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09:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[1.14] Divided Assault.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 421 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Fri 7 May 2021
at 16:51
  • msg #1

[1.14] Divided Assault

The party heads back along familiar trails towards the bandit camp. Along the way they spy evidence of extensive horse activity. In the days since it seemed that the bandits had been ranging the surrounding area trying to scout out where their attackers had come from and where they had left to. The party notes with concern that the tracks start very close to Oleg's which means that it is likely the bandits know where the party originated from and also which direction they're likely to come from.

Tosk is the one who notices the pittrap and just barely is able to warn Radgonda and Ursion before they galloped straight into it. Peeling back the dirt covered mesh they find sharpened stakes lining the bottom.
Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 360 posts
Fri 7 May 2021
at 18:14
  • msg #2

[1.14] Divided Assault

After Tosky found the trap, Erlin nodded sagely.

"See, its always better to assume your enemy is as smart as you, or smarter.  They know which direction we're coming from; but if we cover that back up they'll assume we didn't spring it yet, and we can circle around and come from the opposite side.  Anyways, that's what I would do, maybe hit them in the morning from the east, so the sun hits their eyes as it rises, or in the late afternoon from the west so the sun gets them as it sinks.  Either way, we'll need every advantage we can get for these bandits.  They're not dummies."
Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 374 posts
Fri 7 May 2021
at 18:22
  • msg #3

[1.14] Divided Assault

"Never said they weren't intelligent"Ursion replied as he tried to calm the nervous horse, standing nearby while they recovered. "They have forced us into a route already after all."

After they were ready to go again, he agreed with the general sentiment. "We should circle around, agreed. Dawn works as well as any time."
Dungeon Master
GM, 422 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Fri 7 May 2021
at 18:35
  • msg #4

[1.14] Divided Assault

Circling around would not be a quick trip. Best estimate is it would cost a full day's travel to just approach it from the west.
Warpriest, 308 posts
Fri 7 May 2021
at 20:05
  • msg #5

[1.14] Divided Assault

When Tosk found the pitfall he was quite happy that they hadn't fallen into it.  "I think we stick to the plan.  Let's find how they are marking the traps.  If there are markers we can move the markers and they can fall into their own traps.  I still think we draw them away as we talked about."
Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 375 posts
Fri 7 May 2021
at 20:23
  • msg #6

[1.14] Divided Assault

"Well, we owe you for saving is from that pit. If you think we should press on, that works for me.". Ursion replied after Tosk expressed his opinion.
Renee Esca
Wizard, 364 posts
Fri 7 May 2021
at 21:36
  • msg #7

[1.14] Divided Assault

Renee notes the event in her journal. Otherwise remains silent and observant.
Radgonda Lebeda
Paladin, 224 posts
HP 16/16
Sun 9 May 2021
at 22:44
  • msg #8

[1.14] Divided Assault

She considered for a moment. "There could be the issue of someone cataloging the marks, but I doubt that is the case. Frankly I like drawing them into their own traps, while also striking them from the other side. I know splitting the party is bad, however if two of us draws them out into their traps after we move their markers, the rest of us could hit the camp from the other side."
Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 361 posts
Mon 10 May 2021
at 00:27
  • msg #9

[1.14] Divided Assault

"Then the question becomes: who is going to be the bunny?  And what's the plan if they don't bite?"
Radgonda Lebeda
Paladin, 225 posts
HP 16/16
Mon 10 May 2021
at 00:31
  • msg #10

[1.14] Divided Assault

"The fastest and most elusive should be the bunny, that way if they do not bite they can quickly and quietly sneak back around to the rest of us."

[OOC: Basically, the most sneaky sneak or able to use invisibility or vanish spells.]
Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 362 posts
Mon 10 May 2021
at 02:44
  • msg #11

[1.14] Divided Assault

"But who among us is the fastest and most elusive?  Me, Falco, Tosky?  I am honestly not sure.  And Renee, do you have any magics that could help?  I know I don't..."
Warpriest, 310 posts
Mon 10 May 2021
at 06:34
  • msg #12

[1.14] Divided Assault

Tosk knew he was quick but he didn't know if he could beat any of the others in a race.  "I would think that Falco would be the best for this if he can ride that wolf of his.  If he can't then I think I should be used.  I can move pretty fast for my size and if I get a chance I can shoot them as they get close.  Another thing I was thinking about is the infiltration of their ranks."
Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 365 posts
Mon 10 May 2021
at 13:57
  • msg #13

