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18:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 3B - The Falconry.

Posted by The Many Faced GodFor group 0
The Many Faced God
GM, 82 posts
The Drowned God
The Stranger
Wed 19 May 2021
at 23:58
  • msg #1

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

The Lorrentine Ranges were well lit by the late-morning sun; a resplendent mix of gold and green grasses, and marbled white stones jutting out in outcrops unevenly around the banks of minor streams. Further off, some dusky clouds peppered the sky, but like as not they were destined for some foreign field.

Dressed for the ride, most of the ladies wore split-kirtle dresses, while men at arms wore coats of mail or boiled leather, and kept a respectful distance. Lord Lyman was dressed in a fine orange tunic and black hose, and invited the Lady Moirane to ride by his side for the first stint, for he was most concerned to hear further news of her husband’s illness. Their respective daughters, Iris and Yve rode a half-dozen paces behind, chatting gaily about the weather, their horses, and the promise of the following day’s upcoming nuptials. A smattering of lesser ladies rode further back; the daughters of lesser household knights and retainers.

[OOC -
Mandatory Test: Finding your place in Line – Status Breeding – DC 9 to Ride up Front with Lord Lyman and Lady Moirane, 6 to ride with the daughters in the middle, or 3 to ride with the lesser ladies. Take a -3 penalty if dressed in clothing not suited to your status. Failure on this check results in you being relegated to the next place in line with perhaps some minor embarrassment.

Then choose one priority in your interactions as the party makes the short ride to the hunting ground–
Make a good first impressionn – Persuasion – (Charm) or Deception - (Act) to try improving disposition with those around you.
Hear what’s on their mind – Awareness (Empathy) to learn something from someone in your position.
Begin something of Greater Import [Initiate a Standard Intrigue with someone in the same position, resolving only the first round]
A fourth Option cleared with the GM.]

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:05, Thu 20 May 2021.
Alyssa Knollwood
House Blackfin, 19 posts
Blackfin Handmaid
Lady Knollwood
Thu 20 May 2021
at 01:21
  • msg #2

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

10:47, Today: Alyssa Knollwood rolled 6 using 2d6 with rolls of 5,1.  Status (Breeding) vs 6 (Come on Alyssa!).

Alyssa watched for a few moments as the party formed up and prepared to ride out. She wouldn't dare venture too close to Lord Lyman and Lady Moirane - she knew her place after all - but she was determined to ride close to Lady Gwen to support her in her capacity as a friend as well as her handmaid. Besides, it might be a small Banner House but she was the daughter of a noble house regardless of where she was serving. It came down to a combination of her fine and well made riding garb, her aristocratic bearing and her calm confidence that she belonged there, but she was able to join Iris and Yve with barely a glance thrown her way.

At least before she began to sparkle. She didn't barge into the ladies' conversation, listening quietly for a few moments before adding a supportive quip to make Yves laugh. She did her best to make a good first impression, reminiscing with Yve about the Battle of Tumblestone where her brother and Yve's father fought alongside each other. Belatedly she introduced herself as Alyssa Knollwood, Ser Berion's eldest sister and turned the conversation back to Iris as she urged the other girl to share what she could (and what she would) about her brother's imminent wedding. Alyssa loved everything she heard, or at least that was the impression she gave.

11:03, Today: Alyssa Knollwood rolled 15 using 6d6+2, dropping the 2 lowest rolls with rolls of 4,1,2,4,3,2.  Persuasion (Charm) to Make a Good First Impression.
Jenny Goodbrother
House Blackfin, 8 posts
Maiden of the Isles
Thu 20 May 2021
at 05:20
  • msg #3

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Jenny was wearing a riding dress in her House's red, and wore a veil over her hair to protect herself from the sun and a glove for hawking. She had a descent more glorious than any of the nobles her (in her opinion), but she wanted to be humble and decorous like a proper Westerosi girl and found her way gracefully alongside Alyssa and the daughters. She had come from the Isles almost ignorant of how to ride, but her lessons here had paid off. She giggled at Alyssa's jokes and briefly introduced herself. She chatted with the others, apparently idly but really trying to learn. Jenny often worried a little she was making mistakes or walking in to something she did not understand; she wanted to know what was what.

