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12:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 27 posts
Tue 23 Mar 2021
at 20:27
  • msg #40


Did that link for the map work for everyone?

It looks like we now have three families ready to go, one in the works and I think two more where they're still in the 'design phase'. Anything I (or the group as a whole) can do to fuel any creative juices or help choose between options?

Once all the families are done we can fine tune the world history (I already have some ideas for the missing blanks in that and how to kick things off) and then whip up some characters to get cracking with.
The Protean Foundation
player, 11 posts
Wed 24 Mar 2021
at 00:05
  • msg #41


The map worked fine for me.
GM, 32 posts
Sun 28 Mar 2021
at 12:09
  • msg #42


Right, we now have four families either completely finished off or at least broadly fleshed out and just needing the last few bits and pieces. I think that's enough to move things forward and get us a step closer to actually kicking things off!

I know one player is yet to decide on their playback but I figure we crack on for now and then they can catch up.

I think the last few bits we need are:

1) Populating the Map - do you want to start letting me know (either here or on your families individual thread) where you want any of your Landmarks and, if you are 'Settled' where you want your main settlement and I'll drop them on the map. Happy to do it either by hex reference or if you just want to give me a rough location. Also if you don't really mind then let me know and I'll drop them where seems thematically appropriate.

2) History - all of the playbooks have questions which involve the other families for building up history and sorting out initial treaties. Feel free to start sorting out answers to those in the 'Family Relations' thread.

3) Characters - then it's just for working on the initial characters. I'm going to put up a post in the 'world building' thread in a bit with my thoughts on the initial setting and what sparks the initial drama. That may influence what types of character you want to plump for with this age.
The Eternal Olympians
player, 19 posts
Sun 28 Mar 2021
at 13:32
  • msg #43


So, I'm thinking that the Olympians Redoubt (Mount Olympus) is in the center of the island at 022 023. That area is a large mountain, with the Redoubt at the top (and other areas deeper within the depths of the mountain). Access usually occurs via the flying chariots. Given the  'Lord of the Domain' lifestyle it seems to make sense.

Before: A fortress of glass and stone perched in a remote location. I see that as possibly being located at 026 002

The Fall: A slender tower turned into a haven for the desperate. Maybe this is at 015 008

A Threat: A violent revolutionary for the destitute. Perhaps there is a refugee camp at  018 004 where the violent revolutionary is collecting recruits.

The Haven - "A temple, with holographic monuments to the few Olympians who have chosen to forgo their mortal existence and unite with the Cosmos." That's at 018 020 . It's clearly visible from Olympus, and sits in the middle of a grassy field with a peaceful, reverent atmosphere like a weel maintained cemetery/monument.
The Eternal Olympians
player, 20 posts
Sun 28 Mar 2021
at 13:47
  • msg #44


All of the information below is open to massive change. I'd rather get a better sense of all the families before answering these history questions TBH, but there are my initial thoughts.

Which one of you first found power in the confines of Mount Olympus? (They say the price they paid for that power and give you 2-Treaty). Perhaps the Protean Foundation was given access to a large, diverse seed vault or genetic stock hidden in the depths of Olympus?

Which one of you was saved by an inhuman traveler? (Give them 2-Treaty as you crave to know more about this wanderer). I take this as one of the families was saved by an 'inhuman traveler' (not one of the Olympians) and the Olympians want to learn more about this savior so the family that encountered the traveler has 2 Treaty on the Olympians as leverage

Whose kin suffer as our thralls? (Give them 2-Treaty, and they say why the thralls can’t leave). Perhaps a group of Unbidden Inc. cyborgs who have been cut off from the main collective?
GM, 34 posts
Tue 30 Mar 2021
at 19:41
  • msg #45


I love the thinking behind those landmarks!

Anyone else got any preferences for where things might go?
The Protean Foundation
player, 13 posts
Wed 31 Mar 2021
at 00:09
  • msg #46


Locations now, and I'll post separately for relationships after that...

For what the GM and I had previously discussed about how Need: Land might fit with my ideas for the Protean Foundation, I think what might work here is an area where the land we have is not as useful as it once was (like when our campus was first built).  Given the way we're starting the campaign, a lack of defensive terrain would probably feed into that too.  So I'm thinking 015.007, or somewhere similar, would work.

What one will find there is a cluster of buildings, glass and concrete, surrounded by a tall fence.  Before the fall this was a secure medical research facility; since then it has been repurposed as a home for this group of survivors, though also still an active research facility.  Some of the outbuildings are in disrepair, but the three largest remain in decent condition.  The little park that used to sit between them is now just a large patch of weedy dirt though.

Before: another hospital, once private and fancy, probably not that now but definitely still secluded like before.  Any of the forest/mountain hexes would serve nicely, but if it's okay with the GM I'm going to claim 005.005 (though if someone else wants to take that spot for their own stuff then I'm fine with moving this one).