[1.14] Divided Assault

"I'm not sure any one of us could infiltrate, that would be a heckin' risky move.  Buuuut....and I am trying to think of a delicate way of saying this....orc raids are not uncommon in the South, yes?  If they see Tosky by himself, they might think he is a scout for a war party, and not us.  I'm not sure what anyone would think if they saw a halfling riding a wolf, apart from COOL..."
Warpriest, 311 posts
Mon 10 May 2021
at 18:07
  • msg #14

[1.14] Divided Assault

"We should find some more so we can develop a pattern or find something similar in how they may be marked.  Be on the lookout..."  Tosk liked the plan they had devised.
Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 376 posts
Mon 10 May 2021
at 18:16
  • msg #15

[1.14] Divided Assault

"Sounds good" Ursion replied gruffly, then mounted back up and settled into the saddle, much to the dismay of his horse. Although he had kept his thoughts to himself during the last exchange, he seemed more alert now, and pensive, as if he was thinking through the options presented for an attack on the camp.

11:15, Today: Ursion Korvonan rolled 23 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 18.  Profession: Soldier.
Radgonda Lebeda
Paladin, 226 posts
HP 16/16
Tue 11 May 2021
at 01:05
  • msg #16

[1.14] Divided Assault

"Speeds not the only thing, but stealth. That's what I meant by elusive." She said with a nod. "If you and Falco can accomplish both Tosk, then I say go for it. If Falco alone would be ideal let him switch around the markers and you hold back, then he return to you and you both do something to lure them into the traps."
Radgonda Lebeda
Paladin, 228 posts
HP 16/16
Sat 15 May 2021
at 00:11
  • msg #17

[1.14] Divided Assault

After a moment of letting the plan sink in. "Alright, is everyone ready?"

"Falco and Tosk, both of you switch the marker's for the traps, then lure as many of the bandit's into them." Then she looked towards the rest. "The rest of us will circle around to the other side and once they have lured then out of the camp and into the traps, begin our attack. With them sufficiently caught up in their own mismarked traps they should be confused for a few moments."

She'd give another second before saying. "Alright everyone, let's do this. And good luck."
Renee Esca
Wizard, 370 posts
Sat 15 May 2021
at 20:57
  • msg #18

[1.14] Divided Assault

Renee nodded in response. Whether she was ready or not was beside the point. They had come up with a plan and she would play her part in it.
Warpriest, 316 posts
Sun 16 May 2021
at 06:40
  • msg #19

[1.14] Divided Assault

Tosk nodded and once the others began to move away he looked to Falco and then his companion.  "Okay, we need to make this perfect.  As I said, I will lead them to us you and your companion be ready!"
Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 380 posts
Sun 16 May 2021
at 12:35
  • msg #20

[1.14] Divided Assault

Ursion did not seem excited about the plan per say, but he held his tongue as he dismounted, hitched his horse and trudged into place.

He was more heavily armored than he had been, thanks to the generosity of Tosk and Erlin. The harness of plate was a black oxide affair that gleaned with a new oily polish. A "V" of a raised protective ridge began mid chest and ran to either side of the throat, and the sallet style helmet seemed very difficult to see through, but he fastened it on now as he walked into position, his mace momentarily held in his arm pit.

"Let's hope this goes better than last time..." He said, his voice echoing in his helmet as he took up his weapon and shield.
Radgonda Lebeda
Paladin, 230 posts
HP 16/16
Sun 16 May 2021
at 16:33
  • msg #21

[1.14] Divided Assault

"I'm hoping a two pronged assault with many of them inside of their own traps will." She explained as she too dismounted and tied off her horse. Then she grabbed her bow, sword, and shield.
Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 370 posts
Sun 16 May 2021
at 18:24
  • msg #22

[1.14] Divided Assault

"At least we'll be able to see this time", Erlin quipped, "the bow's no good if I can't see.  Hit them hard and fast, and don't stop until they're down, or give up.  Watch out for spell casters and archers.  I can help with some healing this time, but its limited.  Good luck to everyone, and may the gods watch over the brave."
Dungeon Master
GM, 432 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Fri 21 May 2021
at 22:47
  • msg #23

[1.14] Divided Assault

The two parties get prepped and ready for combat. There are two pit traps between where Falco and Tosk are and the bandit camp proper and they can only hope and pray that the bandits are relying on markers instead of memory this close to their camp.

