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18:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 3B - The Falconry.

Posted by The Many Faced GodFor group 0
Yve Tullison
NPC House Tullison, 1 post
Sun 30 May 2021
at 02:23
  • msg #23

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Yve smiled as a slight hue suffused her cheeks, "Your concern is heartening Alyssa, but do not worry for my sake. I do look forward to the joust and the feasting but I am not used to discussing such matters among other ladies. I am sorry for your family's loss; I know the plague was felt harshly in these lands, and that many suffered so that we farther afield might live free of it."

She reflected on Alyssa's question about travel, clearly more comfortable with such matters that the gossip than Iris so clearly thrived on. "The winter is not gentle in the Pendric Hills, and father does not like us far abroad in such times." Her face brightened as she turned her mind back to happier times, "Three years ago we travelled abroad in the Riverlands, visiting Fairmarket and Stoney Sept. The year before that our family travelled all the way to Lannisport and Casterly Rock so that father could speak with the nobles and merchants there about returning to proper terms of trade following the Westerland Invasion." She spoke of such matters with some familiarity, perhaps more than was common for a noble lady of fifteen short years.

"King Arrec may be the strongest king in all of Westeros, but Lannisport sticks in my memory like a jewel. The rarest of essosi goods are easier to find there than here, though they are on the wrong side of the continent. The beauty of the cloth, and spices; the craftmanship of their jewellery." her left hand absentmindedly stroked an elegant piece of silverwork adorning her hair. "Stoney Sept may be where all the Septons gather in the Riverlands to speak of important things, but I think more business is done on one street of Lannisport than throughout the Trident entirely."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:07, Sun 30 May 2021.
Alyssa Knollwood
House Blackfin, 46 posts
Blackfin Handmaid
Lady Knollwood
Sun 30 May 2021
at 05:37
  • msg #24

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Alyssa nodded soberly at Yve's first words. Although she'd only been a child when the plague had blighted her family and her House she could remember the arguments around Lord Amos' response to the sickness, the urgent messages from a younger Lord Thaddeus and their uncle. Mother and Father arguing over the proper duty of a nobleman. And then the dying. The endless dying and the fear that lived in the hearts of those who remained.

But she lived with that, and the memory no longer blighted her moods for long. Not least with tales of travel and adventure, or at least Alyssa's kind of adventure. She smiled at the well-travelled young lady.

"You're so fortunate! I should like to travel some day, as you have. I suppose the stories are true, that the Westerlands are made on gold - and that mined from the ground isn't always the most plentiful. The Stormlands and Riverlands are closer to Essos though; maybe some Lord will found a port on the eastern coast at Maidenpool or Duskendale someday. Or the Kings of Mountain and Vale may forge a better road through the mountains, and save the Essosi the voyage around Dorne?"

She was unfamiliar with the costs of such an endeavour, but surely if it was as simple as it seemed then some Lord would have done it already - right?

She openly admired the elegant silverwork in Yve's hair, reaching out part-way with one hand before remembering herself and returning it to her reins. "Your jewellery is most lovely," she commented - then grinned. "Perhaps I can persuade my dear brother to purchase a similar work for me, or to take me with him to the Westerlands when he next has cause to travel." Though Ser Berion wasn't always open in his views on the fair-haired men of the Westerlands; perhaps being forged through the slaying of so many of them had its effect on his manner there.

"Or cloth at least... I take pleasure in sewing when I have fine cloth to work with, although the merchants that make the journey to Blackfin Den will insist on charging a premium for their best-dyed linens. No doubt you see travelling merchants visit Joston's Rock at every quarter-turn of the year, twice as often in Spring and Summer," she envied her teasingly. "It may be ill-done in the Maiden's eyes, but I wish I had seen half so many places as you. But enough of that," she paused to give Yve an understanding look with a touch of hope. "I was sorry to hear that your father is not well; a passing sickness I trust, best cured by rest at home while he waits to hear all the best stories of the tournament?"

She willed that to be true. It wasn't so many years before that she had lost her own father, and she remembered the pain too clearly to wish it on anyone else - least of all a contained, intelligent and well-travelled young lady she found she very much liked.

