mountains - Day One

Teana Florin:
Teana fell over. That was embarrassing. But she didn't waste time. Rising to one knee, she shot her arm forward and sent another blast of lightning at the leader, her iron will approaching its limit to ensure that nothing was left of her foe but a smoking puddle.

Then, if the rope left her adversary's hand, Teana backstepped behind the boulder again immediately.

Rise from prone. Shoot (1 burn - regular negation because I can't Gather). Take full cover.

I'm hoping this guy is dead, or I am so cooked...

01:28, Today: Teana Florin rolled 24 using 1d20+9.  Lightninging the boss.
01:29, Today: Teana Florin rolled 34 using 6d6+9.  Damage.

Teana's lightning runs down the cord that ties her to the leader, and lights him up, burning him and and leaving him smoking as he keels over silently.  The spearmen and remaining archers are clearly intimidated, but seem at a loss at what else to do but carry out their orders.  The archers Teana cannot see, but she does not hear them moving, so likely they are waiting for her to show herself.  The spearmen, however, are running and climbing the edges of the path, trying to get around her cover.  One chucks his spear with more enthusiasm than accuracy, and ends up lodging it in a crevasse six feet to Teana's right.  The second tosses his with splendid accuracy, gouging Teana's leg! 


The Travelers' Rest - Day One

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor nods solemnly at Lul's words. Normally in such a conversation he might begin to talk about the spirits he had spoken with and the omens he had read, but he resists the temptation here to avoid revealing anything that might make him more distinctive instead, he looks around at the others in the group and particularly notes Helena's discomfort. "Well, I think it's time for us to be beddin' down. We've had a long day of travel and we'll have the same again tomorrow. I don't know how you set watchmen, but we'll have one of us alert for danger." The half-orc's toe is as cheerful and pleasant as ever, the comment meant as reassurance rather than a threat.

Lul nods at Davor's words and gets up to talk to his fellow pilgrims softly.  One of them, Nin, seems to be taking watch, strolling the perimeter with a staff in his hand.  Urle, Helena, and Jerec settle in for the night as Davor (and the hidden Zenna and her lupine companion) also take watch.

At first it is Davor that notices two of the pilgrims who should be sleeping are instead talking quietly together.  For a moment it looked like they might have been about to do something in the realm of romance, but instead she sees them slowly bringing out small items from underneath their blankets and burying them in the earth between them.

Zenna hears something from further in the woods, a soft, sussurating, slithering sound circling the camp...
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 77 posts
Fri 3 Apr 2020
at 18:27
  • msg #420

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana groaned in pain from the spear - the first serious hit she'd taken this fight. "Bunch of fanatics," she said with a grimace. Ordinary men would have routed by now, but these mongrelfolk were apparently dedicated to their cause or more afraid of their master than her. Then she pushed such thoughts away and her eyes fixed on the enemy who'd managed to land a hit on her despite the windstorm's fury. Remaining covered from the archers, she drew more power from the Plane of Air, lightning crackling through her windstorm, and another bolt of lightning scorched the air between her and her helpless target.

Gather Power, Empower, zap.
10:23, Today: Teana Florin rolled 29 using 6d6+9.  Here comes the boom.
10:23, Today: Teana Florin rolled 28 using 1d20+9.  Lightning says hi to spearman.

29 damage and another pair of smoking boots.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:31, Fri 03 Apr 2020.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 141 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 4 Apr 2020
at 12:23
  • msg #421

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

During their time with the elves, Davor had taken the rare opportunity to sleep without his armor on. Now, back in the wilderness, he does not allow himself that luxury as he takes up the semblance of a watch. Knowing that Zenna and her companion are out in the woods, Davor focuses his attention more on the pilgrims than on any potentially outside threat. He tries not to be too obvious about watching them, but does take note of the two who bury something between themselves and resolves to investigate in the morning if the opportunity presents itself. Unlike the one called Nin, he does not patrol, but simply sits hunched by the smoldering campfire as the night wears on until it is time to wake Urle for his shift.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 57 posts
Sun 5 Apr 2020
at 12:46
  • msg #422

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna frowned at the suspicious behavior of the "pilgrims", but she would have to trust the others to deal with that. The slithering in the woods was her chief concern. She nocked her bow and crept toward the sound, eyes and ears alert for any hint as to what or where it was.

Zenna Kern rolled 15 using 1d20+12.  Perception.
Heir, 69 posts
Sun 5 Apr 2020
at 20:51
  • msg #423

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

With no other option but to stay with the others, Helena settles and eventually falls asleep though it's a nervous and disturbed sleep.
GM, 146 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 14 Apr 2020
at 06:39
  • msg #424

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

O'er the Nightfang Mountains - Day One

Teana Florin:
Teana groaned in pain from the spear - the first serious hit she'd taken this fight. "Bunch of fanatics," she said with a grimace. Ordinary men would have routed by now, but these mongrelfolk were apparently dedicated to their cause or more afraid of their master than her. Then she pushed such thoughts away and her eyes fixed on the enemy who'd managed to land a hit on her despite the windstorm's fury. Remaining covered from the archers, she drew more power from the Plane of Air, lightning crackling through her windstorm, and another bolt of lightning scorched the air between her and her helpless target.

Gather Power, Empower, zap.
10:23, Today: Teana Florin rolled 29 using 6d6+9.  Here comes the boom.
10:23, Today: Teana Florin rolled 28 using 1d20+9.  Lightning says hi to spearman.

29 damage and another pair of smoking boots.

Teana's electric fury results in another thoroughly dead mongrelman, and that, finally, frightens the rest into saving their own skins rather than trying to pursue her.  The remaining spearman and archers take to their heels and flee away from her, no longer willing to risk her wrath!


The Travelers' Rest - Day One

Davor and Helena sleep uneasily but a few hours pass uneventfully until he wakes Urle for his watch, letting him know what has passed.  Urle sees no more motion from the sleeping pilgrims, though two more are woken to replace those taking watch, giving the camp three sets of eyes.  As Urle watches and listens, he begins to hear a faint sussurating sound in the surrounding undergrowth, further out towards where Zenna was supposed to be lurking.  The night seems much more cold than it had been before.

Zenna Kern:
Zenna frowned at the suspicious behavior of the "pilgrims", but she would have to trust the others to deal with that. The slithering in the woods was her chief concern. She knocked her bow and crept toward the sound, eyes and ears alert for any hint as to what or where it was.

Zenna Kern rolled 15 using 1d20+12.  Perception.

Zenna stares out into the darkness, and in the faint gleam of firelight her patience is rewarded by seeing something large and scaly pass by at a distance of a dozen yards.  The creature seems to have a long body, rather serpentine, and at least two feet thick!  Zenna can feel the temperature begin to plummet, and sees the fur of frost start to creep over the leaves at her feet.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 78 posts
Tue 21 Apr 2020
at 07:10
  • msg #425

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana shot a crackle of lightning over the spearman's head as he ran. "Surrender! Drop your weapon and on your knees!" she ordered him. "Now! I don't have time for games!" Her hair whipped behind her and her voice boomed like the thunder of an angry goddess. The Windstorm made it clear: she would render the mongrel to ash in a second if he didn't comply. Fortunately, she only needed one of them to interrogate, so she let the archers run as they pleased so long as it was away from her.

23:07, Today: Teana Florin rolled 35 using 1d20+15.  Intimidate.

Well, that was a roll.

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 142 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 21 Apr 2020
at 21:24
  • msg #426

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor sleeps soundly after waking Urle for the next watch; oblivious to the strange noises.
Heir, 70 posts
Tue 21 Apr 2020
at 23:03
  • msg #427

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena continues her fitful sleep...
GM, 147 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 03:46
  • msg #428

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana Florin:
Teana shot a crackle of lightning over the spearman's head as he ran. "Surrender! Drop your weapon and on your knees!" she ordered him. "Now! I don't have time for games!" Her hair whipped behind her and her voice boomed like the thunder of an angry goddess. The Windstorm made it clear: she would render the mongrel to ash in a second if he didn't comply. Fortunately, she only needed one of them to interrogate, so she let the archers run as they pleased so long as it was away from her.

23:07, Today: Teana Florin rolled 35 using 1d20+15.  Intimidate.

Well, that was a roll.

The mongrels react to Teana's shout as if it were a mandate from an angry goddess, their weapons clattering and their armor creaking as they fall to their ill-assorted collection of knees.  One of the archers even prostrates himself on the ground, whimpering.  All seem thoroughly awed and terrified.


Though Davor and Helena sleep, the cold begins to creep into the camp, growing frost beginning to outline everything, bringing a deep, freezing chill.  Enough that pain begins to nip at their noses and toes, startling them awake as Urle shakes them.  As they open their eyes, they realize the fire has turned blue as corpse-flame, and their breath can be seen in the frosty air.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 58 posts
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 15:08
  • msg #429

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna hesitated, torn between attacking the beast or waking her companions. She settled on launching a full volley of arrows at the thing while shouting, "Something moves in the woods!" and encouraging the wolf to howl along with her.

Zenna Kern rolled 16 using 1d20+12.  Attack.
Zenna Kern rolled 28 using 1d20+12.  Attack (Many Shot).
Zenna Kern rolled 10 using 1d20+7.  Attack.
Zenna Kern rolled 5 using 1d8+4.  Damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 15:08, Thu 23 Apr 2020.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 143 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 22:36
  • msg #430

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor awakens to Urle's shaking and is on his feet seconds after Zenna shouts her warning. The cloak that the half-orc had been using to disguise himself falls open as his massive ethereal sword appears in his hand. Davor traces his fingers along the blade of the weapon, speaks a word of power, and suddenly it is covered in blazing fire.

"Guard the girl." He says in a low voice to Urle and then charges off into the woods towards whatever it is that Zenna is shooting.

Davor's AC is 18/11/17 until he gets a chance to cast magic vestment.
Davor Spiritwalker rolled 19 using 1d20+3.  Initiative.
Davor summons his Ancestral Weapon and uses his standard action to cast sun metal on it. Then he uses his move action to get as close as possible to the thing that Zenna is shooting.

Heir, 71 posts
Fri 24 Apr 2020
at 22:08
  • msg #431

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Shaken awake by Urle, Helena is still drowsy, only to have the howl and shout from the forest force her to sip up sharply, startled, and grabs Urle's hand.  "What... what's happened, Urle?"  Is she dreaming?  So cold, her breath steaming.  Confusion still holds sway.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 79 posts
Sat 25 Apr 2020
at 05:21
  • msg #432

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana looked implacably at the spearman, taking a deep breath before she continued speaking. "You," she said. "Where were you and your patrol going and what were your orders?" she asked. She was confident that she didn't need further threats, so she could get on with questioning the mongrel.
Human Cavalier, 49 posts
Order of the Lion
Mon 27 Apr 2020
at 19:33
  • msg #433

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle puts his arms round Helena.  Adding extra layer of clothing from his cloak.
Offering warmth from his strong body.
Sorry he says as he does so.
Theirs seems to be some creature summoning cold in this area.
Can you make a fire or use magic to protect yourself from the cold.

This message was last edited by the player at 19:34, Mon 27 Apr 2020.
Heir, 72 posts
Mon 27 Apr 2020
at 19:46
  • msg #434

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

She blinks, confused, but with Urle giving her direction and offering her support and a little warmth, she seems to pull herself together enough to get up and step over to the fire where she starts stoking what remains of the evening's fire, shakily adding tinder and smaller twigs (set aside for use at breakfast) to try and get it to catch.  She really is making a hash of it though despite all that, the twigs catch and a flame sprouts... for how long though is anyone's guess.
GM, 148 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sun 3 May 2020
at 20:36
  • msg #435

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Traveler's Rest

Zenna Kern:
Zenna hesitated, torn between attacking the beast or waking her companions. She settled on launching a full volley of arrows at the thing while shouting, "Something moves in the woods!" and encouraging the wolf to howl along with her.

Zenna Kern rolled 16 using 1d20+12.  Attack.
Zenna Kern rolled 28 using 1d20+12.  Attack (Many Shot).
Zenna Kern rolled 10 using 1d20+7.  Attack.
Zenna Kern rolled 5 using 1d8+4.  Damage.

Zenna's arrow strikes true, scoring between the scales and releasing a glowing blue blood that freezes the leaves around it.  The hissing increases, furious, as her lupine companion alerts everyone that danger is close at hand!

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor awakens to Urle's shaking and is on his feet seconds after Zenna shouts her warning. The cloak that the half-orc had been using to disguise himself falls open as his massive ethereal sword appears in his hand. Davor traces his fingers along the blade of the weapon, speaks a word of power, and suddenly it is covered in blazing fire.

"Guard the girl." He says in a low voice to Urle and then charges off into the woods towards whatever it is that Zenna is shooting.

Davor's AC is 18/11/17 until he gets a chance to cast magic vestment.
Davor Spiritwalker rolled 19 using 1d20+3.  Initiative.
Davor summons his Ancestral Weapon and uses his standard action to cast sun metal on it. Then he uses his move action to get as close as possible to the thing that Zenna is shooting.

Davor tears off into the woods, glowing weapon appears nearby as he soon finds Zenna and her wolf shooting at what seems to be an enormous serpent with glowing blue blood!

Shaken awake by Urle, Helena is still drowsy, only to have the howl and shout from the forest force her to sip up sharply, startled, and grabs Urle's hand.  "What... what's happened, Urle?"  Is she dreaming?  So cold, her breath steaming.  Confusion still holds sway.

Helena's touch on Urla makes him feel the cold less every moment as she looks around for what in the world was causing all the racket.

The pilgrims begin to stir, voicing confusion and fear as the frost bites at them.

Urle puts his arms round Helena.  Adding extra layer of clothing from his cloak.
Offering warmth from his strong body.
Sorry he says as he does so.
Theirs seems to be some creature summoning cold in this area.
Can you make a fire or use magic to protect yourself from the cold.

Urle no longer feels the dangerous cold, but it seems everyone else still shivers with its touch.  A loud hiss, as if from a huge snake, echoes from the woods where Davor had fled to.

She blinks, confused, but with Urle giving her direction and offering her support and a little warmth, she seems to pull herself together enough to get up and step over to the fire where she starts stoking what remains of the evening's fire, shakily adding tinder and smaller twigs (set aside for use at breakfast) to try and get it to catch.  She really is making a hash of it though despite all that, the twigs catch and a flame sprouts... for how long though is anyone's guess.

Helena manages to rekindle the fire for now, and the pilgrims begin to stand, the guards holding their staves and looking around uncertainly.

"What passes?" Lul asks urgently.


The Mountain Trail

Teana Florin:
Teana looked implacably at the spearman, taking a deep breath before she continued speaking. "You," she said. "Where were you and your patrol going and what were your orders?" she asked. She was confident that she didn't need further threats, so she could get on with questioning the mongrel.

The spearman grovels as he answers, clearly very cowed by Teana's display of power.  "To find the Heir and her protectors, to bring them to our Master so that he could speak with them!"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 80 posts
Sun 3 May 2020
at 21:01
  • msg #436

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana paused. "Your master could have invited us for a drink, you know. Now people are dead, on both sides, and it never had to happen that way." She shook her head in disgust. "And your master needs to rebuild his spy network from the ground up," she added mysteriously.

She looked at the mongrel. "Take a message to your master. Tell him that if he really wants to talk, and is willing to negotiate in good faith, he needs to stop attacking us. The attack at Pearl Fort, the chimera, they were not acceptable and now there's blood on his hands. If he wants to parley, then he needs to send us an invitation that's not trying to kill us, and arrange neutral ground on which to negotiate." She raised a finger. "Personally, I'd like to see your people brought into a new Empire as honored citizens, but that doesn't mean I've forgiven your master for all the death he's responsible for." She waved a hand and spoke to all the mongrelfolk, amplifying her voice. "Give me your parole. Swear that you four will never bear arms against me, my companions or Her Majesty again, and you may collect your dead for final rites and leave unharmed."

She looked over the spearman and the archers...well, the archers as best she could. It would be a good test of whether the mongrelfolk's master could be trusted to deal honorably.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 144 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 5 May 2020
at 22:54
  • msg #437

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

With a mighty battle roar, Davor charges towards the snake creature. The scent of its blood fills the orcs nostrils and his focus shrinks to the space around his opponent. He parts the underbrush with his body, heedless of branches and foliage in his path as he swings his massive flaming sword for the thing's neck at the end of his charge.

Move Action: Close with the creature.
Standard Action: Attack hits AC 28 for 12 magical slashing damage + 2 fire damage.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 28,12,2 using 1d20+11,2d6+5,1d4.  Attack w/ damage.

