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17:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[IC] Sentinels of Freedom #142 - New Heroes Rise.

Posted by OblivAeonFor group 0
GM, 186 posts
The Creator
The Destroyer
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 15:22
  • msg #1

Sentinels of Freedom #142 - New Heroes Rise

Megalopolis, the crown jewel of America and therefore the world. Ground zero for so many historic and generation defining moments: The invasion of Warlord Voss, the attacks of Baron Blade, and of course the final defeat of OblivAeon. It was impossible to ignore the impact these titanic events have had on the city as one only had to look up at the towering skyscraper-sized tree Akash'Flora rising above the city skyline and providing shade to half of downtown to understand the rich and deep history this city has had.

Not every momentous event is as visible as giant trees or alien invasions. Some start quit small, going by almost unnoticed before building up like an avalanche and altering the course of history.

This is one of those moments and it starts in Freedom Plaza, the sprawling campus established in the aftermath of the OblivAeon invasion to help train and develop the next generation of heroes. The Plaza is split into three main sections: the first is the headquarters for the Sentinels of Freedom after Freedom Tower was destroyed during the OblivAeon fight. The second are research and development facilities under the direction of Dr. Stinson (aka Tachyon), and the third section is the Sentinels of Freedom Academy. Under the direction of Heritage (aka retired Legacy) this campus trains up-and-coming heroes to control and use their powers and abilities as well as putting together groups of complimentary heroes to form super teams.

It was an extreme honor to be accepted into their ranks, to learn at the feet of legendary heroes like Argent Adept, Visionary, and Time-Slinger. No matter ones level of experience or ability there was always more to learn and grow, with power levels growing by leaps and bounds under the wise and experienced mentorship of the legends themselves.

Now you have been summoned to Heritages office. The note was cryptic, just giving a time and place for the meeting. The door to Heritage's office is closed and voices can be heard talking within so you are forced to wait outside in the waiting area. There are three chairs and a large couch situated in a reading area around a coffee table full of superhero-related magazines and three major newspapers.

A receptionist sits behind a desk pleasantly typing away. As you enter she looks up, smiles, and nods towards the seats but otherwise doesn't provide any other clues as to why you've been summoned to Heritage's office.
Rune Knight
PENDING, 16 posts
Tue 8 Jun 2021
at 21:24
  • msg #2

Sentinels of Freedom #142 - New Heroes Rise

Rune Knight, upon hearing that he had to wait picks up a magazine "Super Science and YOU" was the head line across the cover. He had been away from the world for quite some time and while he was pleased with the runic constructs he had been able to incorporate into his form during his long imprisonment he was not so proud as to believe he had nothing to learn from generations of people working toward unlocking the secrets of the universe in labs better equipped than his prison cell.

He ripped the cover trying to turn the first page with his metallic fingers. He scoffed and his gauntlets glowed briefly causing the pages of the magazine to stiffen. As he turned the pages one by one with his gauntleted finger they appeared to be stiff like he was turning thin sheets of steel rather than paper.

He waited patiently for his Heritage to be ready to meet him. He was no stranger to waiting after all.
Ready Player, 3 posts
Catalina Carter
Starlet Sorceress
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 00:30
  • msg #3

Sentinels of Freedom #142 - New Heroes Rise

As it was likely she was expected to be in costume, Nephthys was in her full outfit, complete with what she thought was period-accurate hair. To some extent, being a heroine was another role for Catalina to play. Of course when she was in the guise of Nephthys, it wasn't just about playing a role. Rather it was about control of the powers she'd been provided. Whether by luck, fate, or grace of one deity or another, she was now in rare company.

As she entered the reception area, she couldn't help but smirk. It was like many of the times she'd auditioned for a role in Tinseltown or San Alonso. Television and movies had their own cadence and many times it was waiting room followed by audition in a room somewhere. Since moving to Megalopolis, Catalina had been focusing on roles in Bigstreet musicals. Those auditions were a bit different. Usually on the stage itself, though sometimes it was just like the screenings for, well, being on a screen.