She liked Lady Iris as well of course, but she could be a little intimidating at times.
Jenny Goodbrother
House Blackfin, 16 posts
Maiden of the Isles
Mon 31 May 2021
at 02:55
  • msg #25

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Jenny smiled and giggled. "It’s true, there’s nothing men like to talk about more than their own heroics, except perhaps the beauty of their ladies. They’ll be back from the hunt with tales of how each slew a boar, no, two each”
“You're too kind, Lady Iris” she said pleasantly. “I suppose I can’t wait too long, or the best knights will be taken. What would you favor, looks, or skill at the lists?” she asked curiously.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:06, Thu 03 June 2021.
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 79 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Wed 2 Jun 2021
at 13:16
  • msg #26

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Gwen nodded at the response from Lord Lyman. "Do you think it only credit he seeks, Lord Lyman? Or is he looking to re-seat House Paege? There may be something to be gained for both of you in that circumstance."

She raised an eyebrow. "As for the plague, it's been, what, five or six years since the last recorded incidence of such? That said, it seems caution is still warranted - none of us are particularly keen on dealing with plague again."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:08, Thu 03 June 2021.
Lord Lyman Lychester
NPC House Lychester, 6 posts
Head of House
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 03:33
  • msg #27

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Lyman nodded thoughtfully at Gwendolyn's question, impressed at the breadth of her knowledge "Many consider House Paege to be functionally extinct as its last scion, the girl Saerai Page is a ward in Fairmarket, and daughters seldom inherit knightly titles," he gave no clear indication of whether he considered or preferred such an extinction in this case.

"So long as the lands are managed well, by someone I can rely upon, and remain sworn to House Lychester, I will see if common ground can be found with Ser Wylde," he indicated.

House Blackfin's word in this matter would carry weight; as your father and I are those most impacted by the current state of affairs. Beyond that, the Most Devout could confirm for the king that all human remains have been seen to, and no plague lurks under overturned stones. I ask only that you share with Ser Jasper what you know to be true; at present the lands are a haven for criminals, and plague has not been reported for more than five years. Lyman's tone carried a gravelly inevitability to it, as if what he asked was simply the way things ought reasonably to proceed.

Lyman continue a Standard Intrigue with Lady Gwendolyn;
His Initative is 21
His Disposition toward Gwendolyn is Amiable [DR 3, Persuasion+1];
His Intrigue Defence is 10
His Composure is 12/12
He seeks a service relating to Riverthorn: the testimony of Lady Gwendolyn to Ser Jasper that Riverthorn is ready to be resettled.
His second action is to use convince to influence Lady Gwendolyn to grant him this service.
Lord Lyman Lychester rolled 15 using 4d6+1, achieving 1 degree of success, dealing 4-2=2 Influence to Lady Gwendolyn.

Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 82 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 04:58
  • msg #28

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Gwen smiled thinly at Lynan’s response. ”Seldom is not never, Lord Lyman. And I’m sure you can understand why I might have personal bias toward the heiress rather than any other disposition of those lands. However, personal bias aside - it would be beneficial for everyone if a competent steward is in control of Riverthorne. If Serai Page is not currently capable of acting in this capacity, then perhaps I can help with the organization and planning until she either proves herself worthy or is eventually deemed unfit. “

She chose to pause for a moment rather than continuing to the obvious next step of discussing what Gwen might like in exchange for such service. Best to continue to gather a bit more information before deciding what that might be.

So I rolled a 15 for Awareness to attempt to read the target. I think that is 2 degrees of success, but I’m not sure if extra degrees mean anything here.
Lord Lyman Lychester
NPC House Lychester, 6 posts
Head of House
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 06:21
  • msg #29

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Lord Lyman frowned in response, though his voice remained relatively monotonous.

"I agree that young Lady Page will require guidance and support if she is to helm these lands, but you are the heir of Blackfin Den," Lyman pointed out, "and I would not wish to confuse folk who were not clear on where Riverthorn was sworn by asking you to offer your services as a castellan or regent of those lands."

He considered his next words carefully, perhaps wishing to avoid insult, "The Faith, the King, and Ser Jasper will each expect a strong and capable hand in Riverthorn. If that is eventually to be Lady Page, then they would expect a strong and capable husband by her side, to guide and protect her, and to offer sons to eventually bear the title of Ser Paege of Riverthorn, in service to my son and his heirs."