21:52, Today: Jenny Goodbrother rolled 16 using 4d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 5,6,1,5.  Awareness (Empathy).
21:52, Today: Jenny Goodbrother rolled 14 using 3d6 with rolls of 6,6,2.  Status 6.

Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 68 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Sun 23 May 2021
at 01:04
  • msg #4

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

As expected, Gwen moved further forward in line than her friends, though hoped their conversation would be fruitful. For her own part, Gwen tucked in with the high rankings members of the horse line and mostly listened while trying to tease out their concerns, mood, and near term plans.

OOC: Status 10 (vs 9) and Empathy 13.
Lady Iris Lychester
NPC House Lychester, 1 post
Sun 23 May 2021
at 10:35
  • msg #5

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Lady Iris Lychester smiled as the Blackfin handmaids joined her and Lady Yve, greeting them courteously and with some familiarity.

"It is lovely to see you, Alyssa, I do not believe you have met Lady Yve previously," she smiled a little condescendingly toward the Tullison daughter. "Yve was only just now remarking that she had presumed that Ser Berion was named for the place of his birth, or of some deed; a 'Ser Berion of the Knollwood' rather than of a landed gentlemanly bloodline."

Lady Yve Tullison blushed furiously at Iris's remark. "Maester Haelis says it is important that we know as much of Westerman and Stormlander houses as the Riverlands. He must have skipped one or two."

Iris leaned forward, almost conspirationally "it is a rare blessing of having a family member even more well known than the entirety of one's family line. Do you expect Ser Berion will perform well in the joust?"
This message was last edited by the player at 10:37, Sun 23 May 2021.
Alyssa Knollwood
House Blackfin, 24 posts
Blackfin Handmaid
Lady Knollwood
Sun 23 May 2021
at 12:21
  • msg #6

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Alyssa smiled brightly at the courtesy and welcome, then nodded with sympathy at poor Lady Yve's predicament as they rode along. "I have not had that pleasure, no; I have been at my family's seat or at Blackfin Den for most of my life. Maester Haelis sounds wise, and maybe a little certain of himself," she quipped as she constructed a verbal defense with a mischievous smile. "Perhaps an older man? I don't know if you two have noticed the same, but I often find older folk are the ones prone to talk down to young ladies even if they're overlooking small details at the same time. Small details like new houses a mere three generations old," she laughed disarmingly.

It was partly owning to her House's recent heritage as a strength rather than a weakness to uncover, and partly pinning Yve Tullison's embarrassing little oversight on the Maester instead. If there was one thing that could unite all young nobility across the Seven Kingdoms it was laughing frustration at the older folk who talked down to them in the name of training them. Or maybe that was just Alyssa.

"But yes, my dear brother is a shining example of our House - I am very proud of him when he does not make me want to pull his hair out. He is a deadly hand at the tilt, and better still with the sword. There are other puissant knights here and I do not know whether he will win the day, but he will surely take many ransoms."

"Still my ladies..." and here she smiled again as a ripple of laughter entered her voice. "In all the songs and stories I have heard, knights perform at their best in tourneys when they bear the favour of a noble lady and fight in her honour. Who do you both favour in this tourney? Dare he hope that either of you will smile on his tilts, or do you have your own champions to favour?"

She'd done enough talking for now. If either of them seemed interested in bestowing their favours on him, she might hint as much to her brother when she saw him next, but they surely knew more knights who were jousting than she did. She would welcome their views on things, and be clear that she was listening with interest.
Lady Iris Lychester
NPC House Lychester, 2 posts
Mon 24 May 2021
at 07:50
  • msg #7

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Lady Iris laughed gaily "Why my father would be positively incensed at the notion of a Silversmith's grandson bearing my favour," Lady Iris whispered breathily, "which is perhaps all the more reason to entertain the notion."

She smiled, with a slight arrogance "Ser Gareth has already asked me of course," she mentioned, "and he is a handsome one, but a bastard would not do at all. Perhaps for you, Alyssa, as you need not hold such restraint. He is to be father's champion after all, so he should have some chance at victory."

"There will be knights from House Erenford and House Haigh as well, and Mistwood and Ravensong, who might ask for my favour," she considered, "But Ser Walton Banemark is more handsome than each, and rumoured to possess a straighter lance,"

"Father does not speak well of Lord Banemark," Lady Yve replied, almost apologetically. She had nodded in thanks for Alyssa's kind words regarding Maester Haelis.

