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13:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

1st Age - The Limestone Conference (Zoomed Out-ish)

Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 50 posts
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 19:56
  • msg #1

1st Age - The Limestone Conference (Zoomed Out-ish)

It's rare that a full conference is called in the Homeland; the settled peoples have not in living memory come to armed conflict with each other but tend to keep themselves to themselves with limited 'diplomatic' interaction. However, the current refugee issue has been deemed important enough for such a meeting.

While occasional travelers have always come to the Homeland and some have stayed over the last few months, almost a year, there has been a first a trickle and now heading towards a flood of refugees seeking to settle in the Homeland. They flee what they only refer to as 'The Scourge' something terrible coming from the North and driving all before it.

Thus far the newcomers have kept to themselves in loose camps to the North, near the mountain pass they mostly travel through, but recently the numbers have caused them to push ever further Southwards and come into conflict with the established settlers. Shots have been fired but nothing approaching a real armed conflict has broken out...yet. Everyone feels the situation is a powder keg waiting to go off.

And so the conference was called. The location chosen was the village of Limestone (020.007) situated close to the most troubled area and also very close to the home of Old Rand - often considered the wisest man in the Homeland and certainly one of the most respected he is the de facto leader of the people. He was being nicknamed 'old' some twenty years ago and so 'ancient' might now be more appropriate but he retains his razor sharp wit even if travel is often beyond him.

Now a large, fairly hastily erected, tent waves slightly in the Spring breeze on the shores of the lake a short walk away from the settlement itself. Some two dozen men and women occupy the tent either sat on the floor or on whatever seating has been scavenged up or cobbled together. These people represent the great and the good of the Homeland; representatives of the larger settlements, the more successful trading caravans, the largest producing farmers and, of course, someone from each of the five major Families. A rough circle of armed militia surround the tent, a reminder that even in 'civilized' lands the threat of raiders and warped monstrosities is never far away.

The debate is already underway and heated. The majority view, including that of Rand himself, is to try and seek a peaceful solution whether that be by finding somewhere in the Homeland that they can live or allowing them safe passage across the Homeland so they can continue South. There is, however, a growing position that the only solution is to drive the refugees back out and then barricade the mountain pass both to keep out further interlopers and to prepare against whatever this 'Scourge' is should it come to the Homeland. There is a strong North/South divide with those voices from the Northern territories being particularly more hawkish as they have experienced more thefts, violence and encroachment.

OOC: When talking about the people of the Homeland I've assumed that your Families have always stood somewhat apart. Trading with the 'normal' people and interacting with them when required but usually keeping to your own business. As a result you're perfectly fine to have your own opinion on Old Rand (and anything else for that matter) - just because most of the Homeland like him doesn't mean your Family doesn't think he's an idiot!
The Protean Foundation
player, 22 posts
Sun 25 Apr 2021
at 22:07
  • msg #2

1st Age - The Limestone Conference (Zoomed Out-ish)

The Protean emissary is Dr. Craig Watson.  He sits on top of his traveling pack and watches the group with dark green eyes.  After Rand summarizes the overall consensus, he says calmly "The Protean Foundation is open to allowing the refugees in peacefully if we can ensure safety.  We don't know nearly enough about this 'Scourge' - is it a person, or a pathogen?  We should see if there is a group of refugees willing to go into quarantine and give us the information we need.  The Foundation would of course help with setting up the facilities for this."
The Eternal Olympians
player, 28 posts
Mon 26 Apr 2021
at 00:04
  • msg #3

1st Age - The Limestone Conference (Zoomed Out-ish)

Hermes, the Eternal Olympian's diplomat and immortal with the closest ties to Old Rand and the people spoke up. He wore the traditional glowing white toga, trimmed in shimmering gold; a technological marvel that only looked like the ancient Roman garment. "The Olympians are concerned with how these refugees might disrupt trade and the delicate balance of peace that we have managed to maintain in the Homeland for some time now. We can protect ourselves from any threat the Scourge may pose, so our concern is for the stability of the Homeland and the effect that this new threat may pose on the delicate balance of power."
player, 29 posts
Mon 26 Apr 2021
at 08:40
  • msg #4

1st Age - The Limestone Conference (Zoomed Out-ish)

As the tents were being setup, in the distance, high in the sky something was flying towards the camp. The sound of booming wings like a bat, only much bigger was coming towards them.

As it got close enough to land, it was apparent it was a void walker, one of the beasts that came from outside our reality, that somehow they had domesticated. See Family page for an example.

On it's back was a figure in an orange exploratory suit, the trademark of the Aethernauts, when they are wanting to either announce who they are, or need the extra protection it provides. Weirdly, after all this time, their suits look as if they're brand new. Do they have a large collection of them, or have some way to maintaining them?

Climbing off the void walker's back, the person takes off their helmet, a hiss of gas escaping as it is twisted and removed. Inside is a woman of native American decent.

Patting the creature, it then launches itself to the sky, the only sound of it's beating wings.

Looking around, she was used to the stares. When you are from a group that helped end the world, even if it was an accident and then helped humanity to survive, you don't get welcomed arms everywhere.

Listening in to the debate, she took lots of notes, seeing what people were saying, as well as who was speaking up, or staying quiet.