Read Disposition is succesful, granting +1D on attempts to influence, and the following insight: Lord Lyman is willing to make concessions to  House Blackfin for this service, but is resistant to the idea of any kind of stewardship of the land by the head, vassal, or heir of another house, which would give him a +6 Intrigue Defence against any kind of persuasion in that direction.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:30, Thu 03 June 2021.
Yve Tullison
NPC House Tullison, 2 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 11:50
  • msg #30

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Yve smiled demurely at Alyssa's conversation, "If you are to visit the Westerlands then you must of course visit us at Joston's Rock," she frowned, quizzically, "though are you positively sure Lord Thaddeus could do without his bannerman for so long? Father often says that House Bracken and Blackwood oft celebrate a new spring with the renewal of old grudges." She finished, before giving an apologetic shrug.
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 83 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 17:01
  • msg #31

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Gwen arched an eyebrow at what was clearly a drawn line. Interestingly enough, she hadn't actually wanted to cross it. "Oh, I wasn't considering anything so formal, time-consuming, or invasive as being a castellan or regent. Rather I thought it might be helpful to provide mentorship, counsel, and education to help her be an asset to you and Riverthorne. But I understand if you would like me at more of a distance." She gestured generally over her shoulder. "However, I think having a strong woman of some stature help with that sort of growth will be beneficial for us all. Lady Jenny might be an ideal fit. Her sworn allegiances would be unlikely to cause any of the confusion you wish to avoid."

Gwen smiled again. "As for a strong and capable hand in Riverthorne, my cousin Bryn might be exactly the sort of man that would provide appropriate leadership in Riverthorne. He generally makes excellent decisions after careful consideration. He would be a stalwart ally for you once he swears his allegiance to your house."

OOC: 19 for either Bargain or Convince (this seems likely to fall into either category)

09:59, Today: Gwendolyn Blackfin rolled 19 using 6d6+3, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 1,3,4,3,1,5.  Bargain/Convince.

Alyssa Knollwood
House Blackfin, 53 posts
Blackfin Handmaid
Lady Knollwood
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 11:43
  • msg #32

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

In reply to Yve Tullison (msg # 30):

Alyssa shrugged easily with one shoulder, moving fluidly with her mount as they rode.

"That would be a matter for Lord Thaddeus and Lords Bracken and Blackwood - yet whatever they decide and whatever sparks fly when their tempers flare, any war must pass and we will be able to visit in peace and goodwill."

That seemed to settle the matter for her, and she slipped into friendly smalltalk with Yve, Iris and Jenny as the ride continued.

OOC: I don't have any further business for Alyssa at the moment, so just coming along with the ride and chatting unless things change.
Lady Iris Lychester
NPC House Lychester, 5 posts
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 01:24
  • msg #33

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Iris considered Jenny's question thoughtfully, "When a knight prepares for battle, he takes his dirk, his sword, and his lance, knowing that while he might prefer one over the other, each has their proper place and time. So it is with suitors," she opined.

"Some men are more than one thing; my Walton  is one such, and so I need profess no preference for his strong arms, his chiselled jaw, his piercing eyes, his reputable name, his courtly manners, or his skill in the joust," she explained. "There will be many and more men seeking your favour Jenny, I am sure; you are an exotic bird from a distant land, even if your nest is nearby. You must simply decide whether, at the present time,  you are most in need of lance or sword. Or dirk." she smiled sweetly. "And make your choice appropriately.

Riding alongside, Lady Yve paused her own conversation long enough to hear Iris's words, and blushed.

Iris continued "If, gods forbid, lightning struck my dear Walton, I would at least make sure my favour went to a man who knew how to dance," she finally conceded, "for what is life without a little flair?'
Lord Lyman Lychester
NPC House Lychester, 7 posts
Head of House
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 06:16
  • msg #34

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Lyman, unhooked a waterskin from his saddle, and took a long draught, perhaps buying himself time to consider the proposal.

"Female companionship for the young Lady Saraei would be welcome, I am sure; and how House Blackfin chooses to care for its wards is really none of my concern," he noted.

"This match you suggest intrigues me. This would be the son of your uncle Brynden, and the Lady Jirelle Mooton? Ser Jasper could hardly object to the bloodline of the match for Saraei; the King's own brother is married into House Mooton as well; and Ser Jasper would be most careful to avoid any implied insult to the royal family by refusing." Lord Lyman nodded, clearly impressed by the suggestion

He considered his own stake in the matter "I take your assessment that the boy has wits at face value, but he is untried and untested. In commending the match, I would be taking a risk, one that would benefit House Blackfin more than House Lychester, as your cousin would become Lord-Protector of House Page.. In contrast, by commending the resettlement of Riverthorn, you would be helping both Blackfin and Lychester end the lawlessness that plagues our shared border." he observed. "I think perhaps some later favour might be owed House Lychester in exchange."