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:48, Wed 06 May 2020.
GM, 149 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 9 May 2020
at 04:42
  • msg #438

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The Mountain Trail

Teana Florin:
Teana paused. "Your master could have invited us for a drink, you know. Now people are dead, on both sides, and it never had to happen that way." She shook her head in disgust. "And your master needs to rebuild his spy network from the ground up," she added mysteriously.

She looked at the mongrel. "Take a message to your master. Tell him that if he really wants to talk, and is willing to negotiate in good faith, he needs to stop attacking us. The attack at Pearl Fort, the chimera, they were not acceptable and now there's blood on his hands. If he wants to parley, then he needs to send us an invitation that's not trying to kill us, and arrange neutral ground on which to negotiate." She raised a finger. "Personally, I'd like to see your people brought into a new Empire as honored citizens, but that doesn't mean I've forgiven your master for all the death he's responsible for." She waved a hand and spoke to all the mongrelfolk, amplifying her voice. "Give me your parole. Swear that you four will never bear arms against me, my companions or Her Majesty again, and you may collect your dead for final rites and leave unharmed."

She looked over the spearman and the archers...well, the archers as best she could. It would be a good test of whether the mongrelfolk's master could be trusted to deal honorably.

"I swear Gor will go to my master and give him your message.  No arms will we bear against you or the protectors.  The Heir is never to be harmed," the mongrelfolk says, face pressed into the dust, gripping at the earth as if it is keeping him from floating away.


Traveler's Rest

Davor Spiritwalker:
With a mighty battle roar, Davor charges towards the snake creature. The scent of its blood fills the orcs nostrils and his focus shrinks to the space around his opponent. He parts the underbrush with his body, heedless of branches and foliage in his path as he swings his massive flaming sword for the thing's neck at the end of his charge.

Move Action: Close with the creature.
Standard Action: Attack hits AC 28 for 12 magical slashing damage + 2 fire damage.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 28,12,2 using 1d20+11,2d6+5,1d4.  Attack w/ damage.

Davor's spirit sword slices deep, the fire sizzling in the freezing flesh of the serpent-creature, and an ear-splitting hiss fills the clearing.

Zenna fires off several more arrows, puncturing the creature's flesh and causing more light to illuminate the clearing as more blood flows.

The enormous head of the creature darts in from the side, mouth open and the fangs spray freezing fog over the clearing, obscuring everyone's view in the glowing mist.  But more than that, the fog has an acrid scent that means only one thing, poison!

In the clearing, the glowing fog illuminates the forest, and the loud hissing makes it certain, there is something huge out there in the woods and Davor had just run after it!

Urle places himself before Helena, and Jerec reaches over to murmur a spell near Helena.  Invisible armor lightly closes in around her.  "This will help protect you if something hostile comes out of the woods," he says to her.

The pilgrims are edging closer to the fire, trying to get a little of the warmth back that has been stolen from them, their few weapons at the ready.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 145 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 9 May 2020
at 15:51
  • msg #439

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As the fog sprays over the area and surrounds Davor, the shaman feels his muscles trying to seize up in the sudden cold. The sweat of exertion on his skin freezes into tiny ice crystals. Already breathing heavily, Davor can't help but inhale the poisonous breath as he brings his greet sword over his head for a heavy overhanded attack.

Standard Action: Attack hits AC 21 for 9 magical slashing damage + 2 fire damage.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 21,9,2 using 1d20+11,2d6+5,1d4.  Attack w/ damage.

Heir, 73 posts
Sun 10 May 2020
at 15:44
  • msg #440

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena almost flinches from Jerec's touch though as the spell enfolds her she gives the mage a hesitant smile.   "What is out there?"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 81 posts
Sun 10 May 2020
at 15:47
  • msg #441

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I accept your vow. Take your fallen and depart in peace," said Teana. She waited for the mongrelfolk to be out of sight before she headed in the other direction, towards the group.
Human Cavalier, 50 posts
Order of the Lion
Mon 11 May 2020
at 15:41
  • msg #442

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Using his knowledge in nature Urle tries to help increase the strength and power of the fire.

Turning to the pilgrims.
Do you have any fire wood.  We need to make this fire bigger and better to stave of the cold.
GM, 150 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 12 May 2020
at 09:36
  • msg #443

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The Mountain Trail

Teana Florin:
"I accept your vow. Take your fallen and depart in peace," said Teana. She waited for the mongrelfolk to be out of sight before she headed in the other direction, towards the group.

The mongrelfolk quickly shoulder what they can of their fallen (mostly taking what weapons remain and a few locks of hair, apparently as either their custom or perhaps fear that Teana will turn them all into smoking craters if they linger) and depart at a jog.  After some long moments of making certain they are not doubling back, Teana takes her leave back the other direction.

She travels most of the day, and into the darkness.  It's not until quite late that she gets back to where the group is supposed to be... a traveler's rest that is occupied by strange wagons, and the nearby forest filled with freezing cold mist!


Traveler's Rest

Davor Spiritwalker:
As the fog sprays over the area and surrounds Davor, the shaman feels his muscles trying to seize up in the sudden cold. The sweat of exertion on his skin freezes into tiny ice crystals. Already breathing heavily, Davor can't help but inhale the poisonous breath as he brings his greet sword over his head for a heavy overhanded attack.

Standard Action: Attack hits AC 21 for 9 magical slashing damage + 2 fire damage.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 21,9,2 using 1d20+11,2d6+5,1d4.  Attack w/ damage.

Davor strikes true, the flame on his blade sizzling into the freezing flesh of the serpent, releasing more glowing blood that floods the misty woods!

Helena almost flinches from Jerec's touch though as the spell enfolds her she gives the mage a hesitant smile.   "What is out there?"

Helena's touch drives back the chill that had creeped Jerec's flesh, and he straightens up and peers into the glowing mist.  He sees the shadows moving in the bright mist, and finally one of the pilgrims screams as a loop of a huge snake thrashes at the edge of the trees!

"Ware, fire!" Jerec calls, and then shouts out a fiery roar that is answered by an impressive ball of flame that engulfs part of the serpent! 

Using his knowledge in nature Urle tries to help increase the strength and power of the fire.

Turning to the pilgrims.
Do you have any fire wood.  We need to make this fire bigger and better to stave of the cold.

With the ball of flame and Urle's words giving them hope, the unarmed pilgrims spring into action and get more of the firewood on the fire, hastily trying to fan the flames and bring more light and warmth to the clearing.

The cold serpent, or at least part of it, is visible at the edge of the woods, and Urle now has a target for his ire!

In the woods, Zenna fires off several more arrows, wounding the serpent further.   The serpent, seemingly maddened by the flare of fire from earlier, lunges at Davor.  But perhaps because of the flame's kiss, it missing sinking its fangs into him by a clear foot!
Heir, 74 posts
Tue 12 May 2020
at 15:57
  • msg #444

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena's numb finger try to wrap herself in her shawl.  "So cold...."  And yet what can she do?   Standing, still near the fire, she watches as Jerec unleashes a blast of fire, arrows fly and the creature and Davor's blade hisses across the creature's flesh - and all this in the eerie mist.

Leaning towards Urle she softly nudges him, "Go... Davor needs you and Jerec and the pilgrims are with me.   Go, be a hero."
Human Cavalier, 51 posts
Order of the Lion
Tue 12 May 2020
at 21:07
  • msg #445

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle looks at Helena.
I am no hero.  But a good nobleman knows when to attack and when to defend.
A good nobleman knows when to follow a request even if he does not wish to.
Stay safe.

Urle calls over Demetria.  Jumps quickly into the saddle and ride straight for the creature.  Speaking softly to Demertia as he does.

The with all his power and might he tries to hit the creature with his lance.
However this time he does not let Demetria get close enough to attach herself.
Urle not willing to risk the damage to his beloved horse.

22:01, Today: Urle rolled 27 using 1d20+14.  Attack with a lance.
22:01, Today: Urle rolled 8 using 1d8+5.  Damage x2.  Hit AC 27 for 16 damage.

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 146 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 12 May 2020
at 22:08
  • msg #446

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor's dodge out of the path of the serpent's lunge might appear to be uncanny, but it is in fact an accident. Still suffering from the effects of the poisonous breath, Davor had simply stumbled backwards just as the beast lunged. Fortunately the serpent's lunge puts it in a prime position for Davor to continue to hew away at its massive body. Another swing of his blade makes another bloody gash.

Standard Action: Attack hits AC 26 for 9 magical slashing damage + 1 fire damage.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 26,9,1 using 1d20+11,2d6+5,1d4.  Attack w/ damage.

Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 82 posts
Wed 13 May 2020
at 04:54
  • msg #447

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Upon sight of the wagons and the mist, Teana quickly came in for a landing just out of sight and crept toward the rest and the circle.
GM, 151 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 19 May 2020
at 15:20
  • msg #448

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor's sword slashes down upon the serpent as Urle takes to Demetria's back and comes charging in like an avalanche with his lance.  As the serpent rears back at the pain, Urle's lance takes it below the chin, skewering it through the skull!  The serpent thrashes on the ground, the frost spreading at the touch of its freezing blood, before it finally expires.  The cold of its blood remains, but the freezing of the air that had so discomfited everyone else abruptly breaks, leaving the night cool but fair.
Human Cavalier, 52 posts
Order of the Lion
Tue 19 May 2020
at 15:43
  • msg #449

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle pulls his lance out of the creature and moves Demetria back.
He looks over to Davor Spiritwalker.
Uhm, sorry.  The lady said I should come help you.
He looks back at the creature.
I may have over done it again.  Sorry.
I return to looking after her.

Slowly Urle turns his horse and rides back to Helena.
Getting off her he goes back to making sure the fire is warming everybody.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 83 posts
Tue 19 May 2020
at 17:02
  • msg #450

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As the mist broke, Teana walked into the camp, still rubbing her side where she'd taken an arrow graze.

"I see I missed some excitement," she said wryly to the camp, looking around to see if anyone needed immediate attention.
Heir, 75 posts
Tue 19 May 2020
at 23:34
  • msg #451

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As Urle returns, Helena, her skin freezing to the touch and having taken on a blueish tinge with the cold, stumbles over to him, "Are... are you ok?"   The cold didn't even appear to have touched the man.

She turned too to see Teana's return and with chattering teeth she greeted the half-elf, "Tea.... are you ok?"

And to the others as folk gather around the fire which is slowly warming her, "How did they find us?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 147 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 19 May 2020
at 23:41
  • msg #452

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Breathing heavity, Davor stares down at the beast as its death throws convulse the long serpentine body. As Urle starts to turn, Davor looks up with a wild expression. "Better to have the cavalry on my side." The mad light still dances behind his eyes. He thrusts his ethereal sword down into the body of the creature and leaves it there. The fire fades a few moments before the sword also disperses.

Kneeling down over the serpent's body, Davor braves the freezing blood to examine the remains. (Knowledge check?) After doing so, he rises and checks with Zenna that there areno other threats before moving back towards camp.

Davor takes a moment to collect himself and wrap his cloak around himself again before he emerges from the trees and back into the firelight of the camp. "The road is a dangerous place these days." He addresses this comment to Teanna before looking significantly over to the other group that shares the clearing.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 84 posts
Wed 20 May 2020
at 01:42
  • msg #453

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana nodded to Helena. "I'm fine, or I will be after a little nap. Was mildly inconvenienced by some mongrelfolk on the road," she said. "I don't think they knew which direction you guys were going, but they were coming too close to your route and I had to send them packing. I dropped a hint that they were on the wrong road entirely, but I don't know if they or their master will pick it up and believe it."

She looked over at the serpent, then back at Helena. "The mongrelfolk's boss wants you captured unharmed, so he can 'persuade' you to work for him. Monsters like this or the chimera don't do 'capture unharmed' very well. I think we might have two enemies, rather than one." She shook her head. "We definitely need to make our way to Vellowgrass."
GM, 153 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 25 May 2020
at 10:44
  • msg #454

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The pilgrims are understandably unnerved by what had just happened, and most are somewhat in pain from the freezing aura of the serpent, but will heal in time.  As the fire is built back up, Lul and some of the others tend to frost-nipped faces, fingers, and toes.  Any who wish to aid them are quite welcome.

When Helena asks her question of how did they find us, Zenna crouches down at the edge of camp, her wolf at her side looking about warily.  "That I am not certain.  But I would like to back-track the serpent once it is light and figure out where it came from.  I know where you are going, and we cannot assume it came here on its own, so I will catch up to you with the news as soon as I am able."

Davor examines the serpent's remains carefully. 

Lul finishes tending to his pilgrims before going over to the other group and asking, "Do you think it is safe to stay here for the rest of the night?  Does a creature like this have a mate or will scavengers come to feed upon it?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 149 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 25 May 2020
at 12:13
  • msg #455

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Over by the body, Davor pulls out his hunting knife and spends some time attempting to extract the serpent's fangs. He does his best to keep any venom sacks intact so that he can preserve the venom, but his main focus is on his trophies. The cold blood bites at his fingers and when he is done, he wipes the blood over the portions of his armor where the black paint has chipped to reveal the shiny metal underneath before finally returning to the clearing.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 25 using 1d20+8.  Survival - harvest parts.

Addressing everyone, Davor shakes his head. "That kind of creature travels alone and it's blood is as cold as ice so I don't think we have to worry about scavengers. We're as safe here as we would be trampin' along the road in the dark." He shoots a significant look at Teana and Urle to indicate that he has more to say on the matter, but first turns back to Lul. "Let me see if I can do do anything to help your people." He takes the man by the shoulder and steers his back towards the pilgrims.

Davor will put some time and effort into helping the pilgrims. If any are badly hurt, he will expend up to 2 first level spells on cure light wounds.

Once the pilgrims have been seen to and settled, Davor will return to the others. "The serpent's called a coldfang. It's a hunter and can track prey a very long way. It takes magic to lure one and set it to track someone specific. I think it's safe to say that the chimera's master sent this as well."
Heir, 76 posts
Mon 25 May 2020
at 22:57
  • msg #456

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena just looks with wide eyes as Teana makes light of what she's done.  "You must show me your wound - I can wash it."   She is far from a healer but she has to help this heroine (and the others in the camp) though for anyone with any real skill, they'll quickly see she had none!   Similarly, she'll point Davor at Teana and ask him to heal her wound if she can't manage it herself.

When she has a moment, she'll collect a scale from the creature and place it in a pouch at her belt.   So much has happened and the defeat of this creature was a landmark - much as the defeat of other had been. 

That done she'll head over to where she'd seen the pair bury something with most folk distracted, she'll look to dig it up.   Could they have somehow summoned the creature with whatever they'd buried? 

Finally, when the question of remaining here comes up she'll nod, "I understand Davor's reluctance to depart in the dark, but I think you're right, Lul.  Staying here is a risk.  I don't think we should be remaining here and I suggest you leave too... for your own safety of course."   There, she'd made a decision!
This message was last edited by the player at 20:02, Tue 26 May 2020.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 85 posts
Tue 26 May 2020
at 07:17
  • msg #457

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana nodded to Helena softly. "Thank you," she said, moving a bit away from the group so that Helena could lift up her mithral shirt and work on cleaning the wound. It didn't take healing skill just to wash an injury, fortunately - and it seemed to be rather more of a flesh wound than something deeper.

"Thank you, Helena," she said when the washing was done, and then she poured a little water from the skin to help wash the light bloodstains from Helena's hands in turn, before blow-drying them with a quick breeze.

"...I agree, we can move on a little from here and then make camp," said Teana. "As much as I liked the idea of a comfortable bedroll..." She rolled her eyes playfully.
GM, 154 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 03:27
  • msg #458

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Lul looks uncertain about the affair, but perhaps that's not surprising.  No amount of assurances will help someone who's just had an enormous cold serpent monster nearly slither into their sleeping space.  "Well, we can get up the road a piece and then rest there.  I'd druther sleep in the middle of the road than risk thrashing about in the woods.  My friends, let us pick up our wood and move up the road a mile, then sleep what we can until morning."  The pilgrims begin to pick up the stockpiled firewood and getting their belongings in the wagon and in their packs, their comments only in nervous murmurs to each other.

Helena can collect a tough blue scale from the corpse without difficulty.

Zenna is gone into the forest, off to search the creature's back-trail, and Helena can help ease the wounds of those hurt.  Once wounds are tended, the group can pack up and move down the road, the opposite direction of the pilgrims, until they find a smaller, more awkward clearing they can rest in for the remainder of the night.  It's not nearly so large, and there's no fire pit or convenient water source, but it's flat and softened with grass.  Setting up watch for the remainder of the evening, dawn comes uneventfully.

