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08:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider.

Posted by MetaFor group 0
GM, 34 posts
"We the things
which are not seen..."
Tue 4 May 2021
at 05:32
  • msg #1

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

The Watcher:
OK, having added some character creation notes (and learning y'all are so bright you didn't really need them in the first place... ;-) ), y'all can go ahead and start a character creation thread for your character(s).

You might copy and past what you have already written into the thread.  Don't worry about formal character creation just yet.  You can just write in plain text and you don't need more than a paragraph at present.

That said, if you do know the Mask rules, you can formally stat them.  I should have formal character sheets up in a day or two.

Character Creation Thread - scuff :)

Anything that you want The Watcher to know about your character, please copy it over to your character creation thread, rather than relying upon him to track down info in any other public or private thread.  He has taken on a populous game, so the easier we can make it for him, the sooner we can get up and running.  Many thanks. :)
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:10, Tue 11 May 2021.
player, 4 posts
Tue 11 May 2021
at 18:00
  • msg #2

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

Sorry for the delays in getting this rolling.

Gwen Stacy's band was playing a show in an abandoned warehouse and she got bit by a weird white spider.

She developed the same-ish powers as Spider-man from the bite, spent some time trying to figure them out on her own without doing a very good job of it, possibly someone died because she didn't know how to use them well enough.

Gwen went to Either Spider-Man or Spider-Woman for help figuring it out.  (She got their attention by showing up at the scene of one of their fights and standing on the wall)

She uses the Protege template and the code-name Ghost-Spider because a) Spider-woman was taken b) Spider-girl is diminutive and c) her cool White costume

I figure Peter and Jessica Drew have been around for a few years but there's no other Spider-people in-universe right now.  If you have a preference as to which of the two would be a better mentor to drop in here, let me know - I imagine they'll show up as an npc.

Her mentor supplied the web-shooters, but Gwen can probably get them refilled without checking in, either they refill over time or she knows the formula now.

In Spider-Gwen/Ghost-Spider comics, Gwen's band is led by Mary Jane - it might be weird to have neither MJ or Gwen be the same age as Pete in this universe so we can use someone else as a band leader or just handwave it away - Maybe moving for school has broken up the band.

There's two other characters that are playing variations on Spidey-Villains so maybe they know each other from before.

Are all the other characters the same age?
This message was last updated by the GM at 18:10, Tue 11 May 2021.
player, 34 posts
Svetlana Kragova, 15
The Brain
Tue 11 May 2021
at 19:08
  • msg #3

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

PC ages vary. From 13 to 17 at least.
player, 42 posts
Sasha Struck, age 16
The Bull
Tue 11 May 2021
at 19:25
  • msg #4

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

Hm. Sounds like we're removing Gwen's death from Peter's history (unless this is a different Gwen Stacy, like a clone or alternate universe counterpart, which is seriously not the weirdest thing we'll see). For her band, maybe one of the PCs or a shared NPC, to give some connection? For mentor, I don't think Jessica's power set would really apply to Gwen's, since she does things like fly and shoot psionic venom. Same with Julia Carpenter. It probably has to be Peter.

Did Gwen lose anyone the way Peter did? As I recall, she lost Peter himself in her original incarnation. That could be awkward here.
player, 5 posts
Tue 11 May 2021
at 19:39
  • msg #5

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

Sounds like we're removing Gwen's death from Peter's history

I think that's the best way to do this here - Pete has also lost his uncle and possibly others, and if I'm going to be playing a teenage character it's going to be a lot better if I don't look like his ex-girlfriend.  There are multiple versions of Peter that don't seem to have Gwen in his history so it's not a big stretch.

I think losing someone fits her background and the general Spider-person theme.  Gwen messed up when learning about her powers and someone else suffered for it.  We could have her lost her friend Harry Osborn, who got jealous of Gwen having powers and took something from his dad's lab.  Gwen tried to stop him in the chaos that ensued, but failed.  This also pulls Harry out of Pete's background so maybe it could use a little more work, but it's a start.