"Lord Banemark is an old vulture, with one puckered wing in his grave," Lady Iris laughed, but his son is another bird altogether, and one I would not mind at all for him to come to rest on my mantle," she laughed again.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:52, Mon 24 May 2021.
The Many Faced God
GM, 89 posts
The Drowned God
The Stranger
Mon 24 May 2021
at 07:57
  • msg #8

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

The Falconry part Two

Lord Lyman spoke politely to Lady Moirane of her husband’s interest, but it seemed clear enough that his interest was dry, clinical, and political.

For her part Moirane seemed to be putting a brave face on things, “My husband has long been grappling with injuries from the invasion of that foolish princeling; it may simply be that this sickness is simply the final straw.”
“If that is so, then it shall be a warrior’s end, delayed, but a warrior’s end nonetheless,” Lord Lyman reassured, though his voice was quite dispassionate, “And your son Dunstan seems fit and ready to take up the family mantle if the worst should happen, though naturally Lord Donbar shall be in my prayers.”
“Dunstan’s training is far from over and he shall listen well to my counsel for years to come, but yes, my husband’s resilience and perseverance have spared us uncertainty and chaos,” Moirane agreed.

When the party arrived at the falconry range, a group of servants were quick to arrange a roofed but open pavilion that would guard against rain, but also provide clear view of the range in front of them. Several miles of open fields stretched forth, interrupted by a low creek and several large boulders.

As the birds were brought forth, Lord Lyman’s manner improved greatly. He spoke at length about the proper care for the birds, giving instruction for those game enough to attempt to handle them; how it was important to keep the blinders on until the prey were spotted, and how to ensure that one was not shredded to ribbons despite the protective bracer provided. Only a polite cough from Lady Iris brought him back to his senses, as he asked which of the Ladies would care to try their hand at the sport. It was not an idle affair, for the meat would likely be served to Lord Lyman’s guests on the morrow. Lady Iris and Yve both indicated that they would participate, as would a handful of lesser ladies, while Lady Moirane indicated that she would prefer to watch and provide “hearty moral support for my daughter.”

Participate in the Falconry
Characters may choose to participate in the falconry or not, as they prefer. To fail all tests might result in minor embarrassment, while to succeed in all might bring some small acclaim with those present.
-Cunning (Memory) to follow instruction. DC 6. Each degree of success grants a +1B that can be allocated to any of the following three checks.
- Animal Handling [Charm] and
- Survival [Hunt]
to demonstrate your own prowess in the management of the falcons  - DC 6 on each
- Status [Breeding] to do so in a manner comporting with the expectations of a fine lady - DC 6

Beyond this, each character can prioritise one of the following, or another option discussed with the GM.
Awareness [Notice] to overhear whispered details.
Awareness [Empathy] to read the disposition of a character toward a particular character or proposition [which might need to be raised with them].
Persuasion [Taunt] to engage in playful but courteous teasing over the progression of the falconry.
Or begin a matter of Greater Import [Begin a Standard Intrigue with a present character].

This message was last edited by the GM at 07:59, Mon 24 May 2021.
Jenny Goodbrother
House Blackfin, 9 posts
Maiden of the Isles
Tue 25 May 2021
at 00:07
  • msg #9

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Jenny looked every so slightly disquieted when Alyssa noted that older folks tend to talk down to young ladies. Shouldn't they? Had she got something wrong about Westerosi society? But it is a minor moment and it passed quickly. "Ser Berion is indeed a fine knight, with as good a chance to win as any" she said supportively."Will your brother be riding, Lady Yve?" She nodded in agreement with Alyssa when Alyssa said that knights did better with a lady's favor. The discussion of favors quickened her heart; Jenny dreamed of a knight asking for her favor, and lived in fear that no one would. "I'm sure many of the knights are handsome but Ser Walton was very striking" she agreed with a blush.
"Luckily, it's not old vultures we have to worry about today" she said with a smile, and turned her attention to the falconry. She rode towards Lyman and said deferentially "I would like to try please, Lord Lyman." They did not hunt with falcons in the Isles; all the more reason Jenny would be proud of her ability to do so, if she could do it well. She took to the task with energy and eagerness.