Round 3: Lyman continues a Standard Intrigue with Lady Gwendolyn;
His Initative is 21
His Disposition toward Gwendolyn is Amiable [DR 3, Persuasion+1];
His Intrigue Defence is 10
His Composure is 9/12
He seeks a service relating to Riverthorn: the testimony of Lady Gwendolyn to Ser Jasper that Riverthorn is ready to be resettled. OR, a sweeter offer than the one currently offered in exchange.
His third action is to use convince to influence Lady Gwendolyn to grant him this service.
Lord Lyman Lychester rolled 18 [rolled 20 with the wrong modifier] inflicting 2 degrees of success for 8-2=6 damage, leaving Lady Gwen on 1/9 Composure

This message was last edited by the player at 07:16, Sat 05 June 2021.
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 87 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 14:15
  • msg #35

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Gwen nodded along with the points made by Lord Lyman, and didn’t need the delay of reaching for water to consider her counterpoints. ”My cousin is certainly proven in terms of his intellect. And the stewardship of a house like Paege is an activity I am certain he will perform quite well. However, he will not ride out into the midst of a sea of bandits and defeat them single-handed. While establishing this new order, or, really, any order at all on those lands, Bryn will need some arms and men from our two houses.”

Gwen paused briefly to allow her initial response to sink in a little. ”Once the Paeges are settled, you will then have another strong banner at your disposal. My cousin will be sworn to you and your family in perpetuity, as will be his children and theirs. So yes, Blackfin Den will have some influence in Riverthorn in the short term. But given that it is the source of banditry plaguing Blackfin lands, that seems only fair, doesn’t it Lord Lychester?” The light, conversational tone was gone as Gwen was now at the negotiating table. Lyman would understand that even friends needed to conduct business properly where the future of their families are concerned.

24 Bargain, which I believe ends the intrigue in Gwen’s favor.

She is offering her cousin as Lord-Protector, favorable recommendation to Jasper, and initial military assistance. She expects Lychester to agree to the match and recommend it to Jasper. She expects Lychester to also provide men and arms while Paege is being re-established.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:20, Sat 05 June 2021.
Lord Lyman Lychester
NPC House Lychester, 8 posts
Head of House
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 22:46
  • msg #36

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Lyman's eyebrows rose at the mention of the provision of men-at arms, "You make a fair point, Lady Gwendolyn, House Paege's re-emergence is to our shared benefit, but as they are my vassal, it is perhaps right that I take on some extra burden in promoting the match with young Bryn."

"Even if successful, it may take some time to arrange; Ser Jasper's commendation to the king; the process of the crown making a decision, and a reply that is communicated to us. I will commend the land for reclamation, and your cousin for the Lady Saraei's hand. Following the wedding I will begin making preparations by ensuring that the faith are able to provide a clean bill of health for the lands, that some of my folk are prepared to move to the settled lands, and that Ser Lyonel is prepared to lead my forces in reclaiming the territory."

Still mounted, he extended one hand toward Lady Gwen, in a somewhat formal, if masculine, gesture of shared agreement.

[Lyman agrees to the terms. As the victory was achieved with Bargain, there is an expectation that he will continue living up to this agreement unless it is renegotiated, or House Blackfin reneges. Failure to do so would respect poorly on him.]
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 88 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 23:20
  • msg #37

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Gwen nodded once at Lord Lyman's acceptance. She had now committed some of her house's assets to this course, though it certainly seemed like it would provide long term benefit in many ways. The Blackfin heiress didn't hesitate to reach out and grasp Lord Lyman's hand, even if it seemed an odd gesture to her. "I look forward to working with you on this shared venture, Lord Lyman. And for my part will recommend resettlement to Ser Jasper contingent on approval from the Faith. Blackfin will also support Ser Lyonel and your forces as they eliminate the criminals in Riverthorn. I expect the time it takes to receive the appropriate approvals will be helpful for planning and organization of the reclamation campaign."
Jenny Goodbrother
House Blackfin, 19 posts
Maiden of the Isles
Mon 7 Jun 2021
at 05:38
  • msg #38

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Jenny smiled at Iris' words, heartened by her belief that Jenny would have many people seeking her favor. "I can only hope I can make as good a choice as yours, Lady Iris. I think... I should very much like to be queen of Love and Beauty. Unless someone sweeps me off my feet."