Jessica Drew has been more of a mentor to Gwen in Gwen's comic runs, but that all involves dimension hopping and I think it's best to just keep all the PCs from here.  Does protege need the same power set?  Jessica does have stronger ties to the Avengers which might make sense if the Avengers are sponsoring the school, and since she works with a larger team might have more reason to send the protege off to boarding school.
player, 30 posts
Age: 16
Tue 11 May 2021
at 19:49
  • msg #6

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

Does protege need the same power set?

From the Protege playbook:

Your powers largely mimic theirs, but each of you is in some way unique. Pick one ability you both share and one ability for each of you that is uniquely yours.

player, 5 posts
Otto Octavius, age 15
The Brain
Tue 11 May 2021
at 19:58
  • msg #7

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

Having Gwen be involved in Harry's change into the Green Goblin (assuming you were suggesting he become a villain) sounds like an excellent idea.

Hm. Perhaps Ghost Spider and Octo know each other somehow? It's possible I could have helped develop her web-shooters. Jessica Drew isn't really one to be involved with that sort of device, but certainly has the resources to contribute. And you're right, a protege and mentor don't need the same power sets. Simply one shared and one unique power each.
player, 6 posts
Tue 11 May 2021
at 20:19
  • msg #8

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

I think Gwen and Otto knowing each other before this school makes sense - maybe they were classmates at their last (normal person) school, then realized they both had powers.  Otto building web-shooters is a good option - the tech would have to exist previously in-universe for Peter.  Earth-65 Gwen got her webshooters from Janet Van Dyne originally.

Still working on my portrait choice.
player, 31 posts
Age: 16
Tue 11 May 2021
at 21:53
  • msg #9

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

You know...considering this is an alternate universe, you could also consider the Legacy playbook. Maybe you're a child of Gwen Stacy and Miles Morales, or something like that? Just a thought.
player, 44 posts
Sasha Struck, age 16
The Bull
Tue 11 May 2021
at 22:02
  • msg #10

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

Wouldn't even really have to be the child of anyone in particular to be part of the Legacy, and could still be Ghost-Spider. The Spider Totem thing certainly turned being spider-related into a Legacy in Marvel, what with Spider-Man (Peter), Spider Woman, Arachne, Araña/Spider-Girl, Silk, etc). It would still allow you a connection with basically every member of the Legacy, and you'd have Legacy Moves instead of Protege Moves, depending on your preference. Oh, also you'd be attached to at least one major member of the Spidey rogues gallery. Probably Green Goblin. It's always Green Goblin. Especially with the Harry connection.
player, 32 posts
Age: 16
Tue 11 May 2021
at 22:05
  • msg #11

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

Good point!
player, 10 posts
Wed 12 May 2021
at 20:40
  • msg #12

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

There are a lot of ways to build Gwen - here's incomplete attempts to stat her as Legacy, Protege, or Janus.  Trying to decide which one feels best - Protege was my first instinct.

The Legacy:

Legacy Name: Ghost-Spider
Real Name: Gwen Stacy

Look: Woman, White, Trendy Clothing, Unique Costume, Spider insignia
Abilities: Athletic perfection, gadgetry, fearsome reputation

Danger -1
Freak 0
Savior +3
Superior 0
Mundane +1

Legacy moves: Words of the past, never give up

The Protege:

Hero Name: Ghost-Spider
Real Name: Gwen Stacy

Look: Woman, White, Athletic Body, casual cothes, Simple Costume
shared ability: Superhuman physique
Your ability: Webs
Mentor's ability: Gadgets
Embodies: Savior Denies: Freak

Danger -1
Freak 0
Savior +2
Superior +2
Mundane 0

Protege moves: Fireside chat, Heroic tradition


The Janus:

Hero Name: Ghost-Spider
Real Name: Gwen Stacy

Look: Woman, White, Upscale Clothing, Concealing Costue, Hood
Heightened Strength, Agility, Toughness
supernatural senses