46, Today: Jenny Goodbrother rolled 7 using 3d6 with rolls of 1,4,2.  Cunning.
One degree of success, the bonus die added to the survival roll.
15:54, Today: Jenny Goodbrother rolled 8 using 3d6 with rolls of 3,4,1.  Animal Handle.
15:54, Today: Jenny Goodbrother rolled 10 using 3d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 6,4,4.  Survival.
15:54, Today: Jenny Goodbrother rolled 7 using 3d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 1,1,6.  Breeding.

Still making up my mind about the last roll

Alyssa Knollwood
House Blackfin, 30 posts
Blackfin Handmaid
Lady Knollwood
Tue 25 May 2021
at 01:20
  • msg #10

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Alyssa smiled at dear Jenny's remarks, listening to Lord Lyman's instructions and half-watching as she went over to take her turn with the birds.

"If you think so Lady Iris," she mused consideringly. "I have not had the pleasure of meeting Ser Gareth, although he is handsome and I hear tales of his skill ahorse. If he has already asked you but you do not feel able to favour him, perhaps you would introduce us? I will do what I can to give him some chance at the laurels," she laughed gaily. It was a grand thing, this game of ladies and knights and pageantry was it not?

"And Lord Lyman may rage if you grant my brother your favor Lady Iris - but Lady Yve's own father could scarce object to something so harmless when 'tis he himself that deemed him both ready and worthy to be a knight after they fought together." She let that hang for a moment, then changed the subject back to their host's daughter although she considered any telltale signs from Yve as they spoke.

"In truth Lady Iris, this is my first Tourney. How does one go about soliciting the request for a favour from a knight when you will it? Can you coax Ser Walton to step up to the mark, or does it fall to the Maiden's whim?"

She applauded both Ladies Iris and Yve when they took their turns at Falconry, and Jenny as well as her friend showed commendable form and her bird took a rabbit stirred out from the brush. Glancing at Lady Gwen and seeing no sign of dissent, she rode forward next and accepted a trim little merlin from the Lychester Falconer and tried to remember everything Lord Lyman had said.

She stayed calm with the bird perching on her wrist and watched for the telltale sign of movement ahead of the beaters, but when it arrived the moment came in a flash. It began well; Alyssa raised her wrist sharply and launched her borrowed merlin into the sky where it arced across the range. Perhaps she had judged her moment awry or perhaps the bird simply missed its stoop, but it rose again without its quarry. The young handmaid raised her wrist for it to return to her, but instead it flapped irritably around her head - dipping and rising, refusing to settle until at last the Falconer retrieved it instead while Alyssa retired breathless with laughter and a light pink in her cheeks.

"It seems I have not the calm temperament for Falconry," she confided to her more successful riding companions. "I have so much to learn from you all."

10:47, Today: Alyssa Knollwood rolled 12 using 4d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 1,3,4,5.  Awareness (Empathy) to read Yve's interest (if any) towards Berion.
10:44, Today: Alyssa Knollwood rolled 5 using 3d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 3,2,1.  Status (Breeding) v 6 (1B from Cunning).
10:44, Today: Alyssa Knollwood rolled 5 using 2d6 with rolls of 3,2.  Survival (Hunt) v 6.
10:43, Today: Alyssa Knollwood rolled 12 using 3d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 4,6,6.  Animal Handling vs 6 (1B from Cunning).
10:35, Today: Alyssa Knollwood rolled 15 using 4d6 with rolls of 4,4,3,4.  Cunning to Follow Instructions.

Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 69 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Tue 25 May 2021
at 04:07
  • msg #11

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

The discussion of ill Lords caused Gwen to take a moment to quietly reflect on her own situation. Her father had been her only parent for as long as she could remember, and now seemed on the precipice of leaving her alone. Even though it was uncomfortable for her to consider her own situation during this time, she provided the others a glimpse into her thoughts. "It is difficult to see those we love slowly fade from what they once were. I'm certain Lord Dunstan will learn to care for the House with your guidance, Lady Moirane."

As they moved to the falconry, Gwen indicated her willingness to participate without any hesitation. "I shall join as well, thank you."

She listened carefully to the instructions provided by Lord Lyman and, like with so many things in her life, she was a quick study. No detail was to small for her to note and recall, and the Blackfin heiress smoothly launched predator toward prey at what seemed like an appropriate time to her. She suppressed the desire to squeal with joy at even the hint of success, opting instead for an enigmatic smile at the conclusion of her turn.

As the others spoke, she appeared to use the pockets of silence to hear what some of the others were quietly mentioning to each other.