The rest of the party rides around through the brush and ten minutes later they are approaching the camp from the South. Now the question is how close does the flanking group want to try and get before the ambush is triggered. The closer they are the closer they can arrive to reinforce Tosk and Falco but they also risk being caught and raising the alarm.

OOC: Let me know how close you want to get to the camp before the action starts. You will need to roll a Stealth check with +1 per 10ft from the camp you decide to ready yourself at. This will directly relate to where your starting position is so it is a risk/reward of how safe do you want to play vs. how many turns do you want to spend double moving to get into combat.

Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 372 posts
Sat 22 May 2021
at 12:44
  • msg #24

[1.14] Divided Assault

Erlin, with her longbow notched and ready, and half her face painted in blue woad, positioned herself south of the camp approximately 20 feet away - close enough to shoot, but also charge in to assist Tosk and Falco, if she had to.  Her intentions were to stay behind a tree and fire at the bandits until her arrows ran out, and sing, but she knew she might not be given the luxury of ranged battle, depending on how things turned out.  She still felt as though her group were at a disadvantage in this fight, but she went along anyway, ready to help as best she could.

She snuck up quietly and put herself behind a tree, with as clear a sight into the camp and the bandits as she could.

(OOC: 08:43, Today: Erlin Bjorksdottir rolled 26 using 1d20+9 ((17)), Stealth +7 +2 for distance)
This message was last edited by the player at 12:45, Sat 22 May 2021.
Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 383 posts
Sat 22 May 2021
at 15:03
  • msg #25

[1.14] Divided Assault

Ursion, his presence obvious from the snapping of branches, the crunch of leaf litter underfoot and the metallic clatter of his stride, kept back some ways as to not give Erlin away.

He would be the second wave it seemed, which was well enough.
Renee Esca
Wizard, 373 posts
Sun 23 May 2021
at 05:37
  • msg #26

[1.14] Divided Assault

Logic dictated the Renee would serve the clattering obvious one. Her stealth capability hardly a blip.

Stealth is 13. Near to support Ursion.

22:36, Today: Renee Esca rolled 13 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 11.  Stealth
Dungeon Master
GM, 435 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Mon 24 May 2021
at 19:52
  • msg #27

[1.14] Divided Assault

I need specific distances. From the closest sentry, how far do you want to position yourself. That distance becomes a bonus to your stealth check at +1 per 10 feet.

If you don't want to make a stealth check you're going to be 250ft away which means you're going to miss most of the combat.

Warpriest, 319 posts
Mon 24 May 2021
at 21:08
  • msg #28

[1.14] Divided Assault

With the help from Falco, they both are able to figure out the markers the bandits had laid for their traps.  It was an easy switcheroo and hopefully, the bandits would fall into their own traps.

So for the first one, they will place the stones at K14/15, and for the other one, if the stones were on the left side of the wagon, they will place them on the right side.

Once the stones have been moved Tosk will have Falco move to the ambush site of A3 behind the shrubs.  Tosk will then move to G12 and cast his divine favor purposefully make a slight sound but have his bow at the ready and shoot if someone spots him and starts to come for him.  Once they make their move he will pause until they get to the M line and then begin to fall back to the E line and then head west towards the wagon making sure to pass by the markers he put down.  He will head to the D line till he gets to the D-3 and head north keeping the trap to his right barely.

Readied action to shoot-
23:07, Today: Tosk rolled 13,11 using d20+5,2d6+1 with rolls of 8,4,6.

Radgonda Lebeda
Paladin, 232 posts
HP 16/16
Tue 25 May 2021
at 01:58
  • msg #29

[1.14] Divided Assault

Radgonda was not much better at stealth then Ursion, in fact she was just as bad. "We cannot stay more then fifty feet behind those two." She said to him, as she gave them some space and then began following Erlin.

21:57, Today: Radgonda Lebeda rolled 16 using 1d20-3 with rolls of 19.  Stealth.
Dungeon Master
GM, 437 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Thu 27 May 2021
at 18:12
  • msg #30

[1.14] Divided Assault

Tosk and Falco approach the camp when the others are in position and ready their shot. Just as they are about to spring into action there is a large snapping as a tree branch got caught on Ursion's armor. It holds him up just enough to cause him to fall and the weight causes the branch to snap loudly. Everyone freezes: the bandits...the adventurers. From within the bandit camp calls start echoing about.