After the receptionist indicated the need to wait, Nephthys' gaze quickly went over to Rune Knight and she moved to sit next to him. She plucked a copy of today's Daily News off the table, though didn't start to read it. Instead she attempted conversation with the Rune Knight. "Hello there, I'm Nephthys. How do you do?"
Ready Player, 8 posts
G[X], Y[ ], R[ ], H-36/36
Hero points-0
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 01:40
  • msg #4

Sentinels of Freedom #142 - New Heroes Rise

In the waiting room, a portal of blue and black energy tore open in the air. The air is sucked into the swirling mass, and then someone steps out of the door in space. Even as it closes behind him, Warp adjusts his hat and leans on his Cane. The device does not seem to be needed for a injury, but the hooked metal stick seems to have a series of buttons and crystals on its handle.

Warp peers about the room, taking note of the armored man and the Starlet Sorceress. His thumb touches one of the button on cane, and a hologram of glowing circle with a red orb in the center floated over the stick. "Emily, full scans of the rooms please." He raises an eyebrow at the two heroes.

"Multiple metahumans, aliens, and constructs detected." The hologram said with a monotone female voice. "No current danger is noted."

Warp nodded, and glanced at the two other people. Then he found a chair, carefully sitting so his coat does not bunch up under him. "Holopad, please." He said, and the holographic circle with the glowing center changed into a keyboard made of light. He leans the cane against the chair, and quickly makes some notes. He types very fast, although its unclear what he is writing.

He does look over at the other two, peers at them with great interest, and then types some more.

OOC-Is there anything in the media about Rune Knight or Nephthys? Do you two exist in other dimensions or just this one?
PENDING, 5 posts
(>G<)(Y)(R) 30/30 0hp
Blue-Collar Zombie
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 05:53
  • msg #5

Sentinels of Freedom #142 - New Heroes Rise

"That thing get Netflix?"

Fiona cleared her throat with a wet-sounding, unpleasant cough and closed the door behind her, an eyebrow raised at the holographics. Quickly bored, she turned to the familiar armored figure when the projections didn't keep her attention.

"Hey, how's it been, big guy? I was talking to a friend in Local 12, they're finally gonna start on fixing that pier we scrapped at."

Seeing that only chairs were taken thus far, she jumped onto the couch and spread out to lounge on her back, apparently unconcerned with what her boots or hair might do to the fabric.

OOC: If you're scanning everyone as they come in, Undertow is human but has traces of some kind of alien/extra-dimensional being in her DNA. And is basically dead, physiologically.
PENDING, 10 posts
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 07:06
  • msg #6

Sentinels of Freedom #142 - New Heroes Rise

Javvy is walking through the hallway when a vision sears across his mind's eye.

A door... A portal opening... A strange visitor... Time and space torn apart and stitched together...

Javvy stops in his tracks, reflexively rubbing his eyes as though to clear the premonition from his visage. He is still adjusting to the visions---adjusting to a lot of things---but visions are the most disorienting. They seem to occur more often as he taps into the Light, which is why he has chosen to arrive in plain clothes---a pullover brown hoodie, jeans, and worn sneakers---rather than with his powers fully manifested. However, the visions have turned out to be helpful in the past. He recognizes the door to the reception area from the vision once he reaches it, and hesitates to open it.

After counting to five, he reaches toward the handle and waits a moment. When nothing happens, he gives a sigh of relief and opens the handle.

Javvy tries not to stare when he sees the gathered heroes in the room. They all seem so...larger than life. The well-dressed man's talking cane catches his eye, and suddenly the vision starts to make a bit more sense. He gives a soft smile to the receptionist, and waves to the others in the room.

"Um...hi. I'm Ja---well, I guess I'm Starblaze. Nice to meet you all.".


@ Warp: Starblaze would show up as a metahuman, but there wouldn't be much news about him other than being someone who helped save civilians toward the end of the OblivAeon crisis.

Ready Player, 7 posts
G[X] Y[ ] R[ ] H - 30/30
Superhero Understudy
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 10:27
  • msg #7

Sentinels of Freedom #142 - New Heroes Rise

Lauren was feeling just a bit self-concious as she walked up to Heritage's office.  Walking around in a leotard is a smidge indecent, right?  She'd worn more revealing swimsuits without issue.  So why was this weird?  Was it because she was visiting the headmaster of the school?  But Heritage was an experienced hero who's seen all kinds of people in skin-tight outfits.