OOC: 18 Memory (3 degrees of success)
9 Animal Handling
8 Hunting
13 Breeding (2 degress of success)
11 Notice

20:47, Today: Gwendolyn Blackfin rolled 11 using 4d6 with rolls of 1,4,4,2.  Notice.

20:46, Today: Gwendolyn Blackfin rolled 13 using 4d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 5,1,5,3.  Breeding.

20:46, Today: Gwendolyn Blackfin rolled 8 using 3d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 1,6,2.  Survival.

20:45, Today: Gwendolyn Blackfin rolled 9 using 4d6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 2,5,2,2.  Animal Handling.

20:39, Today: Gwendolyn Blackfin rolled 18 using 4d6 with rolls of 6,4,2,6.  Memory.

Jenny Goodbrother
House Blackfin, 11 posts
Maiden of the Isles
Tue 25 May 2021
at 04:44
  • msg #12

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Jenny giggled. "Good enthusiasm, Lady Alyssa, but I think you may have misunderstood the object of falconry" she teased gently. "You'll need a more successful champion in the tournament than your feathery servant here."

"That was very impressive, my Lady" Jenny said deferentially to Gwendolyn

21:28, Today: Jenny Goodbrother rolled 17 using 4d6, rerolling ones with rolls of 5,4,4,4.  Persuasion.
Lady Iris Lychester
NPC House Lychester, 3 posts
Wed 26 May 2021
at 10:04
  • msg #13

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Iris had a practiced hand, and a bird which responded well to her confidence, swooping low and catching its prey by surprise. She laughed at Jenny’s jest, a twinkle of merriment in her eye.

Lady Yve proved less confident with the falcon, but handled the beast capably; after two attempts she brought down minor quarry of her own, and gave a shy smile at her success. Hearing Alyssa’s question, Yve seemed a little discomfited, and paused a long moment before replying.

Iris spoke up on Yve’s behalf. “I’m sure Ser Berion is a stalwart knight, and House Tullison is glad for his gallantry, and Lord Lothar’s decision to see him knighted.” She replied, “but with Lord Donbar so sick, Yve will need to listen to her Lady mother’s guidance very closely, for such acts will take on a greater significance than if Lord Donbar were present, hale, and hearty.

She softened as Alyssa professed ignorance, “such things can be handled in more than one way, and knowing something of the man should prove a guide. A man might balk at too obvious an approach, or hesitate for want of some clear signal, or gods forbid, an invitation,” she blanched. “My Walton shall require no more than a gentle reminder of my presence and eligibility and he shall no doubt hurry forth.” She re-hooded the bird with ease, cooing to it softly as it settled, “Ser Gareth might need some slight encouragement in your case, simply because you are strangers,” she paused a moment, considering, before a smile blossomed on her face, “and with my help you will be strangers no more of course, for I shall introduce you at the welcoming feast, and you shall indicate how terribly impressed you are with him.”
This message was last edited by the player at 10:08, Wed 26 May 2021.
Lord Lyman Lychester
NPC House Lychester, 3 posts
Head of House
Wed 26 May 2021
at 10:27
  • msg #14

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

The Falconry proved to be a great success, owing in large part to the prior training of Lord Lyman’s birds of prey, who pursued their prey with little prompting and a lethal finality. He nodded in appreciation as Lady Gwendolyn and two of her handmaids tried their hands with the beasts, and smiled as each showed some understanding of his advice. He frowned as Alyssa’s bird misbehaved, and with a wave one of his retainers had the beast hooded and quieted once more.

“Most astute Lady Gwendolyn, I feared I had described the proper sheathing of a riled bird only vaguely,” he congratulated her, “And yet you make the whole affair seem as decorous as a stately procession. I would speak with you on a matter of shared interest on our return journey,” he remarked cryptically.

As Lady Iris’s senior lady-in-waiting, Lady Aliana Darry, took her own turn with a falcon, Gwendolyn heard a giggle from two of the junior handmaids, as one remarked that Lady Aliana was likely having more success that her young son Daveth, who was attending Ser Adham in the hunt, and was more comfortable with books than bows, and quills than swords.

