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15:39, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Zug Zug Bob
Barbarian, 47 posts
Fri 5 Mar 2021
at 16:31
  • msg #22

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

Zug Zug nodded at the warrior with an axe slowly.  Zug Zug spit on the ground and then tried the grate. It didn't budge. So he looked at the planks around the grate to see how rotted any of them were. If the grate wouldn't move, maybe they would. "No funny. No big spider on wimpy hooman boat. Spider no swim like fish. Stupid spiders." Zug Zug called out to the others investigating the spiderwebs. It made no sense to the orc why there would even be big spiders on this boat in the first place.
Xao Fang
Druid, 22 posts
Fri 5 Mar 2021
at 19:24
  • msg #23

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

"Why don't we open the other doors before we decide that we need to expose ourselves to this particular peril?" She looks over at the others and at the grate that Zug Zug was pulling on. "If the other doors are similarly webbed up, we can cut the curtain so that we can see down into the hold without putting ourselves in harms way."
Kalia Tyrnddare
Summoner, 33 posts
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 02:47
  • msg #24

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

"Something tells me we might find similar in those doors, but lets check anyway." She said nodding.
Sorcerer, 45 posts
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 02:50
  • msg #25

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

Nenelethas offered, “Perhaps another element might help reduce the risk. I could try and use my magic to push the webs down. The added weight of water might make the ship sit a little lower in the water but it wouldn’t light the ship aflame.”
Fighter, 30 posts
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 03:35
  • msg #26

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

In reply to Zug Zug Bob (msg # 22):

[Language unknown: "Antro, dien yinun, ter iomari ardal We iothwa t thurester p entus toasof mipaouho romle. E She thuno atiallaveort heno u ceillo his eket ekatlaou."] Oivind says with a shrug heading past Bob to get to the other door so he can try to open it to let the others know what's inside.

22:35, Today: Oivind rolled 14 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 7.  Athletics check to open the door if necessary
Pearl McCalister
Rogue, 32 posts
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 07:30
  • msg #27

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

Pearl let her torch completely die out.  It seemed like a good idea at the time but the others brought up good points.  She would wait to see if there was something they wanted to do.

She was amiable to whatever would be the best idea.  "Nenelethas, if you think it would work go for it.  If that doesn't work why don't we just cut through the webbing."
Dungeon Master
GM, 329 posts
Fifteen Men and a
Dead Man's Chest!
Mon 8 Mar 2021
at 19:13
  • msg #28

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

Zug Zug evaluates the grate and realizes he could probably cut the boards around it pretty easily but again the question becomes what would that do to the structural integrity of the ship?

Oivind goes to the nearest door (A) and discovers a storage area and a small cramped staircase leading to the lower levels. There are traces of spider webs in this room as well but it isn't nearly as choked with them as the other room.
Sorcerer, 46 posts
Mon 8 Mar 2021
at 20:43
  • msg #29

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

In reply to Pearl McCalister (msg # 27):

Nenelethas examines the gaps between the webs and realizes while his magic creates a fair bit of force, the water will flow around the webs, not through them.

"After a second look, I think we need to try cutting or burning very carefully."
Fighter, 31 posts
Mon 8 Mar 2021
at 21:07
  • msg #30

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

"This room isn't as bad." Oivind calls out to the others. The Ulfen looks back to bob. "There's stairs down too."
Xao Fang
Druid, 23 posts
Mon 8 Mar 2021
at 22:42
  • msg #31

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

"Let's check all our options first, but I can easily fit through there without hitting any webbing." She claims  while moving to the next door.
Zug Zug Bob
Barbarian, 48 posts
Mon 8 Mar 2021
at 23:27
  • msg #32

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

Zug Zug pointed at the metal grating that wouldn't budge. He flexed his arms and pecs. Then he made a sawing motion with the ridge of his left hand against the palm of his right. Then, finally, he drew a box around the grate. "Zug Zug say. Make cut box. Strong hoomans like Zug Zug moves metal door. Makes biggerest hole. Alls in team can move. No stupid spiders. No only puny hoomans. No stuck where no light. Zug Zug say best way."
Dungeon Master
GM, 330 posts
Fifteen Men and a
Dead Man's Chest!
Tue 9 Mar 2021
at 00:14
  • msg #33

