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, welcome to Legacy: Life Among The Ruins

12:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 1 post
Sun 7 Mar 2021
at 20:21
  • msg #1


For all sorts of general OOC chat.

Given a key part of the game is working on a collaborative backstory and families which gel together I'll set up separate boards to discuss those areas in detail.
GM, 5 posts
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 13:56
  • msg #2


We've got a few players added in now and a couple more who have expressed some interest but just either want to have a think about things or had some questions. Please, everyone, feel free to start firing off ideas in the other threads; no need to wait until it's a full house to get the creative juices flowing!
Player 2
player, 1 post
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 14:15
  • msg #3


Hi everyone. I guess my first question relates to the tone of the post apocalyptic future. Do we want a realistic Mad Max type world where the weirder elements are either very hidden or absent, or do we want a future that is more Gamma World like with weird.mutated animals and plants and magical old technologies? Or are we talking Fallout where most folks remember what the old world was like?

Personally, I was thinking of a future where the ancient world is more of a myth than history. The families are well established, and the average person thinks of the pre apocalyptic times as we think of the biblical times. Stories around, some true some false, but the reality of the past is mostly lost and is treated as some mythic golden age.

Just a thought - I'm open to other ideas as well.
Player 1
player, 2 posts
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 14:32
  • msg #4


Out of the three examples given, I'd be most interested in Gamma World - The Fall changed the world and made it weird, and in terms of how long ago it was, having it where it's so long ago to be a myth feels too old. By that point, we're less in the ruins, and pushed through the other side.

Granted, I know some of the questions the family get asked suggest how recent it was, such as this for the Merchants:
If the Fall was a sudden and terrifying event [x stats]
If the Fall was a protracted struggle against extinction [x stats]
If the Fall was so long ago that few can remember how it played out [x stats]

Player 2
player, 2 posts
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 14:54
  • msg #5


Yeah, maybe the better question is not about the specifics but the level of weirdness.

Personally, I want something in the middle. something not hyperealistic, but also not something like Numenera where the fantastical/weird is everywhere.

I disagree about the myth thing being too old. I mean who knows what the level of technology the humans had before the fall was? Their artifacts could have endured ages. The ruins of humanity could be thousands of years old, but still be around (especially if the Fall was very far in our real life future).
GM, 6 posts
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 21:32
  • msg #6


I definitely don't see it being Numenera style. In my head (and I'm open to discussion) it's very much more in the middle where it's pretty common knowledge that pre-Fall tech exists and is capable of fantastic feats but such tech is hard to find and dangerous to acquire.

I think the corebook describes the 'ruins' setting as "characters and families are far removed from the technological wonders of the Before, ending up at a state pretty similar to the modern world. The technology that exists is scavenged and temperamental". That kind of thing sounds right to me.
Player 3
player, 1 post
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 21:36
  • msg #7


Sounds right to me too. I like it being unsure if the tech you find will even work and do what it's supposed to do or not. If you can figure out how to work it in the first place.
Player 2
player, 3 posts
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 21:38
  • msg #8


Got it. I missed the fact that you were going with the ruins setting. If that’s the case the weirder families won’t be allowed in the mix so that sort of defines the level of strange in the setting right there.
Player 5
player, 1 post
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 22:24
  • msg #9


I am open to just about anything as I am new to PbtA and Legacy.  I've been interested in learning and jumped at this opportunity.  Personally, I am ok with a little weirdness, but, not sure I want to go full on everyone you see is going to fire mystic bolts at you  :)
Player 1
player, 3 posts
Sat 13 Mar 2021
at 22:28
  • msg #10


But is it going to be ONLY ruins, or still going to allow a hint of echoes, as per your world building thread?

As families such as Enclave who do have the tech, using the other families to bring it back to them, in exchange for protection/treaties/surpluses, could fit.
Or maybe the Servants, who worship old tech, much like Planet of the Apes and worshiping a nuclear bomb (or equivalent)?
Player 2
player, 4 posts
Sun 14 Mar 2021
at 01:04
  • msg #11


I interested in a touch of Echoes in the ruins setting. Works for me!
Player 4
player, 2 posts
Sun 14 Mar 2021
at 02:08
  • msg #12


I like the idea of ruins, with a touch of echos, but also eldritch mutants, viral horrors, or whatever which are a little more prevelant than technology? The sort of phoenix-point-esque? I'm not sure exactly what I'm trying to espouse.
Player 5
player, 2 posts
Sun 14 Mar 2021
at 03:12
  • msg #13


Based on the family discussion thread, I am guessing what we need to decide asap is are we ok with allowing some level of supernatural and/or extreme tech (AI) in the game.

For me, I truly don't care one way or the other.  Being new to the game and setting I have about 5 ideas for families and I am just waiting to see what we are allowing before I work out the finishing touches.
Player 3
player, 2 posts
Sun 14 Mar 2021
at 20:55
  • msg #14


I am fine with supernatural/AI in the game. In fact, I'd prefer it that way. Don't get me wrong, the non supernatural stuff still sounds fun. But it sounds like a lot more fun if we have the supernatural elements in the game. That's just my opinion, not everybody will agree with me and that's fine.
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