After some time, the sky became increasingly overcast, and Lord Lyman indicated that it was best that the party gather themselves, and return victoriously to the main camp, with a dozen rabbits, and the same number of geese and fowl for their efforts.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
[All Present PC's gain 4 XP, with 1 point of influence awarded to House Blackfin for the performance of their Ladies in the event. Each player has also positively impacted existing dispositions, although this is not necessarily reported unless those dispositions are read. If a PC has taken an awareness action and not received a private reply, please let the GM know]

This message was last edited by the player at 10:39, Wed 26 May 2021.
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 74 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Wed 26 May 2021
at 17:59
  • msg #15

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Gwen nodded once at the compliment from the head of House Lychester. "Thank you, Lord Lyman." She gestured generally toward those that were part of her traveling party. "And I'd like to again express my appreciation for including us. We are not trained handlers of birds of prey, and yet you have made this a most enjoyable and educational experience."

She offered the slightest of smiles in answer to his suggestion they speak further. "I will be happy to do so." If nothing else, it would make the return trip interesting.
Alyssa Knollwood
House Blackfin, 40 posts
Blackfin Handmaid
Lady Knollwood
Thu 27 May 2021
at 00:01
  • msg #16

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Alyssa was well out of the discussion between Lady Gwendolyn and Lord Lyman, yet had she heard it she'd not have disagree in the least. Despite her imperfect showing she felt she'd learned a lot and she had enjoyed herself doing it without disgracing herself too badly. She had so few chances to visit the green places as a Lady, and she laughed at Jenny's sally and turned up the charm.

"I do indeed! Thankfully it's not down to me to fight in it, and dear Lady Iris has promised to introduce me to a likely champion and a charming one. I will be happy to grant my favour whatever the accidents of his birth," she said whimsically, "but I will depend on you both for the introduction as well as anything you can tell me of his history. I understand what you say, I cannot simply tell him I admire his form, and he will never believe me a student of the blade. Why might I have heard of him, be impressed with him, had I been fortunate enough to do so?"

She gave Lady Yve a sympathetic smile as Iris described her plight. She knew what it was to lose a father, although she hoped that would not be something Yve had to wrestle with for many years. "Then I hope your lady mother will guide you toward someone gallant and charming, as well as sufficient significance to please your parents. Someone who understands you at least well enough to give you pleasant conversation ere he tilts for the laurels."

Dark eyes turn to her fellow handmaid and begin to dance. "And where - and whom - do you favour, sweet Jenny?"

Passing the ball of conversation easily around the group. Tis all in fun, no?

09:06, Today: Alyssa Knollwood rolled 23 using 6d6+2, dropping the 2 lowest rolls with rolls of 3,4,6,1,6,5.  Persuasion (Charm). (To improve attitude)
Jenny Goodbrother
House Blackfin, 14 posts
Maiden of the Isles
Thu 27 May 2021
at 08:04
  • msg #17

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Jenny was very happy after her success at the falconry. "Well done!" she complimented Lady Yve, hoping to encourage the shy young woman.

"Have you been to many tournaments, Lady Iris? Who do you think will win?" she asked.

"A good plan is coming together, Lady Alyssa" she said encouragingly. "Although perhaps the men are making plans of their own. What do they talk about on those hunts, without any ladies present, I wonder?" she added with a smile.

Jenny blushed at Alyssa's question. "Many of the knights are not here yet. It would be premature for me to make up my mind" she said shyly. Actually, that was an excuse. She was not so confident with this matters as Alyssa was.
Lord Lyman Lychester
NPC House Lychester, 4 posts
Head of House
Sat 29 May 2021
at 01:14
  • msg #18

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

His mood somewhat buoyed by the succesful falconry, Lord Lyman was a little more animated on the return journey. Lady Moirane rode with them again, though she seemed content to give Lyman free reign to air his concern. They seemed content in one another's company, and in Gwendolyn's, such that even if they might not be considered formal allies, there existed an element of trust and familiarity.

"Riverthorn has lived up to it's name these last few years, I'm sure you'll agree Lady Gwendolyn. The lands were once mine, held on my behalf by a vassal, and on behalf of my father, father's father, and so on." He remarked, a little morosely, acknowledging that he had lost what his ancestors had held close for hundreds of years before House Blackfin was even founded "The lawlessness of the region and the emptiness of its lands are a sore reminder of shared tragedies and loss. It is my intention to broach the issue with Ser Jasper when he arrives this evening, so that old wounds might begin to heal."