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

It appears that this was once the captain's quarters and personal storage but someone has dramatically altered its function. A rough stone altar dominates this cabin. Strange markings cover its surface. Dried mud cakes the floor around it while human skulls ring the wall above it, each mounted on a wooden spike. The northeast and southwest corners of this room are filled iwth garbage and debris. This debris appears to be made of crudely hacked wooden logs, smashed furniture, torn sacks, shattered crates, and small piles of dried, brown palm fronds. A staircase choked with debris is off to one side and a thick, acrid odor fills the air.
Vander Wargrider
Ranger, 24 posts
Ac-18. Hp-21/21.
F+6, R+9, W+5. PP-17
Tue 9 Mar 2021
at 10:08
  • msg #34

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

Vander sticks with Pearl. "I small enough to slip in and out, yes yes." He points out to the others. Of course, he would need something of an opening first...
Pearl McCalister
Rogue, 33 posts
Tue 9 Mar 2021
at 11:45
  • msg #35

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

Pearl left the room she was prepared to burn up and looked at what they found in the next room which sounded more easily traversed.

When she saw the symbols she quickly put out to the others, I recognize the symbols carved onto the side of the altar as those of Mazmezz, the demon lord of spiders and vermin. Of course, evil races worship Mazmezz.
Now I see the need for the spider webbing.

Sorcerer, 47 posts
Thu 11 Mar 2021
at 02:30
  • msg #36

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

Nenelethas liked very little of what he saw here. Oh how odd it felt now to suddenly wish to be back aboard the pirate ship. Even as damaged as it was, he’d felt infinitely safer onboard than he did at this moment.

He kept up with the others trying not to let space and eagerness separate them into multiple groups exploring such a small ship.
Kalia Tyrnddare
Summoner, 34 posts
Thu 11 Mar 2021
at 02:49
  • msg #37

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

"I suggest we find the hold quickly, get what can onto the deck, and consider other options after that." She said, considering what they discovered about the alter. "Let's not risk that webbing for now Zug. Let's try the stairs."
Dungeon Master
GM, 331 posts
Fifteen Men and a
Dead Man's Chest!
Thu 11 Mar 2021
at 17:13
  • msg #38

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

The stairwell down is choked with debris and looks like it will take awhile to clear. The party gets to work clearing it, forming a line so objects can be handed down the line and dumped in the open or out the door.

Pearl has an armful of cermaic shards when she trips and over a broken chair leg and drops the shards, shattering them further. Meanwhile Oivind is pulling out part of a table when the debris pile shifts causing a loud rumbling as trash shifts and settles.

The group stops as the noise and shifting debris causes the whole ship to vibrate and shudder. Luckily the shuddering subsides but in the silence that follows the sound of tiny legs crawling around can be heard. Lots and lots and lots of tiny legs.

Suddenly centipedes both large and small come swarming out of holes in the deck and debris, surrounding the party as they eagerly surge forward with gleaming fangs.

Combat Round 1
The centipede swarm moves up through the debris, swarming over Oivind, Pearl, Kalia and Nenelethas. The group receives numerous bites as the centipedes work their way under clothing and up on exposed skin.
OOC: Oivind takes 1 damage, Pearl takes 3 damage, Kalia takes 7 damage, Nenelethas takes 1 damage.

All four must make a DC 20 fort save vs. poison

Meanwhile centipedes that are much larger than normal come in and surround the party. Rafe Zug Zug, and Vander fight off the ones by them but Xao is bitten painfully on the calf.
Xao takes 1 damage and must make a DC 14 fort save

OOC: For clarity purposes, each of the centipedes made 2 Stride actions and then 1 Strike action. This is why they weren't spotted before as they were below this room and weren't visible at the time of entry.