With dawn comes breakfast, and as Jerec stirs the morning porridge, he has a question to post to the group.  "Now, do we dare go back to the halfling village?  Or just straight across the entrance to the underground city?"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 86 posts
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 03:41
  • msg #459

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"We move to Vellowgrass as quickly as possible," declared Teana as they ate. "We can't afford to hide or waste more time." She looked to Helena for confirmation.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:45, Mon 01 June 2020.
Heir, 77 posts
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 18:28
  • msg #460

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As they left, Helena went over to a couple of the travellers and softly wished them safety and luck for their future. 

Then in the morning, she woke once again, tired, but... alive.  She sat silently and a little glumly as breakfast was prepared before the question of their path was raised.  "I'm not sure we could travel there without being seen by the people of Vellowgrass but avoiding them may be best for their safety."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 87 posts
Mon 1 Jun 2020
at 20:07
  • msg #461

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana nodded grimly. "Unless we can find a way to protect all the peoples of this area, we'd do best to avoid the smaller villages and only rest in cities, or in places like Greenbriar where they have appropriate defenses."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 152 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 01:06
  • msg #462

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor helps to pack the group's gear and carry it to the new campsite. He seems to be in relatively good spirits despite being covered in the serpent's blood. Perhaps it is because much of the blood is self-applied.

The next morning, over the porridge, the half-orc voices his agreement with Teana. "Agreed. We've got plenty of supplies and we'll move faster if we keep straight on. Whether they see us or not, we'll be to the entrance to the underground before the news reaches anyone." When Teana and Helena voice their concerns about people's safety he points out that both monsters were dealt with before they could do harm to innocents. "I'm not sayin' we should take chances, but we dealt with the chimera and the serpent well enough."
Human Cavalier, 53 posts
Order of the Lion
Tue 2 Jun 2020
at 17:46
  • msg #463

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle returns to the group after killing the creature.
He gets of his horse.  On listening to Helena for once take charge and decide what the group should do he says two things.

So much for our first idea.

He then nods to Helena with
As my Lady wishes.  I will be ready quickly.
His face has no expression on them but his eyes tell different tale.
He's eyes clearly spark with approval that Helena had made a decision and Urle quickly follows out her wishes.

The Knight is quite for the journey to the new camp.  He settles down and makes sure Helena is safe and comfortable.

Inspite of the location the group has no problems with water.  Urle seems to have quite a few water-skins and he filled them all up at the last place.  Everybody and all the animals are watered before they leave the  new camp.

On listening to what being said Urle just adds.
If one can it is always best to keep commoners out of the battle area and away from the battle lines.
One less accident to happen.

Heir, 78 posts
Wed 3 Jun 2020
at 23:17
  • msg #464

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena nods, accepting the advice of her compatriots.  "Ok.  Let's head directly to the entrance and do our best to avoid anyone along the way.  If there are more of those monsters hunting us then putting innocent folk in danger makes no sense."

Those watching will see Helena wince as Urle refers to her as 'My Lady' but she attempts to cover it with business.  She may be making decisions but she is still struggling with it!
GM, 157 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 03:16
  • msg #465

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As the new day dawns, the group resumes their trek out of the forest over the next few days, keeping a careful watch out for any more large and scaly foes.  Zenna catches up after a day and has the following news:

"The coldfang's tracks seem to simply appear at the northeastern edge of the forest, perhaps five miles away from the road, and several days old  I don't know a great deal about magic, but I saw no wax or odd powders or things of the sort.  I did find this, she says, holding out a large feather perhaps two feet long.  It looks rather like an eagle feather, but not one from the wings or tail, more like a curved body feather.  And if it is indeed a body feather, then said eagle must be a truly giant member of its kind.  "I do not know if it was some component in magic or evidence of a large eagle dropping the coldfang off."

Jerec examines the feather with discerning eyes.  "Feathers are used in spell work, but not often ones of this size.  The feather itself has no magic upon it, so it seems it is naturally that size.  As one of our unknown foes seems to prefer animals of unusual size for their attacks.  From what Zenna said, it seems this foe may have dropped off the coldfang and waited for us to come out of the forest.

Thusly informed and quite wary, the group kept their heads about them as they crossed the Vellowgrass Plains, bypassing the village in favor of headed straight for the boundary stones.  They made the final crossing at twilight, as much to make certain they were out of sight of the village before night fell as anything, and felt the cool of the cave embrace them after several days of the baking heat of the plains.

The chimera, whose body had been dragged here, was little more than some bits of discarded bone, widely scattered.  The passageway slopes downward, a smell of dampness and decaying vegetation wafting up from below.

"Camp here?  Scout ahead?  Or head down right away?  I remember those killer mushroom things we had to go through," Zenna asks.
Heir, 79 posts
Tue 9 Jun 2020
at 17:33
  • msg #466

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I'm not overly keen on camping near the... remains.  But if I recall correctly, it'll be dark during both and night inside so it matters little when we enter.   I'd suggest we do so now and find a camping spot deeper inside... perhaps in a building in the city if we can get that far?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 155 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 22:54
  • msg #467

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Listening to Zenna and Jerec discussing the eagle feather, Davor offers his own thoughts. "An eagle carrying a serpent eh? Sounds like an omen to me. I'll have to give it some thought." He decides to take some time to consult with the spirits about the symbolism that next time the group makes camp.

At the entrance to the underground, Davor offers his opinion on the options. "From what the mushroom folk told us, this end of the caverns is more dangerous than their territory. Experience says we can handle it though. My visions make me nervous about the city itself more than anything else. I think we ought to rest before we enter the city proper."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 88 posts
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 23:30
  • msg #468

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I'm with Davor. I don't do underground work often, but there's less likely of us being attacked up here than down there. Either way, we sleep in shifts and keep a guard. I can do first watch."
Heir, 80 posts
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 00:59
  • msg #469

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Less likelihood.  She wasn't convinced but she had to take the advice and guidance of these heroes.  "Ok.  Let's find a place above ground.  Set watch.  Everyone get as much rest as they can.  And we'll head under as soon as we've rested."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 156 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 22:30
  • msg #470

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor helps stake out a good place for the group to rest and then offers to take first watch.
GM, 159 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 07:36
  • msg #471

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The group sets watch and sleeps after their long days of travel.  Though they hear some things below, some sussurations, a few shifting rocks and pebbles, some dripping water and squeaking insects or bats, nothing bothers the camp all night.  By the next day, the group is ready to descend, though they notice something a little bit disturbing: the bones of the chimera are gone.  Examination of the tracks by Zenna yields nothing - the bones had been disturbed a great deal by scavengers over the past couple of weeks, but nothing from last night.  It was if the bones had been plucked from the ground and carried off by something not touching the floor.

Scouting ahead with great caution, Zenna comes back with, "The mushroom forest is still there, though the creatures we had fought have been covered over with smaller fungus, purple and bulbous-looking.  I am worried that they are shriekers and violet fungus."
Heir, 81 posts
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 17:38
  • msg #472

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Seeing the missing bones and hearing Zenna's warning, Helena asks the group, "Is it still safe to continue given what we've seen?  Do you think they made it here before us?  Could this be an ambush?  Should we change our plans and head elsewhere?"   She isn't panicking but there is certainly a high level of concern that they are walking into a trap.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 89 posts
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 20:07
  • msg #473

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana shrugged. "It was never going to be safe, Helena. We need what's in that vault. It just means we need to keep our eyes open."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 157 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 22:56
  • msg #474

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Let me see if the spirits will guide us." As the other put away camp, Davor will sit down, cross his legs and go into a trance.

Using Wisdom of the Ancients and asking for advice about traveling to the upside down city.
GM, 160 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 02:27
  • msg #475

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor consults his ancestor spirits and hears the following echo through his mind, "Drink of the flowing waters, the source of life for the city that still breathes in the ancient power, that you may walk as its citizen."
Wizard, 71 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 02:29
  • msg #476

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec strokes his beard in thought.  "If we are not worried about the smoke and potential mess, I could call down fire upon the shriekers and hope that we get them all before they sound an unnecessary alarm.  Hopefully the spell will sear them without much else catching aflame."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 161 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 22:44
  • msg #477

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor rouses himself from his trance and shares the advice of the spirits with the group. "I don't know that burning them away is much subtler than just letting them shriek, but as long as we're ready for anythin' that might come, it isn't a bad plan. The violet fungus is what worries me. We should definitely deal with that from a distance."

He eyes Helena. "Something may be in there waitin' for us, but we'll be ready for it."
Heir, 82 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 23:24
  • msg #478

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena pales.... "Shriekers and Violet Fungus?   What are these things?"  At least Jerec had a plan to deal with them even if Davor's trance had provided them with little concrete to go on though she does ask, "What flowing waters are the source of life to this city?   Could it be a fountain?  Or a spring somewhere?  Might that provide us with a disguise that would hide us from these Shriekers and Fungi?"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 91 posts
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 00:49
  • msg #479

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Mushrooms," said Teana. "Deadly mushrooms, but nothing we can't handle. The question is what's behind them."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 162 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 21:17
  • msg #480

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor thinks back to the group's first journey through the underground. "There was a fountain in the city. I have faith that the flowing waters will be revealed when the time is right."
Human Cavalier, 58 posts
Order of the Lion
Thu 25 Jun 2020
at 22:10
  • msg #481

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle seems very reluctant to say the following but he does.

Could not one of you that like messing with things.
Summon a creature that will set off the shreekers and we wait and see what comes?
String the trap on the creature that set it?

This message was last edited by the player at 22:11, Thu 25 June 2020.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 92 posts
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 00:14
  • msg #482

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I can't summon, but I can blast them at a distance."
Heir, 83 posts
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 01:05
  • msg #483

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Deadly mushrooms?  She's still mulling that over as Urle suggests they sprint a trap... only for her to quietly ask Teana... "If they're deadly... then we just don't eat them?"  Is she trying to lighten the mood or is she really so far removed from adventuring that she doesn't know about 'deadly mushrooms'?
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 163 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 16:24
  • msg #484

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor nods in response to Urle's question. "I could do that. We might as well start headin' there though."
Human Cavalier, 59 posts
Order of the Lion
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 20:10
  • msg #485

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle as always watches and listen to Helena.
Have you seen a dandelion plant.  Helena.
Urle winces.  He really did not feel right using her first name at all.
He did however not wish make her wince by calling her My Lady like last time.
Heir, 84 posts
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 22:45
  • msg #486

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Of course.   They are used in the creation of the dyes I've used in my weaving."
Human Cavalier, 60 posts
Order of the Lion
Fri 26 Jun 2020
at 23:35
  • msg #487

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

You know how if you blow on them the seeds carry in the wind?
Wizard, 72 posts
Sat 27 Jun 2020
at 00:15
  • msg #488

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec says, "The violet fungus is poisonous, and venomous too.  It has tendrils that can reach out and strike if you get too close, all of which are toxic.  They can move, albeit slowly.  Shriekers don't move, but if light or movement is brought within a horse-length or so, they emit a most piercing shriek that can attract anything nearby.  Some monsters learn that when the shriekers call, dinner is near.  Intelligent races use them as alarms."
Human Cavalier, 61 posts
Order of the Lion
Sat 27 Jun 2020
at 00:41
  • msg #489

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle turns to Jerec.
Slight but important error.  Shriekers can move.
He gets up and goes over to Demetria.   Checking the horse over.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 164 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 27 Jun 2020
at 13:13
  • msg #490

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor, momentarily forgetting how easily Helena can be overwhelmed by things, lets out a mirthless laugh. "'Toxic' sure is one way to describe rotting the flesh from your very bones. I've seen orc warriors twice my size beg for death after stumbling into a patch of violet fungus. It isn't a pleasant way to go."

He pulls his pack up onto his back and then moves to the entrance to the underground. "It won't do any good standing out here talkin' about it though. Let's go have a look."
Heir, 85 posts
Sun 28 Jun 2020
at 23:20
  • msg #491

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena just shakes her head as the group talk so blithely about these creatures before following Urle over and absently patting Demetria on the nose (not really thinking about how dangerous even that could be!)   "You're right.  No sense waiting around."  She'll wait for everyone to gather there things before joining them.
GM, 161 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 29 Jun 2020
at 04:49
  • msg #492

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec mutters to himself about different regional varieties of shriekers as the group creeps down the passage to where it opens into the large chamber of the towering mushroom forest.  The glow from the patches of fungus above illuminate the scene in blue twilight.  The fallen stalks of the mushrooms the party killed some weeks before lie in the middle of the chamber, choking the obvious path, and are thickly dotted with violet fungus and shriekers.  One could, with some effort, try to work their way through the untouched parts of the forest, but that could entail cutting a path, particularly to get Urle's mount through.

There are some soft sounds, some from the violet fungus just restlessly twitching their tentacles.  A cave cricket the size of a loaf of bread leaps up onto the fallen mushroom stalk and is promptly caught and poisoned by two violet fungus, then tugged in two so they can eat it.  The shriekers are quiet at this, so it seems that things below a certain size do not trigger their response.

There are some slight swaying of the stalks, just a tiny bit, and the group does recall the monsters they fought before.  There might be more up there, but if there are they either haven't spotted the group or have declined to immediately attack.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 165 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 29 Jun 2020
at 23:48
  • msg #493

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor eyes the clearing and then proposes a plan in a low voice. "It won't make a difference to the fungus, but if those mushroom creatures are still about, then they likely won't fall for this trick twice. I'll summon a creature and send it into the clearing. Be ready, it will only last about a minute." The shaman chants for several seconds and waves his hands over a piece of bones.

Moments later, a large reptilian creature appears on the path ahead of the group. At a word from Davor, the crocodile begins to wind its way towards the shriekers and the violet fungus. Once the crocodile moves off, Davor casts two additional spells.

Casting Summon Monster III to summon a crocodile (lasts 7 rounds).
Casting Magic Vestment on myself.
Casting Protection from Evil (Communal). Everyone has 1 minute duration except Jerec and Helena who have 2 minutes.

GM, 162 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 09:18
  • msg #494

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The crocodile appears and moves off, there are a few moments of silence, and then an ungodly cacophony as the shriekers cry their warning all at once.  If there were any mushroom-monsters lurking above, they seem to be disinclined to go after the crocodile, particularly after the violet fungus leaps into the fray and begins to flail at the reptilian beast. Several tentacles strike it, and it begins to slow even as it snaps at them, wrenching one off the stem entirely.

The shriekers continue to shriek, their wails echoing off the large chamber, making the echos bounce around the chamber with verve and vigor.  If there is anything else coming, it is far to loud to hear its approach.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 166 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 2 Jul 2020
at 21:08
  • msg #495

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor looks at Jerec. "I think it might be time for some fire. Gotta clear the path."
Heir, 86 posts
Fri 3 Jul 2020
at 01:06
  • msg #496

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Entirely unplanned... Davor had taken action and left Helena with her hands clasped over her eats to ward off the screams!  She watched as the others took it as a call to action.
GM, 163 posts
Weaver of Tales
Fri 3 Jul 2020
at 02:38
  • msg #497

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec nodded and intoned a few harsh words as he manipulated something with palm, spreading his hands as a bead of glowing light sped from his fingertips to explode into a ball of incandescent flame.  Crocodile, shriekers, and violet fungus were crisped in an instant, cleaning behind just three lone violet fungi and a half-scorched shrieker that had been on the fringes of the explosion.

With the vast majority of the shriekers dead, the group can now hear a faint, fluting cry from deeper in the caverns, joined by a few more, and then a bass growl...
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 167 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 3 Jul 2020
at 11:40
  • msg #498

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor flexes his fingers, but the spectral sword does not yet appear in his hand. "Do we stand and face 'em here? Or push on?"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 93 posts
Fri 3 Jul 2020
at 11:57
  • msg #499

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Here. We have an unobstructed field of view and Zenna, Jerec and I can get off long-range shots," said Teana in her "tactics" voice. "Everyone find a stalagmite or something to hide behind in case whatever-it-is can throw back."