"Do you see anyone?"

"I heard it from the South!"

"I see something to the North!

The bandit leader's voice shouts over all of them.

"Hold! Let them come to us!"

There is a brief moment as everyone is still waiting for the other side to react.

You have initiative. I've placed you as best as I could given what I know and what happened...I will get combat tracker going shortly.
Warpriest, 320 posts
Fri 28 May 2021
at 05:39
  • msg #31

[1.14] Divided Assault

Tosk cursed their luck as once more the noise from Ursion had alerted the bandits.  Since he was in position, Tosk took aim with a perfect shot at the bandit(Q9).  The arrow flew directly towards the bandit hopefully it was enough to bring some of their number towards them.  Aloud he said in orcish, [Language unknown: "Bemaou artan lena fo ol heril lihe sheresort ome!"]

07:34, Today: Tosk rolled 14,8,10 using d20+5,d20+5,2d6+1 with rolls of 9,3,5,4. using perfect strike So hit AC14 for 10 damage on hopefully a flatfooted target.
Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 386 posts
Fri 28 May 2021
at 06:55
  • msg #32

[1.14] Divided Assault

Once it was clear that the camp had been alerted Ursion abandoned any pretense of stealth. He gave one last look back at Renee before he raised his shield and charged, crunching and crashing through the low vegetation as he went.

He was really no slower than he had been before despite the bulk, but he was louder by far, and every step seemed to sink a few inches into the loamy soil.

Double Move to AD6
Dungeon Master
GM, 439 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Wed 2 Jun 2021
at 05:03
  • msg #33

[1.14] Divided Assault

Combat Round 2
Erlin1816/16Shortbow +41d6MA
Falco1923/23Shortbow +61d4-
Radgonda1920/20Longbow +31d8-
Renee26+2r9/9Acid Splash +2 T1d3MA, Breezy
Tosk1617/17Hornbow +42d6+1-
Ursion1819/19Heavy Mace +61d8+3-
Generic Bandit15HealthySword+3/Bow+41d6+1/1d8-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Radgonda Lebeda
Paladin, 233 posts
HP 16/16
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 02:53
  • msg #34

[1.14] Divided Assault

Radgonda move forward and fires her bow at one of the bandits.

[OOC: Move to AG9.
Fire bow at bandit at Z9.

22:53, Today: Radgonda Lebeda rolled 14,4 using 1d20+3,1d8 with rolls of 11,4.  Longbow Attack.
Hits AC: 14
Damage: 4]

Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 376 posts
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 03:43
  • msg #35

[1.14] Divided Assault

Likewise, Erlin moved alongside the paladin, and fired her bow at the same bandit.

(OOC: move to AG10, Fire bow at bandit at Z9: 23:42, Today: Erlin Bjorksdottir rolled 6 using 1d20+4 ((2)).)

She cursed to herself as she missed by a mile.
Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 389 posts
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 15:00
  • msg #36

[1.14] Divided Assault

Ursion continued his assault, and wound up next to the one of the trees closer to the camp.

He collided hard with the bandit on the fringe of the defensive line and began beating the man savagely.

Move to AA9
Attack Bandit there.

Renee Esca
Wizard, 378 posts
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 00:51
  • msg #37

[1.14] Divided Assault

Renee will move to 'guard' Radgonda's back...

Move to AH9

Warpriest, 323 posts
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 12:04
  • msg #38

[1.14] Divided Assault

Tosk takes another horrible shot at the bandit missing by a longshot.  By now, Tosk is hoping that maybe they might be thinking that there are other people taking shots at them which is why none have advanced.

14:02, Today: Tosk rolled 6,7 using d20+5,2d6+1 with rolls of 1,3,3.
Dungeon Master
GM, 443 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 21:46
  • msg #39

[1.14] Divided Assault

Tosk fires an arrow and kills one of the bandits with a shot to the chest.

Ursion charges into camp.

Radgonda moves up and wings a bandit with an arrow.

Erlin moves up and misses.

Renee moves up.

Falco fires a shot and wings a bandit.

The bandits whirl around in confusion but with Ursion charging into camp their boss makes a decision.

"Charge! Get them!