The Fall: Catacombs filled with failed genetic experiments.  The dumping ground for some of the work that Protean Labs didn't talk about - too advanced for easy disposal within the lab facilities, but unsuccessful and presumed dead as far as our scientists were concerned.  Can be found under the hills at 017.007, though doing so is not recommended.

A Threat: A plague too efficient and dreadful to be natural.  The ruins of the settlement where it was, ahem, "discovered" are at 018.004.

Haven: Yet another research lab (what was it about this area that there are so many of them around?), this one reclaimed by nature and partially uplifted animals.  The Foundation knows if its existence but that's as far as they've gotten with it, so far.  Located along the coast at 016.015.
The Protean Foundation
player, 14 posts
Wed 31 Mar 2021
at 00:17
  • msg #47



Everyone has a need for your products.  Take 1 Treaty on each Family.  So you all know where that's coming from.

Which of you has made agreements with us that might end up saving mankind AND the planet?  You take 1 Treaty on them.  This feels to me like it might be a Bennington thing, but if someone else wants to volunteer for it I'm open to that.

Which of you supplies us with resources vital for cultivation?  Work out what the supplies are and give that family 1 Treaty on us.  I feel like this fits really well with this:
The Eternal Olympians:
Which one of you first found power in the confines of Mount Olympus? (They say the price they paid for that power and give you 2-Treaty). Perhaps the Protean Foundation was given access to a large, diverse seed vault or genetic stock hidden in the depths of Olympus?

So what am I getting from Olympus?  I think it's some kind of biochemical waste that is a byproduct of whatever it is that the Olympians do to keep themselves eternal.  We take it off your hands so it's not making Olympus look all gross and mortal, and we put it to good use in our controlled mutation experiments.  How does that sound?
The Bennington Family
player, 12 posts
Wed 31 Mar 2021
at 00:28
  • msg #48


Okay, that sounds good to me if no other family wants it. We'll have to work out what the agreements our that might end up saving the planet but I think we can do that. Shouldn't be a problem.
The Eternal Olympians
player, 21 posts
Wed 31 Mar 2021
at 11:25
  • msg #49


So what am I getting from Olympus?  I think it's some kind of biochemical waste that is a byproduct of whatever it is that the Olympians do to keep themselves eternal.  We take it off your hands so it's not making Olympus look all gross and mortal, and we put it to good use in our controlled mutation experiments.  How does that sound?

That sounds great. Take our gross chemical sludge please :-)
Unbidden Inc.
player, 6 posts
Wed 31 Mar 2021
at 11:45
  • msg #50


Hey folks
I was planning on posting in the last 12 hours or so, but sadly got a bit caught up by circumstance.

I'm too tired now to really form anything coherent, but will have stuff ready in the next 24. Very excited to get this rolling.
player, 24 posts
Wed 31 Mar 2021
at 11:53
  • msg #51


I feel like Aethernauts are going to be unloved in all this.

But, we did help cause the end of the world...

Plus, it fits with the description of one of my needs:
Your family are pariahs, disdained, or beneath other’s notice. Your citizens get more done when they hide their affiliation, and though others will respect bargains and obligations they’ll do so grudgingly.
When you open a gateway that allowed beings from outside our reality to come in, and cause the downfall of humanity, it does lead to everyone not liking you.
The Protean Foundation
player, 15 posts
Wed 31 Mar 2021
at 21:51
  • msg #52


Oh, I'm so glad that was you - I was afraid one of my less-successful experiments did something!

I mean, certainly whatever I've got going on couldn't possibly interact in an unhealthy way with whatever you've got going on, right?
Unbidden Inc.
player, 9 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2021
at 10:27
  • msg #53


Alrighty, I got a couple posts in.
Following up on the GM's note that pbp could serve as ample grounds for inter-family intrigue, I've kept some things hidden in my public-facing sheet. However, Legacy explicitly only allows for that sort of thing so long as everyone's on board: if anyone is disinclined to play that way, just say so, and I'll gladly revert to a less cloak-and-dagger approach.

That being said, I intent to play Unbidden Inc. a mysterious group that has seemingly retained broad powers, technology, and freedom post-fall. They're almost always available to Lend Aid or meddle, but the cost of their help isn't always apparent.

I put a quick blurb about them in my sheet-thread, if you want to take a gander.
The Protean Foundation
player, 16 posts
Fri 2 Apr 2021
at 23:26
  • msg #54


That description looks pretty cool - I think our families may do some business together before long, if they haven't already!