As she spoke, she began mercilessly gathering power and blasting the remaining violet fungi with her lightning and gusts of smashing wind. No sense leaving more of this wave around when the big guys arrived.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:58, Fri 03 July 2020.
Heir, 87 posts
Sat 4 Jul 2020
at 22:03
  • msg #500

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Having been given 'advice' on the combat situation and having seen the destruction the pair were raining down on the fungi, Helena did as bid and looked to hide behind a stalagmite.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:40, Sun 05 July 2020.
Human Cavalier, 62 posts
Order of the Lion
Sun 5 Jul 2020
at 00:03
  • msg #501

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle looks at destruction Jerec made.
Not really what I had in mind.  Staying here and see what comes was plan.
He then places himself close to Helena behind a stalagmite.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 168 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 5 Jul 2020
at 12:25
  • msg #502

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor stands out in the open, presenting himself as a target for whatever may arrive. He still refrains from summoning his sword.
GM, 164 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 05:56
  • msg #503

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The group waits, hidden skillfully or not, some waiting more openly, for whatever beasties have been attracted by the shriekers' cries.  There are several long moments of terrible tension, and then from the darkness emerge the hunched chitinous backs and pincers of three pale chuuls!  Normally creatures of the sea, these dry, pale versions of them looked completely at home as they galloped across the cave floor, occasionally taking to the walls for a few bounds.  Tentacles writhed below their pincered mouths, dripping ichor, as they clambered towards what experience had told them was an easy meal.

Fifty feet away and closing fast, the chuuls's strange cries echo weirdly on the stone walls!

OOC: What's everyone going to do? Jerec will fire off a lightning bolt once he can get a good angle on these guys, and Zenna will fire her bow.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 94 posts
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 07:16
  • msg #504

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As soon as she judged that the chuul was in range, Teana faced down the lead chuul. One could have probably predicted her exact tactic: She lifted her right hand in the air as wind whirled around her and her left hand extended to shoot out a deadly bolt of her elemental lightning.

As expected: Activate Enveloping Winds for all the good it'll do, Gather Power, fire an empowered shot at extended range on a chuul designated as Chuul #1.

I am opening fire as soon as they come within 120 feet, to maybe get an extra ranged shot before they reach us.

23:11, Today: Teana Florin rolled EDIT: 35 using 6d6+9.  Lightning damage.
23:10, Today: Teana Florin rolled 19 using 1d20+9.  Attack: Lightning, Chuul #1, 120 ft.

Heir, 88 posts
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 13:57
  • msg #505

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena watches from her hiding spot trying to work out if there is literally anything she can do to help.   While nothing springs to mind she does make a mental note to ask Zena to teach her how to sue a bow.  At the very least, another arrow in the chaos might help.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 169 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 21:51
  • msg #506

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

When he spots the Chuul, Davor produces a small piece of hide covered in orcish characters which bursts into flame as he utters a word of power. The flame turns green and spreads over the shaman's body before fading. As the fire spreads, Davor's massive ghostly blade appears in his hands and another orcish command causes the flame to run up the blade and continue to burn.

As the Chuul charge in, Davor bangs his fist on his on his breastplate and lets out a bellowing challenge to the beasts. Both the banging and the war cry are magically amplified to the level of a small orcish war party. Davor then lowers his stance and waits for the Chuul to come to him.

Davor casts Shield of Faith on himself which improves his AC to 22/12/21 for 7 minutes. He also summons his Ancestral Weapon and casts Extended Sun Metal on it (lasts for 14 rounds). Finally, he casts ghost sound to amplify his challenge and bring the Chuul to him.
GM, 165 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 08:10
  • msg #507

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle, to your surprise Helena seems to be entirely adept at hiding, as she had vanished entirely!

Zenna fires off a pair arrows at the lead chuul, hitting once hard and the second bouncing off its formidable carapace.  Davor rings himself with magic, making himself an obvious target amongst the smoldering fungus carcasses.  Teana's bolt of electricity lashes into the lead chuul, making it do a most peculiar dance before it settles into an angry sprint towards the cause of its ire.  Jerec waits coolly as the monsters advance, and then flashes a lightning bolt across two of them at once, catching the back two chuuls.  The first dodges the worst of it, the second is hit squarely, and both are left smoking with the force of it.

The charging chuuls, undeterred power in to the zone of fire, though the lead one peels off towards Teana and runs up one of the towering mushroom stalks near her.  Two reach for Davor with shrieks of rage, one missing entirely with its claw, but the second not only hits Davor, but grasps him with his claw and picks him up!

OOC: Chuuls charge in, one starts climbing to higher ground, one misses Davor, one hits and grapples Davor to the tune of 13 points of damage.  All three have taken damage.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 172 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 00:28
  • msg #508

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor twists in the great beasts claw in an attempt to break free and return to his own two feet.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 28 using 1d20+10.  Break grapple.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 95 posts
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 04:09
  • msg #509

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana looked up at the climbing chuul and launched another enhanced wave of lightning at the beast.

20:07, Today: Teana Florin rolled 32 using 6d6+9.  If I hit, damage.
20:06, Today: Teana Florin rolled 12 using 1d20+9.  That climber is a target.

I think that barely hit...well, I hope. :)

GM, 167 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 08:31
  • msg #510

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor twists with great agility and gets free of the chuul's chitinous grasp before it can stuff him into his maw.  Urle, seeing his charge (or rather not seeing her and realizing she is well-hidden), takes a charge at one of the ones threatening Davor, missing but giving them another target to vent their hunger upon.

Zenna fires off another pair of arrows, one striking true in the one threatening Davor.  Teanna's wave of lightning leaves the climbing chuul dancing with electricity and barely clinging on to the stalk.  Jerec utters a few harsh words and spreads his hands in an arc, the chuul near Davor burning, then the brand leaping to the one next it, then again to the one one the stalk, burning less each time, but burning the chuuls nevertheless!

The chuul closest to Davor and the one on the stalk look very, very badly hurt, while the one in the middle doesn't look good, but not nearly as bad as the others.  This healthier chuul turns to the large possible meal of Demetria and attacks the horse.  Urle shouts and does a quick turn, trying to place himself in danger instead of his mare.  Unfortunately the chuul's vicious attack sinks its pincer deep into Demetria's flesh and hauls her close!

The chuul who had Davor slip out of its grasp hisses and tries to grab him again, but is thwarted by the protective magics he has arrayed about him.

The chuul on the stalk zeros in on one of his tormentors, Teana, and suddenly spits something across the intervening space.  A glob of something cool and sticky hits her and soaks through her clothes, bringing a numbing wave of paralysis that roots her to the spot!
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 173 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 11 Jul 2020
at 12:14
  • msg #511

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Hoping to finish off his immediate opponent, Davor swings his ethereal sword at the monster. The blade arcs through the air, trailing fire from the enchantment, and cleaves into the monster's carapace.

Standard Action: Attack hits AC 23 for 16 slashing damage (magical) and 4 fire damage.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 23,16,4 using 1d20+11,2d6+5,1d4.  Attack w/ damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 12:16, Sat 11 July 2020.
Wizard, 76 posts
Thu 16 Jul 2020
at 14:44
  • msg #512

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec twists his staff around in a series of arcane patterns igniting runes which hang in the air with the light of faded stars before they rocket off to slam into the chuul on the stalk.

Magic Missile (Toppling)
Jerec rolled 19 using 4d4+4.  Magic Missile Damage(Toppling) at Chuul on the stalk.
Jerec rolled 20 using 1d20+12.  Trip Attempt for Toppling Spell.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)

Level 1 Feat : Toppling Spell
Your spells with the force descriptor knock the affected creatures prone.
Benefit: The impact of your force spell is strong enough to knock the target
prone. If the target takes damage, fails its saving throw, or is moved by
your force spell, make a trip check against the target, using your caster
level plus your casting ability score bonus (Wisdom for clerics, Intelligence
 for wizards, and so on). This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
If the check fails, the target cannot attempt to trip you or the force effect
in response.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:45, Thu 16 July 2020.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 62 posts
Fri 17 Jul 2020
at 02:04
  • msg #513

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

With Jerec taking care of the chuul attacking Teana, Zenna turns her attention to the one that grabbed Demetria. A growl bubbling up out of her throat, she called out to her companion, “Vash!” The dire wolf turned his head to her at her call. Holding up a fist and then pointing to the chuul on the ground, Zenna yelled, “Attack!” As the large wolf darted out of cover, she dropped her bow and drew her greatsword off her back as she followed the large wolf into the fray.

Vash sprinted by the chuul, white fangs flashing as he bit at the creature, and then he was past, circling around to make another run. Then, snarling with rage, Zenna moved in slashing hard at the carapace with her blade.

Vash used his spring attack to attack on the run. Hit AC 25 for 7 slashing damage. Free trip attack vs CMD of 30.
Zenna dropped her bow (free action) and drew her greatsword (free action) and triggered her Rage ability as she moved to attack. Hit AC 25 for 15 slashing damage.

Zenna’s AC drops to 20 due to Rage.

18:46, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 15 using 2d6+10.  Zenna slashing damage.
18:45, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 25 using 1d20+14.  Zenna melee attack.
18:43, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 7 using 1d8+6.  Vash damage.
18:42, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 30 using 1d20+10.  Vash free trip attack.
18:42, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 25 using 1d20+10.  Vash attack.

This message was last edited by the player at 02:07, Fri 17 July 2020.
GM, 172 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 16:24
  • msg #514

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor's attack splits the chuul's skull for him, dropping the ichor-dripping horror onto the cave floor with a thud and creak of splitting chitin.  The crawling chuul on the stalk finds its life ended not just by the fierceness of Jerec's magical attack but by the fall to the unforgiving stone floor below.  Zenna and Vash leap into the fray with speed and power, Vash bringing the last chuul to the floor, making it release Demetria, as Zenna slashes down at it and carving through its thick armor.  Urle wheels Demetria and stabs down with his lance and Demetria's hoof, finishing what Zenna started.

The cavern echoes with the breathes of the victors, and Urle dismounts to look over Demetria's severe wounds.  Frantically he reaches into his pack for healing supplies, calling out, "Please, someone help her!"
Wizard, 77 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 17:23
  • msg #515

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec goes to Urle's side to look over Demetria's wounds and to reason out a course for treatment/triage.

Jerec rolled 20 using 1d20+2.  Heal check (Evaluation Only)

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 176 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 21:10
  • msg #516

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As the chuul falls before him, Davor looks around and sees that the other monsters have been dealt with. He lets his massive sword fall as he walks over to Demetria and a moment later the weapon vanishes. It takes several moments of rummaging around in his pack before Davor is able to produce the strange charm that is his wand of healing. Once he has it however, he begins to pass it over the horse's wounds which begin to seal. "That might not be the last nasty thing skulkin' around in here. Keep an eye out."
Heir, 91 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 22:42
  • msg #517

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

While the others are focused on Teana and the wounded horse, Helena appears from where she'd been hiding, concerns still painted across her features.   They'd barely entered this place and yet danger had found them.  "Is everyone all right?"
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 63 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2020
at 23:22
  • msg #518

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

With all the chuuls down, Zenna let the rage go with a long deep breath and felt the fatigue hit her. Though still jittery from the adrenalin rush, she moved quickly back to where she had dropped her bow and stowed it away. Then she turned to her partner and held her hand up palm out, then pointed at herself and said, "Vash. Defend."

Moving toward the perimeter of the battlefield, Zenna said, "Vash and I are on it, Davor. Take care of Demetria and we'll make sure nothing interrupts you." She then took a position behind a stalagtite and watched for anything coming.

Rolled 19 on a stealth check and 22 on a perception check

Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 101 posts
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 05:56
  • msg #519

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Feeling slowly returned to Teana's body, and a couple blasts of wind got the worst of the slime off her. Still, she was filthy.

"I've got to start carrying waterskins for emergency baths," she groused jokingly. She looked over at Urle and Demetria before asking, "Is everyone else alright?"
Wizard, 80 posts
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 12:04
  • msg #520

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

I am well. Jerec said as he supported his weight heavily with the use of his staff.

"Hideous creatures."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 178 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 20 Jul 2020
at 23:00
  • msg #521

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor ensures that Demetria's wounds are closed before turning to Teana as she tries to clean the slime off. "The spirits taught me to summon water a long time ago. Wouldn't have made it long on my own in the mountains without that. Where do you want it?"

Davor will cast Create Water as many times as Teana would like.
GM, 174 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 05:58
  • msg #522

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec, Demetria suffered a nasty wound from the cave chuul, and will likely need healing and heavy bandaging to make her comfortable.  Davor's healing touch proves to be just the thing needed, and soon the faithful steed is standing with much more ease.

At Helena's question, Urle says, "Well enough, lady, though Demetria and Davor took a bit of a knocking around.  We should be fine with Davor's magic."

As the group sluices away blood and slime, Zenna scouts ahead for anything else that might have been attracted to the commotion.  She moves silently and with care, all sense alert.  After many long moments, she doesn't believe anything else is coming.  Yet.

The group can finish cleaning up and then cautiously moving out with a care for any more mushroom-monsters.  Following the chuul's trail for a short distance (as it is on the way), the group can find a side cave, the entrance partway up a wall, where the beasts laired.  After examining it for danger, the valuable contents can be lifted down.  It seems that other travelers of the Low Road who strayed to the lesser-traveled paths found the going much more difficult.  It's impossibly to say how many victims the chuuls had taken, but from the odd collection of things left behind, it was several.

In three different belt pouches (a half-rotten black leather one, a blue silk bag that is curiously unaffected, and a rubbery pink one that is dirty but intact) there are 130 pp, 1434 gp, 508 sp, and 3270 cp.  A dusty carved wooden box with a griffon theme and tin hinges holds a collection of semiprecious gems, some thirty of them, that all together are worth 2724gp.  A fine glaive with a red silk tassel is tossed in a corner, and a small metal shield polished to be smooth enough to be a mirror is lodged in a crack in the wall.  A breastplate enameled in blue with a trio of towers embossed up on it shines just ever-so-faintly in the light.  One scroll (phantom trap) is wrapped around an arrow that seems to be made of gold with red fletching and red metal tip, vaguely warm to the touch, the odd one out in a battered silvery quiver of a dozen other mundane arrows.  Two more scrolls (bear's endurance and detect undead) and two wands (bless and know direction) are bundled together with pink silk ties.  A final wand (vanish) is wrapped in a silk robe made of magenta silk and patterned with blue butterflies.

While the things are gathered, the group keeps alert, and their vigilance is rewarded when Zenna's keen eyes note some bobbing lights, similar to lanterns aside from their cool blue hue, ahead on the path in the next cavern some hundred or so feet ahead.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:17, Mon 27 July 2020.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 102 posts
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 14:16
  • msg #523

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Over my head a couple of times," said Teana. Once wet, she blew the diluted slime into the wall, careful to avoid splashing anyone. It still made her body a bit numb, but she could get over it.

Once she was clean enough, she went over to the treasure and began dividing it with an adventurer's eye, turning to Jerec. "Can you identify the arms for us?"

After several minutes, she had the money and gems divided into six piles and change. "Here's what I've got. Each of us gets a share of the loot." She recited the math.

PP: 21 and 4
GP: 239
SP: 84 and 4
CP: 545
Gems: 5 each. Each gem is worth 90 gp, 8 sp.

"Since I bought the disguises at Greenbriar, anyone mind if I take the change?" suggested Teana as she loaded her share into the box.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:30, Mon 27 July 2020.
Heir, 92 posts
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 22:33
  • msg #524

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"But... I did nothing.  You are all here for me and deserve this.   I have no need for it."   That said, anyone watching will see her eyes dwell on the robe featuring the butterflies.  It is certainly a fine garment and far prettier than what she is wearing.   She tries to hide her interest in the garment by suggesting, "Maybe if someone taught me how to use these."  The wands.  "Maybe I could be of some use to you all?"  Of course, if she was able to use the wands, maybe she could do what Davor had done if someone was gravely wounded during another fight.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 179 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 23:24
  • msg #525

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor waves off Urle's words about his injuries. He knows the proud knight likely isn't thrilled that he had to ask for help with Demetria and so opts not to belabor the point and instead moves on to helping Teana remove the rest of the slime.

After the group discovers the chuuls' cavern, Davor calls on his power which makes his eyes glow green as he looks over the treasure. He quickly points out which of the items are magical so that Jerec can determine what they are. Then, while the wizard works, Davor sorts the wands and scrolls based on who can use them. He is nearly finished when Helena mentions wanting to learn how to use the implements. He waves her over. "Usin' these is easier if you know a little magic. Do you want to practice with 'em? I can show you how to use this wand, but Jerec would be a better teacher for this one. The third is weird, I'm not sure either of us could use it." He indicates the Bless wand, then the Vanish wand, and then the Know Direction wand. "The scrolls will be similar, but they can only be used once."

Though he takes his share of the treasure from Teana he encourages her to take the remainder.