"Ladies, would you mind if I sang for us to liven the journey?" Jenny asked. She was very proud of her singing voice.
Lady Moirane Tullison
NPC House Tullison, 1 post
Wife to Donbar
Lady of the House
Mon 7 Jun 2021
at 22:49
  • msg #39

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Lady Moirane had dropped back half a length from Lady Gwendolyn and Lord Lyman, perhaps rather bored of their discussion, “Please do, Lady Jenny, for though I enjoyed the sight of the falcons in flight, I am not one who enjoys a journey ahorse for its own sake."
Lord Lyman Lychester
NPC House Lychester, 9 posts
Head of House
Mon 7 Jun 2021
at 23:45
  • msg #40

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

The ride back to the Lychester camp was not a particularly long or laborious one, but with the clouds looming overhead there was an unspoken hurry to return before the rain arrived.

As the group approached the camp, a lone rider emerged, and cantered toward them. Dressed in steel and with a dour look upon his face, Ser Lyonel hailed the group and spoke quickly in hushed tones to Lord Lyman.

Lyman raised his hand, cutting off Ser Lyonel, “Enough, I will see my guests to their tents, before we discuss matters of missing sentries.”

Turning back toward the falconers he spoke more loudly “We must make ready to depart shortly. A storm is likely coming, and with winter yet a recent memory, we would not wish to be forced to weather here overnight.
Alyssa Knollwood
House Blackfin, 57 posts
Blackfin Handmaid
Lady Knollwood
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 01:40
  • msg #41

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

"Please do," Alyssa had said, smiling as she appreciated whichever lay Jenny was pleased to grace them with during the steady ride back to camp.

She listened closely - and so caught the conversation between Ser Lyonel and Lord Lyman with some internal trepidation. Missing sentries were not a matter she felt able to assist in. The other...

"My Ladies, I will head ahead and ensure we are ready to travel as soon as we may." A quick smile at her friends (which included her own Lady), and she nudged Jewel into a quick trot with the camp in sight.

They hadn't travelled heavily to the area, so she could quickly collect her own, Gwendolyn's and Jenny's bags together and clear the pavilion for the manservants to collapse and begin packing away.

Maybe she would see her brother soon as well - here if not back with the Lychesters.
Jenny Goodbrother
House Blackfin, 20 posts
Maiden of the Isles
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 06:55
  • msg #42

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Jenny nodded at Lady Moiraine. "Then I hope I am able to keep the journey entertaining for you." She sang for the journey, her voice high and beautiful. She started with an Ironborn song about a girl awaiting the return of her love who is over the sea.

Jenny's surreptitiously checked the hilt of her knife briefly when Lord Lyman talked about missing sentries. If she had to she could help protect the others, although she did not wish to draw attention to that fact for fear of what might be said. Some noble girls carried daggers, but Jenny's stiletto was a real killing weapon. The Westerosi in her was afraid that there might be danger. The Ironborn in her was hoping that there was, and that scared her a little. Either way, she stayed alert.

"I actually enjoy a little rain, but storms I can do without" she said, shivering nervously a little. The Ironborn hated storms; not only were they the enemy of all sailors, but they were religiously fraught, the weapon and home of the Storm God, their eternal enemy.
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 91 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 11:39
  • msg #43

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

The Blackfin heiress enjoyed the diversion produced by Jenny’s song, as it allowed Gwen the opportunity to reflect on recent events. Her introspection was interrupted by their arrival and what appeared to be an unexpected, urgent report. She nodded at Alyssa’s offer, though wasn’t far behind in heading toward the Blackfin pavilion. She did respond quickly to their host. ”We will be ready as quickly as we are able.”