She reaches the waiting room before she is able to resolve her dilema.  And it's not just a white leotard that she is wearing; she also has blue boots and gloves, as well as a red bolero jacket.  It adds a nice accent without being quite as showy as a cape.

She thinks some of the people in the room look familiar; there's only so many heroes at Freedom Plaza.  "Hi, everyone," she says in a normal voice.

Seeing that people have settled in for the long haul, she snags one of the magazines from the table.  Giving Undertow a small frown, she sits down in the air over the armrest of the sofa by her feet and crosses her legs.  Anyone looking closely will notice that she's not perfectly steady; she's drifting a little bit as she tries to stay in position.

OOC:  Freya is human/metahuman.  She's a new hero who only recently became active.  I haven't given any thought to her having dimensional doppelgangers.  Feel free to give me one if you have a cool idea. ;)
Ready Player, 9 posts
G[X], Y[ ], R[ ], H-36/36
Hero points-0
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 14:50
  • msg #8

Sentinels of Freedom #142 - New Heroes Rise

"That thing get Netflix?"

"Actually yes. Plus most streaming services." Warp replied, seemingly unware of any sarcasm from Undertow's tone. He does point the cane in her direction and raises his eyebrow. "Very interesting. Extra dimensional DNA alternation. Emily, highlight that in my notes please."

"I have already done so. As you well know..." The glowing circle with the red orb hovering over the top of the cane replied. Despite the unemotional voice, there is a hint of sarcasm that also goes undetected by Warp.

Warp looks over at Rune Knight, and raises both eyebrows. "Identical. Total Identical." He mutters, shaking his head. He then looks at Nephtys and quickly types a few things very quickly. He glances away from her, and then peeks over trying to use the holographic keyboard to appear he is not looking at her, and failing utterly.

Despite that, he does perk up the second Freya walks into the room. Like he had not seen her in years, and suddenly there she was.

"Doctor Lager! I am a huge fan of your work! Your research into the decay rate of Ions was revolutionary! I think I have one of your books if you would do me the kindness of signing it! Wait, wait, wait..." He opens a portal, a small one, by his hand and pulls from it a hefty looking book with the title 'Radioactive decay and you.' He opens it, his cane now hovering besides him, and with his other hand offers a pen. In the jacket's cover there is a picture of a smiling Freya in normal clothes, a lab coat, and glasses.

"Wrong dimension...again." The cane said in her monotone voice.

"Ah. I see. are not Doctor Lager, are you?" Warp said, looking like he just lost his best friend.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:03, Wed 09 June 2021.
Rune Knight
Ready Player, 17 posts
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 19:42
  • msg #9

Sentinels of Freedom #142 - New Heroes Rise

Rune Knight quickly ends the effect on the magazine and puts it down and stands as Nephthys greets him. He bows and say "I am well my good lady." Then he sits, managing to look embarrassed despite having no observable features. "Bah, apologies, old habits. I am called Rune Knight. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. How do you fare on this fine day?"

When Undertow comes in he momentarily glares and then shakes his head to dismiss the instinct "I have been well, I have been monitoring the reconstruction as well. Had I not been dazed from that vessel you assaulted me with I would have been able to passed through the piling and the damage would not have been so catastrophic. You seem to have recovered quite well your ancestors would have fared as well in their time."

Every so often Rune Knight would glance at Warp's technology one of his glowing eyes switching from red to blue to green, and then widening and contracting inside his helmet.
Ready Player, 6 posts
(>G<)(Y)(R) 30/30 0hp
Blue-Collar Zombie
Wed 9 Jun 2021
at 23:25
  • msg #10

Sentinels of Freedom #142 - New Heroes Rise

A few moments after Freya frowned, Fiona mouthed a "my bad" and wheeled herself around to sit.

"Hey, all bets are off in a situation like that. Next time, ambush me away from the marina."

The remark about her heritage threw her off a little. He was apparently some dude from back in the day, was he referring to Americans in general? Maybe the Irish?

"Family's always been tough, I suppose. So-"

She waved back to Starblaze.

"What's up. Undertow."
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