Either: Bear's Endurance scroll, Detect Undead scroll
Arcane: Phantom Trap scroll, Vanish wand
Divine: Bless wand
Bard, Druid, Psychic, or Shaman: Know Direction wand

Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 103 posts
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 01:37
  • msg #526

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Or I can teach you how to use a wand or scroll, if you have the will and the smarts," said Teana, "but it'll take time and effort."

Teana has the Use Magic Device skill.

"Now, two more things," added Teana. "First. As far as I'm concerned, you're one of us. On the road, I've never seen you skip your share of the camp duties or fail to help out where you can. You sang to the spiders at Greenbriar and you helped wash my wound. You'll do Heir stuff when you have to, because none of us can do that. And when it comes to fighting, it's your job to keep yourself safe. So when we find valuable treasure, you're going to get a share with the rest of us." She slipped her box into her Bag of Holding, then filled Helena's share into the silk bag and pressed it into her hands, though she did hold on to it. "I'll carry this for you if you don't want to carry a heavy sack, but it's yours." She chuckled a bit. "I recommend it, though. If I didn't have a magic bag, I'd chuck all of the copper."

Nearly twenty pounds of precious metal can get kind of heavy.

"Last, if you want to learn to take better care of yourself, then next time we're in Greenbriar or another town and have some free time, I can help you find some masters to give you lessons. You'll still have to promise to stay back in a fight, and I don't even want you slinging arrows from the back unless something's charging up your ass. But learning adventuring skills and wand use is a good idea."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 64 posts
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 15:05
  • msg #527

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The bobbing lights up ahead may be nothing, but more likely something, Zenna thought as she kept an eye on them. Turning to Helena for a moment, she said "I agree with Teana. You're one of us so you get a share." Her eyes moving back to the lights in the distance, Zenna continued, "You're going to need the money eventually, for gear or food or training or whatever. At least for the stuff we don't find along the way. And I can teach you how to use a bow as we go, if you want."

As she waited for Jerec to examine the treasure for magic, Zenna kept an eye out, both on the lights ahead and the darkness behind. Wouldn't do to be snuck up on, after all.
GM, 176 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 09:07
  • msg #528

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The bobbing lights seemed to have stopped for now, and Zenna can now hear some faint whisperings.  She can see vague humanoid figures moving about, the light barely illuminating them, and at this distance it's difficult to say who or what they are.  Vash seems uneasy, however, and sniffs the air with extreme suspicion.
Heir, 93 posts
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 12:32
  • msg #529

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena isn't overly convinced Davor, Teana and Zenna's arguments but she does brighten a bit as she's offered some training both with the bow (in Zenna's case) and with the wands (in Davor and Teana's cases).   She hesitantly reaches out to touch one of the wands as the group consider them and (to her surprise) there's no obvious effect when she does!  She accepts their offers though with a, "Thank you.  It'd certainly make me feel that I've earned my place here with you."

Her attention is diverted to Vash who appears nervous, "What the matter?"
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 65 posts
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 00:56
  • msg #530

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"He's just a bit nervous about what's up ahead," Zenna replied quietly as she knelt down next to the dire wolf and put her hand on his broad furry back, "But then again so am I. I can't make out what's moving around out there, but I'll let you know if they start moving this way." She watched the figures, trying to make out any details through the gloom.

17:52, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 27 using 1d20+12.  Perception check.
GM, 177 posts
Weaver of Tales
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 05:06
  • msg #531

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna Kern:
"He's just a bit nervous about what's up ahead," Zenna replied quietly as she knelt down next to the dire wolf and put her hand on his broad furry back, "But then again so am I. I can't make out what's moving around out there, but I'll let you know if they start moving this way." She watched the figures, trying to make out any details through the gloom.

17:52, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 27 using 1d20+12.  Perception check.

Watching closely and concentrating her attention, Zenna sees something that is quite eerie.  The figures seem to be human, wearing formal clothing and robes, but what is most curious is that they are translucent!
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 180 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 1 Aug 2020
at 14:20
  • msg #532

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor spins the Know Direction wand around so that it is facing Helena. "Why don't you hold onto it? When's there time, I'll give you some pointers on using it."

He then collects the rest of the divine implements and stuffs them away into his pack before picking up the arcane ones and holding them out to Jerec. "When you're your done with that stuff, these will be more useful to you."

Finally, he turns his attention to the lights and Zenna's focused stare. "Somethin' we need to be worried about?"
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 66 posts
Sat 1 Aug 2020
at 23:16
  • msg #533

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Maybe," Zenna replied to Davor, "Looks like there are apparitions up ahead. But I can't be sure exactly what they are. They're walking around and finely dressed. Could be an illusion. Could be an echo of those who lived in the old town, like the reflection we're going to. Or they could be actual ghosts." She glanced up at him, "Think you can talk to them?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 181 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 2 Aug 2020
at 12:24
  • msg #534

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Squinting at the distant forms, Davor considers for a moment. "I suppose that talkin' to apparitions falls pretty well in my area of responsibility don't it? I can ask them about the flowing waters at least. Everyone should be warned though, the spirits sent me a vision of ghosts of the upside-down city and I'm fairly sure it was a warnin'. It may not be as simple as tryin' to turn us into ghosts too, but there was somethin' unsettlin' about 'em."

He glances around. "Maybe everyone else ought to stay in cover. Just 'till we see what's happenin'." He then sets off along the path towards the next cavern. Though it is hard to tell from the back, he mutters a word in orcish and makes a gesture that would seem to be a couple of spells as he walks.

Casting Detect Evil and then Enhanced Diplomacy.
Heir, 94 posts
Wed 5 Aug 2020
at 11:04
  • msg #535

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Ghosts.... Not exactly what Helena wanted to hear but she was inquisitive enough to want to know more even if she could see that Zenna was far from pleased to see these... beings.

She's drawn back to the 'here' by Davor's offering of the wand and hesitantly accepts the wand with a soft, "Thank you.  I'd like that."  Clearly referring to the later training.

She then watches as the Orc heads towards the ghosts to speak to them.

[OOC: Has someone collected all the items?  The shield, dress etc?]
Wizard, 81 posts
Sat 8 Aug 2020
at 12:30
  • msg #536

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

In reply to Davor Spiritwalker (msg # 532):

Jerec cradles the items offered to him before quickly stashing them away in his sack.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 106 posts
Sat 8 Aug 2020
at 19:43
  • msg #537

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana stuffed the breastplate and shield into her bag for later identification, then hid behind a stalagmite.
Human Cavalier, 65 posts
Order of the Lion
Wed 19 Aug 2020
at 19:43
  • msg #538

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle does a last check over Demetria.  He says a few words in elfish to himself.
Thank you for your help everybody.
He says.  He then takes the horse back and out the way.

Turning to Helena.
I am afraid your share of what we found is not a sixth but is three twelves.  Being give money and items is something your going to find happens a lot.
Just remember what good you can do with it.

He then pulls an item out of one of his saddle backs.
If your going to start doing some training then I would add this to list.  It is up to you.  But it would help you and I will teach you want to do.
He give Helana a dagger on bet with scabbard.  Once you good with this blade we will move onto others.
Heir, 96 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 01:01
  • msg #539

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Uhm.... three 12ths?   I don't understand Urle... why?"  His advice though gives her food for though.  Maybe she could help others with it?   She had to....  Accepting the belt and sheathed dagger she awkwardly buckles the belt about her waist.  "Thank you Urle.   I know how to use a knife... and scissors.   But I know what you can teach is far from the parting of silk edging of cotton."
Human Cavalier, 66 posts
Order of the Lion
Thu 20 Aug 2020
at 02:17
  • msg #540

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle smiles at Helena.
Your have herd of tax's and tithe's right?
Heir, 97 posts
Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 01:20
  • msg #541

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Of course I do.  I always paid my taxes...."  Her words slowed as the im[plication of Urle's words sunk in, "But these aren't my lands?"  Or were they?  She really wasn't sure.   This whole business was so often beyond her!
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 108 posts
Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 01:48
  • msg #542

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana chuckled at Urle. "A knight doesn't usually kick up half his treasure, you know."

She looked at Helena and shrugged. "Yes, I'm pretty sure this is part of the Empire's traditional land. That makes it your land."
Human Cavalier, 67 posts
Order of the Lion
Fri 21 Aug 2020
at 11:28
  • msg #543

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle looks back at Teana.
That is very true.  A normal knight my give a fifth.  If he or she is very loyal or you keep good eye on his or her income.
Urle places his head against Demetria saddle.
But if your a member of a holy order.  Then a tithe of half your income is not uncommon.  Which unlike taxes is given willingly.
Urle turns to Helena and smiles.
It is not the money.  That I give gladly.  In fact I gain from it.  As when I am old and gray.  I cannot lift a sword or ride a horse.  If I served my lady well then I get a room to myself and food every day.  Even better as I was your personal body guard I think I get a small house and personal maid.
A rare, amused smile crosses his face at having his own maid.  Then his face loses it smiles.
It is the fact I got tricked into joining the holy order instead of staying a simple Knight.  I cannot believe I was so gullible.  However when the knight finds out what I am doing right now he is going be be so mad with himself.  His nasty trick would have backfired.
Urle looks into middle distance.
It seems I may have the last laugh on him in the end.
Heir, 98 posts
Mon 24 Aug 2020
at 23:56
  • msg #544

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The concepts were coming thick and fast but the one she was most interest in was Urle's comment about being tricked into knighthood.  "How could you have been tricked?"  His story about his retirement made sense and she hoped that they'd have succeeded at their endeavour by that point!
Human Cavalier, 68 posts
Order of the Lion
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 03:29
  • msg #545

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle realized he needed to explain a lot.
My order.  The Order of the Lion has four core principles.
First you give your life to protect your ward and your wards home.
Second no knight will attack another knight or that knight's ward.
Third we do not get involved with politics are job is to protect and serve.
Lastly we shun the use of magic spells especially arcane, although enchanted items are tolerated.

Myself I hate magic, when I was small I watched a witch torture a friend that she captured.  I could do nothing to help and could not run away.

The four principles is why my order survived the downfall.  When the last ruling bloodline was gone each chapter took on a role, a kingdom ruler or a place as it ward.  As the different groups tried to take their own slice of the fallen empire we did not.  We did not get involved with politics.  Soon we became the only group the others could trust.  If you needed to meet an enemy to make peace and both where wards in some way.  They would all be surrounded by members of The Order of The Lion.  Both sides where safe.
When it came to spell casters the Powerful spell caster's found us hard to overcome but also could see we where no threat.

Urle looked into Helena's face with a sad look.
Their is one exception.  We have a holy order within our ranks.  They are sort of outcasts but tolerated.  Each order has a priest and two curates.  Their job is to heal and tend to the healing needs of the order.  They serve no god.  They just serve the needs of the order in a holy way.  It is a mess but it works, somehow.
My order has it set of priest and curates.  A knight who dislike me goaded me over magic and to prove my disdain.  He said if I was to fight this abomination then I must understand it.  To recognize it and even detect it when ever I saw it.  I told him it was a ridiculous idea.  But he kept on.
So to prove him wrong I studied magic so I could protect my order from it.

The knight looked down at his feet.
Thing is I studied so hard I learned how to detect magic.  With the purest intent to protect my order from it.  When I cast my first spell I realize what I had done.  I turned myself over to the leader of my chapter to be drummed out of my order.  Banished for ever as I deserved.  As the knight had hoped.  Only I wasn't.  I was deemed to be blessed and cursed.  I was added to the number of the Holy Order of the Lions.  It seem they are able to move between chapters as they wish.  New members of the Holy order are so rare they never let them leave.  So I was moved to another chapter.  So I became a member of The Holy Order of the Lion.  Tricked into it.  Tricked into being a spellcaster.  The thing I hate.
And in becoming a member so half of what I gain goes to my order or the rightful ruler as she has returned.

So I am not the purest of your knights protectors as I am also a healer.  I also must be honest.  If you say the area of my ward is to be extend to your close traveling companions then I am bound to use my skills to aid them to the fullest.  Anybody that is not my ward or a member of The Order of the Lion I am only meant to use my healing to stop them from dieing.   I am not meant to use my power to it fullest to heal them.

I think Gm forgot the change in character when I took over when the GM npc me.  But anyway Urle very very reluctant to cast spells.

GM, 182 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 03:28
  • msg #546

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor Spiritwalker:
Squinting at the distant forms, Davor considers for a moment. "I suppose that talkin' to apparitions falls pretty well in my area of responsibility don't it? I can ask them about the flowing waters at least. Everyone should be warned though, the spirits sent me a vision of ghosts of the upside-down city and I'm fairly sure it was a warnin'. It may not be as simple as tryin' to turn us into ghosts too, but there was somethin' unsettlin' about 'em."

He glances around. "Maybe everyone else ought to stay in cover. Just 'till we see what's happenin'." He then sets off along the path towards the next cavern. Though it is hard to tell from the back, he mutters a word in orcish and makes a gesture that would seem to be a couple of spells as he walks.

Casting Detect Evil and then Enhanced Diplomacy.

Davor gazes over the apparitions with spirit sight, calling upon his ancestors for guidance.    As he draws closer to the translucent beings, he can see they seem to be humans, tall and handsome (at least as humans generally reckon these things) with intricate robes and headdresses that seems to be made of fine materials.  They are curiously colorless, and orbs of light slowly orbit them, supplementing the light that emanates from their very forms.  There are a round dozen of them, and as Davor approaches, they arrange themselves in a semi-circle, as if receiving him at a council meeting.  Their expressions are somber, and some are frowning.

Who approaches Council of Goldenhame?  A priest-representative of Thulkath? they whisper as one, their voice reaching not your ears, but your mind, even those in hiding.  However, the spectral beings do not seem to react to anyone other than Davor.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 187 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 22:09
  • msg #547

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Used to hearing voice in his head, Davor is unfazed when the being speak. "That'll do I reckon. Well, I'm a shaman and Thulkath is just nearby, but I don't think we need to be gettin' into quibbles about terminology and tribal boundaries." He looks around pointedly. "Seems like a strange place to be holdin' council."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:09, Thu 27 Aug 2020.
GM, 183 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 1 Sep 2020
at 05:31
  • msg #548

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The apparitions do not seem to find Davor's speech very impressive, and the leaders answers with a haughty air, Goldenhame's Grand Promenade is the perfect place to receive a foreign representative.  State your purpose for coming to Goldenhame, Shaman, and what you bring for the privilege.
Heir, 100 posts
Tue 1 Sep 2020
at 20:34
  • msg #549

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena listened to Urle explain what had happened to him so many years ago.  A child forced to watch his friend be tortured and killed.   Her hand involuntarily raised to touch his arm.  "I'm so sorry, Urle.  You should not have had to endure that."

She pursed her lips, "But... perhaps it is time to see the evil for what it was.   The witch's actions were wrong.   The tools she used to perpetrate the evil.. can't be blamed.  The same way a knife can kill, it can be used, as I have done many a time, to create beautiful things.  Magic is exactly the same.  Perhaps... perhaps in this you have your blessing - the opportunity to examine your own bias and become more what you strive to be?"  She's obviously referring to him being the political neutral party as obviously a bias would make Urle utterly unsuited to such a task.

She then smiles, "But... I can see heart presented, Urle.  I don't think anyone can claim to be pure or indeed honest.  But in both, I am see you constantly strive towards them - something I see as admirable."

"As for everyone here... I rather see you all as an odd sort of family.  Each different and unique.  But still family.  I'd hope you'd be a part of that and that you'd see them as family too."


As they then follow Davor across to the spirit figures and hear their speech, which surprises her though does nothing as the others don't seem overly pattered, and she patiently waits while considering the 'council' and who they might have represented.  Perhaps she'd heard a story of them in the past?

21:32, Today: Helena rolled 26 using 1d20+7.  Knowledge: History.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:43, Tue 01 Sept 2020.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 188 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 1 Sep 2020
at 22:06
  • msg #550

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor keeps his expression neutral with a little effort as he replies. "I'm just askin' for the opportunity to drink from the flowing waters of the city and to walk around while I take in its magnificence. Tribal people like us don't have much to offer great civilizations like you, but we're all part of the same great empire aren't we? What makes one of us stronger will help the rest. I think my people could learn a lot from a great people like you." He hears other approaching from behind and motions for them to wait with a subtle hand motion behind his back.
GM, 184 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 07:47
  • msg #551

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena ponders what stories and tales she's heard in the marketplace around Pearl Fort about someplace called "Goldenhame". 