Danger 0
Freak -1
Savior +1
Superior 0
Mundane +3

Janus moves: The mask: Savior, Game face, Mild-mannered
Secret identify obligations: Band, schoolwork
player, 21 posts
Mon 17 May 2021
at 21:45
  • msg #13

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

After some IC posting, the Legacy feels the most correct for this game - here are some updates:

The Legacy:

Legacy Name: Ghost-Spider
Real Name: Gwen Stacy

Look: Woman, White, Trendy Clothing, Unique Costume, Spider insignia
Abilities: Athletic perfection, gadgetry, fearsome reputation

Danger -1
Freak 0
Savior +3
Superior 0
Mundane +1

• When did you officially become a part of your legacy? When I got bit by a Spider
• What’s the greatest accomplishment of your legacy? So far?  When I threw Octopus' artificial Sun into the river to save the school.
• How does the public perceive your legacy?  The people love Spider-man.  Spider-woman is an important member of the Avengers.  Media representation is not always good.
• How does your legacy tie into your reasons for being a hero?  Learning to use my powers to help people.
• Why do you care about the team?  Need help in figuring out how best to use my powers.

Legacy moves: Words of the past, never give up

Words of the past: When you seek the guidance
of one of your elders or a member of your legacy,
tell them a problem you face, and ask them a
question about the problem. They will answer
it honestly, and tell you what to do. Take +1
ongoing if you listen. If you go your own way,
mark potential.

Never give up, never surrender: When you
take a powerful blow from someone with far
greater power than you, use this move instead
of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you
stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a
- you get an opportunity or opening against
your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the
team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your
opponent off balance and vulnerable.

You once got caught doing something that shames your legacy with Harry Osborn.
You trust Octopus and told them an important secret of your legacy.

Your legacy is an important part of Halcyon City.
Name the different members of your legacy (at least two):
Spider-Man & Spider-woman are still active and prominent in the city.
Madam Web is retired and quite judgmental.
Basaq is the next possible member of your legacy?
Green Goblin (Harry Osborn) is the greatest opponent your legacy ever faced...and is still at large.

Whenever time passes, roll + Savior to see how the members of your legacy feel or react to your
most recent exploits. Before rolling, ask the other players to answer these questions about your
performance. Take -1 to the roll for each “no” answer:
- have you been upholding the traditions of your legacy?
- have you maintained the image of your legacy?
- have you made the other members of your legacy proud?
On a hit, one of them offers you meaningful encouragement, an opportunity, or an advantage. On
a 7-9, another is upset with your most recent actions, and will make their displeasure known. On
a miss, something you did stirred up the hornet’s nest—expect several members of your legacy to
meddle with your life.
The Watcher
GM, 142 posts
Knows All, Sees All
Sun 23 May 2021
at 08:30
  • msg #14

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

I love it all.  It is not Marvel unless there is a spider-girl (woman) in the game.  Seriously, it is an actual trope. :-)  You don't have to do anything else for now.
player, 20 posts
Andi Benton, Age 16
The Protege
Wed 23 Jun 2021
at 06:04
  • msg #15

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

Hey Spidey, need a new guitarist and/or roommate? I found an inspirational piece of art and I'd like to cause trouble between missions. :D

I see a lot of potential from there being some kind of relationship there. Maybe a future playbook change to Bull at some point. Anyway, it got me thinking and I thought I'd share.
player, 59 posts
Gwen Stacy
Wed 23 Jun 2021
at 13:46
  • msg #16

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

That's a very aggressive piece for a basis.  Could work for musical interludes, maybe not great roommate situation.
player, 21 posts
Andi Benton, Age 16
The Protege
Wed 23 Jun 2021
at 16:39
  • msg #17

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

I figure superhero relationships are all about intense changes, going from friend to foe to friend again in a matter of pages. Their personalities give me the impression of an Odd Couple, and the occasional adversarial situation mixed in. Not liking each other's superheroic methods while also having a show to put on in an hour. Stuff like that.
The Watcher
GM, 256 posts
Knows All, Sees All
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 07:38
  • msg #18

Character Creation Thread - scuff: Ghost-Spider

That picture is too cool not to be displayed. :-)
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