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Lyman begins a Standard Intrigue with Lady Gwendolyn;
His Initative is 21
His Disposition toward Gwendolyn is Amiable [DR 3, Persuasion+1];
His Intrigue Defence is unrevealed.
He seeks a service relating to Riverthorn.
His first action is Shield of Reputation, to increase Lady Gwendolyn's disposition for the purpose of this intrigue [and is successful].

This message was last edited by the player at 01:24, Sat 29 May 2021.
Lady Iris Lychester
NPC House Lychester, 4 posts
Sat 29 May 2021
at 01:41
  • msg #19

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Iris seemed to sit higher in her saddle as Alyssa once again came to her for advice. She pressed as the group began their ride back to the Lychester camp. "Well he is Ser Lyonel's natural son of course," Iris commented, "though one would not raise that in the wrong context. Nor discuss his stepmother the Lady Aliana or stepbrother, young Daveth," she blanched again, "One ought best keep things light. He was elevated to the status of champion by my Lord father for teaching some sellswords sense and propriety in how they spoke of House Lychester a moon ago. Asking a man to recount his own heroics is one of the safer and surer roads to their acquaintance." She nodded firmly, as though having convinced herself on the matter.

Iris nodded at Jenny's remark, before replying with a smile "Men make their own plans, 'tis true, but women make men, so 'tis only right that we make their plans for them, and convince them that they are their own. To wait and see has a wisdom of its own. It has been winter after all, and in two years silly boys grow to handsome men, and handsome men go to grey," she finished flippantly.
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 78 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Sat 29 May 2021
at 03:10
  • msg #20

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Gwen listened carefully as Lord Lyman spoke of Riverthorne, nodding at the appropriate spots. The euphoria of success and apparent friendship that was being cultivated meant her guard was down a bit. The entrance of Ser Jasper into the conversation gave her a thread to tug a little. "And how do you expect Ser Jasper will react?"

While she might be stepping into exactly the reason Lord Lyman had started this line of conversation, that didn't really bother Gwen. Becoming entangled in the business of others was sometimes messy, but if navigated correctly could lead to results beneficial to both sides.

OOC: I had to do some reading, hopefully I have a reasonable degree of understanding concerning how this should work.

Gwen would have started with the same Amiable Disposition, but I think as his action is successful, she becomes Friendly.

I'm quite sure rolling initiative is pointless, so I won't bother.

I plan to have Gwen attempt to use the result of this Intrigue to bargain for...something. I have no idea what yet.

As there isn't any substance to my post above, I haven't made any sort of roll yet.

Lord Lyman Lychester
NPC House Lychester, 5 posts
Head of House
Sat 29 May 2021
at 04:01
  • msg #21

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Lyman seemed to consider the question thoughtfully, as he had dealt with Ser Jasper in negotiating his son's marriage. “Ser Jasper is canny enough that he will do what is for the good of the realm while also finding a way to make it for his own good as well. If he can be convinced that allowing the resettlement of the land would not lead to another outbreak of plague, then he would likely recommend the notion to the king, while also taking some manner of credit for the stability this would provide.”

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
I've made a roll on behalf of Gwen. Page 66 describes that when intriguing against a status 4+ character you can make a breeding check against their Intrigue Defence. "Gwen's" roll of 10 had a single degree of success, indicating that Lyman's Intrigue Defence is 10.

This gives Gwen a 1B "pool" that she can allocate to a single persuasion test during the intrigue.

Lyman doesn't get to make this test, as Gwen's status is too low.

This message was last edited by the player at 04:24, Sat 29 May 2021.
Alyssa Knollwood
House Blackfin, 45 posts
Blackfin Handmaid
Lady Knollwood
Sat 29 May 2021
at 09:00
  • msg #22

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Alyssa saw Iris turn to Jenny, and took advantage of the opening. She flashed a quick grin at them both, and drew her mount closer to where Yve rode. "And how are you faring, Lady Yve? I'm sorry for speaking so freely before, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable." She seemed concerned at the quieter lady's retreat - was it linked to her hints about Ser Berion? And she dearly wished to befriend her.

"I was impressed by your skill and your persistence with the falconry. I've never been fortunate enough to practice the art - sadly our falconer died in the plague before I was old enough, and we were forced to let the birds go. Mayhap some day soon," she considered aloud.

"Do you travel often?"
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