Davor Spiritwalker:
Davor keeps his expression neutral with a little effort as he replies. "I'm just askin' for the opportunity to drink from the flowing waters of the city and to walk around while I take in its magnificence. Tribal people like us don't have much to offer great civilizations like you, but we're all part of the same great empire aren't we? What makes one of us stronger will help the rest. I think my people could learn a lot from a great people like you." He hears other approaching from behind and motions for them to wait with a subtle hand motion behind his back.

The stiff-necked councilors of Goldenhame seem to be mollified by Davor's speech, and the leader unbends enough to give a nod of his head.  "That is true, shaman, and you will see wonders.  Very well, you are welcome to walk the streets of Goldenhame and talk of its citizenry, though mind that we are a busy people.  The Symposium has many who are here to discuss ideas however, and you may learn much there.  There will be a guide nearby if you have need of other information.  Come, Councilors, we have much to do..."

The apparitions slowly fade as the Council of Goldenhame turns as if to go back the way they came.  As they do, they vanish from sight completely, leaving behind the echoes of their voices in the caves, the distant squeak of bats and other wildlife, and the drip and gurgle of flowing water.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 189 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 13:07
  • msg #552

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Once the spirits have disappeared, Davor turns around to face the others with a broad smile. "There ya' go, what did I say? Now I do suspect that those won't be the last spirits we have to deal with 'round here so everyone stay on your toes. Seems they're trapped in their past one way or another and don't realize anything's happened. Those kinds of spirits can get nasty. I don't think these were good people either. I got the sense of mild evil that ya' get with corrupt officials and the like."
Heir, 101 posts
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 22:25
  • msg #553

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Decadent rather than directly corrupt maybe?   I once heard a ballad about a couple who fell in love in Goldenhame.   A jewel of the Empire supposedly.  Famed for its magic, it's learning and its trade in magical goods and knowledge.  Anyway, they fell in love this wizard performed a truly magical courtship to woo his intended."  She then blushes remembering the ballad and feeling a little silly for having firstly recalled it and secondly explaining it is such a 'soppy' way!
This message was last edited by the player at 22:25, Mon 07 Sept 2020.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 109 posts
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 05:55
  • msg #554

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"It's pretty much the same everywhere. Most of the rich like to keep what they have. We should just leave 'em be. We're here on business after all."
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 190 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 22:27
  • msg #555

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor nods at Helena. "Likely yeah, self-interested folks. Sounds like a good song. Useful anyhow."

He eyes the direction where the spirits disappeared and then nods. "Right, down to business. Just be careful and say somethin' if you see any more."
Human Cavalier, 71 posts
Order of the Lion
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 23:08
  • msg #556

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle notes.

If the guard dog raises it's head looks at you and sniffs then goes back to sleep.  If this happens there is no point in poking it with a stick and waking it up.

He looks over to Davor.
Davor as far as I can see you still talk a load of hot air.  However sometimes hot air is just what is needed to help us sail along.  It seems this is one of them times.

The Cavalier shrugs his shoulders.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 191 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 22:49
  • msg #557

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor's broad grin is a little scary with his large teeth. "A pleasure to be of service."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 69 posts
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 06:36
  • msg #558

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna and Vash step out of hiding to join the others. "Indeed, nicely done, Davor," she said to the shaman, "Now let's see what we can find in Goldenhame." Moving forward, Zenna kept her eyes and ears open for danger as she proceeded deeper into the cavern.

23:31, Today: Zenna Kern rolled 14 using 1d20+12.  Perception.
Meh, almost minimum. Yuck.

Human Cavalier, 72 posts
Order of the Lion
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 08:07
  • msg #559

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle no better:- 09:07, Today: Urle rolled 13 using 1d20+8.  Perception.

This message was last edited by the player at 08:07, Thu 10 Sept 2020.
Heir, 102 posts
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 22:35
  • msg #560

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena follows the group as they move out, her thoughts clearly on the meeting-past rather than her surroundings.

23:33, Today: Helena rolled 2 using 1d20+1 ((1)).
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 192 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 23:54
  • msg #561

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor follows, keeping a keen eye out for more spirits.

Davor Spiritwalker rolled 26 using 1d20+8.  Perception.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 110 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 02:08
  • msg #562

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana walked behind the group, keeping a close eye on her surroundings. Or maybe just watching Helena walk; that was more important than keeping a lookout for danger.

18:06, Today: Teana Florin rolled 8 using 1d20+5. Perception.
GM, 185 posts
Weaver of Tales
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 10:04
  • msg #563

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The passageways along the Low Road seem to be clear of hazard for the moment.  The group spies some bats and insects, some large enough to swallow the latter, some of the former large enough to provide shade for the whole group plus their mounts and companions, though none seem to be more than curious for the moment.

It takes another couple of hours of walking until you reach the edge of the city on the ceiling, the beautiful buildings with their fountains and occasional lights clinging to the top of the cavern in merry defiance of nature, a good fifty to sixty feet off the floor.  Eyeing the city with great care, Davor thinks there are the faint glows of other spirits moving about the city, particularly in the areas where the everglowing lights aren't.

This section of the city seems to be houses and perhaps small shops, along with courtyards and a few statues with fountains, mostly depicting some heroic-looking figure in robes, inlaid with shining metals and studded with colorful stones.

The stretch of cavern here has some stalactites and stalagmites off of the road and the boundaries of the city, a few of them almost kissing to form a column of slippery, pointed, wet stone.  The walls of the cavern look slightly roughened, so climbing them would neither be terribly difficult nor insanely easy.  None of this maters of Teana, for whom the ground is always a suggestion, but those lacking the powers of air may need a more mundane way to ascend to their goal...
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 111 posts
Fri 11 Sep 2020
at 10:51
  • msg #564

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I really should start carrying a rope," said Teana after looking over the cavern walls. "Is anyone else carrying one?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 193 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 12 Sep 2020
at 15:16
  • msg #565

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor pulls out a surprisingly well made looking rope. "Never leave home without it."

He cranes his neck to look up at the city above. "Alright, assumin' Teana that you can get up there on your own, I've got a way to get five more up. My way's liable to be a little slow though and you're only goin' straight up." He eyes the party and his gaze passes over Demetria. "That's five countin' the horse by the way. So we still got one too many."

He scratches his chin. "The spirits, the ones I normally talk to not those hoity toity Goldenhame folks, told me we got to drink the waters. I see plenty of fountains up there. Might be worth someone goin' up and takin' a drink to see what happens."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 112 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2020
at 22:02
  • msg #566

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana nodded and took the rope. "Well, I can get the rope to the top," she said, and quickly kicked off the ground to head to the top of the column.

Finding a spot where she could land, she did so, and tied one end of the rope to a convenient stalagmite, then dropped the other side of the rope down to the ground. "Zenna, can you climb up after me? Davor should be able to carry the rest of us."
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 70 posts
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 01:52
  • msg #567

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna nodded to Teana, "Sure, I can come up after you. I also have 50 feet of rope if we need another line." Then she knelt down next to her wolf and motioned for him to stay here and guard the area. "You'll have to stay here, Vash. Stay safe and I'll be back soon." She gave him a good head rub before grabbing the rope and hauling herself up.

OOC: Taking 10 on her Climb skill gives her a total of 17

This message was last edited by the player at 01:57, Tue 15 Sept 2020.
GM, 188 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 08:56
  • msg #568

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna can climb up without too much difficulty, while Vash stays below.  While he is still on the lookout for danger, he does keep glancing up at Zenna.  This is, after all, far different than a tree.  Once at the top on the edge of the city, Zenna can see the exquisitely detailed homes or other buildings that form the outer perimeter, including a wall and gate that stands open.  The place is... oddly clean.  No evidence that the creatures of the Low Road have been using it as places to nest or den, not even a smell of bat guano or mold.  There doesn't even seem to be dust.  Indeed, there is a faint smell of perfume, incense, and fresh flowers.

Occasionally she can spy the faintest outline of people as they go through activities of daily life: someone walking through a street, two neighbors conversing, a child chasing after a bright bird, only the briefest of outlines before fading.

There is a fountain here in what would have been the plaza right inside the gate, an elaborate one with five bowls that sprays water like a peacock's tail, and falls with a musical sound from the top to the bottom basin.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 195 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 14:35
  • msg #569

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Down below on the ground, Davor waits for a signal with noticeable impatience. He toys with a piece of leather pulled from his pouch of spell components as he tries to see Zeanna in the darkness above. More than once he cups his hands to his mouth as though preparing to shout up at her, but then thinks better of it. Under his breath, he mutters: "Hard to see details in this gloom."
Heir, 103 posts
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 17:46
  • msg #570

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena too watches with bated breath....
Human Cavalier, 73 posts
Order of the Lion
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 20:35
  • msg #571

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle turns to Demetria and talks to her.
Trying to explain what the group was doing and what was going to happen.
The horse seemed a little unsure but the two put their heads together in what clearly was bonding trust movement.

Urle turns to Davour.
Demetria is ready.  As best I could she now understands what going to happen.

Urle smiles a little and adds.  It seems for Helena's amusement.
Demetria did point out she has notice the herd we join is very strange.  That they want to do very strange things.  She respect my decision but she did ask if this was a good herd to be in and maybe we should go back to the last herd we were in as they where full of normal horses.
Wizard, 83 posts
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 03:11
  • msg #572

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec had been quiet as the others had spoke and moved into action.  He stroked his beard as he listened to what was said; but seemed to be looking around at the animals in the area.  Birds, insects, bats, and anything else he could see.

After a moment, he cleared his throat.

"I have a spell that lets me change into a small or medium creature.  I could fly in or walk in as a local animal would.  Also can speak to animals.  May be handy if we need to get any information or ask a favor of one if we offer it some food or a reward."

Making a blanket statement seemed to be all the wizard was doing.  He gave a brief smile to those who looked at him and continued to look around and take in their area.  Life had a tendency to change on one in the blind of an eye.  Jerec seemed cautious and quiet as he looked around.

OOC: Hello all.  Getting into the character slowly.  I have a lot to read and catch up on.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 198 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 21:51
  • msg #573

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor eyes Jerec, returning the smile with a somewhat manic one of his own. "Changin' into somthin' that can fly would be helpful. Ain't gonna be easy gettin' all of us up there. Don't know how long it lasts, if you wanted to do it now and go up to check things out."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:52, Mon 21 Sept 2020.
Wizard, 84 posts
Thu 24 Sep 2020
at 01:50
  • msg #574

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec nods and thinks for a moment.

"I'll go as a giant raven.  Something you all can recognize and strong enough to carry one if not all of you up there if need be, one at a time mind you."

Looking up above, Jerec goes through a ritual and caws like a raven.  Then he begins to cast and changes forms into a large raven.

Looking up, he flys toward the city to check it out.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:29, Wed 07 Oct 2020.
GM, 190 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 07:00
  • msg #575

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec can fly up near where Zenna went without difficulty, seeing what seems to be a city arrested in time, lights on in homes, fountain flowing, even fresh flowers in its gardens, the welcoming square ready, but bereft of all but the faintest ghosts of its people.  And, of course, upside-down.
Zenna Kern
Human Ranger, 74 posts
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 14:58
  • msg #576

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Zenna climbs up to the very top and touches the "ground" of the city, but it just feels like normal stone to her. Sighing, she climbs back down to join the group.

Upon reaching the ground, Zenna rubbed Vash on the top of his head and then turned to the group. "It literally seems like an upside down city up there. It's clean with no signs of animal life. Lights on, fountains flowing... upside down, so there's something magical going on there... and I could even smell perfume in the air. Nothing moving that I could see, though. I was rather hoping that the upside-downess might extend to us once we got up there, but I got to the ceiling and there was no effect. Do we have a plan on how we're going to move around up there, or do we just need to move the rope to a door so we can climb up and then go directly into a building?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 199 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 29 Sep 2020
at 23:34
  • msg #577

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor's eyes twinkle mysteriously. "The spirits tell me that the secret is in the water. I don't know if the world's gonna magically reorient when we drink it, but I figure that's what we gotta try. See what happens."
Wizard, 85 posts
Wed 30 Sep 2020
at 03:10
  • msg #578

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Unable to speak to the others, Jerec tried a few experiments.

First, he landed on a house roof to see if he was able to stay standing or if he would fall.

Then he would look around for any sign of life.  Was anyone here or were they all inside hiding.

Lastly, if no one was visible, he would do a fly by of some houses and look inside to see if he could see anyone through the windows or any open doors.
GM, 191 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 03:33
  • msg #579

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Trying to land on the roofs only find Jerec slipping, gravity still holding its usual sway.

Jerec can see faint flashes of people, like faded illusions, going about their daily business.  A brief, translucent glimpse of people sitting by the fountain, or (while looking through windows) lounging in the room of one of the houses on furniture that is no longer there.  A few moments of a child playing with a wooden dog magically animated to gambol and play with her.  Dishes float from a kitchen to a dining table, then vanish again.
Human Cavalier, 75 posts
Order of the Lion
Sun 4 Oct 2020
at 19:44
  • msg #580

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle waits.  The whole situation was beyond anything he could deal with.
He had to rely on the others.  This was again something he would only be doing because he had to protect Helena.  Where she goes he goes unless she says otherwise.

So holding Demetria reins and he waits.
Wizard, 86 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 02:34
  • msg #581

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

After seeing all he has, Jerec flies back to the party and reverts to his normal form.

"Well that was interesting.  Gravity still works the same as it does here.   I could not land on the roof without falling back down below.

He exhales as he things how to word the next words.

It seemed that there were people there, but they were illusions or ghosts of what once was.  They sat on furniture that was transparent like they were.  They also disappeared for a time.  As if the illusion or ghosts flicked out of existence and either restarted or the magic that held them there was waning.  I was unable to cast spells to verify or investigate, but that is what I saw.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:35, Wed 07 Oct 2020.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 200 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 22:09
  • msg #582

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor considers what Jerec says. "Did you try drinkin' the water?"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 116 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 22:21
  • msg #583

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana simply listened, not knowing much about this place's magic.
Wizard, 87 posts
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 02:10
  • msg #584

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

He chuckles at Davor's comment.

"No, I didn't.   What I am telling you is true.  Question is how we go about getting up there and scouting better.   Think there is a different way than a direct route?"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 201 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 23:49
  • msg #585

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor looks around, seems to come to a decision, then starts to chant and wave his hands. One of the eyes on his wolf skull pauldron starts to glow and then all of a sudden, he is floating up into the air. "I'm gonna go take a drink. If I'm not back before too long, try somethin' else I guess." At a much more sedate pace that the others who have gone up, Davor floats towards the upside down city and looks for a fountain.
GM, 192 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 13 Oct 2020
at 03:51
  • msg #586

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor can find a fountain easily enough - they seem to be in every square and courtyard.  The water smells sweet, even fragrant, and if he wishes, he can drink some and find it quite pleasant.  Then he feels things shift slightly, and suddenly the ground is the city and his traveling companions are standing, most strangely, on the ceiling!
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 203 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 14 Oct 2020
at 00:09
  • msg #587

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Momentarily throwing caution aside, Davor shouts triumphantly "up" to the rest of the party. "Easy enough! Just drink the water! Doesn't taste half bad either! Do I need to come up there and get folks?!" He begins to stride around the fountain, testing things out.
Wizard, 89 posts
Mon 19 Oct 2020
at 04:20
  • msg #588

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec looks surprised by Davor's transformation.

Nodding to Davor, he addresses the party.

"I can become a giant crow again and slowly ferry you all up there one at a time.   Would not be able to bring the horse though."

He left it open and waited to see what everyone though.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 117 posts
Mon 19 Oct 2020
at 04:34
  • msg #589

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana shrugged. "I recommend most of us drink the water," she said. "I can do it or not, myself."
GM, 193 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 22 Oct 2020
at 09:59
  • msg #590

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Those who drink (however they were ferried up) find themselves standing firmly on the ground of the city, the ceiling below now just a peculiar sort of sky.  The ghostly figures seem to become a little stronger as more members of the group drink and "enter" the city, until a translucent parade of people going about their daily business bustles all around them (and in some cases, through them). People appear at the gate to enter the city seemingly out of thin air, though those guarding the gate seem to be unsurprised for their arrival, so perhaps they are seeing beyond what you are able to view.  Those that enter the city through this gate mostly seem to be very well-dressed and with several servants and guards, that act and posture like nobility.  They talk amongst themselves, the faintest ghosts of words audible.  Little gets through the distant veil, but one word is repeated enough that you do hear: "coronation"

It seems this is a noble's quarter and a noble's gate, and many of the guests are here for a festival.  They laugh and gesture extravagantly, some of their jewelry or robes glowing or even slightly moving with wearable magic or illusions.  A few of the nobles are in palanquins, their curtains barely parted, being bourn by a number of liveried servants.  Several of these are heading towards the center of the city, where the largest buildings and broadest courtyards are arrayed.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 204 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 22 Oct 2020
at 23:18
  • msg #591

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

With the others joining his, Davor turns his attention to the ghostly apparitions walking around the area. He studies them until he sees one who doesn't look like they are in a great hurry to be anywhere and then strides up to them. As he walks forward his eyes glow a pale green and when he speaks there seems to be a strange echo in his voice. "'Scuse me. I just got here and I can't help but notice all the buzz about a coronation. Who is it who's getting crowned?"