Gwen didn’t waste any time with additional conversation as she began to move with urgency.
The Many Faced God
GM, 108 posts
The Drowned God
The Stranger
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 12:25
  • msg #44

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Abruptly, the enchantment woven by the serenity of the ride, and Jenny’s soothing song was broken. The camp was a tangle of movement, as servants dashed too and fro about the camp, readying bags, pack mounts, and disassembling the outlying pavilions; some outlying campfires were doused, and a young page was near trampled by horse. In the eye of this storm, Lord Lyman glared contemplatively up at his mounted vassal knight, who calmly explained to him that a trio of sentries had been lost, and a four man patrol sent to find them had also failed to return. With other men at arms still on patrol, and the hunting party yet to return, this left the central camp lightly defended, with perhaps a dozen men at arms wearing House Lychester colours, and half as many sporting Blackfin and Tullison tabards.

“My lord, the trees” a man shouted, and through the gloom a ripple of movement was visible near the treeline, as a group of figures had gathered there. At first it seemed that it might be the riders returning, but these figures gave no blast of hunting horn, nor carried colours or steel wrought by the hand of men.
“Ought we not depart?” Lady Moirane spoke, her voice pitched high with worry. Her own handmaidens and men at arms had gathered to her. The women were clearly terrified, the trio of men, disorganised and leaderless, had their hands on hilts of blades and shafts of spears, glancing about as if an assassin might leap from a nearby pavilion.
“Nay Lady, with a storm brewing and men unaccounted for, it would be a fearsome risk,” Ser Lyonel replied, authoritatively, “we’d lose men and women right out of the saddle. Best to dig in.”

“Lady Blackfin and Lady Tullison, please gather your entourage within your pavilions,” the gaunt Lord Lyman urged Gwendolyn and Moirane, keeping his eyes fixed on the treeline as a terrified looking page began to buckle a longsword to his flank, though there would be no time for armour “House Lychester will see to the perimeter.”

The line of figures gathered at the tree line grew longer, and it was clear by proportion that these were neither men nor horses; instead their cast was lupine. Emerging from within the wood was a larger beast by far, the fur of its belly tickling the ears of the smaller beasts as it strode by. It marched up the line of its brethren once, like a general inspecting his men, before turning to face the camp.
“Ser Lyonel?” Lyman asked as the Direwolf howled into the stormy sky, and the lesser wolves rushed from the trees.
“Aye, Lord Lychester?” his vassal knight responded, shouldering a morning star.
“Ready the crossbows.”

[OOC – a short response here is appropriate, before we jump into the event.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:29, Tue 08 June 2021.
Alyssa Knollwood
House Blackfin, 60 posts
Blackfin Handmaid
Lady Knollwood
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 12:40
  • msg #45

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Alyssa wouldn't presume to command Blackfin escorts when Lady Gwen was here, but she checked the horse-lines and made sure Jewel and Pondweed (along with their other mounts) had a long tether that would give them the freedom they might need to at least try to defend themselves. For herself she took the blade from her saddlebag and returned to Lady Gwendolyn's side.

Their pavilion might have come down, but the Blackfins still stood close together.

"Don't worry my lady, Ser Thoren and Ser Berion will be back shortly and House Lychester's men are brave."

She looked around briefly to spy where her new friends Yve and Iris were weathering this storm, ensuring they had at least some protection. Holding her blade low, but not quite willing to put it away under the circumstances.
Gwendolyn Blackfin
House Blackfin, 93 posts
Blackfin Heiress
Precision Personified
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 21:47
  • msg #46

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

Gwen's typical calm façade didn't falter when faced with the wolves, though her scan of the nearby threats paused at the largest of them. "Certainly, Lord Lychester, though our men are at your command if you wish it."

She looked at the others and gestured toward the pavilion as commanded by their host. The Blackfin heiress considered the possible outcomes and how she should react to each possibility. She also looked up at the nearby trees to see if any were climbable. Wolves were not cats or bears and could be defeated with vertical movement. She was certainly not too proud to clamber up into a tree if it would help.
Jenny Goodbrother
House Blackfin, 21 posts
Maiden of the Isles
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 00:20
  • msg #47

Chapter 3B - The Falconry

"This would happen during a storm" Jenny complained. She followed Lady Gwendolyn, looking about carefully for any threats. "Well the men will get their chance to save ladies from peril. Knights dream about that. she added sincerely. She eased her stiletto out of its sheath. "Just in case any of them sneak past, I'll do my best to protect you, Lady Gwendolyn" She steadied herself. Ironborn never panic. Still, she'd rather some knight galloped in to save the day.
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