Kalia159/16Produce Flames +71d4+4 (f)-
Oivind1820/21Greataxe +9/+4/-11d12+4 (s)-
Pearl1714/17Rapier +6/+1/-41d6+3 (p)-
Nenelethas1513/14Electric Arc +71d4+4 (e)-
Rafe1821/21Bastard +9/+4/-11d8+4 (s)-
Vander1821/21Dagger +7/+3/-11d4+1 (p)-
Shaka1614/14Jaws +6/+1/-41d8+2 (p)-
Xao Fang1616/17Ray of Frost +71d4+4 (fr)-
Zug Zug Bob1425/25Greatclub +7/+2/-31d10+4 (b)-
Centipede Swarm18HealthySwarm Bites (Automatic)1d8-
Giant Centipede #1 (N15)15HealthyBite +6/+1/-41d4-1-
Giant Centipede #2 (O15)15HealthyBite +6/+1/-41d4-1-
Giant Centipede #3 (Q16)15HealthyBite +6/+1/-41d4-1-
Giant Centipede #4 (Q17)15HealthyBite +6/+1/-41d4-1-

This message was last edited by the GM at 17:16, Thu 11 Mar 2021.
Sorcerer, 48 posts
Thu 11 Mar 2021
at 19:29
  • msg #39

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

Nenelethas ignores the flicker of pain from the swarm that has landed on him, thankful that he didn't take as brutal of a hit as others may have.

He flicked his wrist and spoke a strange word in a guttural voice and an arc of lightning jumped from his  hand into the swarm he was surrounded by and then again into the giant centipede next to Xao.

Cast Electric Arc - targeting Swarm (1 creature) + Centipede next to Xao (1 creature) creatures make a Basic Reflex save (DC 17) and take 1d4+4 damage each
14:29, Today: Nenelethas rolled 5 using 1d4+4 with rolls of 1.  Damage.

Vander Wargrider
Ranger, 25 posts
Ac-18. Hp-21/21.
F+6, R+9, W+5. PP-17
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 01:20
  • msg #40

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 38):

"Shaka! Hunt!" Vander cries out as he dodged the poisonous creature at the last second. Even as he prepares to gut the thing with his dagger, the wolf proceeds to flank his bug.

1-Vander hunts prey.
2-Vander attacks his prey
3-Vander orders Shaka to move to o14 and attack his prey, so Shaka gets flanking.

Vander gets 18 to hit and does 5 damage.

Shaka gets a 13 with flanking and does 13 damage.

20:14, Today: Vander Wargrider rolled 13 using 2d8+2 with rolls of 3,8.  Shaka with hunt the prey bonus .

20:12, Today: Vander Wargrider rolled 11 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 5.  Shaka with possible flanking bonus.

20:11, Today: Vander Wargrider rolled 3,2 using 1d4+1,1d8 with rolls of 2,2.

20:11, Today: Vander Wargrider rolled 11 using 1d20 with rolls of 11.  Vander attacks his hunted prey. Total=18.

This message was last edited by the player at 16:15, Fri 12 Mar 2021.
Pearl McCalister
Rogue, 34 posts
Fri 12 Mar 2021
at 08:02
  • msg #41

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

As the little centipedes swarm about her, Pearl slaps them away now know how best to fight so many.  She does move out of the majority of them though hoping to not get bitten so many times.

Move to N17 and be ready to move through Rafe next round.
Kalia Tyrnddare
Summoner, 35 posts
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 04:42
  • msg #42

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

Kalia moves to P12 to get out of the swarm of Centipedes. She then casts an electric arc on it, and allows it to arc to the giant centipede at Q17.

[OOC: 23:07, Today: Kalia Tyrnddare rolled 10 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 5.  Fort Save.


Action 1: Stride to P12.
Action 2 and 3: Cast Electric Arc on Centipede Swarm, with arc going to Giant Centipede at Q17.