Using Voice of the Grave to Speak with Dead.
Wizard, 90 posts
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 17:31
  • msg #592

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec will help Davor ferry those up that want to drink from the fountain.   Drinking from the fountain himself at the end of his transport.

He remained silent and let Davor do all the talking as he looked around to see how things changed from his new perspective.
Heir, 105 posts
Fri 23 Oct 2020
at 23:56
  • msg #593

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Having been helped up (realistically, it's more likely she's carried!) and then drunk the water, Helena stands 'the right way up' on the once ceiling, marvelling at the immediate change.

Her eyes then dart from one ghostly figure to the next as she hears the words that they speak, "A coronation?  I wonder who is being crowned?   Could it possibly be one of my ancestors?" That side of her past was still mostly a mystery to her and the thought that this might play out a 'living' history intrigues her, "Can we follow them and watch the coronation... please?"
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 118 posts
Sat 24 Oct 2020
at 02:06
  • msg #594

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana was happy to help carry Helena, though it did quite a number on her arms. Then she took her own sip of the fountain.

At Helena's exuberance, she broke into a big grin and took Helena's hand. "Let's go watch," she agreed.
Heir, 106 posts
Sat 24 Oct 2020
at 16:33
  • msg #595

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena wasn't entirely sure leaving the others was the best thing and she looked back at Davor and Jerac as they continued to examine the water.  Not seeing any immediate disagreement though, she shrugged, and allowed herself to be lead away by Teana as secretly she was rather keen to see who was being crowned!
Human Cavalier, 76 posts
Order of the Lion
Sun 25 Oct 2020
at 17:25
  • msg #596

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

With the others help and magic Urle and his horse drink the water and follow the group.  It clear the horse is very confused and only it's link with the cavalier allows it to walk on the ceiling.
GM, 194 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 04:48
  • msg #597

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

One of the passing figures notices Davor and gives a silvery laugh.  "Oh!  The coronation celebration at the university forum, of course!  I was there myself to watch the princess crowned; so lovely with all the jewels, just blazing like the sun!  Goldenhame has the best celebration planned on her Tour of Progress.  She's going to be presiding over the demonstrations herself!  What province are you from?  Are you a student here?"

For everyone else, the transition up to the city is a bit difficult, but once the water is drunk the city becomes the right side up, and the Low Road just a curious sort of ceiling.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 205 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 27 Oct 2020
at 22:36
  • msg #598

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor imitates a look of being impressed. "I'm just a visitor from Thulkath. I'm here to learn about the city. Could you point me to the university forum?"
Wizard, 91 posts
Fri 30 Oct 2020
at 05:03
  • msg #599

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Jerec said nothing but simply attempted to listen.

He moved slightly to be behind Davor to hear better and back him up if need be as they tried to garner information.
GM, 196 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 10:22
  • msg #600

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The woman points down one of the stretching, elaborately-decorated boulevards and then turns back to her friend as someone laughs and points at something just out of sight.  The group can follow the directions, going past several more fine homes and gardens, discrete shops with fine goods (stationary, books, leather goods, shoes, hats, robes, and confections), until they reach an open plaza.  Like an oyster with a pearl the square in anchored with a amphitheater in front of a pillared building with two enormous wings, pierced with windows that show pictures in colored glass that glows in places.  Various booths and daises are set up around the plaza and amongst the people you can see (in the dress of what seems to be nobility, or at least the wealthy) there are also many wearing solid-colored robes with a single broad stripe of black, red, or white at the hems.  These often carry wands, rods, staves, or elaborate crystals, some with hefty tomes.  They are congregating in clusters around stretches of open ground marked with low white stones, consulting lists posted on small stands.  Music from various minstrels echoes through the plaza, making the murmur of the people like that of songbirds.
Heir, 108 posts
Tue 10 Nov 2020
at 21:34
  • msg #601

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The echoes of music, the sound of people talking, the colours - everything seems so... real!  She looks to the others, "I wonder what the colours mean?"  She was referring to the robes, "And who are the nobles?"

21:30, Today: Helena rolled 22 using 1d20+11.  Craft: Weaving - to recall or understand who the colours might represent.
21:31, Today: Helena rolled 14 using 1d20+7.  Knowledge: Nobility OR History - to learn something about the nobility or some historical reference she's seeing.

Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 208 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 00:04
  • msg #602

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Following the ghostly woman's directions, Davor heads to the university forum. Having arrived he reminds everyone within earshot: "In my vision there was this spiney sea creature guarding this place so be careful."
Human Cavalier, 78 posts
Order of the Lion
Wed 11 Nov 2020
at 22:21
  • msg #603

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle just keeps his horse calm and himself.
It seems if you do get the horse to drink the water the world becomes upside down.
GM, 197 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 11:20
  • msg #604

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena looks at the robes as they draw closer, and gets a sense from both stories and from her job as a weaver of what they mean.  The robes are all identical in styles, so are likely a uniform, and the larger the stripes the more deference is paid to the wearer.  Adding in that this city is supposed to hold a school, you would guess that the robed ones are students or teachers of magecraft of various ranks and specialties.

As the group moves into the square, the people begin to look towards Helena, first as a casual glance, then as a double-take, then as a stare before abruptly bowing.  "Your Highness," they murmur diffidently, parting before her and her entourage as they walk.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 121 posts
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 18:43
  • msg #605

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana walked alongside Helena, smiling as the ghosts deferred to her. "Your Highness. Now that has a ring to it," she said softly.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 209 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Thu 19 Nov 2020
at 23:38
  • msg #606

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor splits off to the side, deciding that he doesn't much look the part of a royal escort. Instead, he tries to move ahead of the group from behind the crowd and keep an eye out for anything potentially dangerous.
Heir, 109 posts
Fri 20 Nov 2020
at 00:04
  • msg #607

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

At the first bowed greeting Helena almost managed to stop herself contradicting the ghostly individual.   Could she really argue with a ghost?  It takes a longer moment for her to realise that not only is she contemplating that but she's accepted that the ghosts have even noticed her!   Teana's comment doesn't help either and she whispers to the half-elf.  "I... who do they think I am?  They can't know me... can they?"

She double checks that the others are still close by and notes that Davor has stepped a little away.  Unsure, she continues on, nodding awkwardly to those who bow to her.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 122 posts
Fri 20 Nov 2020
at 03:49
  • msg #608

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"I don't know much about the magic, but I don't think they're sensing who you are. They know what you are. The ghosts need the Heir, so play the Heir for them. But be Helena in your heart."

Teana walked with Helena, perfectly comfortable in the role of the Heir's escort. She gave occasional nods to ghosts as they passed, politely acknowledging their presence.
Heir, 110 posts
Sat 21 Nov 2020
at 22:13
  • msg #609

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Play the heir... Play the heir! Helene blinked but the advice from Teana was sound and while she was utterly uncomfortable acting this, she began nodding to the bowing ghosts and offering smiles and even a few hand waves.
GM, 198 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 28 Nov 2020
at 05:17
  • msg #610

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena's smiles and nods seem to please the ghosts, who look pleased and impressed that a member of the royal family would grant them the favor of acknowledgement.  As the crowd parts before the group, there is a stir further into the plaza.  The crowd parts more widely as a richly-dressed man on a dazzling golden palanquin, surrounded by a dozen warriors and borne by handsomely-dressed bearers, stops in front of Helena.  Whisking aside the sheer golden curtains, he smiles down upon her, he and his entourage more substantial than the other ghosts.

"My lady, you surprise me!  The people adore you so for giving them the gift of your presence.  But please, will you join me for the last part of your journey so the ceremonies can commence?" he says, extending a hand to her as one of the bearers moves into position to aid her up if she indicates she wishes it.  The man's clothing is a deep magenta with silver and gold embroidery, studded with blue and purple gems.  His brow is encircled by a small golden circlet with blue gems studding it, and every finger bears a fine ring of precious metals and gems, sculpted into a fantastic form.  The palanquin is strewn with colorful silk cushions to soften it.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 123 posts
Sat 28 Nov 2020
at 10:15
  • msg #611

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana looked up at the man. He looked important, but Teana couldn't figure out his status by his clothing alone. She really should have studied this kind of thing more...

01:11, Today: Teana Florin rolled 5 using 1d20+2.  Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) untrained.

"My lady," she said to Helena. "It is your choice, of course, to walk or ride. And if you would feel more comfortable, I will remain with you."

She'd probably messed up the protocol with that, but screw it. She wanted to stay with Helena.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:16, Sat 28 Nov 2020.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 210 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Sat 28 Nov 2020
at 23:36
  • msg #612

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Watchful from the periphery of the crowd, Davor utters a word in the orcish tongue and holds his hand over his eyes as the eye sockets in his wolf skull pauldron glow green briefly. When he removed his hand, his own eyes have acquired an ethereal light. His taxes intently at this new ghostly apparition.

Casting Detect Evil and focusing on the ghost on the palanquin.
Heir, 111 posts
Mon 30 Nov 2020
at 00:55
  • msg #613

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena was actually enjoying the situation (even if she didn't want to acknowledge that to herself) but the arrival of the noble and their guard gave her pause.  The invitation seemed genuine but was it appropriate?  What would her joining them imply?  Could it affect this place?  They certainly seemed more... real... than the others so she needed to be careful.

She patted Teanna's hand should in acknowledgement of her words but her focus reamins on the ghostly man.  She couldn't be sure what to do though so she went with her gut, "Thank you for the kind offer... but as you rightly pointed out, this is a gift and it is not often I am able to give it.   Perhaps if you lead the way, I will follow, and you can ensure that the ceremony can begin as soon as I get there."

00:28, Today: Helena rolled 17 using 1d20+7.  Knowledge: Nobility.
Human Cavalier, 79 posts
Order of the Lion
Mon 30 Nov 2020
at 16:55
  • msg #614

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle keeps close to Helena but give her the space to interact with the ghosts.
The caviler really not sure what to make of the ghost.  Part of him feel they should clear the city of them.  Another excepts that empire is full of different creatures and as long as the ghosts are not evil then they have right to ghost life as any creature.

16:51, Today: Urle rolled 9 using 1d20+7.  Knowledge: Nobility.

GM, 199 posts
Weaver of Tales
Tue 8 Dec 2020
at 10:37
  • msg #615

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle and and Teana don't recognize the man other than that his clothing seems typical of stories of the Empire, and that shade of magenta was used for royalty.  Helena remembers some songs and poems that talked of the "peacock-bright" nobles, and the "Lord Ervans of the Beastly Hands", though the poems had mentioned the name was both because of his choice of jewelry (fantastically carved rings in beast shapes), and his reputation for dealing out punishment (or, in bawdier songs, his reputation as a lecher).

At Helena's comment, however, the nobleman looks disappointed.  He seemed as if he were about to insist, but the closing-in of Helena's entourage seems to discourage him from further public conversation.

"I shall see you anon, Your Highness," he says, nodding his head and sharply ordering his bearers to increase their pace to keep a corridor open for Helena to follow him.

When the path finally deposits them at their goal, it proves to be an elaborate raised pavilion, surmounted by a crest of gilded wood with spikes like the rising sun, in front of the amphitheater in front of the wizard's college proving grounds.  Groups of robed folk, grouped by colors, are at multiple points around the oval proving grounds, and the crowd of cityfolk and visitors circle around them.  In the center, below the pavilion, are a group of people in somber brown or black.

As Helena's group is encouraged towards the pavilion with cries of praise and blessings for "Her Highness", the nobleman has already descended from his palanquin to sit in front of a carved and gilded throne, less elaborate than one next to it, clearly meant for Helena.

"Your Highness!" he says, when she comes into view.  "Will you open the ceremonies for your loyal subjects?"  He winks at her as it says it, including himself as one under her rule.
Heir, 112 posts
Tue 8 Dec 2020
at 22:53
  • msg #616

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena still feels hesitant and yet her walk up to the plaza has galvanised her acting and the fact that the people here clearly recognised her as their monarch gave her some level of confidence in continuing.  She therefore bowed her head to the noble, "Thank you Lord Ervans."   She then stepped forward towards the throne and instead of seating herself, she turned to the assembled people and raises her hands, hoping that they'd take this as a suggestion to quiet.  She then speaks and those who know her may be surprised at her voice which rings out clear as a bell and far louder than normal, "Thank you.... to everyone who has gathered this day.   Please, let the ceremony begin."  She'd been about to say 'celebration' but realised that she still didn't know the reason behind this ceremony and just hoped that it would be a positive one!
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 211 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 8 Dec 2020
at 23:28
  • msg #617

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor joins the crowd of city folk around the periphery of the amphitheater. Keeping an eye out for threats, he watches as Helena addresses the crowd.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 124 posts
Wed 9 Dec 2020
at 02:37
  • msg #618

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana went up with Helena, but took a position to her front and side as she made her speech, like a guard. When Helena finished, she whispered in her ear. "He thinks he's your consort," she warned.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:38, Wed 09 Dec 2020.
Human Cavalier, 80 posts
Order of the Lion
Wed 9 Dec 2020
at 18:05
  • msg #619

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle shakes his head.
I think you handled that very well.  I also think you may need to appoint yourself a spy master general.  Someone that can keep an eye on such characters.
GM, 200 posts
Weaver of Tales
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 03:25
  • msg #620

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena's voice ringing out over the crowd sends up a small cheer and a wave of applause.  People in elaborate version of the robes begin to clear out several oval areas, placing shimmering barriers, like glowing soap bubbles in domes over them, so that magical contests can take place without a stray spell effect causing anyone harm.  Announcements are made indicating every school of magic, the names of the professors and students, and the types of duels taking place: duels of conjuration (where the conjured creatures would fight to exhaustion or first blood), duels of evocation (where targets were hit and the most damage dealt would win), duels of transmutation (where objects or the students themselves would be asked to make a particular change, the most skillful to win), duels of abjuration (often held alongside duels of evocation, to see which could hold under assault), and many others.

Illusory fireworks and plays were held along the periphery for the crowds, with exceptional illusionists pausing in front of the dais to perform, earning nods of approval from Lord Ervans.  As the illusionists are performing, he leans forward to speak quietly with Helena.

"Your Highness, the Dean will be bringing the final projects from the War College soon.  They are preparing the procession to the Vault, once you have chosen the winner.  I dare say that the Dean sounded most enthusiastic about his students this year; he claims they have outdone themselves," he murmurs.  "I dare say I wouldn't be able to choose!"

The Dean, a thin man of late middle age, his gray-threaded blond hair tied back neatly and with subtle jewelry, takes the center field to introduce his prize students and their projects: a kind of explosive fireball meant to take down castle walls (held within an orb for easy slinging from a siege weapon), a transmutation collar to turn any animal into an attack beast of fearsome proportions, a magical sword that multiplied itself, so that one soldier could hold off a small group on their own, a shield that reflected back spells into the teeth of their caster, an illusory dragon that could breathe real fire (causing no end of confusion amongst one's enemies).

"To our illustrious Princess, we give these into your keeping," the Dean says, the treasures laid within a chest at her feet.
Heir, 114 posts
Fri 25 Dec 2020
at 21:02
  • msg #621

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena nods to Teana's warning and Urle's suggestion.   She hadn't quite labelled that concern but it made sense... and yet she was playing a part so needed to be sure she was not overtly affecting things.  Lord Evans could very well be the consort and turning against him might upset this delicate balance.

The ghosts seem all too real to Helena and those with her can tell that she is reacting to them as such.  As Lord Evans leans forward she listens and then nods, "I look forward to seeing these creations.  And I'm sure the Dean and his students have done just that!"

As the Dean then approaches she considers each of the projects, "I accept these into our keeping, Dean.  The War College has once again does a great service to us all and has truly excelled itself in the creation of these artefact."  She then includes the students, "To each of you, our heartfelt thanks.  I'm sure our Dean has huge plans for your futures and I look forward to seeing your next projects.  Well done."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 126 posts
Fri 25 Dec 2020
at 21:18
  • msg #622

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"Which do you think we should name the winner, Your Highness?" asked Teana. "While they are all excellent gifts, there must be a highest award."