I am definitely open to some PvP as long as it makes sense in the story.  I don't intend to dive into it, but I'm not averse if that's how things develop.
GM, 35 posts
Sat 3 Apr 2021
at 20:47
  • msg #55


Sorry for the slight slow down my end; busy run in to the long weekend. Should get something substantial up in the next day or so!
GM, 36 posts
Sun 4 Apr 2021
at 20:58
  • msg #56


I'll update the map with all the fixed locations tomorrow.

As for PvP goes I would certainly be happy with a level of it. Not necessarily all out war (or all out scheming against each other) but scheming for others' resources, pipping them to wonders and all that jazz I think just keeps things fun! Of course it's by no means required, if everyone is getting along famously then that's fine too!
GM, 43 posts
Wed 7 Apr 2021
at 19:39
  • msg #57


I've updated the map with those who provided locations. I moved a couple of them about if they would be too close to other locations (and that wouldn't make sense).

I think I just need Aethernauts and the Bennington Family to let me know where they're thinking for their bits and pieces.

I've put the updated map, and a key, up in a new notice thread to keep it nice and easily locatable. I'm also going to update that thread with all the key information about each family that would be available at a glance in a 'normal' game (stats, treaties, surpluses etc.) as that can influence decisions.

Either later today or tomorrow I'm going to go through the history questions and check which have been resolved and which ones remain outstanding.

After that it should just be characters and we're ready to go! Phew, that's a lot of set up :)
player, 25 posts
Wed 7 Apr 2021
at 20:52
  • msg #58


Sorry for delay - Easter break was taxing due to extra family time, and needing to get back into swing of things with work.
The Protean Foundation
player, 18 posts
Sun 11 Apr 2021
at 12:41
  • msg #59


The Eternal Olympians:
The Fall: A slender tower turned into a haven for the desperate. Maybe this is at 015 008

Took a look at the updated map just now, saw that this is right next to my main base.  Are we thinking that I already have some established relationship with the denizens of the tower, or is first contact going to happen in-game?
The Eternal Olympians
player, 23 posts
Sun 11 Apr 2021
at 14:58
  • msg #60


I can't really see any details on the map. Am I missing something?
GM, 45 posts
Sun 11 Apr 2021
at 20:13
  • msg #61


Protean Foundation:
"Took a look at the updated map just now, saw that this is right next to my main base.  Are we thinking that I already have some established relationship with the denizens of the tower, or is first contact going to happen in-game?"

When I saw the locations I nearly moved the tower and then thought it might be interesting to have it nearby. I would say that's up to you - you could have an established relationship with who(what?)ever is lurking in the tower or they could be very recent arrivals.

Eternal Olympians:
"I can't really see any details on the map. Am I missing something?"

I've just reuploaded it in the game map bit here and there's a link to a pdf version in the 'game status' thread if you want a more zoomable option.
GM, 46 posts
Sun 11 Apr 2021
at 20:19
  • msg #62


I've added the last locations to the game map now (I just put the Bennington landmarks where I felt they worked) so we have a populated map. I've also updated the family relations thread with the outstanding relations so we can finalize treaties.

That would just leave characters; do people feel ready to start designing their characters to run for the first age?
The Protean Foundation
player, 19 posts
Sun 11 Apr 2021
at 21:38
  • msg #63


When I saw the locations I nearly moved the tower and then thought it might be interesting to have it nearby. I would say that's up to you - you could have an established relationship with who(what?)ever is lurking in the tower or they could be very recent arrivals.

Given the choice, I think I'd prefer to go with "currently unknown, will need to explore" - I feel like there are a lot of different ways that it could go and it'll be more fun to see how it plays out than to decide it ahead of time.

I don't know about the others, but I feel ready to move into individual characters.  I'll take a little more time to think over my remaining relationship questions and then hopefully have that settled in the next day or so.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:40, Sun 11 Apr 2021.
The Eternal Olympians
player, 24 posts
Mon 12 Apr 2021
at 12:31
  • msg #64


Which of you supports our crusade the most? Give them 2-Treaty on you.
Up for grabs. Could be pretty much anyone – Olympians for cleaning up the hoi polloi, Aethernauts or Unbidden as they have settlements on the mainland which need protecting?

Sure, the Olympians support the Bennington's efforts to keep the area safe and lawful.

Which of you holds an important node of your ancestral infrastructure? Say what prevents them from unlocking its deeper mysteries and give them 2-Treaty.
Up for grabs. I think this could work well for either of the sciencey families or the Olympians. Probably a harder fit for the Benningtons but they travel around so may have found something?

I'm also okay with this for Unbidden. Perhaps there is something in the depths of the mountain that is hidden to even the Olymipans?

And for the Ethernauts:

Infiltrated: They say who among their people worship the Eldritch Powers. You tell us how. Exchange 2-Treaty.

The immortal, Dionysus, and his retinue (who he calls Maenads). They seem more focused on altered states of conscious and trying to commune with higher powers.
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