And with that half the camp charges north while the other half charges south. One of the bandits misses the markings and falls into the pit trap and Tosk hears a crunch of bones. Whether the bandits was dead or not, he was likely out of the fight. The others, however, were not and were fast approaching. Four bandits charge down on Tosk and Falco, ending up mostly around the halfling and his wolf.

In the south bandits move up to engage Radgonda and Erlin while three, including the bandit leader, engage Ursion. Ursion ends up taking two hits, one from a bandit and a powerful chop from the leader's axe.
Ursion takes 10 damage from their attacks.

Up in the trees two bandits fire down at Tosk and Falco. One misses Tosk but the other pegs the halfling with an arrow.
Falco takes 2 damage

Combat Round 2
Erlin1816/16Shortbow +41d6MA
Falco1921/23Shortbow +61d4-
Radgonda1920/20Longbow +31d8-
Renee26+2r9/9Acid Splash +2 T1d3MA, Breezy
Tosk1617/17Hornbow +42d6+1-
Ursion2213/19Heavy Mace +61d8+3-
Generic Bandit15HealthySword+3/Bow+41d6+1/1d8-
Bandit Leader15HealthyTwin Axes +51d6+3/1d6+1-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 06:18, Tue 15 June 2021.
Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 380 posts
Thu 10 Jun 2021
at 00:48
  • msg #40

[1.14] Divided Assault

"Lamashtu's inky black quim..."

Erlni cursed to herself as she saw too many bandits rush up towards them; she had to even the odds, and quickly.  She stepped back, and quickly began to cast a spell.

Gå och lägg dig!

(OOC: 5 foot step to AH10, cast sleep on bandit at AF9; hopefully the 10 radius will get a couple of his friends
Warpriest, 324 posts
Thu 10 Jun 2021
at 08:40
  • msg #41

[1.14] Divided Assault

Tosk heard the crunching sound from the fallen bandit and knew for certain he was probably out of the combat.  Deciding to move and then shoot was his next action. "Fall back Falco!!"  He said to his companion, and then to the bandits.  "Come get me!"  Tosk then moved to H16 and tried to steady a shot at one of the bandits.  Unfortunately, the shot just barely missed its target.

Move to H16
10:35, Today: Tosk rolled 11,7 using d20+5,2d6+1 with rolls of 6,1,5.

Renee Esca
Wizard, 380 posts
Fri 11 Jun 2021
at 07:33
  • msg #42

[1.14] Divided Assault

Renee moved into action. It was clear the tactical need to free Erlin and Ragonda to aid Ursion was paramount at this point. She splayed her hands open and sheets of intense fire burst forth from her fingers to engulf the two men attacking her comrades!

MOVE: AG7, cast at apex to catch opponents at AF9 and AF10
Standard: Cast Burning Hands Focus Spell (6th level) 5d4 - for 9 damage Saving Throw Reflex half (DC 15); Spell Resistance yes. Should hit the two opponents facing Erlin and Ragonda

12:25, Today: Renee Esca rolled 9 using 5d4 ((2,1,1,3,2)).

This message was last edited by the player at 19:36, Tue 15 June 2021.
Radgonda Lebeda
Paladin, 235 posts
HP 16/16
Mon 14 Jun 2021
at 23:06
  • msg #43

[1.14] Divided Assault

"Guess I'll not be needing this anymore. Since you were so nice to meet me face to face, it's time for you to meet Erastil now." She dropped her bow, drew her longsword, and slashed at the Bandit before her!

[OOC: Free Action: Drop Bow.
Move Action: Draw Longsword.
Attack Action: Attack bandit in AF9.

19:03, Today: Radgonda Lebeda rolled 25,9 using 1d20+5,1d8+2 with rolls of 20,7.  Longsword Attack.
19:04, Today: Radgonda Lebeda rolled 15 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 10.  Roll to confirm crit.
Hit AC: 25 (Nat 20, Crit)
Confirm: 15 (Confirms do to hitting AC)
Damage: 9 x 2 (crit confirmed!) = 18 damage!

Damn, sweet hit for once!]

Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 396 posts
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 15:37
  • msg #44

[1.14] Divided Assault

Ursion, reeling from the axe blows as he is swarmed by there of the bandits, threw out an ineffectual swing as he took a step back, his shield ringing with the blades of the other two.
Dungeon Master
GM, 447 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Wed 16 Jun 2021
at 18:07
  • msg #45

[1.14] Divided Assault

Urlin casts a magical sleep over the area. While the main target remains awake the bandit across from Radgonda starts to slump over and then collapses into a magically deep slumber.