She then sent a whisper into Helena's ear. "I'd go for the dragon."
GM, 202 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 31 Dec 2020
at 04:03
  • msg #623

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The groups of students arranged behind each project smile nervously, quite pleased at their Princess' praise, but uncertain who has taken the grand prize.

Lord Ervans laughs, and moves closer to Helena... then shifts back slightly again when Urle moves ever-so-slightly towards him.  "Indeed, the winner is most looking forward to their commission from you, your Highness," he murmurs.  "A grateful and loyal magician is always a fine addition to one's stable, if you will."
Heir, 116 posts
Fri 1 Jan 2021
at 13:13
  • msg #624

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

She'd hoped for a bit of help from her compatriots as got it from Teana.  It really was a difficult decision and she says as much.  "I must admit that the decision you present to me is an extremely difficult one."  Except for the collar - she wasn't overly keen on the collar, "But in the spirit of the competition, a winner must be chosen.   For the others, I commend you all on an exception effort and look forward to your further participation in future competitions."  She smiles at them all, "This year's winner however, is the Illusionary Dragon.  Well done to all involved!"
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 214 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 1 Jan 2021
at 17:22
  • msg #625

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Always a fan of illusions and their ability to sow confusion, Davor expresses his approval for the choice from his spot amongst the crowd with a whooping cheer as Helena delivers her verdict. Whether or not the ghostly members of the crowd join him doesn't concern him overmuch.
Human Cavalier, 82 posts
Order of the Lion
Sun 10 Jan 2021
at 23:15
  • msg #626

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle kept close to Helana.
A few ideas when thought his mind and he was sure he should made some suggestion to her about which one to choose.  However the man still disliked magic and this was pure magic.  This was something he did not what think to much about.

So he kept quite.  Watched and waited.  There where other in group to take lead on this.
GM, 203 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 09:52
  • msg #627

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The sandy-haired young man who was the leader of the illusory dragon group brings the small statuette up for his monarch, falling in place next to her as the doors to the left of the dais open.  Lord Ervans sighs dramatically, taking a swift, sideways glance at Helena, and slightly flinches away at Urle's protective stance.

"Your Majesty, I await your pleasure at the celebration after your visit to the vaults," he says with an ingratiating bow.

As Lord Ervans mounts his palanquin and waves his bearers to take him away, the crowd gives a final cheer and begins to slowly disperse to various entertainments.  The finest-dressed (and hence those either nobly born or with money to make them nearly so) begin to drift towards a large pavilion at the far side of the great courtyard.  Music drifts through the air as minstrels prepare for entertaining the nobles for the rest of the afternoon for their dancing pleasure.

The great doors that have opened are marked with both the symbols of the university (an open book topped with crossed wand and staff) and the royal crest of the Imperial house.  No guards are here save those with Helena, and there is a curious golden sheen to the air of the corridor.  Beyond the doors the corridor is of carved golden stone with magical lights placed at regular intervals; exquisitely carved, but not with the extravagant inlay and tapestries said to be typical of the Empire.

The winner of the university contests takes his place at the back of the group, carrying the dragon statuette like a holy relic as the group can head down the corridor.  It extends a good hundred feet or so before turning right, then left, making certain that there is no clear shot from the exterior doors to where the corridors end at an immense pair of thick metal doors made of the dark gray metal known as adamantine.  Though carved with magical symbols and runes of protection, it does not disguise their solidity.

Helena finds the air gives her a faint rosy glow, though everyone else finds their skin crawling like before a lightning strike (something Teana is intimately familiar with).

As Helena draws close to the doors, they glow in response to her presence, and she can feel that she can command them as she would a trained dog, with simple orders (to open, to lock, to defend, even to attack).

Those not of Imperial blood feel their skin tingle, the strange feeling increasing, as if about to come to a crescendo. The doors almost feel... alive.

OOC: If you'd like to do anything before the doors open, now would be the time to do so...
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 215 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 00:30
  • msg #628

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As the ghostly crowd begins to disperse, Davor rejoins the imperial party though his attention is drawn somewhat to the dispersing apparitions (and particularly to Lord Ervans retreating palaquin). As they walk through the corridor and the strange sensation grows, Davor flexes his fingers as though trying to restore blood flow. "Got to be more defenses than making ya feel uncomfortable around here."

Then, when the doors come into sight, he lets out a low whistle. "Guess the people who built this place were serious."
Heir, 117 posts
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 00:51
  • msg #629

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena bows her head to the departing Lord Ervans though is pleased to see that he'll not be joining her in her pilgrimage to the vaults.   She waits for his departure, watching the crowd disperse to some extent, before looking to the others, "Shall we depart?"   Something about the situation has even her talking 'high and mighty'!

Then, as they are walking, "Uncomfortable, Davor?"  She clearly felt none of the electrifying experience the others felt but the awe at the strength of the doors certainly caught her and she approached them with obvious interest, more so as they begin to glow, "Amazing." She raises a hand before doing what seemed entirely natural to her and commanding the doors to open, "Open, please."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 128 posts
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 04:42
  • msg #630

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana just tensed. Something told her that this wasn't the kind of lightning she could dodge easily, and a light wind picked up around her.

Enveloping Winds up just in case there's some kind of ambush.
GM, 205 posts
Weaver of Tales
Mon 25 Jan 2021
at 06:09
  • msg #631

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

As Helena wills the door to open, and the others hold themselves ready, the sandy-haired student-ghost at the back of the party mostly fades from view, becoming just a sketch upon the air.  The doors make a deep chiming sound, and rumble open slowly, sliding to the sides to allow pale blue light to spill out.  Inside is an enormous room carved from stone, every inch of the walls carved with scenes out of myth, legend, and history.  Careful tableaus of arms and armor in enormous, fantastic golden cages dot the periphery of the room, while stacks of boxed jewelry, suites of regalia (crowns, scepters, and orbs), chests in a dozen kinds of metals and woods, staves and rods, mannequins wearing fine robes and suits of clothing are arranged throughout the room.  But the most curious thing is that the various tableaus seem to be... mirrored in groups of three, and at the edge of each group of three is another enormous door, this one also open.

And in the doorway of the leftmost door, looking entirely surprised, is a tall, bearded man with a symbol upon his breast which is quite familiar from the markings on the chimera, the symbol of Thray Mountainson!  Beside and behind him are a group of mongrelfolk who were clearly in the middle of an attempt to open the Vault doors.

Mountainson looks shocked to see the group across the enormous chamber, but then his expression softens into a smile, one that does not bode well.

"My dear, you have saved me no end of trouble.  You might have been a good queen, but alas we will never know.  Save yourself and your companions, and surrender.  You can live out your days peacefully.  I will keep you quite comfortable, but I will need you to come to me, now."  Mountainson adds a few more words in guttural goblin to the mongrelfolk, "[Language unknown: Eean i powhmo ive prelarard anenul, urll tra ain at ho etou-holaev oleesa ith ons caous ditr eautr un ndnti hoaitr  Se tio leun ardpl]."
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 130 posts
Mon 25 Jan 2021
at 08:07
  • msg #632

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana looked at Thray. "Never, Mountainson," she said. "I believe in the Empire, and in a world where all sentient beings can find peace and safety. Whatever our ancestry." She touched her slightly-pointed ear. "But you aren't worthy of being the Emperor. I stand with Helena, rightful Empress of Mekarium."

She looked over the mongrelfolk, then at two in the back, and then spoke to them in their own goblin language. [Language unknown: "Ntein o fo but ardevewil anystitio un iou pa eicon butthacom ng Setout'urepropro n mato Our. Ingwaswer onedinich ill pe eenonstio nt ughonsughard esssetard."] She then swept her gaze over the rest of the mongrelfolk. [Language unknown: "Noten In atistrsan ulst rut om i ngnot o avesoment ni ng, anmino k enc ec ivme eveaveome. Eredinnte Wieessienc le thiom rutvirhat. Ingfi romto hasprehas ad chckri evit pavor evta asnehi. Di be larha oreousrut larst nimaarad u relami, ndhali olceic shelesine ame reawe mieewi n ousounill nedin m amean intanyill m m il tiowheain re warat t ion enciv theuretra. In int a mohoeeti strichlarman k son. Ri ofvir ceev ne e ameoutkor ad yintio'ounyin healee rutingwil acisli e ithiev le Paivbewhil, ul p ticughstiant uloer alacis thi reat o ac ectlatder hi. E ck nt comureate stoniv o ie sisita atelnt almen Toest, a loev earverort Ur terrearom ameme ersestund, stikorwhi ch etwhit encessers latna t hepowapo sonresstacom. Al u les mired u houallart homaar wi eve. El adthsa illlth trver any hancni ateimi p Ameonehou allpl urpro itnost, korlo me Ughiveugh Houartencsomome."]

22:42, Today: Teana Florin rolled 33 using 1d20+16.  Diplomacy.

She squeezed Helena's hand as she gazed compassionately over the mongrelfolk warriors, then turned to her to mouth something.

DC 25 Perception for anyone else to hear what Teana's saying.
Heir, 120 posts
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 01:30
  • msg #633

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

The wonder of the doors opening followed by the exquisite artwork has Helena looking both surprised and awestruck only for those moments to stutter to an abrupt halt as they spot the other visitors.  Visitors who rapidly turn to unwanted guests as Thorin's smile sends a shiver down Helena's spine only for him to speak out and actively threaten the small party.   It was a pity then that Teana hadn't then told her what Thorin had said to the goblins but the woman's response that Helena could understand, made it all the clearer.

"I'm sorry Thorin.   But I do not believe that now is the time to surrender.   I will not see these treasures used to hurt and subjugate and I must therefore stand against you.   I stand against you for all those who would live peacefully together - be they human, elves, orcs or any of the races of this lands - and yes, that includes mongrelfolk."  She nods to the warriors behind Thorin, returning Teana's squeeze of the hand, though those in the group can tell her words of defiance are mostly directed at Thorin.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 217 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 23:42
  • msg #634

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor lets out a barking laugh. "That's funny, wizard. I was just about to thank you for all the trouble you saved us from having to track you down. Not sure how I feel about the empire, but all this will do a damn sight more good in her hands than it will in yours." It might not be quite as definitive as Teana's statement, but Davor's resolve is clear in his tone.

The glow of magic suffuses the air around Davor like a mist, glowing faintly green in the eerie way it does. As he chants words and waves his arms, the eyes of the wolf skull pauldron on his shoulder glow. When he completes the chant, the mist passes to his companions and surrounds them. Next Davor reaches into the air above his head and, as he brings his hands down, they bring with them the massive ghostly sword that seems too large even for the hulking half-orc. A moment later pale green flame lights the edge of the blade and Davor steps in front of Helena.

Cast Bless using the wand. Everyone gets +1 on attacks and savings throws.
Cast Bear's Endurance on myself using the scroll.
Cast Communal Protection from Evil. Everyone gets +2 AC and +2 on saves vs. evil creatures. Everyone is immune to mind control from evil creatures. Lasts for 1 minute except for Helena who gets 2 minutes.
Summon my ancestral weapon and cast Extended Sun Metal on it.

GM, 207 posts
Weaver of Tales
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 13:34
  • msg #635

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana's reminder to the mongrelfolk touches a nerve, and perhaps what honor they call their own.  Looking startled and afraid, they nervously twitch, shuffle their mismatched feet, and finally retreat, howling and screeching down the hallway behind them. The Mountainson looks irritated at his allies' craven betrayal, and then instead gestures sharply, clenching his fists.

"You are brave, but I'm afraid this will not serve.  I've waited a long time for the signs to become favorable.  Perhaps once these ones no longer are there to pour poison in your ear, you'll be more amenable."

The Mountainson vanishes from sight as deep-throated roars come down the hallway.  Thudding into view is a figure seemingly made of dark gray earth, formed and sculpted into a mongrelman, towering ten feet tall with an oversized fist on the right and a huge crab claw on the left.  Flanking it are two birds gleaming with steel feathers and crackling with lightning, looking like enormous oversized eagles!

With twin screeches and an enormous howl, the trio charges!

OOC: There is 80 feet between you and your foes.  Party is up first.
Heir, 121 posts
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 18:38
  • msg #636

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

"You come back here, Mountainson!   I will pick my own poison - you have no right to force yourself on me!  Don't you dare!"  Perhaps she doesn't quite realise what she is shouting but she is clearly angry and almost as if in response, the gold colour to the air shimmers and sparkles around the sculpted mongrelman and the two birds.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:38, Wed 10 Feb 2021.
Davor Spiritwalker
Half-Orc Oracle, 218 posts
Barbarian Mystic
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 23:57
  • msg #637

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Davor shouts a command in orcish. His hand draws over the face of the wolf skull pauldron and gestures out towards the wizard's monstrosities. The ethereal mist coalesces into the form of a lantern archorn.

Cast Summon Monster III to summon a Lantern Archon.
Teana Florin
Half-Elf Kineticist, 131 posts
Fri 12 Feb 2021
at 14:42
  • msg #638

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Teana raised her hands, and the wind began whirling around her, blowing her companions' hair every which way. A bolt of lightning crackled from her hands and fired at Rocky in the middle. As the bolt went off, she stepped back behind Urle.

Gather Power, Lightning Blast (extended range, empower), five-foot-step back behind our cavalier.

05:40, Today: Teana Florin rolled 26 using 6d6+9.  Lightning, damage.
05:39, Today: Teana Florin rolled 13 using 1d20+9.  Lightning, ranged touch.


Human Cavalier, 84 posts
Order of the Lion
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 11:11
  • msg #639

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Urle mounts up and charges headlong into the enemy.  Hoping to go for the leader of the group.

He casts Divine favor and strength on himself.
11:07, Today: Urle rolled 18 using 1d8+10.  Damage.
11:06, Today: Urle rolled 33 using 1d20+17.  attack.
11:10, Today: Urle rolled 19 using 1d20+13.  Ride check to defend Demetria.

Attack of 33.  Damage 36.

GM, 209 posts
Weaver of Tales
Thu 20 May 2021
at 08:50
  • msg #640

Re: [IC]  Portents and Omens

Helena's words strike home to the Mountainson.  Though unseen, he utters a gasp, and when Helena's glitterdust washes over him and the two steel-feathered birds, the invisible wizard is revealed to be plastered against the wall.  The birds screech as the light burns in their eyes, giving the party more time react!

Urle charges in towards the mongrelfolk construct of earth, Demetria's hooves thundering on the floor of the vault as he bring his lance into position to skewer the creature through!

Teana's power over lightning washes across the vault, flying over Urle and Demetria to blast chunks from the construct to litter across the floor.

Davor invokes the favor of the spirits, and soon enough a celestial lantern archon appears, and can lash out with its rays at the Morningson, keeping the wizard from escaping or casting much in the way of bolstering spells to his allies.

The battle rages across the vault, the rock construct bashing aside Urle more than once, but Davor keeping him together as he chips away at the mighty edifice until it falls!  Teana's magic lashes out at the Morningson, along with Davor and Helena, knowing the quickest way to bring down the wizard's allies was by stopping the wizard.

Urle is wounded, Teana blasted by the birds' lightning in a reversal of fate, and Davor is attacked from behind by smaller constructs of sharpened ceramics and metal shards.  Helena is able to heal those who nearly fall, and continue to keep the Morningson off-balance with her words and her spells.  As the battle climbs to a climax, a group of mongrelfolk return to see the rock construct fall into inert gravel, for the birds (much scorched and bloodied) fall to the earth, exhausted and wounded, but no longer controlled.  For them to see the Morningson collapse into unconsciousness and injury, outdone by overbearing pride and control.

The mongrelfolk see, and suddenly they cheer!  The group of mismatched creatures come into the room, laughing and grinning with their odd teeth and strange mouths, clapping with uneven hands and claws and pincers, coming to kneel before Helena, before Urle and Davor and Teana.

"You could have killed all of us, every single one, and you let us go.  You didn't spend us, spend our blood, and let the Mountainson hide behind us.  You are a better person than he!" one of them says, and reaches to kiss her hand.  In the doorway to the vault, more mongrelfolk are watching and smiling.

The potential new Heir of the empire, along with three friends who came to answer the cause of loyalty, of honor, and of the spirits, can now all chart their new destiny: To start a new Empire?  Perhaps.  Or maybe just know how to use the power of the old one to make things better.  Whatever they decide, they will have one another to turn to, to figure out how they will shape the world.

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