23:39, Today: Kalia Tyrnddare rolled 7 using 1d4+4 with rolls of 3.  Electric Arc Damage.
Damage: 7 Electric (to Both)
Save: Reflex, DC 17]

Zug Zug Bob
Barbarian, 51 posts
Sun 14 Mar 2021
at 21:22
  • msg #43

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

Zug Zug wants to get out of the way and go to Q14 then equip the greatclub and smash anything stupid enough to come near him.
Dungeon Master
GM, 334 posts
Fifteen Men and a
Dead Man's Chest!
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 19:38
  • msg #44

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

Nenelethas shrugs off the poison and sends lightning arcing into both the swarm and the centipede next to him. His aim is particularly skilled as he fries a whole cluster of the swarm. The centipede next to him spasms and then curls up in a smoking, unmoving ball.
OOC: Zap! Swarm crit fails its saving throw and takes double damage.

Vander and Shaka take down another centipede.

Pearl squeezes past Rafe and gets out into the open doorway.
OOC: Moving through an enemy's square counts as difficult terrain and may trigger an AoO but moving through an ally's square is zero impediment. It's assumed that you can communicate and they can let you through.

The poison from dozens of centipedes causes Pearl to feel like her nerves have been lit on fire.
OOC: Pearl takes an additional 5 poison damage. Poision advances to Stage 2. Make a DC 20 fort save vs. poison.

Kallia moves out away from the swarm and zaps it with her electricity. While it has some effect, the more noticeable impact is one the giant centipede that gets fried just like the one before. Kalia finds herself struggling to concentrate through the pain of all the poison.
OOC: Kalia takes 2 poison damage. Poison advances to Stage 2. Make a DC 20 fort save.

Zug Zug moves over the dead centipede and uses his greatclub to splatter the remaining giant centipede.

Rafe slashes into the swarm, splattering a few bugs.

Oivind is suffering a particularly bad reaction to the centipede bites as his skin is starting to puff up and swell painfully around his clothing and armor.
OOC: Oivind crit fails and takes 4 poison damage. Poison advances to Stage 2. Make a DC 20 fort save

In anger or frustration Oivind flails around in almost a complete circle with his greatsaxe and the giant blade cuts through the heart of the swarm bisecting hundreds of centipedes. When he is finished the centipede swarm has been decimated and the remaining vermin are already dispersing.

Combat is over
Those afflicted with poison need to keep making those fortitude saves.

If you have healer's tools you can attempt a medicine check vs. DC 20 to give the target a +2 to their poison save.

Kalia157/16Produce Flames +71d4+4 (f)-
Oivind1816/21Greataxe +9/+4/-11d12+4 (s)-
Pearl179/17Rapier +6/+1/-41d6+3 (p)-
Nenelethas1513/14Electric Arc +71d4+4 (e)-
Rafe1821/21Bastard +9/+4/-11d8+4 (s)-
Vander1821/21Dagger +7/+3/-11d4+1 (p)-
Shaka1614/14Jaws +6/+1/-41d8+2 (p)-
Xao Fang1616/17Ray of Frost +71d4+4 (fr)-
Zug Zug Bob1425/25Greatclub +7/+2/-31d10+4 (b)-
Centipede Swarm-----
Giant Centipede #1-Splattered---
Giant Centipede #2-Dead---
Giant Centipede #3-Fried---
Giant Centipede #4-Fried---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Vander Wargrider
Ranger, 26 posts
Ac-18. Hp-21/21.
F+6, R+9, W+5. PP-17
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 20:30
  • msg #45

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 44):

Once the threat was done, Vander got out his healer's kit and barked at anyone bit to line up. He would start treating them first come first served.

ooc-16:28, Today: Vander Wargrider rolled 24 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 19.  Medicine check via healer's tools.
Kalia Tyrnddare
Summoner, 36 posts
Mon 15 Mar 2021
at 23:32
  • msg #46

[Chapter 1.01] The Ghost Fleet

Kalia would step up to Vander so that he could get to work on her wounds.

[OOC: 19:30, Today: Kalia Tyrnddare rolled 11 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 4.  Fort Save.

Figures. I'll spend a hero point to reroll.

19:32, Today: Kalia Tyrnddare rolled 14 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 7.  Fort Save Reroll.

Guess I'm not meant to save against this poison. Figures.]

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