I shifted the target to AF10 so you wouldn't potentially hit Radgonda. It is not targeted at enemies only.

Tosk moves back, firing as he goes but the shot clips a branch and is spoiled.

Renee moves up and fries the two bandits by Radgonda, hitting both the sleeping bandit and the standing one with full force.

Radgonda steps in and puts her sword through one of them, killing the man.

Ursion swings at the leader but his mace is intercepted by an axe blade and turned away.

Falco drops his bow and engages with the bandit and the two end up in standoff skirmish.

Sensing an opportunity all the bandits in the North swarm around Falco. The brave halfling puts up a terrific defense but one attack slips through striking him.

The two archers both take shots at Tosk but he has good cover from that direction and the shots bury into tree trunks instead of his belly.

The formerly sleeping now burning bandit scrambles to his feet only to be cut down by Radgonda.
Successful AoO strike.

Ursion is able to defend himself against the two bandits but the bandit leader is quite skilled with her axes and he takes yet another hit.
8 damage

Combat Round 3
Erlin1816/16Shortbow +41d6MA
Falco1917/23Shortbow +61d4-
Radgonda1920/20Longbow +31d8-
Renee26+2r9/9Acid Splash +2 T1d3MA, Breezy
Tosk1617/17Hornbow +42d6+1-
Ursion225/19Heavy Mace +61d8+3-
Generic Bandit15N/ASword+3/Bow+41d6+1/1d8-
Bandit Leader15HealthyTwin Axes +51d6+3/1d6+1-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Warpriest, 327 posts
Wed 16 Jun 2021
at 19:49
  • msg #46

[1.14] Divided Assault

Tosk saw the two arrows thunk into the tree trunk by him and shook his head full of hair.  He needed to make sure he kept a tree between him and the archers so he moved once more and then shot back at the archers hoping to put their heads down.

Move to I16 keeping the pit between him and the bandits while also keeping some cover from the two archers.
Missed my shot once more.

Ursion Korvonan
Fighter, 399 posts
Wed 16 Jun 2021
at 22:09
  • msg #47

[1.14] Divided Assault

Ursion, now bleeding heavily from  multiple axe wounds, was still in his feet  .

Had it not been for his newer, sturdier armor he would almost undoubtedly be dead already...but for now he continued to fight, and traded the blow he received with another, harder blow if his own as he mace smashed into the leaders leg.

A few more seconds might tell if he would be able to hold the line by himself.
Erlin Bjorksdottir
player, 383 posts
Wed 16 Jun 2021
at 22:35
  • msg #48

[1.14] Divided Assault

With the two bandits in front of her out of the way, Erlin began to take her bow out and begin her song of rage.

(OOC: Action: begin Rage Song; move equivalent action - take out and arm longbow)
Renee Esca
Wizard, 387 posts
Thu 17 Jun 2021
at 01:59
  • msg #49

[1.14] Divided Assault

Tactically, the battle was still against them. They'd lost the advantage of surprise, their forces were split and vulnerable, and if Falco managed to survive at all, then she'd count that a miracle. Ursion was faring poorly and Tosk would be the next target should they fail to assist him next.

A slightly frustrated huff issued forth as Renee unleashed her other prepared spell, GREASE, to give Ursion a fighting chance!

Standard: Cast Spell (Grease)
Move: None
Free: None

Grease coordinates: AB6xAC7 (10' square) - Should capture AC6 and AC7. DC 15 Reflex.

A grease spell covers a solid surface with a layer of slippery grease. Any creature in the area when the spell is cast must make a successful Reflex save or fall. A creature can walk within or through the area of grease at half normal speed with a DC 10 Acrobatics check. Failure means it can't move that round (and must then make a Reflex save or fall), while failure by 5 or more means it falls (see the Acrobatics skill for details). Creatures that do not move on their turn do not need to make this check and are not considered flat-footed.

Radgonda Lebeda
Paladin, 238 posts
HP 16/16
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 03:03
  • msg #50

[1.14] Divided Assault

She moved quickly to the next one and stabs it!

[OOC: Move to AE7.
Slash at bandit at AD7.

23:02, Today: Radgonda Lebeda rolled 19,4 using 1d20+5,1d8+2 with rolls of 14,2.  Longsword Attack.
Hit AC: 19
Damage: 4]

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