"Where will all these people live? How will we feed them all? Look after any of their sick, their injured, their feeble? We make enough food to survive, but don't have enough to trade, or give away. We've only recently gotten things safe here, and we still have a way to go. Can we really handle all of this? We've got to be pragmatic. Not all of us have the space and food to spare that you do." She gestures to Dr Watson. "Not all of us have the luxury of a mountain fortress on it's own island." She said with a glare towards Hermes.
The Protean Foundation
player, 23 posts
Sat 1 May 2021
at 00:15
  • msg #5

1st Age - The Limestone Conference (Zoomed Out-ish)

Turning to the Aethernaut emissary (had she even introduced herself?), Dr. Watson replies "But your people do have knowledge.  You know the strangeness the universe throws at us better than anyone else here.  If we can provide space, and the Benningtons provide security, you may be best positioned to provide answers."
player, 31 posts
Sun 9 May 2021
at 20:04
  • msg #6

1st Age - The Limestone Conference (Zoomed Out-ish)

(She hadn't. Experience has made them cautious about throwing their names around!)

She shakes her head. "And our knowledge broke the world. Not only that, it didn't exactly make us well liked here. But we are learning more and more as every day that passes about the Aether, how it bleeds into our world."

She then takes a deep breath. "Maybe this Scourge is something else from beyond. I can't say for certain we can get the answers we need, but what scientists would be be if we didn't try to learn more about this Scourge first?"
GM, 55 posts
Wed 12 May 2021
at 20:06
  • msg #7

1st Age - The Limestone Conference (Zoomed Out-ish)

The other delegates grow silent as you speak, there being little doubt who the dominant powers in the Homeland are. However, every comment brings a muffled murmur of assent from those who support that particular point of view.

Old Rand nods sagely, "It seems one thing we can all agree on is that we need to know more about this 'Scourge'. Perhaps if it is something which can be resolved then that, in itself, resolves the issue does it not? Perhaps we send a delegation to them and see if they would be willing to provide more information, or, as Dr Watson, suggests someone to study?"

Then another voice cuts through. A much younger man you have noted to be one of the more hawkish members of the congregation, "And what are the chances they hand over one of their own to be poked and prodded? They'll demand more and more for the 'privilige' and it might tell us nothing. I say we show them what we of the Homeland are made of - we demand they provide some test subjects or we take them by force!"

That brings a further rumble of assent and even one misplaced cheer. It would seem that those favoring a more martial approach to things are the louder voice, if not the most numerous.
The Protean Foundation
player, 26 posts
Mon 17 May 2021
at 02:28
  • msg #8

Re: 1st Age - The Limestone Conference (Zoomed Out-ish)

Then another voice cuts through. A much younger man you have noted to be one of the more hawkish members of the congregation, "And what are the chances they hand over one of their own to be poked and prodded? They'll demand more and more for the 'privilige' and it might tell us nothing. I say we show them what we of the Homeland are made of - we demand they provide some test subjects or we take them by force!"

"On the other hand," says Dr. Watson, "threatening them right from the start might provoke them to fight back.  Of course we'll win, but how much of our resources will be wasted in the process?"
player, 32 posts
Fri 21 May 2021
at 20:23
  • msg #9

Re: 1st Age - The Limestone Conference (Zoomed Out-ish)

"If it would cost us more in resources to defend ourselves than to help them, then mathematics says we should help. Granted, it also says the same if it would be cheaper to defend ourselves. The problem is, we don't know all the variables."

The Aethernaut paced around. "If we try to keep them out, push them away, what happens if we need their help? What if we lose so many lives, that when this Scourge gets here, we're too weak to fight it off."

She stopped and looked at Old Rand. "We nearly wiped out all life on this planet, because we tried to do what we thought was the right thing, and got it wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong. Now we have a second chance, and not helping them, that's the wrong choice."

She then turned to the younger man. "Could any of us really look at ourselves in the mirror and know we did what was best, by turning them away?"
GM, 56 posts
Tue 1 Jun 2021
at 20:52
  • msg #10

Re: 1st Age - The Limestone Conference (Zoomed Out-ish)

There is a noticeable ripple of assent which runs through the tent as Dr Watson and the Aethernaut voice their support of a more peaceful approach. Old Rand nods sagely and is about to speak when loud derisive laughter ripples out from somewhere near the back.

Rising from a seated position is a woman well over six feet tall and made of rippling muscle. The woman, heavily scarred on the ample flesh she has on show, with her hair scraped back in to a long braid is known to all of you, by reputation if not personally, as Karissa. She numbers amongst the Homeland's most successful and dedicated hunters. Well respected, and more than a little feared, by nearly everyone for her efforts in keeping the creatures of the Fall at bay.

She speaks with a booming voice, "Have it your way, let this rabble in to destroy what we have spent so long building up. I for one don't intend to let our land go so easily!" The tent then descends in to much shouting and calls both of agreement and protestation. Karissa strides out, the hawkish younger man hot on her heels, and the meeting begins to break up into multiple smaller arguing groups.

Old Rand sighs slightly, clearly disappointed but perhaps not surprised. Turning to those delegates of the Aethernauts, the Olympians and the Protean Foundation he beckons you closer and speaks, "I think your proposed way makes the most sense, for the good of us all. While there are those who wish to meet every issue with violence your point is valid - it may ultimately just serve to weaken us all; physically and morally. Perhaps you might send representatives to these newcomers to get a clearer picture of the issues. The word of your groups carries weight here where anyone else we send is likely to be accussed of playing politics..."
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